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Everything posted by Solid

  1. i think making the world now will be a shame, maybe later on it will be as it is expected from the fans... the expactation is far too high , and outting the world in a pc or any consule xcept for VR wich is not enough developed yet...
  2. The body looks amazing, and the hair too, but i find the face (though i understand why it looks that way) a bit cut off, it is supposed to be that way, but it looks a bit too cut off... anyway the pic is really good! i gave it quiet good actually (cause there isnt something between that and great)
  3. Beat is a good song too, i have just heard it, but it aint really as slow as the other ones...
  4. i remember having the same conflict, i thought in the beggining that it might be the cat or the sleeping "beuty" after that i was so eager to see more episodes that in the end, it answered my quastions...
  5. i sketched two subaru (from hack sign) sketches, one with eyes closed one with eyes opened... pls rate them... [URL=http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/Subaru.jpg]Subaru [/URL] [URL=http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/subarueyesclosed.jpg]Subarueyesclosed[/URL] (the pictures are very big, i advise you to use the zoom to make them smaller...)
  6. i think heavens cloud has a really good point, i have been in a fight once in my life, (and im very ashamed that i coudnt control mysrlf better that time). i think wrestling or any other material arts should not be used to cause any damage at all, i find a material -art as ART, it is cool to practice it and very fun, but using a hjobby or profecion to give someone a certain damage aint really nice. as for the situation you describe, i think it sounds a bit pathetic, but its better this way than another...
  7. well, a glaive is very similiar to the spear with one thing exceptional, a spear is more round in his end, and the glaive has a blade in his end. this is the only difference and this is why people ussualy get mixed with them. this is deffinatly a glaive crim is using. a sythe is for the grain, but longer, you know all this talking reminds me of diablo 2 lol... its a good game, but has nothing to do with this pos..
  8. i have sent an e-mail to you, but my e0mail ussually comes late, so it will take some time to arrive...
  9. it looks really blur, but since i cant paint with anything but a pencil i gotta say its good...
  10. well, i will never fully comprehend your situation cause i have not met anyone that was raped before (that i know of) so i cant put myself in your shoes, the only thing i can do is think logicaly, and from what i think you should really tell their parents, not only that its dangoures becuase of deseases and pragnency but it should be talked with someone so the rapers will be sent to jail , so no more girls will have to be tortured so... i dont know though why you think their parents will be angry, i understand that "they could have been more careful" and should have told the truth at the beggining, but i learned during my 15 years of life that no matter what your parents will love you, i think that when a parent that hears that something bad has happened to his son\duaghter he woudnt be angry, and if he will he will be angry about the ******** that did it. prodably the best thing is call the police, if not for your firends than for other people, i find raping one of the most horrible things a man who rapes is not a human being and he should be punished because of the thing he did, wether life sucks or not, nothing justify such a horrible thing...
  11. i have seen Mgs 2 and there is a raadar, even better than the 1st gfame, maybe your playing radar off? i found mgs 2 really good though the story is less better than mgs1, the control is awsome, and the graphics are extremely good... so i found mgs2 reall good, but as you can see by my name, im a mgs fan, so im a bit bribed...
  12. here you go, a link to theotaku explanation of hack//Sign: [url]http://reviews.theotaku.com/index.php?section=reviews&view=33[/url]
  13. i thought it was a bit slow episode, cause it really could be summed up in about one sentence... though i think the episode is important for the plot so ill give it a 6.5/10
  14. sorry for the silly quastion but what is cosplay? some kind of fair or something?
  15. isnt there hack sign- legends of the twilight ? thnx anyway for the summing up of all the hack things...
  16. nooooooo!!!!!! will you just read the story in theotaku!?!? its about a game, everyone ccan log out its just a game a virtual realit, you dont need to defeat anybody, its a free worl RPg game... pls read the otaku review or something, just before you post another quastion or guass... either you watch the series or you read the otaku, but pls dont post quastions like this before you try do everything, its just confusing, because of this quastions people will lose the track of the thread and will not reply to the thread quastion itself, wich is a shme...
  17. well, e3 being over, i have seen the new ninja gaide 4 trailers, the first 1 shows a extrodanyry good movie quality... another one shows a beutiful but very short sceen of how a battle looks like (and it looks good), the 3rd one shows a side wich looks more like soul reaver using the 1st person view to look around and to use crossbow. the forth shows our fav ninja jumping on a wall, no very special but the graphics... amazing... also the storyline was published, and it sounds like a reall good story line, you should download the trailer its really but really good...
  18. im not quiet sure agatio... you see some countries have other cn than others, although it sounds weird, i have no toonami in my cc, only Dexter scooby doo, courage adams etc... none of the animes showed in here is in my Cc so you rather check if you have "the right cc"...
  19. i think crim has a good point of view in the show, reminding everyone that its just a game and not to ruin everyones fun of it, and in the meanwhile :"have fun yourself"... hes character personality is really good, wich makes him my fav.
  20. ok than guys, for a quick reply to all of the quastions including "what is hack" etc, first of all there is a really good explanation in theotaku itself (if you looked some post back you could have seen me writing it) anyway in short: hack//sign is a story taken place in the future, a game called "the world" (VR game) is published and being sold to more than millions of people. "the world" is a "certain" D&D game, somkind of roleplayin to be exact. to story take place when someone, some of the players cant log out. in the game you can do everything, well exceot some ideas like building a home, your a like a freelancer or you can form a party, very much like "helbreath". the example of swords and shields contains very much wepeons like a mages staff and so on, though again you cannot hire a warrior. (for the guys who did watch the show there is a part in the series when someone said suprisingly about tsukasa :"i heard he can summon a monster who fights for him and he gets the experiance") so that is the world, basicly... again bassicly
  21. i though of making an manga myself, but stopped because something very important... i cant paint well lol... so add this to the list: 1. good paintings/sketchings. (i believe that sketch is enough for a good manga... if the manga is good, but well... maybe im wrong...)
  22. i find the body really well done, but the face is a bit off... very pointy is a good expression... though it aint finished i will give it an 8/10 because i really think face is important...
  23. baron, let me use my second bit of wisdom and tomorrow i wodnt use any, well hack sign is a tv eries, not a game, in the tv series there is a game. there is a hack game too out there only for ps2 but it aint "as good" as the tv show. you should read the description in theotaku itself of hacksign and than youll understand better. anyway i dont really think there is a lightsaber in the world lol (i really luaghed) though it could be really cool... its more like wa oldish swords shields and everything. D&D stuff though i really am not a favor of D&D...
  24. have you seen the series? hack sign that is? you sound too confused, this is a hack//sign forum, Vr meaning virtual reality, as "The World" in hack//Sign. we are asking if something as the game in hack..Sign can be real (Hack sign is written here as hack as a shortcut).
  25. mommy look i can hoola hop with the toilet sit!.
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