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Everything posted by WickedThought

  1. I am actually a very dedicated writer "James". So that is why when I am typing about a paticular point of interest my wording improves hence expressing my self better. So is that why you banned my IP at my school#_# I really like to take my free time to this board so please lift that ban^_^ please, please, please,?!?!?!?!
  2. There is an Elf card that makes tokens I enchanted it from Jason ^_^ I won that game by the way:cool: and I have crush of worms that I plan to use any helpful token producing artifacts?:)
  3. Must be the mood :cool:, but why do you ask I Type the way I type? PM me and explain yourself.
  4. The original concept was for a card forum according to OZ, but they said there wasn't enough followers. I think that if Watinabe (who they banned) is succesful in recruiting more people like me to this board there would be alot more people posting:) By the way Watinabe's brother not him, Typed on the sexy anime chicks thread becuase he hates anime and people who like animated chicks;)
  5. If I played I would never bother making an exodia deck the beat down quick stomp stragity is the way to go I really don't think and god deck would get the best of me:cool: by the way my friends play thats the only reason I have, and know what little I do about this game;)
  6. K thats cool see ya around.:cool:
  7. I like what there doing, what do you think? I like being able to catch whole sereis like lain and Better Man on this channle it's good quality anime that I can't get enough of ^_^
  8. Will the problem is I've never had much respect for life and the **** it will put you through, so I can see where a suicidal person is coming from could be justifiable since it's his choice. I even will go as far as to say that the people who feel "SO" bad are almost just as selfish. They them selfes are not letting the person go and excepting what he/she did in them selfes. They just keep holding on to a hate for what the person did so screw them. They deserve the pain for not realizing the persons choice between life and death. NOT TO MENTION, ASK YOURSELF WHAT IS DEATH AND WHAT DO YOU EXPECT.^_^ ********* Ok that was my wicked side now. No matter what life, or god if you blame him, puts you through you should always live as long as you can to get what you can out of life and mabey find another reason for living as simple as that:cool: (and remember to live for anime, music, and games;)
  9. It is easy to miss mabey there should be a manga section, seein as how the poetry fan fics section doesn't do them justice? just a thought:cool:
  10. Why in the world didn't they make this and animated movie. MR.POPO what have they done to you! and Yamcha PLEASE god! say none of this is true and stop this movie.
  11. This game looks nice I might have to try it when it comes out. I am a fan of legend of mana, ignoring the empty plot it had good game play and although a tad to easy for my taste I had fun;)
  12. I haven't played it yet, but I really like the looks of this game and want to buy it. Only trouble is I have enough money for GGX2 or this. How would you compare it to GGX 2. Overall which do you like better.:)
  13. O... well than, I apologize with the utmost concern. I had the dstinct feeling that you were referring to me, but I misunderstood your post. Again I apologize smpatheticly:) As for my simplistic needs, I enjoy betrayl a twisting plot and the ability for the actors to play the roles accordingly while still having a since of comedy. Now thats my kind of movie;)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#808080]Well, with this movie...you have to listen carefully and you really do have to get sucked in by it. It's very much an adult's movie. I expect that most children simply won't enjoy it -- especially if you're after more of an action packed movie. But storywise (and even special effects wise), I think A.I. is pretty unique.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ... James if you call me a child one more time on any post your gonna get a foot up your *** :laugh: so keep your assumptions that action loving movie goers are kids in check;) And I know this movie is supposed to suck you in, but the problem is it all comes down to a struggling child that I don't give a damn about. I'm already thankful I'm real... if thats the deepest meaning this movie can hold see ya^_^
  15. You never know Ryaman they could do us good and bring it. Besides your hopeless attitude does not suit one of justice;) so who here thinks it is Il pallazzos god given right to destroy F city and forever lead a race of rabid PuChu's :laugh:
  16. I liked G gundam in overall terms of the story line they just need better gundam designs and animation. But 08th MS team was my fav becuase of the plot as you put it Duo;)
  17. I saw a bit of it, so please don't bomb my opinion, but I didn't enjoy it, and stopped watching.Mainly becuase I didn't give it's subject matter the light of day as soon as I got a feel for the story. I don't care much for a little boy coming to grips that he's AI. The whole movie was a bit of a slow runner. I like movies that have action and if they do have a great story,I still like a little more bam! but this wasn't at all thrilling or funny or any thing I liked at all. So overall I hated it:butthead: :blush:
  18. Come on, have you looked at the tag on your undrwear lately (specifacly mens boxers) Mine are from Bangladesh what the hell I don't know if I want to wear them any more:rolleyes: So :laugh: where are yours from:therock:
  19. You hope wrecker, JK^_^ I like TallGeese as my fav too and we all know he isn't a gundam we just say that for the sake of general definition, but the techs say he's not the fastest :(. So after recapping the episodes I realized that TallGeese is the "fastest" at one point with the expert piloting of Zechs, but the other gundams are temporarly superior at speed as well at certain times... I mean the animater is always making one faster than the other to be more entertaining and make for well fought battles. So the read outs as a staple would have to be untrue. Which is why I'm just going to say, TallGeese my fav, is the fastest;)
  20. Will I noticed the guy that started the MTG forum got banned, but even though I'm new here, I think you could expand with a card forum gracefully while still keeping your focus on anime it just means more options for your members^_^ but hey I'm a newbie and it's just my opinion:)
  21. HA! I've done it I beat both sides and made a water serpent deck that kicks. I also used all the codes I could find and now all I have to do is find the hidden cards. This game is very captivating and I had alot of fun, but it was way to short. Can any one tell me where they found hidden cards?
  22. Jason is where I'm gettin it, you can thank me for that champion by the way;) I also plan for a destroy land instant damage deck with some indigo eggs just got to be patient and bye singles some time^_^ Does any one like the idea of huge creature decks. Like green decks with scaled worms and bests to totally overwhelm your opponent. I like the idea alot but can't seem to make a really good one:(. got any suggestions... I have Crush of worms, Blanch wood armours, Gias embrace's and alot of worms and mana producing elves to bulk this deck up. Any fun bigger creatures that can crush people that you know of? Hey also I'm looking for token producing methods of winning and overwhelming your opponent does any one know a combo for this? of any color?:cool:
  23. Thats a really good combo but I'm going to get an elf deck, it moves so fast my opponent won't know what hit them^_^
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