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[B][I][COLOR=darkblue]"It's great to see you again Sis!" Sam and her sister gave each other a small hug and parted just as fast. "I take it you and your friends are here for a badge, eh?" Gina asked with a big smile. Sam nodded her head and Gina looked over and seemed to inspect the group. Nitsuke glared over at Kyo. "He's not a friend...." She said pointing at him. Kyo glared back at her with out a word. Gina just laughed and then continued on. "So, Who will be going first?" She asked. Just as soon as she finished the sentance Kyo and Nitsuke yelled "I'll Go!" at the same time. They glared at each other when they noticed they had spoken in unison. "eh.... well...." Gina didn't really know what to say. Kyo stepped forward a step. "I was here first! I should have the right to go first." Gina just watched as the two started fighting. "What? We all came in as a group!" Nitsuke exclaimed as she took a step as well. "So, I was still the first one!" "That doesn't matter!" "Does too!" "Does not!" The two rivals were about to have a fist fight when Starr grabed Nitsuke and Sam grabbed Kyo. "Both of you chill!!!" Gina yelled. Everyone went silent, their eyes on her. "Lets settle this a nice fair way...... which one of you two... is older?" Before Kyo and Nitsuke could start yelling again Starr spoke. "Their both 12...." Kyo glared at Starr and Nitsuke glared at Kyo. Gina looked from Kyo to Nitsuke. She then pointed to Kyo. "When is your birthday?" She asked. She had a firm glare, it looked like she wanted to get this over with before a fight broke out. Kyo smirked with confidence. "July 17!" He boomed out. "Beat that." He laughed at Nitsuke. Nitsuke's mouth dropped open. Kyo smiled even more to this from his rival. Gina then pointed to Nitsuke. "Well, what about you." Nitsuke dropped her head low looking pitiful (sp?) and defeated. She sighed. "Well...." She continued to look pathetic. Suddenly, She popped her head up and she had a huge smile. "July 23!" Kyo felt his face turn red as soon as she said the words. "Ok then! The girl wins! You will fight me first!" Gina said pointing to Nitsuke. "We will use 3 pokemon each, no more, no less. No time limit." Nitsuke ran over to the other side of the gym across from Gina. "I accept the challenge!" She pulled out a pokeball and prepared herself. Sam and Starr had to drag Kyo over to the side lines so that he wouldn't beat the crap out of nitsuke. "Pokeball Go!" [/COLOR][/I][/B]
Name: Kai Tsune (Kay) Age: 15 Instrament: Taorii [Drum] (Yay!) North West Description:She is 5'6 and has dark blue eyes and gold hair that spikes a bit in the front. She wears a dark green shirt that cuts down a bit with a black shirt under neath. She has a black belt with a back on the side and dark green baggy pants. Personality: She is very headstrong and hates to give in to anyone or anything. She is carefree and likes to joke alot and bringing her down is a great challenge. She cares for her friends very much and trys to never let anyone down Bio: Kai wanted to play an instrument ever sence she was a little kid. At first she played clarinet, but really hated it. She learned how to play the drum (percussion) when she was 10 and advanced to the top very quickly. She found the marching tenor drums that she plays now in an old ally. She is an orphan so she would have to practice at the orphanage. She eventually drove the owner crazy and she was kicked out when she was 13. She traveled around and played her drum on the streets for money. One time, instead of money being thrown into the tray she found a note that told her that her drum was Taorii, part of the instruments of Car'e. It told of the other instruments and where they were located. Not having anything better to do, she decided to head out and look for the other instruments and soon found that they were owned by other great players.
Rugby World Cup: If you don't want to know the score, look away now
KKC replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
Rugby is a very cool sport. Im not from England, but i'll be rooting for them the whole way! Sense Marching band isn't an "official"sport, Rugby is probably my fav. -
Go here: [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] They have a few episode guides on .hack//sign, If they dont have enough the go here: [url]http://home.mchsi.com/~landale77/hack/[/url]
[B]Kai watched Danny fly back into the air threw gold eyes. "He's going to kill himself if he doesn't calm down..." Kai mumbled. Mika looked at Kai with her eyes slightly wide. Kai noticed that she didn't understand how that could happen. Kia suddenly held up her hands. "No no! I mean, he could be really hurt! The only way he could die is if he used up all his power!.... but... that could also destroy half the city....." Kai looked back up in the air to where Danny was charging back up. "So, what should we do? It looks like he wants to fight on his own." Sylvia asked. Kia looked back up to where Danny was. The wind howled. Kai's ears started to hurt from the sound. [I]He just might use all of it... He'll lose control....[/I] "Cover me!" Kai tossed her crimson pole to Jin and shot a bolt of static at the cover of the man hole. Obeying to the static, it flew over and hovered above the ground infront of Kai. "Meh, you make me sick. Thinking you can defeat me... That tornado wasn't even at full power!" Masu yelled out to Danny who had a huge twister howling and zooming has it slowly advanced on Masu. Masu repeated his move for the Fire tornado and in no time at all the tornado was back up with fire all over it. "Your such a fool!" Masu yelled as the Tordando of Fire spun faster and faster. "Mika! Come with me!" Kai jumped up onto the man hole and helped Mika onto it. They were a bit wedged on because of there sixe, but it would half to do. Kai clenched her fist and they flew threw the air up into the sky a short distance out of reach of the tornado fight. "So, whats the plan?" Mika asked standing back to back on the small piece of metal with Kai. "What plan? I thought you had one?" Kai asked with a scared to death tone. "What?!" Mika yelled almost falling off the man hole cover. Kia smiled as she laughed at her. "Just kidding! When I say so, Blast your water straight above us i'll join in with some lightning. Got it?" Kia asked. Mika was red with anger from the joke, but she said she was ready. Kai watched as the 2 tornados clashed against each others. Danny's was losing badly. Kai raised both her hands up pointing towards the sky. Mika followed. "NOW!" They both yelled at the same time. The lightning and water seemed to fuse together as it flew up into the sky. They stayed like this for a few moments and then stopped. Kai held her breath hoping it would work. She heard a small rumble and then a streek of lightning slashed from the sky and rain began to pour from the clouds devouring the fire tornado's flames.[/b]
One prob. with both your bios. Everyone in Neir has stones, whether they want them or not. You need to change that in your bio. People from neir have the stones when they are 6 months old. They are placed in between the knuckles and after 6 more months they have been completly rooted into the person. Only the tops of the stones show. That was in the story line, remember to read most of everything. Please fix that in your bio too ^^. everything else is good. MY Sign-up ______________ Name:/ Kia Tsume Age:/ 16 Good/Evil:/ Good (no duh) Stones:/ Lightning - 5 Weapon:/ A double bladed glaive. The pole part is crimson and the blade has a black streke down the center. Appearance:/ **attatchment** Gold hair/blue eyes/Crimson cloke/black bandana/Dark green tunic with black shirt under it/black belt with pack/baggy green pants/small black boots. Personality-Talents:/ Kia is very headstrong. She hates giving in and letting people down and she always trys her hardest. She doesn't really care if she is insulted, but hates it when those she cares for are treated badly. She likes to joke aroung even though most of the time her jokes arn't caught. She is very carefree and adventurous. She has the talent of throwing her voice. She also has good martial arts skills and can calm animals. Bio:/ Kia was born in a very small village not to far from the capital city of Neir. After Kia was born, her father left to start a journey of discovery for himself. He never came back. Kia trained so that she could go on her own journey when she became of age and search for her father. She didn't have her father to help her so she has to learn alone and her family was going threw some hard times. Her, her little brother, and her older sister would only go to school about 2-3 times a week so they could work and get money for the family. Kia was givin her glaive from her mother when she turned 13. Her mother used most of the money they had to buy it for her. Her mother died shortly after Kia's birthday from a deadly illness. When she was 14 she packed her bags and left to start her own journey like her father. She traveled on her own for a year. On the way she found a young griffin who joined her journey when she saved it from an older griffin, she named him Caotan. She came to a village where lightning stone users, like herself, trained and taught each other about their skills. She met an old man who turned out to be her father and he trained her for the next year. She had pretty good control over her 5 stones, but everyonce in a while they would be difficult to handle. She left once again to seek more adventure, wanting to make her father and mother proud of her one day. ____________________________________
Made your banner a long time ago. Here is the newest one for my sig. Its Amarao from FLCL! I thought the picture was really cool, so I just had to make a banner. I thought the text was really cool and the black sides that make it look like a clip from a movie. EDIT: Took out his name.
Wow, thats really cool! And good! The text is sort of hard to read because of it's size, but it's probably supposed to be like that. I really like the fading on this banner too. Great job. [B]Rating: 9.5/10[/B]
OOC: Where did Blanko go? T_T (I think we should move on to the next morning) IC:[B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke felt her body being shook by some force. She rubbed her eyes and twitched a bit and turned over on her side to see Starr shaking her. "WAKE UP!" She yelled right into Nitsuke's face. Well, it did wake her up. Nitsuke looked over at the clock. It read 8:15 A.M. She jumped up out of the bed and stretched. Cyndaquil and Eevee were already up eating some pokemon food. Nitsuke quickly changed into her clothes and went downstairs to wait for Sam and Starr and to see how the Bulbasaur was. Nitsuke walked over to the front desk where Nurse Joy was sitting behind a computer typing something up. She spotted Nitsuke and smiled. "I guess you would like to see that Bulbasaur, huh?" She said reading her mind. She stood up and walked over to a door, walked and side and then came out with Bulbasaur following behind her. Nitsuke smiled to see that it was in much better shape then it was yesterday. She bent over and pat the grass pokemons head. "Well, thank you very much for helping it out." Nitsuke said bowing her head slightly. "No problem, it is my job after all." Nurse Joy smiled back. Nitsuke smiled to the Bulbasaur and turned heading for a couple of benches so she could wait. "Bulba!" The Bulbasaur ran over to where Nitsuke was and placed it front feet on her knees looking up at her. "Hey, I'll miss you too!" Nitsuke pat it on the head once again. Joy walked over. "Hm... I think Bulbasaur is trying to say that it would like to come along with you." Joy said with her usual smile. Bulbasaur nodded it's head and started to run around Nitsuke. "Really? Wow, I didn't see that coming." She half laughed as the Bulbasaur stopped and rested next to her foot. "Ok then! Your part of my team now Bulbasaur!" Nitsuke said with glee. She pulled out a pokeball and returned just as Starr and Sam came over. "Ready to get win a badge?" Sam asked them.[/COLOR][/B][/I]
Tryed this a while back, didn't turn out so well. But i'v changed a few things. [I][COLOR=darkblue]In the Land of Neir there live lifeform very similar to humans. They look like humans, act like humans, there is only one thing that seperates them from normal people. The stones of Neir. Billions of years ago, Neir was discovered by 6 warriors who each had a great power. Earth, Water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Rock. This land they discovered was pieceful and evil had never stepped foot on it. But the 6 warriors knew that once there kind settled into the amazing land that evil would soon attempt to take over. The Warriors made a plan just in case evil ever came. So, over the years the population grew and Neir became a great place and was watched over by the 6 warriors. Unfortunatly, the warriors predictions cam true. An evil man from a dark continent came to Neir with many fighters. The forces were great and couldn't be destroyed. In their last efforts to destroy the evil, the Warriors sacrificed themselves and their amazing powers to defeat the evil. The last attack was sucessful. The dark man and his forces were distroyed. Even though the warriors who sacrificed themselves died, their abilities did not. Earth, water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Rock, the powers that each warrior controled were cast into the world and took form into small pebble sized stones that became almost a natural resorce for Neir. The legendary weapons they had were hidden in the Land. Now, the stones that posess the powers of the warriors are givin to everyone in Neir. The Stones are givin to a child when they are 6 months old. Its the stones that choose the person. The stones fit in between the nuckles on the hands, this allows a person to have from 1 - 6 stones. Neir has been free of evil since that day, but now a new evil from the same continent has arrived with power as great as the stones and more, But the fighters of Neir won't go down without a fight. 6 fighters with same blood as the legendary founders of Neir have risen and have discovered the legendary weapons of the ancient warriors. They will fight with the great stones, weapons, and Spirit of Neir. [/COLOR] [/I] [B]NOTE: Everyone in Neir has stones, whether they want them or not. People from neir have the stones when they are 6 months old. They are placed in between the knuckles and after 6 more months they have been completly rooted into the person. Only the tops of the stones show. [/B] OK! Heres a little bit of enfo you will need to know about the stones and what powers they have. Also weapon choices. [B]Earth Stone (green)[/B] - The Earth Stones, also called the green stones are able to use powers givin from the Earth (no duh). Fighters who have the Earth Stones use staffs (as in poles. No fancy head piece and jewls) The staff will usually have a ribbon tied to it or rings in it. The abilities of the Earth stones include: Summoning Golems (They can be from 6 feet to 12 feet, depends how much energy is used/How experienced a fighter is), Gathering energy from plants forming a beam of energy, and the ability to shake the ground (not huge earthquake material). Earth Legendary weapon: A long gold staff pointed at the ends with 3 rings on each end as well. It has many ancient carvings on its sides. And small green jewls running up the side. [B]Water Stone (blue)[/B] - The Water Stones (blue Stone) have the ability of water. Fighters with water stone have magic staffs that they use to bring out the Water power(This is the kind with head pieces and jewls, ect.) Water Stone powers include: A blast of water from the staff, Able to cause heavy rains in a certain area, and a water shield. Water Legendary weapon: A white Staff with two large points that come out of the side and go upward. There is a Blue crystal in between the points. Legendary marks are also on it. [B]Fire Stone (red)[/B] - With Fire Stones you have the power of Fire. Fighters with Fire stones have Light, quick weapons, such as a dirk, Katars, ect(one handed swords). Fire Powers include: Fire to blast from the users hands, Insurting the fire into the weapon causing burning attacks, and able to make a ring of fire in any area (but water). Fire Legendary weapon: A pair of katars, both of the blades are longer then a normal one. On the flat side of each blade there is gold plating with a red jewl. [B]Lightning Stone(Gold)[/B] - Lightning Stone users use Glaives, Sythes, Spears, (anything Long with a blade on the end). Lightning powers include: Shooting lightning strikes at an opponent threw the body, allowing the user to increase speed and run very fast (lighning charges threw them causing them to go fast), and a lightning attack from the sky (must be stormy if used) Lightning legendary weapon: A Black Scyth with Lightning strikes going up the sides with a few Gold jewl on the blade. The blade is a bit longer then a normal one. [B]Wind Stone (white)[/B] - Wind Stone users use any weapon they want. Their attacks/powers include: Small tornados that can get up to 14 feet high, the ability to hover, and just a plain out large blast of wind from the weapon. Wind Legendary weapon: It is part staff, Part sword. On one side it is a U shape and has a white milky stone in the middle. On the other side it has a Dirk sized blade. It has legendary marks on it. [B]Rock Stone (black)[/B] - Rock Stone (what a great name!) users use heavy weapons like two handed swords, Maces, and Battle axes. Powers include: Able to make rock come from the hand in different forms (You can't turn people to stone... sorry...but you can make stone bridges), The ability move stone (moving a big rock without touching it), and able to make the weapon Hard like stone causing heavy blows. Rock Legendary Weapon: A Broad blade Two handed sword. Their are Gold and Black marks on the blade and the handle is Black with amazing designs and a black jewl at the bottom. [B]Evil of Neir (evil!)[/B] - The evil of neir as you know came from a dark continent. On the continent there were also stones of power, they had pure evil attacks. The new threat of Neir has one stone. It is about the size of a baseball and is black. It can't be placed on the bodie so it is carried on a necklace, belt, ect. The stone has all of the powers; Earth, Water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, Stone, and it has darkness added to each one. Powers: If you are the evil you have all of the others powers of the stones except for the 3rd attack/power. If you are the Evil RPer, it is your job to create 1 more new power for each stone, but only you can use it and it has to have darkness in it. (The attacks will determine if you make it to the RPG or not) Weapon: The evil weapon is a called a morph blade. It can morph into any weapon created. Ok These are just some rules and some other things you might just want to know about the sign up stuff: |: You can not have multiple kinds of stones. You either have water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Wind, or rock. You can't have mixes. You can't steal stones either because it is impossible to. |: If you join this RPG you will have to post!!! If you are one of those people who just sign-up for RPGs for the fun of it, then don't join this one! Because if you don't post enough, I will get you replaced. |: Posting quality must be in paragraphs. I have to be able to tell who is talking (no run on sentances). None of this either: Joe: Im Going to kick you butt! Jack: *steps over* You suck! Joe: No you do! *attacks* NONE OF THAT! |: I will be accepting 1 person for each Stone, the evil of neir, and assasins who work for the evil. From your sign ups I will determine who will make it to the RPG. I will be taking at least 6 more people because I need an evil person(and I took lightning power)!! If no one signs up as an assasin the person RPing the great evil will RP them as well. |: Also, you are not allowed to make your character all mighty and powerful (This goes for Kyo the most ;) ! If you are on the evil side you must understand that you will die eventually. Im also allowing everyone to have some kind of creature come with you on your journey! Just put it somewhere in your bio with a name! (this is not required) Mythical creatures are allowed, but no full grown dragons. OK! Here is the sign ups that you will have! Sign-Up ______________ Name:/ (Not too modern) Age:/ (range from 15 - 20) Good/Evil:/ (Only Evil if you are part of the evil) Stones:/ (What Stone power you have and how many stones you have. Having 6 makes it difficult to control your power, but is very strong. Remember that you can only have 1 kind of Stone: Water, Earth, Fire, lightning, wind, or rock.) Attacks: (Only put this down if you want to be the evil of neir. Read the "Evil of neir" info spot to get instructions) Weapon:/ (Ok, pick a weapon that goes along with your stone! You can only have one weapon. If you become a stone user in the RPG, you will keep this weapon until it is destroyed/it is destroyed when you are about to find your legendary weapon.) Appearance:/ (This is sword fighting people! Don't make it anything modern) Personality-Talents:/ (Don't over do the talents. Sorry, but Psycic powers/abilities arn't allowed) Bio:/ (Dont make it so short, put in some detail) ________________________ I will be adding my Sign-up Later. [B]Legendary Earth User: Queen Asuka (???) Legendary Water User: Sweetreyes (Yui) Legendary Fire User: Black_Phoenix (Quel) Legendary Lightning User: K.K.C. (Kia) Legendary Wind User: Stick Fairy (Tujia) Legendary Rock user: Arika (Tsuchi) Evil of Neir: G.D. Ryoko (Izume) Evil soldiers/assasins: Kyo no Ryu (Kyo)[/B]
Just take a look at my sig.! :D I like a few anime guys, I think I would probably date Crim or Vash if I was allowed to pick. Crim and Vash are both just plain out cool. Amarao would be a really funny guy to be with, but he would have to have permanent eyebrows. But I think i'll keep with Vash or Crim. I think it would be really fun to date an anime guy. :laugh:
Kyo, you have been at OB long enough to realize that your going to get critisized(sp?) on any of the work that you post. It's supposed to help you learn more and get better. Instead of blaming this on someone else you should use it to your advantage and get better with your banners. Quit being such a 6th grader. (Boy I can't spell)
I think I liked em' better when you didn't crop. To be truthful Kyo... thats sorta creepy (That was hard to say). You definatly need to work on cropping and finding pictures that arn't so fuzzy-fied or get a better program then paint. Just keep practicing and remember to fool around with the font before putting it on. BG needs some work too.
[B] A Ravern launched himself threw the air with a swicth blade pointed for Kai, His arm was raised ready to sink the blade into her. Kai just smirked. She dropped her pole to the floor and felt electricity surge threw her. She held her hand up to the ravern and blasted a stream of lightning out of her palm before he was even 7 feet away. He fell to the ground with smoke steaming from his jacket. Kai used static electricity to move her pole into her hand. The others seemed to be wraping up their battles with the ravers as well, but something still didn't feel right. She leaped over to where Danny had just tossed a Ravern threw the air. "I think there is another..." Kai whispered to him just in case one was near by. Danny nodded his head. "Yes, it's the leader of the group. He's coming." Jin and Mika ran over to them. Both of the ravern's they were fighting were out cold. It might take a bit more power to defeat the leader of the group of ravers. [/B]
Coooool (My script post thingy is rated PG13 *wink*) _____________________________ [I]Lil and Joe are standing alone in a "Bone yard" when two zombies emerge out of the graves! One is a dark blue shade with red spots all over it and the other is Green with horns coming out of it's head, arms, and legs. They aproach Lil and Joe, not looking very friendly.[/I] Joe: I wasn't prepared for this! [I]Hides behind Lil in fright.[/I] Lil: I have an idea! [I]Pulls Joe back out from behind her.[/I] Joe: What would that be! [I]Zombies are 8 feet away from them.[/I] Lil: We'll fight them! You get Spots, I'll get Horny! [I]There is an odd silence from Joe, Lil, and the Zombies.[/I] ............................... Lil: [I]Makes a very odd facial ecpresion[/I] Let's Get em'! [I]Lil jumps threw the air and hits the zombie with horns square in the face. The zombie takes a step back as the rotting skin that had been pushed in from the kick starts to float back to it's normal form[/I] Joe: How the hell are we supposed to beat these things! [I]He slaps the zombie across the face, but it doesn't affect the spoted dead thing.[/I] Lil: Use the magic dust! [I] Lil pulls a small brown sack from her pockets and throws dust all over the horned zombie. The zombie crys out in pain and then falls to the ground and with a poof of smoke... turns into a monkey. [/I] Joe: How inconvenient... [I]Joe pulls out his own sack and throws dust on the spotted zombie. Like the horned one, it falls to the ground in pain, but it doesn't turn into a monkey. It turns into a Wombat.[/I] [I] Lil runs over to Joe and gives him a big bear hug causing them to fall over.[/I] Lil: We did it, Joe! We beat the unbeatable! [I]Joe starts to cry, covering his face in his hands.[/I] Joe: Im alergic to wombats! [I]Lil jumps away from Joe screaming in terror. Joe was transformed into a wombat zombie[/I] ____________________________________________ That was fun........... Told ya it was wierd, DW!
Wow! Very awesome! I saw the inked picture of him before, but I didn't know you would be coloring it! Its really really good. The dark colors fit perfectly with the characters design. I think his face looks a bit funny, but im asuming it's supposed to be that way. I think it's really cool. What program do you use for this? [B]Rating: 9/10[/B]
Wow! That is really awesome Dan! I'v always wandered how to make those... I think it's a great theme, the bandage being the icon was a really great idea and the window pic is really great. Some of the pics are a bit fuzzy, but their still good. I'd like to see one of Amarao... hehehe.... [B]Rating: 9/10[/B]
[B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke walked along side the city street with Cyndaquil perched up on her sholders. She eventually stopped under a stop light and looked at the calm street. No one was usually out at this time of night, everyone was sound asleep... or at least trying to be. Cyndaquil sleepily leaned it's head on Nitsuke's head and let out a small yawn. Nitsuke smiled. "Were ganna' do it." She whispered to Cyndaquil, her gaze was now at the stars, they were hard to see threw the light, but she knew they were there. "We'll be the best. The best theve seen in a long time. We'll be better than Kyo too." She smiled and looked to Cyndaquil. "What do ya' say to that?" "Cynda! Quil!" The little fire pokemon jumped on Nitsuke's head with glee. "OK then, lets head back to the center with a nice sprint. That will put us to sleep." Nitsuke said letting Cyndaquil off of her. At the count of three they both dashed down the streets heading for the pokemon center. Cyndaquil was a quick little fire mouse. They seemed to screech at a hault when the reached the doors. "Ok, now im tired..." Nitsuke gasped threw breaths, Cyndaquil was breathing heavily as well. Just before Nitsuke went in she dropped one of her pokeballs into a shrub beside the center. She went behind the bush looking for it and heard someone going into the center. "I can't believe it's closed..." She heard the mumbling of Kyo as he just got back from the closed Edgewood Gym. He seemed to drag himself inside from disappointment. Nitsuke couldn't help but laugh at her rival. She retrieved the pokeball and went back up to her room to see Scyther and Sam staring at the moon together. She thought that was a good sign. As soon as Nitsuke and Cyndaquil hit the covers... they were out. [/COLOR][/B][/I]
OOC: Hey Kyo, if you read on the first page, Blanko put down all the pokemon and battle limits up. She uses 3 pokemon to battle. Not 6. (And who would have their gym open till 11:30 when they are 12?) IC: [I][B][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke sat up in bed with Cyndaquil in her lap. "Well, I know I would like to have a more adventurous family. My family is pretty boring. A dad and an older sister. My dad is... well... a pokemon Chiropracter (sp?) it's a bit odd and a bit boring being how the pokemon don't even do much threw his process..." She sighed and put one arm behind her head. Starr leaned against the back board of her bed. "What about your sister?" She asked. "Shes trying to become a pokemon fashion designer... Ya know... Dresses, suits, make up, ect.... It's really embarassing..." Nitsuke felt her face turn red even though the others couldn't see her. She fell back down into the pillows and took a deep breath. "But, I do know the gym leader of Mountain Village." She said smiling threw the pillows. "I hear he's only 9, is that true?" Sam asked, it wasn't every day that you heard of a 9 year old pokemon gym leader. "Yep, thats him... We used to be pretty good buddies, even though im alot older then him..." Nitsuke said half laughing about some of the wild memories they had. Nitsuke then jumped out of her bed and put on her crimson hoody. "Im ganna take a small walk... ya know, try to make me tired." They nodded and Nitsuke left followed by Cyndaquil. Eevee was dead asleep. [/COLOR][/B][/I]
[I][COLOR=darkblue] Nitsuke stretched her limbs, she had been watching pokemon battles on the room TV while Sam made dinner. She jumped up off of the bed when a knock came to the door. She figured it was the guys and opened the door to be greated by Kain. "Come on in." Nitsuke smiled and opened the door for Kain, he walked in, Kyo was starting to follow and him and Nitsuke locked eyes again. Nitsuke let go of the door and it hit Kyo smack in the face. "Hey!" He fell down from the impact and glared up at Nitsuke. "Oops... how clumsy of me." Nitsuke laughed and walked back inside closly followed by Kyo who wasn't in the brightest of moods now. When Sam said she was a good cook, she lied... It was great! The 5 trainers stuffed their faces as if it was an all you could eat buffet, they were joined by Genim shortly after starting the dinner. Everyone had decided to let their pokemon out. Nitsuke quickly sketched down the pokemon that each trainer now had. Sam: Scyther - Torchic Starr: Chikorita - Beldum Nitsuke (Me!): Cyndaquil - Eevee Kain: Heracross - Houndour - Mightyena Kyo (Rival): Charmander - Doduo - Rattata Genim: Totodile - Murkrow - Vulpix Nitsuke thought it would be a good idea to keep data of everyones stats. Cyndaquil and Eevee both came over and layed down resting their heads onto her lap. She smiled and pat them gently on the heads. After they were done they all stayed in the room and talked about nothing but pokemon and how it was going to be like never going back to the school. Nitsuke and Kyo had a fight over the stronger fire pokemon. Cyndaquil or Charmander. The small fight was about to end with a battle, but the pokemon had fallen asleep from the fighting. Everyone said goodbye and went to their seperate rooms to have a good nights sleep, but Nitsuke was having a bit of touble. [/COLOR][/I]
[B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke, Starr, and a few assistants at the center were all piled on Sam's Scyther. There was so much weight that Scyther couldn't get up and prtective guards had been placed on it's blades. Sam sighed as she stood up and returned Scyther to it's pokeball. Starr was the first to see Kain. She stood up and walked over to him. "Hey, fancy seeing you here Kain." She said giving him a hand shake. He looked over to where the assistants were leaving. "Uh... what was that all about?" he asked as Nitsuke and Sam came over to greet them. Nitsuke sat down in a chair, exausted from restraining Scyther. Sam scratched her head with a week smile. "My Scyther has a bit of an attitude problem..." She said looking at Scyther's pokeball. Nitsuke stood up and wipped sweat from her forehead. "heh, a bit?" She asked with an odd ecpression. Kain laughed and told them of the Houndour he had caught and asked how they were doing. Each replied with same "Good, Ok, ect." Nitsuke glanced outside the window, the sun was setting now. The head Nurse came over with a smile as she always seemed to have and asked them. "If you 4 would like to stay here for the night, rooms are free. You might want to rent one out for the night before they are all taken. Each room hold 4 people." Nitsuke looked to the others. "Im up for a renting a room, what about you guys?" [/COLOR][/B][/I]
[B] Kai silenced her breath as did everyone else as they all listened, trying to hear the Ravern. Kai griped her crimson pole and braced herself for any sudden attack or movement. It was very dark and hard to see, this would be a blind fight. "Kai, give us some light..." Danny whispered still listening to very sound on the floor. Kai nodded and raised her hand in the air, making a small ball of glowing electricity. It sizzled and popped as the electricity in the ball tried to escape. A small section of the floor was now lit up. Everyone was still silent, but used their eyes now aswell. Suddenly..... OOC: yay! Suspence!! [/B]
hehe, thanx :sweat: I find these pics everywhere. There is this one Vash Shrine that has a bunch of Fanart, i'll email you later and give you the address once I find it. I actually made a Pokemon Banner, which is very unusual for me to do, but it is James, so that is an exception (Check Sig.) I Mainly made it because I thought his outfit was really cool. This is my first try at making the border white with black out lines.