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Everything posted by Solid

  1. Good job, he looks kindafunny, but it looks really really good!, the painting itself is awsome, and the coloring is very good too.
  2. i see what you mean... ill guass ill work on the eye thing than... anyway, i got another sketch: kaoru - evangelion: [url]http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/Kaoru.jpg[/url]
  3. Where can i find such "How to Paint Anime" tutorial?
  4. a rei ayanami draw, rate me ?/10. the scanner is a bit better though the pic is a bit "blue/grey" and not white... [URL=http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/Rei.jpg]click here to view pic: Rei:[/URL]
  5. ill say more plot than fighting, fighting shows and animes are very Not rare nowdays... the fightining is good, dont get me wrong its just not THAT good as a good plot and charcters... , a "fiction" anime so i can leave something for my imagination and for my thinking, but fiction as cowboy bebop fiction not as dragon ball z fiction.
  6. lol, looking at the pic again.. theunscanned scatch (the ones on the normal page) looks far better, so ill try scanning it in a higher dpi.
  7. reminds me a bit of Final fantasy 7... and i really liked final fantasy 7... Great pics.
  8. i was really bored, it took me about an hour... it looks nice though my scanner really killed the eyes and hands... The URL HAS BEEN DELETED BY ME, because it was too good for the world too see lol.
  9. 1st:Kaworu, the angel of alternatives, first and foremost he is the first and only angel that actually has any personality... he looks like a human wich gives him another advantage, he actually comes into the deepst section of the NERV headquaters, he is very relaxed and calm meanwhile all of the ther angels are the complete opposite (maybe except the angel of bird). he has a very powerfull at field and he knows much about the AT field (meanings and what it does) and care to explain it just after he destroys so easly an eva and before he sacrificed himself for shinji. 2nd:Arael, the Angel of Bird: he has immense power, not phisical but mental... the "music" that follows his rays (it doesnt have to be actually a part of the angel but it might be so...) is very calm considering the devestating affct he has, if not for the loginus spear (hoped i spelled it correctly) he is undefitable wich makes him a very strong angel. 3rd: Zeruel- Angel of might: extrodinary strong! slices an eva like butter, even unit 01 could not handle him( before he went berserk) he has a phisical might, and lots of it... 4th and last: Ireul- Angel of Fear he cannot affct human life as the other angels, but in a world like today with all the technoladgy around an angel like that can be reall devastating...
  10. i can ectually copy any painting, but my problem is to paint from my imagination, this pics looks awsome!
  11. the sadderst movie i have ever watched, the ending is just too sad, reminds me of the old french endings, i advise it to everybody who likes anime or any other kind of movies, it is truly a very good , but far too depressing...
  12. Solid


    speaking of kira, i never uderstood what is the aura and what happened in the end (pls explain me lol) , but i didnt enjoy the movie that much, the blood was nice, the comperrison to real life wasnt bad either and the animation wa not that bad, but still i didnt love the movie, many gaps through the story, and the first time i watched it i didnt understand a thing, but i noticed it got better once i started (started) to understand it...
  13. i preffer manga, the story is more detailed (in the ones i have seen that is) the voice acting doesnt disturb me because i dont c it in english and all japanese sound the same lol, the drawings are much better, but you cant compete the two of those, each one depends on the series and her creators.
  14. ill prodably say: rei ayanami - evangelion kagero - ninja scroll [color=hotpink][size=1]Please explain why you like them, or else this thread will turn into a favorite's thread. Those are against the rules and I'll have to close this thread down if the subject of the posts cannot lead to further discussion. Thank you. :) *QA*[/color][/size]
  15. Solid


    i have all the bebop cds, all of them very good, except the one with the remix's, i bought them in a set cost me 200 Nis (new israely shekel) wich is about 50$ its 5 cd's.
  16. what do you think? [color=indigo]Moved this to the Art & Design forum. If you want to show off a banner or avatar, you should post it in Art & Design; Banner/Avatar Request is for requests only. - Desbreko[/color]
  17. i have 2 options from one show (the best show) 1- Vicious cowboy bebop. why?- well, you can feel it in the air, you know something is coming, hes silent his blood is cold and he has no heart, he wants to kill, he does kill, and he got a look that says: dont go near me, ill prodably kill ya, not considring the fact that in the end he commands a group of fanatic sidycates, he is the worst of them all. 2- spike: cowboy bebop, from many ways hes not considered a villain , hes a good person funny and on his feets but!: spike have a dark black past, he cares for no one, he wishes to die (more of checking if he is alive) he doesnt give a **** about anything, he will prodably shoot before asking quastion, he is very strong, and he leaves things in the fridge, he has killed many even after being a sindycate, but hes cool and funny (and hungry) so hes number 2 on my list. and number 3 is from akira (though im one of the few who didnt like the movie), the boy (the one with the powers i forgot his name): info: used to be a normal boy, got into an experiment, turned into a charcter more of Dbz than a human trying to kill everyone and unleash a very very strong power. why?: it was not his fault but he could have done something with those powers, but he didnt what he did was kill his buddies, and blow everything up, including the army and the police, he's mad his eyes are mad and very very powerful (although he wodnt be able to beat spike or vicious)
  18. the evangelion is truly a great seires, its as much deep as it is confusing, i have just finished watching it today, the 2 last episodes were good but they were a bit out of line, its just that they were so confusing (though i think i got them in the end) and watching it in japanese doesnt help alot. but i really enjoyed every minute of the series, the insight of every charcter life and thoughts as they were indeviduals made it more interesting, and being confused me me curius and eeger to watch more, from some reason shinjis story really got to me, rei really creeped me, though i missed a sense of humor in the series, misato-san is funny and the penguine is stupid and suzahara, but it wasnt, well not much funny. the action was quick and to the point, and the evas have their own "past" like shinji's it makes you curius, i liked all the show with no exception, the movies... the first one isnt that good its just the series all over again, and the second one is even more confusing the the show itself, but its a good movie. for the ones who has missed the show on television, specially the important episodes, the is a dub version running in the internet (=kazaa) the quality is medium but its worth it just to hear the speakin but i advise to see the japanese (with subs that is) the subs go fast but if you can read fast, its sounds more reall (going back to the origins.)
  19. A weezer video clip named only in dreams (cowboy bebop video) made me want to see this show (after a great disapointment from dbz) so i started it, and somehow got into trigun, and now ive seem more than 9 anime tv seires (in a year that is) im addicted.
  20. i truly liked that episode, but it has a different tone, it depends on what prespective you look at that, if i could make the best bebop episode contest it should have some categories, this can win the best indtrudaction, vicious is pure evil, and this episode intruducing vicious to the watcher, amazingly done the katana vs gun fight is beutiful, the ending made me wanna see more i could see pictures but couldnt explain them. this what makes the episode so good, but, i have to say that the best episode is the last one, you get to see everything ends a very sad episode but i liked it very much, and the combination of yokko kanno music in the episode was woderfull, this what makes it better the the ballad of fallen angels. but if i could pick 3 episodes to watch it would be this and the last 2.
  21. today was the 23rd time i have seen the movie, its one of my favorites, anyway i found the plot of the movie as good as many other anime movies, and the japanese voices are known to me so i am used to it (its sounds much better in japanese for me ) so i enjoy it every time i see it again lol. this was the first anime movie ive seen in its still the best.
  22. thi reminds me of a great video i downloaded in kaaza, an amazing combination between spike moves and vash's. just search kazaa video category for: Anime Music Video - Trigun and Cow Boy Bebop - Vash vs. Spike
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