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Everything posted by KKC

  1. Ew! Thats when the crack artist drew him! X_X Yeah, i'v noticed alot of this too and agree that different artists drew different sceenes. I think what I noticed most was how Crim's wisp from his forehead would sometimes be really long and then other times it would be shorter.
  2. O_O Hey! Im a very busy little kid! Its not my fault marching band takes up alot of time! If im too late I guess you could say something happened to my character... (not died) But if I can still join! Here is my bio and stuff. I made my bio a bit different to go along with what has happened. Name: Nitsu Kamari Age: 14 Appearence: Blue eyes, short gold hair that is spiked a bit in the front. She wears a black vest with short sleeves and a long sleeved orange shirt under it. Brown Jeans, boots and dark purple sash. She also wears black gloves that cut off at the knuckles. Also she has Dark green round sunglasses that she wears on her forehead. when disguiased she has a dark cloak that covers most of her. and she carries a 2 knives with her. Team: none Bio: After the defeat of Talim she stayed with the runers for about a month. It seemed that being on a team though wasn't what she thought it would be and she left without a trace to the other team members.now that Talim is back she appears every once in awhile usually disguised as a mercenary. She won't show herself in fear that her old team mates would hate her for leaving. Zoid: Konig Wolf with energy drills Gold Organoid called Flash
  3. Oh! Wow! Awesome! Sry i couldn't reply sooner. Me is really really busy lately. ^__^ The BG is sooooo awesome! I like the banner I have now though, so I'll keep this one as a back up! Thanx a bunch! ^________^ *happy dance* Rating: 8.8/10
  4. KKC


    K.K.C. corp.... XD! Thats foony! Tell me, what does the K.K.C. part stand for? |Sign Up| Offline Character- Name: Kal Lukin Age: 21 Gender: Female Location: New York, USA Appearence: She has dirty blond hair thats about sholder length and blue eyes. She wears blue jeans, and orange long sleeved shirt, and a black vest with tennis shoes. She is about 5'8. Personality: She a really layed back person and never stresses unless its about a boy *wink* She likes to help people, but hates people who only think of themselves and pick on those weaker then them. She loves to have fun and always acts herself. Bio: Kal has lived in the big city most of her life. She doesnt like it much and plans to leave after she can get a good job. Her Dad died when she was 6 and after she went inot to collage her mother passed away. She goes to an art collage and plays "Data" When ever she has the chance. Shes been playing the game for about 2 years, so her character is pretty strong. Online Character- Name: Nitsu Gender: Female Personality: The same as in real life, but she will take hackers seriously. Appearence - Adventure: she has gold hair that spikes a bit in the front and deep blue eyes. She wears a zipped up dark green jacket with red trimmings and a... er.... Black cover thingy around her sholders. She wears baggy, long, dark green pants and small shoes for speed. V room: Same as in real life, but wears a grayish purple sash and boots. V. Room Appearence: Its small. It has 2 large rooms in all. The first room, is the living room/Screen/and dining room. The walls are sky blue with clouds painted on it and the floor is dark green. The next room is the Bed/cooking area. It looks basicly the same. Class: Lancer Weapon:A Glaive! Armor: uh... *shrug* Abilities: .................... Stats: ................. Level: ............. EDIT: Ok, i fixed it! Uh.... what are the levels, stats, ect.
  5. Hey! Syk is only worth a buck!!!! O_O sorry... Haha, thats really....... interesting, Dragon Warrior....... what the heck were you on when you made this O_o ***YUMMMY***
  6. I have a question for you Black_Phoenix. Sense you know probably the most about the games... Why is the Aura in the games so different then the Aura from the animation?
  7. Ah... yes.! I love that site ^_^ My fav. is Coach Zee (is that how you spell it) for some odd reason. I just like the way he talk "Hey the Chort!" Strong bad has the cool email thing. The Japanese cartoon one and Trog Dor are the best in my oppinion ^_^ A month or so ago the site was in the News paper. Did anyone else see that?
  8. OOC: Well, now that the last episode has aired ^__^ this will be better to understand. "A virus?" Crim asked letting his guard down. "Does this have something to do with not being able to logout or the church being sealed?" "The virus could keep the church sealed.... but thats very odd...." Kara explained looking at the sealed door of the church. "So.... what do we do?" Nitsu asked Enix and Crim. Crim walked over to the door and began to examin it. "Easy... we break it down.... Keep on your guard when we get in..." Crim replied steping back near them. "Together now.... 1, 2, 3! The door toppled over from the combined strenght and inside the church was.........
  9. Well... 1st. Sora, was Data drained 2nd. Skieth... er... the big white monster... trapped him in his wand 3rd. Real life Sora falls into a coma or dies (Most likely Coma) From what I have read [spoiler] In the 4th volume of the game Sora is freed from Skieth's wand[/spoiler]
  10. [B] 9/10 [/B] Damn Cliff Hangers!! *crys* I wanted to see what Helba did to Skieth, and what everyone did when Tsukasa could log out! And I never saw real life Crim T_T *Cough* sorry..... well, it was an exciting episode, but i dont think it was the best, NO, not just because Crim wasn't in it much! I though it had too many hangers at the end. I know that it leads into episodes 27 and 28 (they will not be show on CN) but I can't wait until the last DVD comes out. O.O Sora went "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" again! I'll always love his scream the best. After I saw this episode, i liked Sora a bit more then I used to. I think after his fight with Crim, he got some sinse knocked into him. It was almost as if you could hear how scared he was after he couldn't warp out.... Poor Sora..... *sniff* [quote] HES STRNGER THAN CRIM NOW!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! Booja! [/quote] Was that supposed to effect me in anyway? I thought Aura's wakening was very cool. She was like ^__^ *wave* and Tsukasa was like O.O - ^_^ *Wave* The reason i didn't find this to be the best episode is because of all the things that havn't been covered. What did they do with Aura after they defeated Skieth? How was Skieth defeated, we think that Helba did it, but were not for sure. Will we ever see real life Crim? Has Sora's real life self gone into a coma? Will Tsukasa live with Bear now? What will happen to Morganna now? Will Crim finally quite his job and start acting like Crim so he can get something better in life?! ok, skip the last question, but thats mainly why I gave this episode a 9... too many questions..... make my head hurt @_@ heehee, evil Subaru, Mimiru, and Tsukasa were cool!
  11. OOC: .......................what? The Death Stinger has always had a shield. Did you miss the final 4 episodes? And... this doesn't mean your fighting T man alone. IC: "There's always a way to get threw a shield! No matter how strong it is!" Suzuki yelled threw the com link. Nitsu looked around, she was right, but what could they use to break threw, The Geno Breakers charged partical gun could work, but they needed to save it for the final blast. She glanced over at the damaged Gun Sniper. "Thats it!" She yelled. Nitsu flicked her com link on to Kay. "Kay, Kay? Are you alright? Kay?" She repeated the name over and over. "You there?" The reply was soft growl "Yeah yeah... stop yelling.... ouch... my head..." Kay managed to grumble back. His legs were traped under part of the cock pit that had collapsed. The only thing on the whole zoid that would work was the long range gun (it does have a long range gun right?) "Im glad your ok, look, were fighting the Death Stinger right now. It's using a pretty srong shield against us, Is your long range gun with shield peircing bullets working?" OOC: If your Sinper doesn't have the long range gun, then just forget this post.
  12. "You can sense things..." She looked at his completly white eyes. "How is it possible to sense someone shooting at someone else?" Nitsu asked. Akumatsu rubbed his hand gently over the bandage to make sure it was tight enough. He looked down at the floor. "Im not really sure myself...." He stood up and placed his weapons on the table. "So..." Nitsu started as she wlaked over to him, once again glancing at his blank white eyes. "How did that happen?"
  13. KKC

    Sara Art!

    Lol, that exactly what I thought Matto. The style does look similar to Home Star Runner characters. I like the one with the bucket Hat (Floppy hat) Bucket hats are sooooo cool! I really like them, your hair is.... long O.o cool, well, I think there awesome!
  14. Nitsu sighed. She though that maybe he had just gone blind recently. "Of course" she opened the door and they both walked in. It was a small little hut. It had a bed in the far corner and few places to put clothes and a small cooking area. It also had a table and few chairs. "Is this your home?" The man asked looking around even though he couldn't see anything. "Well, for now... I came here about 2 weeks ago looking for some shelter like yourself. No one was here so I stayed for a few days. Until it's time for me to leave, Im staying here, and you are also welcome to stay." She said smiling to him. He smiled too, as if he could sense her doing it rather then seeing.
  15. It's ok, It's a bit plain, but its pretty good. It looked like it was easy to make. You had a picture of something from Chine, opened it in an art program, added some colorful circles, and then put some text on it. ^_^ But easy things are fun. I think you should have added a bit more then just the circles, add something more. The text needs a bit of work, but the quote is good.
  16. Tsukasa can do everything he wants to in the game, the only thing he can't do is log out. Thats what it said is the comercials. Fight, Feel pain, and make friends, but the one thing he can't do, is log out. ^_^ yep, I actually remeber that comercial.
  17. OOC: ^_^' ok.... thats sorta inpossible... but I think i know what your trying to do.... but lets not make Nitsu turn gold.... thats just freeky.... Amy? Lol, thats funny, but cool. IC: "Whats going on?" Nitsu asked her organoid along with the Konig Wolf. She peered out of the red visor that was used as the KW's eye. It still had its red shade of color, but sparks of gold seemed to be taking it over. Nitsu smiled "I see.... Thanks Flash! Now! Lets show this freek what we can really do!" Talim was getting bored and decided to go ahead and destroy the gun sniper. "Say bye-bye" he said with a smirk. He pulled down on the trigger, but at the same time something ramed into the gun on the Death Stinger's claw. "You Piece of Trash!" It was Evean in his Geno Breaker. He had ramed the claw into the right so it missed it's target on the mangled Gun Sniper.
  18. OOC: I don't like Tical because he's one of those stupid morons who thinks he so awesome and should be the best at every friggin thing. its that simple... plus, he has no idea about zoids... for instance... its impossible to pilot the Death Sourer..... It doesnt even have a cock pit.... so...... by the way.... You did know that Talim was supposed to bve a girl right? I guess Tical was transformed into a girl or something.... "I really need to get a zoid..... and fast...." Nitsu glared up at the Death Stinger. She hated it.... she hated Talim..... Nitsu ran off and got into the cockpit of the gray Konig Wolf. "It can't be helped, Nitsu!" Suzuki yelled "the core was shot threw!" "Anything is possible!" Nitsu replied back. "Keep you eye on the Death Saurer, you never know what it can do on its own!" Nitsu grabed the controls of the KW, but they were also stone gray. "Please work..." Nitsu grouned.... This couldn't happen... Not only had Flash been her partner, but so had this very zoid that she had been piloting for many years now. "Please live..." Nitsu felt the burning of tears start to come out of her closed eyes. Suddenly, the two eyes of the Konig Wolf turned on. The gray was starting to fade, but it was very slow. "Whats going on?!" Nitsu yelled out to herslef. "Flash! Help them out!" Evean and Suzuki yelled at the organoid at the same time. With very little strength, Flash lifted herself up and fused with the Konig Wolf, In a flash of gold, the Konig Wolf was revived and was standing on all 4's. "I Love you so much!" Nitsu yelled out. She gripped the controls as Evean and Suzuki got into there zoids. "Lets finish this!" OOC: Ok... that was kinda corny, but I wanted my zoid back!
  19. "Can I help you?" Nitsu held the point of her glaive against the odd man's back. "If you are here for a fight... then I think I have won...." The man had frozen completly. He spoke with no anger in his voice. "No, im not here to fight.... Im hurt.... I need shelter for the night, if this is your hut, Could I please stay here for the night?" Nitsu glance at the wond on his arm, it was really bad. She smiled and brought her glaive down. "Of course you can stay, im sorry about my rude introduction.... It's just.... you can't seem to trust everyone these days." She opened the door and showed him inside.
  20. OOC: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! O_O..................... Tical, your a bunch of bull..... IC: "Oh, you freeked me out for a sec there...." Nitsu opened the cockpit and leaped out, but instead of running to Suzuki she ran over to where her Konig Wolf was. The attack from the Pteramander had shot threw the zoid core. The Konig Wolf was an ugly gray color and it was laying on its side. "I'v had you for ever..." Nitsu said under her breath "Flash?! Flash?! Where are you?!" She ran around the damaged KW looking for the gold organoid that had served as her partner ever sense she had been a little kid. "Flash!?" Nitsu heard a faint growl, she turned around and saw the organoid laying on it's side. Nitsu scrambled over to the the organoid and leaned beside her. "Hey.... Flash..... Ar- Are you Ok?" She stutered. Flash was really not looking good. What if she died? She had lost the Konig Wolf, she could'nt lose Flash too. She heard footsteps behind her and Evean and Suzuki had walked over to her. "It's not your fault.... it was that Talim freek...." Evean said leaning down next to Nitsu. "No, He beat me... even though I could have beat him... I COULD HAVE!" She slammed her fist into the dirt. "I'v lost the Konig Wolf! And I might lose Flash! And in the end...." she lowered her voice "I still didn't beat him...." Suddenly the ground began to shake. The all turned aroung to see that the Death Stinger had disappeared beneath the earth. Suddenly, it pooped up out of the ground at a distance and they heard a booming voice speek from it. Talim: YOU CAN NEVER WIN!!!!! OOC: I'll get my revenge soon ^__^
  21. OOC: Tical was banned..... Hahahahahaha! ..... sorry........ IC: The Konig wold and the Lightning Saix were fighting at normal speed. "He's still too fast!" Nitsu yelled out as the Lightning Saix shot at the Konig Wolf's leg causing a bit of damage. "Whats wrong? I thought you were much better then this!" Jay laughed as he brought his Lightning Saix to a hault. "Can you do nothing with out your organoid?" "I can do just fine! I just need to get a bit more warmed up!"
  22. I dont think so... Maybe BT has once had something for him, but from what i'v seen of BT shes probaly 26 years old and We know that bEar is [spoiler] 46 [/spoiler] years old. I just think that they work with each other and are friends in real life. BT seems to have something for Crim, but who wouldn't have something for Crim?
  23. I still say that you guys are just sore losers... Look, Crim won, And from how Sora was his normal chippy self, i doubt he was having a bad day.... How the hell is Crim stuck up? You people make no sense! Can't you just except it that Crim is better then Sora!? And how could he trick Sora?!
  24. "Hm... are you actually going to fight instead of running this time?" Nitsu challenged. She looked around trying to see where the shot that hit the Pteramander was. "Flash, go try to see who that was." In an instant the oraganoid flew out to search for the shooter. "Don't worry, I won't let you off easy this time!" Jay yelled as he started to charge at Nitsu. Suddenly, the Pteramander started to glow a bright red color.
  25. you are right, Tsukasa does use his powers in episode 25 (Also the episode when [spoiler] CRIM WHOOPS SORA'S BUTT![/spoiler]) But.. he seemed very shocked that he was able to. He said that it couldn't be happening. Well, the last episode is next week, so im sure we'll be able to find out for sure.
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