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About Daz

  • Birthday 03/20/1987

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    im a huge anime fan and at the mo my fave anime is chobits
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  1. its a special summon with masked beast, there woz a ritual card in play therefore they can use the effect of the card to tribute, its not that hard to understand really and yes i noticed thart error wit the life points but not wit insect queen, i got that ep on video so ill be sure ta check that out
  2. i havea deckthat hasnt been beaten [B]dragonic tamer[/B] FUSION thousand dragon flame swordsmane TRIBUTES red eyes black dragon summoned skull blue eyes white dragon garnecia elephantis tri horned dragon amphibian beast labyrinth wall LOW LEVEL MONSTERS sangan magician of faith maha vailo Lord of D big eye harpies brother x3 baby dragon time wizard penguin soldier karate man la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp swordsman of landstar sprit of the harp armoured lizard misaki the legendary swordsman gearfried the iron night white magical hat MAGIC CARDS dan keto the cure master chain energy eternal rest card destruction flute of summoning dragon mountain dragon treasurex3 de-spell gaia power giant trunade block attack book of secret arts polymerization scapegoat change of heart shield and sword sword of deep seatedx2 tribute to the doomed malevolent nuzzler the reliable guardian monster reborn soul exchage remove trap dark hole TRAP CARDS skull lair magic drain reinforcements just desserts acid trap hole robbin goblin fake trap thats my deck what ya think
  3. so destiny board is not limited, i thought it wouldbe because ot had the same effect as exodia, oh well
  4. ok metatron you win, i spose you are right on that, but still controlling unit 01 would make a cool episode
  5. my fave fighting scene is off evangelion when eva unit 01 turns all beast like and starts to eat that other angel becuase its just soo gory and stuff, so what about you then id love ta hear your opinions
  6. but if shingis sprit was split then unit 01s at field would also because him and his mothers at field are connected then kawru would take it over then ya kno the rest
  7. the latsest one ive seen is when yugi and kaiba are figting them 2 ppl on the roof, and theve just sumoned as monster with 3300 then it said 'to be continued' that sux
  8. id have the millenium rod because it can control people if i could make one id have the millenium sword and shield because theyd just be cool id want the millenium sheild from the card though
  9. [IMG]http://store5.yimg.com/I/my1stop2shop_1737_68954233[/IMG] if anyone knos what this card is plz pm me, i wanna buy it
  10. the best death scene must be asuka off the end of eva when them 9 evas rip her apart, its just really grusome and gory, I LOVE IT!!
  11. itscool i mean all anime women are a lot more good looking then normal women, what is there not to like
  12. Daz


    i have 3 pieces exodia the forbidden one left leg left arm i got em pretty quickly, also my freind has three pieces and my other friend has 2 pieces i need the right arm ands leg top complete the set but i cant be bothered ta buy blue eyes booseters anymore
  13. why are people stuck on that but i done that 1st time and now i just got the triforce of courage, but i have 2 questions, 1: how do you get the magical armour 2: how do you take a pictograph of that love letter thingy
  14. if adam did call apon his children it would make the end of evangelion alot more interesting, i like Israfel i think he is my third favourite after lilith
  15. we used to have one, we used to have a pokemon card club, but it closed down due to lack of ppl because the trend wore off but i want onother, mebbe there will be on in college
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