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Everything posted by KKC

  1. KKC


    Age: 13 Hair Color: dirty blond Eye Color: Blue Height: 5'5 [B]1/2[/B] Wardrobe: American Eagle and Old Navy ^^ Personality: I hate jerks ^^ yay! I get along with almost anyone and everyone (except jerks) Im very layed back and a bit lazy when it comes to work (who isn't). I would find myself pretty funny but... *shrug* Hair Style: Touching my sholders Favorite Music Type: Me like Rock Favorite musical Band/Artist: Trapt Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean (Monty Python and the Holy Grail (XD)) Favorite TV show: family guy Favorite Book: The Long Patrol Favorite anime series: .hack//sign Hobbies: Drawing, reading, Music (percussion), Marching band, Anime, LIFE, Rping, and some other stuff i cant think of...
  2. Well, when I went into the 5th grade my friends completly stopped liking it. We always talk about the "good old times" and we always bring up Pokemon. I actually still like it, but I dont watch it on TV anymore, it's sort of been worn down from how it seems to go on and on. Im in 7th grade (13) and I like it, but I don't talk about with friends and such.
  3. Much much better. Even though the pics are pixly, the font is freeky and it needs a border it is pretty good for mspaint. Keep working on it and remember to try and get a new program.
  4. Im wearing blue bants from American eagle, a red T shirt that has some spanish crap on it and my dad big fleece jacket because it is damn cold in our basement. Im wearing socks and under garments as well *scoots away from KnightoftheRose*
  5. Well... *cough* The south park thingy banner has probably been your best so far, but it didn't involve much or any cropping, so it probably wasnt that hard. My first question is: what program do you use? Be cause if it is MSpaint... then you need to get a new program. MSpaint is horrible for making banners and any other computer stuff. You have to be really awesome to make decent banners on Paint. And can't you make the picture bigger so that you are able to tell who and what they are? I couldn't tell that was sailor moon until you said so... but being your new at this and it's Mspain they are OK, but they do need alot of work, like what Baron said.
  6. Well, from what i can see of it... I think it looks pretty good. It looks like her feet are a bit big and I think her face may look wierd, but I can't really tell :sweat:. But I think it looks really coolies with the puppet strings and stuff. Hurry and get a scanner so I can really see it ^^
  7. [COLOR=darkblue]"I agree that sometimes I think of my powers too much, but when I really want to throw it down... I can..." Adam spoke to the 4 duplicates of Gen. This would be a bit difficult, he didn't have any kind of power that would let him attack them all at one time, but he had to do something until the other came. "I had the last first move..." Adam said getting into a fighting stance. "So this time, you can have the honors." "Pleasure." all 4 Gen's replied at the same time with a smirk on their face. Suddnely, the one to the farthest right leaped at Adam with his katana pointing for his throat. Adam braced himself. He move slightly to the right just as the clone was about to hit him and the katana went over his sholder. He quickly grabed the clone from behind and letting himself fall to the floor (face up) with Gen scrambling in his arms he hit the floor and placing his feet under Gen kicked up and over as flew and hit the wall and slowly disapperaed. The other 3 Gen's just smiled at what had happened and all spoke in unisen. "I guess you passed the first test... But the rest won't go so easy on you..." Adam prepared himself again and suddenly caught foot steps... they were running this way... the others would be here in just a couple of seconds.[/COLOR]
  8. This Brings back so many memories!!! *crys* _____________________ First Name: Nitsuke Last Name: Cazoma Nickname: Nit Age: 12 Year finishing at School: 2 Desired Starting pokemon: Cyndaquil - Fire Evee - Normal Charmander - Fire Treeko - Grass Growlith - Fire Hometown: Mountain Village Appearance: *see attatchment* and she has a black bandana on her forehead. Black shoes, not black boots. Personality: Nitsuke is very carefree, but very headstrong as well. She is good at thinking up stratigies, but has alot of trouble remembering tips that other trainers and teachers have taught her. She doesn't like giving up and she doesn't mind losing unless it was unfair... you don't want to be around her when this happens... everyone has a temper. She thinks up a lot of wierd things and sometimes freeks people out how her ideas will work. She likes to joke alot, but most of the time they arn't "caught". She has loved Pokemon ever sense she first set eyes on them when she was little. When she is insulted she just lets it roll off her sholders and then she is on her way, but when someone else is insulted or picked on she will take it seriously and you probably won't want to be around her...again. When she turned 10 she wanted to leave on her journey right away and learn on her own, but she decided she would need to know a bit more and went to the school.
  9. OOC: This is fun ^^ IC: [B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam griped his right arm. It was bleeding quite badly, but it could have been worse. He saw the attack coming when he was a few feet away, he used to much power off the wall and couldn't stear his wings as well as usual. He was able to dodge part of it, but it sliced his arm good. He staggered onto his feet watching warm trickles of the blood splating on the floor. Im such an idiot! I was concentrating on his mind power way too much and Trusting my own too much! Im such an idiot! Adam quickly ran over to where Gen's bed was and ripped off a piece of the sheet and wrapped it around his bloody arm and ran out of the med-room listening for where Gen was. Adam raced down the hall listening to Gen, hearing most of his movements. He was alone. "They havn't found him yet?" Adam asked out loud. Usually the X-men would have found him quickly. Ofcourse, they all might have been heading for the med-room. Adam lifted up into the air and flew threw the hall with most of his speed, still listening to his movements. He was close. He spotted him at the end of a hallway where he could turn left, right, or go straight ahead. Adam sped up and was getting close now. Gen made him move, going straight ahead of himself. That would eventullay lead him to the kitchen if he didn't take any turns. He stopped once more where he could go right or straight and thats when Adam could catch him. He put on one more burst of speed and started to bring his leg back to kick the enemy when Gen turned around and saw him coming. In a second Adam's leg clashed with Gen's right arm that he had blocked with, his katana was in his left hand. Adam jumped from the clash and landed below Gen where he spun out his other leg and tripped him. Adam jumped out swiftyly and got into a fighting stance. No more games...[/COLOR][/B]
  10. :sweat: well, you know best when it comes to font. Actually, that is a girl, not a guy. I got him off of a Japanese Zoids Art site called L+R. I use Paint Shop Pro 7 for all of my work. This is going to be the new banner in my sig. It has taken me 2 attempts to make it work because I had alot of Text trouble (go figure). But I think it's pretty funny, so im going to use it. Don't give me credit for the words because I didn't come up with them. Today, I learned that Light Sabers are hard to crop. (I hope it isn't pixly)
  11. [B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam jumped up from the med-room floor as Gen amazingly ripped his restrains off. He had decided to stay behind with Craig and make sure this Gen guy didn't do anything like what he was doing now. Adam leaped over a feet to the left and punched the alarm so the others would know of his escape. Gen had reched the table quickly and grabbed his katana and faced Adam with that toothy grin he had shown before. "You'll regret doing that." He chuckled as he started walking closer to where Adam stood. "We'll just have to see about that." Adam spoke calmly, but quickly leaped into the air with a large flap of his wings. He peared down at Gen, who was looking strait up at Adam. "I have to be careful... I can't fall for anymore mind tricks..." He thought to himself. Gen remained looking up at him awaiting for Adam to make the first move. Adam understood the message and flew over to the wall and used his feet to jump off the side and head towards Gen with his claws draw.[/COLOR] [/B]
  12. I think Freedom speech is used too far sometimes, but most of the time it's just a joke to let people laugh (like South Park). Sometimes it is used seriously and that is when it has gone too far. Of course, when someone gets in trouble and maybe shown publicy, they use the excuses "It's a free country" and "I have the freedom to speek don't I?" Basicly, thay take freedoms and abuse them.
  13. Thanx Black_phoenix ^^ I was beginning to think that no one would reply to my thread *sniffle* I'v always been horrible with font! I thought that font looked some what "Divaish". But, like I said, im horrible with font. I made this banner yesterday out of pure boredom... so... the font really really does suck, but I still like it... even though the font sucks... badly...
  14. Both my parents have been on it for quit a few months now and their doing just fine. My dad has lost alot of weight and nothing about pains and hair loss has happened (he's losing his hair anyways) and my mom is doing fine as well. I think you have to be older for it to work well.
  15. [B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam walked into the med-room and was met with the glaring eyes of the intruder from before. The one who played tricks on them. Scott and Jean came in behind him, they had met up in the hall and Adam had been correct about recieving a lecture from them. Adam narrowed his eyes as he walked over to where Craig was laying, he kept his eyes on Gen the whole time until he was directly across the room from him. "Are you that scared of me?" Gen asked giving Adam a menacing grin. Adam simply smiled back, "Watching an enemy doesn't show fright. Plus, those who ask, are." Gen just cocked his eye brow at him as if he were a complete moron. Scott scolded Adam quickly and then turned resting his eyes on Gen. OOC: Sorry.shortness :sweat: [/COLOR] [/B]
  16. [B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam dragged himself along the hallway to his room, where he was hoping to get some piece and quite, not to mintion clear his mind. He hated it when he was mind trict by other mutants, expesially when it was someone he was against. Why did he have to make such a stupid move infront of Scott and the others? Adam opened the door to his room and flew himself halfway onto the bed. This was about the only time he used his bed, to think. He had a horrible feeling that one of the teachers would come and lecture him on his stupidity. He hated lectures. He picked himself up and sat down cross-legged and looked out the window onto the green grounds of the institute where a few students that were to young to train in the battle room were playing sports with their powers. Adam just sat watching the small figures running around shooting fire and water and all other kinds of stuff from their hands. He slowly allowed his mind to empty out and drift away from him. That was something that Adam was somehow able to do. Empty his mind... and then... well.... He wouldn't think.... at all. It seemed to come in good handy when something was bothering him, but that was the only time he was really able to use it, when he was... stressed. Adam suddenly came back to thought. "I'll have match against that guy sometime... and I'll be standing my ground then." Always learn from mistakes, Adam reminded himself. He hopped out of bed and decided to go down to the med-room to see how Craig was.[/COLOR] [/B]
  17. I'v been in the banner/avi "spirit" now that i'v returned from... eh... Marching band... so! I'v made my own banner thread :D This banner is pretty simple, but I really like the quote and piccy. I think they go together well. The quote was inspired by my friend who made a song about our gay color guard instructor. (he's so foony) Hopefully Vash fans wont take it seriously :sweat:
  18. Hehe, I like it ^^ It's simple, but the quote makes in pretty cool. I think you should make the font for the "i'm scared and everything is going daek!!!" part in the same font in my banner. That would make it seem creepy and then not so crepy when you say "It's called NIGHT, ya moron!" ^^ But thats just me and my silly ideas :sweat:
  19. [B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam shook his head in confussion. First thing he knew, Some intruder was about to attack and now, suddenly, he was on his knees growling about not killing someone. He didn't even fall from the position he had been in before. "What the hell is going on?" Adam heard the confussed voice of Danny beside him. They watched as the intruder lay on the ground still mumbling om about killing them. "Stand your ground... he might be preparing for an attack." Jean said taking half a step back as if the kid was about to leap from the ground and slash at her with his katana. Adam didn't know what unknown curiosity grabed onto his mind, but he started to inch his way over to the shaking figure on the ground. [I]"Whats going on with him?"[/I] Adam asked himself silently. He had gone around so that Scott wouldn't be able to see him until he was closer to the person. He was with in 5 feet of the intruder when Scott yelled out to him. "Bats, what do you think your doing? get back over here!" He yelled, but Adam came closer taking bigger steps as he went. 4 feet, 3 feet, 2 feet, he was standing above him now. Adam's right foot rested next to his head, which was being held by the person's hand. "Are you...." Adam started. "Ok?" Suddenly....[/COLOR] [/B]
  20. [B][COLOR=darkblue]The alarm rang threw out the danger room echoing off of the enclosed metal area. "Whats going on?" A student yelled out from the suprising burst of noise and red lights. A few of the newest students glanced around the room nervously not sure what to do. "Hm..." Adam hummed thinking of what kind of moron would bust into the institute. Adam watched as Kurt teleported to where the group of terrified students were and calmed them down. Craig ran in munching on a piece of toast, a bit angry about the interuption of his breakfast. Adam flew down to where the group was just as Scott, Kitty, and Jean came running threw the door that led to the danger room. "The security system says we have a visitor!" Scott yelled to Kurt and then continued. "Panther, Bats, Lightning, you 3 come with us. Everyone else is to stay here and not leave until Kurt, Kitty, Jean, or myself come and get you." With that they turned and ran out the door, Danny followed close by. Adam grabbed Graig causing him to drop his last bit of toast and half dragged him out of the danger room.[/COLOR] [/B]
  21. :sweat: Eh.... I think you forgot to attatch it to your post Mr. Artommy :sweat: I would really like to see it though :sweat:
  22. [B][COLOR=darkblue]"Well, your not alone now..... are you?" Adam laughed with a big grin and nudged Danny in the ribs playfully. A small smile appeared on Danny's face. Adam nodded his head towards Kurt and a few of the lazers that were shooting the red beams at him. "Come on!" Adam yelled and raised up his arms allowing his Wings to spread to there full length. "We should be the ones training!" With that, he leaped into the air and sped off to where Kurt had just appeared from dodging another beam. Adam didn't dare look back to see if Danny was following. He never looked back anything. He knew he would come when he wanted. Adam flew slightly lower until he came leveled with a lazer, when he was about 6 feet away he added a burst of speed with a huge flap of his wings and slashed the lazer with his left claw. "Alright!" He yelled. He knew it wasn't a big deal to take out a lazer gun, but this was a training level Kurt was in. Even small lazers can be tough. Adam just hoped that Kurt wouldn't spoil his fun too soon.[/COLOR][/B]
  23. KKC

    Stones of Nier

    ^^ yay! More people have signed up!!! Ok, here are a few more porbs. with sign-ups. If you change them then you will be ready to go! Ohkami - So far everything is good about your sign-up except for your weapons choice. Sorry, but water stone users can only use magic staffs. If you can chage that then you'll be ok. Ok, i'll save a spot for you Stick Fairy.
  24. Looks pretty good to me. I like the BG and the pictures are great. I think the text needs alot of work though. The black is hard to read in some spots and the font isnt very good (that happens to me alot). I would sugest adding a border. Not sure why, but borders always seem to make banners look better... to me.
  25. KKC


    Yes, Im pretty sure it's "to Govern" I'll have to do a bit of searching to make sure though. I'll look up on Mimiru as well. I understand what your saying Arasoi and I agree that it would make sense if that is what it ment. I think Tsukasa even states a few times in the series that "The World" is his World... or... something like that.....
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