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Everything posted by KKC

  1. Hehe, I love it Phoenix, But it needs a border! You should know better than to not put a border! >:/ But, I really like it, the X button does look a bit bigish, but you never know what different sizes Microsoft might have. I think it would be funny if that once happened to me... [b]Rating: 9/10 [/b]
  2. [size=1] this will be fun, if I'm funny enough to get in. --- Name: KKC, The Scotish Fool of England Age: 15 Weapon: 30 small throwing knives (Like... each one is 6 or 7 inches long) Appearance: She has blue eyes and freekishly short blond hair (usually is mistaken for a guy). She wears a Black tunic with Leather armor crossed all across it making it look like she... doesn't have....a chest. In between the crossing armor she holds a dollar, each dollar represents everything she has ever done for a dollar. She has a large leaf Cape (Leaves stuck together somehow) and white gloves that go up to her elbos. She also wears a Purple kilt (yes, purple) with one of the gold things that is on the front of the kilt (I'm not a damn Scot, so I wouldn't know what the hell it is called). Instead of wearing incredibly high socks like most scots, she wears really tall steal/metal boots. She is about 5'6, which makes her kinda short, but kinda not short. No one knows what she wears under her kilt. KKC holds all of her daggers around her chest, arms, and legs, so that she can reach them quickly. Bio: KKC is a Scotish Imigrant from Scotland (not Ireland). She "Migrated" when she was 7 years old because she didn't want to become a Poops Smith like her 13 fathers and mothers before her. How could a 7 year old pay for a trip to England with no money? Well, the fee was only a dollar, so It didn't take very long for her to get a dollar, Scotish people can be such saps at times. So, once arriving in England, she tried to find the perfect job for herself, she searched and searched until she finally found the job of becoming a Poops Smith. After being a Poops Smith till she was 11, she decided to become a pieceful person of the forest who in slaved animals and forced them to clean houses for her, but that didn't work out so well, so she became King Shinny's fool. How did she become King Shinny's fool, Let's just say it included another dollar. After being laughed at, more for being Scotish then telling jokes, she was taught by someone who called himself a "Mexican" how to forge metal into sharp pointy objects and throw darts so that everytime she threw a dart it hit the bule's eye (literally). Eventually, still being the Fool of King Shinny, she forged thirty small dagger/knifes and used them as tricks during her performances. She has only killed 3 knights of the oval table while doing these stunts. She is loyal to Shinny, even though he makes fun of her scotish-ness. She will do anything for a dollar. [/size]
  3. [size=1]Good gosh, A serious story by DW... I'll never here the end of it... I think it is really good, a heck lot better than me (I can't write worth crap). I thought it was decribed OK, but a few parts in there didn't really seem to have anything to do with the story, like the part when the rose fell off the stomb, I was like: oO Nirr? Hehe, I caught that little stolen line that was just reworded slightly. "It's the deep breath before the plunge". Sound familar? Well, I can't wait to read the next chapter, I always hate it when people leave it when someone is about to meet sertain death >:l [/size]
  4. KKC


    [size=1]I met a guy in High school for band camp who was into the Misfits a lot. He burned a few CDs for me and taught me a bit about them and I thought they were pretty awesome. I hum the tunes every once and a while, but I don't really listen to them that much, but I do like them. [/size]
  5. [size=1][color=orange]*Looks at instantramen14's edited post* Ack, no, Sam can't be an elf, sorry. Once again it would mess up the story. The bond between Sam and frodo is an amazing one, they have known each other for most of their lives and both have grown up in the shire. And it would be a much better idea if Sam remained as a male, It would also throw off the balance being 1 female with 9 other males (Including Merry and Pippin >>) would just be... wrong. Plus, Women, elf or human, wern't really the type to go out and battle on quests. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I would like this RPG to follow the story line pretty well and the characters to be "In character". Once again I will talk about it with Vicky, but right now I don't agree that you are excepted into the RPG. ~KKC~ [/size][/color]
  6. [size=1] Cay regained her breath as she ran over and met up with Lance and Shinobi. [i]Note to self: When Lance goes flying, you go flying.[/i] Cay laughed silently to herself. "Hey, you two ok?" She asked them, Shinobi rubbing his head trying to get rid of the pain. "Just a bump..." He mumbled. Cay knew lance was fine, a funny thing about him, he can't get hurt no matter how far he falls. Cay's pokemon all scurried up or flew over to where they were. "These are my pokemon: Quilava, Flygon, Quagsire, Ivysaur, Jolteon, and Nidorino." She made a weak smile and then looked around and noticed the direction Shinobi was going in before he collided with lance. "Where were you off too?" [/size]
  7. Ok, I think I know this one (Think is the key word). >_< [b]Q[/b]: In Episode 14 of Season 2 ("Let's Go To The Hop"), what did Tony the Tiger get as a gift? [b]A[/b]: Ok, I'm not sure, but I think it was a pack cigarettes
  8. Of course everyone has heard rumors of "The Hobbit" to be coming out as a movie and I think it will happen. The trilogy has become so big over the past 3 years (even more in NZ), I think it would just be... not smart to not have The Hobbit. I really think it will come out sometime, I mean, they already made a video game. Wow! *reads DW's post on the Hobbit play* That is awesome that you want to be an actor! I'v been thinking alot about my own choices and i'v been leaning towards acting lately. I hope you find out some way to get an audition, I bet you would do great as Gollum, but you have to remember all those riddles and such. Hope you find a way. I'm stated to wonder (If the hobbit does come out) who would play Bilbo. I'm thinking that the guy who played Bilbo in LOTR might do it, but I heard they had to tape his face back for the part when it showed him first finding the ring.(Well, that's what it said on the extended DVD on the Comentary of the cast). Does anyone here watch the comentary's on the DVDs?
  9. Ok, I'v never seen this episode before, so I'll just take some random guess at it (Probably the only episode I havn't seen). Darn you DW! Q: In Episode 16 of Season 2 ("There's Something About Paulie"), who does Peter go to in the end to finally call off the hit on Lois? A: Paulie (Phhhh)
  10. I really loved it how all the characters had scale doubles (Midgets or little kids who were the size of hobbits)! Expesially the scale double of Sean astin who was part indian and could kick his *** in chest. Ah... behind the DVD is so great... Pippin is my fav. as well. He just reminds me of myself so much I guess, but I did like Gimli as well, because of his stubborn attitude. But Pippin is just... a fool, which reminds me of DW too, lol. I think they chose the actors really well, even if Orlando just got out of school. Billy Boyd is awesome.
  11. Weta Workshop was awesome, I mean, they were awesome on Gollum (Smeagle) and the ents, but they said making the ents was pretty difficult for them. I could take 2 hours to 48 hours to finish an ent. Yeah, they said that Andy probably had the best part acting wise because he had to switch from Smeagle to Gollum in personality. I thought that was really awesome. My favorite Andy moment is when he yanked Sean Astin's Wig off, has anyone seen that on the extended TTT DVD? Arg! I can't stand Legolas either! I thought he was a pretty cool elf with his bow and arrows and all, but I was never "Squeel every Freeking time he comes on screen" person. He was never my fav. character and i'm afraid he has moved down near the bottom of my list.
  12. [size=1]I'v been looking forward to doing this all year. EDIT: added silly thread [u][b]General Awards[/b][/u] *Overall Member of the Year: DaggerIx1 Honorable Mention: AzureWolf *Male Otaku of the Year: OtakuSennen Honorable Mention: Shinmaru *Female Otaku of the Year: DaggerIx1 Honorable Mention: Annie *Staff Member of the Year: James Honorable Mention: Syk3 *Funniest Member: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: Shinmaru Most Opinionated Otaku: --- Honorable Mention: --- *Member most likely to be here in two years: Adam Honorable Mention: James *Best Newbie: Arcadia Honorable Mention: --- *Best Oldie: Sara Honorable Mention: Dragon Warrior *Most likely to become a Staff Member: DaggerIx1 Honorable Mention: OtakuSennen *Favorite Banned Member: Tical Honorable Mention: Taylor Hewitt Most improved Member of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- *Thread of the Year: Kill Adam Honorable Mention: --- *Silliest Thread of the Year: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35750]Otaku Legacy[/URL] Honorable Mention: --- [u][b]Random Awards[/b][/u] *Avatar Award: Hack Helba Honorable Mention: Shinmaru Signature Award: --- Honorable Mention: --- Best Location: --- Honorable Mention: --- *Best Otaku Couple: Syk3 and Mei Honorable Mention: --- *Best looking Otaku: Lrb Honorable Mention: Dragon Warrior *Otaku clique of the Year: Adam's Angels Honorable Mention: Lovers of legolas (I actually remember that) *Best MyOtaku: Lazechibi Honorable Mention: James [b][u]Otaku Writers[/b][/u] Poet Laureate: --- Honorable Mention: --- Writer of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- Orginal Story of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- *Role-Player of the Year: Jokopoko Honorable Mention: Vicky Brawler of the Year (sparring): --- Honorable Mention: --- *Role-Playing Game of the Year: Kill Adam Honorable Mention: --- [b][u]Social Otakus[/b][/u] Otaku Social member of the year: --- Honorable Mention: --- *Entertainment Otaku of the Year: Dragon Warrior Honorable Mention: --- [b][u]Anime Otakus[/u][/b] *Otaku of the Year: Maladjusted Honorable Mention: DaggerIx1 *.hack//SIGN Member of the Year: Black_Phoenix Honorable Mention: AzureWolf DragonBall Guru: --- Honorable Mention: --- Digipeep of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- Gundam Member of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- Yu-Gi-Oh Member of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: --- Honorable Mention: --- [b][u]Otaku Gamers[/b][/u] *Gamer of the Year: Shinmaru Honorable Mention: --- Nintendo "Mario" Award: --- Honorable Mention: --- The Sony Award: --- Honorable Mention: --- Xbox Gamer of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- PC Gamer of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- [b][u]Otaku Artists[/b][/u] *Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3 Honorable Mention: Hack Helba *Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Maladjusted Honorable Mention: --- Best Spriter: --- Honorable Mention: --- [u][b]Series Otakus[/b][/u] Series Otaku Member of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- Square/Enix Member of the Year: --- Honorable Mention: --- PokéPlaque (Pokemon): --- Honorable Mention: --- The Triforce Award (Zelda): --- Honorable Mention: --- [/size]
  13. [size=1][color=orange][b]Kendrik City - ZBC Pilot Lounge - 3:30 P.M.[/b] ------ Adam leaned back in his seat and placed his feet up ontop of the table and stretched slightly. He was watching some recent zoid battle from earlier that day, he usually would do this, once a week he would check out how the others teams were doing in battle. From what was going on, the Zabre Flash Team was winning all battles. Adam took a sip of his coffee and then stood up, deciding to find Kari, who had left to get a drink quite a few minuets ago. He peered around the half crowded room and spotted her and Tai chatting near the doorway. Adam smiled and then made his way over to them with an odd away in his walk. "Never thought I'd see the day when I was left out of a meeting." Adam chuckled with a grin as he came over to the two. Tai glanced around the room and then motioned for the two of them to take a seat at a near by booth where very few pilots lingered. They took their seats and Tai seemed to make sure no one was listening in on them before he bagan to tell them of what ever news he had to bring. [/color][/size]
  14. [size=1]I know that I will be concided an Otaku after 1 more post ;) , but...... I concider myself...er... not even close to otaku... I have never been to any kind of anime conv. and have never cosplayed as anyone. Yeah, I watch anime, buy the DVDs, read manga, but i'm not obsessed with the stuff. Although my sister says I am, she doesn't know diddly squat about how obsessed other people are. Some people even go to school trying to make their hair look like Goku's, which i find very disturbing. Asides, when I tell people I don't like Inuyasha... they act like I don't like anime period. I'm not, and probably will never be an otaku (although I would like to cosplay at least once in my life).[/size]
  15. [size=1](Reads DragonGirl's Sig) O.O!! Billy!! Anyways, I think it is OK for your first try and sense you were using oil pastels. I agree with Pyrophobic on it looks like he's looking down instead of cross-eyed. You got a few of the colors for his clothes wrong, like the blue should be alot darker, but it's still pretty good. His face is a bit too small for his head and he has a flat chin. Get some good colored pencils to color it in with instead, Pastels to me... are... more for... Still life art instead of anime and such. :)[/size]
  16. [size=1]Ah... yes... Siblings... the blessings and curses of all familys... Me and my 18 year-old sister get along fine. We used to fight a ton when we were little and non-mature, but as we have both gotten older we have become like best friends. We do have our squabbles here and there, but that happens to everyone. Now... My mother was one of 12 kids... so, I have a huge family! I have like, 25 cousins in all and most of them are very young. A sertain group of my cousins, known as "The Brats From Heck" are just... out of control and horrible little monsters. Destruction follows them where ever they go. Their mother isn't the brightest bulb and usually uses excuses such as: "They don't understand" or "He's only in 1st, 3rd, w/e grade." And it really bugs the **** out of me. These are 4 boys. The eldest is almost 10 and then it goes down by twos. 7, 5, and 2. The two older ones are probably the worst. Just a few of their destructive powers from the past include: Scratching up cars with broken nails, coloring with expo markers on bed spreads, poking holes in water beds, putting baby power through the air vents, and flushing Mc'Donalds toys down the toilet. I can't get along with these 4 or their mother, Luckily, their father just got back from duety in Iraq, so things should settle down... a bit... [/size]
  17. KKC


    Yes, Killing BT is a great point to liking Sora... but I'm sure crim would have done it sooner or later :) I agree about crim always being so calm... but... actually, I don't believe he has "feelings" for Subaru, well, at least not anymore. I think the love he has with Subaru is like... a Brother to Sister kind of love... or a great friendship. Examples of my gabbering: Frodo and Sam Merry and Pippin :D
  18. Sorry for lateness. -------- Name: Makal Took Age: 17 Gender: male Race: Human Occupation other than prophet: Artist Weapon: Wooden Staff - It is a wooden staff made from an oak tree. It is about 5 feet tall and is curved at the top like a walking stick, in the middle of the curve is a dark red ruby. Blue and Green feathers hangs from the staff and gold marks run up and down the pole area. The bottom is pointed like an arrow of gold. Prophet: Fire, Sky, and Beast Skills: (I hope this is ok) Fire: Makal is able to shoot fire balls from the palms of his hands. If he uses them too much he can lose alot of energy. Sky: Makal is able to hover and sometimes fly. It really depends on how much energy he has. If he is worn out he can only hover, but if he is feeling fresh, he can fly. Beast: Makal can transform into any kind of animal, but he is only able to stay as the animal for 10 minuets. Then he must turn back into a human or another animal. Makal is an amazing artist. He taught himself how to draw and usually like drawing animals and landscapes of the rain forest and such. He used colored pencils, but will sometimes use paint. Home Town: Talim (located in near the dessert) Bio: Makal really has no idea where he came from or what happened in his past up to when he was 13. He woke up in a small house in the village of Talim. They told him that he had been found in the desert, stranded and beaten with numerous scars. He was healed back to health, but has odd modd swings and times when he loses track with reality because when he was stranded in the dessert, the lack of water and the intence heat drove him half way mad. Makal grew up in Talim and gave himself the name Makal from Lakam, the name that was scared into his arm and he had the last name Took from the one and only pud in the village. He was naturally good with his hands and became a great artist. Regular Appearance: Makal has deep dark green eyes and short gold hair. When in his "Artisan" clothes, as he likes to call them, He wears a black tunic with a dark green shirt beneath it. He also wears black pants and a Dark green sash and a crimson poncho. Along with black boot and and knuckle cut gloves. Prophet Appearance: When Makal is the prophet, Red streeks appear through his gold hair and his eyes turn deep dark blue. he then wears large Black baggy pants with amazing gold and green designs running up and down them. He wears black boots with gold trimmings and Black gloves with green trimmings. He Still wears a tunic, but the color of the tunic blends him in with his surroundings, along with his pants as well.
  19. >_> First Duo trys to steal my character... Now it's my avatar.... (Who does that eye belong too?) Well, of course Outcast and Drix are in and so is Duo (As Frodo, not Pippin) is in for now unless someone else comes along and Duo transforms (for the 3rd time) into Merry (we need a good Merry). I'v decided to go ahead and make an Excepted/Rejected list thingummy. [b]Excepted[/b] Vicky (Legolas) K.K.C. (Pippin) Boba Fett (Jedgar) Dmitri (Boromir) Drix (Gimli) OutCast (Garin (replacing gandalf) Duorocks (Frodo) Braidless Baka (Merry) [b]Rejected[/b] DuoRocks (Pippin) ;)
  20. [size=1][color=green]Bad move there DuoRocks... You don't even want to see the PM I sent to Vicky (>_
  21. I want to know a bit more about it before I complete my sign-up. -------- Name: Makal Took Age: 17 Gender: male Race: Human Occupation other than prophet: Artist Weapon: Wooden Staff - It is a wooden staff made from an oak tree. It is about 5 feet tall and is curved at the top like a walking stick, in the middle of the curve is a dark red ruby. Blue and Green feathers hangs from the staff and gold marks run up and down the pole area. The bottom is pointed like an arrow of gold. Prophet: Fire, Sky, and Beast Skills: (I hope this is ok) Fire: Makal is able to shoot fire balls from the palms of his hands. If he uses them too much he can lose alot of energy. Sky: Makal is able to hover and sometimes fly. It really depends on how much energy he has. If he is worn out he can only hover, but if he is feeling fresh, he can fly. Beast: Makal can transform into any kind of animal, but he is only able to stay as the animal for 10 minuets. Then he must turn back into a human or another animal. Makal is an amazing artist. He taught himself how to draw and usually like drawing animals and landscapes of the rain forest and such. He used colored pencils, but will sometimes use paint. Home Town: Talim (located in near the dessert) Bio: [edit later] Regular Appearance: [edit later] Prophet Appearance: [edit later]
  22. [b]Q[/b]: In episode 2 of Season 2 ("Holy Crap"), who did Peter kidnap? [b]A[/b]: (Hopefully I spell this right..hehe) [b]The Pope[/b]
  23. I remember getting an email of that picture about a year or two ago when LOTR was really really big, being the movies were just coming out and such. Yes, it is too fast and such, but it is funny. I wonder if they will do one when the elections are over.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B][color=seagreen]Pah maybe he's a little crocked because he's in the wind. Unless you think that hair stands out like that on their own K.K.C. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [size=1]Yes, but when the wind is blowing the body shouldn't look crooked. I think you might have mis-read my post. The hair looks fine, It's just the rest of the body.[/size]
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