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[size=1][color=deepskyblue]Kazuko felt his blood boiling inside of him as a triumphant smirk started to spread across Junko?s face. He wanted to fight him now, beat him down to the dirt and tell him to never under estimate an Akano or anyone else at that matter. Though, he knew his new sensei would just hold them apart and then he would be on her bad side. Kana-sensei gave him a look that obviously meant she wanted him to go on and talk. Kazuko took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. ?Okay,? Kazuko started, pausing for a moment to remember everything, ?My name is Akano Kazuko and like June said, we?re cousins. There are a lot of stuff I enjoy, like relaxing in the forest, training, making up new jutsus, tar gazing, and pulling pranks with my buddy Hart.? At this, Kana?s eyes narrowed, ?But I usually only prank Yamanaka-sensei.? He quickly added in, not wanting to give her the wrong idea. ?There aren?t a lot of things I dislike, but I have few on my list. Mostly people who think of themselves better than others and a few people with blood line traits.? Kazuko could feel Junko?s eyes boring into him, as if he was really using the Byakugan at that moment, ?A couple of the ninjas I look up to are Hatake Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto. I want to become an amazing ninja known through out the world, just like my father was. He was called Konoha?s Black Flame.? His voice faded slightly as he spoke the last sentence. Kazuko sat down, his heart thumping against his chest. He peered over at Junko through the corner of his eye, expecting him to be sniggering or smirking at him, but to everyone?s surprise he just sat there, staring at the ground. A few moments of awkward silence set in before Kana coughed. ?Well, that?s good Kazuko.? She commented, still feeling the strange effects of silence, ?It?s good to know more about you three and I?m sure you?re all glad to know more about me as well. I?ll try my hardest to make all three of you amazing and well-known ninjas.? Kana-sensei stood up and motioned for them to follow her. Kazuko couldn?t understand why the Hyuuga boy was suddenly so quiet. He had been sure he would have made some kind of comment about his enjoyment of star gazing or ask him why a ninja with a blood line ability was a hero to him. Though, he continued to say nothing, his white eyes staring off into space in thought.[/size][/color]
[size=1] Wowzers, I feel so loved! *hugs* Thanks to veryone who gave it a shot, I think i'm going to go with Katana's creations for the moment. Thanks a bunch! w00t! Lrb, about the Trogdor thing, I'll get that from you once Leaves end or sumtin'. [/size]
[size=1] Hola my friends and people I don't know. I'm in need of a new banner and avatar set for the Naruto RPG that I'm in. I have a few shots of my character (Akano Kazuko) and was wondering if one of you lovely artists would make me a set. Out of the three pics of him I would like the one in the middle or on the right. I want the BG to look kinda cool and I would like the text to say Fallen Leaves and below that Akano Kazuko. Thanks to who ever gives this a shot! [URL=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Contest_-_OC_Lightning_Nin.jpg]Here[/URL] are the pics of him. :animesmil [/size]
[size=1][color=deepskyblue]Kazuko grumbled a few harsh words under his breath as Yamanaka-sensei read out the names of Kazuko's cell. Of all people to be matched with, Junko had to be one of them. Kazuko sank into his seat and an image of him strangling the Hokage (who chose the cells) came into his mind. Hart on the other hand was about to explode with excitement. Meiko-chan was in his cell and his sensei was Uzumaki Naruto, a strong ninja Kazuko had admired for a while. He had never even heard of Aogiri Kaname. The red haired boy watched Hyuuga Daisuke glance over at Mei with sadness on his face. Well, better Hart than him to be with her. He watched Meiko for a while, she seemed happy to be with two of her good friends and Naruto-sensei was well known by most people. Kazuko's heart seemed to sink into his stomach as he watched the reactions of students as they were called out. Some were miserable like him, but Kazuko could only notice the people happy with their cell. He slumped over so that his head was resting on the table and his reflection looked back at him through the metalic part of his head band, which he used for a belt. His reflection seemed to lecture him,[i] "Don't act like this. What would Dad think of you?"[/i] "Oi, Kazuko... Sorry about your luck." Hart whispered, giving his downed friend a pat on the shoulder. Kazuko could tell that Hart was true to his words and managed a smile and lifted himself up. "Hey, this is a good thing." He explained with a grin, "Now I can discover Junko's weakness and beat the crap out of him." Hart laughed at his spirited friend and was shushed by Yamanaka-sensei, who was still droning out names of students. He started to eye Junko, who was trying to keep Imi from attacking Ginmaru. His eyes were white and pupil-less like all members of the Hyuuga clan. Kazuko would show him what he was made of and prove that he didn't need a blood line trait to be great. This team he was in wasn't the one he had hoped for, but none the less he would become a great shinobi. Kazuko's ears pricked up as he heard a whisper from across the room. He looked over and found the source, his cousin June. Upon seeing that he had noticed her she waved her hand and gave him a big smile. He had almost forgotten that they were in the same cell together. [i]"Well, at least I?m not completely alone..."[/i][/size][/color]
[size=1]Yay, it has started! Oh and are our jounins going to test us to see if we "pass"? EDIT: And to my cellmates (hehe, cellmates...) is green okay for our bg color? PM me with a yesh or Nay. EDIT2: Okay, I already talked to Ecstasy about signing-up. w00t![/size]
[size=1] I don't mean to be impatient, but when do you think this is going to start? (I'm uber excited!!)[/size]
[size=1]o.O they do have the same name (in a way). You catch alot of stuff. Now, onto the new part of the manga! The only thing I really want to say is: Sai is a total jerk and I hope he dies on this mission! [spoiler]He was even told to help Sakura while she was falling and he just flew by, not even caring that she's falling to her death!! I do really want to know what his secret mission is. I have this feeling though that his special mission is to kill Sasuke instead of bringing him back to Konoha. Orochimaru is gross and Naruto's ganna rip him to pieces sense his 4th tail is coming out! I hope Sasuke hurries his butt up and appears, I'm not a big Sasuke fan, but I want to know what he looks like after being Orochimaru's pet for a couple of years. [/spoiler] I really love Gaara's voice in the dub, I think it fits very well, but I don't like Temari's much and Rock Lee and Neji's voices sound to similar, though I still like them. I like it when Kakashi and Iruka fight ^_^ ok, i'm done rambling... EDIT: i'm talking about chapter 292 ;) [/size]
[size=1] For me voices have nothing to do with it. The reason I enjoy the manga more than the anime is because the manga just moves so much quicker and doesn't have side tracked moment like the anime (ex. the first episode of the chunin exam. It had alot of pointless stuff in the beggining.) They better hurry up and translate the next manga or i'm ganna flip!!! [/size]
[size=1]Finally, someone has had the courage to start a Naruto RPG!! *hugs you* And it's a good one!! I'm still working on my sign-up, but I should have it up by tomorrow. Question: How many people will be accepted into the RPG and are we allowed to make up our own Jutsu?[/size]
[size=1][color=darkorange]FINAL EDIT: Okay, I've edited my bio and the last thing. I won't be changing anything else. ------ [b]Name[/b]: Akano Kazuko [b]Age[/b]: 12 [b]Gender[/b]: male [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/Contest_-_OC_Lightning_Nin.jpg]Kazuko[/URL] (not a cloud head band though) [b]Rank[/b]: Rookie Genin [b]Personality[/b]: Kazuko is quite the free spirit of Konoha. He is care free and lives like to its fullest, not taking every little thing seriously. He is very playful and loves to run around and be active with friends and family. He gets along with most people, but there are those few that he just can't stand, the ones who brag and think that they're better than everyone else. Kazuko is bright, but doesn't always use his head cause, well, he says he forgets too. When battling he becomes more serious, but his playful side still pops up. He's always trying to make friends with the shy people and cheer up those who are feeling blue. Over all he is a cheery boy who can be alot of fun or not so much fun, it depends on what kind of person you are. [b]Equipment[/b]: Like the average ninja, Kazuko wears a shuriken holister on his thigh which contains about 12 - 15 shuriken. Next to the shuriken holder is his kunai holister that holds from 1 to 5 kunais. He keeps more of these hidden in his jacket in case he runs out. On his right hand he wears a glove with claws on the tips (he calls it a rouga). When he doesn't want to use the claws he latches them backwards under loops. He also has a hooked chain that he keeps in the pouch on his belt. The pouch also holds exploding notes and soldier pills. [b]Main Weapon/Technique[/b]: Rouga: The clawed glove, he's been working on a jutsu for it, but is still having trouble getting it to work. Fuuga (Rouga Jutsu): Chakra is concetrated on the tips of the fingers and can cause a deadly slice. Still not master. Kenkaze: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja creates a whirlwind blade around their opponent with their chakra. It slices through them easily. Of course, Kazuko is not at that stage yet. He can only cause deep scratches and usually he uses this jutsu to trap an opponent. Kazuko likes to use a combination of jutsu when attacking. He usually likes to come up with sneeky traps and plans for defeating his opponant, but he also is skilled in taijutsu well and uses it alot too. His genjutsu is very poor, he doesn't know much about it at all. [b]Biography/Writing Sample[/b]: Kazuko sat on a low lying limb of the large tree that stood before his familie's house. They lived on the outskirts of Konoha, near the woods where is wasn't so loud from the hustle and bustle of the village. A cool breeze blew and a little boy ran up to the base of the tree, his hair was red like Kazuko's. "Brother, what are you doing, shouldn't you be at the academy?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at his big brother. Kazuko leaned over and gave him a big grin, "Oi, Kazen. I'm graduating tomorrow, I don't need to go to the acedemy today, they don't have anything else to teach me!" Kazuko said cooly, leaning back against the tree trunk. "Asides, shouldn't you be there too?" Kazen's face turned a crimson red and he marched off down the dirt path that led to the larger part of the village where the academy was. Kazuko knew he was setting a bad example to his little brother, but it did seem rather pointless to go to class today. After the final exam he would become a Genin and leave the days of an academy student. Missing one day wouldn't destroy his chances. Though, he couldn't help wondering what Dad would say. When Kazuko was only three his father had been killed when invaders from another country attacked. Kazuko was the oldest and was now "The man of the family." His mom had just given birth to Kazen and Kurachi (twins), so life when he was little wasn't normal. Kazuko thought about his father until he drifted into sleep. "Oi, Kazuko-kun!" Kazuko was started and fell from the limb and landed with a thud on the ground 5 feet below. He rubbed his aching head as he looked up to see his best friend, Hart. "Where were you today?" Hart exclaimed, giving his friend a hand back to his feet. Kazuko scowled at Hart while brushing dirt from orange shirt, "I didn't see much of a point in going today." Hart and Kazuko had been friends ever sense they were four. The trained together, went to school together, and best of all, pulled pranks on Yamanaka-Sensei together. Well, it was mostly Kazuko who pulled them. Hart didn't like to show his immaturity to the girls. The way Kazuko saw it though was that they only had a certain amount of time to be kids, so they might as well enjoy it. "That stupid Hyuuga kid was flirting with Mei again..." Hart grumbled under his breath. They both exchanged annoyed looks and Kazuko grumbled some rude words beneath his breath. The two friends walked for a while through the woods till they came to a clearing where a shrine to the KIA (Killed in action) stood along with three wooden columns. This was there favorite spot to train and talk about things that boys talked about (girls). They had never figured out why the colomns were there, but Kazuko had a strange feeling he would find out soon enough. Kazuko, for some reason didn't feel like training. After he graduated a large portion of his life would be training. The red haired boy layed down in the grass and started to day dream of what he would be like when he was a powerful ninja. [b]Extra Notes[/b]: * Kazuko wants to prove to ninjas (mostly those with a bloodline trait) that you don't have to have to be part of a special clan or have a special ability to be an amazing ninja. Somehow, he's going to prove this to them. * Best friends with Hart and good friends with Mei * Admires The Copy Ninja Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto. * feels rivalry toward Junko and other blood line users.[/size][/color]
[size=1]Kay smiled through pants as they announced her victory for the battle. The purple spray that had fallen from the top of the room seemed to instantly heal Jolteon and Blaziken. Naminé and she seemed stronger after the spray had dissolved away. The trees, along with the roaring fire had disappeared and they were now standing in a large, whit, blank room. The only thing left where the two transporters from earlier. "Hey, congratulation." Naminé said with a smile and her hand stretched out. "Thanks, you're the toughest fighter I think I've ever faced." Kay grinned and shook the fire trainer's hand. Blziken and Jolteon passed a few calls to one another and seemed to be getting along wonderfully. "Please step onto a transporter with your Pokémon returned and wait until you are back on the 37th floor." The lady announced. Kay and Naminé returned their pokemon and gave each other a short wave good bye as they sat down in the silver containers that rapidly started to spin. Kay felt her stomach lurch back and forth as the silver container plumeted downward. After a few moment it came to a hault and they were back in the room where most of the other gym leaders had been watching the battle. "Awesome battle!" Someone shouted from the group and they applauded both Kay and Naminé as well as Blaziken and Jolteon. [/size]
[size=1]That was a good match Sakura, maybe when the winner is announced at the end of the tournament everyone will get to come back and do sometin' o.O It's about time you lazy bumb! *thumps White on the head* Thank you for finally posting after countless hours of my annoyance ^^ [/size]
[size=1]Sounds fun. I have no idea who this tarja person is, but i'll make due. ------ Tarja: Erno, Are you sure I don't have a bat in the cave?? [/size]
[color=sandybrown]?Is she insane?? Kay asked herself as the grass at the foot of the trees started to burn. After Blaziken had caught the trees on fire Kay had climbed around to the other side of the tree and the upwards towards the higher branches, continually watching the battle through bellows of smoke and screaming out commands to Jolteon. Unfortunately, she and her yellow companion didn?t have the whole whistling system down like their opponent. Due to the Paralysis on Blaziken?s leg, he was moving slower, but Jolteon had also taken some damage on his legs, making him almost as slow. If they didn?t finish this match soon she would be trapped up in a burning tree. ?Jolteon, Zap Cannon!? She yelled as she saw Blaziken heading towards him. The electric pokémon?s fur crackled loudly and a swarming ball of lightning shot out of him at the fire pokémon. Blaziken twisted his body sideways so that only a few sparks brushed against his back. He then countered with a fire bunch that Jolteon dodged by leaping to another tree branch that had not yet caught fire. Blaziken swayed slightly on his good leg trying to keep balance, but managed to spin around and send a jet of flames at Jolteon who had not yet landed and was free falling through the air. The blast hit dead on and Jolteon landed with a thud on the tree branch, almost falling off. Kay felt her heart pound as he laid there motionless on the branch, not showing any signs of getting up. Amazingly though, he started to twitch and slowly lifted himself up and shook his soot covered fur. Kay sighed with relief, for a moment there she thought he was gone. Jolteon winced in pain as the burns affected him. ?C?mon, you can do it!? Kay yelled. Jolteon looked up at her from below and gave her a large smile, ?Give em? your best pin missile!? Kay instructed and Jolteon leapt over to where Blaziken stood. A loud, shrill whistle traveled through the air from Naminé who was somewhere in the forest. Blaziken started to throw flaming punches at Jolteon as he landed on the same branch. Jolteon jumped and tumbled, trying to get out of the way of his flaming wrists. He flipped over one of Blaziken?s punches and sent out an array of sharp needles from his body. Over the crackling fire another whistle came. Acting quickly, Blaziken grabbed his limp leg and used it as a shield against the sharp pins. They penetrated into his leg deeply, but the feeling was gone and not one needle had touched any part of his body. Kay gapped at the move, amazed that he had used his useless leg to take the attack. It seemed like a harsh plan, but it was one of the best she had ever seen. Blaziken quickly reacted as if he didn?t even know tons of needles had stabbed him and dealt Jolteon a mighty punch to his ribs, sending him flying into the trunk of a tree. Jolteon lost his footing and started tumbling down through the trees. ?No!? Kay screamed as she watched her closest companion attempt to grab onto branches that were quickly passing over him. Jolteon managed to bite onto a flimsy branch that barely held his weight. It sank low below the larger branch it was connected to and hung over a burning pile of brush. Kay quickly jumped down a few branches and ran over to edge to peer down at her yellow friend. Slowly he clambered up the thin limb with his claws and dropped onto the branch, breathing heavily. One more attack would probably end this battle. Blaziken bounded over to where Jolteon lay, looking quite worn out himself, scratches covered him and his paralyzed leg wasn?t in the best shape. Kay and Jolteon readied themselves as a whistle blew from close by. [/color]
[size=1]Gosh White, why did you go and use the sprite that makes Jolteon's butt look big! >:l (just messin' with you, pooky!) Yes, the last time I checked I was female. The funny thing about the KKC - KFC thing is that I live in Kentucky >.< And the colonal and his wife actually lived in the same town I live in now... spooky..... I hope the tree idea is good with you Sakura. If not you can run off some where else ^^ [/size]
[size=1]Yes, Sasuke is quite pathetic. I think it would be funny if Sakura super punched him, but I bet that will never happen. XD That dog does look alot like Lee! It must be his long lost relative! [the funniest part about that manga strip was when it says "Poochie remembered that he can doggie paddle." or something like that. Inari was crying over nothing, lol.][/size]
[color=sandybrown]?Stupid buttons?? Kay grumbled as the line of trees slid together, blocking her path to where Naminé and her pokémon had gone. Another set of trees a few yards away opened as the first group closed, ?If we hurry we?ll catch them.? Kay told Jolteon as they sprinted through the newly opened path of greenery. Naminé was an amazing trainer; one of the strongest Kay had ever gone up against. Her Blaziken had a good combination of speed and strength. If a direct blow was dealt to Jolteon he would take some massive damage and it could cause them the battle. Kay smiled though, confident that Jolteon and she would come up with something. Jolteon suddenly started to move faster, getting ahead of her by a few yards. Not too much though that he was out of site (like last time). Kay then saw that he was going towards a large stump that had a red object poking out of its side. Jolteon kicked the button with his back legs and a set of trees parted to there left, heading in the direction that Naminé had gone earlier. ?Good work.? Kay panted as she stopped and rested for a moment, gazing into the trees that towered above them. It was still very quiet and solemn, ?Jolteon?? Kay got his attention, ?You can hear things much better than me. Do you hear them?? She asked. Jolteon?s ears pricked up and his breath got quieter as he listened for any snapping twigs or rustle in the forest. Silent moments passed by and Kay figured that his hearing wasn't as good as she thought it was. ?Jolt!? Jolteon suddenly exclaimed. The yellow pokémon started off through the new path towards a dense area of trees where the under brush was thick. Kay followed, jumping over uprooted areas and ducking under low hanging branches, trying not to fall flat on her face. They eventually came to a stop and listened for any sounds of life. The area they were in now was rows and rows of huge trees, ones that you could drive a car through if it had a hole in it. The branches over them were so close together and thick that a portion of the light had been blocked out, making the forest floor dark and gloomy. They looked around for any sign of the opposing trainer. Kay heard something move not directly behind her, but above her as well. She spun around and spotted Naminé standing on a tree branch about 10 feet from the ground and on the branch above her stood Blaziken, his wrists flaming in preparation for battle. ?Now that we?ve found a better fighting ground, Lets get started.? Naminé grinned and Blaziken leapt from his branch, his arm raised high in the air. Flames erupted from his wrists as he started to fall down towards Jolteon. Jolteon jumped to the right and Kay covered her face as heated earth and soot was sent flying through the air by Balziken?s mighty fire punch that made contact with the forest floor. He quickly pulled his flaming hand from the ground and jumped back up into the trees. ?Follow him, Jolteon.? Kay said calmly. Jolteon nodded and ran up the tree Blaziken had jumped into. Kay ran over to a tree nearest to her and gripped a low hanging branch. She jumped and pulled herself up until she could swing her leg around it. Naminé was also climbing higher to get a better view of the fighting pokémon. Kay quickly followed, knowing that if she got there first Jolteon would be alone and at a high disadvantage. Kay clambered onto a thick branch and couldn?t help but gape at the view. The two large trees they had climbed onto had extremely large branches near the top, the space between the two trees made a large gap, creating a mini battle field in the tree tops. Naminé stood far away on a branch close the same height of Kay?s and higher up Jolteon and Blaziken were jumping from branch to branch. ?Blaziken, Slash!? Naminé called out as Blaziken leapt from a branch heading strait for Jolteon. ?Dodge and come back with headbutt!? Kay called to Jolteon. The yellow pokémon jumped from his branch, but Blaziken still managed to scratch his left flank. Jolteon nimbly landed sideways on the trunk of a tree and kicked off with his head lowered for his next attack. [/color]
[size=1]Kay took a deep breath as she peered over the large stretch of trees that lay before her. Like the rest of the building this place was gigantic it was the size of a real wood you find out in the wild. Kay stood from her teleporter as the announcer began to go over the rules and regulations of the battle, but Kay found it hard to pay attention. Kay's legs and arms were quivering in the excitement of the up coming battle. Naminé was an amazing trainer and had an equally amazing pokémon by her side. Fighting her would not only be a great challenge, but also a great honor. Kay glanced at the red button that was jutting out of a near by tree. To her it resembled the key that would lead her into a battle zone where anything was possible. Kay felt her heart beat even faster as the announced finished and gave the approval of the battle to start. Kay pulled Jolteon's ball from her pokébelt and sized up so that it was large in hand. "Let's go Jolteon!" She yelled with confidence and tossed the ball a few feet away. In a red flash the yellow pokémon appeared before her and the ball automatically returned to her hand. Kay tapped the red button with her elbow and the row of trees and front of her mechanically moved to make a path. "Okay, Jolteon stay hidden in the brush. The element of surprise can give us an advantage." Kay managed to instruct him through her chattering teeth of excitement, "Let's make Dad proud." "Jolt!" The electric pokémon replied calmly. He understood the seriousness of the battle and didn't plan on fooling around like he had been earlier. He wanted to win this battle just as much as she did. Kay grinned at her faithful companion. Even if they didn't win this challenge, she knew she could leave this battle knowing Jolteon and herself tried their hardest. "Scatter!" Kay exclaimed and Jolteon was off through the forest. Kay took one more deep breath before following after him in search of Naminé and Blaziken. The forest was not only large, but also disturbingly quiet. It was as if the creatures that inhabited the wood knew that a battle was taking place and they should not cause any distraction. Kay picked up her pace a bit as she caught a glimpse of Jolteon dashing by a tree. Kay rounded around the tree and froze immediately. Standing not 15 feet from her was the tall fire pokémon, Naminé's Blaziken. "Crap." Kay thought to herself. Trying her best not to make a single sound she started to tip toe backwards behind the cover of a tree. Her heart seemed to be pounding like a drum and for a moment thought that Blaziken would here it and discover her. Though, something else discovered Kay before the mighty fire pokémon did. "What are you hiding from?" Kay's soul nearly erupted from her body as Naminé taped her on the back, giving Kay a terrible fright indeed. Blaziken took noticed and started to pear across the forest for Jolteon, knowing that he couldn't be far from his trainer. Naminé was about to say something but was cut off when Jolteon came shooting out of the top of a near-by tree. Blaziken leaped out of the way before the electric pokémon had a chance to ram into him. Kay and Naminé ran apart from each other and stood behind their pokémon in a traditional fashion. Now battle one was truly underway.[/size]
[size=1]Of course, White just had to put me and Sakura against each other for the first round... and make us go first!! Well, Sakura, he said we will be starting once you let him know which pokemon you're using (I really hope it's not that legendary of yours). Good luck and may the best gal win ^_^ [/size]
[size=1]These are really funny DW. Kudos to you and your friend. Dave reminds me of Death from Family Guy. You didn't put any blood on his knife though :([/size]
[size=1]Kay wondered up stairs to the second floor looking for room number 227, the suite she would be staying in while she was here. Thoughts of the upcoming battles raced through her head. They were the top gym leaders in all of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn. Defeating them would be much harder than defeating a normal trainer who wants a badge. Kay snapped out of her thoughts as she came to a large yellow door that read her number and had her name on the front of the door. She slid the card key into the device and the door opened automatically revealing the suite. Kay gaped at the large room. To the right of the room was the kitchen, complete with a microwave, oven, and mini refrigerator. To the left was the bathroom which probably had a few sinks and a huge shower. The main room was made up of two rooms connected together. The first room had a few chairs and couches surrounding a TV and near the corner was a computer that most likely had data on the other trainers. The next room was the bed room which contained a Queen sized bed, another TV, dresser, and a good sized closet. "Wow." Was all Kay could say at the moment. She had just mainly wanted a place for her and her Pokémon to stay. She had no idea they would be given a luxurious suite. A sudden red flash erupted from Kay's pokébelt and a familiar yellow spiked creature started jumping on the large bed. The electric pokémon rolled around on the sheets with glee as static electricity started to gather in his fur. "You're nothing but trouble, Jolteon..." Kay mumbled and shook her head at bouncing pile of yellow fur. Out of all of her pokémon he was definitely the most hyperactive. Kay left him to himself and decided to do some research on the other gym leaders who she would be matched up against. The CP was already on and the internet's home page was that of the competitions. She right clicked on the Entrees link and the names of the trainers popped up on the screen, including where they came from and what type of pokémon they used: [center][i]Naminé - Lavaridge Town - Fire Grace Lee - Cerulean City - Water Raya - Blackthorn City - Dragon Roxas - Fortree City - Grass Kay - Vermillion City - Electric Shi - Saffron City - Dark Hyouton - Mahogany Town - Ice A.C. - Mauville - Electric[/i][/center] Kay sighed with relief after seeing that there were no ground or fighting type trainers on the list, the other competitors held no advantages towards her team. She read the last name again and opened up the profile for A.C. of Mauville, an electric trainer like herself. Pictures of a Raichu, Electrode, Manectric, and Electabuzz appeared on the screen along with a picture of the trainer and some data on battles. Jolteon scampered into the room and jumped into Kay's lap, letting out a big yawn. The electric pokémon gazed up at the other yellow creatures that appeared on the screen. "I can already tell the battle against him will be a great one." [/size]
[size=1]I think that homosexuality is some times something you're born with and some times I think the person wasn't homosexual, but then became homosexual. My aunt is a teacher and was telling my mom that there is a 1st grader at her school who she thinks is someone who is born homosexual. When ever he gets the chance he takes the teachers purse and carries it around acting like a girl and he isn't like most of the other boys. Of course this doesn't prove that this little kid is homosexual. On the other hand... My sister is a music major in college. In music there are almost as many homosexuals as there are strait people. One of my sisters friends in high school was strait. You could just tell by the way he liked girls and stuff. But when he went to college someone kept on telling him he was gay and eventually he became homosexual. In this case I don't think he was born this way. I think maybe he was convinced... When it comes to celebrities I think they'll say they're gay for attention and stuff (accept for a few). I personally don't care wheather someone is gay or not. A know a few who are in my grade and they are all really nice. [/size]
[size=1]While Iruka-sensei was out of the class, Sasuke and the guys desided they wanted to play finger football with a piece of paper. But they didn't know what to use as a goal. Sasuke had an idea... Bah... not very good, but w/e. This looked like fun.[/size]
[size=1] ------------ [b]Name[/b]: Kay [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/frlgemtr/frlgemtr076.png[/img] [b]Personality[/b]: Kay is a spunky, care free girl who is hardly ever put down. She has alot of confidence in herself and her pokemon, but she isn't cocky like some would think. She relies on her pokemon and they rely on her. They are like flesh and blood to each other and nothing can tear them apart. Kay has a bit of a temper when it comes to certain people, but she usually can get along with everyone. During her battles she is little bit more serious, but she can never get a smile off of her face. She's always looking on the bright side of things and is really good at cheering people and pokemon up. She respects people (unless they're a jerk) and isn't a sore loser or a gloating winner. [b]History[/b]: When Kay was just an infant she was left on the porch of the orphanage in Vermillion City. She was a terrible toddler when growing up in the orphanage. She was always sneaking off and hiding from the people who helped out at the orphanage. When she was four Kay managed to actually leave the orphanage and started wondering around the city by herself. Luckily she ran into Lt. Surge, the Vermillion City gym leader who entertained her and safely returned her to the orphanage. Surge grew attached to the little scamp and adopted her as his own. After becoming Surge?s adopted kid, Kay fell in love with electric pokemon. She was always at the gym playing with her father?s Raichu and watching battles. She was given an Eevee and thunder stone when she started her pokemon journey. Surge warned her though to not use the thunder stone until Eevee had learned many different techniques. He also said he made that mistake with his Raichu. So, Kay set out and traveled all over the country to catch pokemon and win badges. She even defeated Surge eventually (though she thinks he let her win) and after she fought in a few leagues she desided to head home to take position as gym leader (At age 17) so Surge could take a break for a while. Kay loves her position as gym leader and enjoys teaching other trainers who have electric pokemon how to battle and care for them properly. Kay hopes on entering the Gym Leader challenge and maybe winning the prize of joining the Elite Four. [b][u]Gym Information[/b][/u] [b]Gym Location[/b]: Vermillion City [b]Badge Name[/b]: Thunder Badge (same from the show) [b]Pokémon Type[/b]: Electric [b]Pokémon List[/b]: Jolteon [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs290.gif[/img] male Raikou [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs378.gif[/img] male Ampharos [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs329.gif[/img] female Pikachu [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs156.gif[/img] male[/size]