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Everything posted by KKC

  1. [size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Rustboro city with Lucas who she just met and joey who seems to have the worst memory ever and keeps calling her different names that start with K.[/b] ------ Kay gaped at the large ship like plane that was chasing after Moltres. The bustling crowd of people along the streets had now stoped to look upon the site. Kay looked down at Eevee, the hairs on his back were standing straight up and his teeth were gritted tightly. "We just can't sit here though..." Lucas growled in anger as the ship and fire bird started moving away from the city, "We have to go after it!" Lucas strode over and started to clamber back onto his back. Kay quickly grabed the handle bars before he could do anything else, "We can't do anything." She simply said, her grip firm on the handle bar. Lucas made a confused, angry, and worried look all at the same time. "Joey is right about our pokemon not being strong enough. Even if they were strong enough, it would be impossible to catch them on a bike. Not even Scyther could keep up with a Moltres and a freeky deeky ship thingy like that!" Kay exclaimed pointing to the object that was almost out of sight now. Lucas sighed and got off the bike glumly. [/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Rustboro City near the pokemon center[/b] ------- [i]"Well that was a smooth way of making friends..."[/i] Kay thought as she walked out of the pokemon center with the boy. She hadn't been trying to brag about being a gym leaders daughter, she was trying to think of something to talk about and that just poped in her head. She slapped her forehead slightly with her hand while a girl with a Natu at her side scrambled into the Pokemon Center. She made a double take of them wondering if she had been following her. "Is something wrong?" The boy asked as he watched Kay's odd expressions. Kay turned her attention away from the girl and slipped her hands in her pockets. "Just thought I saw someone I knew..." She said in a hushed tone. "Hey, I don't think I caught your name." She said wanting to change the subject. "I'm sorry. My name is Joey, Ma'am." He said with a smile in a good boy kind of manner. Kay twitched slightly. "Don't call me Ma'am, it makes me twitch. Just Kay." She replied simply with a smile. Joey blinked, slightly taken back, but he smiled and nodded as they carried on down the street aimlessly. Eevee was now walking along side with Scyther, looking up at the tall pokemon and giving it curious looks. [i]I wonder where we're going?[/i][/size][/color]
  3. [size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Route 104[/b] "Treeco!" A inch away from Kay's face was a Treeco hanging upside down from a tree branch. "Holy crap!" Kay yelled jumping back wards with fright. Eevee leaped to the ground growling at the curious green pokemon that was now laughing uncontrolably. Kay looked around to see that the boy who had caught the Houndour had disappeared and was no where in sight. [i]Darn, I would have liked meeting that trainer...[/i] Kay shook her head and returned her attention to the laughing Treeco. "Ok Eevee, lets try to make our first catch." Kay said confidentally. The Treeco understood and dropped from the branch, landing on its feet ready for a fight. Eevee and the grass pokemon stared each other down for a moment and then Treeko charged towards Eevee. "Dodge it Eevee, then come back with a Headbutt!" Kay commanded. Eevee leaped to the left of the Treeco and then charged at it, his head down ready for impact. "Tree-co!" Treeco laughed as it jumped slightly in the air and then bounced of Eevee's head and landing on a near by rock. Eevee shook his head free of dirt and then turned to face the grass pokemon once again. [i]That Treeco is fast, we'll just have to slow it down.[/i] "Eevee brace yourself for its next attack!" Kay said clenching her fist. the Treeco smiled happily and started another charge at Eevee, it was four feet away. "Quick, use Sand Attack!" Eevee spun around and kicked up dirt and sand sending it into the Treeco's eyes. It stopped its charge and rubbed its eyes in anger. "Now use tackle!" Kay yelled. Eevee easily ramed against the blind Treeco, sending it tumbling over its feet and landing on its side. "Finish with headbutt!" Eevee easily hit his target, sending Treeco through the air where it landed with a thud. Grining, Kay pulled a pokeball from her belt and enlarged it. She raised it into the air and took a deep breath before launching it at the dazzed pokemon that layed on the ground. In a small flash of red light the Treeco was transfered into the now occupied pokeball and shook six time before the red light finally went out. "Alright!" Kay exclaimed happily as she jumped over to the pokeball that layed on the ground. Eevee jumped onto Kay's head in glee as Kay picked up Treeco's pokeball. "Our first catch, Dad will be a bit sad that it wasn't an electric type, but he'll get over it!" After gathering up her new friend, Kay headed towards Rustboro so she could reserve a room for the night. She was careful to walk around a group of trainers, one boy seemed really pissed off and she knew how some people could be when they had a fire breathing pokemon and were in a bad mood. The whole way to the pokemon center she felt like someone was following her, but everytime she looked back no one was there. She could have sworn she heard a natu at one point too. [i]It must be my imagination... Those morning pushups must have rattled my head.[/i] Walking into the pokemon center Kay noticed the boy who had caught the houndour earlier. [i]Alright, maybe now I can get a quick conversation with this guy.[/i] ----- Pokemon Team: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs288.gif[/img] - Eevee [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs001.gif[/img] - Treecko[/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=darkgreen]Kay yawned, she had been so excited about starting her pokemon journey, but she hadn't seen any pokemon sense she started towards Rustboro City. She hated to admit it, but she was getting bored. Eevee suddenly leaped off of Kay's pack landing neatly on all fours, his ears twitched back and forth. Kay blinked and opened her ears so she could try to hear what Eevee was listening to. It was a faint sound, but she could make out a boy yelling something out. "Let's go check it out, we have nothing better to do." Kay said to Eevee, they started running off the trail, heading in the direction which the noise was coming from. Kay peared around a large Oak tree to see a boy around her age, a Scyther, and a Houndour. From what she could tell, the Scyther was the boys and he was trying to catch the Houndour. She watched silently from her hiding place as the Scyther flew from a tree branch straight at the fire pokemon, which had its mouth opened ready to use an ember attack. [i]If that ember attack hits head on, that Scyther might have to back out of this fight... He could...[/i] As Kay thought, the Scyther buzzed its wings rapidly as flames burst from the Houndour's mouth. The flames barely grazed the grass pokemon's stomach as it flew in and slammed against the Houndour, sending it into a tree where it collapsed on the ground. The boy punched the air and quickly pulled out an empty pokeball. In a flash of red the Houndour was consumed inside the ball and it began to rock back and forth. Kay heard a twig snap behind and quickly turned around to see...[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Name[/b]: Raodin Numair [b]Age[/b]: 30 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Maiden [b]Birth-Place[/b]: Small Village in Ichoria [b]Class[/b]: Ranger [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 6'2'' Raodin has shoulder length, shaggy/messy black hair and deep blue eyes. He has a very short beard (fuzz, you could say) and has a strong build. He wears a long sleeved dark brown shirt under neath a black tunic that goes down to his knees. He has a black belt where he keeps his sword, [i]Rathhausak[/i] on the left side and his dagger, [i]Hildurra[/i] on the back of the belt. He then wears black pants with comfortable black boots. Underneath his "outer layer" he wears a layer of leather armor that wraps around his torso. He also wears black knuckle cut gloves and a forest green cloak around his neck. Straped around his back is a large quiver with arrows, his bow is thin enough to fit into the quiver as well. Also straped to his back in a leather casing is his 5 foot long glaive, [i]Faleron[/i] that is hidded behind his cloak. [b]Personality[/b]: Raodin is a mysterious person who keeps to himself and is always on the move, never staying at one place for too long. Although he rarely ever does, he is known to have travelled with some caravans as a normal person. When he is around people for a longer amount of time he is a kind and caring person who won't hessitate to help with the kids. Raodin has a long patience, even some of the most stubborn people can't get him to just give up and move on. Raodin cannot stand innocent death and his emotions sometimes get a hold of him when people who weren't even fighters are killed. Raodin is ranger who works with out being asked, and even though they didn't ask for his help in the first place; people will usually pay him a fee, but if it is too big Raodin will give some of it back. He has a long temper, but when he is angry it will take some time to cool his head. Some people describe raodin as a shadow. You'll see him clearly when the sun is out, but when night comes around he disappears. [b]History[/b]: Raodin was born in a very small village far away from Alcance or any other large cities. The village had to grow there own crops and servive completally on their own. They had problems with bandits, who would burn crops and steal what little money the people had. Raodin's father the one and only guardsman of the village. He was great swordsmen, but not even he could hold of two dozen raiders. When these raiders came there was no stoping them, the survivors of the village fled on their horses or by foot. The murderous raiders saw them as a game and chased them completally out of Ichoria, eventually catching up with them and killing ever person. Raodin was the only one who survived, hidden under his fathers cloak near his limp body. Lucky for Raodin, a group of Eldarian had heard the thunder of hooves from the raiders and found Raodin who was only two at the time. They took him back to Enedil with them where he was raised by an Eldarian man who had adopted him. For the next 15 years Raodin grew up as if he was a Eldarian. He was taught many things and became very wise with the past of Courras. From an early age he showed much interest in swordsmanship and fighting with weapons, he was taught how to fight and defend by his Eldarian father who was a mage, but [i]his[/i] father had taught him swordsmanship as well. When Raodin was 17 he mysteriously left Edhellen with out a trace. He had heard of the people called Finnrik, most Eldarian would talk about how the Finnrik despised the Eldarian, but he also was told that most Finnrik's were rangers would could track and blend in with nature almost prefectly. This fasinated Raodin and he was soon eager to leave, the only person he told was his adopted father who helped Raodin by putting a spell on him, this spell allowed Raodin's clothes to blend in almost perfectly with his surroundings, but he would have to learn to do it with out the magic first for the spell to activate. He traveled to Aulsim where he requested many Fennrik to teach him to be a ranger. Though many said they didn't have time to teach a boy something he probably wouldn't be able to learn. Near the end of his rope, Raodin asked one last Fennrik to teach him. He told Raodin it was impossible to teach someone how to be a ranger, he would have to tech himself. Raodin then understood and spent the next eight years living off of nothing but the land in a un inhabbited area of Aulsim. He learned to track different kinds of animals and hunt. Realizing that his Dagger and Sword wern't going to help him much, Raodin made his bow from strong oak wood and after killing a mammoth sized creature he made his bone glaive, forging the blade into the bone. Raodin had soon mastered blending in as well. Sense it was un inhabbited, many robbers and bandits would hide out in the area and blending in was something he needed to learn, he soon mastered it very well and the spell he had recieved long ago startd working. After becoming a ranger, Raodin visited old friends and family along with helping those who needed his help and hunting down murderers and other villains. When raodin had heard of the evil Gautesh, he imidiatly went to investigate to see if these were rumors or reality. It was reality and Raodin rode his horse for nearly three days straight, his horse dying when he reached Enedil and sounder the alarm that the evil was indeed true and they were starting to crush other kingdoms. Although almost all five Kingdoms went to fight the evil, they could not prevent the fall of the others. Raodin is now preparing to protect all five Kingdoms and their people no matter what it takes. [i]Class specific[/i] [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: [i][URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/KR12_l.jpg]Rathhausak[/URL][/i] (The blade is much longer though) [i][URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/UC1229S_l.jpg]Hildurra[/URL][/i] [i][URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/b/i/bitterashes2/spear_set.jpg.html]Faleron[/URL] [/i] (the second to last one, the blade is thinner though) [URL=http://www.hightowercrafts.com/bow%20ranger.JPG]Ranger Bow [/URL] [b]Skills[/b]: Raodin is an excellant tracker. He can tell where some thing has been by the smallest shifting in the ground to a small twig snapped in two. He also has very keen senses that help him track and blend in with his surrounding when danger in near. He is excellant at blending in due to his clothes that can change color when needed to. Raodin is also very skilled with different types of weapons mainly his glaive. [/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Rustboro City Limits[/b] Kay jumped as she shot her head back up in to place, trying to stay awake as best as she could. She looked over the surrounding area trying to see if a truck was coming down the road. [i]He still isn't back[/i]. Kay stretched her arms out and looked down to see Eevee quitely sleeping in her lap, the sun warming his coat. [i]Slacker.[/i] Kay poked the pokemon on the nose and his eyes slowly opened, giving her a grumpy look. Kay just grinned at him and stood up, Eevee leaping off her legs and onto the rock she had been leaning against. She then heard the muffler from an automobile and looked down the road to see an army camo. truck coming towards the girl and pokemon. "It's about time!" Kay exclaimed as Eevee jumped onto her shoulder. The truck pulled up and a muscular man emerged from the truck, Lt. Surge from Vermillion City AKA Dad. Kay smiled at him as he pulled a bag of pokeballs and a rectangular device from one of his large jacket pockets. They had redgistered Kay earlier to be a trainer, of course, they had forgotten the pokeballs and pokedex. "Well, that's everything..." Surge said with a small smile as he handed the newly bought supplies to Kay. After she was done attaching pokeballs to her belt, Kay made a thumbs up. Surge ruffled her hat with a grin and then held out his large hand. "It was nice knowing ya'. Now get out there and get a good pokemon team of your own so you come home and take my job." Kay laughed slightly as she shook his hand firmly. With out another word, they turned at the same time and headed in opposite directions. Eevee sitting on kay's back pack, just about ready to fall asleep again. Kay glanced down at her hand to find a silver chained necklace with two tags on the end of it. "Army men..." She grumbled with a shake of her head and then continued down the path that lead into Rustorboro City, sliping the chain around her neck. She was finally starting her own pokemon journey, about time! [/size][/color]
  7. [size=1][color=darkgreen]Name: Kay Surge Age: 15 Appearance: Kay stands at 5'7'' and has gold/blond hair that is a bit wild and pops out everywhere, which is why she covers most of it with a dark green camo. bucket hat. She has light, sky blue eyes and a silver chained necklace with her fathers dog tag from the war on it. She wears a short yellow t-shirt with a dark green camo. jean jacket over it, the sleeves go to her elboes. The lining of the jacket is yellow and it has some fun designs on the outside of it. She has dark green nuckle cut gloves with yellow on the bottom part and has a belt that will hold her pokeballs. She had darkgreen camo. cargo pants (still with yellow designs and stuff) with some big pockets for any extra pokeballs. She then wears normal sneakers and has a back pack that crosses over her chest. Personality: Kay is a very laid back, carefree person who can take a ton of insults and still keep her temper. It's very hard to make Kay angry, even when pokemon are being mistreated she can keep her cool, she figures that when your really angry it can mess up the way you battle. Kay is usually the odd person of a group who takes a minuet to get the big picture. Though she doesn't appear to be that smart she actually has a comanders mind of how to fight with pokemon and use tactics and strategies, though she doesn't want people to know this. She is very tough and though she takes insults, she doesn't like it when her friends get insulted, then she might throw a punch or two. Pokemon: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs288.gif[/img] - Eevee Home Town: Vermillion City Profile: Kay was born and raised in Vermillion city by her strict, but caring father, Lt. Surge (ya know, that would really suck). Kay's mother died when giving birth, so she's always been with her dad, always watching him fight at his Gym and train with his electric pokemon. Although Surge would sometimes drill on Kay as if she was a soldier, she never really picked up his serious attitude and always goofed off, which would lead to push ups. When Kay turned 10, her father gave her a lightning stone, he said that she could evolve a certain electric type of pokemon into it's stronger form. He also reminded her that she didn't have to do it right away and could wait until the pokemon was ready for it. He then told her he had learned that lesson the hard way and then pulled a pokeball out from behind his back, inside was an Eevee, surprisingly NOT an electric pokemon Kay almost fainted. Though her father said that when it evolved he expected it to be a Jolteon. Kay leanred alot about all kinds of pokemon, not just the electric kind. Eevee mainly served as her pet, but she still trained with it constantly. Now that she is 15, Surge decided it was time she start her pokemon journey. They went on "vacation" to Rustoboro City where kay would start her journey. [/size][/color]
  8. [color=darkblue]Kel read the message from the council over and over again untill she had nearly memorized it in her head. She finally folded it up four times and placed it in a pouch connected to her belt. Peachblossom, her stubborn war horse, gave her a nip on the shoulder for holding onto the reigns while she toyed with the piece of paper. She gave him a smiling glare as they continued to walk along the dirt path, Kel leading him on foot. Soon pushed with another bite on the shoulder, Kel gave in to the redish colored horse and mounted him with some complaining of how she was like the horse and he the owner. They now went at a small trot down the path, the small wood they were in started to grow thicker as they traveled into it. After hours of riding, the sun was now beating down upon them as it rested right above them. Sweat and foam flew from Peachblossom as he shook his head, trying to be rid of the fly and bugs that were tormenting him. Kel smiled at him and then turned her thoughts back in front of her. Her smile grew even larger as she noticed a small river not too far a head. She patted Peachblossom's neck, assuring him that they would have a break coming up. As they came closer, Kel could here voices near the river. Though, she didn't think anything of it, most likely they were people who had also been called out to go after the Ring Hunters. There voices soon came to a hush, they had probably heard her coming. After coming into view of the river and its surroundings she saw that her company was of two men and a young women who was soaked to the bone. She quickly noted the rings on there fingers and held up her right hand with a smile, waving to them and also showing them that she had a ring as well. They nodded and the large muscular man motioned for her to join them. [/color]
  9. [color=orange]Jet appeared through a cloud of smoke and sparks standing right in front of Aquaria, the Water Goddess. She jumped slightly at his sudden appearance and then glared at him. Aquaria had never completally gotten used to having Jet around, replacing the Goddess of Sky and Thunder who had been killed by Hanzou. Jet made an innocent smile and quickly scooted away from her before she decided to hurt him in any way. The gods and goddesses were gathered in a small woods on Earth that wasn't inhabbited by humans. They were the last four of the original six gods and goddess, except for Jet, he was created to be the replacement of the Goddess of Sky and Thunder, who had been brutaly murdered by Hanzou. Hanzou was the God of darkness who had turned evil and taken the War God's soul for him own. The only ones left were Aquaria: Goddess of Water and Ice, Apollo: God of Fire and The Sun, Freya: Goddess of Earth and Nature, and of course himself; Jetaro: God of Sky and Thunder. "Did you deliver your message?" Apollo asked with a concerned look in his eye. Jet cocked an eyebrow, wondering what he ever did to make them uncertain of his ability to give a simple message to some mortal. "Of course I did, and I made it seem like I was all powerful and could smite him with ease if I wanted to. Ya know, the way Aquaria would have done it." Jet announced with a laugh as he crossed his arm behind his back. He soon stopped his giggling when Aquaria gave him another one of her death stares. [/color]
  10. KKC

    Ender's Game

    [size=1]Awesome! I can't wait tell this gets started! I'v only read Ender's Game, so i'll have to read Ender's Shadow before this comes out (which most likely won't come out till mid/late 2005 or early 2006). I agree that finding a child actor for this will be difficult, though, I don't think they actually will get a six year old acter. Maybe a short eight year old. They may also have to actors for Ender. A younger one for when he first arrives at the space... military place. and an older one for when he gets into the teams. Though, that would be wierd. [/size]
  11. KKC

    Brother Bear

    [size=1]I'm a sap for almost all disney movies (except the Country Bears and crap like that). It was cute, and I thought it was cool how they took the indian legend and transformed it into Brother Bear (yep, it's based off some kind of folk tail that was in our World History Books). I didn't cry, I didn't think it was THAT sad, plus [spoiler]How kenai ended up killing Koda's mom[/spoiler] was a "saw it coming" part. I still enjoyed the movie though, my sister said she wished Kenai had stayed human cause he looked hot >.< [/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue] [b]OB Character[/b] Name/Codename: Quad/Fluffy Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: *attachment* Ha! I changed it! Personality: Normally a carefree happy girl who enjoys glomping scrummy guys and guys she doesn't even know, Quad is one of those people with a cool head who doesn't freak out when she breaks a nail. Though, she does have a temper side and can get really pissed off at some people who strut around the boards acting all high and mighty when they arn't even mods + Dragon Warrior. Because of her partner in crime, Quad becomes gender confussed when role playing, usually playing a guy unless sexists who open a RPG demand that she play as a female. She loves dollars and trying to make people laugh, though she fails miserably at it. History: Quad, formally known as K.K.C., has been at Ob for one year, one month, and 26 days (I think). KKC started making friends right away with Japan 86 and OtakuSennen, but got into some trouble too when she would hang around the .hack//sign forum (Hated Shy when he closed her sucky favorite thread.) Eventually, like all not so idiotic n00bs, KKC got the idea of the rules and was a good little OBer until she started going to OB chat rooms with her abbusive parents, Syk 3 and Shinmaru. She mostly hung around the Adventure arena and would occasionally stop by the lounge to read up on silly teens who had confussed hormones. Though all the RPGs she made usually ended up sucking, KKC became a follower, not a creator. KKC had a bad habbit of disappearing from OB and not returning for a month or two, when people asked where she went she simply said that she died for a while. After just recently returning to OB, KKC changed her name to Quad so that people wouldn't call her KFC or bug her about K.K.C. stood for. She's been chilling out in the Adventure forum and is already signing-up for more RPGs than she can handle (go figure). Movie Morph: Experiment 626 or Stitch from Lilo and Stitch [b]Movie Morph Character[/b] Name: Experiment 626 or Stitch Movie: Lilo and Stitch Gender: Male (WTF?) Appearance: [URL=http://www.gamedon.com/fotosdivx/lilo%20&%20stitch.jpg]Experiment 626[/URL] [URL=http://www.angelhitomi.com/Stitch800x600.jpg]Stitch[/URL] Powers: Created for the purpose to destroy large cities, Stich is practically indestructable. He can lift 3,000 times his own weight and can think faster than a Super computer. He has good agility and is able to change his size, making it possible for him to squeeze through the smallest cracks or gaps. He can also walk on walls. He also has very good hearing/smell. Annoying Quirk: Has a bad habbit of destroying peoples personal items, picking his nose with his tounge, and eating almost anything he touches. Stereotype: The cute little creature who ends up being a biogenetic alien experiment that was built to destroy, but he's sooo cute ^_^. Personality: He was built to destroy, there for his personality is a bit destructive. When he isn't in a good mood, Stitch has a very high level in his badness. The red line is up to his ears. He is mean and pretty heartless, using others to save himself. Though he is fasinated by the oddest things. When he is in a good mood, Stitch is much more loyal (like a dog) and usually kind, though he still gets a bit destructive, but you can't blame him. [/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=orange][b]Name[/b]: Sethos "Seth" (I hate the name Seth X_X) [b]Real Name[/b]: Jetaro "Jet" [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Elements[/b]: Sky and Thunder [b]Powers[/b]: Can control the weather, can shoot lightning out of his hands, or send a pulse of light energy at someone, or something. Capable of teleportation also. [b]Personality[/b]: Being the young one of the group, Jet is the funnier one who is full of alot of energy. He will normally appear in front of people, and though he may seem to have abandoned the group, he never has. He always comes back with a surprise. He's always following, and unlike the other God's he's normally not with the group, but is most of the time. He hasn't known the others God's as long. Jet likes to talk and it's usually hard to shut him up, but he does like his alone time. He doesn't take things seriously, unless it mainly has to do with Nur, but even then it doesn't effect him that much because he never really knew Nur. There are also times when Jet lets his emotions run a bit wild, when he is in a lousy, sad, or depressed mood; it will rain. When he is angry it will storm. [b]Description[/b]: Jet stands at about 6'4'' and weighs only about 180 lbs. He has jet black hair that is spiked that has gold streeks runing threw it. Jet thinks that long hair can be used as a weakness if an enemy grabs it. He wears a black tunic over a long sleeved gold shirt that ties down the middle. Wedged under the tunic is a small midnight blue shield that covers over his heart. Under neath his shirt is a thin layer of leather armor that wraps around his entire torso, it can't always protect him from being stabed, but is very strong against magical attacks. Jet also has a black sash that tie from the back of his right should and loops under to the front of his left. A Golden hooded cloak is tied around his neck. He has black leather gauntlets with gold outer plate. He wears thin black pants with more leather armor sraped around his legs, over the leather he wears another thin pair of black pants and Black boots that have pieces of metal attached to them. [b]Weapon[/b]: A long, black glaive with a small lighting bolt sticking out of the bottom. The blade is also shaped like a lighting bolt, making it sharper. The pole base is strong metal that cannot be broken. The blade is called [i]Cayuor[/i], meaning "Strike" in an old language from a planet on the edge of the universe. From what Jet tells people, [i]Cayuor[/i] has a mind of it's own and will zap just about anyone who touches it except Jet. [b]Biography[/b]: Jet wasn't there when Hanzou turned evil. He wasn't there when the War God was sucked into Nur's evil. He wasn't there when the Thunder Goddess was destroyed. And he wasn't there when Nur was locked away in the darkest area of the universe. Jet enter the big picture right after that. He was created to be the replacement for the Thunder Goddess and was formed from her own surviving power that lingered near the edge of the universe that she controled. Jet was welcomed to the other 3 gods with opened arms, even though they would give him suspisious looks. They did not want to be betrayed again. Jet would have to earn there complete trust some how. At one point, an evil creature was destroying different parts of the universe and the gods set out to lock it away. Before the evil creature could life a claw to kill any of them, Jet disappeared in a poof of smoke, looking like he had abandoned the other gods. Though, he soon returned with an army of warriors from a near by planet who attacked the beast from the rear, destracting the creature while the gods imprisoned him into a dark realm. After that, the Goddess' and The God of Fire (well, at least partly from him) trusted him. Though, Aquaria never seemed to like him all that much, she never laughed at him and usually ignored him too. Jet was told of all the evil things that Nur had done and how he had betrayed them all. This is what the Water Goddess and Fire God would tell her, but the Goddess of Nature would tell Jet that she believed that the real Hanzou was somewhere inside Nur, imprissoned in his black heart. Now that Nur has escaped and is preparing to destroy them and everything else he can touch, Jet is ready to fight, but isn't completely sure if they are fighting a good guy or a bad guy. [/size][/color]
  14. [size=1]Here is the avatar. I have PSP7 and the font tool sucks, you'll have to get someone else to do the banner.[/size]
  15. [color=darkblue][quote]I?m not sexist, but usually people who play the opposite gender suck at it ^_^ [/quote] *Flushes DW down the loo* [b]Name[/b]: Keladry Mindelan "Kel" [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Look[/b]: *attachment* (also has green pants and black boots/looks a bit older) [b]Personality[/b]: She is a very kind and sweet person, though she can get angry very easily when she wants too. Kel is a fairly quick thinker and is able to stay calm when in a bad situation. She isn't too serious about things because she always looks to the bright side and never thinks of the worst. She is able to hide her emotions by keeping a strait, solid face. So, if she's ticked off and is actually planing to beat the snot out of you once you turn around, you wouldn't have guessed it. Kel sees her self as a protector, she'll help anyone who needs it. [b]Ring Type[/b]: Nimble Ring - A Silver ring with a pattern of gold wrapping around it's outside (looks celtic). Is the middle of a swirling gold area is a Light green stone. [b]Information[/b]: Ever sense she was a young child, Kel had always wanted to be a warrior or knight to protect Denrohedge from what ever would threaten it. She told her parents this when she was a young child and they were a bit surprised because not very many girls wanted to be fighters. When Kel turned 10, she went to a training camp where young people like herself would learn how to fight like warriors until they recieved there rings. Kel was one of the few girls, so most of the boys there would give her a ruff time and try to convince her to give up. Though, she kept her face straight while cursing inside her own head. Even though she was knocked around, Kel became very strong and was eventually excepted by most boys once they realized she could keep up with them. When Kel recieved her Nimble Ring she headed back to her town and became one of the guards there. It wans't very exciting, but she would get to fight off a Ring Hunter or two every once in a while. Recently, a message came to the town that all fighter were to go after the Ring Hunters (Who had grown in population) and finish them once and for all. Kel started packing right away. EDIT: Changed my bio and age because they were bugging me. [/color]
  16. [size=1][color=orange]Kevin walked into the Charms class and glanced around looking for a place to sit, people had just now started to arrive after getting there class schedules at breakfast. Maura hadn't arrived yet, other first year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors strode around chating to friends and such. In the front right row were two girls talking with each other, most likely they were Gryffindors. Two seats were left empty of there left, Kevin strode over and stopped before sitting. "Are these seats taken?" He asked the girls. The girls turned to look at him. He recognized them both from the sorting ceremony, one of them was the "veela" girl. "No, they arn't saved." The girl with green eyes said with a smile. Kevin smiled back and sat down next to the "veela" girl. "I don't belived that we've met, I'm Sanders- Er, Kevin Sanders." He corrected, hiding his embarrassment. "I'm Alex Tristan and this is Michelle Antionette." Alex eyed his bright yellow hair and stiffled a laugh. Michelle nodded to him with a smile, as Professor Flitwick came in and starting hushing the class so they could begin. Maura ran over and practically fell out of her chair when she sat down, luckily, the desk was in Flitwick's way and his short eye sight didn't see her run in. [/size][/color] OOC: Remember that 4th years get an extra class, like Care for Magical creatures and stuff.
  17. [size=1]Wow! Thanks a bunch Shippo, I prefer numer 2 also because he looks more evil-ish. Thanks a bunch, I'll be sure to credit you. EDIT: the link makes it come up as a big X, so i'm uploading it on OB.[/size]
  18. [size=1]This is what I came up with. Sorry if the banner is a bit blurry, that's what i get for having PSP7 ^^' [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19510&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19511&stc=1[/img][/size]
  19. KKC

    CG Dragon

    [size=1]I hate drawing dragons too. The only dragon I can draw is Trog Dor the Burninator, but I had to take step by step lessons for that. So, this was basically an oekaki right? I think for a computer drawing it's really good, a lot better than what I have ever come up with. He looks like a comodo dragon (a real big one). I really like how he/she is shaded like it's coming out of the shadows and stuff, that looks really neat. His claws are a bit messy and his hind right claw looks a bit weird because of the shadow effect. I would suggest making his eyes red or something, that would be cool ^^ [/size]
  20. [size=1]I was just wondering if someone could make me a Stitch banner from Disney's "Lilo & Stitch". I just want Stitch and I don't care what Picture(s) you use of him. Though I would like a cool BG. I would like my name on it and the quote "Meega Na Da Kweesta!" thanx in advance to anyone who trys.[/size]
  21. [size=1][color=orange]Kevin smiled at the cat and reached over to scratch it behind the ear. Before his hand even got close, the cat's paw swaped at Kevin's flesh with small claws extended. Kevin retracted his hand and laughed lightly as the little cat's ears twitched and the tip of his tail curled in and out. Kevin leaned back into the large yellow arm chair and closed his eyes. He always seemed to be the first to wake up, weather it was at home or at school. "Owl over here." Kevin said through a yawn. Maura bent over to see around his arm chair, her eyes scanning the room for something. Kevin watched her with one eye opened. "Sorry, I meant that I have an owl. As you can see... Cats don't really like me." Maura stiffiled a laugh and Kevin smiled and then jumped to his feet, rolling his neck around as it popped a few times. He had heard a door open from up stairs, everyone was probably starting to wake up. So that the first years could get to learn where everything was, they had the official first day off. They would get their schedules tomarrow morning during breakfast before classes started. "Where are you off to?" Maura asked standing up. Okibi leaped from her lap and scampered up the steps that lead to the girls dormitories. "Breakfast, I must have an eating disorter or something." Kevin laughed as he headed for the hole that lead out of the Hufflepuff house, "Wanna come with?" He asked pointed toward the exit. Maura nodded and they both left as more people began to rise from their beds. They entered the great hall and noticed that quite a few people were already up and munching on eggs, toast, and other breakfast foods. Kevin glanced at the Slytherin table, keeping a smile on his face, he didn't want any of them thinking he might cause some trouble with them. One of the Slytherin's raised an eyebrow at him. Kevin waved as if the person was his best friend. [/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][color=orange]Kevin watched as the Slytherin boy punched a Gryffindor is the stomach, blowing the wind from him the second year fell to his knees as the the Slytherins snickered. Kevin clenched his fist and was about to run up and beat the puncher over the head, but he was stopped by an older Hufflepuff, who grabbed him my colar of his robes. It was the Head boy, he gave Kevin a warning glare and then started to move the Hufflepuffs out of the Great Hall. I guess it's best to stay out of trouble for at least the [i]first[/i] day of school. Kevin thought to himself, getting a better look at the Slytherin boy and girl, just in case he ever had a run in with them he would know who they were. The first years in the front, all of Hufflepuff house was hearded up a number of stair cases that Kevin soon learned could move. They eventually came to a stop in front of a stone statue of a badger. There were alot of statues around this school that were the house animals, but this badger's claws were yellow. "If I were a first year, I would be sure to remember the password." The Head Boy announced with a dull tone in his voice. "Ridge-back." The statue seemed to come alive as it nodded and stepped aside, revealing a large door way that lead into the common room. It was full of large yellow and black arm chairs and desks here and there. The first year boys were taken up the right flank stair case while girls were to the left. Inside Kevin's common room were four beds. It was good to see that most of everyones stuff was unpacked from the giant trunks sitting at the foot of the beds. Kevin found his and let Twilight out of his cage, the bird imidiatly flew out of the cracked window. Kevin looked at his new roomies with a large smile, he would have stayed up with them and get to know them, but he was tired and fell asleep as soon as he hit the sheets.[/size][/color]
  23. [color=orange][size=1]OCC: I won't take leader, i'm not organized enough. IC: Kevin stuffed his face with all kinds of food, he had never been soooo hungry in his whole life... well, at least the part he could remembered. "I must take after my father," he thought out loud. Everyone siting around him made a funny look and someone said that was random. Maura gave a smile with a questioning look. "Wew, My mum wuz in Gwiffindow-" Kevin muffled, his cheeks packed with food he swallowed, "And so is my sis." He pointed over to a girl with short, black hair who sat at the table across from them. "And my Dad was in Hufflepuff... Peachy!" He went back to eating his plate while the others smiled. After they went back to their food, Kevin looked up and down the line of Hufflepuffs, wanting to see if he could guess the people on the quiditch team. He glanced down at the Hufflepuff shield that had magically appeared on his robes when he had been sorted. It does match my hair... Eventually, Dumbledor dismissed dinner and everyone began to shuffle off to where they would be staying for the next year. Head boys and girls screeched out to the first years like a newly hatched dragon, forming them into a small cluster to be taken to the dorm. Kevin quickly scurried over to his sister, who was in her fifth year. She made an ear to ear grin and pounced on him, nearly knocking him of his feet, a bunch of Griffindors girls looked over and giggled, one included the silver haired girl, but she just smiled. While lauren squeezed the life out of him Kevin smiled at the girls and gave a wink to all of them. With a few more giggles they all shuffled away when the Head Boy squawked at them. [/color][/size]
  24. [color=green][size=1]Funism. Looks like we need some male characters *sigh* ------- [b]Name[/b]: Kevin Sanders "Kev" [b]Age[/b]: 11 [b]Sex[/b]: male [b]Eye[/b]: yellow [b]Hair[/b]: A bright Gold/Yellow (dye) original hair color is Brown. [b]Wand[/b]: [i]Core[/i]: Phoenix Feather [i]Wood[/i]: Birch [i]Length[/i]: 12 inches [b]House[/b]: ~ZOINK~ [b]Year[/b]: 1st [b]Personality[/b]: Carefree and out going, Kevin is one of those people who just about anyone can get along with. He isn't too serious about stuff and doesn't worry either unless it is extreamly serious, but even then he is able to stay calm. He has a "cool" head. He sometimes doesn't know when to shut up though which can lead to trouble if he accidentally blurts something out. Although kind and thoughtful, Kevin can have a short temper and can sometimes lose control of his normally cheery self. Though he is usually able to keep it in if a friend angers him. Usually it has to do with bullies and other jerks that get him worked up. [b]Biography[/b]: Half Muggle and Half Wizard blood, Kevin grew up in the wizard world with his Mother, Father, and his sister, Lauren. Being his mother (muggle born) still had family in the muggle world. They constantly visited the muggle world. Lauren told Kevin that after mum and dad were married they stayed away from his mom's family because they thought that they would hate Kevin's father, but low and behold, when they did find out who/what he was, they were angry that they hadn't announced that they were married earlier and they wer absolutely fasinated about the Wizarding World. When Lauren was accepted into Hogwarts, Kevin with his parents, looking for her 1st year supplies when he was knocked unconsious as someone walking out of the book store accidentally dropped a stack on his head. Unfortunatly, Kevin suffered amnesia and had to learn his whole life practically over again, the incident also seemed to change his personality from a shy little boy, to a curious little kid who talked alot. Another thing that changed was Kevin's interest in quiditch. He suddenly became very involved in it and begged his parents to lend him money to get a broomstick, but they refussed to give him one until he was older. He even dyed his hair a bright yellow like his favorite quiditch player (who died recently). He also continued to re-learn about muggles and his mom's family. His uncle taught him to play drums and he has quite a knack for it. Recently recieving the letter to Hogwarts, Kevin was given a silver owl called Twilight. [/size][/color]
  25. KKC

    School Sports

    [size=1][color=darkgreen]Ever sense I was in 1st grade I'v gone through about five or so different sports and always got bored with them for some reason (short attention span or something). I first started out playing soccer and swiming. I was never really good at soccer though and I wasn't very good with my feet, so I dropped that after a few years of playing, though I continued to do swiming. Then I did basketball for a while and really liked it. I'm pretty tall for most girls my age and was good on all girl teams, but playing with the boys was different sense I was usually the only girl in the whole league. Eventually I quit basketball. Tryed a year of Softball... boring as heck. I just recently stopped swiming because it was too time consuming and although I love swiming for fun, I don't like the competition. Last year I tryed the High School Marching Band (Yes, I know most people don't consider that a sport, but we have to run, do push ups, and we work about 5 times harder than the stupid football team who makes fun of us when they are the suckiest team ever!) I think i'm going to stick with MB. Though I still like to watch Basketball and shoot around every now and then. [/size][/color]
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