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Everything posted by Solid

  1. well, im a kid, lol.. dont know if i can refer myself as a kid, im now 15 not that younger than you, the only different is that you watch these cartoons, while i know them by heart lol, i have watched so much dexters laboratory that you can close my eyes and i will speack the whole show by heart, so with courage the cowrdly dog, the adams fanily, and droppy the master detective hound (and screball squirrel that is...) and many many more )-:... i think its kinda lame, but its just that all i have inmy cartoon network is those shows, and the other channels shows ricky lake all the time and it gives me a headache... anyway, i dont think it makes you childish, and if it does, what wrong with being a bit childish sometimes?
  2. Well... my father has learned to except the facts that im watching japanese and english anime, but to repeat the contrary of many her... my mother just doesnt "approve" that it might sound a bit harsh, but each time i have a figt or when she sees me watching that stuff she starts yelling at me, so i ussually watch anime when she rests lol... she knows i watch it, im just getting away from argument... anyway, my father really excepts it, he thinks its childish but well i presume he doesnt really care, hes ussually the one ending up being yelled at my mother for letting me keep watching it... i think if our parents would one time see those animes, the good ones that is... they might think different. i mean i have seen more Real life and mature animes than Real life and mature shows with reall actors, anime is mor fiction and well its "Painted" (*said with horror) but still i think it shows more of the reallity than most of the shows my parents watch (my father, since my mother doesnt watch tv except news...)
  3. i personally woudnt want to, anyway, i want you to look carefully at what is being wrote so you will understand my problem, a year ago i have been in a very interesting class and when i suggested something very alike my techer told me and explained y it wasnt possible to maintain a young body thus living forever: "the body will be young, our wounds will heal, but later on our brain will not be able to handle the pressure of maintaining the fully healed body, thus our body will start to collapse, and prodably we will have brain damage..." i remember he told something that our brain works in waves, wich changes in years, only by creating a device that can keep an energy flow using our brain waves changes and fitting to them, only than we can live eternal life... i trust his words to be correct but people must see many options in life, the method should be checked for a decade on a certain person, or on a scard person for much time, only than we will see the consequances of such a machine... but who wants to live forever anyway?!
  4. i think you can find it in amazon, or in a video store, or even in the net...
  5. Answers have very much spoilers about precticly all the show!!! but this is the most detailed anseres that could be given... I dont know how to "Hide the text with the black thing so spoilers are shown with red!!!! watch out!!! - your decision: 1)What was with Maha and the Guardian 2)What's with the creepy guy in the chair 3)Does that guy have something to do with Tsukasa 4)Why was Maha all creepy 1)[COLOR=red]maha is aura servent, at later episodes you see he has personality but she orders him around... the guardian is a creature controled by aura, by tsukasa and maha, This is a very very big spoiler- there is actually 2 guardians, one is given to tsukasa by aura, and another is dark aura's guardian wich is sent to kill him... 2)the creepy guy in the chair is named Herrold hyuek- the inventor of the world prototype, hes the father of aura, more father than a creator, though aura hates him and in later episodes she erases him. what was seen in episode 14 is just a "Tape" - "a program that was putten into string" it is not him, just a recorded, afterwards they really speak with him... 3) the connection between herrold and tsukasa is minor, herrold and tsukasa have connection only due knowing aura, that is all... 4)as i said before maha have his own personality, maha seems to like tsukasa very very much, but he do what he is oredered to by aura, he hate doing but he must, that is the answer... [/COLOR] thus ends the spoilers and answeres... if you had read it you would now know a large part of the show, but many quastions are to be asked before the show ends... exept for these ones that is...
  6. 11\10 prodaqbly the best episode in hack//sign, next episode is just a summarry (i hate those episodes) of the last ones... anyway i found the episode amazing, the brokem man was really interesting, the fight was SO good! and it really disappointing that it wasnt finished, BT was as smart as usual i didnt like the way she played with both groups but when i saw it i thought :"man shes smart!" i think this is the best episode of hack sign, well... thats y i give it a 11/10...
  7. there is a part conserning that in the next episode your so wanting to see... worth every second waiting...
  8. Nahhhh, the guardian is strong but he cannot beat them all together, specialy not sora or crim, and bear is strong too, the main problem is that the guardian will have infinite hp... so whatevet happens the guardian will not die...
  9. i find it interesting, i thought i was the only weird one who actually thought that (because i saw trigun just after i was seeing cowoby bebop)...
  10. i would prodably jumo in the water if tsukasa was alone in the island with me... though he is an interesting charcter, i will prefer sora or crim...
  11. Im short in money, and im sure ill win this bet lol... can i bet too? please!!!? anyway, i can post a small spoiler or an episode summary if you want me to...
  12. Well, when i decided weather i should or shouldnt buy an xbox (wich neglactes buying an ps2) i though about this game and FF games, whcih made it difficult to decide... but i didnt play the game, although if the game is 10\20 H long - i might borrow the ps from my friend and play...
  13. cool, thnx for the info it does look a bit like a pentagrem, im quiet new in the "yu gi oh" stuff, since the last episode will be aired tomorrow here.... anyway, its a cool show, reminds me a bit of magic though
  14. its kind of cute... it has this childish proportions. looks good.
  15. Thats really amazing... You prodably have much free time on your hands. anyway it looks really really good, its very detailed and the character looks really cool, the hands are really proportional and so the pic is beutiful.... wow...
  16. well, i started making banners a while ago too, you should start using a program name fireworks, its far more easy to use, because it less complex. after having some expiriance, you can use photoshop, and some of the features in the fireworks, to make the perfect banner. use transperency, its ussually best, and try taking pics that have some similiar backround... that is if you are working in photoshop...
  17. well, i dont know how to put it correctly and if this is the right forum for it, but i was seeing a yu gi oh picture today, and suddenly noticed something... well check it yourself...: anyway, i wanted to ask if any of you noticed it before, or are there any others... (David star)
  18. When is the next episode shown in the us'uk (or wherever else you live)...
  19. in some places and computer games, you will see many of this signs. there is 3 possibilities for those signs, first one is what kkc said about race, class etc. second its just a tatoo (remind me of black and white-the game where you can tatoo your creature). 3rd one is possible but sounds too detailed, it might be a special sign that represents eaach character... (Spoiler)- there is an episode where you see another subaru, looks just the same but her hair and "Sign" is defferent... might be because its a sign you get when you register, just like a notification so you wodnt mix, another example is when we see another "tsukasa" character, but notice that his sign is different also, again it might be because of that.
  20. you should wait for the next episode before you judge, though it doesnt really change anything i think...
  21. i rather say sora, because he is true evil... he will do anything to live, thus he will kill everyone, crim will get angry and in the end therfe will be a shoedown between those 2 guys, since sora has a maxed stats, and crim will be so sad about subaru death... Sora will win.
  22. well you do got a point there about squaresoft, but dont you think it will just ruin the illusion of such a perfect game that comes from the series?. i mean it is possible to create many servers and to make a 3d MMP game, it is possible even for company less big than square soft, but still considering most of the users will be watchers of the anime it will "brake the illusion" of the magnificent world as shown in the anime... dont u think so?
  23. Solid


    well im a bit "new" here and dont know anyone personnaly here so i didnt really get intouch with anyone yet, so the answer is obviously not yet...
  24. 9/10 one of my fav!, the ending was just amazing, and finnaly i got a glimpse of b.t powers as a sorcerer, though i judge after seeing a couple of the next episode i think b.t is more clever than a jerk, but her presistents scares me... i find the history of the world fascinating. the chaos gate was reall cool, and ii rather thought that the voices came from aura (the sleeping character). anyway, i think this is the beggining of the good episodes of hack//sign, thats what i think after seeing what followed it...
  25. The matrix is more like "The truman show" because the hack game you know what is the real reality, people can log out... except for tsukasa who cannot but he know the real world exists aswell. people are not forcede to play this game so i guass there is a big difference between the matrix and hack, but if you look at it closel there is a bit of similarty...
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