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Everything posted by KKC

  1. KKC

    Super Phoenix

    [B] Kai saighed as she finished cleaning up her underground room. She really hated cleaning, it always made her bored and she wanted to do something reckless. She decided to head down to the training area and watch the other kids train, maybe she would even join in, it really depened on who it was. Just in case she did train she changed into her clothes which she called her "Fighting clothes" and made her way to the training area. She peared inside and saw danny flying threw the air and bouncing off walls. She watched him zoom around with his pole for awhile and decided that maybe he could give her a few tips in when fighting with a weapon. Before entering, Kai grabed her own Crimson pole and ran into the battle area where Danny was, she was greeted with the usual blast of wind. Danny glanced down and saw her waiting for him. He let himself down and hovered above the floor a small gust of wind blowing around him. "Hey, here for a few lessons?" He asked with a big grin as he spun his black pole in his hand. Kai smiled right back and gripped her pole. "You bet!" [/B]
  2. [I][B][COLOR=darkblue]One of the girls who had taken the pokeballs from Nitsuke ran into the eating area yelling about Sam's Syther. Sam slowly raised her hand to tell the nurse the Syther was hers. "What seems to be the problem?" Sam asked trying to make an inocent face. She young nurse ran over to Sam nearly knowcking Nitsuke out of her chair. "That Syther of your is out of control! It broke out of it's pokeball and won't let anyone into the med-room for the resting pokemon!" She yelled so that everyone in the whole room could hear every word she shouted. Sam stood up and started to walk away, "I'll see what I can do..." She sighed walking out the sliding door. The nurse sighed and slumped into a seat next to Nitsuke. She seemed to be very stressed about the situation. "Oh... thats right...." She mumbled to herself and then turned to Nitsuke. "You're the owner of that Bulbasaur, the Nurse says that it will be ok, but it needs a full nights. You'll be able to come get it tomarrow morning." Nitsuke sighed with relief knowing that the Bulbasaur would be ok, she smiled and replied to the nurse. "Well, it's not my Bulbasaur, it was a wild one that was attacked by some Stantler." Nitsuke explained what had happened. "But... After it's all healed up again.... Im thinking of trying to catch it." The nurse nodded and then left without another word, still having that stressed look on her face. It was a bit odd. Starr didn't feel too good about Sam calming down her Syther alone so they went to see how it was going. [/COLOR][/B][/I]
  3. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke was running in place the whole time Starr and them talked, it wasn't very long, but Nitsuke knew that the Bulbasaur was looking pretty beat up from the Stantler attack. Sam went on her way Starr turned to Nitsuke showing she was ready to get going. Nitsuke just nodded and then started to run down the street towrd the pokemon center, that was now in sight. "So, what happened to It anyways?" Starr asked running beside Nitsuke as the Pokemon center grew larger as they approached. Nitsuke was breathing pretty hard, she looked ahead real quick before replying. "I think it made some Stantler's angry, they made an illusion of a stampede... the 6 real ones were in the front butting Bulbasaur with their horns." Nitsuke gasped inbetween breaths. They finally made it in and Nitsuke ran up to the counter. The Nurse was standing behind it and greeted them. "Welcome to Edgewood pokemon center. Can I help you?" She asked with a smile, not yet noticing Bulbasaur. "It's this Bulbasaur, it was attacked and-" Nitsuke didn't finish her sentance. The Nurse grabed the Bulbasaur and layed it on a stretcher behind the desk. "It's in critical condition, I'll get working on it right away, if you need any more help my assistants will be here." With that she ran into a room and the little shot sign blinked on. Two girls came over and asked if they could do anything else for them. Nitsuke gave them Sam's and her own pokeballs and Starr gave them her Chikorita, just in case it needed some recharging. "We'll take care of these pokemon. You two can go to the reck area and get something to eat, if you would like to rent a room for the night, please, just tell us." They walked off into another room where the pokemon obviously rested. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  4. KKC

    Super Phoenix

    [B]Kai sat in her chair backwards, half listening to the meeting. She heard Danny say something about more guards... She then listened as Sylvia answered back giving it a shot. No one else was raising his/her hand. Kai glanced around the room, but no one spoke up. Kai Sighed and then hopped ontop of her seat. "I'll give it a shot Danny boy!" She yelled with a big grin. It wasn't unusual for her to answer in this kind of way. A few other kids rose their hands as well to be on guard. Danny smiled at the new recruits for the job. "Ok then... You guys can start tomarrow, Like I said, I'll give you more info later. This meeting is over now." The room suddenly started to buzz with small talk between the group. Kai got up and stretched out before heading to the 3rd floor to spend some time in her room. She walked in and was greeted by the usual mess scatered across her floor. Radio, clothes, books, a few suvaniers(sp?).... "I guess I better clean this place up...." She said to herself and started to work.[/B]
  5. [I][B][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke smiled. Maybe she should have stayed a little longer at the school. She thought about it as they came closer to the end of the forest when she decided she would have never been friends with Sam if she hadn't of graduated this year. Nitsuke glanced at her watch and noticed that it was 3:45 PM. Pretty good timing concidering the battles and short delays they had. "Stop!" Sam suddenly said quitly putting her arm out to stop Nitsuke. Nitsuke looked up to her with puzzled expresion. Sam's eyes were firm, it looked like she wasn't even breathing. "Do you hear it?" Sam whispered to Nitsuke. Nitsuke silenced her own breathing and listened to everything around her. She could hear what seemed to be many feet running. "Yeah.." Nitsuke whispered. She listened a little more and noticed it was coming from the right side of them. Sam motioned for them to go check it out. They walked threw a few trees and found a small road for cars to transport threw the forest. Nitsuke looked down the road and could see dust starting to form. "What is that?" She asked outloud squinting to see it better. It came closer and then Sam and Nitsuke relized what it was at the exact same time. It was a heard of Stantler running after a Bulbasaur. The Stantler in the front of the pack would butt the Bulbasaur with their horns every few seconds or so. "RUN!" Nitsuke and Sam screamed at the same time. They sprinted down the road at full speed, but the pack of angry Pokemon was much faster and was soon of their heels. The Bulbasaur was exausted and was barley keeping itself going. "What do we do now?!" Nitsuke yelled to Sam, the stampede was just 5 feet behind them, the Bulbasaur 3 feet. "Were almost there! Just a little further!" The city was close now, the trees started to grow fewer and fewer on the way down the road. Suddenly, a Stantler in the front bucked the bulbasaur and sent it flying threw the air where it landed a distance away. "Ah!" Nitsuke and Sam fell down to the ground and covered their heads with their hands. When they looked up they saw that their were 6 Stantlers walking away, the pack was gone. Nitsuke jumped to her feet, "What!?!" She said looking at the 6 Stantlers. Sam stood and brushed herself off looking at them as well. "Stantler's Illusion..." She simply replied, not surprised at all. Nitsuke turned red with embarassment. How could she forget that? "Whatever..." She grumbled and turned around, but her bad mood left her when she saw the Bulbasaur lying still of the dirt road. "It looks really hurt!" Nitsuke ran over to where it was, closly followed by Sam when she saw the Bulbasaur as well. Nitsuke nelt by it and noticed that it was still alive, but in critical condition. "We have to get it to the pokemon center right away!" Sam said breathing heavily from running and stood up, they were finally out of the forest, thats why the Stantler stopped running after them. Nitsuke lifted up the Bulbasaur in her arms, it was pretty heavy, but she ignored it. Sam looked to her and asked, "Why don't you just put it in a pokeball?" Nitsuke looked down to her belt where 4 empty pokeballs were attatched. "It wouldn't be fair for the Bulbasaur... Even though I would like it... it just isn't fair, it should be able to fight... and then be captured by me." Nitsuke made a very small smile. "I see...." sam said smiling back. "Lead the way to the center, Sam!" Nitsuke said, and they started running. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  6. KKC

    X-Men: Hunted

    Name: Adam Luken Codename: Bats Age: 14 Powers: He has the abiltity of a bat. He has Large Bat wings and he has bat ears for super sonic hearing, he also has small claws. The only thing that isn't like a bat is his long tail. He usually doesn't sleep during the day, but does sleep upside down. Origin: Alaska Known family: Uncle Pat Affiliation: X-men Bio: Adam was born the way he is now. He had a Mom and a Dad who loved him even though he had black fur and wings. They stayed Icolated from human contact by living on the out skirts of a small town. When Adam was 6, he wandered into the town and was discovered by the towns people. Later, a mob attacked his home, demanding to know what he was. In their frustration and fear, someone accidentally caught the house on fire. Adam was the only one who was saved. The leader of the town sent him to his uncles house where he was treated like crap. His Uncle Pat made him a slave in his own home because of his odd abilities. When Adam was 10 he ran away from his Uncle's house and escaped to canada where he stayed in hiding until he was found by other mutants who offered him a place to live where he could learn to control his mutation, he joined them. Description: *attatchment* (Also has a tail) Personality: Adam is a carefree guy who like to joke around, even though his jokes don't always make sense. he is headstrong and never gives up on anything or anyone. He doesn't care when he is insulted, he lets it roll off his sholder, but when his friends or anyone else is insulted... well... you don't want to be around him. Humans do bother him, but he doesn't hate most of them.
  7. [I][B][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke under stood and turned to her own battle against the Minun. Cyndaquil lit up the flame on it's back awaiting orders. "Minun, give it a shock!" The boy yelled. Static started to zap up around the Minun every few seconds now. The Minun released a shock of electricity heading for Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil leaped over to the side, but the Minun continued to move the shock across the ground and hit Cyndaquil seconds after dodging the first attack. "Quil!" Cyndaquil took the blast and lasted threw it. The flame on it's back grew a little bit more. "I see what you want to do! Cyndaquil ember!" Nitsuke yelled out. The flame meant Cyndaquil was reading for any fire attack. Flames started to pour out from Cyndaquil's back scattering across the forest floor. Minun jumped around trying not to step on any of the flames. Luckily, there wasn't enough brush for the flames to spread out. "Ok, now give it a Takedown attack!" Nitsuke yelled out. Cyndaquil charged at Minun, but it jumped over Cyndaquil, missing the attack. "Minun, Quick Attack!" The boy comanded. The Minun hit Cyndaquil dead on, sending it into a near by shrub. "Minun!" The pokemon called out with glee. "Cyndaquil are you ok?" Nitsuke ran over to the shrub, but before she could get there Cyndaquil jumped out breathing slightly hard. It walked over infront of Nitsuke and braced itself for any attack. Nitsuke smiled, glad to see that Cyndaquil was alright. She thought of some kind of way to beat the Minun. She glanced over and noticed that Syther was still slashing away at the Plusle, Sam trying to control Syther's actions. "Ok Cyndaquil, lets try headbutt one more time, but don't do it tell your close." Nitsuke told It. "Cynda!" Instead of charging, Cyndaquil started at a walk, approaching the Minun slowly. The Minun looked confussed from what it was doing and looked to it's master awaiting an order. "Hm, finish this with a spinning headbutt from the air!" He ordered. Minun smiled and started to charge at Cyndaquil who was still taking it's time. "This our special move, you can't beat it." The boy called over to Nitsuke with confidence. Minun leaped into the air adding a spin and started to spin, it's head aimed for Cyndaquil. "Jump off that rock!" Nitsuke quickly yelled, Cyndaquil jumped off a rock that had been close to the fight and hit the Minun head on, headbutt against headbutt. Both Pokemon had an equal force from the attack and fell to the ground with dazed eyes (@_@). "It seems to be a tie between us... Return..." the boy said glumly returning the Minun. "Yep, thats what it looks like. Good job Cyndaquil, return." Nitsuke said with a smile and returned Cyndaquil and placed the pokeball to her belt. She turned to watch the fight that would determine the battle. [/COLOR][/B][/I]
  8. KKC

    Super Phoenix

    Is by bio ok? ___________________________ Name: Kai (Kay) Wattson (heh heh... Wattson) Age: 12 Gender: Female Call sign: Shocker Power: She has the power of anything electric. Lightning, Static, ect. She can use her static to move metal objects. Side: Phoenix Description: Kai has gold hair that spikes in the front and in the back stops a bit above her sholders. She has dark blue eyes and a 1 inch scar above her right eyebrow. She wears black jeans and a white T-shirt that has a large Blue "S" on it with a black vest over it. She wears normal tennis shoes. Nationality: Canadian (Alright!!!) Bio: When Kai was 5 her parents were killed by a Night Ravern when he tryed to take Kai because her parents wern't allowed to have a child. He managed to give her the scar above her right eyebrow. She moved in with a foster family who treated her like trash. They never had any kids so they inforced her as a slave. Kai only went to school 2 times a week until she was 9, when she discovered her Electrical abilitys. One night when was being beaten her for not doing the chores and in attempt to escape sent them flying out the 5th floor of the apartment building they lived in. Kai ran away with out anything but her powers and lived on the city streets and learned how to defend herself without her powers (street fighting). When she turned 12 she was found by 2 older kids (Danny and Sylvaine) and joined them to fight the raverns. Other desciption: She wears a long black trench coat (untied) with lightning bolts running up the side of it. Her eyes also turn Gold. Under the trench coat she wears a black shirt with a gold leather strip that crosses over half of the shirt. Her pants are a bit baggy and black with lightning also running up the legs. She has black gloves and silver, metal boots.
  9. OOC: :sweat: I thought it looked wrong... [B][I][COLOR=dark-blue]"Well... not only was I not thinking about it... but I was thinking about what you said a while ago. About having different types of pokemon. Like grass, water, flying, ect. Growlith is a fire pokemon and so is Cyndaquil. I think I want to get a different type right now. Asides, that Growlith was a coward... it ran away..." Nitsuke explained, chuckling at the part when Growlith ran away. Sam smiled. "I see you're learning something now." She managed a laugh, still abit concerned about how her Syther acted in the last fight. Nitsuke just smiled and they contined down the two mile forest. It would take about an hour or so to reach Edgewood. They walked about 1 mile only taking a few breaks on the way down. Nitsuke had lost her balance on a steep area and had rolled down part of the large hill until a tree stopped her. "Ouch... my head...." Nitsuke grouned holding onto her head as they continued down the hill. Sam laughed and grabbed onto a thin tree to keep balance. "I told you to watch your feet and be careful." Sam scolded still partly laughing at her. Nitsuke laughed. Sam was starting to sound like her mother. She rubbed her head again, trying to get rid of some of the pain. She looked down at the right moment to see a large root poping out of the ground. Nitsuke carefully stepped over it not wanting to fall again. "Not this time.." She mumbled silently as the reached the other side of the root. She smiled and took one step... and tripped over a log. "Crap!" Nitsuke yelled as she started rolling down the hill. She dug her fingers into the ground trying to stop, but sticks layed on the forest floor would scratch her. "Nitsuke!" Sam yelled, she started to run down the hill, but still keeping her footing tight to the ground not wanting to fall as well. Nitsuke was still going. she was starting to wish she could hit a tree. Suddenly, she hit something and stopped, but it wasn't a tree. Nitsuke looked up at... doubles? Two young boys... or it looked like two, were standing above her. they both had chocolate brown hair and wore a dark blue T-shirt with red pants. "I must be seeing things..." Nitsuke mumbled picking herself up off the ground. She rubbed her eyes and took a look again. They were both there, looking exactly the same as the other. "eh..." Sam ran up behind her and whispered. "Their twins." She cam over to both boys and smiled. "Thankyou for helping my friend here... she's not very good with down hill walking." Sam thanked them and they finally spoke. "No problem." They said in unison. "To repay us, you can just battle us with pokemon." They continued, each pulling a pokeball out of their pocket. Nitsuke just blinked, everything just happened so quickly. Sam decided to speek for both of them. "Ok, How do you want the battle to be?" She asked. "It will be a team battle." The one on the left spoke. "Each one team will use two pokemon." The other one said finishing the sentance. "Um... Ok...." Nitsuke said pulling out a pokeball.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  10. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke and Sam ran after the two the pokemon, they wern't that fast so they caught up pretty quickly. The Torchic was still being persued by the Growlith, determined to get it's food. Suddenly, Torchic was backed into a large cluster of trees and the Growlith was closing in. "You can take the Growlith! I'll get Torchic!" Sam called over to Nitsuke as they parted and ran over on two different sides of the pokemon. "Ok!" Nitsuke called in responce. She pulled out a pokeball and threw it, landing about 10 feet from the Torchic and Growlith. "I can test out my Evee now!" Nitsuke said with determination burning in her eyes. The Evee appeared infront of her and was croutched down in a fighting stance ready to attack. "Evee!" It called out. "Alright Evee, only go for the Growlith! Give it your tackle attack, followed by a bite!" Nitsuke comanded pointing at the Growlith. The Growlith was starting to leap onto the Torchic when Evee colided with him in mid-air. They both tumbled down hill, rolling over each other. Evee didn't get it's bite attack in, but did give a few scratches, as well as earning some. Nitsuke quickly followed them to where they stopped. "Good job Evee!" Nitsuke yelled coming close behind it. The Growlith barked with anger and opened it's mouth where a small flame was starting to form. "Look out!" Nitsuke ran to the side as the flame bursted and Evee jumped off to the side. "Thats some fire power..." Nitsuke grumbled seeing the black area on Evee's tail where the flame barely missed. The Growlith started charging for Evee, it's mouth was open, showing 2 rows of sharp, white teeth. Evee braced itself. "Evee! What are you doing? Get out of the way!" Nitsuke yelled as the Growlith approached with it's teeth bared. Evee didn't move. The Growlith leaped into the air opening it's mouth and giving a loud bark. Evee glared up at it and opened it's mouth as well. A small sworm of stars shot out and hit Growlith throwing it backwards and landing on it's back. "Swift attack..." Nitsuke said realizing that her Evee had that planned the whole time. "Awesome!" Nitsuke yelled holding up her fist. The Growlith stood up with a wimper and ran off into the bushes, tail between the legs. "Good job Evee!" Nitsuke said as Evee walked over to her with a happy look on it's face. "Just don't scare me like that again... return." Nistuke returned her Evee to the pokeball and ran up to where Sam was. Her Syther, Blade, was out of it's pokeball battling the Torchic.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  11. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue]"Lets take a break for some lunch, Im starved!" Sam said stretching out. The had found a small clearing near the small path and unpacked their lunch. Nitsuke pulled a turky and cheese samwhich out of her pack. "Ya know, were going to have to make our own food when we run out..." Nitsuke said to Sam taking a bite of her food. "Im not a very good cook..." She said making a funny face as if tasting something very nasty. Sam laughed and ate some of her food. "I can cook a bit, so don't worry about it." They laughed and then continued eating. Nitsuke had finished eating her sandwhich and some chips, she looked down expecting to see her apple, but it wasn't there. Nitsuke glanced on all sides of her, stood up and looked around, but it wasn't to be seen. "Did you take my apple?" Nitsuke asked Sam with a suspicious look. Sam shook her head and continued eating. Nitsuke walked around the clearing looking for the juicy red color of the apple, but she still couldn't find it. "And that was the only on I had..." Nitsuke grouned. She was about to give up and was starting to head back to where Sam was when she heard a munching sound coming from behind a tree. Nitsuke decided to see what it was. She tip-toed next to the tree and peared around to see an Evee munching down on her apple. "So, your the culprit!" Nitsuke yelled to it. The Evee was scared half to death. It jumped out from behind the tree into the clearing dropping the apple. It bared it's teeth and growled at Nitsuke. Sam ran over to where Nitsuke was. "An Evee... I guess we know who stole your apple..." Nitsuke pulled out Cyndaquil's pokeball ready to throw it out to fight the little aplle snatcher when she stopped and looked to Sam. "Um... is it OK if I..." She started to say lowering the pokeball slightly. "Go ahead, it was your apple and I don't think I should use Syther just yet." Sam replied to Nitsuke. "Ok, thanks!" Nitsuke gripped onto to Cyndaquil's Pokeball and tossed it so that it landed a few feet away from the Evee. In a small flash of red, Cyndaquil appeared and lit up it's fire when it spotted the wild Evee. "Cynda!" It braced itself for any sudden attack. "Ok Cyndaquil, lets see if we can catch this guy! Tackle it!" Cyndaquil charged at the Evee with most of it's speed. When Cyndaquil was almost ontop of it, the Evee jumped into the air and bounced off of Cyndaquil and landed behind it. Cyndaquil regained it's balance and turned around. "Evee!" The Evee charged at Cyndaquil with it's head lowered. "Thats It's headbutt attack!" Sam told Nitsuke. "Ok then, we'll see who has the stronger head. Cyndaquil Use your headbutt too!" "Quil!" Cyndaquil charged at the Evee with it's head down as well. With a thump they both hit each other in the head and rolled backwards. The Evee stood up and started walking very awkwardly and was stumbling over it's feet. Cyndaquil was rubbing it's head with it's little paws. "Cyndaquil, nows your chance, Tackle attack!" Cyndaquil ignored it's head and jumped up running for the Evee. "Quil!" It hit the Evee and sent it flying a few feet away. "Evee..." It growled trying to stand, but couldn't stay up. "Alright! Pokeball go!" Nitsuke threw one of her empty pokeballs at the Evee. It hit and was taked into the pokeball with a red flash. The pokeball wiggled around as the Evee tryed to escape. It shook and then stopped as the little red light on the ball went out. "Yes! We caught Evee!" Nitsuke yelled jumping up in the air with her fist raised. Cyndaquil ran over and jumped into her arms. "You did awesome Cyndaquil!" Cyndaquil called out with glee. "Good job, you handled Cyndaquil pretty well." Sam complimented on her capture. Nitsuke ran over and picked up the pokeball that Evee had been captured by. "Thanks! You did help me out, I might have lost if you hadn't of reconized the headbutt attack." Sam just smiled and said that it wasn't any big deal.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  12. OOC: Do we have a Pokedex? IC:[B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Sam and Nitsuke made their way down a dirt path that was leading to Sprite Forest. The school was now out of eye site. Im finally free! Nitsuke had let Cyndaquil out of it's pokeball to enjoy the fresh air instead of keeping it all cooped up. "So, where do you come from?" Sam asked watching Cyndaquil run around her in circles. Nitsuke folded her arms behind her neck and looked up at the clear blue sky. "The mountain village. It's not too far from Frost City. It's a nice small place. A bit cold, but I like the cold." She Replied still gazing at the cloudless Sky. "I see..." Sam glanced to the Cyndaquil once again and then looked at the Pokeball her Syther was in and sighed. "I hear that their hard to tame..." Nitsuke said seeing how Sam was slightly down because of Syther's wild spirit. "I think the Professor's would only give a Syther to a very good student." Nitsuke smiled to Sam who smiled back. They walked on a little further until they came to the edge of the forest. They took a small rest to regain some energy and then headed on into the forest. Nitsuke returned Cyndaquil back to it's pokeball just in case a wild pokemon was around.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  13. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke thought over what Sam had asked. Boy, she was so stupid! She hadn't been planing on anything after she got her first Pokemon. "eh.... I didn't really think ahead..." She said rubbing her head with a small smile. "If you don't mind a 12 year old, then I'll come along." Nitsuke anounced to her with a smile. "I can stand just about anyone." Sam said returning a small smile. Nitsuke returned Cyndaquil to it's Pokeball and placed the small size of the ball into her pocket for safe keeping. "I'll go and get my stuff. My pack is up in my room." With that she headed out the double doors and up stairs to where the rooms were. She stopped at room number 227. She typed in the code into the security pack and the door slid open to reveal a backpack with a sleeping bad attatched to the top and a set of clothes laying close to them. Nitsuke quickly changed into her "trainer" clothes (what she called them), grabbed her stuff and ran back down stairs and met with Sam. "Ok, Im all set to go!"[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  14. KKC


    What?!?!?!?!?!?! Where is Crim!!!???? I Can't believe you people!!! heh, j/k, but you should have put him up there. Crim is my favorite because I really like his attitude (and looks) He is a pretty layed back character who enjoys himself by having fun in "The world" He is also the only care free character asides from Sora. I also like how he can be serious when he needs to be/when it's time to be. Plus, he's pretty darn wise (if you have seen him in some later episodes and stuff) His Looks are really good too ^___^ Crim is also the strongest "Normal" character in .hack//sign. (If you want to argue with me about this feel free to PM me ^^) Crim is just plain out awesome!
  15. hehe... when I was 4 I could scratch my head with my foot like a dog, really, i didn't use my hands. I would say " I want to be a dog when I grow up." Then, on my birthday, when ever I got any money I would say "OMG, A Hundred Thousand dollars!" Who knows what went on in our little heads...
  16. Alrighty then! _________________ Name: Nitsan Cazamo Callsign: Trigger New or Old: Old Appearance: See attatchment Bio: When Nitsan was born she was put up for addoption emidiatly. She lived in the boarding home until she was 8 years old, she couldn't stand living with the bitch that ran the place so she stole as much food as she could carry and ran away never to return. She searched for her real parents for about a 1, she learned how to fight and take care of herself on the streets. She even had a small gang. When she found her real parents they were both dead. Killed in a shooting 3 years ago. Nitsan put her parents behind her and her gang and left them, moving on to a bigger city hoping to get some cash. But things turned out alot different. She found a different gang and they let her join with open arms. She learned how to use a gun and was trained to steal and kill. She was so good with a gun they gave her the name trigger, for being trigger happy half the time. She didn't really like killing, but it kept her alive. The gang wouldn't always watch over you. She stayed with this group for about 5 years until the gang was robbing a gas station and the police came a bit too soon and caught Nitsan. The group abandoned her instead of trying to help and Nitsan was left to face jail. But she wouldn't let that happen to her. She was able to grab one of the officers guns. She killed 2 of the officers, got her gun back and ran for it, for 3 days. She was found by another gang, but she stole some of their supplies and left them in less then 2 days. It seemed she couldn't trust anyone. She stayed alone for 3 years, getting money by being a mercenary. She refused to kill. The police even asked for her help once. Life was getting ok, until she met him. He was a leader of a gang. Not a small gang, not a big gang, but they were a fine group of fighters. Nitsan decided to try a gang one more time and this was the one for her. She has been with them for 2 years now and almost all of the members she started out with... are dead. Weapon: Attatchment Personality: Nitsan is usually the calm one during a bad situation, even though she is pumped up and ready to fire she stays calm and awaits orders and wont panic. She is afraid of nothing and is an amazing daredevil. She has trouble trusting people, but when she gets to know someone really really well, she can trust them with half of her life. She would stand up for anyone in the gang except for herself, she can always shrug it off if it's directed towards her. She likes to joke with friends, even though they don't always make sense. And she loves to hear people laugh. One of the few things she loves.
  17. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue] Nitsuke's mouth dropped open as the Cyndaquil ran up her leg and perched itself on her sholder loooking around at the all the students who were preparing to exit the gym. This had to be the greatest day of her life. "Quil!" The Cyndaquil called out as the 1st year students looked at the graduate's Pokemon eagerly. Nitsuke laughed at her new partner as it jumped down and watched the kids leave. "Your a curious little thing arn't you?" Nitsuke Asked it. Cyndaquil peered up at her and smiled, giving another call of it's name it jumped back up onto her sholder. She turned around deciding to go back to her seat when she ran into the guy known as Kyo. Cyndaquil nearly fell off her sholder, but caught itself. :Sweat: "Oops, sorry about that." She said with a small smile. She glanced down when she heard the familar call of the Charmander. "I guess you got what you wanted, eh?" She said recalling hearing him mumbling about a Charmander. The boy looked down at the Charmander and then up at the Cyndaquil pearched on Nitsuke's sholder. "Looks like were the only ones with fire pokemon..." With that he turned and walked away followed by his Charmander."[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  18. [B][I][COLOR=darkblue]Nitsuke walked into the cafiteria and glanced around the huge eating area. This would probably be her last time eating here. She stood there and seemed to go into a trance, just staring at the mess hall. "Nitsuke! What are you doing?" Yelled a small group of kids at a table halfway across the room. Nitsuke snapped out of it and ran over to them. "Sorry... I was just getting my last look over the place." She sat down and looked at the food that her friends had gotten her. It was a bit of tradition for the kid who was graduating in their group. The tray had Pizza, rice, toast, grapes, and a few other foods. It was school food, so it wasn't anything special until this ocasion. Nitsuke picked up the toast and started to munch into it. Everyone seemed to go silent. Nitsuke glanced around and noticed that they were watching her. "What?" She asked a bit earitated. "Oh... sorry... it's just..." Starter her friend Joe, "Were all really ganna miss you..." They all suddenly came in and...well... dog piled her. After they were done Nitsuke told them she would miss them as well and continued eating. "All graduates... please report to the Auditorium as of now." The anouncement boomed over the intercom. Nitsuke flew from her seat and was out the door in a flash with the toast still in her mouth. "Cya!" She called to her friends. She knew she would see them later. She turned a few corners still running at full speed. She was finally leaving this school. She was finally going on her Pokemon journey! "Alright!" Nitsuke yelled as she turned the last corner. She walked up to the door to the auditorium and took a deep breath and then quickly opened it. In the stands, the whole school was waiting for the graduation to start. Some of the students had started up chants to hurry and start it. Others were banging against the bleachers to bug the living heck out of the teachers. On the floor their was a podeum where the Principal would talk and behind him were about 20 chairs for the teachers and graduates. Nitsuke smiled. This would probably be the greatest day of her life. She didn't care what Pokemon she got, as long as it would make a good partner and friend. She walked over to the chairs and took a seat next to a boy who was mumbling something to himself about a Charmander.[/COLOR][/I][/B] OOC: ;) :p
  19. ok, ok, ok, let me fill some stuff in about 27 and 28. They are "bonus episodes" that (from what i'v heard) come with the last DVD of .hack//sign TV series. episodes 27 [spoiler] Is from Mimiru's point of view. It is supposed to be about why she started playing the game and I think it shows a bit about what happened around when Tsukasa first couldn't log-out.[/spoiler] Episode 28 [spoiler] Is right after the games. It has the cast of .hack//sign and the cast from the game. They all meet up in Net slum. Mimiru meets Black rose, Tsukasa meets Elk, ect. And Sora is back ^^.... wait..... >_< *cough* anyways, im not sure what happens, but i got to watch a little episode clip from 28... it looks like Sora and Crim get in another fight or something ^^' [/spoiler] well, i hope that settles things up a bit. I need to start coming here more often again ^^.
  20. hehehe, funny, I'v had a few dreams recently about OB. I had one when I became a mod and had no idea what to do, I remember Shy telling me to stop closing his threads... :sweat: The most recent one i'v had is my favorite. Syk changed my name to "The one with many dollars." Its an inside joke :sweat: Long story...
  21. KKC

    Stones of Nier

    Well, it seems that Eclectic won't be able to do the RPG do to the amount of hours in the day. We still have spots open for a Lightning, Earth, and Rock user. If you guy, the ones who have already signed-up can get 3 more people to sign up then we can start the RPG. If we don't get enough people sometime on Thursday, then we will go on and start without those characters. These are who you will be playing as of now. [B]Legendary Earth User: (only 1 has signed up) Earth User: Legendary Water User: Ohkami (Mika) Water User: DemonzDragoon (Lief) Legendary Fire User: Vicky (Dango) Fire User: Black_Phoenix (Quel) Legendary Lightning User: K.K.C. (Kia) Lightning User: Legendary Wind User: Stick Fairy (Tujia) Wind User: T man (Dissinger) Legendary Rock user: (only 1 has signed-up) Rock User: Evil of Neir: G.D. Ryoko (Jun)[/B]
  22. I live in Keantuky ^^ I know what Babygirl means by the ''red necks'' Thers quite a few of them in good old KY as well. Thea Got that their Sothern Acceent goin ons. It's very annoying I must say. I know a few and most of them have horrible attitudes about things... basicly... their Biatches. Australia is cool ^^.
  23. Hey Kyo, you were once a Newbie too, give 'em a break. MSpaint as you know is not much of a banner making program, but banners can be made with it. I think for your first banner and using Paint it is a decent banner. The picture quality it pretty good, but it does seem squished in some places. The text is... not very good... :sweat: But you said you tried to resize it, so that could have caused problems. Abouyt resizing it. Always make sure it is the saze you want before making the banner or then it will turn up looking a bit funky and pixly. The best thing to do when getting better is to try new things and work with it. If you can get a good program you can get alot better.
  24. *wisper*Pssst... Shy, you forgot to close the thread :sweat:
  25. I always liked fighting the twin witches at the Spirit Temple in OOT. I probably like fighting them the most because after you defeat them they start fighting about who was younger and how it was horrible to die, ect. I just always like that for some reason. I also thought it was a bit more challenging because their were 2 of them, but they wern't as hard a Bongo Bongo (is that right?). My least fav. is the boss in the giant fishes stomach (been so long I don't remember the names x.x) Not only do I hate the boos, but I also hated getting threw the fish. Yeah, the boss is pretty easy, but hate him anyways.
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