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About Zomby

  • Birthday 10/04/1970

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  1. Zomby

    Mod Chip???

    You can save Japanese games on American memory cards. You just can't save Japanese and American games on the same memory card.
  2. I rented it over MLK weekend, and had no problem beating it in that time. I wouldn't call it easy (especially the big boo Treble mentioned), it's just to short. It's a blast while it lasts though. Z
  3. Zomby

    Mod Chip???

    Kizu, you can't save American and Japanese games on the same memory card. Here's a link that translates the remote that you might find useful. [url]http://www.lik-sang.com/catalog/news.php?artc=2476[/url] Z
  4. I think I just used the boomerang on him, then when he transformed, hacked him with the rose sword. It was a while ago, but I'm pretty sure that's what I did. Z PS - sia, Castlevania for the GBA is great. It was the best launch game in my opinion. Followed close by THPS2.
  5. Thanks for editing the poll. "It'll take me some time to get used to it" was enough though really. That was basically what I was trying to say. Thanks, Z
  6. I'm really liking that spice (orange) color.
  7. You need to add another choice. [list] [*]I'm still in shock and will need time to truly understand how I feel about it. [/list] That's the box I'd check. Right now I prefer the more realistic look, but don't [I]hate[/I] the new look. I need a couple of days for this to sink in. Z
  8. I'm still in shock. I'm going to have to give this a couple of days to sink in. I'm sure I'll eventually grow to except this new look, but worry I'll always have thoughts of what could have been in the back of my mind. Only time will tell.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Hmmm now that sonic adventure 2 is comming to the Cube should I still buy a dreamcast? [/B][/QUOTE] Of course you should. If only for Shenmue and the upcoming Shenmue 2. Neither of which have been anounced for any other consoles that I know of. Z
  10. [QUOTE]ps whet sose ccn mean?[/QUOTE] Do you mean GCN? If you do, it's Nintendo's abreviation for the GameCube. [U]G[/U]ame[U]C[/U]ube [U]N[/U]intendo. If not, I have no idea.
  11. The one aspect of Retro that's never been questioned is the quality of their artists. Hopefully the gameplay lives up to the promise of the visuals. One more week until spaceworld, when we'll get to see movies of the game. To bad it won't be playable.
  12. I think it's going to be a new game where you play as a giant question mark that jumps around on a horribly pixelated background. ;) j/k Wouldn't that be great if it was an update of NiGHTS? Or maybe Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Shinobi, Toe Jam and Earl, Shining Force, and the list could go on and on. Z
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