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Everything posted by KKC

  1. [size=1]Yay! The sexay one has finally appeared... but i was slightly sad that you didn't add in anything with the hanging pirtaes from that thing... Simply awesome as always ^^ Although I wake up almost every morning at 9:00..., dats ok! :< *steals you other face* You could have done alot more with the wig man.... I miss Shinstrap..... *clings* [/size]
  2. [color=orange][size=1] Name: Matthias (Math-I-Us) Gender: Male Element: Lightning, Speed, Light Power: Lightning - Pretty simple really, He is able to shoot blasts of lightning from his body. He can make the blast from a minor static shock to the electrical power of a lightning storm (that takes alot of energy up) Speed- Also simple. Although he can travel as fast as sound at times (take quite alot of energy) he also has very quick reactions and is able to think at a quick rate as well (though he isn't the smart one of the titans.) Light - This gives him the ability to see in the dark as if it were light outside and make a large flash of light that can blind his enemy. The attacks work well against dark attacks being the two are opposites. Weapons: Ying and Yang (hidden blades) - On the outside, the weapon looks like a large metal pole with one side tipped white and the other black, the weapon can be pulled apart revealing two hiddin blades. Ying has a black hilt and a silver blade and Yang has a white hilt and a black blade. Both blade parts of the swords are about 2 and a half feet long. Description: Matthias stands at about 5'7 (the short guy) and has deep green eyes and short brown/black hair that is very shaggy, he also has some scruff/fuzz around his face. He wears a black tunic with a black shirt under it (the tunic shows a bit of his chest). He has bindings around his wrists and black gloves. He also has a black belt and baggy black pants that have lightning striked going up them, he has large black boots too. (yes he likes black) He wears a black (there it is again) cloak around his shoulders that is pinned together with a lightning bolt pindant. When out, looking like a normal person, he goes by the name of Matt and wears dark blue jeans, tennis shoes, a black hoody with a white shirt under it, and a white bucket hat. Elemental Description: When he uses his elements, his hair turns gold and his eyes become white, His body weight also drops greatly, but he is still just as strong as he was before (everything else really stays the same) Birth Place: Matthias knows very little about the specifics of his, or his sister's birth. His sister refers to her "home" as an island on the mediterranean coast that has many meteorological disasters. Matthias believes that they were born from the storm that never seems to stop. (thanks to Shy for the idea) Bio: Probably the most determined of all Titans, Matthias fought against the Apocalypse nearly when Aranel began and was one of the last to finally give up and rest for a long time, which he was greatly against. Aranel is actually the only other titan (asides from his sister) who he has not yet parted friendship with, he blamed all the titans for what had happened, not just singling out 1 or 2. Before becoming a titan, Matthias was very good friends with Aranel and they trained constantly on sharpening their skills. Matthias had known he would become a titan almost sense he was 5, so they both helped each other out in becoming stronger and being able to control their elements. Being born from a rain cloud that never died, Matthias had lightning as his main element and soon sharpened them greatly. As soon as word of the apocalypse reached his ears, he left to fight, Anima stayed behind though, not sure if she wanted to fight. All though they are very close, both Matthias and Anima are very different from each other, Matthias always being one to help right away and usually goofing off most of the time, while Anima doesn't really believe on helping humanity with their problems and is usually more serious. After the final attack, almost all blame was placed upon Aranel's shoulders, though matthias blamed himself and all the other titans. Parting with them all in friendship was one of his worst fears. Matthias is very carefree and loves to be around people, so going to rest wasn't that easy to do, but Aranel told him that it might be for the best of things. Matthias tryed to convince his sister to rest as well, but she refused and he didn't see her the day he finally went into his deep sleep. He is very determined (as stated before) and all though he goofs off and makes jokes quite a bit, he gets serious when he needs to be.
  3. KKC


    [size=1][color=orange]OOC: I slightly changed the power of the staff to match with Narhc's element better. Just ignore what I signed-up with. IC: Narhc chuckled slightly as he turned around and started to head back towards the house. It was her attacking him that he was thinking of. [i]What's with all these girls...[/i] Narhc suddenly heard a sharp screech from the house, Narhc covered his ears in pain, something wasn't right. "Come on!" He turned around and grabbed the girl by her arm and ran off at a sprint to the house, which wasn't very far. When he reached the door, the girl broke free from his grasp and she wacked him on the face. "Don't touch me..." She growled angrily and then ran inside. Narhc just smiled and rubbed his cheek where she had hit him... [i]What ever...[/i] With that he ran inside to see Sakura in deep concentration, some kid bugging the heck out of her, those two other guys, and a large crystal bird flying around through the air with a man clinging to it. It took a moment for this to all process through Narhc's head, he then recognized the man swinging from the bird as the captive from before, he ran up next to Sakura and got a better look. "I'm fine just don-" But before Sakura could finish, Narhc interupted her and held out his staff slightly. "Hey, you can't do everything on your own." He said with a smile, he then turned to the man who was still being bucked around by the bird and held the top of his staff a few inches above his palm. The orange jewel in the center glowed and a orange dusty powder substance fell from it, landing in narhc's palm. He then formed his hand into a fist and pulled it back as if he was about to punch someone much taller then himself. He then punched into the air, aiming for the man, and opened his clenched fist, a stream of deep blue lightning came from his hand and striked the man in his side, he lost his grip on the bird and fell to the floor. [/size][/color] OOC: The electricity didn't kill him and it wasn't to strong, but it would have felt like a very big shock.
  4. KKC

    ~Into Night - A.E.~

    [b][size=1][color=seagreen]OOC: :sweat: this is looking awesome, but Frontal peek is... very very very far away from the eclipsed forest. The reason frontal peek isn't on the map is because it is farther into the East and the Eclipsed forest is in the west, very close to the black orb, i'll just ignore that though and continue on. IC: As Scout shook the cat man's hand he made a small grin. "I will tell you when the others arrive... I hate repeating myself." With that he stepped backwards into the shadows, but he was still able to be seen if someone looked closely. Cathal pricked up his left ear, hearing something from outside. [i]"I guess the others are coming."[/i] Scout guessed, just then the creaking door to the building has completely knocked down and a young man walked in, as if expecting some trouble. His eyes rested on Cathal and he looked some what confussed. "Are you the one who called me to this place?" the man asked the cat like... thing. Cathal cocked his head to the side like before and smiled, showing some of his pointed teeth. "[strike]Murrfles[/strike]Meryah!" He said, not seeming the least bit afraid of what had just happened. The man who had just entered seemed even more confussed. With a small chuckle, Scout emerged once again from the shadows to reveal himself. "Cathal isn't the one who called fore you, I am... I'v called 3 others to come here as well, please hold your questions until they arrive... like I told the cat, I hate repeating myself..." [/b][/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=green]Sai Saichi grinnined a large and wide coky smile. Anyone could have seen the challenge coming. I felt odd, although they had only met once and barely spoken, it felt as if Billy knew him well. They both withdrew there weapons, Cara, who wasn't in the best of moods was taping her foot, waiting to get this whole thing over with. "This will be fun!" Sai Saichi exclaimed doing a flip through the air. He then started to run off in the opposite direction in which he came from, after running a short distance he stopped and looked around. "I think this is a good spot! They said we had to fight at the capital..but they didn't say where!" He laughed and then looked at the Scotish gundam fighter, as if waiting for him to pull his gundam from his pocket. "Hyper little thing isn't he?" Cara stated in a monotone voice. Billy sulked slightly, he had realized that Sai Saichi was actually as tall as he was... Billy was about o call forth his gundam when he was stopped by two men who seemed to pop up from no where, each one held a strand of beads in there hand which was held up as if someone were praying. Billy could hear Sai Saichi grumbling something about the men worrying too much. "You must be William, pleasure to meet you." They both said in unison and bowed, Billy bowed back, he wasn't really used to being called by his real name, but he would cope with it. After being introduced by Sai saichi, he realized that these two men were not only Sai Saichi's crew members, but his leagal gardians as well. Of course, Billy sort of forgot that Cara was there until it came time to battle. He quickly introduced her, saying her last name wrong and then told her to prepare for some repairs in the near future. Sai Saichi's gundam had surprisingly been close near by and he was already suited up and ready for the fight to began. Billy exhaled and then whistled, from a distance, a lage figure could be seen flying towards the battle sight, as it grew closer it could be easily be identified as a gundam, with a loud thud, it landed before Billy, standing tall, ready for anything to be thrown at it. Billy leaped into the cockpit of the gundam and quickly stripped down, leaving his green stone necklace on, it was like a good luck charm to him. The trace suit began to spin above him, Bily let all his muscles loosen up as it began to head downwards, as soon as the odd substance touched his shoulders, he imidiatly brought his arms up in the sign of an X infront of his chest. He tightened up a bit more, so that the force of the suit wouldn't cause him to fall. Gritting his teeth, the trace suit process was completed, Billy shot his arms out, revealing the large white X across his chest, he then crouched low in a fighting stance. "Gundam Fight! Ready..... Go!" [/size][/color]
  6. Read my first post in Adventure Arena and you will see how, I already though of that. I'm smarter than you think, Master!? ~K.K.C. Eat More Haggis
  7. [size=1]OOC: XD fun! IC: Although this young lad's sword was pointed directly in between Kerrigan's eyes, she had one of her daggers hovering only an inch from his chest... hm... yes, it did seem they were both in a tight spot. "Put down your weapon." The man ordered. Kerrigan just smirked [i]"Does he think i'm that easy?"[/i] "Put down yours first." She argued back, this was returned with an angry glare from the man, but he wasn't going to give up either. He pushed his sword a bit closer to her face, but she did the same with her dagger to his chest. They exchanged glares with each other, Kerrigan still smiling slightly, but getting pretty un comfurtable in this off position. While in the position, Kerrigan checked out his attire. Normally dressed, only a bot more fancier then others. He had a drum around his waist, a piccolo, and guitar starpped around his back, similar to how Kerrigan had her banjo. [i]"Damn... He's not half that bad looking..."[/i] Kerrigan thought, she quickly shook the idea from her mind and got back to trying to hold out longer then him. Suddenly, he seemed to loosen his grip on the sword and glanced down near his "enemy's" chest. Kerrigan felt her face turn red with anger and she knocked the sword from his hand, pointing one of her daggers under his chin. "See something you like?" She asked agrily, he just glared at her as if saying "Why the hell would I do that?!" He then looked down at her belt where she held her irish Whistle and at the banjo that she had wacked him upside the head with before. "Where did you get those instruments?" He asked. [/size]
  8. [size=1]If you need to look back on the story line or someones profile, just go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36849]Here![/URL] --------------- I'm copying one of Ohkami's little tid bits that I'v caught onto. Below, I will be posting the 6 people who are in the RPG, first will be your Otaku name, then your character's name, and then the color in which you must post ^.^ Yes, that is a rule, so don't break it or I might attack you with PMs (and thats not very nice). [center][b]The SIX [color=seagreen]K.K.C. - Scout - Sea-green[/color] [color=darkblue]Ohkami - Sakura - Dark blue[/color] [color=darkred]Vicky - Tarius - Dark Red [/color] Dragon Warrior - Cathal - Bold/normal [color=teal]Black_Phoenix - Quel - Teal [/color] [color=royalblue]Lrb - Matrim - Royal Blue[/color][/center][/b] Remember, you (not my character) are heading towards Frontal Peak (look at lost post in recruitment). Some of you have heard of my character and some have not (most havn't) you also arn't entirely sure why you are being summoned there, but your going anyways because that's the only way to get a plot now isn't it? BTW, the mad is attatched to this post as well. Well, here it goes! ---------------- [color=seagreen][b]A large gust of wind blew through the air, causing the large towering object to shudder and creek, it was a very old building and only young children had entered it, trying to show one another who was braver than the other. The wind didn't mind Scout though, he sat upon one of the large wooden beams high in the tower, he was at least 30 feet off the ground, but that didn't bother him either. Scout looked around, as if hoping to see something run by one of the holes in the building, but nothing came. He sighed and then sat crouched down on the beam and looked down at the bottom, thinking of what would happen if he fell... Suddenly, a large beat came from the air, Scout tuned in with his ears and then looked up to see a large eagle hovering above him. It landed gracefully on the beam next to him a folded its huge wings, which were at least 5 or 6 feet in length. He softly screeched out some bird noises and then cocked its head at scout, as if waiting for an answer. Scout smiled his normal cocky smile and looked back down at the ground below. "Thank you for helping, once again. Though, the cat can't read... make sure you catch his attention so he chases you in... if that's ok..." Scout replied, understanding what the agle had spoken, with out speaking again, the eagle lifted from the beam and flew out of the tall building to search for its "prey". Scout waited in the beams for another ten minuets, not moving at all, just listening to the wind, until he heard fott steps coming from outside, silently he shrank deeper into the shadows as figure walked into the creeking building.[/color][/b] ------- well, there ya go. [/size]
  9. [size=1]OOC: *giggles at the drum sticks* I think this will teach you character to listen to his dadums... T_T IC: Kerrigan jumped from the tree branch and felt her heart began to beat with excitment, she had been waiting for a traveler to come by for hours now, but only those that passed were transporting cattle or sheep. But, from what she could tell from this cart, it had some food packed away with it and Kerrigan hadn't eaten in about a day. Although she felt slightly sorry for the traveler who would soon have to head back to where ever he was coming from, she was more hungry then concerned at the moment. All she had to figure out now was how to get the food from the cart, she wasn't one when it came to hurting mere travelers, but if he was tough, she may have to make an exception... but just this once! Kerrigan glanced around, looking for a stick or any other thing she could use to nock a person unconsious. Seeing nothing in her sight, kerrigan glanced down and her eyes spoted the silver trumpet hanging from her neck, she grinned and then scrambled off near the side of the road where she hid in some bushes. She waited, crouched low for a total of seven minuets until she could hear the creeking of the cart wheels on the dirt road, silently and sneekily, Kerrigan peared through a gap in the bush and noticed that the driver was a young man not too far from her own age. Kerrigan grinned again, she always felt not so bad when stealing from an ickle boy. The cart finally made its way near the bush, not really expecting what would be coming up next. With a kick of the legs and pull from the back, Kerrigan flew from the bush landing on the rider, and wacking him upside the head with her banjo, which was actually blocked from the ground, losing their balances, both of them fell from the cart and toppled onto the dirt road. [/size]
  10. [size=1]OK! Glad to see that some more people signed-up for this. I'v finally come to a disision for those who will go on into the RPG, but I had such a difficult time choosing, i'v decided to bring 5 people in instead of four (This will make the alliance a total of 6). Those listed at the bottom have made it into the RPG, sorry to the other two who didn't make it, but thanks a bunch for signing-up ^^ if you want to know why you didn't make it, please PM me instead of posting in the thread. [center][b]Accepted[/b] K.K.C. - Scout Ohkami - Sakura Vicky - Tarius Dragon Warrior - Cathal Black_Phoenix - Quel Lrb - Matrim [/center] The RPG will either start this after noon (Eastern Time USA) or tomarrow (maybe even Thursday). I will need those excepted to read the following information below: Just so you know in advance. Your RP characters are all heading to an area called Frontal Peak, basicly, it's a tower/barn like building, it isn't shown on the map though. Previously (that means don't show this part in your post) You recived a small slip of paper that seemed to fall from the sky that asked for you to come to Frontal. You arn't completely sure why, but it said that great challenges await. My character will be inside the building, hiding in the beams until the group arrives. I got around to making a map, although it's really cruddy, we do have one. I didn't get to name all the places, so here is just a bit of info (yes, da names suck >.
  11. [size=1][color=green]Billy stopped on the top of a hill and gazed into the distance to see the small shrine not to much further a head. He was really itching for a gundam fight for some reason, maybe it was taking the ship down to Earth, ship rides always seemed so boring. Billy turned his head to see where his little crew mate was. Cara, was strugling slighty, she was used to fxing gundams, not looking for there fighters. He waited until she made to the top of the hill and then pointed to the shrine, indicating that it wasn't to much farther, with a grin, he started down the hill, still itching for the fight against the dragon Gundam. "Tell me, do you know what this Sai Saichi person is like?" Cara asked, wanting to get all information she could on this gundam pilot. Billy stretched out his arms lazily and looked up at the clear blue sky, he never thought he would end up in China... "Well, I met him once, but we didn't really talk... and it was year or so ago, just after Ness was completed... He's pretty small, so, I guess I don't know all that much about him..." In the academy back at the colony, they had always lectured to them that you should always know you opponent as good as yourself, it sounded like a bunch of bull, so, he never really listened to the lectures... Suddenly, Billy heard the rustle of grass from his left. He jumped backwards and grabbed Cara, pulling her down into the grass, it happened so fast, that the young girl became angry and started to curse quite loudly. "Shut up!" Billy hissed pushing her into the ground, she finally realized that someone could be near by and she stopped moving and making such racket. Billy slowly rose to his knees and looked in the direction to where he had heard the noise, it moved. Billy un sheathered the dirk from the back of his belt and swung it around blocking a staff that was being held by a young man around his twenties. He looked at Billy for a moment and then grined a cocky little smile. "Hey! I know you!" He exclaimed, he put a bit more power into his staff. "Neo Scotland..." He slowly let the power in his arms become weaker until he pulled the staff away and smiled. "Sai Saichi...I think you know why any Gundam Fighter would come to Beijing..." He smirked as Cara jumped from the ground and started to look around, a bit ticked off. "I challenge you to a Gundam Fight" [/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=green] "Do we really have to come to China for the first match?!" Billy had a wry smile on his face as Cara continued to ask questions of why they had chosen to go fight Neo China's gundam fight first. Billy just snickered as she grew even more impatient, agriliy, she crunched her shoe down into his foot, causing Billy to yelp slightly while snickering. "Geez, calm yourself kid..." He mumbled in his Scotish accent. They were on the out skirts of Beijing, Billy had decided to keep the Loch ness gundam away from the city, not wanting to cause any damage, being it was now concidered a crime. Deciding to answer his ickle crew mates questions he stopped and sat down of the ground, she remained standing, looking a bit irritated. "The reason I want to check out the Neo China gundam fighter, who would be Sai Saichi, is because neo China did help build the Loch ness Gundam, that's why the arms on both Gundams are so similar." Billy hopped back up to his feet and continued walking, soon followed by Cara who was still annoyed with him. "So, your tellin' me that you just want to test out the gundams because they were made by some of the same people?" Cara asked, still annoyed. "Aye, that be right..." Billy replied casually, they were now coming more into beijing, Billy began to glance around through the small crowd trying to find the young, and hopefully short, gundam fighter. As they continued through the city, that seemed to become more and more crowded as they walked deeper into the city. "This may be harder then we thought..." Billy mumbled, standing on tip toes trying to see over some heads, being short was quite a disadvantage sometimes... "what do you mean WE? I recommended going back to Edinburgh (Scotlands capitol) and let the fighters come to us..." Cara complained as she pushed her way through the crowd trying to keep up with the Gundam Fighter. Billy laughed for the Umpteenth time that day. "That's no fun..." Billy hopped up onto a bench and looked around trying to find any sign of a crowd parting for the fighter, but nothing, before hopping down, he noticed a small shrine looking area that was further away from the city. "Maybe we can check there..." [/size][/color]
  13. Most of the sign-ups are looking pretty good so far. I will keep sign-ups opened for a about a day or so more and then pick the 4 people who will go into the RPG. ^^ Yes, Master, you command me to do many things... XD [b]Anyone can still sign-up[/b]
  14. [size=1] I'll finish this later, I had to save my spot. EDIT: Made my character a girl instead.. >.< ------- [b]Name[/b]: Kerrigan Scout [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Weapon[/b]: Daggers - Each dagger/knife that she uses has a fort green hily with the design of a fox carved into it. The legth of each blade is about 8 inches. (Has a total of 40 knives/daggers) [b]Dragon Elements[/b]: Comet - Banjo (XD) - Hangs around shoulders to her back Invisibility - Trumpet - it hung around her neck EarthQuake - Irish Whistle (Thanks DW *hugs*) - kept in her belt pocket. [b]Personality[/b]: Kerrigan is a carefree, fun loving kind of person. She can get along with most people unless she doesn't really like there attitude. Kerrigan can be cocky at times and always has a sense of adventure, as well as getting too curious sometimes. She always has a smile on her face, even in some of the worst situations. She thinks dragons are the most amazing creatures on the planet and can, for some odd reason, relate to them pretty well. [b]Appearance[/b]: Kerrigan stands at about 5'7 and has dark blue eyes and short, gold hair. She wears a black tunic with a forest green shirt under neath it and black gloves. She has a dark blue cloak that is set on her left shoulder (covering most of her right) and forest green pants and black boots. Around her tunic she has a leather strap that holds about 10 daggers in all. Her belt holds 10 and the remaining daggers are straped in areas near her ankles and arms. [b]Information[/b]: Kerrigan is part of the kingdoms, but at the same time she isn't. Ever sense she was 12, she always traveled from one kingdom to another, sharpening her fighting skills and learning more about the dragons each and every day. Whe the mysterious rider of the dragon who caused chaos through the kingdoms started to attack, Kerrigan was very young and her parents fled from the kingdoms until it was safe, but before it was safe, her mother died and shortly after that so did her father. Although she lives alone, she works well with others and is always looks towards a fight. [/size]
  15. KKC


    [size=1][color=orange]Narhc had made his way up stairs to the room that Sakura had said he would be staying in. Narhc peered inside. It looked like any other guest room. One nicely made bed and a night stand next to it. Narhc walked in, closing the door behind him, and placed his staff on the bed, along with his pouch around his belt. Kalik leaped onto the bed a curled himself into a little ball. Narhc smiled at the crazy fox and picked up the small puzzle box from the bed, heading over to the window. He was very tired from all the events from that day, but he couldn't sleep for some reason. He opened the window and sat of the ledge and began to fiddle with the puzzle, which he had been trying to open for about 6 or 7 years now. A few minuets into messing around with the little box, Narhc glanced down onto the street to see a figure in the shadows, followed by two smalled figures, they seemed to be heading in the direction that Sakura and the other two had been going in earlier. Silently, Narhc krept over to the bed and took up his staff, leaving his other posetions behind. He motioned for Kalik to come with him, having an idea that the smaller figures were animals. Narhc went over to the window and looked out, the figure was still there. Silently and quickly, he scalled down the wall, he was on the second story, but it still wasn't too far from the ground. When reaching the ground he walked behind the person for a moment and then stopped. "Who are you and where are you going?" He asked. The figure stopped and turned around. [/size][/color]
  16. [size=1] If anyone one has any questions about the story line and such, just PM me. ---------[b]Time Line[/b]--------- [color=darkblue][b]March 23, 2009 [/b] ~ At the NASA space port in the United States of America, scientists locate a large radio active source. Weather it is a comet or asteroid, they do not know, but it is large enough to wipe out the human race. [b]April 15, 2010[/b] ~ All attempts to take out this destructive force have failed. Ships that went in to attempt to destroy it were destroyed before reaching the radio active source. What it is, is still unknown. The source is predicted to strike Earth in 5 months. [b]October 12, 2010[/b] ~ The source strikes Earth, A certain amount of people were sent under ground, hoping to carry on the human way of life after Earth's destruction, but the impact is more than expected. It wasn't a comet or any kind of space rock. From those who saw it, the form was a large black orb with what appeared to be green fire around it, this orb was roughly around the size of half the United states. The impact destroyed most that hid under ground as well. Only 1 out of every 200 survived in side the earth's crust. All cities were destroyed and collapsed into the Earth. Plants, animals, nothing survived the attack. [b]A.E. 0001[/b] ~ Due to radio active rays from the orb, all those who lived have no memory of the past, they don't even know who or what they are. When the few living emerge from the ground, they discover nothing but barren waste land. ---------[b]Story Line[/b]--------- It has been about 1,500 thousand years sense the destruction of Earth, to us, humans now live as the would during the Middle Ages. Language, writing, and reading have been taught and weapons have been created. There is little information on how knowledge returned to them, but most people look to an old Folk Tale of a man who spread knowledge through his body to anyone he touched. Still, no one knows of what the past was like. Technology is nothing but myth. The orb that striked the Earth many decades ago rests itself in the middle of the area that was once known as the Pacific ocean, this area of land is now called "The Land of Night". All those who travel there never return and you can always see, on the horizon, a thin strip of black that comes from the land. Lately, a rumor has been passing, that what makes the land black like night has awakened and will take over all lands. Though, this is just rumor, and is used as a bed time story to children so they may never venture to Night. But this rumor has become real, fire light has been seen from a distance coming from the dark land. Animals act strangely when ever the sun sets and shady figures seem to be popping up here and there. A small alliance of humans, who have become outcasts because of certain mutations have joined together to go to the Land of Night and destroy this rising evil. ---------[b]Info[/b]--------- Ok, basically, you are one of the outcasts in the alliance. Basically, your character mutation is from a source of radio activity passed through family blood, but it hasn?t really affected anything until now. Each member has [b]1[/b] kind of mutation that gives them some kind of power. Immortality isn't an option except for my character, which actually can die in some way (I feel selfish...). A little more info I forgot to add in is that due to the radio activity from the orb, animals have evolved into mythical creatures/monsters. If anyone has any questions, please, don't be afraid to PM me. So everyone will know, I am only taking 4 people into this RPG. If more than 4 people sign-up for the RPG, I will pick who is in by their sign-up and post quality. Here are just some rules with the RPG: [b]1[/b]. I might be a bit strict with the English used in the RPG. I will not put up with Middle Earth like people saying Yo, wuz up, and other modern day slang and such. [b]2[/b]. All posts should have good detail and should be at least 3 paragraphs long with about 5 or more lines in each one. I would like it if Script post wasn't used, unless I give you permission to use it. [b]3[/b]. I have the right to reject or except sign-ups. [b]4[/b]. I don?t want any one character being all powerful, no one can do this alone. Although my character is the ?leader? of the group, he can?t do this alone, the group has to do it together. Later, I might make a map to show a bit more of what will be ahead for the group, and the area where the group will all first meet and such. ---------[b]Sign-up Sheet[/b]--------- [b]Name[/b]: nothing too modern, yet nothing really complicated to remember [b]Gender[/b]: Male/Female [b]Age[/b]: Keep it around? 18 ? 30 (exception for my character) [b]Appearance[/b]: I would like this to be very detailed, I will allow pictures, but if you don?t have a picture I expect this to be detailed. [b]Mutation[/b]: If your character has a physical mutation you need to say what it is in both this and the appearance. Remember, you can only have ONE mutation. [b]Personality[/b]: I?m going to be very picky about this part. I don?t want just words for your personality ?Kind, timid, loyal, cocky.? No, you?ll be booted out right away if you show me that. I want to see some detail please. [b]Weapon[/b]: You may have up to two weapons. A main weapon, like a sword or something and a ?supporting weapon?, like a Dagger or knife. No guns or modern technology. [b]Bio[/b]: Remember, this is very similar to the Middle ages. Please make this very very detailed. I want at least 3 paragraphs for this. And remember, you are outcasts. [b]Extra (opptional)[/b]: Anything extra about your character. I feel like Dragon warrior, making all these commands... ------- Here is my sign-up, It isn't finished yet, but I think you will get the main idea for this. ------- [b]Name[/b]: Matthias Jurin (Math-I-Us) known as Scout [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 27 (Is actually 1,527 years old, but stopped age at 27) [b]Appearance[/b]: Scout stands at 5'7 (the short guy) and has short shagy brownish blond hair. He has deep green eyes and the necklace around his neck (see extra). He also has scruff (fuzz) on his chin (Just look at my banner to get the idea for his face and stoof) He wears a black tunic with a long sleeved dark red (very dark) shirt under it. He has a scabbard that holds his hidden blades "ying and yang" around his back. He has black gloves and a black belt that hold his sword "dawn" and a dark blue cloak that is buttoned by a golden eagle pendant. He has black pants and a dark forest green sash around his waist. He has black boots as well. he also has binding on his arms that you can't always see. If you look closely at his neck, you can see a very large scar from some kind of animal and if you ever see him with his shirt off, you'll aslo see he has tons of scars on his chest. [b]Mutation[/b]: Immortality - Being he was hit head on by the black orb, the radio activity completely stopped him at the age he was at (27). He can feel pain and wounds can hurt him, but he can't die from them. The only way Scout can die is if he is stabbed through the heart by a blade forged from the Orb. [b]Personality[/b]: Scout is a very mysterious and shady character. He is very serious most of the time and doesn't laugh that much, usually only during battle when he lets his rage out on enemies. Although serious, you can always see a cocky smile on his face, even though he isn't all that cocky and doesn't seem like the smiling type. Scout doesn't mind talking, if he gets into a good conversation with someone, he could talk for hours, still remaining as mysterious as when he started to talk. Scout can cope with just about anyone, weather he likes their attitude or not. He will always stand up for anyone weaker than him and will usually teach a lesson to those who find themselves better than others. Although he doesn't show it often, Scout really does have a softer side to him. He is only seen like this around children. [b]Weapon(s)[/b]: [b]Dawn (one handed sword)[/b] - This fine blade was cast by Scout himself. It has actually been reforged about 4 or 5 times. The hilt of the blade is made of a polished looking, black stone. Carved into the stone is an eagle, in each of its eyes is a bright green crystal. The eagles wings open up at the top of the hilt where the blade emerges from. On the steal area of the blade, carvings of vines and leaves that travel up it. [b]Ying and Yang (hidden twin blades)[/b] - On the outside, the weapon looks like one black fighting pole, actually it can be used as a fighting pole, but it's main purpose is surprise attacks. The pole can split into the middle revealing 1 and a half foot long twin blades, one blade is black and the other is white. [b]Bio[/b]: Although very little is known about Scout, and no one really knows who he is, he has his own story, who he has only told to one person in his life: Scout comes from the Earth before A.E., he was there when they announced that the earth would be destroyed, he was there when he was told he had not been accepted to be hidden under ground, he was there when the earth was destroyed. News of the earth didn't frighten him, death to him was just another adventure in life. Upon the coming of the black orb, both of his parents commited suicide, leaving him to take care of his younger brother, Martin. Martin had cancer and wouldn't have lived to be too much older anyways, so, for their last few days on Earth, Scout took his brother to a newly discovered island in the pacific that Martin had read about. It was deserted, so they enjoyed themselves. Of course that day came when the orb striked, although no one could tell exactly where it would impact, they new it would be somewhere in the pacific. Amazingly, the orb was heading strait for the deserted island, hitting both Scout and Martin head on. After the impact, Scout weakly woke up to find himself alive, but his clothers were no rags and he hurt all over. Not only that, but his memory was very fuzzy. He remembered the orb and his brother and a few other things, but that was all. He looked for Martin, thinking he may have survived as well, but he lost hope after 5 days of searching. The ocean was gone, and nothing but desert was left. So, not knowing what else to do, Scout headed off East, where the USA would have been. Thinking he would only survive for about 3 days without food and water he amazingly lived for 2 months. Soon after living that long, Scout was attacked by a large mutated cat like animal. His attacked, and bit into Scouts neck hoping to kill him, but Scout lived. After scaring away the animal he soon realized that he was imortal. After about 20 years, he also discovered that he didn't age any more and stayed at the appearance of 27. Scout soon found people who had survived, but memories had been completely washed, they could barely even talk. Wanting to help some how, Scout was able to gather about 20 men and women and taught them english, math, and other knowledge. Once they could speek and teach, they went out and taught this to people as well. Scout is basicly the legend of how knowledge came to people. He would never stop in a village and stay there permanantly, in fear that people would be frightened by his non-aging ability. So, 200 years passed, people were becoming more civilized and some people even had special powers, but usually they were banished because of this. Something that wasn't so good was that many outcasts were beginning to understand why they were cast out and many wanted revenge. Scout once stopped at a village called Tomban, where he decided he would stay for a few months, maybe even a year if he liked it. Upon arriving he met a women who was a dancer, her name was Kerii and she allowed Scout to live in her home until he was able to make one of his own. As the weeks past, He fell in love with the dancer who was so kind to him and they were eventually married. Scout had lived in Tomban for about one year, and he had a great life, but Kerii still didn't know of his imortality. One night, a group of vengeful outcasts attacked Tombad and kid napped Kerii, to show the other villages how they felt, they slit her throught and carried her body with them. Infuriated and heart broken ( ;_; ), Scout went after them and eventually found there camp, but he completely lost his rage in it all and slaughtered the whole camp, children included. Scout went bolistik and began trying to kill himself, not wanting to live for ever, but the many stabs to his chest healed and just became large jagged scars. This is when scout became very mysterious and lost most of his loving nature. He has become a wonderer of the earth, a living legend, he protects those who need help and lives alone. The only person he has ever told this story to was the man who created his weapons. He has been dead though for 400 years. Scout has never returned to Night, but is willing to go back to save the Earth from destruction. (dat was a long bioness...) [b]Extra[/b]: He is an amazing tracker, which is how he got the nick name Scout. Also a great swordsman because of his many years of training and practice. Around Scout's neck hangs a green, polished stone from black thread. Also, Scout has an eagle as a friend, the eagle doesn't show up very often, but when it does it usually has information for Scout. Scout was once a very carefree person, but after the insident in his past life, he became what he is now. ------- [b]EDIT: My sign-up is now finished *sighs*[/b] [/color][/size] [b]Accepted[/b] KKC Ohkami Vicky Dragon warrior Lrb Black_Phoenix [b]Rejected[/b]
  17. [size=1]I don't see too many british comedys... I have seen (and own) Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which i find to be very funny. There are some parts that are "supposably" funny, that are actually really boring and it lasts for like, 5 frikin' minuets, but some parts really are good, I think the part when they are running from the giant monster thing in the cave is my favorite part... poor animator... I'v heard of Mr. Bean, but I have never seen it. I don't know that much about british stuff, but i heard that there is a Romantic Comedy called "On love" that will start filming in a month or so. [/size]
  18. [size=1]Erg... I'm sorry, but Hilary Duff should have never started singing... [b]Johnny Depp[/b]: I have to say, Depp is one of the greatest actors i'v seen, And I don't just mean in POTC. I saw him in Edward Sissor hands (which I love) and Chocolat.I think it's really... neat how Depp sorta adds on to the characters that he plays instead of just listening to what the director tells him. He actually makes you believe that the character is a real life person, and in my view, that's hard to do. [b] Robin Williams[/b]: I'm sorry, but I love this guy... (you can all go and throw rocks at me!) I'v practically grown up watching films with Robin Williams as one of the stars. Although he did join up with Disney for a few "not so great" films (such as Flubber) I still think he is an awesome actor. I havn't seen any recent films of him in a while, but I did see him a Golden Globes (He looks so old...) and I hope he gets casted into another comedy sometimes soon. [b]Shia LaBeouf[/b]: Although he plays a very disturbing and idiotic character on Disney's "Even Stevens" I still think this kid is a great actor. He played the main character in the movie "Holes" (which is one of my favorite books) and I thought he did a damn good job at it. Although I'm not to fond of his character in Stevens, i'v always seen him as a good actor, I just hope he gets into some better things than Disney shows in the future. [b]Billy Boyd[/b]: *glares at DW* Well, as of now, this is my favorite actor. Although he's only appeared in 2 american films (LOTR and MAC) and master and Commander having a very small part, he remains my favorite actor. His role of Pippin in ROTK was very great, being, in the third film, alot of the dramatic weight is put on Sam, Pippin, and Aragorn. I thought his performance was excellant and I liked his singing (so shoot me!). I'm looking forward (in about a year or so) to seeing a screen play he and Domonic Monahagn (sp?) made come to life. [b]Elijah Wood[/b]: I think Wood is a good actor, he's been about 20 or more movies sense he was a child. He played in"Deep Impact"which was very dramatic film and a few others such as "The good brother". He played Frodo in LOTR at age 18 and did a splendid job at it, being the main character and such. I really look forward to future movies from Wood (Although I'm not always fond of his voice acting). (I'm not good with these kind of threads *sigh*)[/size]
  19. [size=1]OtakuSennen wants my body..... ;_; *steals your face* not funny... I liked this chapter alot, poor James though, I wanted to give him a hug about 18 times through out that whole chapter. By the way, I was just really curious to ask this question. You havn't mentioned anything about the funny white wigs, I thought that would pop up in the second chapter.... ;_; *steals your face* That rap was very interesting, did you make the lyrics yourself? [/size]
  20. KKC


    [size=1][color=orange]While Sakura and the other two men had gone, Narhc and the other boy, who he now knew was called Mat, were left to roam the house as they pleased, but neither of them had left the room where they had questioned the thief. It had all been a bit confussing to what Narhc heard, but he had caught on to what was happening, the flute was a very amazing gift, his staff was similar in a way. Narhc glanced out of the corner of his eye to see Mat and the small dragon standing where they were. Narhc stood and made a short, high-pitched whistle. Mat glanced over at him, woundering what he was doing, just then, Kalik jumped through the open window with the staff clenched in his mouth. He scurried over to Narhc, who took the staff from him, he then lept onto Narhc's shoulder and started to "inspect" the room. Mat walked over to Narhc and made a nice smile. "Hey, I don't think we were properly introduced." He started and picked up the little lizard thing, "I'm Matrim, but you can call me Mat, and this is my friend Draco." He pointed at the little dragon who blinked, seeming to recognize its name. "I don't think I caught your name..." Mat said with curiousity. Narhc had made such an odd and quick appearance, no one had caught who he was or why he was there. Narhc grinned, "I'm Narhc, Narhc Boyd to be correct. This is my partner Kalik, Don't mind him, he shows off alot..." Narhc took the staff in his hand and latched it onto his back. "I guess you arn't so shy after all." Mat said with a slight laugh. Narhc made an odd smile as he pulled Kalik from his shoulder and placed him on the floor. "Only around sertain girls..." [/size][/color]
  21. KKC


    [size=1][color=orange]"What the heck am I doing?" Narhc asked himself as everyone just seemed to stare at him. The Sakura girl took a seat and motioned for him to sit as well. He hadn't really been paying attention, so she spoke to him. "Here, take a seat." Her soft voice rang out. Narhc felt his face turn red. He shuffled his feet slightly and glanced at the other side of the room nervously. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to snoop... I was just... trying to.... sleep..." Narhc mumbled the words, his hand reached to the back of his belt and he began to randomly slide pieces of his puzzle box.. He probably looked like such an idiot standing there saying he was sleeping on the other side of someones house. "I... er... heard voices... and..." Before Narhc could finish he remembered that he had left Kalik outside all alone. Narhc glanced around the room to see if he come in, even though he knew he hadn't. Narhc made a quick bow in appology. "I'm very sorry for the interuption." Narhc raised his head and looked at the girl before turning and heading for the door. "I'll just be on my w-" But before he went any further, the girl had grabbed his arm and led him beck to the room. "Please stay." Sakura said. "Something tells me that you need to be here." For some reason, Narhc felt she was right and took a seat. [/size][/color]
  22. KKC


    [size=1][color=orange]Narhc heard the slam of a door and low murmers of talking, he opened his eyes and noticed that Kalik was awake and standing guard while narhc tried to take a small nap, he always felt so tired after slipping from reality. They had only arrived at the town about half an hour ago, heading into the town they stopped by a cozy looking house to take a rest. Narhc didn't even try to ask for a spare room in any house or hotel, from experiance, not very many people allowed those like himself into their homes for rest, even hotels would lie that they had no room (it wasn't like he could afford one anyway). Narhc didn't mind though, that's what it was like when you're raised in a village that lives like the olden times. Narhc could hear the murmers coming from the house, it seemed to be the room right next to him. Narhc looked up to see a window opened, he hadn't really noticed it until now, instead of just wondering, Narhc started to listen in on what the people were saying. After listening for just a few moments, narhc came to the idea that two people were being questioned for some kind of crime. Being the curious thing he was, Narhc silently rose to his feet and peared into the window to get a glimps of anything, of course, while rising he cracked a twig... Narhc had a view of the room now, for everyones eyes had turned toward the window and their eyes were now upon him. Two men seemed to be coiled on the floor, and on the other room was a boy around Narhc's age and a very pretty girl. Narhc would have usually run off at that point, not wanting to cause trouble, but, he just had to meet her...[/size][/color]
  23. [size=1] I agree with Kev on that one, although I'm only in 7th grade, I think school will probably be one of the greatest times of my life. Every summer, around the end of July, I always have this craving to go back to school. Over the summer, I rarely ever see my best friends, I mainly only see 1 of them about 3 times each summer because i'v known him for 7 years. I am glad I go to school, because if I didn't know how to read, write, ect. I would just have no life and I would feel pretty worthless. Even though I don't understand why I need to know about Newton's Laws of Motion and how divide fractions, I'm glad I'm getting an edjucation. Maybe it shall all add up someday... ~K.K.C. [i]"Eat more haggis."[/i][/size]
  24. KKC


    [size=1]OCC: Whee! It started! (so anyone who didn't read my bio, my character is basicly losing his sanity in this part :( ) [color=orange]IC: Narhc had stopped here for the night with Kalik, so they could rest up before continuing the rest of the way to the next town. It was almost noon and they had only ment to leave at sunrise, but it was difficult to travel in this state. Kalik, who was used to the weekly or monthly routine, layed patiently by his master's side with his snout gently resting on his hand. Sweat dripped from the side of Narhc's face, but he couldn't feel it. A large gust of breeze shook the trees and the leaves along the forest floor, he couldn't see it. Narhc's eyes were almost completely white and would only blink about once an hour or so; If you were to look into his eyes you would see wasteland and miles of desert and glowing orbes floating in the air aluminating the sky. Suddenly, Kalik jumped away from Narhc as he jumped up and started to stagger forward, his eyes were now shealed shut, his hands were clutching the sides of his head in pain, and words ran out of his mouth: [i][center]From the torrent, or the fountain, From the red cliff of the mountain, From the sun that round me rolled In its autumn tint of gold, From the lightning in the sky As it passed me flying by, From the thunder and the storm, And the cloud that took the form When the rest of Heaven was blue Of a demon in my view.[/center][/i] Narhc's eyes opened and they were the normal dark green color once again. He wiped the back of his palm across his forehead and felt the cold sweat. He looked down to see Kalik, the loyal fox looking very concerned as it sat by his side on the floor of the forest. "C- Cummon', let's get going." Narhc said stuttering with a smile. "That town isn't going to come to us." Narhc walked over to the tree he had been leaning against and picked up the oak staff, he then turned and started to walk down the dusty old path with Kalik close behind. [i]"I'v never said something like that before."[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [size=1]*giggles* I was laughing so hard, my sister came down stairs and wacked me upside the head ( ;_; ). Great stuff as always Master DW. I just hope I get to chill with the sexy Jack Sparrow rip-off. Can't wait to read the next chapter ^^ Dude, Shinstrap is sooo awesome..... [/size]
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