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OOC: Adam didn't read his mind. He has really good hearing because hes a bat ^^ just to let you know. IC:[B][COLOR=darkblue]Adam stood up from where him and Danny had been and stretched himself out along with his wings. "You need to get yourself a girl, Panth." He part laughed as he continued stretching. He turned and looked at Danny's face. For the small amount of fur he had, Adam could still tell that he was blushing. "And... Maybe... the only reason your lonely... is because you allow yourself to be...." there was a short silence between the two of them for a moment. "I don't know...." Danny sighed and stood up and stretched like Adam had before. They stayed silent for a few more moments until they heard a voice coming from the school. "C'mon! It's time for a bit of training! Meet us in the battle room in 5 min.!" They reconized Kurt's german accent. Danny mumbled a bit about how he was still tired and how time passes to fast. "I'll Cya in a few" Adam said has he lifted off the ground and flew into his bedroom window to change into his X-men uniform.[/COLOR][/B]
That wasn't very nice T_T I think there pretty good ^^ I think you would have some really awesome drawings if you took more time on them and went over and fixed everything you didn't like about them ^^ Thats what I always do. I like the Naruto one the best. That is such a cool face! *imitates* Blah hah!
Adam leaned against the trunk of the apple tree in the grounds of the school. His eyelids rested as a cool breeze blew threw his hair and fur. "Im not tired.... But Im so bored..." He sighed listening to other students coversations. [I] "Im so lonely..." [/I] Adam pricked up his ears and opened his eyes at the same time. He looked around the grounds until he rested his gaze on Danny, or Panther, Adam usually would call him Panth for short. In a swift movement Adam stood and stretched out his large black bat wings. "Maybe I can cheer him up." Adam smiled with confidence and flew of the branch on the tree and headed over to Danny. He hovered above him for a few moments wondering if he would notice him. Apparently not. Slowly, Adam tapped Danny on his sholder with his long tail. Danny looked behind him and a puzzled look came over him. "Hey, Whats up?" Adam asked smiling from the air.
Yay! Sennen can make banners! *does Happy dance* I agree with Azure about your newest ones BG. The green just doesn't fit... But the other ones are very awesome! The color choices are great! And I think that avitar is pretty awesome. I just think the borders are too thick, But thats just something that always bothers me. I would like to see more Sennen ^^ Shhhhhh! Be quite! Im posting my own banner so I can use it in my sig! Plus, I want to get on Sennen's nerves.... hehe....
Ok, I'll save spots for you 2. Arika, Thats what I ment when I said don't over do the talents. I'll allow you to keep 2 of her Psychic powers. Sorry, but it just wouldn't be very fair. Here is my sign-up! ^^ Name:/ Kia Tsume Age:/ 16 Good/Evil:/ Good (no duh) Stones:/ Lightning - 5 Weapon:/ a double bladed glaive. The pole part of it is Crimson and has Black cuts in it. Later on gets the Legendary weapon later - A Black glaive with Lightning strikes going up the sides with a few red jewls. The blade is a bit longer then a normal one. Appearance:/ See attatchment (Make the character look alot older and give her a dark green bandana on her forehead. Also a dark green sash.) Personality-Talents:/ Kia is very headstrong. She hates giving in and letting people down and she always trys her hardest. She doesn't really care if she is insulted, but hates it when those she cares for are treated badly. She likes to joke aroung even though most of the time her jokes arn't caught. She has the skill of throwing her voice. Bio:/ Kia was born in a fairly large city in Neir. She lived with her mother and older sister. Life was hard since her father had left to start a journey after Kia had been born. When Kia was 14 her mother told her that she wanted her to have more in life. Kia left and started a journey of her own like her father. She found a small village with fighters who had mastered the power of there stones and trained with the Lightning master for a year. She left with her weapon and stones to train on her own and seek adventure.
^_^ Im glad some people are signing up, it makes me very happy! I will be posting my sign-ups soon, but first I need you to correct these things in peoples sign-ups. T man - If you could discribe your characters appearance a bit better that would be good. Not just a word after word descroption. DemonzDragoon - Your character is too young. He needs to be 15-20. Also, since your character has water stones, His weapon has to be a staff. Remeber to read over everything about the stones. And, like Tman, Add more detail to your appearance. Just change those and you'll be good to go.
[COLOR=firebrick]In the Land of Neir there live lifeform very similar to humans. They look like humans, act like humans, there is only one thing that seperates them from normal people. The stones of Neir. Billions of years ago, Neir was discovered by 6 warriors who each had a great power. Earth, Water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Rock. This land they discovered was pieceful and evil had never stepped foot on it. But the 6 warriors knew that once there kind settled into the amazing land that evil would soon attempt to take over. The Warriors made a plan just in case evil ever came. So, over the years the population grew and Neir became a great place and was watched over by the 6 warriors. Unfortunatly, the warriors predictions cam true. An evil man from a dark continent came to Neir with many fighters. The forces were great and couldn't be destroyed. In their last efforts to destroy the evil, the Warriors sacrificed themselves and their amazing powers to defeat the evil. The last attack was sucessful. The dark man and his forces were distroyed. Even though the warriors who sacrificed themselves died, their abilities did not. Earth, water, Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Rock, the powers that each warrior controled were cast into the world and took form into small pebble sized stones that became almost a natural resorce for Neir. The legendary weapons they had were hidden in the Land. Now, the stones that posess the powers of the warriors are givin to everyone in Neir. The Stones are givin to a child when they are 6 months old. Its the stones that choose the person. The stones fit in between the nuckles on the hands, this allows a person to have from 1 - 6 stones. Neir has been free of evil since that day, but now a new evil from the same continent has arrived with power as great as the stones and more, But the fighters of Neir won't go down without a fight. 6 fighters with same blood as the legendary founders of Neir have risen and have discovered the legendary weapons of the ancient warriors. With 6 other comrads to fight down the new evil that threatens Neir they will fight with the great stones, weapons, and Spirit of Neir.[/COLOR] OK! Heres a little bit of enfo you will need to know about the stones and what powers they have. Also weapon choices. [B]Earth Stone (green)[/B] - The Earth Stones, also called the green stones are able to use powers givin from the Earth (no duh). Fighters who have the Earth Stones use staffs (as in poles. No fancy head piece and jewls) The staff will usually have a ribbon tied to it or rings in it. The abilities of the Earth stones include: Summoning Golems (They can be from 6 feet to 12 feet, depends how much energy is used/How experienced a fighter is), Gathering energy from plants forming a beam of energy, and the ability to shake the ground (not earthquake material). Earth Legendary weapon: A long gold staff pointed at the ends with 3 rings on each end as well. It has many ancient carvings on its sides. [B]Water Stone (blue)[/B] - The Water Stones (blue Stone) have the ability of water. Fighters with water stone have magic staffs that they use to bring out the Water power(This is the kind with head pieces and jewls, ect.) Water Stone powers include: A blast of water from the staff, Able to cause heavy rains in a certain area, and a water shield. Water Legendary weapon: A white Staff with two large points that come out of the side and go upward. There is a Blue crystal in between the points. Legendary marks are also on it. [B]Fire Stone (red)[/B] - With Fire Stones you have the power of Fire. Fighters with Fire stones have Light, quick weapons, such as a dirk, Katana, ect(one handed swords). Fire Powers include: Fire to blast from the users hands, Insurting the fire into the weapon causing burning attacks, and able to make a ring of fire in any area (but water). Fire Legendary weapon: A light one handed sword with metal handle covered with black leather with a red ruby at the bottom. Gold marks run from the bottom to the top of the blade. [B]Lightning Stone(yellow)[/B] - Lightning Stone users use Glaives, Sythes, Spears, (anything Long with a blade on the end). Lightning powers include: Shooting lightning strikes at an opponent threw the hands, allowing the user to increase speed and run very fast (lighning charges threw them causing them to go fast), and a lightning attack from the sky (must be stormy if used) Lightning legendary weapon: A Black glaive with Lightning strikes going up the sides with a few red jewls. The blade is a bit longer then a normal one. [B]Wind Stone (white)[/B] - Wind Stone users use any weapon they want. Their attacks/powers include: Small tornados that can get up to 14 feet high, the ability to hover, and just a plain out large blast of wind from the weapon. Wind Legendary weapon: It is part staff, Part sword. On one side it is a U shape and has a white milky stone in the middle. On the other side it has a Dirk sized blade. It has legendary marks on it. [B]Rock Stone (black)[/B] - Rock Stone (what a great name!) users use heavy weapons like two handed swords, Maces, and Battle axes. Powers include: Able to make rock come from the hand in different forms (You can't turn people to stone... sorry...but you can make stone bridges), The ability move stone (moving a big rock without touching it), and able to make the weapon Hard like stone causing heavy blows. Rock Legendary Weapon: A Broad blade Two handed sword. Their are Gold and Black marks on the blade and the handle is Black with amazing designs and a Green jewl at the bottom. Ok These are just some rules and some other things you might just want to know about the sign up stuff: |: You can not have multiple kinds of stones. You either have water, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Wind, or rock. You can't have mixes. |: If you join this RPG you will have to post!!! If you are one of those people who just sign-up for RPGs for the fun of it, then don't join this one! Because if you don't post enough, I will get you replaced. |: Posting quality must be in paragraphs. I have to be able to tell who is talking (no run on sentances). None of this either: Joe: Im Going to kick you butt! Jack: *steps over* You suck! Joe: No you do! *attacks* NONE OF THAT! |: I will be accepting 2 people for each Stone powers. From your sign ups I will determine who will be one of the new legendary fighters who will later on in the story get the Legendary weapons. I will be taking 12 people because I need an evil person!! The evil character will also RPing evil soldiers. :D OK! Here is the sign ups that you will have! Sign-Up ______________ Name:/ (Not too modern) Age:/ (range from 15 - 20) Good/Evil:/ (Only Evil if your the new evil in Neir) Stones:/ (What Stone power you have and how many stones you have. Having 6 makes it difficult to control your power. Remember that you can only have 1 kind of Stone: Water, Earth, Fire, lightning, wing, rock.) Weapon:/ (If you become one of the legendary fighters you will keed this weapon until you get the new one later on in the story. Remeber to have the kind of weapon that goes with your power.) Appearance:/ (This is sword fighting people! Don't make it anything modern) Personality-Talents:/ (Don't over do the talents) Bio:/ (Dont make it short, put in some detail) I will be adding my Sign-up Later. [B]Legendary Earth User:[/B] [B]Earth User:[/B] [B]Legendary Water User: Ohkami (Mika)[/B] [B]Water User: DemonzDragoon (Lief)[/B] [B]Legendary Fire User: Vicky (Dango)[/B] [B]Fire User: Black_Phoenix (Quel)[/B] [B]Legendary Lightning User: K.K.C. (Kia)[/B] [B]Lightning User: [/B] [B]Legendary Wind User: Stick Fairy (Tujia)[/B] [B]Wind User: T man (Dissinger)[/B] [B]Legendary Rock user:[/B] [B]Rock User:[/B] [B]Evil of Neir: G.D. Ryoko (Jun)[/B]
Just PM me if anything needs to be changed Character Sign-Up Name: Adam Luken Code Name: Bats Age: 16 Gender: Male Apperance: See attatch (just add a crimson hoody with it) Mutation/Powers: He has the ability of a bat (does not include sucking blood). But he isn't blind. He has bat wings and has super sonic hearing and claws. He doesn't usually sleep during the day, but when he sleeps, its upside down. Originally From: Louisville, KY Affiliation: Xaviers School for the Gifted, X-Men Current Location: Xaviers School for the Gifted, Bayville Known Family: Justin Luken (younger brother), Kevin Luken (older brother), Brandon Luken (oldest brother) Personality: Adam is headstrong and very stuborn. He has a strong will and is a very kind person who loves to joke. He hates losing something important and never will give up on anything or anyone. Even though he has an odd appearance, he doesn't usually care what people say about him, but he hates it when friends or others are insulted. Biography: Believe it or not, Adam wasn't born looking like he is now. When Adam was 7 both of his parents were killed in a Marching Band Accident. When He was 14 he was once out on the street buying some things for his family when his mutation suddenly happened. He was scared half to death of what he had become and ran strait home. Him and his brothers had no idea what to do. They would have called a doctor, but they feared it would stir up trouble. A week or so after Adam's mutation a group of people with other abilitys came to there house and offered to let Adam come and stay at a school for those like him (mutants) he accepted and became a student. He has been there for 2 years now.
"ready?" Nitsu whispered to Flash. "Grrr" "What? Ofcourse this is a good idea! what can go wrong?" "Grar..." "stop worrying... 1... 2... 3!" Nitsu and Flash busted out of a vent in the cealing right above Evean, Suzuki, and the Students. Nitsu was standing on Flash's back with two huge water guns and refills strapped to a bandana on her forehead. Flash had refills on her head as well, along with some strapped around the organoids chest. "Say Hello to my little Friends!" Nitsu yelled blasting the students with water. "Who the hell is that?!" One of the students exclaimed as he was sprayed with water. "Good Question!" Another yelled as he slipped and fell on his butt. Nitsu turned and gave the piece sign to Evean and Suzuki. Her dark green shades reflected from the water giving it a sparkling look. "I thought you two love birds might need some help!"
"So how have you been these days?" Evean asked. Alex and Siriko had gone to work on there zoids while Nitsu continued eating and talked with Evean and Suzuki. "It's OK..." Nitsu stated putting down the clean bowl. "I'v really missed you guys, thats for sure." She smiled at them both and stretched out her hand and gently grabbed the piece of paper that she had placed earlier back into her pocket. Suzuki and Evean smiled back. Suzuki suddenly leaped to her feet. "SO! Are you ready to join back up? Were going to enter this terniment and fight that Talim guy again!" Nitsu looked down into the empty bowl. "It would be really great to join up with you guys again.... but...." She looked. Her eyes were firm and filled with determination. "I can't stay with you guys. I can't really explain it... but I just can't... sorry..." Evean put his hand on Nitsu's sholder. "Its OK" He smiled down to her. "Im sure that whatever it is, it's a good reason! But... won't you stay with us for a day or so?" "Yeah! Please Nitsu! You could meet all the new kids! And we could hang out again! Please!!!!" Suzuki yelled out. Nitsu clamped her hand around the folded paper in her jacket pocket. "Yeah... I guess a day or two couldn't hurt. Could give me some time to fix up my stomach too!" "Grar!" Flash roared with glee.
Yay! Adam and I are going out! *does Happy dance* but... in real life hes going out with the clarinet player! NOOOOO! *dies*
I'v never had anything like that before. But when I was 7 I used to see Pokemon out of the corner of my eye! :sweat:
"I cant believe they gave my room to someone else...." Nitsu cryed dragging herself out of her old room closly followed by Flash. "grar..." "Don't worry Flash, everyone is off doing something.... lets go check out how big the hangers are!" Nitsu ran off down the corridor near one of the hangers. Flash: ^^' "Wow! They really do have alot of new people!" Nitsu exclaimed looking around at all of the zoids that were there. "They sure have become popular...." Nitsu stared off in space for a few moments. "GRAR!" "WHAT!? I wasnt doing anything!" ".......rrrrr......" "Ok, lets go leave the note...." Nitsu and Flash walked into the kitchen, stole some cookies, and walked over to the table. Nitsu pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and placed it on the table. "Just to let them know..." They decided to leave going threw the newest hanger. "I really do miss this place..." Nitsu walked threw the door with Flash and slid down the rail of the stairs. "Yay! New rails!" Nitsu exclaimed. She flew off the rail and landed on something. No... SOMEONE! "SUZUKI!?!?!?" "GRAR!!!!!"
OOC: You said that there was room for 3 more non-magic people. I was the 3rd ^_^ IC: [COLOR=crimson]Adam walked at a steady pace down the sidewalk of the street. His hood was up and was hanging down so it was difficult to see his eyes. "I hate the rain..." he said to himself silently as the spit sized drops touches his skin. He took a turn into a "low Class" looking area and entered a run down building. "Why are the lights off?" Adam asked himself. He rubbed his hand against the dirk that he had taken out with him and then slowly removed his hand from it. "Hey Pops! Where are you?!" He yelled out hoping for a reply. He stared into the blackness of the old building listening to every sound. "Calm down Adam, Im still here." Adam felt a hand gently rest on his sholder from behind him. He had known the old man had been in the house, but he always wanted to make sure. "Go outside.." The old voice whispered. Adam was about to ask why but he yelled once again. "Go outside!"[/COLOR]
Name- Adam Luken Age- 14 Gender- Male Features- (Sowwy, me have no pic) He has dark blue eyes and dirty blond hair. He is only about 5'6. He wears a Crimson hooded sweatshirt with a white shirt under it and blue jeans with black shoes. Weapon- A double sided glaive and 2 dirks. A decent street fighter. Persona- Hes probably one of the most stubborn people on the planet. He hates giving in to something that he can't except. He likes to joke alot and can be funny at most times. Bio- His father died when he was 3 and he lived with his mother and 3 brothers. When he was 7 he ran from home wanting more in life. He learned how to fight from an older man who found him on the streets. He wants to help people, but doesn't know how he can.
OOC: you spelled yeah wrong... teehee IC: Nitsu watched Evean lying on the ground from a distance. He sure was a laugh when he got into these kinds of situations. Flash growled softly into Nitsu's ear. "yes, I was surprised about the battle too... Do you think he lost on perpose?" Nitsu asked out load watching Evean stumble to him feet and walk towards her old base. "Do you think it could be some kind of... trick?" Flash growled in responce. "yeah, im not sure either..." She watched Evean until he disappeared into the base. She hadn't been in the base for many months now. She had heard of how the team was becoming bigger. "I wonder...." Nitsu started and turned to Flash. "What do you say we see how the old team is doing?" Flash cocked her head and roared. "Dont worry, no one will see us."
I want to see more! Where is my Ickle Adam(not OB Adam)?! hehe... I think I know why Nick is ready for school to begin *hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink* This is going to be really cool! You have inspired me (in some odd way) to write a fic! Yay!
I'v only been two times, but its really really fun! It's not confussing. You can have different kinds of.... um.... "Games" I guess you could say. You can have teams, free for all, and others that have to do with getting to a tower first. It is hard if you have had no experience with a gun or aim. Yeah, they hurt. They arn't that bad, but they can bruse you. They can only kill if the person is really close to you.
well, im not really asking how to get him to talk to me, I just don't really know what to do about what he posted.... about killing himself and everything... And like I said about the caps and no periods, ect. He would never make it on OB.
Well, believe it or not... I never thought I would be asking for help at OB, but I really need it. There is this 8th grader who I have known since July. I met him in Marching band and we both became pretty good friends. He helped me alot and always talked to me. Around when school started a rumor went around that he liked me/ I liked him and it got out of hand. He hasn't made much contact with me in about 1 and a half months. So, I'v been trying to get him to talk to me again and get some answers from him, but he's really hard to figure out. On a Marching message board I asked him why he never talked to me and why he acted as if he hated me. This was his responce (yeah, i know, he's a lowsy typest and would never make it here at OB): I DON'T KNOW HMMM.. REALLY HAS NOT CAUGHT ME WETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT NOT MY FAULT DON'T KNOW WHY MAYBE WHEN I AM BORED AND WANT TO TALK TO SOMEBODY YOU ARE NEVER THERE I DON'T KNOW I SORRY THAT I AM NOT PERFECT LIKE SOME PEOPLE OW WELL EVERY BODY TELLS ME I DON'T TALK TO THEM ANY MORE AND WHEN I SAY THINGS I AM JUST JOKING TO HAVE FUN I HAVEN'T TALKED TO ANY BODY LATLY I HAVE MAJOR MENTAL PROBLEMS RIGHT KNOW CAUSING ME TO HAVE BREAK DOWN AND MAKE WANT TO KILL MY SELF I HATE THE WORLD IT'S AGAIST ME EVERYDAY AND I CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE CRAP SORRY BUT SOME DAYS I FEAR MY SELF AND FEEL I WANT TO DIE NOTHING GOES MY WAY ANY MORE AND MY BROTHERS MAKE IT WORTH EVERY ONE TAKES EVERY THING PERSONAL NO MORE JOKES TO PEOPLE ANY MORE IT'S ALL SEROIUS STUFF LIFE SUCKS FOR ME RIGHT NOW YOU CAN ASK KEVIN I HAVE LOTS OF PROBLEMS SORRY I AM NOT PERFECT MAYBE I WILL NOT TALK ON THIS WEBSITE ANYMORE GOOD BYE! SORRY I MAKE YOU AND PERCILLA HATE ME I JUST WILL BE QUIET SORRY TO Make evryone in the pit feel bad i know you all hate me tish and everyone maybe i should just quit GOOD BYE! When I saw this it scared the **** out of me. (For those of you who have heard me talk of him in chat rooms, this is Adam L.) It just so happens that he posted it this morning and I never saw it. This afternoon our instructor, him, myself, and my other friend all had a talk about how we get along. I asked him again why he never talked to me and he asked if I saw the post. I hadn't and he said he had alot of things happening to him. Our instructor asked if he wanted to talk about, but he didn't. Now that i'v seen what he's wrote im really worried. I printed it out and im going to show the director tomarrow, but im afraid if he found out i showed the director then he would get mad at me. I really want to help him, but I have no idea how I could help him. If anyone has any advice what so ever on this... PLEASE tell me.
No, im not in the drumline T_T But I really want to be when I get older. Im only in 7th grade and Im in the pit. Our percussion is great every year. We've made it to finals for about... 5 years in a row now I think.... Were one of the top high school bands in KY. I want to play the tenors! They are so awesome!
It's the football players that are the jerks. Over the summer during band camp and pre. band camp we get there around 8:30 AM and do our stretches. We also do laps around the track. The football players are there for practice and sit on there lazy butts laughing at us while we run. But we dont let them get us down because we work 10 times as hard as them. This is what our drumline section leader says: "The reason we don't want to sound crappy this year is because we don't want the Football players to make fun of us more then they already do.... Even though they have no idea how much we make fun of them because they Suck!" Yay! Us band people need more respect!
"It's them..." Nitsu breathed heavily. The runners were at the sight also after Talim. Did they know how strong he was now? She couldn't risk exposing herself. She would come in on the fight when she was needed. Nitsu turned and looked into the Darkness and spotted a sliver of gold that was Flash. "remember the plan." Nitsu spoke softly to herself. She slowed the KW down and crouched low and manuvered it behind a good sized rock. she had taken out the sensor device, so no one would be able to detect her. "now... we watch...and wait..."
OOC: Its supposed to be Talim silly dragoon. ^_^ I read your updated bio already. IC: "Thats him... I can just sense it..." Nitsu said silently to herself as she crawled her way back to where the Konig wolf was. She stood and walked the rest of the way picking up her black cloak as she went. She felt a loft rustle behind her and soft warm growl. Nitsu slipped on her dark green shades. "Im ready when you are Flash" She told her partner zoid. with a load roar the organoid Spread out its huge wings and flew into the air. Nitsu climbed into the Konig Wolf. "Make sure he doesn't see you." she spoke out to Flash. Flash growled in responce and flew off with great speed in a different direction. Nitsu started the Konig Wolf for the direction she had seen the Lightning Saix. "I'll have to change my fighting style so that he doesn't reconize me."
OOC: ^_^' sorry that I havn't been around. T man said i wasn't too late. So, here it is! IC: Nitsu sat next to the hot crackling fire that she had started in the lonely desert. It was 11:30 P.M. and she had no intentions of sleeping. Ever sense she had heard of his return she was restless. The Konig Wolf was crouched down above her as if watching her every move. There was a small area of trees a few hundred feet away. Nitsu knew that Flash was always close by, even if she couldn't see her. Nitsu quickly stood up. Did she hear something? "Is that you?" She thought to herself. She tip toed over to her pack and pulled out her binoculars with out a sound. "I know that sound!" She yelled into her head. Silently she crawled up a neer by sand doon and peered over it. She could hear it, but couldn't see threw the black night. The sound of engines... something was moving fast. The trees neer by rustled. Nitsu brought the binoculars to her face and carefully peered out across the desert. The noise was much louder. Suddenly, she saw it. Barely, but it was there. It was a black Lightning saix running at full speed... no, faster then full speed. "Is that... him....?"