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Everything posted by KKC
Thats just the way he acts. He's more of a serious guy, thats why he does that.
I hate Yaoi *cough* But the banner is cool, and the guy is pretty hot. ^__^' please dont hurt me.... Rating: 9.5/10 (Yaoi!x_x)
It's not that Tsukasa doesn't like fighting... it's that he can't fight on his own. If he didn't like fighting he wouldn't have attacked those Long Arms in episode 4.
I like Crim ^^ anyways, yeah I think there awesome ^^ I should start writing in the boring classes too, but... you know... I really suck... I think the flow is pretty good, but it does sound... eh.... >_< I can't think of the word... But I think there good, Tsukasa's would have to be the best because it seems to discribe him better.
No, in the first episode Silver Knight set up a barrier so that he couldn't use magic. If Tsukasa can warp to different places, he should be able to use magic... but he just can't fight I guess...
Nitsu stood a distance away keeping her eye on Tical. Even if he payed her back and claims he didn't have anything to do with the black zoid, she still didn't think she could trust him. He seemed like one of those little punks who brags about winning fights. "Hey, something bugging you?" Suzuki asked walking up up behind Nitsu. She noticed that she was watching Tical. "Oh... your not to sharp with the idea of him on the team..." "Not really..." Nitsu said leaning over the bridge landing. "I think he's getting on the team with money... which seems stupid because we'll have to pay him anyways... I dont think I can trust the kid..." Nitsu said glancing over at Tical. He just seemed to be staring into nothingness. She had to have rematch with him some time. Suzuki just smiled at her. "Well.. we'll see what happens..."
It says in the edit that you shaded it... So... Did you? ^^' sorry if im confussing, but if you did, i'd like to see it.
O.O OOOooo Infomation ^_^ Me likes. Episode 28 will be awesome! I hope they show real world Crim ^______^ anyways... CC2 does have some wierd ideas at times O.o well, if it comes with the games, then i'll never see it anyways ^^'
I have Aracna Phobia (fear of spiders) Im also afraid of most insects except for Lady bugs, butter flys, ect. Spiders... *shudder* Yeah, the best thing for treat ment is too see one of those doctors. Once you find out why your afraid of them, you most likely wont be anymore... or, thats what I'v heard.
Nitsu yawned still not completly awake. "Iv heard of that stuff that you give to organoids... I thought that it was only for when they were hurt bad... oh well...." She reached over on the table to grap her cup of coffee, but picked up the cream instead and took a drink of it. "Ach... this coffee tastes like salt was added to it..." They loaded up the Konig Wolf, Rev Raptor, Geno Saurer and Liger X2. After about an hour of work, both zoids had the pulse shields installed for the Rare Hurtz. "Alright, heres the plan." Evean said. The whole team was sitting at a circular table around a map. "First we will head to Old Helic City. (It can't be new anymore) They said thats where Loyd was first spotted. From there we will devide into 2 groups. Nitsu and Suzuki will come with me while the rest of you go with one another, you will be group B, we are Group A." He made a few marks onto the map. "Alright then, lets move out!"
"What a wierd guy...." Nitsu said to herself "It's like he wants to kill me, but always runs off.... Why don't you stay!?" She yelled out to no one. Evean and Suzuki ran up to her in there zoids. "What happened?" Suzuki asked her, noticing that the KW barly had any damage. "He ran off again...." Nitsu said. She put a hand to her forhead, it seemed to be pounding. She really needed some sleep. "I just can't figure that guy out..." "Well, we start searching for Loyd tomarrow... So, lets get you back to the base to get some rest." Evean said. They headed back to the base. It seemed morning came in a flash.
"Get Lost!" She yelled to them threw the comlink. "This guy is after me and only me! I can't allow you to get involved!" "but you dont even know why hes after you!" evean yelled to her. "Its doesnt matter! He's after me, So get going!"
OOC: ...............what? IC: Nitsu glanced down at the computer in the KW. Every thing was in top shape, what else was new? She would have to think the crew when she got back. Flash growled to her saying that it was getting late. "Lets just go a bit farther, then we can head back. Asides, I want to test out the boosters real quick." She braced herself and clicked on the boosters. They were even better then usual it seemed. After a few minuets she brought the KW to a hault. "Ok, I guess we should be heading back now..." She was about to turn the Konig Wolf around when a voice came over the comlink. "Where do you think your going?" Its was none other than Jay (imagine that) "Im not done with you yet!"
Well, I believe in God, but I dont believe in Religion. Mainly because I dont understand much about it. When we go to church I just sort of day dream. Asides, theres so many religions x_x I get confussed and mix them up. I once got Muslim and Hinduism mixed up @_@ I also believe in the Devil too. But There are so many questions not answered in this life... I get really confussed....
Nitsu and Suzuki had searched out the whole Base. It was even bigger then it looked with an underground area. They had met all of the other team members (T man... who are they?") and had been shown to there own rooms. "Boy, I thought being on a team wouln't be so.... boring..." Nitsu Yawned as she walked threw the halls with Flash. it was about 10:30 P.M. and Nitsu couldn't sleep from all that had happened that day. She had been chased by some freek who was out to murder her, Attacked by some Spyco kid and some stupid black mind control zoid pience of crap, and her zoid had been beaten up. What a day.... Flash and Nitsu strolled into the Zoid hanger where the Konig Wolf was. It was finally fixed. Flash growled, glad to see that it was ok. "Come on Flash, let go take the Wolf for a spin, just to make sure everythings working right..." She got into the KW and left the base. OOC: *sarcasm* Oh no, Jay might be out there wanting to murder me! *Gasp*
*Falls out of chair laughing* That has to be my fav. one yet. I liked the test part of the episode. That was halarious. And the evil Koala was great! Muhahahahaha! I cant wait for the 10th one!
OOC: Glad thats over. "All I know is that the next time I fight that kid.... Er...." Nitsu growled. The battle had ended in a tie, both zoids badly damaged. Even Flash was worn out from the fight. "Hey, your a kid too ya know." Suzuki teased laughing at her. "Im not a kid! Im 13! Im a teenager!" Nitsu yelled out. "But, hey, at least Im on a team now... I thought I would never find one that would except me. "Hm... well, from what I say from your fight, your pretty good, you and that organopid work good together." Evean said glancing over at Flash who was resting from the fight. "hm... yeah, but if it wasn't for Flash... I would have lost that battle and probably died...." Nitsu said also watching her partner organoid. "Well, Im going to explore the wonders of the base!" She walked off threw the door "Call me when were going to leave!"
OOC: Ok, im not saying anything, i'll just wait for T man to fix this.... *coughBULLCRAPcough**
lol, Squat.... Sorry, I thought that was funny when you said that ^_^' Anyways, I think this one looks really great. The shading on her skirt is great, the BG is a bit confussing, but still really intresting. Only her legs are a bit odd. How the one in the back doesnt show much. But its still great ^^ Rating on 2nd oekaki: 9/10
OOC: This is sooooooooo stupid..... T man will just have to figure this out later IC: The Konig Wolf jumped completly over the beam and off to the right of the black zoid. "You'v gone mad! Are you trying to kill me?" She yelled at Tical. This was one wierd guy, not only that, but he was really annoying. "I guess you could say that!" He yelled into the com link. "Yep.... he's lost it..." Nitsu thought to herslef. "Ok, Flash, I'll need all the power you can give me!" Flash roared in rsponce and the Konig Wolf's drills spun and glowed. "Thats probably the smallest and wierdest zoid ever seen. Its very small and the cannon is just as big as it is. Its speen must be horrible and the gun will have trouble rotating when firing" Nitsu thought as she examined it. "You wont escape me!" he shot another blast from the cannon. Nitsu once again turned on the small boosters and barely out ran the beam and crater. "Hya!" She shot at the cannon, after the smoke cleared it had barely any damage on it. "I guess we'll have to go close range then!" The blast had just ended and the black zoid was slowly starting to turn to fire at Nitsu. "Say bye bye!" Tical screamed. He shot the beam again "I dont think so!" The Konig wolf blasted off to the right in all of its speed. The Black zoid began to turn the cannon while it was firing. It was coming dangerously close to the KW. "Holy Crap!!" Nistu yelled out. Suddenly, the Konig Wolf jumped off of a rock and used it as a spring. The Drills were spining rapidly and were aimed at the cannon on the back of the odd zoid. The Beam was still turning it was so close, only about 20 - 30 feet from contact to the KW. "Hurry!" Nitsu yelled. The boosters were at there full compacity. Slash! Boom! Crash! (love that effect) The Konig wolf had made it, it had slashed off the cannon, but the beam had caused bad damage to the right side of the KW. Both the Konig Wolf and the black zoid toppled over to the ground. and the cockpits opened and both pilots fell out of the zoids.
Did you draw this on an oekaki board? Because That looks like the Water Color effect to me. I think its really cool. I agree about the forehead and the shading needs a little bit of work, and the Back pack looks at bit odd. But oekaki is hard like that. Good job ^^ I think its great! Rating: 8/10
Thats really good, the shading is great and for MS paint its not bad at all. His head is way too small for the body thouhg, but asides from that, I think its really great ^_^
*rolls eyes* The Konig Wolf normally has drills, moron. The organoid doesnt give anything extra to the Zoid except for increasing its speed and being able to pilot the zoid without using the controls. (or evolution, but thats rare)Like the zoid is thinking on its own. You just said that the organoid was the pack on your "Zoid". That is impossible, no matter what. Zoid have to run out of ammo eventually, Im following the rules. Your just making up a bunch of crap.
............... Tical that makes no damn sense what so ever.... An organoiud cant turn into a pack that goes onto a zoid. and even with an organoid, it will run out of ammo eventually. Dont you watch the shows? Asides, even if the organoid could turn into a pack, its way too small to be able to have a cannon and ammo and stuff. Organpids dont even have guns... I think we should wait for T man to sort this out, because your just making up alot of bull.
"Ok, I dont like the looks of this." She thought to herself. She new that it was impossible for just a pack to carry all that ammo and cannons. He would run out of Ammo soon, but the cannon would still be able to work at least 1 or 2 more times until his zoid ran out of energy. "What kind of zoid is that?" She asked herself again. It didn't matter. She would find away to beat it. "Are you ready to give up yet?" Tical's image appeared in front of Nitsu. He had a wide smile on his face. Nitsu just smiled right back. "Hardly, I never give up, expesially to little kids who interupt others fights." She pushed down on the controls and leaped out from behind the rock that she was using. A huge round of missles came pooring down on her and the KW. "Uh oh.." Nitsu clicked on the small boosters connected to the KW's feet and started to dodge the missles. She was able to avoid most, but she was hit a few times. "Crap, there goes the last of that Ammo..." Tical said to himself. "But I still have my specialty cannon!" The pack switched and the cannon opened up and began to charge. "Its now or Never!" Nitsu yelled. She pushed the Konig Wolf to its full speed without the boosters and it charged at the Pteramander. "Wait for it..." She repeated to herself again. "Die!" Tical screamed. The huge beam from the cannon shot down heading strait for the KW. "Hya!" Nitsu clicked on the boosters and ran strait for the Pteramader. Behind her the Beam had hit the ground and a huge crater was starting to form. She couldn't make it. "Flash!" IN a flash of gold, the organoid fused with the Konig Wolf and its speed increased and cleared the huge crater. "What?!" Tical yelled out in amazment. "Taste the drills!" Nitsu yelled. The Konig Wolf jumped off a near by rock and flew threw the air towards the Pteramander. Its drills spining and glowing with energy. With one swift cut the pack and the damaged wing from the Ptermander flew completly off. With in a few seconds the Ptermander was in a nose dive. Tical quickly pulled up and the Pteramander crashed on the ground and skidded to a hault.