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Everything posted by KKC
Alright! My ultimate Crim buddy has finally arrived. (Notice his Crimson attire... but when Sora comes it's a fashion disaster). Lol, sorry, just had to do that. It's great to see ya' back Ace man. For those who have just started the series (If you don't want to know, then don't read through the spoiler tags!) [spoiler]In.... episode 25 Crim and Sora have their 3rd and last match of the 26 episodes (but I think they fight in episode 28... maybe). Basicly, Sora knows he can't when... and well... Crim sends him flying into oblivian off of the church. Probably one of my fav. episodes! *tears* [/spoiler]
Ok, Im planning on starting this real soon now (Saved by the Ohkami!) It will be a bit wierd having 3 ligers with blades, but we can give it a shot. I have decided that T man will be the mercinary. Inuyasha, if you want to be Ohkami's evil partner in this, you can. If not, then im afraid you arn't accepted into the RPG. Ok, we just need Ohkami to finish up her sign-up and Mage of Asgard, the only way to be in the GF is if your in one of the armies, If you are in one of the armies I couldn't tell, but you'll need to be with the republic because we can't have all Imperials (or else it would be the Imperial Force). Just fix that up and you are set (BTW, you can use the EDIT button to change your posts instead of making a whole new post) Hopefully this will start in a few days. [B] ACCEPTED[/B] KKC T man Black Phoenix G.D. Ryoko Ohkami Mage of Asgard [b]REJECTED[/b] Scannerryo [b]NOT SURE[/b] Inuyasha Deamon
:sweat: A smuch as I would love to have all 3 of you be mercinarys... I can't.... I still need two bandits! No one has signed-up for a bandit. I will be picking one of you 3 to be playing the mercinary. The two who don't become a mercinary are welcome to be a bandit. Scannerryo said he has never seen Chaotic Century and only knows about the Liger 0, so, sorry, but you arn't accepted into the RPG scannerryo. I think we will just have 3 GF members, unless someone else signs-up to be one (I need one from the Republic!) I might RP 2 characters, but I would rather have two evil people. Here are some more fixes that are needed. [b]G.D. Ryoko[/b] Nothing much, just add a bit more detail to your personality (how she acts in battle and such) [b]Inuyasha deamon[/b] I knew I forgot a zoid on the banned list! *slaps head* Sorry, but the Konig Wolf is off limits. In CC the konig wolf wasn't even close to being created, it is also concidered almost like an ultimate X because it was built to destroy the Liger 0. You also need to do some check on grammar, looks like you got shoot, on, and some other words mixed up alot in there. So, change your zoid and edit a few things with grammar and you'll be set. [b]Mage of Asgard[/b] Everything is good, but Mercinarys can't have an organoid, only GF members and evil bandit guys can. Thats all, If you would still like to have an organoid though, you can switch over to being an evil person :) (yeah, im desperate) Everything else has been done nicly. After the mercinarys edit their sign-ups, I will choose who will be the mercinary and hopefully the ones who arn't accepted will join up as a bandit/evil person. (By the way, evil people MUST be ancient zoidians and so can 1 of the GF members (I dont want to be an AZ, so gardian force AZ is up for grabs). SIGN-UPS ARE STILL OPEN!! BUT NO MERCINARYS!!!
I wish I hadn't missed it the first time. [b][size=1]Name: Thornleaf Age: N/A Gender: Male (I can play a guy) Weapons & Armour: N/A Ent Type: Hawthorn Ent Master: N/A Personality: Thornleaf is a openminded layed-back kind of ent. He is usually able to stay calm in some of the worst situation, even when trees are being cut to the ground he can control his rage. He likes to joke alot with the other ents, even though they arn't very good, he does manage a crack of a smile. He is usually scolded by Whipbranch for his anticsand fun loving personality, but he can be serious when the time is right. He will usually take tracking seriously and when fighting he is serious, but even then bursts of his other side will come out. He also hates to see trees cut down and usually it is hard for him to watch what is happening to them. He always trys to cheer others up and look to the brightside. He is usually very brave and will never desert anyone, even if they tell him too. Apperance: Like most Hawthorn Ents, Thornleaf has thorn covered all over his body that can be deadly weapons or used to help him disappear into a forest and he is shorter then other kinds of ents. He is rather slim for an ent, but still packs a good puch with his large hands with (4 fingers on each) and large arms. He has a peace of crimson cloth tied around his wrist that he found in the Eastern Realm of Fangorn. He has a huge thorn stick out of his forehead. Biography/History: Even though he is of the Hawthorn Ents of the Eastern Realm of Fangorn and is the smaller of the 'Command Group' it does not mean Thornleaf is any less important to the cause than the other two leading Ents. As said, he is from the Eastern area of Fangorn and thus he knowns how to hide him self having grown up in the dense part of Fangorn forest and it also gave him the skill of tracking Orcs through the forest. He may not have seen many battles and is not the wisest of all Ents he does know his stuff when it comes to tracking an enemy and his small size aids him greatly when the need arises for him to use this skill to aid the Ents in their fight. He was also present and the Fall of Isengard. [/size][/b] Hope that's good.
Wow. I love the light colors of it. It does look soft, like azure said. Like everyone said, a border would be good. I'v read some of the manga and it's a really funny .hack series. I love the text you used as well, its simple, but very nice looking. I can't wait to see your other banners. [b]Rating: 9/10 [/b]
[b][size=1]Tsuni was laying on her bed. She had had one ruff day of school. Breaking up a fight and half way being blamed for it... Did those teachers actually believe what those bumbs said. She pushed herself up and sat cross-legged on the bed. She smiled to herself,, not suring why, like always. She glanced out the window and saw her Uncle's car pulling in. Her Uncle stepped out of the fore escape and took a large swig of some kind of beer. Tsuni knew that when he was drunk, she was beat, but usually she escaped from the beatings... Tsuni smiled as she heard beeping on her computer screen. "Step 1. Check mail. Step 2. Leave house." Tsuni said to herself as she opened up her email account. She skimmed the message from Seuneu. She smiled again and walked open to the open window as she heard the loud stomps of her drunk uncle marching up the stair. "Heh... Catch me if ya' can..." She smirked and then she felt her body grow warm. Her bones started to reposition themselves and her skin started to change. Before long Tsuni had transformed into a medium sized griffin. She lept out the window and flew up into the clouds so that no one would see her. She flew for about 5 minuets before she peeked threw the clouds and spotted Seuneu's house and came in landing on a tree where she transformed back to her normal self. His window was opened, it was on the first floor so she jumped in and saw Seuneu sitting at his computer like always. "You call?" She asked with a cocky smile.[/b][/size]
OOC: :drunk: well that was confussing [b][size=1][color=orange]"How many people followed you home Dango?" Kurimu laughed as Dango asked his to prepare a cup of tea for some lady who lost her way. The pot of water began to boil and Kurimu tossed a tea bag into an empty mug. He then applied water and mixed it. Dango just chuckled slightly and told him to take her the tea. Kurimu grabbed a black cloak laying on the kitched table and wrapped himself in it, as well as covering his ears and tucking in his tail. He didn't feel like scaring an old lady today. He headed into one of the many living rooms the masion had. She was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around. Unfortunatly, it was Kurimu's blanket. Before she noticed him coming, he made an ''Im going to kill Dango" face. He greeted her and placed the cup of tea in her hands. He smelled the air, she seemed human enough, but something was different, could be perfume.... "I hope you enjoy your stay." He said thickly and turned to leave. [/color][/size][/b]
I would probably have electrical/lightning powers. Lightning/electricity is my main element. Being able to shoots blasts of electricity and control lightning storms would pretty cool. And using static to stick balloons to walls would be fun :) Flying would also be really awesome too, but I would want to have wings instead of telekinetic powers. Im not a telekinetic king of person.
Wow, some people signed-up (yay! Phoenix!) ok, I might be PMing a few of you to talk about the RPG, but here are some things you need to fix up. (By the way, I added one or two things to the sign ups) ----- EDIT: Black Phoenix and T man's are good now (T man doesn't need too much of a bio because mercinary's don't really have a past.) Scanerryo, you need to hurry up and fix you sign-up. [b]Scanerryo[/b]: Ok, you need alot of work on your appearance. You need to discribe what the character wears... I don't really want a naked character running around in my RPG (Oo) You also need some work on your zoids stats. Your zoid needs to have weapons! On a comand wolf, Turbo boosters would make it faster, but not fast enough to dodge a whole assult of missles. You can go to [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkzoidscc/[/url] for alot of info on zoid stats. Your bio also needs to be fixed... alot! Like, BP, it needs alot of detail and more about your past and how you got your zoid and organoid, ect. You need to fix your personality too, alot more detail on that! So you know, Oraganoid can fly no matter what. Also, Image of your zoid. Ok, Sense I sort of have an idea of what the sign-ups should look like, im going ahead and putting mine up. Use this as.. a guide line I guess :) --- [b]Character Sign-Up[/b] Name: Cay Schwartz Sex: female Age: 17 Role: Gardian Force member Appearance: Cay has dark blue eyes and gold hair that spikes a bit in the front and is slightly above sholder length. She wears a short, black vest with short sleaves and an elbo length orange shirt under neath. She has white bingings and black gloves cut at the knuckles. She has a black belt (stomach shows slightly) that hold a small switch blade on the back. She has Blue pants with a light puple sash thing (what Moonbay has in GF) with black trimmings over her pants. She also wears black boots and has a small dark green side ways trinagle under her right eyes. Personality: Cay is a very carefree layed back person. She can usually remain calm in most bad situations, until one of her friends or someone inocant is hurt. She really likes to joke around even though most of the time her jokes arn't caught and can be very curious at times. She can be very competitive at times and trys her best to cheer people up. She really dislikes people with snotty atitudes and can get angry when she feels useless. Bio: Cay was born on the outskirts of Gygalos City (Imperial Capital). Her mother died giving birth and Cay's father was a soldier in the Imperial Army, so, Cay was usually left with an old uncle of hers because her father was usually never home except for on holidays. Cay had always had a fasination with zoids and wanted to be a zoid pilot when she became old enough. Although she liked zoids and wanted to be one badly, she didn't do much research on them. She mainly just looked at pictures or the real thing and memorized the names of each one. When Cay was 13, her father was killed when trying to stop a republic group from attacking an Imperial village. Cay decided that when she did become a pilot she would help fight for the peace like her father had done. Cay lived with her unlce for another 2 years. One day, her and her uncle took a trip to The City of wind to take a look at the old battle grounds where famous zoid pilots held battles. Cay found it quite boring when there was a battle field, but no battles. While her uncle was busy complaining to a waiter about how the bill was too much, she snuck off, got on her hover board and took a small trip out of the small village. She eventually got lost and fog surounded her, the hover board crashed into some old ruins, but Cay didn't know that then because of the fog. She headed inside to see if anyone was there. She soon relized that they were ruins and no one in there right mind would be hanging around here. While looking for an exit to get out of the old ruins she fell through a whole in the floor that had lost support under her weight. The fall wasn't that long and she stumbled to her feet to see a large pod before her. After fidling with a small panel that had controls on it, she pressed a button and the pod shattered revealing a small golden zoid type raptor thingummy. At first it attacked Cay, slamming her against a wall. This was cay's chance to get a zoid partner and she wouldn't let it slip from her grip. She was able to calm the zoid and eventually pat it on the head. She then called it flash for it's speed of hitting people with it's tail and because it was gold. Cay made it out of the ruins with her new partner and began to walk the way back to Wind Village. Along the way, Cay, yet again, ran into a large object, this time it was a Liger zoid that Cay identified as a Blade Liger, a fairly rare zoid, with a huge whole in the side of it. Cay started to speek to Flash about how it was horrible to destroy any zoid. Flash cocked it's head and then, with another wack from the tail sent cay flying into the cockpit. Flash suddenly glowed gold and huge wings came from it's back. With a flash of gold it fused with the zoid, it was brought back to life, but not as a Blade Liger, a new zoid that Cay called Slash Liger. As soon as Cay returned to the village she headed off to the nearest base to become a recruit. Over the two years she was taught how to pilot a zoid and became one of the top pilots in her class. She was also taught about weapons and how zoids behave. She was soon asigned to the Gardian force to help control the chaos between Empire and Republic. ---------- [/b]Zoid Sign-Up[/b] Zoid: Slash Liger Type: Lion Nick name: N/A (Liger for short) Appearance: [img]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkzoids/images/slashliger.jpg[/img] (It was drawn, it originaly isn't that fat :sweat: ) Weapons: Dual Shot Impact Cannon, hardened alloy claws and teeth, 5 dual blades (one on the tail) Support Systems: Energy shield, out put thrusters Upgrade(s): 30 mm Cannons on back blades (like the blade liger), Single booster. -------------- [b]Organoid Sign-up[/b] Name: Flash Color: Gold Short desciption: Is gold and has black eyes. When fusing with the Slash Liger or any other zoid, large white angel looking wings come from it's back and in a flash of gold it fuses with the zoid. Anything else: Can shake the ground with a whip of it's tail.
[b][size=1][color=orange]Kurimu was glad to see that Dango was back. he did like having his alone time, but he really hated it when Dango went out to play pool and card games and stuff. Kurimu's fox tail started to swich back and forth as Dango neered closer to the house. He noticed that he was walking a bit slower then usual. Kurimu cocked his head and then nimbly dashed down the spiral staircase, jumping the last 7 or 8 steps. As soon as he landed, Dango entered. He was panting, but still smiling. "What happened to you?" Kurimu chuckled as Dango dragged himself into another room and floped into a chair. "Angry pool player... looks like he knows....." Dango grumbled as he took of his shoes and stretched his legs. Kurimu chuckled again and his fox ears switched a bit. "I'd say their the ones who are the freeks." He took a seat next to Dango and the two just started some light chit chat. [/color][/size][/b] OOC: Sorry for shortness... couldn't think
[b][size=1]Im horribly in the mood to start a zoids RPG.... yay! So everyone knows, this take place after Chaotic Century, this RPG has absolutly nothing to do with New Century 0. Here is all you shall need to know ------------------- Story Line:[/b] It has been 100 years sense Van Freiheit, Zeke, and friends discovered Zoids Eve and destroyed the Legendary Death Saurer and Death Stinger. Most of those who lived on Planet Zi at that time are now dead and the story of Zoids Eve and the legendary zoids is becoming just a legend. Although most people don't believe in what happened, some chaos still carries on between the Helic Republic and Gylos Empire, there for the Gardian Force, a group of zoid pilots from both the Empire and Republic who keep the peace, are still in business. Right now, there are currently 4 members of the Gardian Force. Two teams with two pilots on each team. Tales have been told of the first ever Gardian Force and they hope to be just as great as they were. Peace is hard to have, but it always come eventually. Lately, strange and misterious events have been happening around the Republic and Empire. Old ruins are being robbed, yet nothing impotant seems to be taken and zoids from both the Empire and Republic are being stolen, the crime sceen always looks like the zoid walked out itself. Plus, wild zoids have attacked inocent people for no apparant reason. Rumors of a group planing to destroy both the Empire, Republic, and possibly the whole planet have started up. Now, both teams of the gardian force have been sent out to investigate Mt. Iselina, where the suspected culprets are supposably hiding out. The Gardian force expected it to be no big deal, just go up the foggy mountain and arrest a few bums, but they discovered a bit more then they thought they would. Two bandits, both very strong zoid pilots were waiting for them to come, before the GF could search out the secret base, the two escaped and the base was self destructed, luckly, everyone in the GF was ok. The only trace of any evidance they found was a stone tablet. What they could make out of it, a young lady floating with zoids around her, and ancient marking that were disiffered as saying "Zoid Eve". Now, the gardian force has set of to discover what zoid eve is and to still keep peace with in the Empire and Republic. ----------- Ok, I kinda thought of this off the top of my head, but I think it will work, basicly, the two bandits are searching for zoids eve to destroy both the Empire and Republic for something that happened in their pasts. It's up to the GF to stop them (Death Stinger and saurer will be revived, but as a new fused zoid eventually). I will only be taking about 5 or 6 people. 3 more for GF (im part of the GF) the two bandits and probably 1 mercenary or soldier. Here are some short rules and more info. *No changing the story and going way off track. *No Godmodding (I'v been in RPG's with most people and I'll know if you do or don't) *Zoid limitations (zoids you can't use): Liger Zero, Liger Zero X, Berserk Furry, and the Death zoids, who won't pop up till near the end.) *If you sign-up and make it into the RPG.... please post, I don't want this RPG to only get 8 posts before dying like my last one. *I must be able to understand your posts, I don't want Script play in this RPG. [b]*If you want an organoid you can have one. The bandits should both have an organoid each. Zeke, Shadow, and Specular are up for grabs. Even though Van and the others are dead, the zoids arn't. Everyone must have a different colored organoid. (Gold one is reserved for my character) *BE SURE TO PUT DETAIL IN YOU DESCRIPTION AND MAINLY YOUR BIO[/b] *If you want, you can also be a decendant of Van, Thomas, ect. ------------ [b]Character Sign-Up[/b] Name: (first and last) Sex: (Male/female) Age: (between 16 and 20) Role: (You can be a mercinary, soldier, part of the GF, or one of the two evil people) Appearance: (what your character looks like. LOTS OF DETAIL!) Personality: (How they act... ok people... don't give me one of those 4 word responses, give it some detail please..) Bio: (Past.. Include what the empire or republic did to you if your a bandit person. LOTS OF DEATAIL (Yes, I like detail) Should also include what army you are on (Republic or Empire) ---------- [b] Zoid Sign-Up (one zoid per. character (Exceptions for bandits and soldiers) [/b] Zoid: (What is the zoid) Type: (Lion, Cheeta, Cat, Wolf, ect.) Nick name: (You don't have to have a nick name for the zoid) Appearance: (Go [URL=http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/darkzoidscc/]Here[/URL] for zoid images) Weapons: (keep it real) Support Systems: (keep it real) Upgrade(s): (2 at the max, nothing really big either) -------------- [b]Organoid Sign-up [/b] Name: Color: Short desciption: (How they fuse with the zoid also) Anything else: (any other SMALL power they have?) ------------------------ I'll have mine up later
ooc: do we get to "poof" too? [b][size=1][color=orange]Shock's smile slightly decreased when Chaos said he thought they had an "equal" chance. Shock was pretty confidant that they could win. Chaos was the strongest god Shock knew, he couldn't lose, even if he could feel it, he wouldn't...Shock cocked his head to the right a little and gave Chaos one of those "You think too much" looks. The buzzing of the loud music eventually died off as it became later in the day, it seemed the crazy kid's parents finaly shut them down to either school work or bed. Shock and Chaos had been up on his roof the whole time, coming up with stratigies and plans to make against the evil gods/goddess'. Shock would still bring up his own plan of one god/goddess against it's counter part about twice each half hour, Chaos would roll his eyes and get a bit angry a few times. So, the hours passed and two created special attacks and how they would work on out numbering the other team. When they were done, it was 1:30 A.M. Shock stood up and stretched, he now had a head ache from all that thinking. He rubbed his head and turned to Chaos to bid him fairwell before running off to his own home that wasn't surrounded by so much loud noise. "Shock, before you head home, I need you to contact the other element god/goddess' and tell them that we are meeting at your place tomarrow. I'll tell everyone else." Chaos comanded. Shock whimpered, he really wanted to go to sleep for once in his life, but he managed a smile and gave Chaos the thumbs up. "You got it.... I'll be sure to clean up the place..." With out another word, He waved and then leaped off of the building and 'poofed' off to find one of the elements. He found Daiso first and informed him, he then spent about 1 hour and a half finding all the others and telling them of the meeting. When Shock finally got home he felt like he couldn't make a balloon stick to the wall. His house was not huge, but wasn't small. He had built it himself. It layed in the shadow of a mountain up in Canada, where he thinks he was born. A small forest rests on the other side of his house next to the mountain. The house was wreck... as always... Magazines were tossed around with most of the pictures torn out of them. Clothes were also a basic layout of the house. Mainly a bunch of cloaks. Everything was dusty too. Shock made one large sigh and then began to pick up the place. "Tonight will be a living hell...." He grumbled and he picked up a month old piece of cheese, covered in mold. [/b][/size][/color]
Well, I just spent an our laughing my *** off at "Wild Card" The newest episode of JL. It seemed to answer quite a bit of discussions going on. It looks like GL and HG finally got together. The episode had a few love parts, but it was equaled out by the antics of Joker and his crew (The old lady at the machine was pretty funny, I knew the episode would end with her). I always love it when the Joker steals the show, he wasn't that great in the last episode he appeared in (The one when they plant the bomb in the watch tower). I personaly loved the part when Batman, Flash, and SM first arrived at the scene. How he talked about the fashion. I think we have also seen a bit more on Flash's speed. Taking the bomb and getting it out of the town in 1 sec. wasn't too shaby. The whole story behind Ace was a bit creepy, The only thing I was left confussed about is what would happen to Flash and SM, im guessing sence Ace left the scene earlier on they wouldn't go insane. Did anyone else see the preview for the new christmas episode, that looks good... Flash as Santa....
OOC: sorry for the delay IC: [b][size=1][color=orange]Shock tip toed silently (or, so he though0 through Chaos' small house. he didn't want to be found, or else a huge uproar from Chaos could start. Shock was in the main entrance hallway and from what he could hear, Chaos was in the room right next to him. He had suddenly gone silent, Shock hoped he had decided to take a nap. Shock placed his back against the wall and could practically feel the beat of the loud music through the walls. He slowly turned his head and peeked around the corner to come nose to nose with none other then the war god himself. "HOLY SHIT!" Shock jumped backwards and banged into the wall with fright. It wasn't very fun when your were trying to sneak a peek at someone, but they end up being the ones who sneek on you. Shcok rubbed his head as his heart beat started to slow to it's normal pace. Chaos seemed to hang over him as he walked over to the young god. "What are you doing in my house!?" Chaos bellowed, to Shock, it seemed louder then the crazy rock music. Shock quickly bowed and placed his hands together is forgiveness. "Sorry! I was worried about you!" Shock yelped out his explanation acting like he was scared half to death. Chaos glared at him, the facial expresion told Shock that he was the god of war and could take care of himself. "I mean... you never just leave during training or a fight....." Shock said silently, this time he had more concern in his voice. Shock looked up to Chaos, who sighed, placing his right hand onto his forehead. "The fight will be starting soon.... but... are we ready?" Chaos asked aloud. [/b][/color][/size] OOC: When is the battle going to start anyways?
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Hm... 20 more new episodes? That doesn't sound right. If you could tell me and show me where you got this info, then we'll talk. .hack//sign is a 26 episode series with the acception of the bonus episode 27 and 28 that (what i'v heard) come with the last DVD or something... After the series the story continues threw the games.
Name: Tsuni Age(Nothing over 20): 15 Appearance: **Attatchment, Just ignore the names writin on it** Gold hair, blew eyes, dark green tunic, dark green pants, black shirt under tunic, black head band, black belt, black boots, and a crimson cloak. Personallity: Very carefree and layed back. Tsuni is a big bundle of energy. She can be sneaky at times, but loves to have fun and is very determined to always finish what he has started. she can be very competitive at times and is almost never angry or serious. Creature: Griffin Description of Creature: **attatchment, keep ignoring the names** Can fly (because it has wings, duh) Has sharp beak, claws, and talons and is very agile and has good balance (tail). Usuing the wings can cause small tornados and large blasts of wind. It's wings are also sharp and can be used as a sword at times.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 5, "Captured"
KKC replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Alright! [b]Rating: 9/10 [/b] I have to say that episode number 5 has always been one of my favs. in the .hack//sign series. (And not just because it's crim's first appearance!) The reason I mainly liked it is because I never thought that they would capture him because of not being able to log out and I thought they wouldn't be able to catch him because of the monster (Hoho! Crim proved me wrong!). The episode has some interesting parts. BT getting mixed up with Sora was a good part, when I first saw it I slighly saw it coming because Sora and BT seem to both have a bit of a rotten attitude in different, but the same way... yeah, I confuse myself too. Ofcourse, the new character, Crim, was the most interesting part in my opinion. New characters are always fun to examine. You get to learn about their personality, skills, and looks (^_^ Yeah!). It was a fine episode to me, but I always thought it odd that Subaru was angry when they were attempting to capture Tsukasa... sure, she didn't want it so rufly done, but she put the bounty on his! -
Thanks Adam, I think it is most likely my computer right now. It used to show midis and let me download things, but it hasn't been working lately. Thanks though, i'll remember the advice.
Character Sign Up Name: Tsuni Zaya (silent T) Age: 16 Gender: Male Race: Squib Homeworld: Skor ll Weapons: Vibro-Knife that is strapped around the chest near the front. It's a bit crudy looking, but it works. Ship: Z-95 headhunter named Sprite. Has Triple blasters and concussion missiles. Description: **Attatchment so you can get a picture of what a squib looks like** Like most Squibs he has large, yellow doe-eyes, a rodent-like muzzle, tufted ears, blue fur, and he only stands at about 1 meter tall. He has a brown strap that holds his vibro-knife that is outside of the black tunic he wears. He aslo had black gloves that cut at the knuckles and very thin pants so he doesn't get too hot with all his fur. Also has black boots. History: Tsuni was born and raised on Skor ll. When he was only 2 his parents were killed while delivering parts for a ship, like most Squibs, they ripped the person off with the worng supplies, but the buyer wasn't any usual stupid creature. He could tell the parts were wrong and killed the two for swindling him out of his money, even though he got it back. So, Tsuni was an orphan and was taken in by a friend of the family, a fairly old squib, Rabkin. Rabkin was a part dealer and repaired ships of any kind. Tsuni basicly grew up to be his son and worked in the shop as if it was part of everyday life. He learned how to make great deals and how to barter. He also had the gift that squibs had of convincing just about anyone to buy what ever they were selling. He lived with Rabkin for 13 years and learned how to repair ships, it was one of the greatest talents he had. He was decent as a pilot and could make basic upgrades on a ship, but he could repair anything they threw at him. Rabkin had always known that Tsuni was different from other Squibs. He could never really know what, but he knew there was something very different about him. Eventually, the old Squib died of an old age and Tsuni went to a short depression, he quickly got over it knowing it wouldn't bring his gardian back. He decided to travel around to other planets and sell/barter parts off. He would be a traveling squib! He was able to fix up an old Z-95, which he called Sprite and headed off with a few short good byes. The business he wanted to start didn't go so well and he ended up having a very difficult time finding places to stay for the night and paying for food. When he was about to give up hope and head back to Skor ll he crossed the planet Ossus. Something seemed to tell him to go land on the planet and give his selling one last try. Personality: Tsuni is a very out-going and confident squib. He is very curious (annoyingly at times) and will almost never give up. He has a bad habit of jumping into things without paying attention to the danger that could be at hand which can be a big problem. He is pretty carefree, but will be serious when he truly needs to be, but bursts of his normal personality will pop out here and there. Once he finds a goal he will alomst never give up on it. He is very deffinsive for the ones he cares for, but doesn't really care much for himself. He can be very competitive.
Well, at first I though it was just my computer, but it seems a few others have this problem. I can't hear the music I add on my site or see the little control pannel that you can pause, Play, ect. The same thing occurs on most of the other myotaku users music when I am looking at their page. So far I'v been able ot hear/control: James', Kaola Su's, and Lazechibi's. Kaola Su told me she could hear and control my music when OtakuSennen couldn't. Is this just a glitch or is it a problem with some peoples computers? (sorry if this thread has already been put up)
*counts of fingers and thinks hard* Damn! Thats alot! If you include battle arena as well (but thats only 2 times... for now *evil smile*)
OOC: Just so ya' know, my character isn't in love with ya or anything :sweat: IC: [b][size=1][color=red]Kai just smiled as she watched him walk down the to the others. Kai held onto her sword in one hand and his jacket in the other. She was hot blooded, literaly... Kai's smile became it's usual cocky one, "He'll be just fine." She said to herself and headed back down to the others. She tossed Ryo back his jacket and just held up her sphere explaining that it was pretty hard for her to get cold. She put her sword back in it's right place on her back and listened as the others started to plan their next move. 'Hopefully Ryo doesn't freek out by what happened... asides, he was the one the who wouldn't let go!' Kai argued with herself inside her head, she silently laughed to herself with a smile and Angel gave her an odd look. [/color][/size][/b]
[b][size=1][color=orange]Name: Kurimu (IM HORRIBLE! XD) Race: Ani-men (Part Fox/part human) Age: 18 Side: Good Ability: He can do what a Fox can ^^! *cough* He is able to run at a fast speed, faster then any human. He has great balance and is very silent and can camoflaus (sp?) with sertain surrounding. He has sharp claws that he can produce from his furry hands and is fairly strong when it come to punches, kiks, ect. He also excelent hearing and smelling! He can do what human can (and can't)^^! *cough* Description: (couldn't find a pic T_T) He has Dark blue eyes and rusty orange fur with dirty white. He has fox ears, a fox nose/mouth, and a fox tail that come out of the back of his pants. He has human hands, but they have fur and his feet are fixed from human and fox (his feet are black) He wears a black Hoody with a Fox on the front and back and has dark blue pants with a hole in the back, he doesn't wear shoes. Brief Biography: Kurimu has been this way his whole life. His was abandoned to an orphanage when he was just a baby and was the outcast of everything. He didn't know how, but he knew of everything that happened to the races he belonged to. when he was 12 he ran from the orphanage and lived of the streets fending for his own which wasn't very difficult. He met up with a man much older then him who was part warewolf. Kurimu lived with him and became partly like his son. (Hope thats ok with you Vick, if not I can just change it) Personality: Kurimu is more of a carefree kind of guy and usualy makes a fool of himself and acts stupid alot. He doesn't get angry that much unless someone he cares for his hurt badly or killed... then he gets angry, he also gets angry when he finds something very unfair. He likes to joke around and try to make others smile. He is one of the youngest of the good creature and likes to flirt with any girl that isn't human. He can't help it, it's just his character. (sound familar Vicky? ;) ) Weapons: [URL=http://www.cog.jhu.edu/~slade/katar/m-katar09.jpg]Katars[/URL] [/color][/size][/b]
[b][size=1][color=orange]Shock was a bit surprised that Chaos just walked away, he usually never just quit, expesially during training for a battle that could depend upon the Earth's future. He watched as he left and decided to stay and train on blocking a little bit longer with Daiso. He got alot better in fighting over that day, but he still had alot of work to do. Like Chaos had said 'If it was a real battle you would have been awful.' Shock decided to keep these words in his head and use them as a modivation for his fighting. After the training was complete he decided to go see how Chaos was doing even though he knew Chaos would chace him off the property. [/size][/color][/b] OOC: Sorry for shortness