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Everything posted by KKC

  1. KKC

    The Dragon King

    [size=1][color=darkblue]Quel took a bite out of his bread roll. He had to agree with Dango on that one. With the Dragon King coming closer and closer to power, a war would soon start and most likely, the Partiari would out number them unless all the kingdoms joined together, but elves wern't always easy to cooperate with. "If war comes... We may have some trouble on our hands..." Quel murmered with a smile. He didn't want war, as much as he loved to fight, he couldn't stand war, to many inocent people are killed or mortaly wounded. "Hm... We can only hope it doesn't come to that..." Dango replied taking a nibble out of his meat. A sharp knock came on the door and they heard the familiar voice of Orien. "Someone call for me?" He asked as he creeked the door open. His eyes first rested on the unconsious partiari and then shifter to dango, awaiting his answer. [/color][/size]
  2. Well, I for one cannot read the books. The books just seem to side track way to much to me, I read all of The Hobbit (Which I really enjoyed) and half of the Fellowship before i finally snapped, so, I never knew that [spoiler]Saruman was supposed to die[/spoiler] I really just watch the movies and enjoy them. so... I have a question, How does [spoiler]Pippin REALLY find the palantir? Like, what happened in the book? [/spoiler]
  3. *rolls on floor laughing with her new dollar from santa (actually from Shin)* That was awesome DW! And I got my dollar after all. (Even though I don't have glasses) The character design was cool, I mainly liked Syk's mutant appearance.... That was great. Im very glad Sennen finally got stilts... EDIT: Oops... I wasn't finished yet... Anyways, It was great like all you other..."films". Even though some parts dragged on forever (Like the ending of Lord of the Rings) It was very entertaining! And I got my dollar!!
  4. KKC

    The Dragon King

    OOC: Hey Kesaki, maybe you should fix up your grammer work. This takes place during the middle ages. I don't think people said "Oh boy" and "schnazzy" ^^ That would be funny though. IC: [size=1][color=green]"Then why have you come!" Quel asked angrily as his hand rested on the hilt of his sword. He didn't want to diappoint Dango like this. These people looked like they could be trusted, he didn't want to start this off with someone who could possibly be a spy or assassin. The girl held her hands up as in showing she wasn't going to hurt anyone. "I just followed her here!" She exclaimed pointing over to the angel. Dango put his hand on Quel's hilt and gave him "a look". Quel let go of the blade and took a deep breath. Dango then pulled him over to a corner and started to murmer something to him so that the others couldn't hear. "Calm yourself, if we explain the situation, we might have someone on our side who we can trust better." Dango reasurred him. [/size][/color] OOC: sorry for shortness
  5. [color=darkblue][size=1]"Good work Cyndaquil!" Cay called to her partner as the Plusle rolled over onto it's back from a tackle attack. "Now, use your leer!" She ordered. Cyndaquil gave the Plusle and angry/scary look and ran off into the woods terrified. "Cynda! Quil!" Cyndaquil called out knowing it had just won its first victory with cay. Cay smiled as it jumped into her arms with a smile. "Hey... why didn't you catch it?" Alex asked Cay as she returned Cyndaquil to it's pokeball for a rest from the battle. Cay smiled and sat down on the ground to explain. "Well, their are pokemon i would like to catch and pokemon I would." Cay said. "You see, right now im trying to start off with a good team of pokemon, each pokemon will probably be a different type. Like water, Grass, Ground, ect. I don't have an electric pokemon, but I don't really want a Plusle or a Minum. Im not a big fan off the Pikachu clan." Cay chuckled slightly and then stood up and dusted herself off. "So, is there a desert anywhere near by?" [/size][/color]
  6. Thats more like it Shinmo! *Glomps* but it could still be better. Take my Location for example. KKC's Location: [i]GLOMPING PIPPIN!!!11!!!11!111![/i] Now that is using your 1s and !s. Although, I do understand your "limit" of space on your banner... ya know... you could always get your biatch (sennen) to make you another one just like the old one, only it is longer so when you add the 1s and !s you'll have alot more room to crazy with, but thats just your daughter talking... T_T ~Da Love Child Who Is Worth A Dollar~
  7. KKC

    The Dragon King

    [size=1][b][color=green]Quel sat atop of the stone lookout taking a smoke. His hand carved pipe was tilted at an angle in his mouth. He took a large breath of it and then blew a circle of smoke into the night air. [i]I arrive with new found power and strength... and I'm sent back to my old post[/i] Quel smiled to himself. He should have known better. His father would always be on his brothers side. Quel heard trotting coming from below. He stood, taking his pipe out of his mouth. He glanced over to see Dango, he was a pretty good friend, even though Komori, Quel's King and father, told him to not trust a werewolf, he did anyways. Quel decided to leave his post and go see what he was up to. In just a few minuets, Quel was on his white horse, Makara, and galloped over to see dango looking up into the sky with a confussed expresion. "Are one of the stars out of place?" Quel chuckled as Makara came to a stop next to dango's black horse. Quel then followed his gaze and looked up into the sky to see a figure flying near the catstle, approached pretty fast. Quel emptied the pipe of the weed and placed it back inside his jacket. "What do you think that is?" [/b][/color][/size]
  8. OKey DOkey ------ Name: Cay Schwartz Age: 14 Gender: Female Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blond/gold Appearance: *attatched* Demeanor: Cay is care free and very laid back. She is very openminded and usually has battles for fun and is almost never serious. The only time she usually is serious, is when someone she cares for is threatened, or a pokemon is being mistreated. She can be very competitive at times and always trys to make people smile from her "jokes". [b]Pokemon[/b] [b]Name: Quilava[/b] Attacks: Flame Wheel Smoke Screen Headbutt Flame thrower Other: Cyndaquil was Her first pokemon. Evolved. [b]Name: Nidorino[/b] Attacks: Horn Drill Double Kick Sismic Toss (sp?) Poison Sting [b]Name: Flygon[/b] Attacks: Hyper beam Dig Double Team Iron Tail other: Was the first pokemon Cay ever caught, but as a Trapinch. [b]Name: Quagsire:[/b] Attacks: Water Gun Skull bash Dig Hydro Pump [b]Name: Ivysaur[/b] Attacks: Solar Beam Razor leaf Vinewhip Leech Life [b]Name: Jolteon[/b] Attacks: Agility Thunder Bolt Pin Missle Thunder other: Was caught in the wild, didn't evolve from an Eevee
  9. Wow... that sure beats the crap out of Syk's banner! *laughs at Syk and his banner* I think it is awesome! But... you should have added more !'s and also more 1's. That would have made it much better... just one ! and one 1 doesn't cut it. I expect better from you in the future... (But it's still better than Syk's) ~Da Love Child who is worth a dollar~
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]That was by far my favorite scene in the entire movie. [spoiler]Denethor's gluttony didn't exactly whet my appetite, but then, it was better than the part when Gollum tore into a raw, hideously juicy fish. Like you mentioned, there was so much symbolism to be gleaned from the juxtaposition of Pippin's beautiful voice, Denethor eating, and Faramir riding into battle. My mom and I actually had a pretty long discussion about that after the movie--one of her first comments was that the red stuff dribbling down Denethor's chin bore a close resemblance to blood.[/spoiler] Ugh, I hate it when people laugh at inappropriate moments. Although I couldn't help chuckling myself when the movie began with a scene of two blissfully peaceful hobbits, and it became obvious that at least half the audience had no idea what was going on. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] Oh gosh, Billy Boyd has an awesome voice! I have to say, I didn't expect any of the Hobbits to sing unless it was in a pub and they were getting drunk (like during the first 10 min. I loved that part as well). I could always see Legolas or Arwen singing... darn elves... I'm going to by the Soundtrack and i'm hoping they have the song sung by Billy Boyd, but most likely they won't... *sniffle* Yes, It was very cool how they changed the scenes to Farimir, to Denethor, and to Pippin, but I think they should have let down a little bit on Denethor's rude eating habbit :o Yeah, I was a bit freaked out when I saw the blood-like substance running down his chin. I didn't know if it was from the food, or, if Pippin's pretty song made him bite his lip or something. (Or he could have been eating so fast he took a chunk out of his tongue).
  11. *looks around* Where be the hobbits? *snickers* ------ Name: Quel, son of Komori (Falls out of chair laughing) Age: 27 Race: man Gender: male/man First Weapon: A very long sword. A dragon as the handle curls upwards and hold the steal blade. The dragon has gold jewels in its eyes. Second Weapon: Many small daggers hidding around the chest, sleeves, pant legs, and boots (if that is ok...) - [img]http://www.extremely-sharp.com/es/images/30240a.jpg[/img] The white blades are on his right side, and the black are on the left side. Armour: He only wears armor when he goes into a battle/war. It is crimson red with gold and black trimmings. (Like the riders of rohan... except no helmet because that makes the eyes look crossed) Master/ King: Komori (also his daddy) Personality: Quel is a very calm laid back person. He has a short atention spand, unless it is very serious and is threatning someone he cares for. He is very brave and only fears giving up on himself. He has deep bonds with most of his friends, but he and his father don't really get along too well. He sometimes can be very competitive, but not too much. he can have a short temper in battle, but usually he still has his funny personality. Description: He wears a black tunic with a Crimson long sleeved shirt under it with black and gold trimmings.He has a starp across his chest that carries some of his small dagger. He has a black belt with a pouch on it and his sword along with a few daggers. He has black pants with Crimson trimmings and black boots. He has dark blue eyes and Light brown hair that looks like (Farimir's) He stands at about 5'10 and has black gloves as well. Biography: Quel is the son of Komori and brother of Calmor, his older brother. Basicly, Calmor had always been his fathers favorite. He was very smart and was great at perswuading troops into battle. He was brave and would die for his father anyday. Quel would do this too, but Komori never payed attention and usually gave him the smaller jobs of being a guard or just a meer soldier. Quel wanted to be recognized more, but the harder he tryed, the more his father laughed. So, he left to live on his own and only return when the Kingdom really a truly needed him. The sword he has was givin to him by the elves, who he befriended, and who taught him how to forge weapons and shoot a bow, even though he rarely uses them. He trained for 6 years alone with throwing daggers and the sword and soon became very strong. Extras: A sack of herbs and a wooden hand carved pipe.
  12. [size=1][color=darkblue]Cay was in a bit of a grumpy mood now. She knew her way around the woods perfectly, so the pack of Poocheyana wasn't too happy when they walked in their territory, but that didn't mean they were lost! Cay sighed and looked up at Cyndaquil who was still perched on her shoulder as it gazed off into the woods trying to catch a glimps of any other pokemon. The small group had decided to head to Beach Town (is that ok?) and then go their seperate ways, well, no one was really sure about Alex though because she needed to meet the professor. "Im hungry..." Amber mumbled as her stomach growled. Cay couldn't help but laugh... loudly.... "Whats so funny?" Amber asked (-__-') "Sorry... It's just Im used to not eating that much and don't eat for about another hour, im just not used to the appitite of others." Cay smiled and then took a seat on a near by bolder. Cyndaquil leaped from her sholder and landed in the soft grass of the clearing. "Im a pretty good cook, but I packed some sammiches so I wouldn't have to cook right away." Cay pulled out four samwhiches (sammiches) and tossed one to each of the girls. Alex supplied the pokemon food, being a breeder she had quite a bit of pokemon supplies. [/size][/color]
  13. [size=1][color=darkblue]Cay felt a large gust of wind blow into her face. [i]Why is it windy?[/i] Cay pushed herself up from her bed and looked out the window to see the sun shinning in her eyes. A few pidgys were chirping their morning songs on a neerby branch. "I'm supposed to be at the Birch Lab!" Cay yelled franticly as she jumped from her bed and got dressed. When she was through, her shirt was on backwards and her shoes were on the wrong foot, but she would just fix that later. Cay picked up her backback with the sleeping bag hooked to the top and ran out the door saying goodbye to all the pokemon as she went. "Im finally starting a pokemon journey!" Cay yelled happily as she sprinted off, out of the woods, and up the dirt path to the lab. She was at the door now and was about to throw it open when it opened first and smacked her square in the forehead. [i]ouch[/i] Cay clamped both hands over her throbing head and then jumped to her feet to see a girl, about her age, and an eevee sitting next to her. "Im very sor-" She started to apologize, but Cay interupted as she sped off into the lab. "Sorry! Can't chat now!" Cay scrambled into the lab, breathing hard and the assistant smiled at her as he checked a clip board. "You'r Cay? Right?" He asked with the same smile. Cay nodded as she was catching her breath. "I see someone over slept... you'll need to avoid that habit once you get your pokemon... NOW!" He scanned the clip board once again. Cay guessed that it had info on all the new trainers. "You said that you would like to choose your pokemon... so, here they are. Choose wisely, because your first pokemon will usually become one of your best." He then stepped aside to reviel a total of 4 pokemon playing around on the floor. "This is mudkip, a water pokemon." He pointed to a the blue one. "That is Mareep, an electirc pokemon." He pointed to the fluffy sheep looking pokemon. "This is Bulbasaur, the grass pokemon." He said to the one with a bulb on it's back. "And this hear is Cyndaquil, the fire pokemon." The little pokemon's back suddenly lit up in flames and it started to play with the others. "It's sooo cute!" Cay exclaimed as she pat the fire pokemon softly on the head. "Cynda! Quil!" It called happily as it was being stroked. "Then it's decided, Cyndaquil it is!" The assistant said triumphantly, another trainer satisfied. He reached into his pocket and handed her five pokeballs and a red computer object... thing... "This is a pokedex, it identifies and has all the info you'll need to know about pokemon. It's also your ID, so don't loose it." Cay put the objects into her pockets and nodded. "Thanks for everything! Bye!" Cay headed out the door with Cyndaquil perched on her shoulder. She left andf saw that the eevee and the girl were waiting for her. [/color][/size]
  14. Ok, I finally got my hands of the first volume of .hack//legend of Twilight manga. I skimmed through it first (like what always do with a manga) and noticed that Sora was in a picture on one of the credits page. So, I then thought it must have just been there as a mix of the anime and the manga. So, I continue and read the manga. So, the point is... In the last chapter/adventure of the manga, when Shugo enters the race so he "save" Rena from having to go on a date it shows shugo, in a funny chibi form looking at the river saying "Lake is more like it" (or something like that). Well, When you look at the two figures standing on either side of them they look exactly like Crim and Sora. So, what do you think? Did the authors just put this in for the heck of things, or do crim and Sora appear during the magas along with the rest of the crew? (I would scan picture, but my other computer is busted)
  15. KKC


    lol, Crim has speed and power. defense and magic are low for him, being a longarm, but he isn't called the crimson/red lightning for nothing! He's also seemed to be able to defend well even though it is a weaker point. [i]crim is a philospher intellectual type person like me[/i] lol, never thought of it that way... kinda... He's mature, but does have alot of fun and he is pretty smart even though he doesn't admit it. I believe Crim is only about [spoiler]20 - 21 years old. Yes, he is very mature, but in one of the episodes he asked bear about growing up and becoming older. Plus, he says he is a business man, and graduating from business school only takes about 1 - 2 years [/spoiler]
  16. I just saw it last night and Im seeing it again tomarrow. That is my favorite of all three! (Mainly because Pippin (Billy Boyd) was in it more then Orlando Bloom *evil smile*) The effects as always were awesome. Golum, the dragon things, the spider.... *shudders* I hated that part. And I think we all loved the little models of The Kingdom of Gondor and such. Orlando Bloom rant: He looks like a friggin' girl! I never really liked the character to begin with. Oralando is a good actor, but not the pretty boy in my eyes. I laugh at (most) of the OB (Orlando Bloom) fans because he was barely even in ROTK! Ha! But, I think this movie was great and the three and a half hour stay in a large dark room with tons of people (And a screaming kid behind me) was worth it. Did anyone here about the Special preview on the opening day when the ticket costs $50, but they show the extended versions of Fellowship, Two Towers, and ROTK, with an hour break in between each? It was a 12 hour long event! I was so mad when my mom told me one of her students went to it! Things that should be taken out of the movie: 1.When that guy was stabbed when the orks crossed the river and started fighting. That was completly pointless! 2. When Aragorn started signing. yes, that was nice, but was a bit creepy oO My favorite part would have to be: [spoiler]When Faromir's father runs off of the top of the Kingdom when he is caight on fire. I laughed my *** off. Also when Pippin discovered that Gandolf sleeps with his eyes open.. teehee. [/spoiler] Pippin rocks!
  17. KKC

    Zoids: Eve's Return

    OOC: Sorry, I'v been gone for the last few days, Im glad everyone kept going though ^^ IC: [size=1][color=orange]Cay couldn't help but smile at the ranting Phelan. The Slash Liger was standing next to it as she made some repairs as well. They wern't as bad as the Gunsniper, but the blade had taken a bit of a beating. Cay attatched a wire together in the out thrust front blade area and then leaped down to the floor and opened a pannel on the back of the Liger's front right leg and attatched one more wire. That would help the zoid heal itself over some time. Cay looked up at Phelan who was fixing up some wires. She was about to ask if he wanted some help, but had a feeling that he wouldn't want any. The meeting they had when they arrived was there next mission to explore some ruins where they think they could find some answers about this "Zoid Eve" they had heard about. [/color][/size]
  18. KKC

    Justice League

    Well, Sublime, you shouldn't be so rude! J/k, Im not to bright on Justice League back stories and stuff. I always knew SM as... SM. I didn't even know he had a family or anything. And it kinda confussed me when J'onn stutered and almost called him Super Man, but then the parents said they were used to having aliens in the house, so, I got a bit confussed in the head with those two combinations, plus, there is always the black mail issue that comes up with the heroes, villans, ect.
  19. KKC

    Zoids: Eve's Return

    OOC: Mogris has a Storm Sworder. IC: [size=1][color=orange]"Ok Flash, lets go! Mobolize!" Cay yelled to the gold organoid and it fused with the Slash Liger, increasing it's speed, power, and manuverability. The Sand was starting to clear up. Cay saw some shots hit some where near the area where that girl first attacked, but they hit nothing. [i]Where did those come from[/i] Cay thought. She ignored it and began to look for the blade liger. She saw Kazumi and Naomi coming at them from a distance, Phelan and her would just have to make due till they arrived. The Storm Sworder had recovered from some kind of attack. Black Widow had just fused with the gunsniper and Phelan opened up a link. "I'll get the StormSworder, you go after that Blade Liger." He said. Cay nodded her head and then turned on the zoid scanner to try and see where the modified Blade liger was. It seems its stelth was helped out. The raidar couldn't detect the zoid. The Slash Liger was suddenly shot at from the North where she guessed the blade Liger was. "Here we go!" Cay yelled to Flash. She pushed down on the controls and the blades on both the face and back thrusted out to the sides. Cay then pushed down again and the single booster turned on and they started running for the spot where the attack had come from. "Search for foot prints!" Cay yelled up to Flash who replied with a roar. Cay used the Shot cannon and blew up more dust and sand, looking to see any signs of a zoid. She could see the out lines of one and turned the back blades to face it. Cay pressed the button on the side of the controls and the 30 mm guns shot at the form of the zoid. [/size][/color]
  20. KKC

    The Last Samurai

    Great movie, but it took alot of convincing to get my parents to take me to see it (Parents and rated R films...). I thought it was great. The action is awesome and the way that the main character changes is awesome development. I found many parts very interesting. The whole thing with honor and how you can search your whole life for a tree with perfect blossums. The whole thing with the white tiger was good too, made me think alot. And of course the action was great!
  21. KKC

    Justice League

    Yeah, the Christams episode was good, but was a bit disappointing that they didn't show how WW or BM celebrated. I think (even though he isn't the celebrating type) they should have showed a little something with Batman. I sad "Awww." way too much in this episode, which got on my nerves a bit. I really liked how they all had their own little Christmas as well. Superman goes home for the holidays (Does his family know that hes SM or not?). Flash goes to an orphanage and buys all the kids a toy that they agree on. (The toy was a bit... diturbing) along with helping a vilan get in touch with his good side. Green Lantern usually plays in the snow, but then gets dragged off by HG who likes to inflict pain of someone and then blame it of GL so that a huge fight starts (I laughed). I thought it was very good how Sh'aun (I don't know how to spell it) went with SM to his place for the season and how he learned about it. (Even though he freeked the cat out). I thought that the epsiode should have been an hour long though with some kind of minor villian prob. but, It was still good ^^. Flash: Go on and use that thing... I feel to ashamed to care.... Me: Awww..... (Crap)
  22. Name: Cay Schwartz Age: 13 Gender: Female Description: **Attatch** Bio: Cay has lived alone for most of her life in a small woods near one of cities. She was abadoned when she was born and left at an orphanage where they treated her like a pice of trash. She escaped the orphanage at age 8 and ran to the woods where she could live alone with the pokemon. Living alone wasn't easy, but she had some help from a few hickers who let her have a small cabin they were going to knock down. She lived alone for a while and mainly only goes to the city to get food and get some conversation with old friends. She now has finally decided to start her own pokemon journey after being around them for so many years. Starter Pokemon: Cyndaquil What you want to be: Trainer
  23. [size=1]It has been 100 years sense Van Freiheit, Zeke, and friends discovered Zoids Eve and destroyed the Legendary Death Saurer and Death Stinger. Most of those who lived on Planet Zi at that time are now dead and the story of Zoids Eve and the legendary zoids is becoming just a legend. Although most people don't believe in what happened, some chaos still carries on between the Helic Republic and Gylos Empire, there for the Gardian Force, a group of zoid pilots from both the Empire and Republic who keep the peace, are still in business. Right now, there are currently 4 members of the Gardian Force. Two teams with two pilots on each team. Tales have been told of the first ever Gardian Force and they hope to be just as great as they were. Peace is hard to have, but it always come eventually. Lately, strange and misterious events have been happening around the Republic and Empire. Old ruins are being robbed, yet nothing importantseems to be taken and zoids from both the Empire and Republic are being stolen, the crime sceen always looks like the zoid walked out itself. Plus, wild zoids have attacked inocent people for no apparant reason. Rumors of a group planing to destroy both the Empire, Republic, and possibly the whole planet have started up. Now, both teams of the gardian force have been sent out to investigate Mt. Iselina, where the suspected culprets are supposably hiding out. The Gardian force expected it to be no big deal, just go up the foggy mountain and arrest a few bums, but they discovered a bit more then they thought they would. Two bandits, both very strong zoid pilots were waiting for them to come, before the GF could search out the secret base, the two escaped and the base was self destructed, luckly, everyone in the GF was ok. The only trace of any evidance they found was a stone tablet. What they could make out of it, a young lady floating with zoids around her, and ancient marking that were disiffered as saying "Zoid Eve". Now, the gardian force has set of to discover what zoid eve is and to still keep peace with in the Empire and Republic.[/size] --------- [center]Ok, the following made it to the RPG [color=darkblue]T man[/color] [color=green]Black Phoenix[/color] [color=deeppink]G.D.Ryoko[/color] [color=royalblue]Mage of Asgard[/color] [b]Ohkami[/b] [color=orange]KKC (no duh)[/color] [color=red]Inuyasha Deamon[/color][/center] Remember the rules, post in your colors and have a good time. Right now, the GF is split into two groups. Cay and Phelan (Me and Phoenix) and Naomi and Kazumi (GD and MOA). You are making your way to the gardian force base to recieve your next mission on the bandits. Along the way Ohkami will attack my group and Inuyasha will attack GD's group. Evil/bandits are allowed to use different zoids because... they are evil and stuff... but the one in the sign-up in your main one. Ok, here it goes. ------ [b][size=1][color=orange]Cay glanced over at the Gunsniper that was trotting along slightly infront of her and the Slash Liger. She smiled slightly and then looked down and opened up a com link to the Gunsniper. "How's it goin'?" She asked the pilot with a smile. Phelan, the gunsniper pilot and member of the Gardian Force (GF) smiled and gave her the thumbs up. "Good, we will be arriving at the base in less than an hour, that is, if we arn't interfeared with any interuptions." He chuckled slightly and then closed the link. Cay smiled as she glanced out of the Slash liger and spotted 2 small zoids, organoids flying threw the sky side by side. Cay then thought back to when they incountered the attack at Mt. Iselina. Alot of odd things had been happening lately. I mean, who had ever heard of zoids being robbed from military bases without any evidence that someone had broken in? Oh, well. They would tell them what would come next when they arrived at the base. Cay spotted something from the corner of and turned to see a small village only a few minuets from where they were now. She opened the comlink to Phelan once again. "Hey, lets take a quick water break. Im sure Flash and Widow would like to rest for just a minuet." Phelan made a disappointed face of wanting to arrive at the base before Naomi and Kazumi. They had made a small bet on who would get their first. he made a smile and then nodded. "Ok, ok, but lets make it quick." He said. "Black Widow! Were heading to the village for a break, be sure to follow us!" He called up to the organoid. He replied with a roar and they then piloted the zoids towards the village. [/b][/size][/color] OOC: Ohkami, act like your a civilian and then attack us when we least expect it. ;)
  24. T man - Jake - Mercinary - [color=darkblue]darkblue[/color] Black Phoenix - Phelan - GF - [color=green]green[/color] K.K.C. - Cay - GF - [color=orange]orange[/color] G.D. Ryoko - Naomi - GF - [color=deeppink]deep pink[/color] Inuyasha Deamon - Mogris - Evil/bandit - [color=red]red[/color] Mage of Asgard - Kazumi - GF - [color=royalblue]Royal Blue[/color] Ohkami - Mika - Evil/bandit - [b]Bold[/b] As you can see above, each character will have to post with a different color of text. Thanks to Ohkami for the idea from some of her other RPGs (Not to mintion the first one I ever joined) Ok, im glad to see we still have Inuyasha in and I don't have to RP 2 characters. I will most likely be starting this sometime today. Ohkami, you need to add your bio up, but you can just put it in somewhere in the story, thats what you will tell to the GF eventually. Everything else is good, just remember to follow the rules and have good details through out the RPG. Each post should be at least 2 -3 paragraphs long with 5-6 lines in each one.
  25. KKC


    Hey, use spoiler tags please, Some people don't know that [spoiler]Sora lost[/spoiler]. And charts don't mean anything. It means that more people have Sora down as their fav. character, it doesn't make Sora any better or stronger in the show. And your excuse is basicly what most of the Sora fans did when the episode first aired. They just can't except it. BTW [spoiler]Sora couldn't have been punched by an invisabe person being it shows crim send him flying with his glaive, duh.[/spoiler]
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