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Everything posted by Solid

  1. same here... thats a well known problem, thats just me basicly, reminds me of an old post : "do nice guys finish last" it was quiet intresting, though to get back to the point, i have firends some of them are women, some of them can be models, ands its a shame that like one of my friends once told me :" your just that friend kinda guy"... i hate that, somebody try to be nice, and his reward... nothingness lol, getting used to it though. as for relationships, i have none, no Gf onl friends... some good some bad... hope one day itll all change, and ill find someone who likes me and loves me... yeah right...
  2. i like sports very much, i play piano for very very long time, i collect many things... i read alot, specialy science fiction and fantasy, i play lots of computer, watch as much anime as i can... i alos played some basketball and hockey, and tennis table well basicly... i like sports alot...
  3. Solid


    ive been saving money for this game... hope it will come out soon....
  4. i have to agree on that thing, many of us are very young , im 15 for the matter... but still, many things you dont know fascinate you... specialy in this age, i think death, and afterlife is just a question we cannot answer, that is why it crosses our mind sometime..
  5. yeah its obvious that crim wasntt cheating... but we all know sora was just having a bad day... (do we?)
  6. i never really dwell on it, i also live the day, but the thoughts come to my mind sometimes... i ussualy imagine what it would be like in my funeral if i commited suicide or something, everytime i think of it deifferently, and it doesnt appear to make me sad... for now, i dont really know what i will want to do before i die, might be get married, have a family, keep a legacy, or somehow be rememberd in the pages of history. but i never thought what will happen after i die, maybe because i cant except situations im not used to, or never saw... dont know, i guess ill die when the time for me to die has come...
  7. have any of you seen it, its such a hilarious show... and if you did... the show contains 6 episodes... but i found 7 available for download... do you think the 7th is just a prank or virus etc...? sorry for opening another post about the show... i didnt notice there was another one...
  8. i agree with hack helba... sora is far more cool than crim, i would lioke to see him kick crim's ***... i say crim was cheating, and thats why sora lost! yes... that explains it!
  9. samurai jack is one of my favorite cartoons, specialy because of its humor and simple plot... the paintings look good, and the voices are cool (specialy that scottish guy lol), seen all the episodes and they make me luagh everytime i watch them...
  10. well in the last few months i have noticed that anime came in very strong here in israel, since the beggining of our kids channel showing dragonballz people started to know what anime means. and now we have spirited away in theaters (this is good that is) since most of you guys have diffrent point of views, i dont quiet know how to perfectly ask this, but do you think its just a passing fashion or this is gonna stay for a long time (though i wish to hear the second option... i have to say it sounds like a passing fashion...) so what do you think, is it gonna stay for long?
  11. Crim would surel kick his ***, hes very strong, and tsukasa, well he might be a bit strong, but since tsukasa can feel pain he will cry while crim will hurt him and when crim will get injured he wodnt care... anyway, crim kicks ***, no quastion about it...
  12. i thought it was a shortening of her name, something thats starts with b, and her last name is something with T...
  13. yes... i have also heard of it, as many of you that there wll be a new hack//sign game comin up... anyway, what i wanted to ask is if anyone has seen a part of an interview, or a bits of information regarding the consules it will be published 2... (pls xbox or pc pls xbox or pc, pls xbox or pc...) [size=1][b][color=darkblue].hack//SIGN game threads belong in the gaming forums. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
  14. well, i think ill take my offer back too, im working on my own manga (ill show you some of it very soon) and its taking me alot of time... sorry though.
  15. sorry for interupting the quiz, but can you guys ask more quastion about the tv series, no because of me but becuase if anyone will go in here (hack//sign forum) he will get confused, and it is a hack sign forum in the end of it (-:
  16. well, a few weeks (maybe months) ive seen a post about it, and i was interested since i liked the movie, so i have seen 3 episodes now, and i gotta say, its lower than i expected. what i mean is, that its violant... which is good!, but thats mostly all it is, there is a plot complicated might even be, but the plot doesnt really forward, its just non stop ninja action (which makes it good). anyway, the show shows jubei even more apathetic than spike in cowboy bebop (which is hard) it shows some good moves, and follows some more characters like the "spy" that helped jubei in the movie... still i have seen only 3 episodes, so maybe its like trigun, starts slow but gets better... has anybody else seen it and have his opinion about it?
  17. its just hard to find the right defenition, since anime, is animation and animation is cartoon. so again, ill rather say i think that anime includes all those cartoons, its just a differnt style (considering the animes in the us are prodably made by japanese living in the us lol...), look at it this way, from show to sohw, the characters and style changes, some are more sharp, more blury, so why cant the us style count as an anime?
  18. A:an egg, a spoon, and a egg holder (dont know how its called lol) Q:in the first episode, when tsukasa saw maha, was it the first time he saw him?
  19. answer: Morgana quastion: mimiru tried to replace tsukasa staff to...?
  20. yes, it sounds like a stupid quastion, specialy for the ones who has seen many known series, but i found the answer not quiet known to me... i mean, i look at cowboy bebop ,hack sign, trigun, evangelion any many of the talkative animes shows and i can find simmiliar things, in the drawings and all. but since anime is an "animation film" can you put shows like the adams family, or even disney movies, into the category, and if not why than?
  21. 1. Scarlet Knights. i aint sure about that so correct me if im wrong..
  22. i dont remembr it being stated in the show, but since it was written in the hack quiz, and you can figure it out at some point... bear is a novelist. i aint sure of who you are reffering as the wave master kid, can u be a bit more specific?
  23. well, actually we narrowed the options a bit (-:, the hack sign game is based on a MMPRPG, in the show the main chracters are the options that were shown here, i prsume there is much more, since we see many kinds of weapons, specialy since in one of the first episodes we see a LARGE weapon store wich means that there is a veriety of weapons. wich prodably means that there a veriaties of classes... (i presume again)
  24. Solid


    guass ill make myself a spectator, ive been looking for this post in the advanture forum, and only now ive seen that there is a recruitment forum (-; so ill just read and be intredted, and next time youll open up ill send my application...
  25. ive been thinking of creating tis topic some time now, since almost every forum has his own little quiz... k.k.c you gotta ask a quastion though, or the topic will just die away..
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