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Everything posted by KKC

  1. Spoilers for chapter 243 are out and I have to say that this is the most scared I have ever been while reading this series. Below is a link to an image and other spoilers. [spoiler][URL="http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3263/591960vo8.jpg"]http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/3263/591960vo8.jpg[/URL] So, Pein throws a freakin nail at Kakashi and he gets hit, but the question is where? I believe Kakashi will not die (I'll be so pissed if he does), but I think he may have lost Obito's sharingan. The next chapter is called A hero falls (or fails, not sure which) which could mean kakashi himself or Obito's eye, which is Obito's last remains (unless he is Tobi).Below is the script for the chapter. [i]choujis dad compliments kakashi kakashi explains pein's ability saying that he can control gravity and they plan an attack. somehow chouji and his father manage to get ahold of God realm pein. kakashi uses a raikiri to try to take down yahiko pain but 6 armed pein ( demon realm)blocks it and seems to be killed. everyone is like 'wtf how can he still move?!?!' kakashi thinking 'please make it in time' apparently naruto is going to be doing some sort of fusion (i guess this is refering to the Fukasaku shoulder thing?) goes back to konoha Pein: 'i know you are unable to move now' kakashi 'i guess it was too late' choji and all the konoha nin including kakashi have been blown away, or something. pain 'i know you are not a bunshin, ill kill you for sure' pain picks up a nail and points it at kakashi kakashi 'theres no way you can miss this close' (being rude) STAB sound. [/i] So, i've been told by people on a different forum that this is not a fake, and I believe them. The script has some gaps in it and I'm not 100% about the translation, but I think it is close to the realt thing. [/spoiler] OMG! I wish it was next week already!
  2. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Glad I'm not the only one who spotted the Sasori/Pain similarity there, though really how could anyone not spot it. ^_^; Meh actually I thought this chapter was Kishi slipping into his old pattern of giving us bad fights again. I'm not saying Kakashi should be able to take two Pain's alone, nor should the Akimichi Twin Fists of Death be able to kill SasoriPain but really we're not getting any development story-wise, it's just all Pain-rules and then Kakashi realises something and doesn't bother to tell us. Also Tsunade won't fight because the hag knows she'll get killed, so she sends dozens of her underlings to their deaths. Yeah yeah she's a healer not a fighter, Sakura is the same and out there killing giant centipedes. We all know Sarutobi would be out there with Enma kicking *** at this point. God she's such a Failkage. Jiriaya you should have become Hokage then none of this would've happened. Hopefully next week Naruto will be back, and then we can look forward to seeing his power-up in action, likely followed by Sasuke arriving, saying yo and then being a dick and trying to destroy a village that's already been nearly destroyed. Actually his face is going to be amusing in that scene. "WTF ?! I was supposed to destroy Konoha..."[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I've heard speculation that Kishi was going into a Kakashi arc on another board, but I very much doubt it. I am personally ticked that Chouji and his Daddy had to show up, I wanted to see Kakashi get serious and do some butt-kicking until he needed more help. I have a feeling some of the konoha nine's parents will die to further explain the theme of "growing up". I can't wait till the next chapter, but it doesn't seem like Naruto's going to show because Danzo killed the messenger frog (he was cool too!)
  3. KKC

    Stranded [M-VLS]

    [size=1][color=darkgreen]Robin skipped over to the large group as Darren, who she considered her new friend, followed her. She waltzed into the circle of people and puffed out her chest with her hands on her hips, trying to act like a mature adult, after all, it was her birthday! Only when she took the time to glance around did she realized Darren was standing a good ten feet away from everyone else. She raced across the sand until coming to a halt in front of him. "Hey, Luthey... Uh, why are you way over here?" She asked, giving him a new nick name that she would probably call him for a long time. "Eh..." He scratched his head nervously, "I?d rather observe from a distance." He said, managing a grin. "Don't be silly," Robin giggled and wrapped both of her small hands around his wrist and started pulling him towards the group, "There not ganna bite!" She laughed again, as Luthey sluggishly followed her into the circle of survivors. Robin properly introduced him as Darren Luther, not wanting to embarrass him anymore. The others simply nodded their heads or responded by telling their own name. Robin soon became bored as the "oldies" started arguing and complaining on what to do. One guy even ran off looking very upset when another man had yelled at him. She soon traveled away from the group and down to the shore where she started to dig a hole in the sand with her hands. "What are you trying to do there?" Luthey's voice suddenly came from behind her. Robin spun her head around and gave him a big smile. "Hey, you shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" She scolded and continued her digging, "I don't know why, but I really like digging into the sand. As soon as you remove some, more trickles down into the hole. It's like a never ending battle." Minuets passed as the two stood in silence, Robin dug her hole while Luther simply watched. "So..." He began, breaking the ice, "Where are your parents?" Robin once again tried to remember anything else about the crash, but the faces of the people she remembered were blurred and she couldn't figure them out, "I don't remember." She admitted, hanging her head low, "Not their names, age, looks, anything." It was then that she actually realized that she was all by herself. She didn't have a mommy or daddy to take care of her. Robin pushed bake frightful tears and started to suddenly feel cold as the sun began to sink into the ocean. "Don't worry." Luther whispered, placing his hand on her shoulder, "I'm sure we'll find them." The others soon returned with fire wood and soon had a blazing fire going. As people started to make their own fires and stretch out across the beach, Robin stayed near the first fire as well as Luther and a couple of others. She curled up into a ball and eventually drifted off into sleep as she watched the crackling flames of the fire. [/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkgreen]I love Lost! Awesome idea, Blayze! ----- A low moaning broke the natural sounds from the swaying trees. Slowly her eyes opened and adjusted to the bright light that hung overhead. She moaned in pain as she lifted her aching arm to her forehead, shielding the golden rays from her eyes. A colored bird swooped down and landed firmly on a branch in front of her. He started cheeping in a high pitched tone and it sounded like he didn?t enjoy the new visitor. ?Oh? uh?. Sorry.? She mumbled, trying to remember the correct word to say. Looking down at herself she saw that she was sitting on a blue seat. Her clothes were very gimpy looking and her arms were covered in purple bruises. Dirt and soot speckled her strawberry blond hair and she knew that she looked like a complete wreck. ?What-? she stopped though when she noticed what was past her body. Below her was a forest floor of bushes, trees, vines, branches, and odd plant that she had never seen before. She herself was actually perched in between two branches. Fear bubbled up from her stomach and she suddenly felt extremely dizzy. ?Who? What? Oh gosh.? She stumbled out loud to herself. She couldn?t remember a thing. While she breathed in gasps of air she tried to recall anything about her; name, age, anything! Meanwhile, the same bird was still squawking angrily at her, ?Oh, will you shut up!? She screamed, frightening the colorful creature into flight, ?Robin?? the words had just randomly blurted from her mouth. Her name was Robin. The branch suddenly gave out a moan of strain. For now her name was enough, she had to get out of this tree before she went down with it. Taking a deep breath, Robin cautiously lifted up from the blue clothed seat and started to take baby steps towards the trunk, trying her best not to look down at the forest floor that rested far below. The branch suddenly moaned even louder and started to crumple beneath her torn sneakers. A high pitched scream erupted from her mouth as she leapt towards the trunk. The branch cracked down the middle and went tumbling down along with the seat she had been in just moments ago. ?The plane!? Robin suddenly blurted as she clung to the tree trunk, trying to calm herself down. The seat had been her seat on the plane! Section 2 Row 27 seat 1. She wanted that seat because it was right next to the isle and she could see the other people on the plane. Robin strained to remember, but all that came to her was the images of terrified faces and the sound of ripping metal. Feeling with her feet, she managed to find a sturdy branch and lowered herself onto it. This repeated for what seemed like hours until she made contact with solid ground. From the bottom, the forest looked much more beautiful than terrifying. The trees held some towered above and the leaves gently swayed in the wind. Birds chirped and sang strange songs as they flew overhead and danced in the air. Robin giggled to herself as she counted 11 birds fly above her. 11? that was her age? No, she was turning 11? today! Or was it tomorrow? It was why they went on the plane, but who?s they? She sighed to herself and started walking towards? wherever. She wasn?t going to get anything accomplished by frying her brain over her memories. She had seen the blueness of an ocean while she had been up in the tree and it didn?t seem to be to far from where she had landed. Maybe there would be other people there! Robin started to quicken her pace in excitement, not wanting to be along in the jungle anymore. She stumbled over vines and tore up roots, but nothing could slow her pace, except for the dry feeling in her throat. The girl came to a halt as a trickling stream came into view. ?Thank you!? She gasped, looking up into the sky. Robin fell to her knees beside the water and splashed the coolness onto her sweating face. After the ripples faded away she took a good look at her reflection. She had long red hair and like most red heads her face was dotted with freckles. Her eyes were a deep blue color and she had her ears pierced with fake diamond studs. They had been a birthday present! Robin shook her head in amazement. These memories kept coming up at the most random moments. She continued her jog and eventually broke through from the wild jungle and onto a sandy beach. ?Wha!? Robin yelped as she stumbled over a rock and fell flat on her face, normally she would have been embarrassed, but the sight of two people running towards her made her heart leap. ------Basic Info------ [b]Name[/b]: Robin Watts [b]Sex[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 11 (just turned) [b]Appearance[/b]: Very short for her age, but has some muscle from sports. Long red hair, deep blue eyes, and freckles. Is wearing tan capries and a dark green T shirt. [b]Personality[/b]: Wise beyond her years, speaks her mind, very confident, has a few phobias, tries to do what?s best for herself and others, she?s also still a child and doesn?t fully understand certain things (Innocence), clumsy. [/size][/color]
  5. [size=1]XD copper kidney!!! I honstly have no (good) ideas for what our name should be, but i'm sure DW can come up with some good ones. League of fantastic hats sounds pretty good to me. hehe[/size]
  6. [size=1]OOooo, very nice, I also like Sengir. He has a very neat design. Proportions, shading, and highlights all look very nice, but the line art is a bit sloppy (do you guys ink the pics and then scan or do you do the line art on the computer)? Blush's line art is really choppy and blurry around her face and Sengir's hair looks like a sketch. The coloring is great except an itsy bitsy mistake where Sengirs shirt color went onto the skin. If you are doing line art on the computer, I'de suggest enlarging the picture when you ink it. That way, when you resize it the line will look clean and crisp. And if you ink normally, ide suggest scanning with a higher resolution. [/size]
  7. [size=1][quote=daredevilsdad][spoiler] 1) what was sai doing in that cell (with that book) was he making a copy of himself?? 2) what does Orochimaru want with sai and whats so speical about him?? 3) why does sai and his crew want to crush the leaf anit they allies??? [/spoiler][/quote] Number 1. [spoiler]Well, Kabuto locked Sai into the room where he will be staying for who knows how long. Sai must have used to king of summoning scroll to get the book.[/spoiler] Number 2. [spoiler]Sai brought information on every single ANBU to Orochimaru and was instructed to do so by the head ANBU guy, who's name escapes me. (at least I think that's what he gave Orochimaru)[/spoiler] Number 3. [spoiler]We don't know really know why just yet, but we should find out. A few hints are that the head ANBU man hates Tsunade and some previous hokages. what a baby. [/spoiler] I'm really glad Kishimoto is finally moving things along, there was a time when the chapters were only like, 6 or 7 pages long. :D [/size]
  8. KKC

    KKC's Art

    [size=1]I've had a bit of trouble with the bleeding too (that sounds so wrong), but after I scan it I try cleaning it up a bit where it went out of the lines. I also don't have markers that match very well (like the color I used for his hair is the only real red I have >.
  9. KKC

    KKC's Art

    [size=1]Thanks for all of the comments! *hugs* [quote name='Chikara Kokoro']I can't see your most recent pictures, so I'll just critique the first two you have posted.[/quote] Links to the picture are always found at the bottom in case they don't show up ;) I fixed my blurry inking problem by using a high resolution for when I scan. That way when I resize everything the lines come out smoother (I also think it had something to do with using the automatic border tool). Here's some new work that I felt like posting (mostly FMA). [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/083/e/c/Questioning_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] It's Al from FMA! Yes, I know the font is prolly a load of crap, but i'm not good with font. That's why I draw mostly. [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/090/d/d/Bath_Time_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] Another fanart of FMA. This time it's Young Ed and Al taking a bath. Ed doesn't like baths. [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/093/7/1/Chong_the_Happy_Nomad_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] This is minor character from Avatar: The last airbender. There are quite a few bodily issues with this piece, but I drew it while there was tornado warning! o.O [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/094/a/6/Gift_for_Imi_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] This is a gift I made for Imi. His name is Ezekiel (that name sounds so familiar)! Just got my markers, so i'm a bit rusty with them. Links: [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/30819529/]Alphonse[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31156313/]Ed and Al[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31283635/]Chong[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/31351640/]Ezekiel[/URL] [/size]
  10. [size=1]Mallow grumbled a few unpleasant words as he glared up at the yellow block that stood at least 3 feet above his head; he had never been a good jumper. Waluigi came waltzing down the steps, cackling after his triumphant sell. The cloud man sighed and aimed his fist upwards towards the butt of the block. His arm suddenly stretched upward and made a loud [i]pring[/i] sound as it hit. A golden coin popped out and Mallow quickly caught it before it clanged to the ground. He smiled as he looked over the large mushroom that was printed on the front. "Well, here I go!" Mallow announced to no one unparticular. He scurried over to the stairs and started towards the top as fast as his small legs would carry him. To his surprise, no enemies were attacking him. They seemed all too busy attacking the other competitors and paid no attention to the small marshmallow man. "Oh, yeah! I'm awesome!" He cheered himself on as he reaches the last step. Mallow howled in agony as intense pain suddenly erupted in his leg. He looked back to see a small black chain chomp biting into his leg. ?Get off!? Mallow screamed as he started punching the little metal ball, but he was determined and no matter what he did, the chain chomp would just not let go. Mallow cursed under his breath and started beating the thing with his shiny mushroom coin. Its grip on his leg loosened and Mallow gave him one last powerful blow on the head, sending him down the stairs. ?Hah!? Mallow laughed and stuck out his tongue, ?That?s what you get for mes-.? The king was cut off as the coin he was waving around was suddenly pulled from his grasp. Over on his right a sneaky piranha plant was trying to devour the golden coin. Mallow lunged for the coin and grabbed the end that wasn?t already in the hungry plant?s mouth. The plant started to shake its head trying to throw Mallow off, it even pounded him against the floor and the stair rail. Then, the piranha plant realized that it could eat Mallow along with the coin. Oh boy. ?Shocker!? Mallow screamed in fear as the plant started to real him in. A lightning bolt zoomed out of the ceiling and struck the oblivious plant, turning him into a fried vegetable. Mallow picked himself up and dusted off. The timer for the competition was about to go off! He scrambled up the last step and stopped in front of a squid-ish looking fellow whose name tag read ?Bloopy?. ?Ah, Mr. [size=1]Mallow grumbled a few unpleasant words as he glared up at the yellow block that stood at least 3 feet above his head; he had never been a good jumper. Waluigi came waltzing down the steps, cackling after his triumphant sell. The cloud man sighed and aimed his fist upwards towards the butt of the block. His arm suddenly stretched upward and made a loud [i]pring[/i] sound as it hit. A golden coin popped out and Mallow quickly caught it before it clanged to the ground. He smiled as he looked over the large mushroom that was printed on the front. "Well, here I go!" Mallow announced to no one unparticular. He scurried over to the stairs and started towards the top as fast as his small legs would carry him. To his surprise, no enemies were attacking him. They seemed all too busy attacking the other competitors and paid no attention to the small marshmallow man. "Oh, yeah! I'm awesome!" He cheered himself on as he reaches the last step. Mallow howled in agony as intense pain suddenly erupted in his leg. He looked back to see a small black chain chomp biting into his leg. ?Get off!? Mallow screamed as he started punching the little metal ball, but he was determined and no matter what he did, the chain chomp would just not let go. Mallow cursed under his breath and started beating the thing with his shiny mushroom coin. Its grip on his leg loosened and Mallow gave him one last powerful blow on the head, sending him down the stairs. ?Hah!? Mallow laughed and stuck out his tongue, ?That?s what you get for mes-.? The king was cut off as the coin he was waving around was suddenly pulled from his grasp. Over on his right a sneaky piranha plant was trying to devour the golden coin. Mallow lunged for the coin and grabbed the end that wasn?t already in the hungry plant?s mouth. The plant started to shake its head trying to throw Mallow off, it even pounded him against the floor and the stair rail. Then, the piranha plant realized that it could eat Mallow along with the coin. Oh boy. ?Shocker!? Mallow screamed in fear as the plant started to real him in. A lightning bolt zoomed out of the ceiling and struck the oblivious plant, turning him into a fried vegetable. Mallow picked himself up and dusted off. The timer for the competition was about to go off! He scrambled up the last step and stopped in front of a Baby Bowser, who was tapping his foot mipatiantly. ?Ah, Mr. Bowser! Now, you look like a smart customer!? Mallow went on sucking up to him, making sure that the coin was always in sight, ?This coin I have here is very magical and could give you anything your heart desires!? But the kid just wasn't buying it. "Whatever..." He grumbled and instead started watching his dad, which was what he always did in his spare time. "Hey! Your pa only got a plain normal coin!" Mallow said catching Baby Bowser's attention. He grinned and showed the kid the mushroom symbol, "This is worth a whole lot more. Think how proud he'll be when you show him this." Baby Bowser looked up at the ceiling in thought and then took the coin from Mallow. The cloud man waltzed back down the steps with an ear to ear grin on his face. [/size]
  11. [size=1] XD XD XD XD these are all so funny! But I can only choose so many (it was hard to choose!) [spoiler]3rd[/spoiler] [QUOTE=Gaara Kun] [color=darkred]Mustang never found the real reason behind Havock's bloody nose. [/QUOTE][/color] XD [spoiler]2nd[/spoiler] [Quote=Sinistra][u]Oh Beloved Mustang[/u]: Havoc! I order you to get off NOW. This is not a yaoi dojinshi! [u]Havoc[/u]: But don't you know how many online hits we'll get?! *nosebleed*[/quote] You have no idea how much fanart I find on DA with these two! XD [spoiler]1st[/spoiler] [quote name='Raphael']Mustang: "You've reached my leg Havoc, into the main part now!"[/quote] Is it me, or do all the perverted ones win these things? XD I guess it's your turn Raphy! [/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]:3 fun, fun, fun. The pic is a bit small, but I liked it. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25323&stc=1[/img] For those who don't know the black haired guy is Roy Mustang and the other one is Havock from Full Metal Alchemist. Enjoy![/size][/color]
  13. [size=1]The trains people gasped as Zorro revealed he had not [b]one[/b], but [b]two[/b] [i]swords[/i]... Forgive me Ikillion -.-' I've been reading too many nasty euphemisms...[/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkorange]Mallow smiled dreamily as he flipped the pages of the photo album he had been looking at for hours. In the next picture stood the "old team" of Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, Geno, and himself right after they fixed Star Road and defeated Smithy. The cloud man chuckled lightly as he gazed upon Bowser's expression towards Mario. "Your highness?" One of Mallow's clerks squeaked as he shuffled up to him, "I don't mean to interrupt, but the competition will be starting soon. Shouldn't you be going now?" Mallow sighed and closed the album, "I suppose you're right," He admitted and stood up from his desk, "I'll go change and then be on my way." The clerk bowed and then walked off to give the King of Nimbus Land some previously. Mallow went over to a large wardrobe and opened the twin oak doors, revealing a white and blue striped outfit. [i]"I really hope this still fits."[/i] He prayed and but on his old fighting outfit. To his surprise it seemed to fit better than it once did and he raced out of the room in glee. A few clerks escorted him across the palace grounds until they came to a large green pipe that was covered with spider webs. "I'll return once the competition is over, but until then make sure everyone is safe." He ordered. Nimbus Land hadn't been attacked in 5 years, but it was better to be safe than sorry. With that said and done, Mallow dusted away some of the webs and leapt down into the giant green pipe. He shielded his eyes from the sunlight as he came out. Mallow grinned as he looked upon the large castle that symbolized Mushroom Kingdom. He jumped from the pipe and scurried across to the large front doors and flew them open. "I have arrived!" Mallow announced loudly. Three strange people stopped talking and stared awkwardly at the cloud man. "Mallow!" Mario raced over to his old friend and greeted him with a big plumber hug, "It's-a so good to-a see you!" He exclaimed and led Mallow over to meet the other competitors.[/size][/color]
  15. [size=1]Naruto *thinking*: Why do his lips taste like cherries?!?![/size]
  16. [size=1]Kurama: I told you that you would get stuck if you kept doing those crazy yoga streches. Meh... [/size]
  17. [color=royalblue][size=1][b]Name[/b]: Mallow [b]Game[/b]: Super Mario RPG [b]Portrait[/b]: [img]http://webzoom.freewebs.com/countconkula/thumb_mallow.jpg[/img] or [URL=http://webzoom.freewebs.com/countconkula/thumb_mallow.jpg]Here[/URL] [b]Experience[/b]: A long time ago I ventured with Mario and many others to defeat a man called Smithy. At first I was a weak and nervous fellow who was lucky to run into the red clad plumber, but after fighting in many battles I became stronger and soon discovered by abilities to control the weather and stretch my arms really far. We fought many villains together and eventually saved the kingdom! Everyone thinks that Mario is the one who always saves Princess Toadstool, but in fact I also rescued her once upon a time (well, I helped?). Since then I have reigned over Nimbus Land, keeping it safe from all evil that shows its ugly face. [b]Reason[/b]: I truly miss working along side my dear old friend Mario and the rest of the old team. Things up here in Nimbus Land are getting boring; with evil officially out of sight. I feel like all I do is sit around all day and that my people are safe with or without me. I wish to help those who are in serious danger and need my special abilities. Getting to fight with my old friend and his brother would be an amazing honor. Plus, It would be nice to kick some butt again ;) [/size][/color]
  18. [color=darkorange]Rikudim tore across the continent while the Fire Titan, Grae, desperately clinged to his shoulders, not wanting to fall during the ride. They had just now reached the ocean and Rikudim once again flew across the water as if it were solid ground. "Ack!" Grae exclaimed, letting out a choking sound, "I think I swallowed a bug!" He gasped as the Electric Titan continued to run. "I told you to keep your mouth closed!" Rikudim yelled to him, trying not to laugh. They soon approached the foggy clouds of Atlantis and they could feel the others their waiting for them. Rikudim sped into the fog and was suddenly blinded by the white clouds that surrounded the hidden city. The titan started to slow down, not completely sure what was in front of him. Grae held his arm out and it ignited in flames, casting enough light so Rikudim could see 20 feet ahead. A dark shape started to form through the white clouds and they both knew it was the lost city. The city where they could finally meet up with everyone. "Hang on!" Rikudim yelled and added started to go faster, so fast that the fog started to spread away from his body. Grae clung on as they ripped out of the fog and onto the beach, creating a miniature sand storm. Rikudim let the Fire Titan down while the dust started to clear. Grae knelt down on his knees and started to kiss the beach, "Thank God! I'm alive!" He then started to laugh loudly and gave his fellow titan a playful shove. "Hey, my driving isn?t that bad!" Rikudim replied and poked Grea with his elbow. ?Hey, save it for when Ixidor gets here.? A grinning Dogarta said as he and the other titans came to welcome them to Atlantis. [/color]
  19. [size=1]Wow, that was some great stuff, but of course their can only be one winner and then a second and third ;) [u]1st[/u] [quote name='Gaara kun][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Garamond]Sasuke and Lee find in horror thier teamates doing the Macarena dance.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] XD The mentle image I recieved in my head after reading this was hilarious! [u]2nd[/u] [QUOTE=KatanaViolet][b]Sasuke[/b]: Dude, Did you just fart? [b]Rock Lee[/b]: Worse, Sasuke... I think I just sharted... :animeblus [/QUOTE] Potty humor and myself mix well :cool: [u]3rd[/u] [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][FONT=Garamond]It was then when the two adorable Anime characters were impaled through the head from mysterious black lines." [/color'][/font][/quote] Sneeky :3 Ok, I guess it's your turn Gaara Kun![/size]
  20. [size=1]These are pretty funny. The art is a bit scribiful, but computer art can be difficult (I suggest using an oekaki board). My fav would have to be the one when Naruto gets hit by the car and won't stop saying "Beleive it!" XD When did Masashi change Gai's name? In the manga it's still written as Gai... or are you making a joke about his name and it just toatally went over my head >.> [/size]
  21. [size=1]Wow, these are some pretty good stuff and I admire your ability to draw hands/fingers (I'm terrible at it!). The Sasuke picture is great and I think it would look even better if it was colored. To go along with the Ed pic, the neck is a bit long, but I don't think it's the length of the neck that's a problem, but the position of the neck. In real life, your neck comes out just inside of your jaw bones, but in anime they make the neck thinner. The right side of Ed's neck (our right) comes down from the back of the skull, which is correct. Though, it looks like it connects right into the shoulder instead of being connected to the collar bone. On the left side (our left) you connected it to the collar bone well. The iffy part about the left side is where it comes out of the head. Like I said earlier, natural necks come from your jaw bone. On the left side the neck is too far away from the jaw bone. Because of this, Ed's body isn't aligned with his head properly (well, that's what it looks like to me). Considering you drew this with no reference, I think it's awesome! Drawing a picture strait from your mind is very difficult and I'm not very good at it. The High school couple is nice too, but her arm that links with the boy's has no depth to it and look like paper. Also, the upper part of her torso looks to large, but she may just have a broad back. You have potential as an artist, so keep it up! w00t! [/size]
  22. [color=darkorange]Zanto aimlessly walked down one of the corridors of the ship, his mind buzzing with thoughts. For some reason he couldn't get the terrible images of children being shot out of his head. How could they just open fire on innocent children and other people like that? It was barbaric. What had happened to Earth? Was Kazuma okay? Was he dead or alive? He looked up and saw a door labeled "Mess Hall" and walked through the automatic doors. All this thinking, fighting, and worrying had made him a very hungry boy. He filled his plate with all sorts of goodies and sat down at a table to consume them. It wasn't the best tasting stuff in the universe, but it was good enough to satisfy his stomach. It wasn't until he was finished that Zanto started to wonder how much food they had left. What if they ran out? What would they eat or have to eat? Zanto stretched and decided to check out the Assault. Ramius had told them to get some sleep, but with all the thoughts in his head Zanto probably wouldn't be able to. He made a short walk to the hanger and watched people run back and forth, fixing the four suits. Zanto made his way over to the Assault and looked up at it. Lucky for him, the only damage done was to the armor on the right shoulder and it wasn't that bad. He could see Sakura helping as much as she could to get the Savior (which had taken more damage) up and ready for when they landed. Being they were almost finished with the Assault, Zanto decided to hunt down Haruna and try to cheer her up. If she was upset during a fight then she might get hurt. Plus, they were in this together and needed to help each other out. He once again headed through the corridors of the ship, hoping that he wouldn't get lost. It was a large ship after all and he hadn't been on it for a long time, he hadn't even been given a tour of the place. Zanto took a left turn and recognized his room door. His and Kazuma's rooms were on the right side of the hall, while Sakura's and Haruna's were on the left. He stopped in front of Haruna's door and listened for any sound. Thank goodness she wasn't crying; Zanto did go well with crying girls. "Hey, Haruna?" Zanto identified himself and knocked on her door, "Can I come in?" He heard movement from the other side and the door slid open. [/color]
  23. KKC

    KKC's Art

    [size=1]Thanks for the most lovely comments and I have learned quickly that practice makes perfect >.< Here are a few more pics that I've done over the past few weeks. I'll put links at the bottom of the page in case the pictures don't show up. [b]Obito - True Love[/b] [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/062/c/4/Obito___True_Love_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] I made this for a contest in a club I'm in at DA. This is another Naruto character, Uchiha Obito. I think my shading has been best on this one (meh oppinion). [b]100 Hits (for White)[/b] [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/042/2/9/100_Hits_for_White_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] White got my 100th page view, so he got a free request (not that I charge anyway). This is his character Hart and uh... yeah... I used a referance pic of Naruto. This was also my first time using the airbrush tool. [b]Valentine's Typo[/b] [img]http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs9/i/2006/043/4/e/Valentine_Typo_by_K_K_C.jpg[/img] First off, don't give me much credit for this because this is an actual Valentine's card. All I did was draw and color it so I could show people online. It took me about 15 minuets and that's why it's a little on the crappy side... [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/29866805/]Obito - True Love[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/28946138/]100 hits (for White)[/URL] [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/view/28983051/]Valentine's Typo[/URL] [/size]
  24. [size=1]Calm yourself. I had to go hunt down a pic... Well, being i'm a Naruto nutt... here we go! Nothing's better than Rock Lee! [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25238&stc=1[/img] *[insert funny caption that KKC was to lazy to come up with]*[/size]
  25. [size=1][spoiler]Yay! I loved chapter 297, but I'm really getting sick of all the cliff hangers! Grar! When the cloned Sai got stabbed I was all "yay!", but of course it was just a clone. I also believe that Yamato was going to say that Sakura loves Naruto even though she acts like she doesn't. NarutoxSakura? (I don't think I've ever seen a NarutoxSakura picture or fic in my life!) Though that would be better than he getting paird up with Sasuke. I'm also wondering what the feakin' message said! I don't think it's about the exam, though. [/spoiler][/size]
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