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[size=1][color=darkorange]Rikudim was now over half way across the Atlantic Ocean, approaching Europe almost six times the speed of an airplane. A spray of mist followed him as he dashed across the ocean surface, sometimes hitting unexpected fisherman in their boats. Although they had changed a great deal, Rikudim still loved watching humanity's odd expressions and reactions towards things. Rikudim sped up a little more as he felt himself coming closer to the ancient city. His heart thumped faster, more from excitement than the running. He couldn't wait to see them all again. He hated to admit it, but he was even excited about seeing that damn Ixidor again. And of course he was excited about seeing the three lovely females. Why, he hadn't laid eyes on a female in over 200 years! Azores was now so close that Rikudim could see the fog that surrounded the lost city. [i]I'm coming guys![/i] Once he again he went faster, sending a splash into the air. [i]100 kilometers... 50 kilometers.... 25.... Wait!![/i] The Titan rapidly changed his course and headed North east. There were other titans close by, so close he could feel them. He recognized one of them as Dogarta, the Beast Titan. Though, the other one was not easy to decipher. The feeling of the other titan felt familiar, but Rikudim couldn?t place it. The Bay of Biscay soon came into view and the feeling was greater than ever. Eventually, Rikudim could make out two figures sitting on the coast line. He slowed down so that he was barely able to run on the water and waved his hand frantically. ?Hey! Hey! Waa!? Rikudim yelped as he tripped over a jagged rock that was barely poking above the sea. His body smacked and bounced off of the water, sending him flying onto the jagged coast where he landed face first in a small patch of sand. He lay their for a moment groaning before a bulk of flesh lifted him up, planting him firmly on the ground. ?Rikudim, you nut!? Came the familiar voice of Dogarta. He squeezed the less muscular Electricity titan, almost breaking his ribs, ?You haven?t changed one bit!? Rikudim managed to pull away from the beast like man and gasped for air, but he suddenly stopped breathing when he spotted the other titan that had felt unrecognizable before. ?Malchias?? He croaked and stared in amazement at the form in front of him, ?How??? He looked to Dogarta, who merely shrugged and back to Malchias, who also shrugged. Rikudim suddenly tackled the Time Titan, almost knocking him over, ?This is even better than I though!? Rikudim cheered with glee. The free friends smiled and grinned to one another in silence before it was finally broken. ?Say, why aren?t you two heading on to Atlantis. Or am I the only one with that tingly feeling telling us to go there?? Rikudim asked, raising an eyebrow. ?Surprisingly you?re not.? Malchius grinned playfully, ?We?re waiting to see if anyone shows up to get a ride. Not all of us can walk on water, remember.? Rikudim opened his mouth in an O shape as if he was saying a long drawn out ?ohhhhh? sound. It made perfect sense, but why didn?t he ever catch on to things so quickly? ?Grae?s the only one I?m worried about,? Dogarta mumbled, ?He?s somewhere out in the middle of Africa.? Rikudim thought about this for a moment. Africa was fairly far away from France and unless Grae had learned to fly during his sleep it would take a little while. Normally, Rikudim wouldn?t mind waiting, but he had just woken up from a very long sleep and desperately wanted to see the others. ?Tell ya? what. I?ll go fetch Grae and give him a lift to Azores, while you two wait for anyone else.? Rikudim said and starting stretching to prepare himself for another long run, ?Plus, I need to get back in shape.? He finished with a grin. ?Alright, see you in a while.? Dogarta replied and Malchius gave a nod of approval. With that said and done, the Electricity Titan once again ran off at lightning speed. This time heading South towards the Sahara desert. [i]Why does he always have to be somewhere so damn hot?[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1]Never really thought of that, but it does explain alot. [spoiler]If Sasuke comes to the next exam then it will be easier for Konoha to get him back, but Orochimaru wouldn't fall for something so obvious, would he? I am also curious as to how this exam will go about. Naruto will be all alone, but the exam has to be groups of three. Does that mean Naruto will have to team up with two random people or will they let him go by himself? Or, on another side. Sai could be delivering information to Orochimaru about something. Maybe Danzou is a traitor (is he the ANBU guy who doesn't like Tsunade. That part of the manga toatally went over my head....[/spoiler] EDIT: I went and found the page [spoiler]when Sai gets the note/gift thing. [URL=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SADhAvwVziZyzyFYGwgfC2tIqFEljqNVZ3jr9KaZG8TsqjYyHynRhpndZ1vcXaiPzeXKKxgDXYggs6ceeTIdpEQgmliLhAu7GvVOtrXf0jU4AAAAynJdAg]HERE[/URL] it is. [/spoiler][/size]
[size=1][color=darkorange]A cool breeze swept across the large rock walls of the grand canyon. This amazing land mark had been carved from a river millions and millions of years ago. It was one of the most ancient things in the USA, but not the oldest. The breeze seemed to move downwards towards the very bottom of the canyon, far down where people rarely traveled. Hidden in the wall was a large cavern that became smaller the further you went into it. The wind flowed into the deep into the cavern until it reached a dead end. There on the wall was the most realistic painting ever created. It was a drawing of a man, his arms were crossed and he had a large grin on his face. His gazing eyes were a golden yellow and his hair a mixture of black and orange. Suddenly, it moved. Now, I'm sure you've heard of a picture being so good that it's real, but this one was alive! The man in the picture moaned and outstretched his arm, which amazingly separated from the stone and became 3-D. He pushed outward and stumbled to the ground as he was freed from the cavern wall. "Finally." He whispered to himself and smiled at the sound of his voice, "I'm awake!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and was greeted by his echo that bounced off the cave walls, "Rikudim Thor-Bach has awakened!" He started to stretch and jump in place with joy. He was tired of sleeping and was glad that he could finally stretch his legs. He abruptly stopped though when he wondered why he had been awakened. Then he felt it, darkness crept into his gut as the radiated evil reached him. No wonder he was awake. Along with the darkness, he also felt and unnatural pull, telling him to go somewhere in the East. [i]Azores.[/i] "I have to meet the others." Rikudim announced to himself and then felt silly for saying it out loud, "But first..." Rikudim held his hand out in front of himself and concentrated hard on it, then he quickly clenched it and a few radiant sparks erupted from his hand. He grinned in excitement and started to run at lightning speed around the cavern, appearing to be a blur to the mortal eye. He dashed upward and busted out of the cavern and high into the air, landing on an unusual rock formation. Lucky for him there were no tourists around to see his demonstration. A small rumble came from the sky as dark clouds seemed to come out of no where. Rikudim smiled up to them and waved as if they were an old friend. Another growl of thunder erupted from the clouds and a cocky smile spread across the Electricity Titan's face. "Is that the best you can do?" He yelled up to the clouds. Bracing himself, Rikudim punched his fists together and a loud boom bursted from him, causing the rocks beneath him to shake and a wind picked up, "Hoo-hah!" The Titan suddenly sped from the spot and started to run across the country towards the Atlantic Ocean. As he went he noticed many changes in the country. There were huge buildings that towered over smaller ones, strange metal creatures moved and honked while carrying people inside them, and a few people were causing trouble for the local police force. The Earth had changed a lot sense he had been gone, and the humans had changed too. Always being curious as to who lead the country, Rikudim reached Washington D.C. and in a record time of 2 minuets he knew who was in office, who the vice president was, how many bathrooms there were, and where each and every secret service agent was. As soon as he had seen enough he raced out of the White House and reached the Atlantic Ocean. The Titan added on an extra burst of speed as he dashed on top of the water, heading directly for Azores. "I will see you soon, friends."[/size][/color]
[size=1] Meh... I'm so bad at these... -.-' Byakuya: Did you just grab what I think you grabbed?![/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][center]For you, Joko. [u]Peregrin Took, heir to the Thain of the Shire[/u] Rays of sunlight peaked through the round circular window of the hobbit hole, landing gently on a pile of jumbled bed sheets. The mess wriggled slightly and let out a muffled growling noise, similar to that of a cave troll. Slowly, the thing rose up from its resting spot and let out another strange gurgling noise. With a quick movement the sheets were whipped off and revealed a young hobbit with a grumpy expression on his face. Like most hobbits he was a little over three feet and a clump of curly hair. The hobbit kept his light green eyes half way closed as he shakily stood from the bed and shuffled out of the room, going down a hallway. The next room he entered had a large round table covered with scraps of parchment and bread crumbs. On the right there was counter top that contained a loaded sink of dishes and a few cabinets sat above it. The hairy footed one glumly made his way over to one of the cabinets that was slightly opened and passed another window on the way, light stinging his still delicate eyes. ?Uh, go bother someone else.? He grumbled angrily to the smiling sun. Shaking his curly brown locks, the pint sized man pulled out a loaf of bred and turned on his tea kettle to prepare his breakfast. He pulled a few chunks off the loaf and swiped butter across the top, with the same stick that he had left out last night. The kettle soon started to whistle and he poured himself a nice hot cup of tea. Just as the sleepy hobbit sat down and got comfortable, a knock came from the front door. This was turning out to be a terrible day. ?Won?t you come back after breakfast time?? The young man called out. He waited for some kind of remark, but no answer or knock came again. ?Pippin, did you know that you are quite rude to visitors?? Pippin jumped from the sudden voice and quickly turned his head towards the kitchen window to see a man not much older than himself snickering at him. ?Only to those who come at breakfast time.? Pippin remarked and quickly poured another cup of tea for his friend, who gratefully took it, ?So, what brings you by so early, Merry?? The light haired hobbit took a sip of his tea and answered with a twinkling in his eye, ?I heard farmer Brunswick just got a new fishing boat. I thought maybe we should test it out for him to make sure it hasn?t any leaks.? Pippin felt the excitement rise within him, ?I?ll meet you behind his shed in an hour!? He exclaimed and jumped from his spot to go change. Merry nodded and ran off as well to get his fishing gear. After a hurried change of attire, Pippin came bounding out of his hobbit hole and ran through the green grass that was wet with morning dew. Perhaps today wasn?t so bad after all. [/size][/color][/center]
[size=1][spoiler]Okay, I agree that it was really stupid of Sakura to freak out and stuff, but you can't say she hasn't changed a bit! Did you skip the chapters when she fought Sasori? I believe, out of all the characters, Sakura has had the most development (for now). The reason she paniced and spazed out was because she can't imagine Naruto like this. You have to keep in mind that although we, the readers, have seen Naruto "go Kyuubi" many times, this is Sakura's first time ever seeing Naruto like this (it just happened to be when he actually turns into a minature one). She's always known Naruto as a loving boy, but now he's a monster. Plus, she thinks that Naruto is like this because she pressured his to bring Sasuke back (or something like that). [/spoiler] Wow, my whole post was a spoiler :)[/size]
[size=1][color=darkorange][center]EDIT: finished everything! [b]Name[/b]: Rikudim Thor-Bach [b]Origin[/b]: New Zealand [b]Country[/b]: United States of America [b]Element[/b]: Electricity [b]Powers[/b]: Note: Rikudim's emotions can effect his powers. [i]Thunder[/i] This power gives Rikudim the ability to control and create lightning and thunder. When Rikudim gets into an intense situation and his emotions rise, dark storm clouds surround the area and lightning and thunder strikes naturally. He can direct the bolt of lightning at an opponent and if he wants, it can strike twice in the same spot. He can aslo make the thunder very loud to frighten his opponents. His other way of controling lightning and thunder is by creating it and using his own body as a conductor. Using his limbs or his entire body he can send surges and bolts of electricity at his opponents or send it through another conductor such as metal. His thunder abilities are much different. By clapping his hands together or striking something (must involve strong contact) he can create sound waves of thunder that shake the ground and hurt your ears. If it is strong enough he can break things as well. [i]Speed[/i] With his thunder abilities also comes Rikudim's great speed. Not only does he move like lightning, but he also has quick reactions and is a fast thinker too (the down side is that his thinking isn't always good). With this speed he can dodge many attacks, get away from scary things, and run on water. Also, if he strikes an opponent while moving at this speed, it's bound to leave a mark. [b]Weapons[/b]: Doesn't like weapons [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://images.deviantart.com/i/2003/41/0/9/Floating_Wess.jpg]Rikudim[/URL] [b]Personality[/b]: Rikudim is quite the free spirit and care free character of the titans. Like the other titans, he is very loyal and protects the human race with all of his might. He also cares for the other titans very deeply, although he can't say the same for the Sky Titan who he sees as a rival. Unlike Dogarta, Rikudim shows his emotions, though he does try to hide his sadness so the others won't worry about him. He is usually very cheerful and loves to joke and have fun with others. He is what some would call a "love bug". He's always flirting with the female titans and trying to impress them like a foolish child. He should know by now that it doesn't work, but he continues on with it anyways. During battle he's full of energy and very spirited as he fights, making all sorts of rude comments to the enemy and acting just a bit cocky. When angered, Rikudim seams to lose himself and becomes a wild beast of pure rage, letting his powers do whatever they want. Out of all the titans, Rikudim is probably the one with the least ammount of wisedom. To a mear human he would be freakishly wise, but in the eyes of a fellow titan he is very foolish. He has it, but he doesn't use it very much, which in the end is his actual weakness. True, he does come up with good stradegies, but they don't always work out for the best. [b]Biography[/b]: Because of his great speed, it didn't take long before Rikudim came across another Titan, the Sky Titan. They talked for a little while and soon started to learn the powers of one another. Ixidor's power over the weather challenged Rikudim's own abilities and the two soon saw each other as rivals. At first they were still friends, despite their rivalry. Though, as the years went by they grew apart and they seemed disagree more and more until they avoided each other as much as possible. Rikudim fought with the titans for a long time, and enjoyed their company more than anything. To this day he can recall every event that has passed, though he doesn't dare tell Dogarta certain things in fear that the beast titan would become angry with him. It wasn't until the 1300s that Rikudim settled down in one "country" as they called it. It did not yet have a name because it had not been discovered by the more civilized group of humans. The people who lived on this large stretch of land were dark skinned and very spiritual. They saw the Earth as their mother and only killed what they needed, never killing animals for sport. Rikudim liked these people, and would sometimes live among them for a stretch of years to learn more about them. He kept dangerous beast and spirits away from them and although the never saw him fight these beings, they thanked him for it. About 2 to 3 hundred years later, humans from Europe discovered the untouched land and deemed it the New World. They were more advanced than the "natives" Rikudim had watched over for a long time, bringing gun powder and large ships. Rikudim painstakingly watched the fights and wars between the two different cultures. In the end the native people were almost completely wiped out, but knowing this was the way of man kind, Rikudim watched over those that had destroyed them. He was there when Dogarta's country invaded the colonies and kept the few beasts that remained out of the way of the real battles and smiled with pride as the colonies formed into the United States of America. It wasn't until the end of the civil war that Rikudim decided it was time for him to sleep. There was no longer slavery between the people and the past 16 presidents had all been strong leaders who, like Rikudim, fought for their country. His resting place is a hidden cavern in an untouched area of the grand canyon. A picture of him (which is him) is carved into the wall. Rikudim has been out cold for hundreds of years and is ready to awaken.[/size][/color][/center]
[size=1] Well noted is by far my favorite (being a band geek and all). I think i'll follow Katana's example and sneakishly post it up in our band director's office. Great work DW and friend![/size]
[size=1][color=navy]Well, I've been meaning to make a Naruto fic and finally got on my lazy butt and typed up the first part of the prologue (at least, I think this would be considered the prologue). This story will have the original Naruto cast and some OCs in it as well. After the first two (or three) parts of the "prologue" I'll be going into the story that takes place about 10 years after Naruto returns from his three year training period. If you haven?t read up to Kakashi's gaiden of the manga, or haven?t seen up to the filler episodes in the anime then you may be spoiled and not understand what I'm talking about in this fic. I'll talk a bit more about what this is about once I really get to the main story. Well, here's the first part. [b]Prologue: The Hidden Child Part One[/b] Kakashi made his way down the main street of Konoha, watching everyday civilians of the village bustle in and out of shops, always coming out with a brown paper sack in their hands. It was mid day and this was the busiest time of the afternoon. A few academy students chased after each other down the street, trying to tackle one another. The familiar face of Konohamaru vanished behind a side ways tarp of a fence as he attempted to hide from his two friends. The masked jounin smiled, glad to see the young boy occupied by training and playing. It?s how Sarutobi would have wanted it. Kakashi changed his attention and directed it towards the displayed items of the book shop. He peered into the window and scanned the row of books to see if a new Come, Come, Paradise book had been released. A small poof of smoke erupted next to him and the form of a small dog appeared as it cleared. ?Oi, Pakkun.? Kakashi greeted him lazily, used to the random appearances of dogs and ninjas alike. He scanned over the last few books and was once again disappointed to find that there was no new addition to his favorite book series. ?Hokaga-sama has asked you to report to her office immediately.? The brown dog reported. A few moments passed as Kakashi acted like he was still looking at the books, ?She said it was urgent.? Pakkun prodded, raising a furry spot where an eyebrow would normally be. Kakashi sighed and started to walk down the street towards the building in the middle of the village, ?Yeah, Yeah. I?m on it.? He replied and heard the nin dog poof to where ever he wanted to go. Everyone had been on missions ever since the chuunin exam had ended. Many D-rank missions had to be skipped over to take care of more serious issues. This was a hard time for Konoha and its citizens. Kakashi suddenly felt himself ache for his students to be with him again, but knew that they were off on important matters at the moment? well, at least two of them were. Jiraiya had asked Kakashi if he could take Naruto for a few years to give him special training. Kakashi couldn?t say no, he knew it was best for the boy to have one on one training, let alone with a sannin. Sakura had become Tsunade?s apprentice to be a medic nin. The jounin also knew that would be good for her as well and probably didn?t have much say in it. Sasuke on the other hand? Kakashi didn?t like to think about what had happened. The silver haired ninja came to the door that read ?Hokage?s Office? and respectively knocked and waited for approval. ?Come on in.? The familiar, stressed voice of Tsunade called. Kakashi opened the door and was surprised to see Maito Gai standing in front of the Hokage?s desk, waiting patiently for his rival to enter. He walked up and stood next to the black haired jounin and waited for Tsunade to explain why they had been called and what was so darn important. The blond woman exhaled loudly and then began, ?As you two know, during the recent chuunin exam we lost many ninja and ANBU alike during the battle.? The two jounin nodded, ?Just a couple of hours ago we received a distress signal from a small village north of the Leaf Country. We tried to send a message back, but no response came.? She paused for a quick breath, ?We don?t know what has happened, who attacked or anything. We want a small team of ANBU to investigate, but as you know the remaining ANBU captain?s we have are currently out on other missions.? Gai shifted where he stood, ?So, you?re asking us to?? He raised one of his thick eye brows, not finishing his question. ?Yes, I want you, as two of our best jounin, to dawn your ANBU masks one last time and lead a team to the country.? She answered seriously, ?Kakashi?s team has been temporarily separated, Neji is training with his uncle, and I?m sure Tenten and Lee could go one day or so without you.? She explained and scribbled something down on a torn piece of paper. Kakashi opened his mouth to make a comment, but was cut off as the Fifth Hokage forced the paper into his hand. ?These are the rest of your team. I?ve already sent a notice for them to be here in half an hour.? Gai leaned over and scanned the names as did Kakashi, both still not really believing they were going to be ANBU again. Tsunade tapped her fingers on her desk impatiently, ?Don?t just stand there, go get your equipment, you?ll be leaving very soon!? ?Yes Ma?am!? The two exclaimed in unison and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke, while the Hokage rolled her eyes. ----- Well, there's the first part. I'll post the rest later.[/size][/color]
[size=1]:O You made Kaka dead!!! *crys* And then someone stole his dead body... eww.... that's just nasty. I'm not a big Sasuke fan, but I read your first stroy, so I might as well read this one. I like how you made Naruto Hokage and though it's sad, I like the whole "Kakashi's dead and his body has been stolen" thing. And the bell was freaky... I bet Kakashi's really alive and he's testing them! Yay! Can't wait for the next chapter![/size]
[size=1]Finished! [b]Name[/b]: Zanto Mikaeru [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Coordinator, Natural, or Newtype[/b]: Newtype [b]Gundam[/b]: [URL=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/zz/msz-010.jpg]Assault GUNDAM[/URL] and [URL=http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/zz/fa-010s.jpg]Mobile Armor Mode[/URL] [b]Bio[/b]: Zanto was born on Orb as an only child. When he was three, Zanto's father joined ZAFT and became a mobile suit pilot for the military. After that Zanto and his family started moving from country to country with their father as he was assigned to different places. This made it hard for Zanto. He was constantly switching to new schools and when he did make friends he was forced to leave them as his family moved on. He would come home some days and be very depressed, but Tashaki (Zanto's father) would always cheer him up by teaching him how to work his mobile suit. Zanto desided at a young age that he wanted to be a pilot like his father. He took many classes in school that studied and talked about mobile suits and during his spare time his father would show him one on one about piloting. Zanto was strangely amazing at piloting and quickly adapted to the different types of controls in different types of mobile suits. His senses were amazing as well as his hand-eye coordination. Tashaki was similar in this way of learning, but Zanto's abilities seemed to surpass his own. After a few years, things seemed to be turning around for the Mikaeru family. His father had been called back to Orb and he told Zanto that after another month or so he would try to take a year or so off so he could be with his family. Though, during the week of their return the Bloody Valentine incident occured. Zanto's father left home as soon as the attack started. He didn't return. They found remains of his mobile suit far away near a deserted area of Orb, his body was never found though. Zanto was then determined to be who his father had been, a barve man and an amazing pilot. He would go to the military base and watch soldiers train and would sometimes sneak into classes similar to the ones he took when he was younger. Eventually, Zanto's mom passed away from an illness she had been fighting for years. Before she died, she told Zanto to not grieve over her and to not hold back. When the Earth Alliance attacked again, Zanto headed strait for the military base, hoping that maybe he could help in some way. After all, he had nothing to lose. As he arrived there were three mobile suits that stood out from the others that everyone was attending to. Zanto spotted a cool looking one called the Assault GUNDAM. Without thinking, he leapt into the cockpit and started it up as the officers started yelling at him. And that's basically how Zanto Mikaeru got to where he is today. [b]Personality[/b]: Zanto is a high spirited young man who is always very lively and up beat. He has a lot of energy and has to go through a lot to be worn down. He enjoys being around people and talking (a lot) and is very loyal and loving to those he cares for. He also likes to come off to girls as a ladies man, but usually he just gets the cold shoulder. Like all people he does have a serious side and will take care of something if it needs to be done. During battle Zanto is like a controlled wild fire. He is a fast thinker and is always trying to come up with battle strategies. He can lose complete control of himself, but only when his emotions have been punched. [b]Description[/b]: [URL=http://fs5.deviantart.com/i/2005/129/4/7/Cool_wanna_be_by_Rando_chan.jpg]Zanto[/URL] [/size]
[size=1]Just to let my team and everyone else know. I was suddenly chosen to participate at a band clinic this week to fill in for someone, so I won't be here Thursday - Saturday. I should be back sometime on Sunday. If my team can just RP my character along that'll be good. White, get off your Lazy butt and go post! ^_^[/size]
[size=1]I watched a little bit of sking last night, but I wasn't really paying attention to the people or who was winning (I just like to watch them go fast and do flips.) I have a question about Great Britain. Did Athletes of Scotland go in with GB or are there no athletes from Scotland. I was puzzled. [/size]
[size=1]I would recomend going to DeviantArt.com and searching for tutorials on hair or tutorials on head structure. The head structure tutorials help alot because they show you the area where the hair line starts and stuff like that. I also agree with searching around for ideas on hair styles. [/size]
[size=1]w00t, now i'm really excited about this (chuunin exams are fun!). I like the idea of having it in the Hidden eye village and kudos to Athy on making the cool change with Shogo! I look forward to the trials you have planned for the exam! Also, I'm kind of posting this for White. I drew a pic of his character (Hart) for him and can be found in my art thread and maybe his profile >.> [/size]
[size=1][color=deepskyblue] Kazuko walked towards the forest that rested with in the village after his meal with Junko. His head was buzzing with thoughts of the Chuunin exam and nothing else. They were ready, he could feel it. They had trained hard, learned to work as a team, and himself and Junko didn't look at each other in disgust anymore. In Kazuko's own oppinion they were iternal rivals, but now beyond the immature behavior of hating the other. Junko did have a point though, they would need to train hard to proove this to Kana-sensei. "We're going to be awesome." Kazuko said aloud to himself, full of confidence in himself and in his team. He walked into the clearing near the river where the three wooden pillars stood along with the memorial stone. The red head leaned against a tree and tryed to get his mind onto something else, but it was useless. The thought of battling other genin and becoming a chuunin continued to rattle his brain. He wanted to train. Now. Sitting around doing nothing wasn't going to help them in them during the exam. Kazuko pulled a leaf off of a low lying branch and layed flat on the ground. Gentaly, he untied his headband and layed it down next to him and placed the leaf on the center of his forehead. This technique was a supposed to help chakra control and was one of reasons Konoha recieved its name and symbol. A few weeks after becoming a genin Kana-sensei had informed Kazuko that his main problem was his chakra control. During their tree climbing lesson he had failed miserably at first while Junko and June had climbed up and ahead of him. Kazuko closed his eyes and started to concentrate all of his chakra on the spot on his forehead. After a few minuts had passed tiny beads of sweat started to form on Kazuko's face. The leaf started to produce a strange glowing, as if it was now radiating chakra. He slowly lifted up from the ground and watched the leaf gently fall to the ground. The young genin stared hard at the leaf, not really knowing why. [i]"We can do it... I can do it... Look out Chuunin exam..."[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1]I wish the chapters would be a little bit longer (I'm tired of watching Sai sit in a tree and Yamato blabing about how he can control Naruto!! Prove it already!!!) I think my favorite part of chapter 294 was the chapter cover of the almost revealed Kakashi *dies* Naruto is a bit creepy, but it's neat getting to see a minature fox running around and growing funky arms.[/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]From the tree tops Kazuko jumped down after Junko. The Hyuuga pulled out a few shuriken and threw them at the man eating plant. The needles stuck into the plants tops bulb that represented the top of a mouth. It hissed angrily, but continued to pull the now limp June closer (who was also covered in spiders). "Kazuko, try to free June. Junko, you take down the stupid plant." Kana-sensei ordered from above. It wasn't a terrible situation and if things got out of hand she could always step in. She wanted to see how her new pupils communicated in battle. Kazuko nodded his head and pulled the claws of his rouga onto his fingers. [i]"I'll show them what I can do."[/i] Kazuko grinned to himself and did three hand seals, careful not to scratch himself with his clawed weapon. The tips of the claws started to glow slightly as Kazuko transferred an amount of chakra to them. This area of the body was a difficult spot to transfer chakra, but he had been practicing. If he could just... "Damn!" Kazuko cursed to himself as the chakra suddenly left his fingers. He still didn't have good enough chakra control for this. He just hoped Junko hadn't seen his weakness. He would just have to do it normal. With a swift swipe of his rouga the spider web that June had been tangled in was sliced into pieces. The spiders scurried away from her body in fear of also being slashed. "I can still use my other one." Kazuko said aloud to himself. Once again he made a few hand signs and prepared his chakra. "Kenkaze no jutsu!" Kazuko called and swiped his arm down toward the vine that the plant was holding June by. A blade of wind flew from Kazuko's arm and neatly sliced through the plant. The red haired genin smiled, happy with his accomplishment and lifted June, who was still half out of it, up in his arms. Using pure strength Kazuko leapt up to the tree and landed next to Kana-sensei. Gently he rested his cousin against the trunk. [i]"Now, let's see what Junko's been doing."[/i][/color][/size]
[size=1]Actually someone posted that on the page just before this one XD Sarutobi is the third's first name while Sarutobi is the last name of Asuma. No relation, but I wonder if he did that on purpose or by accident. Yes, Uchiha's are stupid *runs away from insane Itachi and Sasuke fans*. Except for Obito. He was a cool Uchiha who wasn't obsessed with himself like most of them >.> [spoiler]But he had to go and get smushed by a rock... [/spoiler][/size]
[size=1]Haku is a boy. He may be a bit on the girly side, but he is a boy. That would be creepy if Zabuza was travelling around with a girl... >.> They even tell you in the anime that he is a boy. Naruto mistakes him for a girl, so don't feel stupid about it ^^ I'm really excited about what's going on right now in the manga, but there is something that I really really want to find out, but this character is in the hospital right now T_T . [spoiler]The thing that I'm talking about is Kakashi's Mangekyou sharingan. It's driving me up the wall!! How did he get it?!?! Itachi said the only way to obtain is to kill your best friend, but Obito died when Kakashi was 13. I've come down to two explanation on my own. 1. The Uchiha's are not as smart as they seem and you can actually obtain the Mangekyou some toher way. 2. Sense Kakashi blames himself for Obito's death maybe it has eventually paid off or sumtin'. Also, Kakashi's lost alot of people through his life (His dad, Obito, Yondaime, and i'm guessing Rin and his mother too). Maybe the Mangekyou is actually triggered by great loss of some sort. I better find out after this Orochimaru chapter, or i'm going to freak!!! [/spoiler][/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Kazuko was sure to watch out for the brightly colored plants now. He couldn't help but notice that when he walked by one it would turn slowly and watch him walk by. It was a very new experiance and a bit creepy too. Although she was doing a bit better, June continued to frantically look all around her for anything that might have six legs and crawl on her. Kazuko couldn't help himself from gasping and pointing at an imaginary bug on her arm. She would let out a shriek and spaz for a moment before Kana-sensei glared at her and calmed her down. Then she would give Kazuko a good thump on his head. "It's a good thing none of us are part of the Aburame clan." Junko snickered as the three of them walked in a line behind their sensei. June seperating the two boys. "The Aburame clan?" June asked nervously. "Yeah, you know about them. Right?" Kazuko replied with a evil grin on his face. June nervously shook her head. "When they are born, bugs are harvested into their bodies and feed off of the chakra in return for aiding them in battle." Junko finished, a glint in his eye. June looked completally terrified and the color in her face quickly changed to a snow white. Kazuko and Junko held back their laughs and almost smiled at each other, but then thought other wise and scowled instead. "Alright guys, hold off on the bug comments for a while." Kana-sensei told them for the tenth time. The good thing about it was that, in a strange way, Kazuko and Junko were kind of getting along... but not really. They continued walking, navigated by Kana who was getting very frustrated. She had never been this deep into the forest and with out a map she wasn't completally sure where they were. She had a good idea, but who knows how far off they really were. "Hey!" Kazuko exclaimed running a head of the group and scooping something up from the ground, "Uh, Kana-sensei..." The red haired genin slowly help up his kunai, the one from earlier that he had dropped after the first plant snapped at him. The short jounin growled something under her breath as June and Junko slowly backed away, not wanting to get in the line of fire. "I wish we had the map." June said softly. "I wish you hadn't destroyed the map." Junko grumbled. Kazuko was about to snap something back to the white eyed boy, but yet out a yell instead as Kana scooped him up (if that was possible) by the rim of his shirt and jumped into the air, landing on a tree branch. She ploped Kazuko down beside her and looked down at the other two. "I hope you have good balance. From now on we're traveling by tree." She announced to her team. Junko and June nodded and nimbly leapt up to branches of the same tree. [i]"She's stronger than I thought."[/i] Kazuko thought, rubbing the spot on his neck. [/size][/color]
[size=1]How could you have figured out the whole anime? It's not even finished yet. Anyways, four-tailed Naruto looks so cool!!! (yet so creepy at the same time!!!) I hope Sai dies!!!! *stabs Sai with a pointy paint brush* I hope Sasuke shows up, but golly... what will Naruto do? Maybe Kakashi will show up and save them all :3 okay, i'll stop talking now...[/size]
[size=1]XD I love these D-rank missions! Mainly Cell one and two (I can already picture Naruto kicking a puppy and Sasuke yelling at ickle kids). I like the idea of having a new thread for each mission, I wouldn't have thought of that. I'm still going to use my bg cause it's cool :) [/size]
[size=1]Coolness!! I already posted my coments for it on DA, so meh XP I just now noticed the faces on the mountain though XD They make me giggle. I told White I'de draw Hart for him, so expect art from me soon. I'll prolly put it up in my art thread though. :3 By the way, I can't wait for the missions to start!!! [/size]
[size=1]I hadn't really planed on making a art thread here sense I have an account on DA, but the people on DA don't like to critique very much (and I would like some tips). Here are two of my works that I've done. I would like some detailed critiques and criticism please. Mostly on [b]inking[/b] and shading at the moment. ^^ [b]Naruto Pic[/b] - Did this week. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25161&stc=1[/img] [b]Deviant Art ID[/b] - Did a couple of weeks ago. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25162&stc=1[/img] Thank you! [/size]