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Youko Minamino

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Everything posted by Youko Minamino

  1. You've never heard a devent Japanese scream. Just listen to Son Goku for 1 second. As for dubs, yes all dubs cut something. There has never been a dub other than Cowboy Bebop that hasn't cut something to mine and Anime no Otaku's recallation, Whether it be half a second in a fight, or a single punch in a fight. Me and my freind Anime no Otaku have
  2. Me: I loved subbed anime. Dubbed anime is almost always usually crap compared to its original, subtitled counterpart. Dubbie: You're a moron. Dubbed anime is so much better. It's speaking in English, so you know what they're saying. Me: So is subtitled anime. It has English written at the bottom along with Kanji translations, as well as explinations to japanese phrases such as the traditional prayer "eitadakimas". Subs teach you things. Dubbie: Why would you waste your time reading?! You can't even see the action. Me: Actually you can. And it also improves your ability to read faster, as well as your langauge ability to translate by ear over time. Dubbie: Well, what about those stupid high-pitched voices?! They sound like women with wedgies. Me: Maybe you need to listen longer. Japanese VAs are usually superior to there American counterparts. They actually use what is called emotion. Plus they're chosen by the creators. Therefore they're the correct voices. Me: Now let me ask you a question?! Dubbie: Shoot. Me: How come dubs usually edit out simple things for no reason?! And do not tell me that they don't, because aside from Cowboy Bebop and Senkaiden Houshin Engi, no dub is perfect. Dubbie: Because its not sutible for children. Me: Well then why do they completely change the story of an arc, say like the Battle City Arc of Yuugiou?! They changed Malik's real plan. Dubbie: Because kids don't inderstand it. Me: How come they change character names and music? Dubbie: Which would you rather hear? Shishinku, or John? And what would you rather hear in a song?! Superman, fly, fly, fly, or goo goo ga no pi are tek nu. Me: The first and the latter. In that convo you will find why I beleive subs are superior to dubs.
  3. Yay!!! :D Its Kamatari! Kamatari is here! The wannabe female, but can't be a female if you want to be near Shishio, but Shishio doesn't like males, character of RK. My favorite!!! :ball: go!!! I caught a Bishoujo. Or is he a Bishounen?
  4. Cyborg 009 was created in the 1960s. The new version you're watching on Toonami, which has some changes such as making 008 an adult, instead of an 8 year old African, is changed. Cyborg 009 and Kikaider are both written by the same manga-ka. The version's you're watching on CN are remakes, not the originals, both done within the last 5 years. There animation looks that way because its a salute to Tetsuon Atom(Rocket Boy), and the Original Cyborg 009, and Kikaider.
  5. Urge to kill rising!!! [B]Krillin[/B], or [B]Kuririn[/B], or [B]Kulilin[/B], but never Krillen. I hate that mispell. It doens't even look like it would sound like it. Sorry, I've just been seeing [I]krillen[/I] a lot lately. Anyway, Dragon Ball will resume in October, with the Pikkoro Daiomao Saga. It will just be the 2 battles with Pikkoro, it wont include the 23rd Tenka Ichi Budokai I am hearing, so viewers will still have to wait another year to see the 23rd Tenka Ichi Budokai.
  6. Anime [B]IS NOT[/B] how the Nihonjin say Cartoon. Whoever told you that should be beaten perfusely for lying like that. Anime does not have to come from Japan. The original term anime was coined in the 1960's after Tetsuon Atom, the first dubbed anime, was brought over to America. Americans wanted to differenciate between Western animation and their typical Eastern animation and so they coined the term, "anime", pronounced Ann-Eh-May. That way they could differenciate the two. What they didn't count on was that anime would become popular one day in the United States, and it mainly would come from Nippon, making many think that anime was a term coined for Japanese Animation, rather than Western Animation. And [B]yes[/B] Eastern Animation can be considered anime, depending on who is heading with that project.
  7. Best: Cowboy Bebop, TriGun, FrutuBa(Fruits Baskets), GunSmith Cats, Dragon Ball, GTO Worst: Yugiou, Card Captor Sakura, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, You people do know what a dub isn't just the voices. You cannot just base a dub off of the voices, which is what I've seen most of you doing. You have to gauge a dub, on its accuracy to the original in terms of story, voices, how accurate its lines are, and how accurate its character personalities are.
  8. [B]Anime does not have to come from Japan[/B]. I am tired of hearing that. Anime is a termed coined by those of us in the western hemisphere, that some in the easter hemisphere use as well. Anime's meaning was meant to reffer to all animation, mainly from asia, not just Japan, from the western hemisphere. Though the dictionary reports it to the common misconception of all anime comes from Japan. There is Chinese Anime, Japanese Anime, Korean Anime, Swedish Anime, and even Norish Anime. Examples of these Swedish/Norish Animes are Goku34 and Goku10
  9. Than that theorie would be incorrect, because Pan-Chan is stronger than Son Gokuu when he first went Suupaa Saiya-jin, and stronger than Goten and Torankusu. Power has little to do with it, though it does have influence.
  10. Are you nuts? So Basically you're saying any game thats an RPG starting at the beggining of Dragon Ball Z is based off of Legacy of Goku?! This is nothing like Legacy of Goku. Legacy of Goku never had you have to find Son Gohan, just like in the show. Legacy of Goku never had you train as Gohan, or collect dragon balls with Bulma, Master Roshi or Kuririn. Legacy of Goku never allowed you to play as: Goku Gohan Krillin Piccolo Bulma Roshi Tenshinhan Yamucha Chaosu All in just the Saiya-jin saga.
  11. I cannot stands American Shounen Jump. If you're going to make a remake of Shounen Jump for america, keep the "ou", don't cut out the "u" because of American standards. But that isn't the real reason I hate American Shounen Jump. I think if you're going to make an American version of Shounen Jump do it like the Nippon version.[B]Release it weekly, not monthly![/B] Also, I don't think the topic creator can read. Because if he could he would know that the Rurouni Kenshin Manga is being put in Shounen jump in August. It is being released in Shounen Jump, as well as in individual tomes.
  12. I guess this is the right forum since a dragon ball game would appeal to dragon ball fans, and not most gamers. [url]http://www.geocities.com/mirai_no_kulilin/Homepage.html[/url] I decided to upload my new revamped version of my Role Playing Game. Check out the pics, and if you have 25 MBs to spare(for the "Emulator" and game) download and play it. Its just the demo right now, but tell me what you think. I need some reviews so I can know whether to start over again, or if it is okay. Don't worry, the final version will contain less memory than this demo, but because of the program I have to keep all the music and sound files in, even if I am not using them. Report any bugs you find please. And before a mod tries to lock this, I'll have you know what I am doing is very legal, as I have gotten permission from FUNimation, and they've even sampled the game, even though I wouldn't need it since the game is not for profit.
  13. [url]http://www.geocities.com/mirai_no_kulilin/Homepage.html[/url] I decided to upload the game. Check out the pics, and if you have 25 MBs to spare(for the "Emulator" and game) check it out. Its just the demo right now, but tell me what you think. I need some reviews so I can know whether to start over again, or if it is okay. Report any bugs you find please. And before a mod tries to edit this, I'll have you know what I am doing is [B]very[/B] legal, as I have gotten permission from FUNimation, even though I wouldn't need it since the game is not for profit.
  14. I don't know where you got that bullcrap that Toriyama-San made it so females didn't go Suupaa Saiya-jin, but that was just coincidence. He never said that. His true reasoning as to why Bura-Chan and Pan-Chan never went Suupaa Saiya-jin is because they never had the incentive. I doubt a dropped shopping bag, or a broekn nail is enough for Bura to go Suupaa Saiya-jin. As for Pan, she never had anything to give her incintive. Its not like her best freind was murdered right before her eyes.
  15. I'm kind of skepticle. Because I've seen millions of kids say that they're going to make a DBZ RPG, but out of that million, including myself, I only know about 27 who have actually done it. How are you making this, with whom, what proccessor, what typee of programming, are you using graphed graphics or C++ or something?
  16. Why do people like Kakashi. I mean sure, some of the stuff he did was cool, but I don't like him for some reason.
  17. I made 3 Dragon Ball Z RPGs following the Story up to the Furiiza Saga, but restarted each time, and decided to quit temporarily and handed the 4th attempt over to a newbie so he could get some experience. When I feel like it, I'm going to stop working on my original RPG and finish the Dragon Ball Z one for PC.
  18. Your info isn't exactly correct. Naruto started on the 3rd of March, 2000. Overview of the story: 9 years ago a Kitsune attacked Hidden Leaf village. Its Shinobi team's couldn't do anything to stop it, when the 4th Hokage stepped up and used an incantation that imprisoned the Kitsune inside the belly of a new born child of Leaf Village. The cost of that incantation was his life. That child had no parents. All throughout his life he was an outcast, because the adults knew part of him is that Kitsune that almost wiped out Hidden Leaf Village. The adults viewed him as the Kitsune itself, and not as Naruto. Their feelings were also expressed through their children. The children didn't know Naruto has the reincarnated Kitsune inside of him, but all hated him. The children didn't know because the 3rd Hokage had made it law that in Hidden Leaf Village no one is to talk about Naruto being the Kitsune. Well since Naruto is an outcast he expresses himself through pranks and cutting Ninja Class, and using unorthodoxed fighting techniques like Sexy no Jutsu. Well graduation roles around and Naruto fails because he can't do the multiplication technique correctly, because its one of the skills he isn't good at. All the kids laugh and celebrate, while a corrupt Jounin(Upper-Ninja) Sensei tells him that if he steals the forbidden scroll and learns a forbidden technique he will be allowed to graduate. He does this and now everyone hates Naruto. He manages to learn Kage no Bushu, which is a multiplication technique, that unlike the other makes real clones, instead of fake ones. Naruto's Sensei ask him why he did it, and Naruto explains what the corrupt Jounin Sensei told him. The corrupt Jounin Sensei shows up and tells Naruto no one likes him because he is the Kitsune. He just broke about 3 village laws by doing that. He said he got Naruto to steal the scroll so that he can kill Naruto learn some forbidden techniques, and be a hero, while becoming the strongest Jounin, and moving up to KoHage. Naruto kicks his *** using Kage no Bushu, and Naruto's Jounin Sensei gives him his forehead protector classifying that he greaduated and is now no longer a student, but a Ninja. He can become a Genin(Lower Ninja). Since he has the lowest score in the class he gets teamed up with his rival, Sasuke, who is the strongest Ninja in he class, [B]by far[/B], and the girl who he loves, but she loves Sasuke, Sakura. This begins their journeys to become Jounin, and possibly Kage, [spoiler]though Sasuke just wants to get back at the man who killed his entire clan.[\spoiler]. They're shown the way by their Jounin teacher who is a legend Kakashi Sensui. Naruto is far from a 10/10 however IMO. . Its a series about Ninja's meaning, to me, it should be way more interesting. I like it because I can relate to Naruto about being the outcast, and the ending song really fits me. R.O.C.K.S. is a good song as well. The Music isn't the best, but the character interaction makes up for that. All in All I'd give Naruto an 8/10.
  19. Best Anime: Shaman King Best Comedy Anime: Shaman King Best Romance Anime: Trigun and Card Captor Sakura(Original only) Best Drama Anime: Samurai Deeper Kyo Best Action/Adventure Anime: Yuu Yuu Hakusho Best Mecha Anime: G Gundamu Best Fantasy Anime: One Peice Best Horror Anime: Serial Expirements Lain? I guess... Best Male Character: Bakuto no Ryu Best Female Character: Sakura from Naruto Best Soundtrack: Naruto and Shaman King Funniest Character: Vash/Asakura Yoh/Chibi Gokuu Biggest ***$hole(the one person you hate the most...: Biggest Badass: Nataku/Sasuke Best Villain: Shinobu Sensui Hottest Chick: Ina Most Well Dressed/With The Best Style Character Best Death: Spike, Nicholas D. Wolfwood Best Anime Movie: Ninja Scroll Best Anime OVA: GunSmith Cats Best Anime Music Track: Shaman King and Naruto
  20. Card Captor Sakura 2, as it's supposedly being titled isn't official yet, and just being considered. I like CCS, but the Yaoi is too much for me. That alone can turn me off from the series. Anyway if they Card Captor Sakura Sequal doesn't contain as much Yaoi as the original I'll watch it when it first hits Japanese TV.
  21. Youko Minamino

    Xmen evo

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shy [/i] [B][size=1]If it was not made in Japan then it is not an anime. Thread moved to Music/Movies/TV (Sorry Manic) -Shy[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Incorrect. Anime does not have to come from Nippon. That is a common misconception. Take Goku34 for example. It isn't made in Japan, yet it is considered anime. There is Swedish Anime, Chinese Anime, Japenese Anime, Korean Anime, and more.
  22. Nataku from Senkaiden Houshin Engi because hes the biggest badass in all of anime. and Yoh from Shaman King, because I'm energetic, and am don't like having to always work out, but do it because it has to be done.
  23. I see a lot of people write the "Dragon Ball" in Dragon Ball/Z/GT as one word, but for the record Dragon Ball is two seperate words, as seen on the original Manga covers. Each volume from Gokuu meeting Buruma to the arrival of Uubu reads "Dragon Ball" with a huge space inbetween the words. Since the manga is the most official thing next to Toriyama-San flat out saying something, than "Dragon Ball Z"(and etc.) would be the correct way to write it. Just a pet peeve.
  24. Kenshin and Amidamaru. Hiei doesn't fit into this catergory as he only carries a sword, and isn't really a sword fighter. He just happens to use one.
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