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Everything posted by KKC
[size=1][color=darkred]Jack dragged his feet as he made his way down another winding corridor of the ship, he was bushled out from thinking and walking for such along time, he had searched and searched... and even searched some more for something that could be done for round two, but all he managed to find was 3 marbles, a rubber band, a yo yo with out it's string, and the biggist damn dust bunny he had ever seen! This was just a load of crap! He needed inspiration! Something Great! He looked around, seeing nothing but doors and corridors... Jack mumbled something naughty under his breath and looked around the ship with a lost expression on his face, he really needed some rum. "This ship has to have a bar... either that or this Roland guy doesn't get out much..." With that said, Jack turned around on his heal, deciding to stop his head splitting search to find the bar. THWACK! Jack bumped into to someone and was pushed over backwards, his hat flying from his head, revealing all of his loot stolen from the crowd... plus a peice of moldy cheese. Jack grumbled a few curse words once again and pushed himself up to the ground to come face to face with a really really fat maid. Jack grinned as sweat began to poor down the side of his face, suprisingly, the hepher maid smiled back at his, the large mole above her lip wiggled oddly. Jack quickly hopped to his feet and spun around, picking up his hat as he went; he then faced the lady and made a short bow. Her grin became bigged and she let out a squeeking giggle, Jack twitching slightly and looked down at the floor seeing all the wallets and watches scattered about the corridor floor. "Um..." Jack looked at the lady one more time before continuing... she looked stupid enough. "I'm a Juggler! A clown!" Jack leaped down to the floor, flat on his stomach and then pushed himself back up landing on the toe of his feet. He then pulled his cutlass from his belt, swung it around all cool like a few times and then plucked up a wallet from the floor with the blade, he then un hooked it from the tip of the blade and it flew through the air; quickly pulled off his hat, Jack caught the falling wallet neatly is his hat. The fat maid clapped her huge hands and squeeled as if Jack was Orlando Bloom and she was the fan girl seeing Lord of the Rings for the 10th time. To Jack's own surprise, he was enjoying this. He began to do that same thnig to his other items as he had down to the wallet, neatly catching each stolet item in his hat, the maid continued to "Wig-out" every time he caught it. "Thank you, you beautiful young lady!" Jack lied as he began to back up towards one of the doors, he slammed his hat back over his head and then busted into the room, slamming the door and locking it, not wanting the mole lady to chase after him. He made a large sigh of relief and then turned around to examine the room. Jack's eyes grew wide and his breath became very still... he had finally found what would be good for a round two.... [/size][/color] @_< one post left...
[color=darkblue]Barret, or Bonden as he prefered slowly dragged his feet as he came closer to the ddock where the large pirate vessle rested in the water. He was actually quite excited that he might be part of the crew, but didn't want anyone else to see that, being pirates weren't a very good bunch to be seen with for some odd reason. Bonden glanced around, wanting to see if the other people were "Piratey" or not. He recognized some of the people from the town; the pig guardsmin was there, and so was the cobbler who lived a few stores away from where Bonden Binded Books (Kinky). Finally reaching the docks, Bonden stopped on the edge of the dock and looked forward. He had read many books about pirates and one of the crew customs was to "Check them out". Bonden ruffled his red striped britches and tryed to make some sort of scornfulish face, but he felt silly, so cept his normal book binder expression. [/color] >.< that sucked (isn't creative today)
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Leo sat curled up in a little ball under the large vacent stood in the abandoned town. He had been traveling to meet this Vincent dood, but has decided to take a quick rest before continuing, he was bushed from being chased by bounty hunters and such. What a wonderful dream he was having... He was on a beach... well, at least what he thought was a beach. Leo had never seen the ocean, not even in pictures, he had to use his imagination for everything. The sun was shining brightly, and three B-E-A utiful women were sitting next to him, drooling over his muscels and hottness. Suddenly, the wind blew a trash can over, which made a loud racket. "I didn't do it!!" Leo screamed as he jumped to his feet and pulled out his electromagnetic pole. He looked around to see that it had been nothing and then checked his watch to see what the time was. "8:00" it read. Leo smiled slightly, the time not completely sinking in... what! He was late! With his mouth open and curses poring out, Leo scrambled down the abandoned street, heading North, where he would be meeting Vincent and the others. He was very light and quick on his feet, only 10 minuets had passed before he finally arrived at the sight, the vincent guy was standing there with a flask in his hand, he looked up when Leo came scrambling down the hill, cursing very loudly. Leo skidded to a stop in front of the man and began to catch his breath, gasping words between breaths. "Hey-i'm Leo-sorry-late-fell asleep..." He then stood strait up and looked at the man, wondering what the hell he should do. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkred]Jack stood next to the table which was piled up with food, he was quite hungry from walking down that long red carpet, plundering from his creepy crazed fans, and of course all his damn thinking for round 2. What the hell was this Roland guy thinking!? Jack wasn't used to thinking this hard, and he was beginning to get a head ache, or was that just the watch he stole digging into his head. Pulling out his cutlass, Jack stabbed a muffin which Condor was about to grab and bit into it; before Condor could explode in anger from his muffin being snatched away, Jack turned on his heal and walked out of the room still trying to think of what he should do for this very mind hurting task. [i]"Maybe he wants me to look for an idea for round two because he can't think of one! But... he already gave us the task... though, that still could be the task, he said it was anything, but... wait... eh..."[/i] Jack stopped thinking, for he now felt very dizzy as if he had just spent a night at a local pub. He sat down next to a chair next to a telephone and rubbed his head, trying to think of commandeering a ship to ease his wounded brain. He hungrily stuffed the rest (3/4's) of the muffin into his mouth and looked around the deserted hallway, no one... he sighed, stealing would have helped him. "To hell with it!" Jack said angrily as he jumped up, knocking over the chair and bumping into the table which the phone was on, causing it to clatter to the floor. He then stormed off; finally coming to the conclusion of what he would do for round two, find something to do for round two! It was brilliant, of course, as good lookin' as Jack was, everything about him was brilliant.[/size][/color]
[size=1]Greg spat on the cold streets of New York city, it was pooring down rain and everyone seemed to be in a hurry as they dashed through the rain to get to their car, wanting to get home and sit next to a nice warm fire. Greg on the other hand, was having a good old time strumming some beats on his guitar on his own stoop, smack dab in the middle of the large city. Rain would blow onto to him every few moments or so, but he enjoyed, he reminded himself of rain for some reason, you just can't control the way it acts, unless it involves a good looking girl. "Yeah she's the one! The only one!" Greg sang as he began to strum harder, preparing for that last line of his song. "Shes the Jewish Nun!" He laughed slightly as he leaned back against the cold wall and layed his guitar next to him. He was always coming up with the craziest of songs, "My cat has cancer", "Lepricon with a drinking problem", and of course "Jewish nun". His nabors didn't always agree on what he sang about, but he couldn't help it. "Don't you think it's a bit late to be singin' that?" Greg heard a someone mumble from the street. He glanced over to see a scruffy looking man leaning against the side of a building, the roof barely protecting him from the rain. Greg raised an eyebrow, usually it was people he knew who would make coments like that. Without being asked, The man suddenly walkd over and sat right next to Greg and grinned at him; he looked about 50 or so... maybe older. "Greg Sanders... you have a wonderful gift... yet you waste it by playing this darned instrument. Greg's ears pricked up when he mentioned "Special Gift" did this guy know about his fire abilitys? Before Greg could say anything, the man continued. "I am the same as you, you are a saggitarus, like myself... I also have the fire power you have, but you are much stronger. It is time for you and the others to begin your training." He then looked at Greg strait in the eye. "I guess I'm in for a long story..."[/size]
[size=1][color=indigo][u][b]Character Sign-Up[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Koromon [b]Side[/b]: Royal Knights [b]Digivolutions[/b]: Botamon ? Koromon ? Flamon ? Agunimon ? BurningGreymon ? Aldamon [b]Attacks[/b]: Bubble blow (is there another? >.>) [b]Personality[/b]: Koromon is a pretty care free digimon who doesn't always look before he leaps. It's not that he's really hyper, he just doesn't think very much. He is laid back and doesn't really worry too much about anything, even in some of the worst situations he can be completely laid back which sometimes makes the other digimon nervous. Koromon could probably make friends with just about anyone who wanted to be his friend. He is very stubborn and doesn't give up very easily. [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.pummeldex.de/pummeldex/rtl2bilder/Digimon-Bilder/koromon.gif[/img] or [URL=http://www.pummeldex.de/pummeldex/rtl2bilder/Digimon-Bilder/koromon.gif]Koromon[/URL] [b]Biography[/b]: During the war, Aldamon was a very strong fighter of the Royal Knights, he was one of the most determined of the group and kept on fighting side by side with Imperialdramon and the others. Eventually, he was drained of his power and was decreased back into his digiegg where he later hatched in Primary Village. He stayed in Primary village up to his In-training stage and then decided to head on his own. He always had this feeling he was destined for something bigger in the digital world, but he didn't know what it was. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo]A soft breeze blew by as one by one the 10 contestants for the "Contest" stepped down from the bus and made their way down the velvet carpet. At the end, standing next to the door that led into the mansion, was young man waiting to greet all the ladies, girls, what ever you want to call them. So, that was the mysterious bachelor man? He was looking pretty fine through KKC's eyes. Casually, KKC (AKA Caroline) made her way down the carpet, taking longer strides to stretch her legs for sitting down in a bus seat for two hours can get very uncomfertable. Being one of the people near the middle of the line, KKC looked ahead to see how the other girls greated the bachelor. Some stutered slightly, and another gave a hug or so... wha?! Someone even gave him a peck on the cheek! That seemed a bit... er... rash to KKC. [i]I wonder if he's having fun...[/i] After the first four girls had made their way into the mansion; KKC stepped up to meet "The Man". Now that she was close she was able to get a better look at him... heh... that's odd, he sort of looked like Johnny Depp... She gave a smile and held up a hand. "Heeeeey!" She said happily as she patted him on the back with a bit of force. He replied with the same, long lasting "hey" with a smile, she figured it was probably forced. "I'm K.K.C., or, Caroline, just use which ever you can remember more. It's great to meet you Mr...." KKC looked at him with a raised eyebrow, she had never gotten his name, not even when she applied for the "Contest". "DW." He answered her with another smile, which KKC still guessed was being forced. "Or Gavin... Gavynn..." He added. KKC smiled and then took her arms off of his shoulder and gave a small nod of the head. With that she entered the mansion and shortly made her way to the huge backyard.[/size][/color] OOC: DW be gettin' all the attention >.>
[size=1][color=darkgreen][b]I doubt very many people have heard of this band, but I could be wrong. If you have recently been to Epcot in Orlando, Florida and went to the Canada area, you'll find a band that performs there about 5 times a day wearing... Kilts? Yes, kilts (hence the name). I think these guys are pretty good, each is really good at the instrument he plays and they are all pretty good singers. What I find best though is that they can put the bag pipe into the songs and make it sound good. I bought one of the CDs they made and I enjoyed on the fly back home. They are a "Celtic Band", but they don't play Irish Whistles and Mandolins and old such stuff like that, they still make it sound Celtic, but not boring. So, has anyone else ever heard of Off Kilter?[/b][/size][/color]
[quote name='Megumi'] The only thing that bothers me is that whatever liquid he's drinking in the one that's in your sig is NOT water, so it bugs me to say "to be a waterbottle", but that's just me being a perfectionist spaz.[/quote] [size=1]XD I noticed that too right when I was done making it! "Wait... *squints* That's not water!" But, I have no earthly idea what he's drinking. All I know is that he is in a shoe store at the moment o.O Plus, "To be a Gator Aid bottle" just doesn't right (plus, i'm not sure what that in.. it could be lemonaid!) But, asides from the factor he isn't drinking water, it is in a bottle, so, it's half and half ^_^ Well, my fandom wears sexi [b]Kilts[/b] ;) [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17865&stc=1[/img] I had to make one more banner before I headed off to Orlando. I am so pissed though because PSP7 toatally screws up the font by making it all blurry! *goes crazy* [/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Well, i'v finally decided to make a permanent thread for all my banners, Icons, Wallpapers, and sketches that I make/draw (Hence the part "and such"). So here are just some recent stuff i'v put together, please be as hard on me as you like, cause I would really like to get better ^^ thanx. (I finally figured out how to work the color tools) Banners: [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Banners/Gollumban.jpg[/img] My most recent banner. Yes, the font sucks... If you can't read it it says "You are lost, you can never go home." The area for the text became too dark, so I had to fiddle with it alot. [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Banners/Viciousban.jpg[/img] A Visious banner I made for Asim a while back. I thought this was one of my better banners. [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Banners/AnimeGuyvash.jpg[/img] A banner made for Anime_guy, I thought it was ok, but I sorta screwed up the white strip at the top... [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Banners/Waterbottleban.jpg[/img] The banner that I recently made for my sig, yes it's another Billy banner ^^' Icons/Avatars: (WARNING: most contain Billy Boyd) [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Banners/Viciousavi.jpg[/img] Matching avatar for Asim, I love making rip effects. [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/LJI/BetterBilly.jpg[/img] Just refering to how Billy sings better than Britney Spears (Check siggy). Picture didn't have very good quality. [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/LJI/DejavuBilly.jpg[/img] Deja Vu o.O [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/LJI/ShortBillyLJI.jpg[/img] Just a little thing I made when I was bored. --- Well, that's it for now, please rate them if you could, thanx ^^ [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo]There were at least 5 dragon raiders in the air, at least around where Sideria was. She growled loudly and felt the blue fire start to rise inside of her; a raider started to charge towards her, the dragon he was perched on had smoke coming from it's mouth. Sideria, giving a large beat of her wings dodged a blast of fire and then spun down wards,slamming into the dragons back and crushing the raider. Another blast of fire was blown close to Sideria, making her scales warm, she glared over to see two raiders coming towards her from either side. Another blast of the fire was thrown at her, instead of dodging it, Sideria let out her own blue fire, which matched evenly against the wild dragons. The other dragon was still coming at her, she was very open for attack right now, she then dove downward, the other dragon fire hit against the other raider. The wild dragon he was on began to attack the one who blasted him, as they engaged in their own fight. "3 down, 2 to go." Sideria roared as she swooped down and pulled the raiders from the fighting dragon's backs. If they remained fighting here it could cause trouble for the town, Sideria quickly rammed her horn against the leg of one of them, she would just have to move the fight some where else. Once wild dragons start something, don't like to stop it until it's finished. In anger, the two dragons began to spurt bursts of fire at her, she dodged them and began to fly out into the country area, leading them safely away from the town. She didn't need to look behinder her to know they were following her, she could hear them roaring and blasting fire at her three miles away. She would take them to the mountain range area, that is where she would most likely lose them in chase. The range came in of sight and Sideria made an extra burst of speed, flying upwards in a spiraling form around one of the mountain peaks. The wild dragons were smarter than she thought, one went left and the other went right in hopes of cutting her off. Sideria flew higher into the sky and the two wild dragons soon met her. Blasts of blue and red fire gleamed through out the mountain tops, Sideria swooping sideways and down wards, dodging all attacks she could, but there were two of them and only one of her. As she counter attacked one of the dragons the other slammed against her side followed by a burning from his fire. Sideria quickly flew higher above the mountains, she couldn't keep this up much longer. One of the dragons charged at her, Sideria once again met her blue with his red fire. Though before getting a chance to notice the other dragon a sharp pain rang through out her head and she began to fall from the sky, she didn't know what happened, but she was slowly losing consiousness. With a hard thud she landed on an out stretched slope of one of the mountain sides, everything blacked out. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkred]Jack grinned happily as he practically skipped his way down the carpet, now THIS was a warm welcome! This was new to him; usually people would attempt hanging him or beating him because of his plundering hobby. He remembered this one time when he met this Will guy, but that was another story. He looked ahead of him to see how far he was from the boat; he was playing a little game with himself. How many Wallets can Jack get before making it to the boat? This is way Jack was so good in large crowds. He wasn't too far from the boat, but he wasn't too close either, he looked at the contestants that were already there; the ninja guy had caused a distraction earlier, causing Jack to get a nice pocket watch from an unexpected fan... "I think we'll get along fine." Jack said happily as he made his way closer to the boat. His ears perked up a bit when he heard a group of fan girls screaming for him, it was a bit scary... being they were all in their 30s and were probably already married... but that meant jewelry! Jack quickly leaped over to where the girls... or ladies... were almost ripping through the "Stop here and don't go any further or else a celebrity will get mad" rail. Just to impress them, Jack pulled out his pistol and twirled it through his fingers, which seemed to make the ladies melt and almost become part of the floor like the Shadow girl. Jack leaned in a bit as they squealed happily, he extended his left hand out near one of the ladies purses, but before he could make a grab for anything one of the ladies grabbed him! Jack was suddenly crowd surfing the fans! "Bloody hell!" Jack yelled as he was nearly dropped by some smaller kids. He bent his neck up to see how far from the carpet he was, he wasn't too far, but he wasn't too close either. Jack suddenly felt some tugging at his pants and shirt; he quickly pulled his hat off, not wanting to lose that over anything. No offence to the crowd, but he liked getting his clothes ripped off in the proper place at a proper time... this was not proper! Using his skills from being a very handsome pirate, Jack quickly leaped from the tops of the crazy crowd and onto the gravel, before anyone could realize it; he was already half way back to the safety of the red carpet. People tugged at his clothes and some even tried to pull his hat away from his clenched hands, but he wasn't slowed down...too much... With a desperate leap, Jack flew from the crowd; he was now about 7 feet from the carpet. With a thud, he landed sideways on the carpet and rolled over, pushing himself back up onto his feet. He looked down at his clothes that were now very ragged looking, even more ragged then they usually look! With a smile he waved good bye to the crazy ladies and firmly put his hat tight on his head, which jingled slightly with a few parcels he had "borrowed" when running through the crowds... Now all he had to do was commodore the ship! [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Greg just then had noticed how the writing on the boat looked splattery like blood. "Did you have to say that?!" He asked angrily, his Scottish accent echoing through out the docking area. Robin just smiled and then took a seat on a bench near by, he seemed very alert, he didn't seem to trust anything about the boat or anything near it. Greg sighed and glanced at his watch, it was about 5:00 A.M., the sun would be rising soon and he still hadn't gotten a wink of sleep, how was he supposed to help kick some Evil *** when he could barely stand on his feet. He made his way over to the bench and dropped down next to Robin. "Wake me when someone... Or [i]Something[/i] gets here..." Greg then closed his eyes, but didn't go to sleep all the way, he dosed, keeping on ear open just in case anything were to happen. He trusted Robin of taking care of just about anything that wanted to slit their throats, but it wasn't a curse just to make sure of it. Soon enough, the sound of birds began chirping through out the docking area and a sliver of light began to peak over the horizon. Greg opened his eyes, and heard something from a short distance away, it sounded like a total of... 6 or so people. greg jumped to his feet, as well as Robin and looked out to see two men being chased by about 4 others. A gun shot went off and Greg leaped off of the boat, landing on the dock and then running over to where the group was. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red]OOC: That's what you get for taking so long, now that Mr. Warrior has posted, we can get this moving along. --- IC: Count Durmer peaked around one of the second level corners, just enough that he could see over the balcony and get a view of his "guests." He looked at each person and recognized them from the photos he had collected a while back, it was always a good idea to know who you were inviting to your big mansion (even if you say you don't know them). With a grin, The Count stepped from his hawk nest and began to make his way down the spiral stair case down to the grand hall, where the "guests" were all waiting. "Welcome, Welcome my gusts." He began, they all looked at him, some didn't look the least bit surprised that he was old while others were astounded by his appearance and shaking in their pants. "This is Drumer Mansion and I would love to welcome you all for-" But before the count could finish one of the "guests" spoke up. Drumer recognized him as Kevin Withe. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cut to the chace old man, I don't have all friggin' day for introductions." He snapped, folding his arms across his chest and taking a large puff from the cigarette he was smoking. The others expressions seemed to ask the same thing. Drumer hit his tongue, he hated the young, always thinking they were so much better because they could eat harder food! He slowly counted to ten and then made a large grin. "Ah... Master kevin I presume." The count mumbled to him with a nod. This seemed to shut him up, beng he though he was a complete stranger to the old man. "As I was saying... Welcome to Drumer Mansion! Here, the seven of you will compete for not only the inheiritance of the Mansion, but also a chance to ask me of anything you want and the price for it comes from my own pocket." He grinned slightly and the guests seem to become a bit more excited, except for a chose one or two. "Now, you will all be locked into the mansion. This is where you will be living until you are excluded from the game or you win it." The count's grin grew a bit more. "As time passes, I will be the one to choose who gets kicked out from the winners circle, I assure you that the choosing is completely fair, I don't know any of you, so, there fore, I can't have a favorite." The count paused, waiting for any questions, when none replied he opened his mouth to finish up his speach, of course, being the people they were, someone piped up a question at the last moment. "Um.. Mr. Durmer, how can we be sure that you will actually give us anything we request?" The girl named Audrey asked. His grinned widened even more, when they say an ear to ear grin, this was literal. "I guess you will just have to trust me on that one Mrs. Christenson... and please, call me "Count"." He then glanced around at the others. "Your boat ride was long and tiresom, I will give you each half an hour to freshen up for dinner. My Servents shall show you to your rooms." With that he turned on his heal and headed back up the steps leaving the Butlers to take care of everything else. [/size][/color]
Sign Up Digimon- Way of the Worlds [PG-13 for violent content]
KKC replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
[size=1][color=darkblue]Remember, I'm only doing this cause everone like you >:l ----- [b][u]Human Sign-Up[/u][/b] [b]Name[/b]: Adam Boyd (>.>) [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Equipment[/b]: A stun Gun, cutlas, and a small frist aid/survival kit. [b]Digimon Partner[/b]: Monodramon [b]Digivice[/b]: It is a dark blue color and it's a hand held device, but you can't toss it around like it was a rubber ball. (You could say it's about two times the size of the normal digivice). It has total of four buttons on it in all and is a ovalish shape. [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://art.neutralred.org/original/030.gif[/img] [b]Biography[/b]: Adam knows little of his past or where he came from. When he was about 8, he was found unconsious beneath some ruble from a building that had colapsed. A knock on the head caused his amnesia and he was sent ot a hospital and then to an orphanage where he became pretty miserable. Being the curious kid he was, Adam would usually sneak out of the orphanage and run around exploring the city. Many times he would watch digimon from a safe distance, he always was very curious about them and found them facinating and not so horrible like other people. When Adam turned 13 he permanatly ran away from the orphanage, wanting to help stop this madness between the two worlds. He was able to steal a stun gun from an abandoned store and his cutlas was givin to him by an old soldier who hated what was happening to the Earth. He has been looking for a digimon partner for about 2 years, just recently he found a digi egg, after hatching, the digimon inside soon digivolved into it's rookie stage. He has only been with his digimon partner for 2 weeks. [b]Additional Info[/b]: He is a very loose and care free character who likes to have fun. [b][u]Digimon Sign-Up[/b][/u] [b]Name[/b]: Monodramon [b]Species[/b]: Dragon [b]Level[/b]: Rookie [b]Attacks[/b]: Beat Knuckle, Cracking Bite [b]Digivolutions[/b]: Strikedramon (Champion) Cyberdramon (Ultimate) Justimon (Mega) [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.anzwers.org/free/digidreamer/Bilder/monodramon2.gif[/img] [b]Bio[/b]: Monodramon has only been around for about two weeks. His partner, Adam, tells him that he found his digiegg near a battle ground, he suspected that he was abandoned because of the battle or something else. Over the two weeks of being with his partner, he soon digivolved into his In-training level as Kapurimon. He just recently digivolved into his rookie stage of Monodramon. [/size][/color] -
[size=1][color=darkblue][b]Name:[/b] Barret Bonden (You took my nick name of scruff! *burns GreatDeitylink*) [b]Gender (sex):[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b]: 30 [b]Occupation:[/b] Book Binder, so, he can put pages of things together and give it a hard out covering ^.^ good for him! (w00t!) --------I had to put a picture up jut for the heck of it---------- [img]http://www.billyboyd.net/images/Image/b20.jpg[/img] [/size][/color]
Wow, I love TGS! That has got to be one of the best banners I have ever seen on OB! The only thing I suggest is showing the characters (Chearleader, so and so, whats her face, the ugly one!) MSG'd, that always makes me laugh cause my sister is a alergic to it, so we get to make fun of her alot. Awesome banner, though I would like to see the cloud eating the birds :cry:
[size=1][color=indigo]Sideria ruffled her wings slightly, it was going to be a bit strange having another dragon tamed by Chi being around, but she would get used to it and help the little guy as much as she could. She stood up slightly, just enough to peak over into the next stall, he was out like a light, nothing could wake him up. Sideria remembered being extreamly exhausted when she was first tamed as well. She rested herself back down on the stable floor and and bent her long neck side ways so that it rested along side her body. Sleeping never came easy for Sideria, but she was usually able to force herself, knowing that the next day could bring in a ton of hard work, it really depended of Chi's day. Sideria layed awake for hours... She felt something wrong would happen soon, it was that feeling that most animals have. Like when a storm is coming, the birds all fly away to their nests. Sideria just hoped she was wrong, but sleep never came to her that night. [/size][/color] OOC: Hope i'm not pushing this into the plot :sweat:
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Yay! [b]Celebrity[/b]: Billy Boyd [b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://www.great-scot.net/officials/o_billy12.jpg[/img] [b]Three Items[/b]: Guitar, Surf Board, Kilt (XD) [b]Skills[/b]: Good thing the skills are listed on the official website ^^ ~Clean Driving Licence ~Foil fencing (Grade 7) ~Jeet Kune Do (phase 4) ~Filipino Kali (Phase 4) ~Guitar/Bass Guitar ~Good ear for accents (Native Glaswegian) ~Surfing ~Drinking [b]What Usually Goes Through Your Head[/b]: "If it ain't Scottish it's crap!" - "Kiss me, I'm posing." - "Eat more haggis." - "I'm not a stalker!" (probably incorrect) [b]Bio[/b]: Born in Scotland Mr. Billy had a pretty tough life. His Faja died when he was only 14 and his maja died one year later. So, like what you see on TV, Billy went into a deep depresion. He had wanted to be an actor, but after his parents died and an evil guidence teacher told him to just give up, he became a book binder ^_^ After a year of binding books he decided this was bull **** and applied for some drama place. He was soon casted in low budget stuff like "Taggart" and "The slab boys", but after meeting Peter Jackson and later stealing his car, he was a star! Isn't that nice ^^. [/size][/color]
[size=1]Here's what I was able to put together. I hope you didn't want the Space mark in your name, cause I didn't put that in.[/size] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17829&stc=1[/img]
[size=1]Awesome, Doodles can be so fun, but mine are really really doodily >.< I really like the Kenshin one, he does seem to have that far off look in his eye, probably daydreaming about something he shouln't ;) The only thing I find odd is his sword scabbard, it's really fat in the back part. The cat man looks really neat too, the pose is really cool and you did a good job on his arms. Although his face is a bit hard to see under his hair, they seem like awesome everyday doodles to me ^^ [/size]
[size=1][color=indigo]Wow! I absolutly love the anime Jack Sparrows! So Cute ^^ Like what basicly everyone else has been saying, the pretty legolas needs some work, but I think it's pretty good for a realistic drawing, cause realistic drawing are hard to draw! The lips are smugy, but like you said, getting libs to work out is difficult >.> I think the anime Legolas looks much better (Although I still rest my case that he looks like a girl weather he's drawn or not XP) I'm against legolas as you can see. Jack sparrows are very cute! I love the second sketches you did of him when he's making the faces, the only thing about that is the one on the left, his right arm looks a bit weird, like the upper part isn't thick enough... or something. But I like the other one alot. I also think, in the first pic of Jack, his... erm... Top pants area looks a bit... misplaced >.> I'll just stop at that. Your self portrait is awesome! And so is the fairy boy, though I wish he would put some pants on. I like the inked one as well except for how her hands blend with grass... does she can some kind of camo. power? [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo]Greg looked down at the road and the back up to Robin, who was starting the motor bike. The engine began to chuckle and smoke began to puff from the eguast pipe. He had been planing on going to this Cesto guy's island, but once he arrived in England he lost track of everything and wasn't sure if he wanted to go... "Ok..." Greg said with a small smile. Though he couldn't really see it from the mask or the darkness, Greg had a feeling that the large Robin dude was smiling at him. He began to get onto the bike and stopped half way up. "You owe me a Malt Wiskey.... understand?" Robin nodded and might have chuckled and Greg climbed on the rest of the way. "Ok, let's go!" They traveled through the night, The boat that would be leaving for "Cesto's Fort" was almost half way across the country, luckily Robin had a pretty damn good bike and it was faster than most. Greg comlained at least twice every hour that it should be called "Cesto's Island" cause it sounded more welcoming, Robin ignored most of his coments on this. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo]Not only was he gifted in different forms of fighting styles, but Greg was also one of the few people who had the gift of getting drunk off of one bottle of something. His vision was a bit blurry as he watched 4 figures scurry away from him and the other guy who he had bumbed into. He looked down at the ground to see broken glass and his skates... [i]Why am I wearing no socks?[/i] "What's your name?" The big fellow asked, taking Greg's attention away from his sockless position. Greg smiled and rubbed his eyes, trying to make himself not look so drunk. He was now able to see the man more clearly, he was... pretty damn big. He was wearing a big freeky helmet mask thungummy that covered everything on his head except for his neck, but.. then again that wasn't really part of the head... "Name be Sanders... Greg Sanders." Greg replied with a grin holding out his hand to the guys mask. His drunkness rubbed off a bit more and he corrected the position for a normal hand shake, but, he soon felt gravity pushing on his arm and just decided to shake hands at all. "You took care of those two guys pretty well, you fight?" The man asked with curiosity, ignoring most of Greg's drunk movements. Greg sat down of the ground (away from the broken glass) and began to put his skates back on. "Well, I don really like fight, but sometime the only way to brush off the hatin is to kick some ***." Greg stuttered through his horrible diolog and blinked many times thinking if he had said the last sentance correctly. He stood up and the fell right back down fore he had put his skates on the wrong feet. he quickly switched them and then stood back up and sighed. "Damn i'm drunk!" "You must be Scottish, Greg..." He held out an arm and held onto the drunkin Scot, knowing that if he tryed to get back to where ever he was living he would be surely hit by a bus. "I'm Robin... I think maybe you should stick around with me for awhile... at least until that stuff you were drinkin' wears off." Greg blinked again and looked at the broken glass on the road. "I wasn't even finished yet..." he said with a frown. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=indigo]"Wow... I guess England isn't as bad as I though it would be." Greg chirped happily in his Scottish accent as he skidded to a stop infront of a small appliance store. He pulled the roller blades from his feet and slipped on his tennis shoes. No shoes no service, he showed them! Greg opened the door, a little bell rang indicating that a customer had arrived. He greeted the clerk with a friendly hi and then made his way to the back, where he grabbed a can of malt whiskey, his favorite drink. "This be all for ya'?" The clerk asked as he took the whiskey from Greg. Why did they always have to ask those questions. If he wanted something else, he would have already gotten it. "Aye." Greg simply replied, trying to tone out his Scottishness, making it sound more British, but the clerk raised his eyebrow as he handed his the bottle. Greg just grinned and then quickly scooted out of the store, putting on his skates and rolling out of there, he decided he wanted to just skate around for a while, he rolled into a naborhood that had some old abandoned houses. It was a bit late to be out and about... 8:00... maybe even 9:00, Greg had never been good at keeping time with things, all he knew was that he was having a good old time chugging down his Malt Whisky. [i]I wonder if drinking and skating is against the law...? Or is that only in America?[/i] While consumed in his own thoughts and tasty drink, Greg didn't notice that a large figure was standing near the side of the road, just standing there looking at the ground. [i]Of course... England and America are alot alike.. Arn't th- Holly ****!!![/i] "Holly ****!" Greg exclaimed his thought as he skated smack dab into the large figure in the road. They both fell to the ground with a large thud, Greg being on the bottom in some strage turn of event. He grouned, this guy was pretty heavy! The figure quickly jumped off from of the now squashed Greg and pulled him up on his skates. Geg turned to see who had helped him, feeling very dizzy from event. All he could make out was a large bluish purple mask. His vision then became blurred and he felt a sticky substance seeping through his shirt. "You owe me a whisky..." Greg mumbled before losing his balance and falling to the ground unconsious.[/color] OOC: Don't ya love it when your serious/depressed character runs into my stupid goofy character in some odd way? ;) [/size]