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Everything posted by KKC

  1. [size=1]^^ Thanks Wasabi. The reason I didn't have any cut-outs for the first one was because I might make a site and If I made a cut out someone with Black as the BG wouldn't be able to use it, but I like cut outs better, there more fun to make and I think they just look alot cooler. Yeah, I'v had this thing for small banners lately for some reason, I just think they look... Cute :sweat: Here are two more that will work with Black BGs. The second one was made about two weeks ago, so it doesn't look that great, but i thought it seemed ok... I made the first one today.[/size] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17153[/img]
  2. [size=1]Yay 4 fun! ----------- Name: Caroline Age: 13 (I feel sorry for my parents) DOB: July 23, 1990 Location: A little town near Louisville, Kentucky One Word: BoyCrazy (Yes, that is one word) Occupation: Poops Smith (better known as Student) Color: [color=green]Gr[/color][color=limegreen]ee[/color][color=seagreen]n[/color] Food: [strike]Haggis[/strike] Mini Corn Dogs Beverage: Sparkling White Grape Juice Alter Ego: K.K.C. Dream Job: Actress Self-Proclaimed: Freek of Nature Ethnicity: British, Italian [German, Scotish, Irish.... Polish?] Extracurricular: Drama and Band Hobby: Music, art, drama, boys Dessert: Cheese Cake ^-^ Musician: Louis Armstrong Group: Trapt Mac or PC?: PC Nics: KKC, CC, CP, [strike]Carolyn[/strike] Blog: nope Home Page: nope Religion: Cathlolic [Christian] Book: The Long Patrol by Brian Jaques (or how ever you spell it) Collections: Shot Glasses, glass dogs, zoid models. Sport: Marching band (That is a sport!!!) Won't Eat: Corn Pudding x_x TV Show: CSI: Crime Scene Investifation Words to live by: [i]"Eat more Haggis"[/i] ~ Billy Boyd Addicted to: Billy Boyd Comic: Peanuts, Family Circus Movie: Secondhand Lions (Or LOTR trilogy) [/size]
  3. [size=1]I'v been fooling around and testing alot of things out in Paint Shop Pro 7 and I think i'm finally starting get the hang of making banners (except for getting good font because PSP sucks at font). These are just a few banners of Billy Boyd I made recently. The first one is just random and the second one I might put in my sig to go along with my thing against Cattitude x_x (Note: I didn't make the banner that in my sig. right now) Please give me as many tips as you can for improving my banners. [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/NALG7.jpg[/img] [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/Boydban2.jpg[/img] [/size]
  4. KKC

    The Oscars

    [size=1]I watched the Golbal Awards with my sister and some of the nominations I hadn't even heard of. I think LOTR is looking really good this year, Peter jackson won the Golden Globe for best Director and I thought director of Cold Mountain would get it because critics have this thing against Fantasy films (Which I love the most). [quote]Chicago sucked! [/quote] Really? I never saw it, but my sister and parents went and saw it. I for one can't stand musicals (it's a musical right) unless it's Disney, just because I grew up watching Disney. From what I can tell, Master and Commander and LOTR seem to have the most nominations (just from skimming the list). I saw Master and Commander and thought it was great, in my oppinion it wasn't as good as LOTR just because I had to ask my dad about a few parts I didn't understand (I didn't like the ending of MAC, it left you hanging too much). Did anyone see Lost in Translation? [/size]
  5. [size=1][color=green]This sounds like fun ^^ ----------- [b]Pilot Stats[/b] Name: William Boyd (Goes by Billy for short) Age: 25 Nationality: Neo Scotland (I don't think they ever showed Neo Scotland in the show >
  6. [size=1]Hehe, to me, the sun looks like a UFO, and for some reason, that makes me laugh really hard. Asides from the purple sun, I think that pick looks really cool. I think you have to have a certain kind of camera so that it doesn't do that. Both banners are good too, although, just from my tastes, I don't like the bluryness of the first banner I still think it looks pretty cool. The second banner I like better, I like the quote you used on it isn't really dark like the first banner. I think the font doesn't look boring. to me, that kind of text can work for just about anything, but it is hard to see it in some areas. What i would to, is give the text and outline. Like, have black text and outline it in white, that's what I'v been doing lately ^^ [/size]
  7. [size=1][color=orange]Finally! An RPG worth joining (to me at least) ---------- Name: Narhc Boyd (Narhc is pronounce like Shark but with an N and without an H) Age: 17 Gender: Male Item: A wooden Staff of oak *shown in pic* In the middle of the twist on the top of the staff is a Yellow jewel that glows brightly when an enemy approaches. [img]http://www.geocities.com/landofnirr/images/ewf/ewf2.jpg[/img] The staff can be used to hit someone on the head with (like a bat) or he can cast few minor spells. (If you want me to list the 2-3 spells, just let me know.) Personality: Narhc is a very carefree and laid back character who can be confussing, but make a ton of sense all at the same time. Trouble always seems to follow him because of his adventurous and curious personality. Narch is usually the guy who flirts with just about any girl (uh oh). Narhc can usually get along with anyone except for thoughs who can't get along with him. He hates people who boss and bully others about. He can role insults to him off his shoulder, but if a friend is insulted, you don't want to be around him. Narhc also has odd mood swings now and then because of something that happened in his past. He will basicly start to cross the line of reality and fantasy. This mood of his could last from 2 minuets to a week. Physical Appearance: Narhc stands at about 5'6 (Shortness) and has dark blue eyes along with his black spikey hair that has streeks of gold running through it (making it look like lighting strikes). He has a thin two inch scar next to his right eye and a orange ear ring on his left ear. He wears a black tunic and a long sleeved orange shirt under neath it with forest green trimmings. He has dark green, knuckle-cut gloves and orange baggy bants held up by a black belt. On the belt he hold a small black puzzle box and a small pouch. He has black shoes and a drak green stone that hangs from his neck. History: (I use this in alot of bios) Narhc doesn't remember anything from his past up until he was 11. He remembers waking up in a desert having no idea who he was or where he was. As the days passed, lack of food and water, plus, the unbearable heat started to drive Narhc crazy, or, he began to lose sanity. Luckily, he was found and taken to a near by village (in a very remote area) where he was nurced back to health, but he still has mood swings when his sanity starts to slip. The only things Narhc had from his past where a mint green stone that he later put on a necklace, and a small puzzle box that had not yet been solved. Not knowing anything from his past, Narhc was taken care of by an older man (about 30) who named him Narhc which stands for "Needs A Real Hair Cut". The man taught Narhc everything he knew, from growing plants to fighting in hand to hand combat. When Narhc turned 15 he decided to leave the village and try to discover more about his past. Before leaving, the old man gave him the staff, he said that he believed it held some sort of ancient power. Narhc soon started to release some power from it and cast some magic. While making his way to a near-by city about a year after leaving the village, Narhc came across an abandoned Fox cub. Not having the heart to leave it there to die, Narhc took the cub with him and they soon became the best of partners. Narhc has recently heard of the realease of evil and hopes to help defeat it, no matter what the cost. Partners: Kalik - A fairly young Fox (not cub though). He is very small and was probably the runt of his litter, but he is still strong and loyal and of course, playful. Unlike other foxs, he has a black spot of his forehead. He has orange rusty fur, black paws, and white belly, along with his large bushy tail (I think you all know what a fox looks like ^^') Important Possessions: A dark green stone that hangs around Narhc's neck by black thread. He's worn it sense he was 3 years old and has never taken it off. He also has a small black box with a puzzle on the top of it. Narhc has been trying to solve the puzzle so the box would open for about 8 years, but he has not yet been able to solve it. Element: Electricity Placement: Elementalist [/color][/size]
  8. ^.^ Pippin! I agree about their hair not having curlyness to it, but you already said that it was hard (but your going to have to try it sometime or i will bother you about it non stop). I liked the shading for frodo and Sam a bit better then on this one. Merry looks pretty good, but his left eye looks a bit funky in my oppinion. .> Pippin's face just looks kinda wierd to me... >< Maybe i'v been looking at Billy Boyd out of costum a bit too much lately. *looks at her banner and Avatar, then at your sketch* [b]Rating: 7.5/10[/b]
  9. [size=1]I'm going from 1 to 5! Nya! [b]1. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King[/b] - This is most likely the best film of the year, like the two other movies before it. The last and best of the trilogy! The graphics from Weta are awesome, from the eagles to Gollum, and the acting is great as well. The story is awesome and Peter jackson did an awesome job of translating Tolkien's words to reality! The battles are amazing and New Zealand is so Beutiful! (And of course my fav. actor is in it!) [b]2. Pirates of the Caribbean[/b] - Another great film staring non-other than Johnny Depp. I loved this movie alot, it was action and comedy blended together perfectly. Although I had to see it twice to understand how the whole curse thing worked, it was still great and full of laughs. [b]3. Bruce Almighty[/b] - My favorite Jim Carrey movie yet. To me, when I look at a comedy (Unless it is a romantic one) I think that it will usually be very funny, yet, have no good story line or plot, but Bruse Almighty was halarious and the story was pretty good as well. "And that's the way the cookie crumbles" has become a little joke of mine. [b]4. Big Fish[/b] - (This did come out in 2003 right?) I just saw this about a week or so ago and thought it was great, though it wasn't what I expected it to be, I still thought it was a good movie. I'v always been one for tall tales and such and thought this was a great film. It has some far fetched characters and it has humor. I didn't cry at the end, but I know my mom did *snickers* [b]5. X2: X-men United[/b] - x_x Ok, sadly, I just saw this movie for the first time two days ago. Though I think story line could be better, I think it's still an awesome movie with action and mutant stuff ^^ I'v never read the comics and i'v only seen the newer cartoon series when the mutants are all Teen agers. I really liked the action and it had a little bit of laughs here and there. I was very excited to see the German, Kurt, to pop in. [/size]
  10. [size=1]Cool, props to who ever drew them. Did you add some of the effects? Like the wall design on the Deamon girls skin? I think the font on these looks good. I'm horrible with font because the program I use sucks >
  11. [color=teal]Mod-approved double post. Threads merged. -Syk3[/color] My Edit: Syk your really confussing me here @_@ [size=1] Hurry up and Show the Pippin! I agree that sam looks better than Frodo in this sketch. Frodo... just doesn't look like frodo for some reason... and the shading on his clothes arn't as good as your other sketches. Sam on the other hand looks pretty good. His face and head seems to be a bit narrow to me, but you did the shading and body (fat hobbit) alot better. The only thing that really bothers me about it is their hair... The hair on both sam and Frodo is too... Fro-ish. There hair is more curley then poofy. [b]Rating: 7/10 [/b] [/size]
  12. [size=1]*Sees Shinmaru is his "Mod Mode"* >.> Well, like James, my AC room doesn't really have a theme either, even though I'm trying to find furniture and such to make one. I probably have some bugs running around because I havn't played it in a while. On my old file (which was sadly deleted) I had a snow man themed house because I bought the game in January. My favorite character in the game would probably be Doc the Rabbit/Bunny or Tom Nook (just because he only let you work for half a day). Right now, I'm mainly trying to collect all the K.K. music in AC. Of course, I'v been using the going forward and backward in time trick... :sweat: I feel kinda bad about that.[/size]
  13. KKC

    Big Fish

    [size=1]I saw it last week, and was really looking forward to seeing it. I have to say that it wasn't what I expected it to be, but I still thought it was a great movie. I thought it was so funny and I really liked how it... *thinks* Showed life in different ways. Like, when you meet the person your going to Merry, time stops. But they forget to tell you that it speeds up to catch up with what has happened. I thought it was great, it did drag in some parts, but it was still great. [/size]
  14. [color=green][size=1][b]General Awards[/b] [b]EDIT: Added Most Improved[/b] [b]Overall Member of the Year[/b]:James [b]Male Otaku of the Year[/b]: Syk3 [b]Female Otaku of the Year[/b]: Sara [b]Funniest Member of the Year[/b]: Dragon Warrior [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years[/b]: Adam [b]Best Newbie[/b]: Dagger IX1 [b]Most Improved Member of the Year[/b]: Vicky [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member[/b]: AzureWolf [b]Favorite Banned Member[/b]: Taylor Hewitt (Should be Tical and all his many names!) [b]Thread of the Year[/b]: Kill Adam [b]Silliest Thread of the Year[/b]: How the James Stole Christmas [b]Random Awards[/b] [b]Best Otaku Couple[/b]: Charles/Japan_86 [b]Otaku Clique of the Year[/b]: OtakuBoards? League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen [b]Best MyOtaku[/b]: LazeChibi [b]Otaku Writers[/b] [b]Role-Player of the Year[/b]: Raiha [b]Brawler of the Year[/b]: Chaos [b]RPG of the Year[/b]: Kill Adam [b]Social Otakus[/b] [b]Otaku Social Member[/b]: Japan_86 [b]Entertainment Otaku[/b]: Dragon Warrior [b]Otaku Anime[/b] [b]Otaku of the Year[/b]: Dagger IX1 [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year[/b]: AzureWolf [b]Otaku Gamers[/b] [b]Nintendo ?Mario? Award[/b]: Shinmaru [b]Otaku Artists[/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.)[/b]: Syk3 [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.)[/b]: maladjusted [/size][/color]
  15. Hehe, I think it looks pretty cool. The colors mix well, but they are kinda dark and not so noticable, but i think it's cool. But... I think you spelled malfoy wrong in the banner (>.
  16. [size=1]DW, I hate to say it, but you look damn sexy as an animation! Hehe, I really enjoyed Mr. T saves the president (even though I still have no idea who Mr. T is and I wouldn't mind killing him.) And I noticed that part from family Guy as well, made me chuckle. Well, I can't waits for the next one! My "Similar to Green Lantern's but not" suit is coolies. ;_; (my face is still better). My favorite part would have to be when DW hits his head on the cealing when trying to escape for da second time.BTW, even if I did have twenty dollars, do you really think I would have givin it to you?![/size]
  17. [color=green][size=1]A soft breeze blew through the tree tops making the leaves and branches shudder. Orophin stirred slightly, he had decided to take a watch in the trees to make sure he wasn't being followed. He hadn't been tired, but the hypnotic brush of the wind had seemed to send him to sleep with in only a few minuets. Another gust of wind blew by, only a bit harder this time. Orophin blinked and adjusted his eyes to the brightness of the day. He gripped his right hand and noticed he was still clutching his bow that had a single arrow notched to it. Orophin stood quickly and glanced at the sky, it was almost mid day! He had slept longer than ment to. Orophin leaped from the tree and landed gracefully and quickly threw his bow over his shoulder and started to walk at a fairly quick pace down the narrow path. "Maybe I should have traveled with Galdor, I would have arrived at a perfect time then..." Orophin thought to himself as he made his way down the path. He wasn't too far from Govad Ithilmir, but he had wanted to be one of the first to arrive. Orophin quickly made his way up a steep hill and peered down at Govad Ithilmir. A smile slowly spread over his face as he saw two figures standing next to one another in the distance. At least he wasn't the last one. Orophin started at a trot down hill and sooon picked up speed until he had made it into a good paced run. Before he knew it he was only some feet away from Galdor and Aranel. [/size][/color]
  18. [size=1]Heh, marching freshmen? Our band has 8th graders and a lucky 7th grader or two (like myself). My sister has been in marching band for about 3 years now, so, I was used to the 3 our trips every Saterday and such, I also helped out in the pit crew. This year, the percussion instructor invited me (as the only 7th grader) To be in the pit. I loved it, it's alot of hard work and there are tears, but it is great and worth it in the end. I made alot of new friends (mainly in percussion) and learned a ton about music (it was my first year ever playing in percussion). I remember, about half way into the training season we had this "event". The whole band gets into a large circle and they throw a large piece of string to a person and then compliment them on why they like them and such. After it's over you get a piece of the string and get to keep it (I feel bad because I lost mine...) But, I think marching band will turn out being some of the greatest days in my life. Traveling is great and so is playing! [/size]
  19. [size=1][color=green]Name: Orophin Melwasúl Race: Jewel Elf Age: 353 Gender: Male Apperance: Orophin has midnight blue eyes and short black hair and stands at about 5'11. He usually wears a black tunic with a silver and green trimming of leaves and stones that seem to rap around the sides of the tunic. He wears a long sleeved forest green sirt under it and a green elvish tinic. He wears dark green pants and very light boots. Also has tan colored gloves and a Black belt. Example (but with the color change and with out the Chain mail): [img]http://www.houseofanoria.com/images/tunic-overcoat-2.jpg[/img] Armour: [img]http://www.interplay.com/icewind/images/8-01-00port_b.jpg[/img] Ability: Like most Jewel Elves, Orophin is stronger than the other races. He can lift about 4 times his body weight and packs a strong punch and kick. He isn't as fast as wood elves, but does have very quick reactions and wearing armour doesn't really effect him. His special gift is the ability to throw his voice, which he can use to trick his enemies. Personality: Orophin is an elf that doesn't always understand the world. He isn't very wise like elves are said to be, but he has a stout-heart and is always craving for adventure. He has great respect for older and wiser elves and will always listen to what advice people have to give to him. Although he has a lot of confidence, Orophin fears failing the elves, expecially those whom he loves greatly. Orophin is carefree and loves the mountains like any other jewel elf. Death, to Orophin, is confussing and he seems to never understand it. Although young and not as wise as most, he is looked upon as a strong and stout-hearted elf who would do just about anything for anyone else. Weapon(s): Bow and Arrows: [img]http://www.sac.or.kr/eng/bows/images/bow.jpg[/img] Each arrow he uses had dark green and black feather on the end and a more oval like shape in the front. The quiver of arrows is black with the same design that is on his tunic. The quiver and bow are both kept on his back. Twin Elf Blades: [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/TwinelfBlades.jpg[/img] Orophin actually forged the two blades by himself (with a bit of guidence). On one blade, in elvish, it reads "Blade of Orophin Melwasúl" and on the other blade it reads "Strike strong or perish". Both blades are held on either side of Orophin's belt in scabbards of black with the same disign as his tunic. Biography: Orophin was born and raised in Dôr Edhellen and has only left the mountain ranges to visit the 2 other elf kingdoms. Orophin's father, Ereinion Melwasúl, was a great warrior in the war when the great weapon had first been created, but he died during battle, making a destraction so that his troop could retreat. Orophin never really knew his father because he was very young and his father usually fighting, and his mother, Fëanáro, died shortly after Ereinion's death. After both of his parent's deaths, Orophin was raised by an older cousin of his who had also been in the war. At an early age, Orophin learned how to wield an elvish blade and how to shoot a bow. He loved the moutain ranges and would usually leave before the sun came up and train in the area and wouldn't return until long after the sun set. Orophin would usually travel to the forests and train with some of the Taur Tawarwaith on using his bow. When orophin turned 169, he was givin the bow he owns now by his elder kin who had raised him, the bow was much stronger then the last one and Orophin became a good shoot with it. One day, while out training like always, Orophin surprisingly ran into a Elenath Tawaraith known as Eärendur Elensar. He taught Orophin how to fight with swords and other blades and even taught him how to forge these weapons. With a little bit of guidance, Orophin was able to forger his Twin elvish knives. Orophin is a great swords master and is usually involved with the governments. [/color][/size]
  20. This will be interesting.... Great Idea DW, I just hope it doesn't get closed for spam or anything T.T Can't wait to see the end of this.... lol [b]Noun[/b]: Syk3 [b]Adjective[/b]: Green (that's an Adjective... right... >>) [b]Noun[/b]: Shinmaru
  21. Awesome DW! I think your artisticness has come a long way, I thought it was really good how you kept the characters looking the same through out it instead of changing them (which usually happens) Awesome Idea about it being a LOTR rip-off, Pimpin is awesome! Can't wait till the next comic!
  22. KKC

    Subaru banner

    [size=1][color=green]One problem Mage, the zone is forbidden. Try giving coments or advice on the banner. Well, it doesn't matter if you cropped it or not, it's still a great banner. I love the gold trimming around the crossed bars and the picture is great (cropped or not). This just a pet peeve of mine, but I think the border should be thin, not thick, and for some reason that always bothers me. I also suggest a quote to go on there... maybe a quote from the show, one of Subaru's words of wisedom, i wouldn't know any though being the old Crim fan that I am. But, I truely think the banner is awesome. Nice font, nice BG, and nice pic. Of course, I don't know too much about the quality of banners ;) [b]Rating: 9/10[/b] [/color][/size]
  23. [size=1]OOC: No way! That was great Braidless Baka! Sounded perfect to me (I think you put a bit of Sean Astin in there as well, lol) IC [color=green]Pippin turned back around and decided to see what exactily the council would be talking about, if Sam wouldn't tell, then he would find out himself. He could sort of tell what they were saying, but not all of it because Pippin didn't have to listen to anything he didn't want to hear. From what he could tell thus far, the ring was supposed to be a great evil that could destroy all of Middle earth. "What have they said?" Merry asked Pippin, nudging him slightly in the ribs. Pippin sat down so that the large stone pillar completely covered him. He looked around, hoping to see something to eat. "Nuttin' much.. Just somethin' bout' the ring destroying all of the world..." Pippin made a deep sigh and turned around, his back now facing the pillar. He closed his eyes and pulled out his pipe and placed it in his mouth, letting it hang in an odd position. Sam rolled his eyes and stopped, stomping the ground with his large, hairy foot. "I'm goin' to get a better look and hear of this meeting." He then stalked off and started to head to the opposite side of the meeting. Pippin and Pippin just shrugged. "Pippin, you know there is nuttin' in that pipe?" Merry asked as he looked into Pippin's pipe, that was still dangling out of his mouth. Pippin sucked in air through the pipe and sighed again. "What I wouldn't do for some old Toby..." [/size][/color]
  24. Finally, I got to go see this movie yesterday after a long whiles wait. I havn't read the books, but the movie was great. I expected it to be being it had 4 stars and good reviews. The action was good and so was the drama and tension between the characters when they were going after the "Phantom". Although, I wished the fight sceen near the end had been a bit longer and more gory (Too much LOTR for me) I was still pleasure to see Billy Boyd pull a gun from his belt. So, who else has seen the movie?
  25. [size=1][color=orange][b]Kendrik City - ZBC Pilot Lounge - 3:45pm[/b] Adam just smiled as usual as she walked out of the Lounge and headed back to the base. Tai got up and started to leave too, he stopped before opening the door and turned to Adam who was still in his seat at the booth. "Are you coming?" Tai asked as he started to push the door open. Adam could barely hear Tai, his eyes were fixed on a battle that had just started on one of the TVs, it was being held in one of Zi's very large deserts, all he could hear was the battle anouncer and the zoids. "Adam?" Tai asked again, this time a bit louder. Adam shook his head and closed his eyes before turning to Tai and stumbling up on his feet to make his way over to the door. "You ok?" Tai asked as the made there way outside and down the road to where Adam's jeep was parked. Adam made a grin and nodded his head and waved his arm telling Tai to forget about it. It took about 10 minuets from the lounge to get to the base, Adam rarely even used his jeep, usually just piloted the Fox down here, but for some reason, today was different. When they made it to the base Tai and Adam made their way into the hanger to see Kari already hard at work on her Blade Liger. Adam smiled for the umpteenth time that day and trotted over to the Shadow Fox and gazed at it in all its magisty for a few moments before climbing into the cockpit to make some adjustments on the scrubbers and smoke screens. [/color][/size]
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