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Everything posted by KKC

  1. >_> Ok, I'll try this out (Even though I won't win :) But It's worth a try) so... I have a question... Is it... just who answers the question first?
  2. [color=royalblue][size=1]Cay peered around the village, it seemed... desserted... as if everyone had decided to go off and die. Everything had happened so quickly, Cay couldn't really ask any questions. There were way too many in her head. "It looks.... like no one lives in this place..." Tara pointed out the obvious. Cay laughed slightly and then looked around the village again. Pearing into windows trying to get a glimps of a shadow or something. "Hm..." Matt looked around as they all stopped in the middle of the village where a large statue of a man stood, the nose was gone and it had a few chips in it. "Let's split up and try to find this Loor person." [/color][/size]
  3. [size=1][color=royalblue]Tsuni piloted "Sprite" clase to the treetops of a large swamp, looking for a good spot to cover up and land the ship so that it would be difficult to find. He finally found a spot, a lot of tall grass and brush was in the area. He lowered the ship and landed it in the area, tall, dead trees were covered most of the top area, so it would be more difficult to be seen from a distance or from above. Before he headed into the atmosphere, a lot of ships had been popping up here and there and two even started shooting at one another, luckily, he hadn't been seen and was able to land without trouble. Tsuni leaped out of the cockpit with a small brown pack attatched to his belt and his vibro-knife attatched to the leather strap that crossed against his chest. Tsuni had learned from experiance to always keep the weapon close to the chest, mainly when you might be selling stolen parts. Tsuni marched around the small swamp area making sure that the ship was compltly hidden and then headed out to find whatever his vision from his gradmother had wanted him to find or do on this planet. Tsuni started to walk North, not sure why he was heading North, but it seemed right to him for some reason, as if something was calling to him, yelling to him to go North. He trotted along for a few minuets before seeing tracks in the thick mud, maybe Ossus wasn't so desserted. [/color][/size]
  4. [color=green][size=1] I just got this game for Christmas and it is really good! Although I get lost quite a bit in it and I find it hard, i still think it is great. The controls are easy to figure out and running on walls, jumping, climbing, ect. are very easy as well (I thought it would be hard to do some of the moves). The graphics are pretty good as well (But the main character sure is ugly). I really like the glowing sand. I was going to get DD for Xmas, but my mum accidentally mixed up the order and got me F-zero GX :bawl: [/size][/color]
  5. KKC

    Anime Music

    [size=1][color=royalblue] Opening Themes: Obbsession (.hack//sign) - Well, all .hack music is awesome, so, of course the opening song would be great. I remember when i first heard it i though it was in Japanese because of the singers voice. I like the beat to it as well. Wild Flowers (Zoids CC) - I used to be a big zoids fan and eventually downloaded the Japanese opener. I loved it, It also has a good beat to it. Okojo opener - Well, i'v never really seen this anime, but i think it's alot like hamtaro, only with ferrets and ermine. One of the opening is just horribly catchy. Ending themes Kaze wa Mirai ni Fuku (Trigun) - OOooo, I finally found the midi to this and it is playing in Myotaku. I mainly like the persussion beat that start in the beginning and end. It has that "Sweeep" sound from a broom. Great beat and the Nah, nah nah nah makes me chuckle. Ruroni Kenshin ending: Don't know what it's called and I have never heard all of it, but I love the feel to it and words (What ever they may mean). [/size][/color]
  6. KKC

    Most Recent

    Actually, I picked the pictures for the Pippin banner :sweat: But, those were the only clear images I could find... up until now (KKC recently found many pictures). *Hugs Billy Boyd Pic* He's mine! Anyways, this is awesome! I sort of lost my interest in digimon a while back, but I love this banner, it's so colorful ^^ And I also like the button effect look of it. Good job. OOooo, the Necro one is very cool, I like the shadings of Black, gray, and white you used in it. Im not really good with quotes (Unless it comes to a Scotish actor), but I'll give it a shot, don't laugh though...... N/m... I can't think of one... *sniffle* [b]Rating for Digimon: 8.5/10[/b] [b]Rating for Pippin: 8.8/10[/b] [b]Rating for Necro: 9/10[/b]
  7. Lol, to me it looks like he is mixed with a chibi, I think it's cute ^^. I know this one person who makes eyes kind of like that, I think it might be some kind of style. Anyways, I think it is pretty good, although his pointy chin bothers me and the whole left side of his body is crooked, I think it is ok. He really is crooked looking though *tilts head* [b]Rating: 7.8/10[/b]
  8. [size=1][color=royalblue]Lol, my cousin once did that, bought some cheap die to make her hair have blond highlights and it turned out orange, so, she had to go to a hair dresser and get it fixed up. I have my hair highlighted blond about... once every month or two, but it doesn't help to much. My hair grows really fast. It's originally blond, but, like my dad's hair, it turns a really dirty blond over time. I remember one time in 3rd garde my teacher had a party for all of the 3rd garders because we would be "Graduating". So, she had some of that hair color spray in a can thingummy and we were all afraid to put it on because it was flamable, lol. [/size][/color]
  9. KKC

    The Dragon King

    [size=1][color=royalblue]Quel quickly flipped the pages and scanned for a teeatment for Quel's bite. He suddenly stopped and read the text in the book: Poisoness Bite: Wild Men from the east are the only species who have a deadly fang (asides from the Werewolf). To heal, Dockleaf, water, and bandage must be covered over the wound, will take about a day to fully recover. Quel smiled slightly and pulled his small brown pouch from his belt and pulled out a few soft green leaves. He didn't have any water.... so... Quel placed the leaves in his mouth and began to chew them, he knew it would work better than just water anyways. he pulled out a roll of clothe and cut it with his dirk, placed the Dockleaf in Dango's wound (Who let out a ground), and wrapped the bandage tight over his shoulder/neck. [/color][/size]
  10. Wow, that looks really cool... for some odd reason it made me start humming the creepy tune from lord of the Rings... >_>.. Although the trees look a bit... blocky-ish, I still think it is really coool (A heck lot better than what i can do). I really love it how you gave the ground a misty sort of affect, that is just really neat. [b]Rating: 8.5/10 [/b]
  11. [size=1][color=royalblue]Tsuni stared out into the empty, black, space of the galaxy. Not many ships came by this area, so, he really had no idea why he was traveling around looking for a good place to sell a bunch of old junk he had stolen from an imperial dump site. He felt his eyes start to droop, he had been traveling for quite a long while now. He decided to take a short nap before landing on what ever piece of floating dirt he would find. Clicking the ship to auto pilot, Tsuni layed back and soon was in a deep slumber. [i]Dream "Where am I?" Tsuni asked himself looking around. He was in the streets of a city, standing out side of a run down shop. He hadn't remembered landing on this planet... or coming down to the streets. Tsuni turned around, deciding to find his ship, but was stopped by a pale blue figure dressed in brown and tan robes, Tsuni simply recognized her as a squib, like himself.. "Who are you... and Where the heck am I?" Tsuni asked, getting slightly annoyed about being somewhere that he had no memory of coming to. The figure crossed her arms and her ears twitched slightly. "That's no way to treat your grandmother, now is it?" She asked with a small smile. Tsuni raised one of his furry eyebrows in confussion. "Tsuni, I am Caltary Hara, your grandmother, I was once a jedi during the Clone Wars, I died before you were even born." She told him, still with that sweet, inoccant smile. Tsuni felt his eyes grow wide. He remembered Rabkin, his caretaker, telling him that he once had a relative that was a jedi and how they had helped Skor ll when they were inslaved by the empire. "What do you want me to do?" Tsuni asked, it was like the words came out of his mouth without Tsuni really even thinking of them. Suddenly, she started to fade from view, before completly disappearing she said one word, "Ossus." end dream [/i] Tsuni eyes popped open, he was back in the cockpit of his ship. He clapped his hand to his head. That dream had felt so real... it was creepy. Tsuni looked out of the window to see that he had arrived at a planet, finally. He checked it up on the ships guide. It was non other than Ossus. [/color][/size]
  12. Ok, I had my chat with Eclectic on these two :D I just had to add the height... --- [size=1][color=royalblue] [b]Name[/b]: Orlando Bloom (The Tall One) [b]Height[/b]: 5'11 [b]Rank[/b]: Leader [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://img-nex.theonering.net/images/scrapbook/10777.jpg[/img] [b]Short Bio[/b]: Orlando was born in Canterbury, Kent (Where ever that is) in 1977 and when he was 16, he joined the National Youth Theatre for 2 seasons before getting himself a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy, but, before going to the academy he went surfing and had anmesia for... a few months or so.... Orlando graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London in 1999 after a 3 year acting course and was almost immediately cast in the role of Legolas Greenleaf in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, based on the books by J.R.R. Tolkien. The first person of the LOTR cast that he met was Billy Boyd, it was Boyd's birthday, so they had some Shampagne (sp?). After the third LOTR movie premeared, Orlando decided to ferfil (sp?) his true dream and strated Da undagrond, becoming the leaded, Billy bacame the Co-leader (yay!) [b]Band[/b]: Pointed Ears - Well... This is just Orlando's band... He is the only member (sad, yes) He tryed to convince Billy Boyd to join it, but he refused because he wanted the band to be called "4 hobbits walk into a bar", so, it never really worked out (Plus, Orlando said that Billy was too short to join :bawl: ) ...so.... Orlando has been trying to Hire the elves to join... he's trying to hire some elves... it's not going so well though..[/color] ------ [color=green] [b]Name[/b]: Billy Boyd (The Short One) [b]Height[/b]: 5'7 [b]Rank[/b]: Co-leader [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://img-nex.theonering.net/images/scrapbook/10888.jpg[/img] [b]Short Bio[/b]: Billy Boyd was born in Glasgow, Scotland on the 28th August 1968 to William & Mary Boyd (Aww....). Despite an impressive number of appearances on stage in such works as "Much Ado About Nothing" and "Merchant of Venice", Billy is often more well known for his appearance on the crime drama "Taggart" in the UK (I have no idea what any of those are). As a child, Billy wanted to be an actor, but wasn't incourged to by his evil guaidance teacher: Guidance Teacher: Billy, what do you want to do when you get older? Billy: I want to be an actor. Guidance teacher: Well.... I wouldn't count of that... Sad, yes? While not working, Boyd likes to keep busy with his numerous past times. His sword-work in The Lord of the Rings may have come easier to him than his colleagues, holding a Grade 7 in foil fencing. Also, Billy holds a Phase 4 rank in both Jeet Kune Do and Phillipino Kali. Boyd also has some musical talent, able to play both guitar and bass guitar while singing with a strong tenor/light baritone voice. After The premier of LOTR, Orlando asked Billy, as one of his favprite hobbit friends who could sing, to become co-leader of Da Undagrond. Billy accepted ^^. [b]Band[/b]: 4 Hobbits Walk into a Bar - unlike Oralndo's "Pointed ears" Billy has actually had great sucess with the band.... what? You don't believe me!? I have proof! Look [URL=http://img-nex.theonering.net/images/scrapbook/orig/9642_orig.jpg]HERE[/URL]! As you can all see, Elijah Wood kicked Billy out and became the leader (Even though Billy sings better). [/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=royalblue]O.O I just now noticed that there is a dead hand handing from the snowmans.... stomach.... >_< Well, I think it's really awesome, it's a bit freeky scary for a christmas... card... But, I still think it's cool. I like the evul/mutant snowman that eats peoples....hands? [/size][/color]
  14. I honostly know absolutly nothing what so ever about good poetry (I only know about bad). To me, they were pretty good, my fav. of the three would have to be the Simple one (Mm... Pie...) I thought that Plateau one... well... didn't really have much of a point to it... And the love one was good, but I didn't really understand what the Call part was about, but some poems arn't ment to be understood :)
  15. [size=1]Well, I know i'm only in 7th grade, but I have thought about what i want to be and what i want to do. After graduating from collage... (Depending what I decided to be) I will either try to become an animator or I will try to get into some movies as an actress. I don't really know too many good or bad collages (Except for UOL-bad) but i do know that California has really good art collages their, Disney usually gets all of their animators from California, so, theirs a choice, and well, I don't really know any acting schools, but like I said, I'm only a 7th grader.[/size]
  16. KKC

    The Dragon King

    [size=1][color=royalblue]Quel made a cocky smile as the two horse drawn men came charging at him Makara. They were strong warriors, this would be fun. One of the riders was ahead of the other by about 10 feet and he was moving even farther away from him from each gallop from the horse. Quel pulled out his sword and gripped it tight in his hand, ready to stab it through his opponants heart. Quel tapped the flat side of the blade against Makara's neck and he started to charge at the rider as he was to him. Quel extended his sword out of his right side as the approached the rider. "Hya!" Quel yelled out as the two swords clashed against one another. Quel stabbed at the rider who blocked it and slashed out at Quel. Makara reared up and the attack missed, while the horse was coming down, Quel slashed out at the man's hand. The rider screamed out in pain as his hand, still clenching the sword fell to the ground. Quel then stabbed the rider through the chest and steered Makara to face the other rider, but he was already 10 feet away. Quel quickly steered the white horse back around and started to gallop away from the rider to get some distance between them, but he was faster then he had expcted. In just a few seconds of galloping, the other rider was along side Quel and his horse with a jagged dagger in it's hand. "Good bye!" The man yelled and slashed out at Quel. Quel bent down and steered Makara slightly away from the rider and small cut appeared on his shoulder from the dagger, nothing serious. The rider steered his own horse closer and the horses stomachs were practically touching now. The man slashed out agin, but this time Quel blocked the attacks. He bent down and murmered something into makara's ear and then leaped from the horse and landed ontop of the horse man, his dirk pulled out he slit the riders throught and he fell limp to the ground. Quel brought the riders horse to a stop and cut the rains and sadle from it and then leaped from the brown horse. It galloped away, free from the man that had inslaved it. [/size][/color]
  17. KKC


    Hm... I listen to Enya as well, but... I really wouldn't call Enya a band :sweat: Enya's music I THINK can be found under "New World" (or something like that) in the music area, but I'm not completly sure. Enya is very relaxing, I really like her music from Lord of the Rings, which is one of the main reasons why I bought the soundtrack to the fellowship (Now im just buying it for Billy Boyd), but Her music is great. Listening to it when you can't get to sleep is a good idea, it makes you sleepy... because it's soo relaxing... Sail away is probably one of my favs. that she sings.
  18. KKC

    The Dragon King

    [size=1][color=royalblue]The Patriari shifted its eyes getting a chance to see the whole group. He mumbled something and the answered, "Fine, I will join you..." Dawn soon came and Quel had the horses ready to go, but before leaving he was requested to see his father. Quel walked up the spiral stair case up to the thrown room where his father would be sitting in the usual red and gold chair with that smirk on his face. Quel made it to the top and creeked the door open and walked inside. He looked up and saw his father sitting in the large chair with a smirk on his face. [i]Saw that coming[/i]. Quel made a short bow and then looked up at his father. "You requested to see me?" He asked, not daring to look into the stone cold eyes of the King. A chuckle came from the chair. Quel gritted his teeth, he knew what would come next to. "So, you really think you can defeat the Dragon King? With... lets see... Two angels of some kind, one not knowing what the heck is going on. Two patriari who are probably planning against you, Two men, one who runs from his problems..." He smirked and chuckled slightly. Quel gritted his teeth even more at this. "And... the last of the werewolves... who you probably can't trust either... this has got to be the stupidist idea you have ever thought of." Quel stodd and started to leave. Yep, just what he had predicted. His father had called him in to critisize and such. Quel reached the door and then stopped. "I would trust the werewolf with my life and at least i'm trying to do something about the coming evil." with that, Quel walked off and down to where the others were waiting for him, ready to leave. [/color][/size]
  19. I liked this year pretty good (even though there were a few mix ups) ~ F-Zero GX game for gamecube : Well, actually I wasn't supposed to get this game. I was supposed to get Double dash, but my mom ordered the wrong game, so, I have this one, but im still getting double dash. ~ Prince Of Persia Sands of Time game for game cube : I WAS supposed to get this one ~ A Snare drum and stand : :toothy: Im going to drive my family insane! ~ Clothes from American eagle : I got a few shirts and desert camoflage (sp?) Pants with a dragon carwling up the right pant leg. ~ Trog Dor the Burninator Hoody : For those of you who go to Homestar Runner. ~ Trigun 1st DVD : Well... I havn't gotten this yet... but I know im going to. ~ Red Wallet : For holding money ~ Wolf callendar : Im ready for 2004 ~ Fox painting: One of a kind
  20. [size=1][color=royalblue]I will post so fequently (if im excepted) I'll have 4 broken fingers. (I feel horrible for ditching the Element Spheres, sorry about that) ------ [b]Name[/b]: Makal Took [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Race[/b]: Sorcerer [b]Appearance[/b]: *Just make his hair white and eyes blue* [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=534058[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: Makal is a very laid back, Carefree, open-minded person. He is usually very active except for during the morning, when he usually takes time to relax. He is also a bit wierd, and makes odd motions and comments because of an event that took place in his past. Makal is very curious (which can be a bad thing) and doesn't always look before he leaps. He can be very competitive at times and is usually cocky. He always trys to make people smile even though his jokes arn't very good. He can be very strange sometimes and slips from reality every once and awhile, he mutters poems and random words when this happens. Over all, Makal is a fun loving guy, but he does take fighting serious for those he cares for (and the inoccant) who are in danger. He has great courage and only fears failing someone. He always sees to the good side and despises evil. [b]Biography[/b]: Makal really doesn't know much about his past up until he was 13. He awoke, laying in a bed in a small village near the desert. When the people who lived in the cottage came back they told him they had found him in the desert. Makal was able to remember being in extream heat, but that was it. He didn't know who he was or where he had came from. It seemed though, that while traveling through the desert, the lack of water and extream heat was starting to drive him out of reality, losing his sanity. The people in the village helped him recover, but sometimes he still loses contact with reality and he can act a bit odd at times. When Makal was 14 he left the village and desert and headed off to try and discover who he was and where he came from, along with why he had been stranded in a desert. He got the "Makal" from a small pub in the village and he got the last name "Took" from the person who had found him in the desert. Makal looked for about a half a year, but no one knew who he was. he soon met with an old sorcerer who told him that he looked familiar. The old man taught Makal spells and how to fight, soon, Makal had become a sorcerer himself, but he was different than normal ones, he could control wind in all sorts of ways, he could even use the wind to allow himself to hover from the ground and sometimes even fly. The old man, Tamir, gave him the wooden staff when he turned 15, he said that he didn't know who Makal was, but he said he might find out if he went North. So, Makal was on the road again, searching for anyone who knew of his past. The only thing he discovered was that his father used to be a sorcerer and that is why he was able to become one. Makal hasn't givin up, but has stopped his search of his past. he trained alone on fighting and his magic skills for about 1 year and a half. One day while out hunting in the forest he had grown to live in, a lost little girl ran into him, she had lost her way and was very frightened. Makal helped her back home. Her family was very poor, so, not being able to give him any kind of money, the mother told Makal of a legend she had heard of crystal shards. Makal was soon convinced by the tale to find the Crystals. The father of the little girl gave him the dirk that represented the hawk that was said to watch over the forest. So, Makal has been searching for the crystals ever sense. He forged his own sword with a little bit of help from an elf he befriended. He can speek some elvish because of the incounter. [b]Weapons[/b]: [b]Magical Wooden Staff - Tamir (Shown in pic) [/b] - Makal can use the staff to hit opponents with or he can use it to summon small spells. He named it after the old man who gave it to him. Makal carries this weapon at all time.(If you want me to list the spells, just let me know) [b]Dirk - Zyk[/b] - Longer than a dagger, but shorter than a blade. The hilt of the dirk is a black hawk with a light blue jewl in it's eyes. The blade come from its opened mouth, the blade is also very jagged looking, Zyk means Jag, only in a different language. It sits on the back of Makal's belt. [b]Sword - Roan[/b] [img]http://ewancient.lysator.liu.se/pic/loth/t/i/timbaker/finn_sword.jpg[/img] Makal forged the sword himself. He named it when he found it carved into a tree. The sword it on the left side of his belt. [b]Element[/b]: Air [b]Special Power[/b]: Can control wind (From soft breeze to tornado) [b]Good or Evil[/b]: good [b]Font Color/Style[/b]: Royal Blue[/color][/size]
  21. [size=1][color=teal]You are such a jerk Lrb!!! I can't believe you!!! j/k, even though I still want to be a guy *crys* I guess i'll change *sniffle* Yeah, I know I could have cut out the girl and stuff, but I was way too lazy, plus, I wanted to see what everyones reaction to it would be. ----- [b]Name[/b]: Cay Took [b]Age[/b]: 14 [b]Gender[/b]: Female (happy?!?! lol) [b]Description[/b]: *attatch* Blue eyes and gold hair [b]Biography/Personality[/b]: Cay is a very Carefree fun loving person. She is very out going and is very openminded as well (which can be a bad thing) She is also very very curious and usually doesn't look before she leaps (Those can also be bad things). She is a bit odd and can be found mumbling odd poems and such when she has one of her "Swings from reality". She is over all a very nice person who always trys to make people smile. She cares alot for her friends, but not that much for herself. The only thing she fears is disappointing/failing someone. Cay's past is pretty much a mystery. She can't remember anything from the past until she was 10 years old. She was stranded in a desert, alone... Over the few days of heat and lack of water she started to slip out of reality and loose her sanity, luckily, she was rescued and taken to a hospital where she recovered, but she still has odd mood swings and will slip from reality every once and a while. She stayed in an orphanage and was the only one who was allowed to go to school. She met Matt and Kari and a new life began for Cay. [/size][/color]
  22. [size=1][i]Wouldn't you be harming the pokemon by doing that? I mean, wild pokemon are ment to take care of themselves until captured...oh well...[/i] Cay thought all this to herself as they made their way through the forest. Cay was slightly disappointed that it wasn't a desert though. They took another snack break, mainly eating some carrots that Alex had packed. Cyndaquil nibbled ona piece of pokemon food as it sat on Cay's shoulder...again. It suddenly dropped the poke' food and leaped to the ground and started to growl. "What is it?" cay asked standing up at her alert pokemon. Cyndaquil then sprinted off into the woods. "Wait!" cay ran after the small fire mouse, Alex and kayla followed as well with their pokemon. Cay jumped threw an area of bushes where she last saw Cundaquil. laying on the ground was a Trapinch, and Cyndaquil was standing next to it, looking very worried. Cay nelt down beside the Trapinch. "It doesn't look so good.." Cay mumbled as she noticed the wounds on the ground pokemon. Alex came over and checked it over. Then, pulled out her Super potion and sprayed some on it. Cay picked it up. "I wonder who did this..." Kayla wondered out loud. Cay picked the Trapinch up in it's arms. "Hey! Drop my Trapinch!" A young boy leaped from the bushes. He had dirty black hair and red eyes... quite a scary sight... "I left that Trapinch their so it could fend for it's own and become stronger." Cay suddenly felt white hot anger flow through her. "That is sick and wrong! You basicly left the Trapinch out here to die! It can't last that well against bug or grass types." Cay pulled one of her 5 pokeballs out. "This Trapinch is no longer yours." She tapped the pokeball against the pokemon and it was absorbed into the pokeball. The boy pulled out a pokeball in anger. "I'll cream you..." Looks like a battle was about to start... [/size]
  23. [size=1][color=teal]I have to go, but I'll get everything else up later ---- [b]Name[/b]: Adam Took [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: **just with out the sword. Gold hair and dark blue eyes as well** [img]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/RP01.gif[/img] [URL=http://myimages.fourvalve.com/kkc/RP01.gif]Or click here[/URL] [b]Team[/b]: Strike Fighter team [b]Team Rank[/b]: member [b]Zoid[/b]: Shadow Fox [b]Zoid Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkzoids/images/zoidsc249.jpg[/img] [b]Zoid Weapons:[/b] Omni-direction 30mm Laser Vulcan Gun (On the back), AZ70mm Electromagnetic Net Gun (On tail), Multi-Sensor (Scanning eqipment), Smoke Dischargers (Top of each leg), Strike Laser Claw (Front claws), Optical Stealth Camoflauge (Stealth equipment), AD Scrubbers (On each paw), Sound Baffle System (Comunication system), Leg Anchors (Back of each foot) [b]Personality[/b]: Adam is a very laid back open-minded person. He is usually very active except for during the morning, when he is usually out on a nice peaceful "run" with his zoid. He is also a bit wierd, and makes odd motions and comments. Adam is very curious (which can be a bad thing) and doesn't always look before he leaps. He can be very competitive at times and is usually cocky during battle. He mainly pilots zoids for the fun of it and sometimes wishes the team wasn't so great so that challenges would be more fun. He always trys to make people smile even though his jokes arn't very good. He can be very strange sometimes and slips from reality every once and awhile, but the team is used to it. [b]Biography:[/b] Adam really doesn't know much about his past until he was 12. He just woke up in the middle of the desert with a serious head ache and the Shadow Fox was badly damaged. He was stranded with a broke down zoid that he could barely pilot. He eventually started to slip from reality from the heat and lack of water in the desert. He was rescued by an old man who was traveling through with his Gustav. Luckily, Adam recovered, but because of the sanity he had lost earlier, he still would have some odd mood swings. The old man ended up being a former zoid pilot and took Adam in as his own and taught him how to be the best zoid pilot he could be. Adam, oddly, learned very quickly. The old man suspected that before he lost his memory he was a very yound zoid pilot who was probably taught by a strong zoid warrior. When Adam turned 14 he left the old man with only a zoid, a backpack, and a new last name and headed out to discover what happened to him and what his past was about. He started his own team, because no one would take him in, but he ended up being the only member and didn't win many battles, but did become much stronger. He eventually met up with Tai who offered him a job with the Strike Fighter Team. Adam accepted grateful that he was part of a team and has been with them ever sense. [/size][/color]
  24. XD That looks promissing! (Or how ever you spell it) I must say, your drawing skills are improoving greatly... From stick figures to this! *I will never forget Moe* I love that movie, with the clay figures and stuff, but I am glad that James took out the annoying singing snow man. Hm... the part that probably made me laugh the most was when James had the strength of ten Jameses... and then had a hernia. I laughed I cried....
  25. Thanks Dagger, for both knowledge and banner comp. (props go to Hack Helba). [spoiler]I think it would have made the movie be not such a cliff hanger if they had put in what happened to Saruman. It should have been either near the end of the Two Towers or at the beggining of Return of the King and how ever he died. (Grima kills him?) It would have answered alot of question to those, like myself, who don't read the books because the first one goes on forever. [/spoiler] I just checked out the list of songs on the soundtract and they do have the song that Pippin (Billy Boyd) sings, it is called "The Steward of Gondor". Im sure that title makes us all happy ^^.
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