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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. I have to say I'm impressed. I like this forum much more than some of my old haunts, where anyone posting someting like that would basically be painting 'Sarcasm Target' on their forehead. Some of those replies are actually serious and helpful! I realise this post hasn't been posted to in 10 days, but if your anything like I used to be, you may not have acted on it! If you haven't, you don't have to actively do anything, just try not to panic, and don't deny it next time he asks you, or something like that happens. Also, can someone please explain to me why the female definition of 'friend' extends to people who could or would make your life torment? I've never got that. Anyone I could confidently call my friend I trust absolutely, and I know they wouldn't tell anyone.
  2. Ah, birthday hits. Stupid idea. Some people take it WAAAY to far. Like the jocks. My circle of friends don't do it at all, but I've seen someone (a jock) who was floored after someone else (a jock) gave him a birthday hit with a chair. Really. It was just last week. ChibiV - Presumably you've never actually done the horoscope thing in you Sig?
  3. For me, every morning is like evolution. So my favourite part of birthdays is about half an hour after I wake up, when I eventually achieve sentience, and remember who I am, and that it is in fact my Birthday.
  4. I don't think I've even heard of it. It's like the other day, I browsed the music charts top 40, and realised that I had heard 3 of the songs on it, and like none of them. I don't so much avoid mainstream culture as ignore it. Most of it's terrible. I tend to know a lot about things that interest me (Like anime, or a certain few obscure bands, like Primus or Victor Wooten), but I bet that I won't have heard of the 'artists' behind at least 5 of the last 10 no.1 songs.
  5. I can't stress the greatness of Tommy The Cat Live, by Primus. It's a godly song. I've played it to most of the people I know, and every one of them has liked it. All bassists should be held down and FORCED to listen to it several times a day. I know I do.
  6. Things that piss me off? Wow. I could list for hours. I'll cut down to essentials. People with page long sigs postingn two line posts, elitism, computer failures, and many others. My sister is a big one too. I know everyone says you all love your sister really, deep down, but I really don't think I do. I wouldn't want any harm to come to her, but I wouldn't want any harm to come to Redmayne, who I hate whole-heartedly. I'm just not a vindictive person. My sister is, however, a lying, manipulative sneaky little dog of the female persuasion, who knows how to cry on command and is very good at using it.
  7. I was searching for tests and similar. Google turned up the Guru tests. One fine day (very recently) I was bored, came on to check if there was a new Arena, and noticed the forums. One of the tests (on another site, I think) asked 'does the word "obsessive" apply to you?' I stopped, and thought hang on, I've been doing Anime personality and ideal girlfriend tests for two and a half hours....... needless to say, I checked yes!
  8. Who?: Charlotte How old ?: about 12 I think How was it?: Nice, though I never saw her again. The film was awful too. But the kiss was good. Circumstances?: In a Cinema. You've got m@il, I think. It was a bad film. Oh so bad. Best/Worst: Actually the same person, at different times. The worst was her first, and she wasn't sure how to do it. Later on, however, after some practice, she was quite incredible. I still miss her.
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