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Everything posted by KKC

  1. [color=darkgreen]I'v been messing around with this manga idea for the past few months and finally decided to post it on OB to get some ideas and such. This is like an American Manga, so the characters names won't be Hoshi or any of that sort. The manga will most likely take place in the future (but everything will be like it is now, no hover cars) or on a different planet. It's mainly action with some humor in it, possibly romance, but I doubt that. Past Info: For 10 long years the Civil War between _____ and _____ has raged on. Neither sides show signs of surrender. During these years of fighting; land has been destroyed, the economey has been damaged, and many innocent people have been killed on both sides. If the war continues, there will be nothing left to fight for and the country that both sides live on will be nothing but a waste land. Luckily, the [i]real[/i] leader of the country was able to run the _____ into southern areas and won the War. Story: It's been 40 years sense the end of the _____ war. At Jack Grove High School (and many others around the country) a new sport that has actually been around for quite a while is finally being recognized [i]as[/i] a sport and not some silly club that ends up in the back of the year book! Yes, believe it or not, Marching band has officially been declared a sport. Kay has alwasy seen herself as a normal high school student who likes to play it up on the tenor drums (quads) with the rest of the Jack Grove High drumline. Well, she did until she ran into an odd snare player who ends up knocking her out and taking her as a captive at the weirdest military base in the country. As Kay escapes (after stealing some good looking quads) she discovers with twist of a mallet and push of a hidden button, her newly gained quads produce differnet gun barrels that shoot bullets depending on what drums (beats) she plays. After being captured again (along with the snare player) by a different military group, Kay soon learns that the _____ returned from the south 8 years ago. Not wanting to cause another disasterous war though, both sides either take, force, or hire young musicians to fight for them with advanced weapons that can be disguised as any normal musical instrument. Before she knows it, Kay is partly forced/partly hired into being a secret fighter of the organization. The Snare player, known as Adam is forced into fighting for this new organization and not the one he had just been on. Now a new student at Jack Grove High, Kay has to keep one eye on Adam at all times to make sure he doesn't try to back stab her, while fighting the opposing force and keeping up with school. Can High school get any odder? Thats a rough intro into the manga. I'v pretty much come up with characters and how the story will develope into an actual war with the instruments. The story has mainly drumers (percussionists) in it though. Any tips, comments, ect. would be nice. I also havn't come up with some of the names (noticed the blank spots) and I havn't come up with a title yet. *goes to sleep after writing for the past hour* :sleep: [/color]
  2. [size=1][color=green] Name: Kari Martin Code-Name: Eclipse Age: 15 Side: Neutural, is stuck on deciding to go with TT or Slade. Powers/ Abilities: Eclipse's power comes from the sun and moon, she gets her energy from both. Sun Powers (only used during day time): Gold beams can be shot out of Eclipses finger tips (not hands or palms). The beams are very similar to electrical currents, so they can give the enemy a painful zap. She can forms them into small explosives, but they arn't "blow someone to pieces" explosives. She also has some power over plants sense plants get energy from the sun (photosynthesis). She can mainly control the moving of branches and vines and leaves, as well as the growth of some plants. Her ultimate attack with her sun power is golden beam haped like a lion that attacks the enemy. Moon Powers (only used during night): The beam power is exactly the same, only the beam is silver instead of gold. Her plant powers are replaced with small water power (Cause the moon makes the tide go in and out and stoof like that). She can't breath under water, but she can stay under for a longer ammount of time than usual. She can control bodies of water and wake waves from them. Her ultimate attack for moon power is a silver beam shaped like stag (i so stole that). Because her powers are similar to electrical currents, she has an odd way way of getting things stuck to her, but she can use it to her advantage to scale walls. Gadgets: Vision Goggles: She always wears these, they allow her to see perfectly in the dark and can also lock on to objects. (also hides identity) Walking Stick: It's nothing but a really big stick that she carries around and can hit people with every once and a while. Description: She has dark gold hair that is about shoulder length (stands at about 5'6). She wears her goggles over her eyes, to hide her "identity". ---later--- Personality: She's overall I very laid back person who doesn't really get worked up over anything except food and... boys (>.< just like me). She is usually amused by almost anything and likes to have fun, which can be almost anything. Though she is very questionable and curious, she always seems to have the answers to everyones elses questions. She isn't always sure what's going on and who is the bad guy/good guy. Weakness: New Moon: Every month when there is a new moon (when you can't see the moon) Eclipse's moon power decreases, her beams are very week and she has little control over the water. Solar eclipse: During a solar eclipse (i get these mixed up, so i'm not sure if i'm right) Eclipse's moon and sun powers become mixed together and she loses complete control over her powers, but this only happens if she is outside. Small Bio: ---later--- [/size][/color] I'm no close! Gra!
  3. [color=royalblue]I just borrowed OOT/MQ from my younger cousin. I had the game for N64, but I wasn't very good at it and I eventually gave up on it and just watched one of my very skilled friends beat the game. After a while I bought the strategy guide (I'm a pansy) and played it some more, but I eventually got tired of it. So, I just recently got back into the game. I'v been playing for about two weeks and I'm already at the Shadow Temple (to me that is awesome!). I'v tried hard not to use the cheat book, but I couldn't resist when I went to the Water Temple and parts of Jaba Jaba... or w/e his name was (That's where I used to give up). I'm really looking forward to the Spirit Temple because I never saw my friend or anyone else play through it before. From what I'v gone through, The Fire Temple is probably my favorite Temple as of right now. Most likely it's because i think the gorons are awesome, but I also like the boss (who I think should be a female, not a male) and it was a bit tricky at time. Although it took me forever to get the Megaton Hammer, I thought it was worth it and the hammer is so fun! I like to smash things with it! Least favorite thing is most likely Lord Jaba Jaba. I hate the Boss, I hate the sub boss, and I got lost a bunch of times. You are in a giant fishes digestive system after all. Plus, Ruto is a total *****. [/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]Scruff stood just outside the the main door that lead into the school, he took in the sceenary and almost did a back flip when he noticed the lake near the woods. He took in the fresh hair and and shook the shaggy fur on his head. As he did this he noticed someone standing on the roof. It was one of the teachers, Scruff had been givin a list that told of who the teachers were, but he had forgotten which was which. This guy had two large wings expanding from his back and he had half of his face covered with a mask. A bell suddenly rang and Scruff's ear twitched slightly. It took him a few moments to realize that this was the "You're late and better get your butt to class" bell. Without a second thought, Scruff scrambled back inside a ran off to his class, he had stopped by all his classes earlier to make sure he could find them later, but not even he could get there on time. The door to the English class was already closed and the hallways were deserted, they had extended the bell so kids could find there classes, but Scruff was a naturally late person. He through open the door and tripped over his own tail, crashing to the floor in his haste. It was at times like this that scruff was truly thankful that he was covered in fur, fore if he was "normal" his face would be as red as a cherry from hearing the laughter from the other kids who were on time. Scruff looked up at the teacher who was part tiger. He mustered up his best grin and pushed himself up from the ground, that was the second time he had fallen in one day. "Mr. Flip, would you like to take seat?" Tiger asked with a raised eyebrow. Scruff's smile faded a little as he scooted over into a desk in the front row, closest to the door. Snickers and giggle ran throughout the room. "Anyways..." Scruff say it coming, the welcoming speach, "Welcome to Tamer Leo's School for outcasts, well, us teachers don't really like the word "outcast"..." [i]Yep. Here it goes.[/i] "I prefer, gifted beings. Now, I will be your English teacher from now until you are either graduated or expelled." He seemed to look right at Scruff when he said that. "Now, upon arriving this school, i'm sure most of you were suddenly givin a Nick name, or you already had one to beggin with. This will be your "Code Name", I think it will best if you are called by that name, unless your in trouble. Now, to start off the class, let's share our names to the class starting with who got here last." He nodded to Scruff who gave him the same grin. he opened his mouth to speak, but Tiger stopped him and motioned for him to stand up. Scruff would have rolled his eyes, but he didn't want this teacher to hate him. Scruff stood and waved to all the other kids in the class. "The name is Scruff, and if anyone calls me a beaver than you have a problem." [/color]
  5. [size=1][color=royalblue]Tam pushed apart the tall grass he was marching through, maybe he should have gone left instead at that fork in the road. Tam brushed away some sweat with the back of his paw that was forming on his furry forehead. He really hoped they had some kind of pool at this place. Tam sat down for a quick breather, letting go of the two suit cases he was carrying, he had told his mom he had wanted to go to the school on his own when they got a bit closer, but he was now starting to think she should have just drivin' him there. Tam's ears suddenly twitched as he heard something a short distance away, his ears pricked and he stoof on tip toes trying to see anything over the tall grass that was as big as him. It sounded like two men. Picking up his stuff, Tam jogged through the grass, getting a few scratches from not watching out for thorns, he finally saw a large building rise from the ground and the voices had gone quite. Tam pushed through one last clump of grass and tripped over a rock, falling face first onto black pavement. "Ouch..." He grumbled as he pushed himself up from the ground, rubbing his sore nose a bit. He then heard someone laughing at him. Tam put a paw over his eyes to block the sun as he looked up on the roof of the building. Standing there was a man with wings and gray skinned man standing next to him, laughing at Tam's clumsyness. "Have a nice trip?" The Gray skinned guy asked with a chuckle. Tam smirked and a shook his head a bit, tossing his blond hair and fur around wildly. "I'm looking for that Leo guys school for Outcast's, such as myself. Judging from the winged one, i'm guessing I didn't take a wrong turn." Tam yelled up to them, taking a seat on one of his suitcases that was laying on its side. The guy with wings seemed to narrow his eyes and glare at Tam for few moments, but it soon passed. "New student, eh?" The Rhino man said (the horn gave it away). "Well, Scruff. You're the first to arrive. You just wait there until the others come." He called down to him. Scruff? Must be a nick name to all the new students. [/size][/color]
  6. [size=1][color=darkblue][b]This is an Urban Legend that is told out in the country area around where I live. My friend told me about this one. "The Goat Man". The Urban Legend says that there was a drunk who lived out in the country area. He would do alot of things like rob people, steal livestock, wreck property, and other destructive stuff. So, eventually the nabors (farmers) in the surrounding area finally had enough with him, so they through him into a steep ditch. They planed on leaving him in there for a week if he couldn't climb out, so they sent a goat down there as well for him to eat. Oddly enough, he ate the goat but was some how became crossed with it. He stands like a human, but has goat legs and horns. They say that no one was able to get him out of the ditch because anyone who went down to the ditch would either be killed or stuck themselves. To live, the goat man would eat any thing that fell into the ditch, they say he even ate a young girls who once fell down there. So, now everytime someone walks by and looks into the ditch you see large grooves on the side of the ditch where the goat man continuously tried to climb out of the ditch, you also see tons of bones and when it is a cold fall night you can here the shriek of a young girl. Teh End. I'm not sure if that's exactly how it went... but I think it's close enough [/size][/color][/b]
  7. [color=indigo]Zak scratched his hea das he slumped down next to a log where Dorumon was laying down for a rest. He poped open one of his eyes and looked at Zak with curiosity. "Why are you always scratching your furry head?" Dorumon asked with a toothy grin. Zak smirked and stopped the scracthing, switching his eyes slightly. "Are you trying to scratch your brain?" Dorumon asked again with a laugh. Zak shoved him playfully. "I can't help it, call it a bad habbit." Zak said with a smile. he was about to shove Dorumon again when he heard a rustling in the bushes. Out came Rena and the hovering Wizard, surprisingly followed by Rad and Zerodramon! Zak jumped to his feet as well as Dorumon and nearly craped his pants. "Rad! Zero!" he said happily running over to where they were standing. Zak practically leaped into Rad's arms as he jumped on him with a big hug, probably putting a dent or two in his funky armor. Zak was jumped around with Dorumon celebrating, not even questioning why Rad was holding out his sword at him. [/color]
  8. [color=darkorange] I swear, I was on the verge of choosing a chipmunk (or a beaver) -------- [b]Name[/b]: Tammin Flip [b]Code-Name[/b]: Scruff [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Class[/b]: Predator (since no one else likes to be young whiper snappers!!!) [b]Personality[/b]: Like an otter, Scruff is one playful carefree guy who can get himself into alot of trouble when he is bored. Scruff is almost always smiling and goofing off no matter what, he's like a ten year old in a teenagers shoes. He likes to show off sometimes when good looking girls are around, but that usually just scares them off. He has a short attention spand and usually doesn't listen to something unless it is interesting in his point of view. He is very laid back and usually is a last minute Homework kind of guy. He is very caring though, always wanting to cheer people up when they are down. [b]Animal[/b]: Otter [b]Appearance[/b]: They don't call him Scruff for no reason. He is almost completely covered and chocolate brown, shaggy fur that goes from head to toe. He is probably one of the most "Complete" outcasts there are. Though he is shaped like a human and [i]usually[/i] walks like one, Scruff still has many other otter features. His eyes are yellow and human like, but his nose is black like an otters. He even has three whiskers on each side of his face. He has short, blond hair and his eyes are a mix of human and otter. He wears a lime green T-shirt and a blue un-buttoned shirt over that. he wears bagy tan pants, and tennis shoes, which Scruff find to be very uncomfortable. He has a long, sleek otter rudder (tail) and his toes and fingers are webbed like an otters topped off with small claws. He stands at about 5'6 [b]Short Bio[/b]: To Scruff, his life has been a bit wild, but not as wild as he himself. Scruff's mother was an outcast, but she had very small features that could easily be hidden when she was out in public. Eventually, she met Scruff's father and they got married, soon giving birth to Scruff... who had bigger features than his mother. Completely covered in fur, Scruff was always concidered a weird guy when growing up. He didn't have very many friends, but he honostly didn't care all that much. His mother always told him that as long as he liked who he was it was fine. And scruff thought being part otter was the coolest thing ever. Unfortunatly, Scruff's father wasn't very happy and he divorced, not wanting anything to do with Scruff or his mother. Though he was heart broken by this, Scruff kept his chin up and eventually erased his father from his head, usually telling himself that he never had father. After many years, Scruff's mum heard the news about Tamer Leo's school for outcasts. Though, Scruff was too young to go then, they waited a few years and now he is off to school. [b]Techniques[/b]: having most abilities that an otter would have. Scruff is able to swim at very high speeds, much faster than any olympic swimmer. He also has good hearing and a keen sense of smell. he is also able to stay under water for a long amount of time. he is also very flexible like an otter. Able to do flips and twists. [/color]
  9. [color=darkorange]Ok, here is my new Goron sign-up for you Zidargh. ---- [b]Name[/b]: Taggard Sand-Ridge [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Goron [b]Class[/b]: Rogue [b]Background / Biography[/b]: Born in Goron City, located near the base of Death Mountain, Taggard has always been a big dreamer, wanting to leave the mountain and venture out on his own, but sense he was much too young Taggard did what he thought was the next best thing. Knowing the strength and power of Darunia, the chief of the Gorons, Taggard began to follow the chief around, watching almost everything he did wanting to catch any tips on how to become a strong Goron that could fight. Though, after a while, Darunia began to notice the young Goron always following him here and there, so he would tell him frequently to go and do chores or play, anything that would stop Taggard from chasing him. Still determined to learn from the chief Goron, Taggard continued to follow him, but would often roll into ball, making it look like he was sleeping or just doing nothing (which was sometimes what Gorons would do). Of course, Darunia noticed this as well and finally just asked Taggard why he was constantly following him. Taggard answered by saying how he wanted to be a strong Goron fighter like him. Darunia laughed at this and said that Taggard would have to do this on his own. Though, Taggard was more stubborn than most Gorons, he stopped following Darunia (most of the time), but would come up to him at least 50 times a day, asking the chief if he would teach him, the answer was always no. Taggard was on the edge of giving up, but decided he would try one last time. To his surprise, Darunia said yes! He would teach him how to be a fighting Goron. Taggard was thrilled that he would finally become something that could get him out and beyond Death Mountain. Of course, his training with the chief was harder than he thought it would turn out to be, Darunia had him up before dawn, rolling down the mountain side while having to dodge rocks that Darunia would throw at him. At first, Darunia had seemed to be teaching Taggard because he thought he would quit after the boot camp he put him through, but after seeing the young Goron?s stubbornness, he started to enjoy teaching him. He soon moved on to practicing with weapons and bombs, getting to use Darunia?s hammer a few times. One day, while climbing up Death Mountain after Darunia had awakened him with an unpleasant blast from a bomb, Taggard spotted something very odd to see on the mountain. Growing from the top of a ledge was a thick stump of a tree. Taggard climbed his way up to the ledge and examined the odd growth that mountain had produced. It seemed freshly cut, as if the trunk of the tree had just been cut, but Taggard had never seen a tree on the mountain before. He decided he wanted to make something out of the wood, so Taggard rolled back to Goron City, grabbed a knife, and went back to the stump. It took him a while to think of something to make it into, but he finally got the idea of drums. He had once seen a guard from Hyrule who had a small drum with him and a pair of drum sticks. So, Taggard worked all day, carving from the stump two fine looking drum sticks. Happy with his work, Taggard went back home where he was later punished for spending the whole day on his bum making two sticks. But, he though they came in handy, fore he learned very nice beats, he could even summon spells with some. Years went by and Taggard had become a fairly skilled fighting Goron. He had not only been taught with weapons, but also with certain spells that he had been taught by visitors to the mountain. When Taggard turned 15, Darunia gave him a pair of special made hammers. Though the hammers couldn?t quake the earth like Darunia?s, they could be thrown and on the back side were sharp, pointed carved stones that you could stab with. Taggard was then ?graduated? as Darunia?s trainee and he was allowed to leave and come to Death Mountain as much as he wished. But, Taggard never did leave. Over the years he had grown to love the mountain range and had decided the world was too big for him to see, at least for now. When Death Mountain started to quake and tremble, Darunia ordered Taggard and two other Gorons to see what was causing the mountain to shake. Before Taggard knew it, he was about to fight two gruesome looking witches? [b]Appearance[/b]: Taggard is smaller than average Goron and doesn?t weigh as much either, only standing at around four and half feet. Though, he has a very strong build from working with Darunia (He can?t lift giant boulders and his muscles aren?t popping out all freakishly). Another thing that separated Taggard from normal Goron was his hair. Instead of keeping it very short like most, he lets his grow out. It pops out of his head at odd angles as if he had cut it when it was pitch black. He has tan, mud looking skin and yellowish brown eyes. He wears a very thick belt around his waist where he keeps his Goron Hammers and drumsticks. [b]Secondary Weapons[/b]: A pair of specially made Goron hammers. Each one is about one foot and six inches long with the hammer part being about 3 inches long/thick. Sticking from the back of the hammer part is a jagged, pointed rock made from stone. [b]Items[/b]: A pair of oak drumsticks, and a Bomb Bag (20 bombs in all) [b]Spells[/b]: (Uses drumsticks or a chant to summon the spells.) ~Fire?s Wall~ Summoned with a phrase from an old Goron saying. With this spell, Taggard is able to make a wall of fire that can protect him and others who are behind it, but enemies are not able to get through the flames, burned when they touch it. The size of the wall depends how long it can last, small ones can last for five minutes while large ones can last from one to two minutes. ~Rolling Ridge~ Summoned by a beat from Taggard?s drumsticks. This spell increases Taggard?s rolling abilities, it not only makes him faster, but he is able to shoot himself at an enemy as if he were a cannonball. The spell wears off after about five or so minutes.[/color]
  10. [size=1][color=indigo]Shark looked took in his surroudings, noticing that he had ran into a small bar. It was flooded with men who were tiher drunk or trying to get durnk. Shark's Flame Thrower was already hidden back behind his trench coat, in case the other assasin was going to follow him, he slipped himsefl into a table across from one of the very few men who had not yet been taken over by the alcohal's power. He gave a toothy grin and took a sip of his beer, Shark smiled back, though he didn't like showing his teeth. The man a two drinks, and to Sharks' surprise, he passed the second one two him, motioning with his hand for him to have it. Shark nodded his head in thanks and took a chug of the liquor. "Veerrrry... Goooooood." Shark sounded out the words, trying to see if the Indian man could understand him. The man smiled knowingly and took another sip of his own drink. Shark suddenly noticed the side dorr which he had came in from open and then shut quickly. He bit his lower lip and noticed that his beer buddy was wearing a cloak around his back. [i]How can he stand wearing the friggin' thing in the heat?[/i] Shark shook the thought from his head and thought of what was going on now, that could have been Kinyu who had come in. "Caaaan Iiiiii weeeeeaaaar yoooour Clooooaaak?" Shark asked slowly as he nudged on the man's cloak with his hand. He hoped he would understand and give him the cloak, although he was a hired assasin, he didn't enjoy killing the public. "Sure, it pretty hot in here anyway." The man said in a thick Indian accent. He took off the cloak and gave it to the "surprised that an Indian man could speek english" Shark. Shark draped the cloak over his back and cover most of his face. It was very long too and he was able to cover the left side of his body, which was facing the crowd. [/size][/color]
  11. [size=1][color=indigo]Zak looked around shocked as DoruGamon slowly walked over behind him. He looked around frantically, trying to catch any glimps of Rad or Zerodramon. He ran from were he was standing over to where Rad, Zero, and Mephismon had been. In the spot where they once had been was a large black smudge, nothing remained of Rad or the digimon. "Rad?!" Zak yelled as he turned in a complete circle trying to find them, but they were gone. Could they really have been killed? That seemed impossible though, Zero had been right next to Rad and Mephismon was dying as it was, he couldn't have had enough strength to kill them. Zak slumped down onto the ground hopelessly, raming his hands into his forehead. Why did he suddenly feel like it was his fault? DoruGamon walked over to Zak, and sat next to him. "Where did Zero and Goggle head go?" He asked, twitching his wings a bit. Zak sighed and then stumbled onto his feet. DoruGamon followed his lead as they walked over to Tera and the others. "Do you know what happened to them?" Zak asked. Tera shook her head, still a bit shocked from what happened, everyone seemed like that except for Siire, who had been expecting this to happen from when they first started up the mountain. Zak clenched his hands ad then sat down again. "Are they... dead?" Rena asked with a stutter as she came over to where Zak and Tera were. "Nothing could have survived that... Of course they're dead..." Grumbled Siire. It still didn't seem possible to Zak, they didn't even know if humans could digitize, so if Rad had been killed they would have found... parts of him... Zak shook the idea from his head and jumped up. "No, I don't think they're dead." Zak said standing next to DoruGamon. "Call it stupid and corny, but I just feel it... Maybe we should split up and groups and look for them..." [/size][/color]
  12. [size=1][color=darkgreen]"Pansy..." Shark grumbled as she jumped away from him and Shinyu. How did he not see that coming from a women. He cursed a bit and then looked back ahead at the man he was facing. "Shinyu huh?" He said casually, he didn't drop the flame thrower, but he did lower it so that it was facing the roof below him. Shinyu still had the smirk on his face, it seemed as long as he had one person he could kill in front of him everything was peachy keen. Shark mimicked the smirk and held out his hands, completely letting go of his flame thrower and held them as if he was holding two clocks, both facing Shinyu. "Can't wait to get some of my own..." Shark chuckled. Shinyu's smile seemed to fade slightly. "What kind of trick are you trying to play on me?" He asked, his finger seemed to trimble with anticipation of wanting to pull the trigger and blow a hole through Shark's head. Shark grinned even more, a twinkle seemed to flash through his eyes as he slowly turned his head and looked to his right, still keeping one eye on Shinyu though. Shinyu followed his gaze, turning his head and looking to see if someone was coming towards them. Shark took his chance and ran from the other assasin who soon noticed him and began firing shots of bullets at him. Shark did a summersault off of the roof, grabbing the edge as he went off. He then let himself fall and landed on the ground below, pushing through a door and into a crowded building. [/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=darkgreen]Shark's ears pirked up as he heard feet running in a familiar pace. Every so seconds the foot steps would stop and then continue going. Shark looked to the side, barely moving his head at all to see a women running along the roof tops. [i]****...[/i] Shark crouched low when he realized she had weapons with her, but he didn't reach for his own. "What [i]is[/i] she doing?" Shark whispered to himself, "Someone is going to easily spot her frolicin' on the roof tops." Shark decided that if he didn't want his own cover on the roof to be blown, he would have to either take her off the roofs for sure... or he himself just get off the roof. Shark sratched his small beard as he watched her come closer, she was about 7 or so building away now. He wouldn't kill her...yet. Plus, he would still take care of Damien... Shark jumped up from his crouching position and stuck his tongue out at the women on the roof, well, she obviously noticed him and picked up her pace with a curse. Shark laughed to himself as he spun around and sprinted off in the direction she was heading in. His tan trinch coat flapped behind him in the wind, revealing his flame thrower... He really needed to get some more weapons... Shark glanced behind his back casually to see the lady catching up with him, she was only two houses behind. Shark quickly picked up his pace, noticing that he was coming to an end of houses up a head and in a short distance further there was a large wall. [i]Damien...[/i] Shark was now running as fast as he could go, the wind whipping around him wildly as he was only 5, no.. 4 houses away from the end of buildings. He glanced behind one more time to see the lady pull out a gun. "Oh... now you pull out the gun..." Shark grumbled in a mocking tone. [/size][/color]
  14. [size=1][color=darkgreen]v_v' ---- [b]Name[/b]: Greg Sanders AKA Loan Shark AAKA Shark [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: male [b]Weapon[/b]: [URL=http://www.gaming-age.com/media/2001/may/redfaction/2.jpg]Flame Thrower[/URL] and two hand guns at his belt. [b]Who Hired You[/b]: Gavin Brown (Has been out to get Damien for nearly 10 years after he was horribly tricked and lost alot of money) >: D *evil laugh* [/size][/color]
  15. [size=1][b]I tryed reading the books, really, I tryed my hardest, but there were just sooo long and boring. I know that's the way people wrote back then, having alot of dialog, but I just didn't like the way the books were writtin, I like the movies much better. Even though Jackson did leave out some important parts [spoiler]Mainly with Saruman going to Hobbiton after everything was over)[/spoiler] I thought the movies were awesome and I honostly don't see how anyone could say it had horrible scene transitions, bad acting (except for few parts with Elijah, but he wasn't "bad"), a pathetic score, and editing. Of course, I hold my oppinions as does Sicros. Some people say the movie are too long, but the books kill me, they just drag on and on and on. I did like reading the hobbit though, it didn't get as side tracked as the LOTR series. [/b][/size]
  16. KKC

    Secret Window

    [size=1][b]NO! Orlando would have ruined the whole thing! (even though it would have sold more tickets because he was in it). Orlando is a pretty good actor, but in my oppinion he isn't talented enough to play a character who has a split personality and he's going crazy. I thought Johnny Depp was a good choice. Not only is he a really good actor, but he looks the part too in my oppinion, no, it's not because he is really yummy looking or anything like that; he just sort of has that mood to the character with his funny long hair and big glasses. For some reason I always see a writer wearing really big glasses. Another reason for no Orlando: He probably would have givin the director and other crew people hell since acting has gone to his head. [/size][/b]
  17. [size=1][color=indigo][b]Zak clenched his teeth as Bullmon dropped his head, pointing his horns at Zak and started to charge him with full speed. Zak would have ran, but for some reason his legs were buckled and he couldn't seem to move at all. Bullmon charged forward coming closer to the unprotected Zak, he closed his eyes shut and hoped for it to be over soon, but before Bullmon had a chance to reach him, Zak was suddenly lifted up onto Dorumon's back who quickly leaped out of Bullmon's path. "Dorumon? Are you ok?" Zak asked, remembering the Tail Whipping attack he had recieved earlier. Dorumon smiled and semmed to dig his feet into the ground. "Of course i'm ok, peachy keen to be correct." He laughed, but quickly stopped when Bullmon came to a hault and turned to face them. Rad yelled something and started to run towards Zak and Dorumon with Zerodramon by his side. Bullmon spotted them and to everyone's surprise, turned around and ran the opposite direction. "Wha?!" Dorumon gapped. "Heh, I guess I scared him off!" Rad said with a large grin, he was still a good 15 feet from where Zak and Dorumon were. Zak suddenly felt Dorumon tense up slightly and he looked at where Bullmon had run to, he was charging back in there direction, but was headed for the tree's instead. He lowered his head, yelling Matador Dash and the tall trees began to topple onto their sides. Zak grabbed onto Dorumon's fur as he hoped away from the charging digimon, who was knocking the trees down in a circle, enclosing Zak and Dorumon from the other digidestined. "I don't want any interuption with my first killing!" He growled loudly as he finished off the circle. The trees were large and Zak couldn't see the others, only hearing Rad yelling something. Zak gulped as Bullmon faced them and snorted steam from his nose. "Hey, do you have any cool attacks that can cream this guy?" Zak asked Dorumon nervously. Dorumon smiled and opened his mouth. "Metal cannon!" He yelled as a silver beam erupted from the red stone on his head, heading strait for Bullmon. Zak punched the air, but soon dropped it when Bullmon whipped his tail around and beat the beam into nothing but smoke. "Metador Dash!" he yelled and charged at the two, horns down and ready to peirce. Zak jumped from Dorumon's back and scrambled away from the charging Bull creature. "Dorumon! Move!" He yelled, but Dorumon stood there and braced himself. "What are you doing?!" Zak screamed, but Bullmon was too close and the next thing he saw was Dorumon jumped over Bullmon's back and Bullmon's tail whipping out from nowhere, sending Dorumon flying through the air and landing with a loud thud. "Dorumon!" Zak yelled. Bullmon galloped over to wear the hurt digimon layed, "After I finish you I won't have any trouble..." He raised his front hooves into the air and prepared to come crashing down on Dorumon's skull. Zak had already started running and he stopped infront of Dorumon with his arms stretched out as Bullmon's hooves came crashing down. A blinding yellow light came from Zak's belt where he had put his digivice, causing bullmon to lose his balance and step backwards, almost falling over. Zak spun around and looked at Dorumon who was starting to grow. "Dorumon digivolve to..." Zak's mouth opened as Dorumon got a little bit larger and the small wings that had been on his back grew out. His skin became a blackish purple color and small blade extended from his tail, which didn't look like a fox's anymore. "Dorugamon!" As soon as the digimon yelled the last word, it zipped under Zak's legs and lifted him onto its back and the soared into the air. "You... you can fly!" Zak exclaimed as he looked bellow at the angry Bullmon. He laughed loudly and gripped onto Dorugamon's back as they turned around in the sky. "Duh I can fly!" DoruGamon laughed and then swooped down landing infront of Bullmon unexpectidly. "Power Metal!" Another silver beam erupted from DoruGamon's red stone, but this one was a silver spiral and it moved faster. Bullmon took the attack head on and he flew backwards into a fallen tree. DoruGamon then lifted off of the ground and circled above Bullmon until he started to stumble up onto his feet. "Hang on tight!" He told zak and he started to dive bomb down toward Bullmon, who was starting to regain balance from the last attack. Zak gripped onto DoruGamon's fur as the air around them turned silver and the gained speed. Bullmon didn't have a chance to raise his tail. "CannonBall!" DoruGamon yelled as they smashed into Bullmon's side. To Zak's amazment, Bullmon's whole body burst into small peices and yelled one last time before he was completely gone. "Alright!" Zak yelled, but he was suddenly canapulted forward with great force as DoruGamon came to an abrupt stop. He rolled over and smacked into a tree upside down. He opened his eyes to see Dorumon upside down scratching his head with a sweat drop. "Woops... sorry." he said with a grin. Zak laughed, jumped up onto his feet, and tackled Dorumon to the ground. [/b][/size][/color]
  18. [size=1][color=indigo]Zak scrambled in between the two fighters and held his hands out. "Will both of you just shut up!" He growled making a funny face. Rad grumbled something, turned on his heal, and continued walking towards the mountain area. Zak sighed a sweat dropped as Siire followed right behind him, not looking very happy. Dorumon walked up to Zak and cocked his head, and watched the other boys and their digimon walk away. Zak grumbled something about him being more mature and then waited until Rena and DemiDevimon passed by, following behind them. Rena turned around and smiled to Dorumon, "Thanks for getting me out of there before I was hurt." She said with a short nod of her head. DemiDevimon smiled and nodded too. Zak glanced over at Dorumon and thought he saw him blush for split second. Zak laughed and looked up at the sky. He hated to admit it, but he was quite bored at the moment, he suddenly noticed that the sky was starting to turn a redish orange, the sun was starting to set. "Um... Hey guys!" Everyone stopped, including Rad, "I think we may want to find somewhere to stay the night at cause it's getting dark... fast..." Zak added as the red color seemed to suddenly become darker. [/size][/color]
  19. [size=1][color=indigo]Zak skipped on the grass as he and the other digidestined kids made there way through a fairly thick forest, heading for the mountains in the North. They had left Primary Village a while ago and the large mountain range didn't seem any closer than it had when the started off, but Zak just figured that it was just his imagination. Dorumon suddenly came up behind Zak and slid his large fox tail out infront of his feet, causing Zak to topple forward onto the ground face first. Dorumon and some of the others giggled and snickered as Zak pushed himself up and rubbed his head. "Haha, very funny, wise guy..." Zak gave Dorumon a schemish look and continued forward. The Rad guy and Zerodramon were leading the party with Tera and Biyomon close behind. Zak stopped his frolicing and looked around the forest. It was really quite. He had expected to see alot of digimon roaming around the forest, but he hadn't seen one except for Dorumon and the other 7 digimon. Zak suddenly saw a shadow from the corner of his eye, he stopped so abruptly that Dorumon ran into him, causing Zak to fall on his face for the second time in just 1 minute flat. "What's wrong Zak?" Dorumon asked in his odd tone of voice. Zak scratched his head and squinted into the forest. Rena came up beside him with DemiDevimon perched on her shoulder. "Just, thought I saw something move in the shadows, it must have been my imagination..." Zak replied as he gave a weak smile. Rena shook her head and looked into the forest, looking in the shadows of the trees too. "No, I saw something move too, I doubt both of us would have seen an illusion." She said. The rest of group had stopped and gathered around, looking out into the depths of the woods. [/size][/color]
  20. [size=1][color=indigo]Zak blinked as Dorimon leaped from his arms and landed softly on the ground. He suddenly started to glow and he quickly ran in between Zak's feet. Zak blinked again and looked down at him. "What's wron- Wow!" Zak yelled as Dorimon suddenly doubled in size and then doubled in size again! Zak was sitting on the back of a fox like looking creature. It had very short wings on its back and a large red stone was on its forehead. Zak was in aw and slipped, falling off the digimon. "Ouch... Dorimon?" "Nope, now i'm Dorumon, is that name better than Dodo?" He asked as he stretched out his limbs. Zak scratched his head and laughed saying that the name was better than a dodo. "What's a dodo?" Dorumon asked. Zak laughed, but soon realized the digimon was serious about his question. Zak grinned and casually put his arm across Dorumon's shoulder. "My friend... this is the beggining of a b-e-a-utiful friendship..." [/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][b]Zak grinned happily as he bounced his into the air and did a front flip, when he landed he recieved a glare from the Jack Russle Terrier, who was now talking to another guy who had just popped out of no where. Zak grinned innocently and then hoped away, he said he would catch some fish, but first he wanted to know who these other people were. He landed over next to the girl hatching eggs, sliping and falling on his back for the... um... 4th time that day I think. Zak quickly jumped up and put on his best smile, trying to look like he was sixteen instead of Freshmen Fourteen. "Hey... um, looks like were both stuck in this place so... I didn't really catch your name..." Zak stuttered and she looked over her shoulder as she started to rub an egg. She raised an eyebrow and then smiled at him. "The name is Tera?" She said still rubbing the egg, She looked over at Terriermon who had spotted the flirting Zak. "You may wanna go do something before Terriermon starts naggin you." She said with a chuckle. Zak glanced at the little bunny who was starting to make his way over to him and Terra, the new guy was following him. "Good idea... oh and, i'm Zak." He said quickly and then bounded away towards the stream that Terriermon had pointed out earlier. He stopped on the way and met the other girl, Rena and the other boy, Rad, who was a bit mad because he had claimed the fish job first. When Zak reached the stream he found a net laying on the bank. He picked it up and carefully layed it under the waters surface and stayed perfectly still, watching as unexpecting fish flowed over the trap. When about 13 or so fish were in the net area he pulled it up capturing most of the fish, some were lucky and got away. He then threw the net over his back a stumbled back to the egg holding place. [/b][/size]
  22. [size=1][b]A cold breeze blew into Zak's faces as he skated down the street, his rollar blades rattling on the ridged concrete below him. He brushed a wisp of his gold bangs from his face and skidded to a stop in front of a large apartment building, scaring a middle aged women half to death. He laughed silently and skated through the doors into the small "lobby" that basicly just had two elevators. He quicky slipped off his skates and jammed his feet into his tennis shoes when the person on duety that day gave him a glare and snorted at his foot wear. Zak then quickly scrambled inside an open elevator and started to head up for the 26th floor. "God Im hungry..." Zak mumbled to himself, trying to make the elevator ride shorter by focusing on his stomach, but that just made things worse. Finally, the elevator door slid open and Zak walked a few doors down, pulled out a key, and entered the apartment house thing. His parents wouldn't be home for another few hours being they were both "Business people". Zak scratched his head and grabbed an apple from off the counter, then walked into his room where he decided to chill. "And what did you do to Zak?" He asked aloud, deepening his voice to make it sound like a TV announcer. "Had a boring breakfest, went to boring school, and almost got into boring detension." Zak answered with a sarcastic smiled. He then flopped down into a chair next to his desk and reached over, flicking on the light. It didn't come on. He glanced over to see that it was unplugged. He grumbled something and then got down on his hands and knees, crawling under the desk and plugging it in. He got back up on his feet and flipped the switch to the light again. Shadizzle! With a few sparks the light went out. Zak closed his eyes from the surprisingly bright light the sparks had made. When he opened his eyes, sparks were still flowing, but they were all around him now and they seemed to be spinning. Zak's stomach lurched from the spinning-ness and fell over, suddenly landing on something soft. The sun shone into Zak's eyes as he slowly opened them. He rolled over on his belly and pushed himself up, looking around. [i]This isn't my boring bedroom...[/i] It was b-e-a-utiful. Zak felt something in his hand, he looked down to see a small, yellow device. He shrugged and pocketed the item. The lush grass was very soft and a bit bouncy and the trees and plants were amazing clolors, much different looking from the big city Zak was used to. Zak backed up slightly and suddenly tripped over something. "Wow!" Zak yelled as he fell over onto his back. He heard someone grumble and he jumped up to his feet. "Sorry kid! Did I hurt you-" Zak's mouth gapped open. He had tripped over an older guy and sitting next to him was a green, long eared, bunny... monster! Zak twitched and jumped back, bumping into two good looking girls. He felt his face turn red and scooted away from the two. The bunny quickly sighed and glared at Zak. "I'm ganna make this quick because I'v been saying it all day." he cleared his throught and then spoke. "Welcome to the digital world, you are currenly in primary village and I am Terriermon." Zak almost fell over. That thing could talk. Before Zak could say or do anything the bunny monmster spoke again. "You arn't going to keel over too are you?" [/size][/b]
  23. KKC

    Secret Window

    [size=1][b]I don't know about you guys, but I thought this movie deserved more than 2 stars. I just saw this last week and thought it was a pretty good movie (not the strongest Depp has been in, but still good.) I really enjoyed watching it cause you really never knew what would happen next (unless you read spoiler, shame on you). Although some parts didn't need to be in the movie I though it was good and keeps you wondering and guessing till the part with the magazine. I thought this movie deserved 3 stars, it wasn't a four because some parts of the movie are still confussing even after the end. I concider Secret Window a "jumpy" movie more then a "scary" or "horror" movie. It wasn't terribly gory, but the night time sceenes always had me shaky, and the whole thing with [spoiler]Him actually being the killer was a bit freaky[/spoiler]. So, what did you people think of Secret Window. (I loved the story behind the secret window. How his wife had found it and everything.) [/b][/size]
  24. KKC

    Zoids: continuation

    [size=1][b]Kia gripped the Konig Wolf's controls as a shot from the Dark Horn rammed into her zoids side. She grinned and pushed the zoid ahead, clicking on the tail booster and bringing the pair of energy drills out, extending to the sides. A Silver Blade Liger came up behind her, extending it's blade she had done with the wolf's drills, her comlink opened and a young man around her age came up onto the screen, his ragged black hair half in his eyes. "Do you wanna take this one, it is the last zoid." He asked as the Blade Liger's booster clicked on, gaining on the Konig Wolf a bit. Kia smiled and looked ahead at the Dark Horn, the mounted machine gun locked onto the Konig Wolf. Kia looked up at the comlink picture. "Nah, you can take this one, use the over and about manuver." Kia instructed. The man smiled and the link to the zoids closed. Kia faced the dark horn and charged at it, the KW's drills spinning rapidly. The Silver Blade Liger remained a few yards behind her, crouched low ready to pounce. The dark horn suddenly fired and Kia brought the KW to s kidding hault. The Blade Liger leaped over the Konig Wolf, it's energy sheild activated and it's blades pointed forward. With a quick slash the front left leg of the Dark Horn went flying off along with it's mounted machine gun and it toppled over. A large buzzer went off a few times and the judge anounced the winner of the battle. "Battle over, battle over. The winner is, the Midnight Flash Team." The judge said in it's robotic manner. Kia let out a small cheer and punched the air with her fist. She then turned the Konig Wolf around and headed back to the silver hover cargo, the Blade Liger soon following. The loading ramp opened and Kia piloted the Konig Wolf into the docking bay area, then opened the cock pit and leaped out landing neatly on the ground. She heard a few mechanical sounds walk over to her and looked over to see a gold raptor like zoid standing beside her. She rubbed its muzzle and it growled slightly. "Another victory... sorry you couldn't fight in this one Flash." The organoid grolwed slightly and tilted its head to the side. Kia laughed slightly and they made there was up to the hover cargo's large cockpit area. Standing inside was the Blade liger pilot, a young girl around 20 or so, and another young man who was currently piloting the HC. The girl smiled and jumped up with a smile. "Looks like we won again!" She then stopped and made a slight frown. "But that darn Dark Horn hit me from behind... Will we have enough money to pay for the Saber Tiger?" he asked. The team had been preparing for vacation, so money had been a bit scarce lately. Kia made a reashuring smile, but the Blade Liger Pilot answered first. "Don't worry Jamie, we have enough money to fix up your Saber Tiger, we arn't THAT broke... are we?" He said with a cocked smile. The boy piloting the HC turned around in his chair and smiled. "No, were not THAT broke. The money we just got from this battle will be able to pay for all of the damages and still give us each a bit of money for our vacations this week. I know Tai, Jamie, and myself are heading to the beach, but you havn't told us what your doing Kia." Brian said. They all turned to Kia waiting for an answer. Kia held up her hands with a sweat drop. "Chill guys! I told you this was going to be a team vacation and it will be, I just wanna stop by an visit some... [i]relatives[/i]." She answered with a cocky grin. Tai gave her "the look", "I swear, I'll be at the beach the day after you guys arrive." Flash growled and yawned, apparently her short attention span was kicking in. "And, just so that i'll be there as soon as possible, i'll leave right now!" with that, Kia turned on her heal followed by Flash and went back into the cargo bay and jumping into the Konig Wolf. Brian opened the door and Flash's wings popped out from her back and she flew out into the sky. Kia piloted the KW alongside the Hover Cargo. "I'll see you guys in a few days." she said over the comlink, they all replied with OK's and goody byes and she then broke away from the Hover cargo Flash flying above her zoid, heading east where the Demolision Runner's base was located. [/size][/b]
  25. [b][size=1]Name: Zak Age: 14 Personality: The wild one of the group. Zak is one of the most carefree person you'll ever meet in your life. He always has a smile on his face and usually never worries about anything, always looking on the bright side of things. He isn't the smartest fellow of the bunch, never looking before he leaps, but he is great fun to be with even though his jokes arn't very good (Tell me about it...). Description: *attachment, also wears knuckle-cut black gloves. Stands at 5'4''* Digivice Color: Yellow Crest: Spirit Partner: Dorumon Digimon: Fresh: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dodomon.jpg]Dodomon[/URL] (little iron drop) In-Training: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorimon.jpg]Dorimon[/URL] (Metal drop) Rookie: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorumon.jpg]Dorumon[/URL] (Metal Cannon, Dash Metal) Champion: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorugamon.jpg]DoruGamon[/URL] (Power Metal, Cannonball) Crest Ultimate: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/doruguremon.jpg]DoruGremon[/URL] (Metal Meteor, Bloody Tower) Warp Mega: [URL=http://www.digimon.channel.or.jp/chronicle/image/dorugoramon.jpg]DoruGoramon[/URL] (Spinning Slice, Brave Metal, Dorudiin) [/b][/size]
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