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Youko Minamino

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Everything posted by Youko Minamino

  1. I read Manga. I'm now a "scanslator" for Yuugiou and Rurounin Kenshin Manga. I like to read Manga in it original Kana form. For some reason I don't like to read American translations.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Beelzebumon [/i] [B]Well, since YuGiOh is Japanese, and a good majority of the Japanese don't practice the Christian faith, it can logically not be intended to be 'evil' by Christian standards. [/B][/QUOTE] Have you been to Japan or picked up the Almanac? A large percentage of Japan is Christian. Christianity is a very close second in religion in Japan, just so you know.
  3. Seru, Furiiza, Tao Pai Pai, and Pikkoro Daiomao are the only people in all of Dragon Ball I consider villians. Because they were 100% evil, and once, and in one cse, before they met Son, they were so intent on killing him. 3 of them wanted to take over the world after killing Son, which only 1 acheived.
  4. Yuugiou in Japan: 4+ Yuugiou in America: 7+ Uncut Yuugiou in America: 14+ Yuugiou while having its very graphic nature in the manga, as well as in the anime, is just that. A cartoon. It is animated and filmed through an animation camera. Therefore it is a cartoon. And when have cartoons caused trouble in society? When have lots of cartoons promoted the word of lucifer, and etc... Yuugiou is very violent. I will admit that. Yuugiou even has some satanic talk in the Ancient Egtpy Arc, with Preist Seto raping the girl to gain Godly power. But Yuugiou hasn't caused anyone to kill or rape anyone. Therefore it is not evil.
  5. Putting Radditsu, Nappa, and Dodoria in the game was kind of pointless, as they didn't use enough [B]named[/B] ki attacks to name them in the game. All the technique names were made up by viz and infogrames. But its still cool. Budokai could've been better, but its an okay Dragon Ball game.
  6. Depends on the series. If the series can't be brought to life through the manga, than the anime is better. But Mangas are [B]always[/B] more violent than their anime counterparts, so if you're into violence, go for manga. If you're into filler go with the anime. If you're into hearing, and seeing things move, go with the anime. But be careful because of filler. Also anime can sometimes seriously change things like in Rurouni Kenshin. The anime and manga have two totally different endings since the final ending in Kenshin in the anime is filler.
  7. And the dub that Adult Swim is showing is the official dub. And guess what. Other than the voices, the dub is literally perfect. The lines are translated almost all 100% exactly the same. That is unless you're reading some inaccurate fan subs.
  8. Absorbing Dai Kaio didn't make Buu weaker. It just made him more playful and have a concieous, which would make him weaker in a sense, but not combat weaker. That was just FUNi bad dubbing to make it seem like Kid Buu was the strongest Buu when he is far from it. Anyway Babidi was basically bent on revenge for his father by resurecting Buu and killing Kaioshin. After he killed Kaioshin he would've went after the galaxy, but here is a better question. Why would anyone want to destroy their planet or their galaxy? What if you can't live anywhere else, or whats the point of being alone for the rst of your life? But basically he figured he ould control Buu, but he was wrong.
  9. 1 comment on your post 17. Its Ii(two is) Shenron. Not Li Shenron. Sorry if this is kind of spammy. Anyway in the FUNi version his name is now Sin Shenron.
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