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[color=darkgreen][size=1]God, I love your RPGs Jokopoko! [b]Name[/b]: Ronin Merhom [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at a booming 5'4'', Ronin has rusty, short, brown hair that is quite shaggy looking. He has a bit of a small beard (Scruff/fuzz, not that much) and dark green eyes along with a small scar on the side of his fairly large forehead. His attire is a bit rugged looking but it gets the job done. He wears a normal black, ragid tunic with a long sleeved dark green shirt under it with black nuckle-cut gloves and bindings on his wrists. Under the tops part of his torno he wears a thin lining of chain mail. He then wears a black belt and dark green pants that are some what covered up by the ends of his black tunic. He then has medium sized black boots. Around his neck hangs a polished green stone with an odd sympol in the middle of it. [b]War band/Solo[/b]: Extreamly small "War Band" of 5 men who call them selves [i]The Forgotten Force[/i]. [b]Starting Quarter[/b]: North-East Biography: Born into a poor family in the capital of Reikland, Ronin has always been looked down upon as nothing but a street rat (as he calls it). Ronin was the youngest of 5 children in his house hold, but always seemed to be the one everyone looked to because he was so much like his father, who was usually working 4 different jobs a day so he could make some money. Due to the poor conditions he lived in, health issues stunted Ronin's growth giving him the fairly small size he is at now. When turning the age of 6, two of Ronin's brothers died from illness and his mother passed away soon after that, not able to keep herself going with the life she and her family lived. Ronin soon began to take on multiple jobs trying to get money to help pay for meals for the family, but nothing seemed to give them enough money, pretty soon his eldest sister also died from the bad living conditions. Just being his father, last sister, and himself, the family packed what little they had a left Altdorf. Ronin's father then told him of how their family might be much better off from events that could have happened in the past. Ronin's father was an amazing sword master and had trained for a good part of his life so he could get into the imperial forces, but he was rejected because he had taught himself how to weild a sword and his own style of fighting seemed crazy to those of the Imperial forces. Once they finally settled on the out skirts of Altdorf, Ronin asked of his father to train him in the way he did sword fighting. So, for the years to come, Ronin was trained under his father's eye in the his own style of fighting. He mastered it after much training and his father soon passed on when Ronin was 22. Deciding to give a shot at joining the forces, he and his sister went back to Altdorf where he was rejected like his father, but mainly because of his small size. In rage, Ronin left the capital city while his sister stayed behind to start a new life for herself. Over the years, Ronin met up with other fighters like himself who were out casted from the city. They put together a small "war band" of about 7 or so fighters and claim themselves [i]The Forgotten Force[/i]. Upon seeing another War Band and some solo fighters heading for the Wyrdstone, Ronin and his small band decided to go as well, hoping to prove to the Empire what they could do. [b]Weaponry[/b]: Long sword: [img]http://www.filmswords.com/images/conan/destroyer/DESTR2.jpg[/img] (Held on the left hand side of his belt) Fangs Dagger: [img]http://www.jodysamson.com/images/daggers/fangs.jpg[/img] (held on the back of his belt) Pole/Staff: A black metal pole/staff with makings of gold carved into it. (Held on Ronin's back)[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]OOC: I sugest that you check your grammer a bit swordmaster, it was a bit difficult to read ;) IC: "Thanks for stopping at [i]Great Late Coffee[/i], please come see us again and have a nice day." William cheered with a grin on his face as he handed the cup of coffee to the customer. The person nodded with a forced smile and exited the coffee shop. It was about 9:30, and William had the morning shift being he didn't have any classes in the morning. His grin faded to a normal smile which he always had on his face. Business was usually booming in the morning, but it was raining out side, so customers were a bit rare, rainy days always called for less customers. Though, he liked rainy days, they were just so peaceful to him. William leaned against a freezer door that held some soft drinks and closed his eyes for a few moments, just resting them. He had had a very restless night and had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep, waking up at 6 A.M. to go to work wasn't a great morning greeting, but he could cope with anything. Suddenly, the alarm on his clock beeped, William glaced down at the digital watch. 9:40, time for a break. William quickly unstrapped the green apron and layed it down on a shelf under the counter. "I'm taking my break! Be back in 10!" He called to back room which was replied with a dull "Ok". He then made his way out side into the streets of New York city, cars whizzed by, splashing water onto the side walks. With a smile, William walked down the street, soon entering a small book store. He wasn't really the kind of guy who went into book shops, but he enjoyed this one for some reason. Upon entering he greeted the girl at the counter and made his way to the magazine section where he picked up an issue of movie magic. He was the only one in the small store except for the worker who was on the other end and clearly out of his site. Upon scanning the index, William felt a soft breeze blow against his back... but... that was impossible... He turned around to see if anyone was there. A few magazine pages flipped and fluttered and the breeze suddenly stopped. Being the curious person he was, William put down his magazine and began to tip-toe to the end of the magazing isle. The breeze started up again, but this time it didn't stop. As he came closer to the end of the isle the breeze grew stronger, but he rsisted and kept moving tell he reached the end and turned, look down the last and back isle of the stoor. standing about 7 feet away from him was a beutiful women dressed in a shimmering grey color and her eyes seem to sparkle when she saw him. Her silver and blue hair began to blow in the breeze which had come to a soft breeze. "I am glad to have found you William Trenor... It is time for you to awake." She said in a whispy voice. William felt his breath chill and he breathed in the fesh air that seemed to come from her. "I'm afraid your a bit late my mysterious, yet beutiful friend.... I was awake at 6:00 this morning." William replied with a smile. She smiled back at him and her eyes softened a bit. "You have been asleep for a long time...." She said, seeming to ignore what he had said. She raised her hands into the air and the air began to pick up and race around William, forming a small twister around him. William grunted as he was almost thrown against the shelves and held up his arms trying to block the winds. The wind in the twister increased and he was lifted from the book store's carpeted floor where he hovered a few feet from the ground. "Well, this is more exciting then I thought my morning would be!" William yelled to her through the roar of the wind, he closed his eyes as dust from the shelves began to drift into the twister. The mysterious lady said something to him, but he couldn't catch what it was and it seemed to be in an odd language. Suddenly, a sharp pain cut through William's shoulder, he grunted and tensed up, tightning his abs and curling into a small ball with pain. Then with an extra burst of pain, he yelled and fell to the floor with a thud, landing on his knees and then falling forward. The wind began to die down and William saw a crimson red thing fall beside him. He focused his vision and could see that it was a wing. A crimson wing with dark green tipped feathers on the ends. He looked at the women and managed to say. "Who are you?" She smiled slightly and walked towards him, yet her feet didn't seem to touch the ground, it was almost as if she was gliding across the floor. She stopped in front of the fallen man and bent down, lifting him to his feet, to William's amazment he was hovering like she was, only it wasn't windy anymore. "I am Oksiana, goddess of the winds," She said with a smile, William's breath was scarce as he looked into her eyes. "And you... William, are a winged one, a phoenix under my view." William suddenly landed onto the floor almost falling down backwards, but he regained his balance and looked himself over, he seemed the same, yet he felt different. William turned around and peered into a mirror pn the back wall of the magazine area, coming from his back were two large amazing crimson wings. "Wow..." Wiliiam turned around and glanced over his shoulder to get a better look at them. The feathers closest to his back where the wings emerged were a shining dirty gold color which then turned to crimson and the tip feathers of the wings were a dark green. William turned to the women who seemed to be enjoying his astonishment. William smiled slightly. "So, what else have I awoken to?" [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen] Well, being I finished mine a few hours ago, I guess i'll be the first to post my picture... >.< when you said "cartoon" I hope you ment we didn't have to draw just anime... and, for a reminder, I had to use a digital camera cause my scanner sucks and won't work (sorry if the picture is screwed up). Ok, first, the original picture: [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/girsalute_red.sized[/img] And now, my drawing of the original picture: [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/GirOB2004.JPG[/img] >.< well, I hope that is ok. sorry about the odd sizes of the two pics. *kills her evil scanner which causes pictures to look crappy* (also uploaded) [/size][/color]
OOC: You fun sucker ;) IC: [color=darkgreen][b]Kerrigan glanced at him from the corner of her eye as he asked her the question. "Ah... here and there..." She replied with a smile as she glanced up at the sky, how the heck would she get out of this old mans grip. She looked around to see if she could make any kind of destraction so she could get away, but nothing seemed to be poping into her head at the moment. "Here and there?" Jegar repeated with a humph, "That's a funny name for a village." Kerrigan just grined a bit more, she reached down to her belt, she still had two daggers on her, maybe she could spar it out and get away... Well, not to the death or anything, just until she was somewhere were she could lose him. She wasn't one to travel with an old creepy man, maybe MaCarther, but not the old guy. "Why do i have to go to Mallenfire with you?" Kerrigan decided to ask first instead of jumping to conclusions, that was a big change for her. "Why can't you just let me leave?" [/color][/b]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][i]Sign-up[/i] [u]EDIT: Changed my bio![/u] [b]Name[/b]: William Trenor [b]Wing Race[/b]: Phoenix [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Weapon[/b]: A double bladed glaive (crimson) [b]Signature Move[/b]: Fire Phoenix - He creates a large phoenix made of fire that he can control. It can shoot blasts of fire at an ememy and use it's firey body to attack. It can also use it's wings to send fiery gusts of wind. [b]Appearance[/b]: Tsuni stands at 5'6'' (the short guy) and has short, browish blonde hair (Look at the pic to get a main idea). He has one dark green eye (right) and one orange eye (left). He wears a black shirt with a dark forest green jacket (opened) over it. Running up the side of the jacket are blue flames. He wears blue jeans and has bindings around his wrists. He is quite sexy because small guys always look good. Around his neck hangs a polished black stone with a flame in the center of it. He wears normal tennis shoes as well, he rarely dresses up for anything. [b]Bio[/b]: William has been an orphan for most of his life. He was found unconsious in an old alley and was taken to the local orphanage where he was never claimed as anyones child. He couldn't remember anything, so, he gave himself the name William Trenor. When he turned 7 he was adopted by an older man (48 isn't THAT old though) who raised him. He took foil fencing lessons, tae kwon do, and karate so that he could prtect himself not wanting to lose his memory and be left in some alley again, plus, it was fun! When turning 17, the old man died from lung cancer and William inherited everything he owned. Wanting to have more fun in life, he packed his bags and headed to New York City, he then went off to college where he was able to have the most fun ever! He got a small job at a coffee shop on campus and has been in college for about 3 years (making him 22). William goes to alot of parties, but doesn't get into too mcuh trouble and usually is able to stay away from physical (sexual) contact. [b]Personality[/b]: Very out going and wild kind of guy. He goofs off a lot and loves to have fun. Nothing really bothers him though he can get disturbed by other people at times. He has a bit of a drinking addiction, but it isn't really serious (favorite drink is malt wiskey). He cares for most people and doesn't like to see those below him bullied around and such. It's really hard to bring out anger in this guy, he is able to stay cool in most situations. He is loyal and will never go back on promises. He fears just about nothing because to him dying will just have more fun to come. [b]Ruling God[/b]: Oksiana [/color][/size]
O.o I didn't know you drew stuff! *wacks you on the head for not telling me* Those look pretty good to me, Syk. Though, on the first one I only see one shaker (unless the glass is a shaker >.>). Our art teacher is pretty cool, though he doesn't mind anime and stuff he likes it when we do our own drawing and not copy right ones. I really love the watch one you did, that shading looks really good and you kept all the numbers look about the same size (unlike most that I see when the 30 will be extra small and the 60 will be huge).The computer looks pretty cool too, but something about the screen bothers me for some reason... it might be the shading, though I really don't know. Poor watch.... at least you got to draw it before the... accident... If you still have it, you should draw it now... if it's like... cracked or something you can put "before" and "after" and merge the images, lol.
Stacy's mom *laughs* It is annoying when someone just says it over and over and over again, but it really doesn't bother me all that much cause i don't here it that much. I don't really listen to songs too much on the radio, but when ever I do I know an annoying song as soon as it starts. [b]Some of the most annoying songs in my oppinion[/b] Sk8er Boy - OK, personaly, I like Avril and I like most of the songs she sings, I even have the CD that has skater boy on it (which I skip!). In my oppinion this song tries to give a lesson in life through singing... but it fails terribly. Plus, I get really sick of people in my school who write "Sk8er boy/gurl" on there arms and back packs and crap and always say "That song is, like, Awesome!" Ignition - Well, being the sad person I am, i don't know who sings this and I don't even know if it is really called "Ignition" but all i know is that it has got to be the stupidist song i'v ever heard. "Put the key in ignition, fresh and hot from the kitchen" Now, if a younger kid was listening this they wouldn't know what was going on in this song, but when your my age and such you know how perverted this song can actually be. Plus... They have been playing this stupid song for ever! I'm so sick of it! The annoying song - "I know a song that's really really annoying, really annoying, really really annoying, I know a song that's really really annoying, and this is how it goes! (repeat until someone kills you from being.. oh look at that! Annoyed!)" Done and done ^_^
I can't tell you the trouble I have with font! That's why I make smaller banners, i just make the font on my own with the paint brush tool, but I guess you could say I do it that hard way (PSP has the worst font). I think it looks really awesome. The affects are really sweet and I love the whole fire and ice thing that you got out of it after mixing the two together. You must have PSP 8 cause I don't think 7 can do affects like that, and if it can... I am a very sad person... The avatar ish cool too, although it is a bit plain, I would maybe add some font to it, like your name or something. Having some cut-outs would make it look pretty cool as well. ^^ awesome job Sennen!
[size=1]I just got some new colored pencils and i'v been needing to use them on something :toothy: I'll have to use a digital camera as well, so don't feel left out Megumi ;) So. I'm in. Edit: >.< all my questions were already answered, shame on me. [/size]
Mippin wraped his cloak around him a bit more, it was getting pretty chilly out side now and the sun was beginning to set. Mippin looked back to see how Perry was doing. He was looking as perky as ever, whistling a little tune and looking around at all the birds that were flying through the trees. "I think we should stop for camp now..." Mippin stated as he stopped in the middle of the dirt path. Perry frowned slightly. "But, it isn't even dark yet..." He complained looking up at the sky. Mippin roled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath. "Can't we just go a bit further?" He begged. Mippin sighed, but smiled a bit as he started to walk again, Perry started up another tune and eventually started to skip past Mippin, sticking his tongue out at him as he went. Wanting to show off a bit more, he spun around backwards and continued to walk. "Well, arn't you special..." Mippin mumbled sarcasticly. "Yep!" Perry replied with a huge grin, he was so busy thinking Mippin had givin him a compliment, he didn't even see the steep hill they were about to go down. With a small yelp, Perry lost his balance and started to tumble down the hill side. "Perry!" Mippin screamed, running down the hill after him, of course, in his effort to catch up with Perry, Mippin soon lost his own balance and started to tumble down the hill as well, following Perry. With a large thump, they reached the bottom of the hill and Mippin rolled over on top of Perry which wasn't very comphy for him. "Ouch..." Mippin grumbled... "I think I broke something..." He then pulled a thick stick out from under neath himself, the top was still attached but was barely hanging by a thread. "Wot's that?" Perry yelled pointing down the road.
[size=1]OOC: You meany T_T lol IC: Kerrigan slept soundly, she was used to the sound of nature and could sleep just about anything natural. She had finally had a decent meal and was pretty tired from all the events that had been going on lately. A plan to get some food was lost and some old guy was watching her every move... not quite what she had planned for, but alot of odd events happened to her. Kerrigan slowly began to wake up as she felt an odd twitch on her foot. She sleepily opened her eyes to see a large waiter (sp?) starting to crawl up her pant leg. "Gah!" Kerrigan leaped to her feet and shook the creepy crawly off, sending it flying into the grass, she would have squished it, but it was too dark to find any bug. Now that she was awake, getting back to sleep would be hard. She looked around, guided by little light from the fire which was now dying down and noticed MaCarther was sleeping a distance away. She looked over, to her it seemed Jedgar was sleeping, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but she would take her chances. Silently, Kerrigan crept over to where MaCarther was sleeping, it seemed all the events had knocked him out too. Kerrigan scratched her head as she looked down at him and then felt a bit sorry for the kid. She reached deep into her tunic pocket... nothing... She tried the other one... still nothing... Kerrigan grumbled a few curse words and finally pulled off her left boot and pulled 2 gold coins from the soul of it, she dropped them down so that they were infront of his face. "Hopefully that will make up for some of those items you lost..." She whispered silently, "Maybe our paths will cross again some day." With that, Kerrigan turned on her heal and started to leave the small camp site, headed in the direction opposite from Mallenfire, but before she could get too far the familiar sound of Jedgar's voice broke in, "Where are you heading off to?" [/size]
Well, While I was requesting banners I was practicing so that I wouldn't have to request any more ;) Here is another I just did... I don't really like the text or the cut outs too much, but I like the Green BG, the quote, and of course the picture ^.^
OOC: Ok, this should be better ^^' IC: The two hobbits eventually feel asleep in the bright sun light, dreading the horrible hang overs that would soon come once they awoke. "Mippin, Mippin! Come quick Mippin!"Perry yelled for the second time that day, but this time it was directly in Mippin's ear. Mippin sprang up from where he was laying and wacked Perry upside the head. "Stop waking me up!" He yelled angrily. Perry, being the freek of nature that he was, just grinned and hopped up from the ground, peering down at Mippin. "Silly, while you were snoozing, Lodor came and said that the Shire is having a meeting! And they want US to come!" Perry said happily. Mippin jumped to his feet, they were never invited to the Shire meetings! They quickly scrambled home to get fixed up for the event. Mippin put on his nicest vest and trousers and his finest, dark blue cloak, just because it was cold outside. Perry on the other hand had some kind of drink stain on his vest, so he had to borrow one of Mippin's, which woulde eventually become his own after they had some drinks after the meeting. So, being nicely dressed, the two hobbits headed out for the meeting. -The Meeting Place- Upon entering the large hobbit hole that all the meeting were held in, both Mippin and Perry were oddly greeted by all the Shire folk... at the same time it seemed. After some small chit chat all the hobbits took their seets and waited for the Mayor of Hobbiton to speak. Mippin and Perry were very excited, Perry almost fell out of his chair. The mayon suddenly looked at them with an odd expression on his face. "Mippin Unfortune and Perry Luck! The Shire has come to a desision...." OCC: You do the rest, hope this fixes my mistakes from the last post :toothy:
[size=1][color=orange]OOC: >.< Do you like putting me in the uncomfertable positions Arika? lol IC: Narhc felt his heart skip a beat, was this a completely different person who was leaning closer to him? Yet he didn't even know her name, Narhc felt some what connected to her... maybe it was the items... or maybe it wasn't. She leaned closer to Narhc and their eyes met. Her dark brown eyes seemed to be glued to his own, Or maybe he was glued to hers. She leaned in a bit closer and her lips gently brushed against the side of his right cheek. Narhc felt his face turn pink, he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Now... that would be the right foot..." He said with a smile. She actually smiled back, which was a bit of a surprise to him. Narhc looked down at the floor when he noticed he still had his shirt off. [i]"Dear God..."[/i] He thought to himself as he felt his face turn a deeper pink, maybe even red this time. He looked up and noticed she was about to speek when something leaped onto bed and darted in between the two. The surprise caused Narhc to fall off the bed backwards and the girl jumped to feet. Narhc peered onto the bed, after recovering from the fall, to see Kalik growling at the girl. "Kalik?!" Narhc growled angrily. The small fox stopped his growling and seemed to make a satifactory smile. "You little rodent!" Narhc answered and was about to make a grab for the fox when he leaped off the bed and scrambled out of the room through the open door. "I don't think your [i]partner[/i] likes me too much..." The girl said with a small smirk. Narhc rubbed his shoulder, easing the pain from his fall and smiled at her. "I don't think he likes to share..." He chuckled slightly and the girl returned a small smile. "So... are you thinking of telling me your name yet?" [/size][/color]
[size=1] Yes, Fairly Odd Parents and Sponge Bob seem to be the only reasons to watch Nick, I used to watch the channel all the time, but they just havn' tbeen getting very good shows in a long time (Hey Arnold! Is a great show too). Like Syk, I have a thing for nonsensical humor as well ^^. Although I never really liked N'stink, the Chip Skylark character on the show is probably my favorite asides from Cosmo and Timmy's Dad. I just like how half the stuff he says is signing. "I'm freeee, yes-er-y, I'm a free - e-e-e-e-eeeee" I agree that sometimes the humor gets slightly out of control, but I still love it and I like the one of a kind animation when all the kids have little bodies and huge heads. ^^ I miss Invader Zim ;_; [/size]
[size=1][color=orange]OOC: Arn't we all supposed to have trouble getting along :sweat: ? IC: Matthias soon came to the shore of a country called "The Unitted States Of America". [i]What a silly name[/i] Matthias continued to run towards the power source in which he could feel Anima coming from. Either she was starting to wake up or already was. Matthias came to a screeching hault and peered at the sky, hoping to get any signs of where she might be. A short distance away he could see dark rumbling clouds starting form, they were moving very quickly by a large force of wind as well. "She is awake!" Matthias said aloud to himself, a passer by gave him an odd stare and picked up his pace when he heard him say this. Matthias just shrugged it off and soon was invisable to the eye because of his amazing speed. He sped off in the direction of the clouds and very soon came into a small city, she was very close now, he could almost be her power he was so close. The wind was very heavy and many people in the area were seeking shelter in there houses expecting a huge storm to come, which would probably happen. Just for the heck of it, Matthias sent a few bolts of lightning crashing from the sky, nothing too dangerous though. After having his fun Matthias began to look around hoping to see his sister, whom he hadn't layed eyes on in over a thousand years. A lot of trash was being carried through the wind, along with dust and soot as well. Matthias took a step forward, deciding to search for her when the dust settled down a bit, he squinted, not really believing what he saw. It was women with black hair, she stood standing looking at the sky as she seemed to absorb stength from it. Matthias walked over to her, stopping when he was a few feet away. She slowly turned and just stared at him. She was wearing dark blue jeans and white T shirt with a black vest over it. This was her, it was Anima... but she had not slept... [/size][/color]
[size=1]^.^ [b]Name[/b]: Mippintree Unfortune [b]Age[/b]: 24 1/2 [b]Gender[/b]: Male (that doesn't mean he has to be strait though) [b]Height[/b]: Midget sized ;_; [b]Appearance[/b]: Look in the first postess. He's got black hair. [b]Weapon[/b]: Two daggers that are half the size of Perry's sword, so if you put them together, it make a sword =D [b]Personality[/b]: He is the smarter one of the two, but he is still kinda stupid at times. He is also the sexier one, but doesn't admit that to Perry or else Perry would go into a long and deep depression with many nasty break downs (and no one likes those coming from a 24 year-old bachelor) Mippin is also a neat freek (I would give you the big word, but I have a short vocabulary). Like that Monk dude on TV! He doesn't really like dirty stuff and can be very very feminin (sp?) at times (well, most of the time). He likes to smoke, though he doesn't smoke or drink as much a perry and loves to dance around and sing on tables while kicking people in the face with his big feet when he is drunk. He's known Perry sense he was just an ickle hobbitses. Mippin lives in a hobbit hole under neath the green Dragon :toothy: [/size]
[size=1][color=seagreen]Scout walked over to Matrim and helped him to his feet, he was bit shaky from fighting back, but he would be ok with in a minuet or so. "Let's not do that again." Scout mumbled looking at Cathal, who hopped out of the hay once he figured it was safe to come out. "You did good, fighting against it I mean, but that won't always work..." Scout looked at the green jem that had now hushed from the buzzing. For a split second, Scout saw the green shadow of the beast past and it didn't look very happy. "Hmph..." Was all Quel had to mutter, the others just stared at Matrim for a few minuets while he recovered his strength. Thanks to some herbs from Sakura's pouch he was soon on his feet and back to his normal self. "So, when will we be departing?" Asked Quel. They all had been seeming to want to know that, but Quel had released the question. Scout nodded and pulled a scroll from his belt and unfolded it, revealing a [strike]Badly drawn[/strike] map of the land in the West. The group crowded around Scout as he began to speak of his plan. "First we will go to Yanta, it is a small village I know of. There we can stock up on supplies, it will take a day or so to get there. They will be willing to help us... I hope." Scout then traced his finger over to a mountain range area. Even cathal seemed to be paying attention, even if he couldn't understand. "We will then pass through the Night Ranges. There should be a safe pass for us to cross through, maybe a few enemies, but nothing horrible, maybe just a Nitcal or two... We will then cross through the Northern area of the Eclipsed forest. The Kirche roam thereand arn't very friendly to most who pass, they are mainly in the South area, but still patrol the North. Then," Scout pointed to the large orb. "We will some how get past the thousands of enemies that roam the land and destroy the orb." The others seemed to stare at him with confusion. Scout shrugged and folded the map up, placing it back on his belt. "ok... I'm still figuring the last part out, but we'll come up with something." "Now, it isn't even mid day yet...." Scout mumbled glancing up at the sky. "We should come across Yanta about... mid day tomarrow, if we get an early start...." [/size][/color] OOC: The path they take will end up changing because of certain obstacles and such. Who ever posts next can go on and have us traveling towards Yanta.
[color=orange][b][size=1][center]From the lightning in the sky As it passed me flying by, From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form When the rest of Heaven was blue Of a demon in my view.[/center] Matthias started to awake, it was coming back and he would be back on Earth fighting the demon like he had thousands of years ago. Matthias clenched his hands and opened his eyes to see lightning and thunder cracking and booming about him, it was time to leave this cloud. Matthias released his clenched hands and he was suddenly engulfed by lightning and static. As the electric currents started to enter him, become part of him, Matthias looked down at the island below him. Suddenly, he was released, a great bolt from the huge cload struck the ground, Matthias had become part of it and was now resting on his knees as the tide started to wash over him. He stood on his feet, slightly leaning in an odd position, rain drops spattered against him and another large bolt struck only a foot from where he stood. After the smoke cleared, a large black pole could be seen producing from the wet sand of the beach. Smiling, Matthias pulled it from the ground and sheathered it on his back. He then turned and faced the ocean, which was never calm because of the everlasting storm that raged above it. That's why the island deserted. Matthias took a deep breath and then plunged out ontop of the ocean, running at the speed of sound, he was easily able run atop of the water and glide aross the waves. He would head to where he sensed the thunder, where ever that might be. [/size][/color][/b]
[size=1][color=seagreen]OOC: >.< actually, I think Vicky's character was in the Ohkami chair. IC: Scout smiled slightly, everyone was in, he was glad he didn't have to try and force anyone into this, he hated forcing people, it made him feel like an all powerfull jerk. "Good choice, but I think we may have a problem on our hands at the moment." Scout looked at Matrim, who was beginning to turn a greenish color, Cathal still didn't really know what was going on and was looking at the others with a confussed expression. Scout jumped over and grabbed Cathal by the scruff of his neck and pulled him away. "Do you have any idea how long this could last?" Scout asked Matrim, hoping he wasn't losing control of his powers. "I have..." Matrim twitched slightly as the color of his skin became more green. "I don't know... It really depends...." He twitched again and his muscles began to bulge slighty and his clothes began to stretch. Scout wasn't worried for himself, he could live through anything, but the others didn't have immortality, but if they were really what Scout thought he needed, they would survive. "Don't attack him, just dodge all of his attacks, if he loses control." Scout told them in a mono tone voice. Sakura transformed into her normal self and they all seemed to brace themselves except for Scout and Quel, who seemed to be eyeing each others reactions. [/size][/color]
[size=1]G Gundam was really the first Gundam series I ever watched (Asides from team 08, or whatever it was called) I didn't really watch anime that much when Wing was out. I think G Gundam has good story line and I love the character design and how the develope through out the show. The only thing I didn't like too much about G gundam was that it was way too predictable (in my oppinion) but i still loved it, even though I have missed alot of episode (including like, the last 2 or 3). As for SD gundam, I though it would be interesting when i saw the previews for it, but it ended up being a crddy wanna be action anime like Transformers Armada. When they fight, it sounds and looks really corny and I think the animation is a bit... meh... The story line also needs alot of work as well. The only thing I really like about SD Gundam is the Zako hour at the end of the show, I just like how they say "Zako?" all the time. *shrugs* [/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Sakura thanked Narhc for showing the other girl into the room, he was turning to go when he stopped, "Sweet dreams." He made a quick wink and then walked out of the room so they could talk in private. Who said he was a shy guy? Narhc made his way down the hallway towards the steps so he could head back up and get some rest for the night, he needed some after the days events and knew if he didn't get enough rest he would have some serious head aches the day to come. Before reaching the steps narhc heard foot steps infront of him he silently sped up and saw that it was the guy who came in... Narhc caught his name as Ryujin... and he thought his name was wierd. Wanting to make sure he wasn't up to anything, Narhc followed him for a few minuets before his little animal friend began to sense his presence. He then headed for the stairs and climbed his way up to his bed room for the night. He entered the room and closed the door behind him, he picked up his nick nacks off from his bed and placed them on the night stand. Narhc glanced at the bed, it was warm, soft, and very cumphy. He then glanced at the floor for a few seconds, he wasn't used to sleeping in a bed, he only slept in a bed about 5 times a year at the most. Narhc pulled off the top cover of the bed and layed it out on the floor, he didn't even bother with the pillow. Narhc pulled off his two shirts and took off his black belt and placed them on the floor, he layed down on the floor, over the years he had been traveling, he learned that he couldn't sleep when he was too comphy. [/size][/color] OOC: i didn't know what to write ;_; *wink wink*
[size=1][color=darkblue] Kerrigan rolled her eyes, people always saw her as the stupid one when it was really them who didn't make any sense. She pulled out a blanket from the back of the cart and placed over the girl, making sure she was covered pretty much. Kerrigan glanced up in the sky to see some stars starting to appear, she looked in front of her at Mcwhoever and the old guy, she grinned slightly and pulled out her banjo from off her back and put three hand made pics over her fingers. She bobbed her head up and down a few time catching up with a beat and strumed a few notes, she heard a sigh from MaCarther which made her grin once again. She then rapidly changed the beat to a very fast pace (Cut time ya'll) most of the little didy she was playing was filled with the higher notes, like B and A and other sharps. Although the bajo could sound cool at times, it could also sound very annoying. "Will you stop?" Jedgar asked in an annoying tone, Kerrigan strummed harder, making the noise much louder. "I can't here you?" She said over her playing. [/color][/size]
[color=seagreen][size=1]OOC: In and down are pretty much the same in my vocab. ;_; *steels face* IC: Well, that was three down and two more to go, Matrim hadn't spoken much and seemed to be thinking about if should join or not and Quel seemed like he wanted to know more about Scout before considering something, but Scout wasn't planning on revieling anything to them. "You know when you said when people fight you can tell their personality better?" Scout asked without looking at Quel, he didn't nod, but he seemed to say yes with his eyes, "Well, from personal experiance, you can spend half your life trying to figure out someones personality and you still may not know who they are." Scout glanced at Quel, his eyes seemed to be sharp and cold for some reason. Scout sighed slightly and turned and faced him. "This is your choice on weather you want to come or not, but highly recommend you do because I'm very hard to get rid of once I'v made my mind up on something." Scout looked a Matrim who stood up and looked around the group. [/size][/color] OOC: You better post Mr. Lrb *Throws ohkami chair at you*
[size=1][color=seagreen]OOC: i'm going to go on and get everyone into the place so we can really get this started up. IC: Scout looked around the small room now, counting four of the five he had called to meet him, either the last one was late, or decided not to come at all. Most of them seemed to want some answers, except for the cat, who was pawing at a bug that was trying to get away from his masive claws. "I suppose you would all like to know why you are here, correct?" Scout said looking at each them in the eyes. They all nodded, the shape shifting girl looked around at the others who had come and the one who kicked down the door had his arms crossed, waiting for an answer. "I was waiting for one other, but I sup-" Just then Scout saw a shadow on the floor move, he looked to where it had come from and saw a dark figure half way covering up a large hole near the top. Scout growled slightly and put his hand on the hilt of his sword, he then leaped up onto the nearest beem and began to jump neer the top, the figure moved to left, crossing another open hole, Scout shot forward, busting through a part of the roof he grabbed a dark figure who was hovering in the air and they began to fall to the ground, but the figure slowed them down and they landed with a soft thud. The others ran outside (Cathal chasing the bug) and held their weapons out, just in case. Scout quickly leaped away from the figure before any weapon could be drawn. [i]It's him...[/i] "I am the one!" Scout yelled to him before the figure decided to lunge at him with his sword. "I called you here, you are Tarius, the one who can wield powers of darkness." Scout breathed a sigh of relief as Tarius' grip became looser on his sword and he slowly bagan to lower it. Scout turned and face the girl. "You are Sakura, a shape shifter..." He then looked at the one who broke the door,"Quel, you have telekinisis (sp?) and can make psionic attacks. Matrim, you have a split personality in which you become much stronger." Scout then looked at the cat with a cocky smile. "And this here is Cathal... part man, part cat." They all seemed to be slightly surprised that he knew them all. Now that he had everyones attention, Scout began to tell them what the mission was. "I have called you all here to join me in a mission save this planet from destruction.: He turned and looked at them all. "I'm sure that you have heard of the land called night, those rumors of a darkness rising are true, a great evil will inslave the Earth if we do not stop it." Before scout could continue, someone spoke out. "Why us?" It was Sakura, she had been waiting patiently for an opening. Scout smiled slightly and turned to face her. "We are all mutated in some way with a special gift to call our own. I know many outcasts like yourselves, i'v sort of been able to sense them when they are near. You five have the certain powers and brain power that I have been looking for." He said with a smile, he noticed that Matrim looked at Cathal with an odd expression when he said "Brain power". "If you agree to help me, I insure you that this will be the greatest adventure in your life... and if you want some money, i may even add that in." Scout grummbled something under his breath before continuing. "Now... if you don't agree to join, I will most likely force you in some way... any questions?" [/color][/size]