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[size=1][color=darkgreen]Billy took a few steps back as the hourse/demon creature began to corner him against some rocks. It snorted angrily and pawed the ground with its hoof. Billy looked around frantically trying to find somethiong he could throw like a rock or branch, but everthing seemed to be too far away. Billy looked back up at the demon just in time to see it charge at him, steam blowing from its nostrals. "May I die a goo' scot!" Billy yelled as he started to run to the side, which didn't work very well because he was already backed in and the demon just turned slightly. Realizing this wouldn't work Billy took a deep breath and charged right back at the demon. The creature saw him coming and raised up in the air, planing on crushing the human with its front hooves, but Billy was small and his scary hairy feet had made him faster he tucked and rolled under the demon's legs and came out on the other side. He glanced back to see that the demon was even more angry. [i]****...[/i] "I con't owt run it...." With a sigh Billy turned and faced the demon. He would just have to try and beat the crap out of this thing, which probably wouldn't happen. The demon charged again with more force, Billy started to charge at it as well, lowering his head down as if he were a bull, he wouldn't be able to go under the demons legs this time... he would just have to pray that most his body wasn't trampled when Orlando found his body. As the clopping of the demons hooves came closer, Billy felt a sharp tingle streak through-out his entire body. It was very warm and seemed to get more tingly-er by the second. Billy twitched and closed his eyes shut. "Maybe this is what it feels like before you die." Billy thought. The next this he knew, Billy's head ramed into the demon, but instead of Billy being trampled, the demon screamed out in agony and fell to it's side dead. Billy opened his eyes and watched as the demon evaporated into a poof of red smoe, then it was gone. "How did I do that?" Billy asked himslelf. He lifted his arm to scratch his head, but it wasn't his hand that touched top of his head. Billy brought his hand around to his face to look at it. "Wot the fook!?" Billy exclaimed. His hand had been replaced with a hoof! Was he turning into the demon Billy quickly checked himself over. He had a tail, two large horns, four legs.... He was a bull! Billy almost fell over from surprise and shock. He had thought "bull" when he was charging at the demon and well... he turned into a bull! He trotted, er... galloped... whatever over to a stream that had magically appeared out of no where. He looked into the water to see the reflection of a bulls face, only its eyes were a pretty green color and surprisingly, Billy's hair style was siting on top of it's head. Also, the bull form he had taken was bule instead of black or brown like most bulls. Billy sighed and looked away from the good looking bull reflection, this really wasn't a dream... He tensed up and consintrated on turned back to a human. "Human." he thought. He looked down at his body as his front two legs formed into arms and hands and his hind legs straightened out and the hooves turned back into his hobbit-ish feet. Billy checked himself over and was very pleased with himself, he could turn into animals... and Dom couldn't! [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]A cold shiver ran down Billy's spine as he curled up into a little ball trying to keep warm, he reached around aimlessly trying to find his sheets on his bed, but all he felt was a solid floor. He cursed a bit under his breath and then lifted himself off of the floor, his eyes still closed shut. He rubbed one of his hands across his face, feeling the prickle of his small beard scratch his skin. [i]Wha' the ell', I jus' shaved las' night'...[/i]. He rubbed some sleepys out of his eyes and then pried them open and blinked a few times before his sight finally adjusted to his surroundings. Billy's right I twitched slightly as he gazed upon the cold, red, barren wasteland. "That's the las' time I eat Haggis before goin' teh bed..." Billy grumbled in his scotish accent and stretched, bringing his hand down to his amr and pinching it. He winced and then looked around. Still wasteland. He grumbled something under his breath and brushed his hands through his hair. This was too real to be a dream. Billy looked down and the ground... He wasn't in his treebeard pajamas anymore... Billy's mouth gaped slightly. He checked himself over noting that he was wearing his normal everyday clothes. Black T-shirt, dark green jacket (with odd rose stitching), and jeans... but where were his shoes. Billy looked down at his feet and was bit surprised to see that they had grown and were covered with hair. [i]****![/i] Billy turned on his heel and started to run in the opposite direction of where he awoke as if trying to run away from his hobbitish feet. What kind of prank was this! Elijah, Dom, and Sean (possibly even Orlando) must have glued his hobbit feet onto him during the night. Billy skidded to a stop and he heard people talking, the voices were heading strait for him. [i]Heh, I'll show them.....[/i] Billy quickly leaped behind a rock and waited until the voices started to pass near him. He leaped from his position and tackled the one closest to him. "Thought' you could pull one ova' on Bill eh'?" Billy grunted as he pressed against the struggling figure, of whom he thought was Dom. Billy then rolled over, pining his knees on the figures arms, Billy looked down and was bit surprised to see... not Dom, but some other guy. He looked familiar, but he couldn't place his name. Before Billy could react he was lifted into the air and thrown a short distance away, landing with a thud on his back. He winced and then stumbled to his feet to see a really large... dog monster thing. "Um..." Billy was more confussed than frightened by the creature. I mean, he had walked around sets with orks and wring wraiths, but never had he seen something like this. "Wha' in the ell' is goin' on?" Billy asked as he looked from the dog freak to the guy he tackled. Speaking of which, Billy squinted slightly and looked at the guy he had pounced on, "Were you in Master and Commander?" he asked with a small grin. The guy raised his right eyebrow and then started laughing. "And you said I was going mad!" The guy laughed to the dog face dude. Billy from left to right at the two people... well, person and thing to be correct. The dog face turned to Billy with a twisted kind of scowl on his face. "Billy Boyd... From hearing your accent I have no doubt you are him." He said in a deep husky voice. Billy smiled and scratched his head. "Well.. teh me, I don' have an accent, but you sure do." Billy remarked with a chuckle. The dog face ignored him and the other guy seemed to be walking in circles out of boredom... what a strange person. "Look Mr. Braveheart, this isn't some dream or stage for a movie, this is real life and you are stuck here with me and this Going mad Mozart guy." The dog face growled angrily. Mozart objected about him going crazy and Billy mouth gapped for the second time that morning... Mozart? Billy suddenly scrambled over to Mozart and walked around him, mumbling some stuff to himself. "Are you checking me out?" Mozart asked with a gay grin. Billy laughed, always having a good sense of humor. "Is that a wig?" He asked pointing to Mozart's head. "Well, the last time I was awake I wa- Ah!" Mozart screaming before finishing his sentance as Billy yanking at a clump of his hair, if it was a wig, then he must have used super super glue cause it was stuck. "Wow..." Billy said realizing this was actually [i]the[/i] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. "Um... can someone explain?" Billy asked, but the dog guy pushed them along. "Tell you on the way, we must find the others." [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royablue]OK, since Eclectic didn't finish up her sign-up, Ryoko T.D.C. will take the Love Emblem. I will probably start this either today or Tuesday (most likely today... It depends the mood i'm in). When it starts I will PM you people so that you will be forced to post *evil grin* [b]SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED[/b][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen] Im afraid of little, freaky girls who come out of wells and kill people after they watch some stupid tape (God, that movie scared the **** out of me!) But, asides from horror movies I'm afraid of spiders alot. Actually, i'm afraid of about anything that has 6 or more legs. I'm not completely sure why though, I guess it's just the way they crawl or something. I'm probably going to have arachnophobia (fear of spiders) treatment when i get older. I'm also afraid of being alone. Yes, I like it when i'm home alone sometimes for an hour or so, but being alone for along time is just really really hard to cope with. I would probably, eventually, go mad if I was alone for a long time (Sorta like that Willard guy). When i'm alone I always feel less insecure (sp?) because when your with someone you always know that they have your back (unless this person is an enemy of some sort and is obbsessed with the word Shooter). I fear failure sometime, but not always. I'm usually pretty confident with myself and I have a really positive attitude, but sometimes I do think that I can't do it and I worry that I may never be able to. [/size][/color]
[size=1] :toothy: Fun, fun, fun! I was thinking no one would try to make it ^^ thanx a bunch, looks pretty good to me ^^ [/size]
[color=royalblue]Taoin looked across the long medow, trying to catch a glimps of anything that might be help from another planet. She could see smoke in the distance, coming from the ground of the planet. Taoin bit her lip as she looked over to her assistant, Jacob, who was crouched down on the ground. He was the one sending the destress signal, if he wasn't able to send it through to another planet... they would be doomed. Jacob suddenly peered up from his work and squinted as he saw something in the distance. Taoin followed his eyes and spotted a figure walking towards them, it seemed to be a man wearing huge armor, she had never seen anything like it before! She started to walk towards the big armored man, her hand rasting on the hilt of her dagger, just in case this was one of [i]them[/i]. Jacob hadn't noticed she was gone until he asked her a question, when he was found with no reply he looked up to see her walking away. He quickly jumped to his feet to run after her and tripped only after 5 steps. Taoin smiled slightly and looked back to make sure jacob was ok, when turned back around the armored man was very close, she then began to notice that his armor was more weird than amazing... [/color]
[color=green]*mumbles* That's pretty sad concidering it's your RPG... >.> was that out loud? :) anyways, Ohkami openly gave me the part, so now I owe her the next time this happens. [/color]
[color=green]You really are a ***** :smirk: Name: Taoin Banks of the Royal family (Tay-O-In) Age: 18 Role: Princess (gags, but doesn't throw up) Appearance: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=18414&stc=1[/img] (Crystal blue eyes, blond hair, stands at 5'6, armors is green and gold) Personality: Taoin is a very out going girl. She is very loose and wild, always taking risks even if their is a small chance of it working out. She is kind most of the time, but isn't always comfertable with strangers. She has a pretty bad temper, but it's pretty hard to tick her off. She can be very sneeky at time and doesn't usually fear death (it really depends). She is also very daft at times. Any Info: Taoin was royal before she was even born! Ever sinse she was born she has been raised with the highest honors on Athenia, planned to become queen once her parents died. Wen Taoin was about 12, she was paired up with a mage, who would be her solumn protector/survent (slave). Although the mage was like brother to her, she constantly ran off from the palace, forcing him to go out and look for her. Although she was a "lady", Taoin couldn't resist learning how to fight. She would usually take lessons from the guards in the castle, of course always being watched by her loyal mage. Her father actually thought that it was good if she learned to protect herself, she soon became quite skilled with her weapons. When Athenia was suddenly attacked by an un known force, Taoin suited up and prepared to go fight with her father and the armies, but he refussed for her to go. So, she told her mage to send a distress signal to any planet. She remains waiting, seeing if someone will come... and, she figures if no one comes... their all screwed. Weapon: A [URL=http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq5snes/weapon/chain-sickle.gif]Chain sickle[/URL] (the blade is longer) and a [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Small Dagger/knife[/URL] [/color]
[size=1]That's the same thing I thought when I saw it! A stairway (escilator (sp?) in and out of heaven (the bad people have to go bye bye). I don't really know much about photography, but I think this looks really neat. I like the tunnle-ish vision to it due to the roof. very neat. The 24 hours one is ok. It looks really smudgy and blury-ish, but maybe that's how you want it to look *shrugs* It kinda makes you think what the sign means (even though it probably mean "opened 24 hours a day."). [/size]
[size=1]Wow, very very cool. I just made my first blend the other day, these are like, 10 times better than mine! I really like the fooly cooly one because it's very clean looking. I like the others two, but some of them have so many images it's hard to tell who or what it is. I also think the orange looks like with it. I like the Rei Ayanami and the Wild Adapter ones as well. The Hellsing one is neat to, but a bit more difficult to see, still very cool though. What program do you use? [/size]
[size=1] EDIT: Firephoenix is accepted O.O peoples sign-up. Alright, some of you get the idea for what I want the sign-ups to be, but some of you quite don't. Sorry Yalborap, but I'v rejected you from the RPG. If you want to know why, you'll have to PM me. Ryoko T.D.C. I sugest you fix up your sign-up. [strike]FirePhoenix, you need to fix up your bio a bit, add in a bit more about the person.[/strike] And, just so everyone understands this. The emblem symbol isn't a thing, it's a marking that will appear on the backside of your characters hand once they recieve their powers. [b][u]Accepted[/u] Vicky (Knowledge) DaisukeAngel (Hope) FirePhoenix727 (Friendship) [u]Rejected[/u] Yalborap [u]One more chance to shape it up[/u] Ryoko T.D.C. [/b][/size] [b][size=3]Sign-ups are still opened[/b][/size]
[size=1][color=royalblue][i][center]A bright white and blue light surrounds them, though the pain from its rays can't be felt they shield their eyes anyways. They feel a cold chill run through out the inside of their bodies, but outside it is very hot as if they are caught in a cyclone of fire. Suddenly, a force pushes them downwards so fast it feels like they are being twisted inside out, they become cold all over and their breath is chilled as it feels like they are falling from a cliff. They hit impact of a hard, wet surface, slowly, each one opens his or her eyes, nothing is before them but black. A dark twisted voice echos through the empty world, "The only passage in is with the 7th key." The words become fuzzy as the group begins to lose conciousness, they try to stay awake, but a mysterious power beats them into blackness. They awake, seeing the sky. If has been either very few, or very many years since you last walked upon the Earth. Why have you been brought back to life along with six others who were dead and how do you know so much about them? Well, as you awake and see the green grass and the clear blue sky... you don't give a crap! You're alive again! Everything is great, you are able to go home and find the ones you loved before you went to sleep, they are amazed and one almost has a heart attack, but she comes over it. As you are reunited with them you feel that nothing bad can ever happen again... until everyone else starts dying... You know and feel what you must do, but can you really face it again? [/center][/i] --------- Ok, incase you havn't caught on, you are one of the seven people who have some how been brought back to life. You have no memory of where you went after you died, the only thing you remember is the person (or thing) That said: "The only passage in is with the 7th key." So, when you wake up you notice that their are six people around you. Although you have never talked with them or seen them before you suddenly know everything about them. You go your seperate ways and reunite with your family, friends, and other people you love. You don't know why you were brought back to life, but you really don't care right now. As the next day starts out, news reports come in saying how hundreds of people on the Earth are dying for no apparent reason and how mysterious, evil creatures are coming out of no where, creatures that people only see in nightmares. You suddenly meet up with the same people you awoke with and are informed why this is happening. You have been brought back to life by the devil of all hevens. In doing this, the Earth's balance of life and death has been cut off, causing people to die when they are perfectly healthy and creatures from the under world to rise. The only way to set things right is for you to return to your rightful home. But you have been casted with immortality (which is amazingly a bad thing) because the key that leads to your deaths has been taken. You can still be inflicted with wounds and you can feel pain, but cannot die. The only way for you to return is to go face this devil and win back the item that will open the door to your real home. Though, on the way you will face evil minions and horrible obstacles. Ok, I think you get it now (and if you don't then you might as well forget signing-up for the RPG). The reason these certain people are chosen to come back is because each has the true emblem that creates people. these emblems are: Friendship (Taken by FirePhoenix727) Love Knowledge (Taken by Vicky) Care (Taken By Mage15) Faith (Taken by Ohkami) Spirit (Taken by Me) Hope (Taken by DaisukeAngel) The emblems give you power, making you stronger and giving you one special attack to use against evil. -------- Rules: ~I know you're immortal... but that is a bad thing, so don't think someone can stab you through the stomach and you can just grin at them. You are still infected by wounds and you can feel pain. ~This takes place during Middle ages and such. So I don't want people like Mozart poping into the story *wink* Mythical creatures do survive during this time. ~No dying until the end. ~If you arn't serious about keeping up with this RPG then don't even sing-up. ~I don't like scriptpost, sorry, but script posting isn't allowed. ~If I choose to reject you, I have the right. I also have the right to accept people. Don't come complaining to me if you are kicked out. ~This is rated PG 13 for language and fighting (blood, killing, ect.) ~This is not a first come first serve RPG, if you want to have the emblem that someone has already picked, you can pick it and I will choose between the two. If more than 7 people sign-up I will pick the ones who will go on into the RPG my sign-ups and other RPgs they have been in. -------- Character Info - These are NPC characters in the story, but they don't show up that much. Devil - No one knows if that is his real name of not. He is the care taker of the underworld and has stolen the key to the 7th heven, causing you to be immortal once he brings you back to Earth. He only appears at the end of the RPG. Sepharo - An angel from the 7th heven who informs you of what is happening, she grants you your power and the weapon you recieve. She will only appear at the beginning and end of the RPG. Dark Minions: Dark minions don't all look exactly the same. Some can fly, some can't. Some have horns, some have big corks popping out of there heads (like hellboy). If you were seeing this RPG as LOTR, the Minions who are wingless would be the orks. Hell Minions: Strait from hell, these things are HUGE (like... Over sized troll huge...)They can stand on two legs or four and have large horns coming from there heads. They can breath fire and can cause much destruction. -------- Sign-up sheet: [b]Name[/b]: Don't make it too modern [b]Gender[/b]: Male or female, no animals [b]Age[/b]: How old you were when you died, you must be 20 or older. [b]Emblem[/b]: Love (others have been taken) You will also need to have some sort of symbol that represents your emblem. [b]Special Attack[/b]: I won't accept huge blasts of fire and stuff, it must go along with your emblem, be creative. This is the only special power you have. [b]Weapon[/b]: You get one main weapon and then a "support" weapon like a dagger or something. [b]Appearance[/b]: This is the middle ages, so don't give me any tank top and tennis shoe crap. I accept picture, if you don't have a picture I expect this to be very descriptive (height should be included). [b]Personality[/b]: Just because you have the care emblem doesn't mean you have to understand why you have it. Your character could start out being a heartless slob. Be creative and detailed. [b]Bio[/b]: A bio before your character died. Be very detailed and include how they died and how long they have been dead. ----- [b]My sign-up[/b] (will finish later) [b]Name[/b]: Raodin Brook [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Emblem[/b]: Spirit (symbol) a large pair of eagle wings tied together with a body. [b]Special Attack[/b]: Spirit's Wings - Raodin is able to take small amounts of spirit from all living things around him. It can take a long time to gather it up depending on the force he wants to use. Once he has the spirit power he can convert it from his hand to the enemy in the form of two large wings. [b]Weapon[/b]: Main Weapon: [URL=http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dq5snes/weapon/chain-sickle.gif]Chain Sickle[/URL] (The blade is much longer though) Other Weapon: [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/horus_sil_l.jpg]Talon Dagger[/URL] [b]Appearance[/b]: Raodin stands at about 5 foot 7 inches. He has dark green eyes and short, shaggy redish brown hair. He has a small (Very small) beard indicating he neads to shave. He wears a black tunic with a long-sleeves dark green shirt under neath it. He has black, nuckle-cut gloves and a polished green stone hangs from a black thread around his neck. The end of his tunic runs under his black belt, covering up part of his dark green, baggy pants. He wears large black boots and keeps his chained sickle on the left side of his belt, while his dagger is in the back. He also has a dark green cloak tied tied around him. [b]Personality[/b]: A very laidback and carefree guy. Raodin has always been the "fool" of the village where he was born. He's a pretty wild guy who would do just about anything to get away from the house so he could be outside. The only thing is, Raodin has a very explosive temper, luckily though, it has a long fuse, but once he is angered greatly he can't quite control himself. He can be emotional at times, but he usually trys not to show it. He's the kind of guy who can make anything sound interesting or fun. He is also a very curious person who is very confident. [b]Bio[/b]: Raodin was born in a small mountain village on the outskirts of a Kingdom. The village he lived in was like any normal one, they mainly produced crops and made clothing to sell to the kingdom. Raodin's family was very poor though, he had an older brother and a younger sister and his father died when he was only 5; so, it was very hard for his mother to raise 3 children and still be able to make enough money for a living. Raodin was a handful for his mother. He was always running off and getting into trouble with the other people in the village, not to mintion he would hide somewhere and make everyone think he was lost. Raodin's father had died when trying to climb the mountain next to the village. The King of the land said that the first man to climb it would be givin' many riches beyong their wildest dreams. Unfortunatly, his body was found in a bloody heap at the side of the mountain. When Raodin turned 8, he started to help his mother and older brother by running errands for the other villagers like fetching water from the well and delivering cotton to the ladies who made the cloth. Raodin became stronged and he decided that when he became strong enough, he would climb the mountain and make their family rich. Raodin started to take all his free time in training by himself. He made a graple hook out of cloth and sticks he had tied together, it was pretty cruddy, but it would have to do until he could make his own or buy one. While Raodin was practicing on his own near the mountain an old man walked by and began watching him throw the toy graple at random rocks, trying to latch it on to them. He eventually told Raodin he shouldn't even try using a graple if he wanted to climb a mountain like that. He then pulled from under his cloak a Chain Sickle and told Raodin to practice with it. Raodin knew that it was weapon and started taking lessons from the villages swordmaster. Years passed up until Raodin was 25, he was very strong and was expected to become the next swordsman of the village, but Raodin had a totally different idea. He packed up his supplies and announced that he was leaving to climb the mountain. His mother begged him not to, but he said that he had to finish what his father started. He promised to return one day and then he left. Raodin turned 26 the day he died on the mountain. He had climbed up on a ledge where an eagles nest layed. The eagle attacked him and Raodin refussed to hurt it, because of this he was knocked from the ledge to his death. He has been dead for nearly 20 years.[/color][/size]
I am horrible at April Fool's pranks. Either I forget that it's April Fool's or I can't think up anything good to do as a prank. I know some pretty good ones that my family has done though. When I was about 8 or 9, there was some sort of gang always coming into our nabor hood and wrecking stuff. Eventually, they stopped by our house and burnt down our wooden mail box (T_T). So, we got a new mail box which was burnt down about a month after we got it (T_T). Then we got another one, and it was made of bricks so that it couldn't be burnt down(this is horribly reminding me of the three pigs). So, on April Fools my dad is the first up and tells us that a car backed up into the mailbox and it was in peices. My mom freaked and probably cussed a bit (can't remember) then looked out the window to see our Mailbox still standing. This morning (i'm already on Spring break) I was checking my favorite websites (The list includes at least 3 Billy Boyd websites) and stopped by one of them. "Oh, an update!" I thought as I saw a new box area entered on the main page. It said that Billy Boyd had popped the question to his girl friend and was now ingaged. It also said that there was an article about it online, being the sap I was i yelled up to my mom saying he was getting married, then I clicked the link to see the article and it read: "APRIL FOOLS you may now continue with your normal Boydism fundamentals." I later stole that one and played it on a friend. For those of you who were watching Adult Swim last night, I had a good old time seeing the cast of Inuyasha wearing mustaches and top hats XD
Wait, on your first post it said middle ages... or does Pip just act like he lives in the middle ages when they really don't? Ooo, that would be interesting, lol. Pip can be sort of a nutt bag, thinking that he lives in the middle ages when really he doesn't. Although he is crazy, he is really good at finding lost things... that reminds me of the show "Monk" only he has an obbsesive compulsive disorter thing... When I say "kid" I mean like around the age of 20, dunno why, but 20 years of age is still kiddish to me (who knows why). So, how much have you have you thought through with this? Like, who will be the supporting characters (if any at all)? Does Pip have a lacky? What makes Pip really want to go after the Ludvik guy? Did he kidnap someone he knows really well? God, I'm so curious! *shakes DW*
[color=navy]When I was little I wanted to be a vet (I was an animal freak). I loved animals and thought being able to be around them would be awesome! Now, of course as time went by I changed my mind (Once I watched a few things on disecting and stuff... I sorta stopped looking into the future) . I wanted to be a vet until the 4th grade, then, I didn't know what I wanted to be and Frankly didn't care. 5th grade, I wanted to be in the army because I watched Zoids Chaotic century and thought the military looked really cool. Then, last year (6th grade) I wanted to be an animator. I'm gifted in drawing, but I never got into it like I would have hoped, I was way too piccy with how I drew; I swear, It would take me an hour to make a tree look exactly how I wanted it to look... I just didn't have enough patience with myself. Well, I think i'v finally found something i'm good at and I would want to do. Acting. I'm only in the 7th grade, but i'm really getting into it. In May (or April) i'm being tested to see if I'm gifted in drama, I know my sister and parents think i'm really good at it. I can do good voice impressions (gollum *pokes Dragon warrior*) and acting is just a lot of fun to do because you get to be someone else and step into a whole different personality. The only thing is... I can't sing worth diddly squat, i'll just have to stay away from musicals >.> [/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]fun, fun, fun ^_^! ----- [b]Name[/b]: Billy Boyd [b]Where from[/b]: A real life actor [b]Skills[/b]: Playing guitar, playing the drums, acting, singing, writing about two guys who start a scuba school (that may actually turn into a movie), surfing, Identifying accents, clean driving licence, Stealing Peter Jackson's Car, and drinking (if that's concidered a skill) [b]Fighting Styles[/b]: (If you don't believe me look [URL=http://www.billyboyd.net/bio/]HERE[/URL] ) Foil fencing (Grade 7), Jeet Kune Do (Phase 4), Filipino Kali (Phase 4), and some sword fighting experience from LOTR [b]Description[/b]:[URL=http://www.boydism.net/multimedia/images3/houseofblues047.jpg]With Geetar[/URL] [URL=http://www.boydism.net/multimedia/images3/londoncon043.jpg]With a crazed fan[/URL] [b]Description in Cesto's World It does change[/b]: Basicly the same, only he has scruff like in [URL=http://www.boydism.net/multimedia/images2/pc9.jpg]THIS PIC![/URL] and his feet are becoming more hobbitish, he fears soon he will not be wearing shoes [b]Small Bio[/b]: Born in Glasgow Scotland Billy has always been a sexi little actor. He decided he wanted to be an actor when his drama teacher told him he had great talent after performing as the artful dodger in his school play. But, sadly, when Billy Boyd was only 13 his father died and only a year later his mother died too... and well, after that evil guidence teacher told Billy that he might as well give up acting he went into a depression, working at fastfodd resturuants (Burger King). Then, after like... 5 friggin years he finally realized he wasn't happy. So, he went to some acting school and got a deploma. He worked in low budget films until he was casted for the role of Pippin in the LOTR trilogy. After that many people learned of his sexiness and he got into a few other roles (Master and Commander). Did I mention he sings better than Britney Spears? [b]Favourite Quote[/b]: "If it ain't Scottish, It's crap!" [b]Personality[/b]: A pretty cheerful nice guy I would say (though I have never met him and stoof). He always seems to be cheerful and happy even though on the inside he could be screaming and cursing about how all these fan girls who stalk him are driving him crazy! He goofs off on the job a bit with his other acting buddies and is a bit clumsy (He actually said that cause he dropped a book into a pool). He really likes to jam and he isn't selfish, but doesn't seem to mind being worshiped by many many ladies. He doesn't like it when one of his friends is hurt, so, if you snicker at one of his friends after he broke two of his toes from kicking an Ork helmet, you better run or else he might kick your arse and steal Pete Jackson's car! [/color][/size]
[size=1]It looks OK, but I won't go see it. I'm sorry, but when I see a completely red devil dude with two large corks poping out of his fore head... I just lose all hope with the movie. From the previews I saw, it looks really corny. Anyways, I know nothing about the comic books and I don't really know much about the movie either, all I know is that it looks kind of like a X-men rip-off kind of thing. I may go see it sometime during the month it comes out, but I'll have to get an approval from one of my friends first (who has seen it). It just really doesn't spark my interest... Though, I probably will end up seeing it when it comes out on video.[/size]
[size=1]You should make Pip have some kind of English/Scottish accent (Where does this take place). You said middle ages, so they would have to have some sort of accent... Johnny Depp as Pip.... Nah, I can't see Depp as a detective who is in over his head (well maybe...but it's slim) I guess it really depends, but I see Pip as a kids name, how old is this Pip ganna be? 20, 30, 80? Give me information! *shakes*[/size]
[color=green][size=1]Name: Karl Burington Callsign: Mouse (He's 33 and is only 5'5'') Age: 33 Gender: Male History: Karl, or Mouse as he likes to be called, was an orphan from the day he was born. From what the evil care-taker of the orphanage told him, his mother wasn't even planning on having a child, but she didn't think about that when she snuggled with the Mail Man. During his child hood, Mouse was called runt because of his small size, no one had really expected him to live long because of his size, but Ha! He showed them, although he didn't really grow that much more, he was snuck out of the orphanage constantly and learned street fighting which to him was a really fun game. When he turned 11 he got into the wrong crowd and was getting the snot beatin' out of him. He ended up breaking a window and stabbing one of his attackers to death with a peice of glass. After having his first taste of death... Mouse freeked out and ran away from the orphanage.. sad yes? He ended up living in the filthiest cardboard box ever and got into many fights. As he continued to grow up he decided the only way for him to survive was to kill those who wanted to harm him. Over the years he has trained in many other fighting styles. He's just your everyday care free assasin for hire... even though he usually ends up killing whoever hired him. He got the nick name mouse because of his small size and stelth ability. Personality: Although he doesn't really enjoy killing people and his past toatally sucks (once I get it up) Karl is a very carefree up-beat guy. He is very hyper and full of energy. Although he is very clutsy at times, it seems to help him when he's killing a huge crowd of people (imagine that). He loves to joke around and make fun of other assasins, even though they may try to blast his head off. Hakuna Matata right? He has a very horrible and destructive temper, but it isn't short wired, if you want to see him angry you have to do something really bad to upset him. He does have an immotional side, but he hides it deep within himself. He flirts alot with lovely ladies... even if he does end up killing them. Apperance: *attatchment (stands at 5 foot 5 inches) only he doesn't wear those clothes.* Clothes = Surpisingly, if this guy told you he was an assasin, you would roll on the floor and laugh at him after seeing his assasin clothes. He wears a black T-shirt reading "I didn't lose my mind, I sold it on eBay" and a bright Lime green jacket over it with blue flames running up the sides. He has normal blue jeans with a large cross belt thing (I dunno what it's called). To top off his out fit, he wears over sized dark purple chucks, making his feet look big. Ofcourse, no one knows that he has two hiden blade inside his big shoes. Weapons: many small daggers hidden in various places on his body. Each blade is about four or five inches long, no one is sure of this, but they say he carries about 100 of these tiny blades. He carries a sniper rifle on his back (hidden under his jacket) and a hand gun on his belt. He also had an extension metal pole that can electrocute peoples. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=navy]Yeah, I was trying to give each an element or so, but I really wasn't sure if I should, but I think i'm going to now. Spring Elements: Life and Wind (yeah, I changed them around) Summer Elements: Fire and Drought (I know drought isn't exactly an elements, but... meh.) Autumn Elements: Death and Water (I'll go back to my first post and change the powers around and stuuf) Winter Elements: Ice and Snow (I don't concider Winter the death season because most plants start to die around autumn) ^^ Ok, thanks for reminding me about that Ohkami. So you guys know, you are allowed to discribe what your powers are like and how you use them, ect. I only had the power thing listed in the first post so you wouldn't make your powers way way way powerful and such. Thanks. [b]Sign-ups are still open, Sign-ups will close Thursday or Friday[/b] [/size][/color]
[size=1] Well, as we all know, any dood in a movie, story, ect. whos name is Pip or Pippy or Pippin will make the movie, story, w/e 10 times better :toothy: I think this story sound really interesting. The idea is pretty cool and I like how you changed the story, but kept the plot sort of that same, that is quite cheeky Mr. DW. I like the Raven Idea too, depressed and lonely people always remind me of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" poem. Ideas for the hunky Pip: I'm going with the Damn too curious mood as well, but I think you make him be detectivish too... like, he is really good at solving mysteries and stuff, but he's too curious to even notice that... or... yeah... *has confussed herself again* [/size]
[size=1][color=navy]I'v been in need of a new banner lately because i think I deleted my other one (even though I could upload it again, I'm way to lazy) plus, I think i'm in need of a newer and cooler one. Yes, it's Billy again, you will all have to suffer my obssesion until it passes. I have about three or so pictures uploaded that I want to be on the banner. I would like it to say some kind of cool phrase, but so far the only thing i'v come up with is: "You made the word swing." (sucky, yes?). If you can come up with something better, please use it. I don't want the banner to look really sloppy and stuff, if you could like multi-color the banner, that would look cool too (Example: Make one pic blue, the other pic green, the other red, ect.) Well, thanx in advance to anyone who makes one ^^[/size][/color]
[center][color=green][b][FONT=gigi][size=3][u]Season Change[/u][/font][/b][/center][/size][size=1] [i]As the months of the year go by the Earth goes through a change in it's atmosphere and weather pattern. The four seasons that pass over the Earth are Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), and Winter. There are questions though of how the seasons change and why. No one seems to know but nature itself. The answer? Season Sprites. Although they are almost never seen doing their handy work on nature. They are real and are the reason for why the seasons change. Like the four seasons, their are four kinds of sprites as well: Spring Sprite (Bloom Sprite), Summer Sprite (Drought Sprite), Autumn Sprite (Color Sprite), and Winter Sprite (Flurry Sprite). For centuries, these amazing creatures controled the seasons and all that occured during them, but with every amazing thing, comes a small catch. During the other seasons, a sprite would rest in a sacred area where they would be safe from all danger. When the sprites season came, the sacred animal of each sprite would come and awake it so it could get to work. The sacred animals were: Deer (Spring), Eagle (summer), Bear (Autumn), and Wolf (winter). As time passed, the cycle of the sprites continued over and over. But, an evil force was against the seasonal changers and wanted to bring an end to them and the pattern of the earth. This evil force was know as the Downed Sprite. Though it seemed to be a mix of many creatures, so it had no true form and it had the powers of all the seasonal sprites only mixed in with his own evil heart. Before they knew it, Sprites were being killed off by this thing and the seasons began to mix rapidly, putting the Earth and its inhabitants in great danger. Knowing they had to stop this force before the earth was destroyed, the sprites drained themselves of all their power, destroying the Downed Sprite. Although the sprites didn't survive. they were able to also use their powers to keep the seasons changing for an amount of time. They knew the power would eventually die, so, the sprites were able to save small bits of energy to create at least one sprite for each season when the time came. The year is now 2004 and the power the sprites left is beginning to finally wear off. Reports of snow in Egypt have been reported along with other disturbing events. The last remaining life forces of the sprites have been sent out to four high school students. Though, they don't know that there is a bigger evil brewing deep inside the Earth. -------Basicly....--------- You will be one of the four Highschool students. Yes, why the sprites picked high school students, I have no idea, but that's just the way it goes. You are suddenly blessed with this amazing gift and you are able to turn into your sprite form and the animal of the sprite. Basicly, your going to have to set the eather pattern right, but strange creatures will try and prevent you from doing this, plus, it seems that downed sprite is starting to come back. Yes, there are rules... -------Rules------- ~No Making your sprite dude the most superior and powerful of the group. ~No Script posting, it gives me headaches ~The powers listed near the bottom are like guide lines for your attacks and powers. You must keep it with in the boundries! ~I'm not doing a first come first serve kind of thing. After a week or so I will choose the people who will go on into the RPG. ~Nice descriptives posts... should be at least three paragraphs each post... five lines... meh, you get the idea. -------The power stuff------- Spring- Basicly, the Spring Sprite has the power to do many spring-ish things. You are able to create grass, flowers, ect. and create rain and wind. Water and wind are Springs main elements. Spring makes life. Summer- Summer is able to cause very heavy droughts that can last for one week to a year. Summer is able to create rain, but not flood issues or anything. Heat is your main weapon. You can dry things out, so... that's kinda fun. Autumn- When things begin to get sorta chilly. You are able to change nature quite alot, stripping the trees from there leaves after making them multi-colored. You have rain power and a bit of snow as well, but not that much, maybe a flurry or so. Winter- (taken by me) Yes, powers range from making it 50 below zero to a huge blizzard. Ice and snow are your main elements in this case. -------Sign-up------- [b]Name[/b]: modern [b]Age[/b]: 15-18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male/female [b]Season[/b]: Spring, Summer, or Autumn (I stole winter) [b]Powers[/b]: use what I listed above as guide-lines. [b]Special Attack[/b]: This can be just about anything, as long as it goes with your season. [b]Normal Appearance[/b]: What your character looks like when he/she is a normal high school student. (pictures are excepted) [b]Sprite Appearance[/b]: Very very different from your normal appearance. If you have ever seen "The Fire Bird Sweep" from Fantasia 2000, you will understand what a sprite looks like. (Make the color of your sprite similar to your season.) [b]Animal Appearance[/b]: I don't expect a huge detail from this, but you should give your "sacred" animal form something that seperates it from a normal Deer, Bear, Eagle, ect. [b]Personality[/b]: What your character acts like... and don't just list words for this! [b]Bio[/b]: Just give me some info on your past. You don't have to make it terribly long, but not too short either. OK... I'll be posting mine later.... [/size][/color]
[quote] originally posted by [b]Swordsaint[/b] Anyhow, what I want to know is, when/if you've been dumped like that, how'd you react and what did you do about it. I could use a few pointers because I really want to break her new boyfriends arms and legs with a spiked bat right now.[/quote] [size=1][color=darkgreen]Break her new boyfriend's arms and legs, I would be breaking her arms and legs, Swordsaint! You have a right to be really pissed off about this whole thing, but if I was in your position I wouldn't be pissed at the guy she's going out with now, I would be ticked off at her! Telling you TWO days before prom that she didn't want to go is just bull ****! This basicly tells you that she has no respect for you or your feelings at all! Now, if it had been a month before prom, that would be different, but two days? Crazy *****.... Now... if I were you, I would try to move on and just make as little contact with her as you can... or, if you still want to be her friend, you should try to get her somewhere alone so you can talk to her. Basicly... you should put the past behind you, you can't forget the past, but you can ignore it and go on with life. I for one really don't know how your feeling because.. well... I'v never really had a boyfriend (or girlfriend at that >.>) but I do know I would be really pissed if someone dumped me and didn't want to go to prom two days before it happened. Just don't blame this on her new guy... From what she did, I would feel sorry for him... [/size][/color]