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[size=1]A snake ate it? I must have missed that part, i'll have to go back and look at it again. If it is Orochimaru, Kabuto is busted! Hehe! Yes, Arvi, I thought of the Haku and Zabuza thing too when the rabbit appeared. EDIT: When I read the translated version yesterday the last two pages were missing. That's why I didn't see the snake.[/size]
[size=1]Yeah, I just read 289 and was like [spoiler]Oh meh goodness, Kabuto is the spy! That dood on Otaku was right! Lol. I think maybe the rabbit at the end was Naruto or someone making a diversion so they can capture Kabuto (sense he said he was getting ready to leave). I still can't stand Sai, I hope Naruto goes demon on him![/spoiler][/size]
[size=1]Ah, poo on you kenshinsbabe! I just posted and the villian I made up could change his limbs into weapons (but that's all.) Guess I should have read your post first. Maybe i'll change it if i'm not too lazy. I'm really sorry about what happened Gavin, that really stinks...[/size]
[size=1][color=royalblue]Thomas chugged down the remaining drops of his coffee as he finished another long paragraph and hit the enter key. He sighed and wondered what his stupid teacher was thinking when she assigned a 2000 word essay on the good qualities of Liberty City. There were almost no good qualities about Liberty city, let alone any that would turn into 2000 words. Thomas' eyes darted to the window as he saw flashing lights from below. He leaned back in his computer chair to see five police cars racing through the streets below which was no surprise to the residents of the crime infested city. Thomas silently rose from his seat and tip toed across his dorm room, not wanting to wake up his room mate who was snoring loudly from the other bed. Thomas lifted up a floor board near his own bed and pulled out a thick brown brief case. He laid it on the bed and popped it open, revealing the contents of a black body suit with lightning designs and a pair of black goggles. Clambering into the suit Thomas wobbled over to the window and pushed a button on the side of his goggles. Each time he clicked his view zoomed further and further away to wear the flashing lights of the police cars were. Thomas could make out the view of gun shots, which was enough for him. "I guess my essay will have to wait." Thomas, or now ?The Spark?, grunted as he rubbed his feet against a rug near the window, not upset about leaving his school work. He then stood on the seal of his window and started to crawl up to the roof, the static electricity being powerful enough to allow him to stick to the building. He reached the top and started to jump from building to building towards the area where the police were heading. It was times like this Spark really wished he could fly, but his powers didn?t grant him the ability and he didn?t have any source of transportation except for his cruddy 1977 Nova that liked to break down a lot. So, he had to rely on jumping from roof top to roof top, occasionally sending currents through his feet to get him across a larger gap between buildings. Spark sighed as he reached the roof top of the building under siege. To his surprise it wasn?t a bank or jewelry store, but a laboratory that the university owned. Another surprise was that there was only one man against the police. Normal criminals traveled in groups. The man who stood on the steps of the building was holding a girl hostage and his hand had taken the form of a knife, which quivered an inch beside her throat. He was a one of those villains with powers, or super villains as most call them. This one in particular could change his limbs into weapons. The negotiator was speaking into a megaphone, but his words didn?t seem to be helping the situation. ?Looks like I should teach this guy a lesson.? Spark grinned and started to crawl down the front of the building towards the villain, who demanded that the police go away. He wanted the girl and nothing else. The police noticed Spark and knowing what his abilities were the negotiator continued to ramble on so the villain wouldn?t turn around. ?That?s not how you treat a lady!? Spark growled as he leapt from the building and presented a round house kick to the villains head. He lost his grasp on the girl, who ran screaming towards the many police officers with her arms waving frantically in the air, ?I find it that most girls like polite guys who will take them to a fancy restaurant.? Spark smirked as the villain regained balance, his knife hand transforming into a large gun, ?I?m pretty sure taking them captive is an automatic dump.? Spark teased his and readied himself for an attack. ?Die you bastard!? The crook yelled and a round of bullets erupted from his transformed arm. Spark waved his arm across his torso, making electricity follow it. The bullets stopped when they hit the current and harmlessly dropped to the ground. ?Sorry, but you?ll have to do better than that.? Spark teased and leaped towards the man, who transformed his arm into a large metal bat. The man?s rage wasn?t helping his fighting and his swings would miss by many inches. Spark caught the bat as the villain tried to hit his torso and sent electricity through the bat, which shocked the man into unconsciousness, ?You must be new at this.? Spark chuckled as the man fell to the ground with a thud. A few officers ran over and cuffed the man and a few restrained the girl from running over and kicking his unconscious body. Spark turned around to leave; obviously they had everything under control now. ?Uh? Thanks.? One of the officers said tapping him on the shoulder. Some of the officers nodded in agreement, while others ignored Spark?s presence completely. ?No problem, just doing my job.? Spark smiled. ?More like our jobs.? A grumpy police officer grumbled just loud enough for Spark to hear. Without another work Spark climbed up a near by building and bounded off. The angry officer didn?t really bother him. Some people just didn?t understand. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Really excited about this, kudos to you! --------- [b]Name[/b]: West Atoulo [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]History[/b]: It was a cold night during the winter season when a black smith found a baby boy on the stoop of his work house. No note or name was left with him, just a baby blue blanket covered him from the cold. Being the kind man he was the black smith took him in as his own and named him West after his previous child who had passed away. Growing up in the outskirts of Haydeseu was difficult at times, but the different weapons and tools West's adopted father sold made just enough for the two of them. At an early age West showed lots of interest in music. He would constantly "borrow" his father?s tools and pound on pots and pans as if they were drums. One day the wood carver who lived next to them noticed West playing his imaginary drums and invited over to his home. It turned out that the wood carver had been a summoner back in his younger days, there fore he knew much about music and West became good friends with the man. West would visit the wood carver everyday and learn more and more about music notes, beats, rudiments, and other musical essentials. West would do nothing but practice during his spare time and loved every moment of it. For his birthday West's father and the carver worked together to make a set of black wood tenor drums, hooked together and tightened by his father's handy work. As West's lessons continued, the carver tested him to see if he had the ability of summoning. When West was able to summon a small fire creature they both that the blood of a summoner ran through his vains. He started to learn more about the art of summoning elemental creatures. His talent in summoning was equal to his playing and the people of Haydeseu would come to sometimes watch him perform a show of music and summoning. West's life was going good for him, and he would perform for money, which helped him and his father. It wasn't until West was 15 that something happened that would change the way he lived. West had left home for the day to visit a summoner in downtown Haydeseu, one who was very well known and very strong. West had a great time and didn't return home till very late. Though, when he arrived both his home and the carver?s house had been burned down. Many people thought it had been an accident, West's father must had left the fire going in his work shop and some hay had caught on fire and then it spread to the carvers. The accident devastated West and for a while he lost all interest in his dream of being a summoner. He had no where to go and decided maybe he would find a living in Treada City, the capital of Dae'mora. So he set off with his drums and journeyed to Treada. There he met many people who were like him. He was inspired by many different people to continue his dream of being a summoner each one of them impacted his out look at life and he realised it wasn't going to be easy. West's life at the moment is good, but he still struggles. He travels from place to place performing for people who give him a few coins. Usually there will be a kind person like his father was who takes him in for the night and gives him a nice meal, but West never over stays his welcome, in fear of losing the people he may come to love. [b]Personality[/b]: West is a care free and spirited young man who cares deeply about people, but ever sense the death of his father and friend he is afraid to get attached to people because he thinks they may die and then he will feel the pain of loneliness. Asides from that though he very cheerful to everyone he meets, unless he has a feeling they?re a no good trouble maker. He is easily amused and has a big heart as well. He really likes children and likes telling them stories or performing for them (free of charge). He likes to joke around and isn?t shy. If he sees a stranger who looks upset he?ll try to cheer them up as best as he can. West is very brave and would give his life for anyone even if they?re a complete stranger. [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://images.deviantart.com/i/2003/41/0/9/Floating_Wess.jpg]West[/URL] He stands at about 5'10'' and weighs about 170 lbs. with a muscular build. If you can't tell, his eyes are yellow. In the picture that's linked West's hair is wet, normally he spikes it up so it doesn't get in his eyes. The outfit is the one he wears most often. [b]Class[/b]: Summoner. The instrument he uses is the [URL=http://www.pearldrum.com/images/CarbonPlyTenors.jpg]Tenor Drums[/URL]. They are attached on the sash around his chest (held on his back). When he wants to use them he turns the sash around and the Tenors become level at his waist. He keeps two pairs of mallets on his belt.[/size][/color]
[size=1]I think that Phalanax is just the CIA team. I think what Wraith meant in his other posts was that this team will be part of the CIA and then once the RP gets going he'll divide the non-CIA heroes into teams. Or something like that ^^. This RP sounds really good and I love super hero/power RPs. Hopefully my character is okay and I make it in. Kudos to Wraith. EDIT: When I said CIA team I meant the team who worked along side with the CIA, my bad for not explaining it right. Sorry Joko :animeswea [/size]
[size=1]This sounds like a good RP. -------- [b]Superhero Name[/b]: The Spark or also known as Sparky [b]Real Name[/b]: Thomas M. Schwartz [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Current Occupation[/b]: College Student (sophomore) and works part time at an art store. [b]Place of Birth[/b]: New York City, New York [b]Marital Status[/b]: Single [b]Height[/b]: 5?11 [b]Weight[/b]: 175 lbs. [b]Eye Color[/b]: Dark Blue [b]Hair Color[/b]: Blond [b]Hair Length[/b]: When it?s wet it comes down past his ears, but usually he spikes it up with gel. [b]Clothing[/b]: Normal: Thomas usually wakes up in the morning, falls out of bed, and puts on whatever he thinks is clean. He mostly just wears jean, trainers, and a buttoned up shirt with a t-shirt under it. To him these are his casual clothes. For work everything is the same, but he has to wear tan pants instead of blue jeans. In the winter time he?s always wearing a scarf. He has a lot of them. Hero (sorry, no pic): The basis of the outfit is a black body suit. He then wears yellow gloves and boots, each that have lightning bolt (zig zag) design to them. He also has a lightning bolt shaped belt that he wears around his waist. The top of the body suit (where the neck is) form into a mask that covers Thomas? mouth and nose. The goggles he wears over his eyes are black with yellow tented lenses. On his chest is his ?symbol? which is two lightning bolt crossing each other to make an X. [b]Personality[/b]: Thomas is a young, friendly, carefree and fun man who always seems to be on the cheery side. He?s always making bad jokes and puns, but even though he?s not meant to be a comedian, he?s usually the one who can turn a frown upside down. Thomas is very open minded and usually speaks his mind, even when it would be wise not to. His common sense level can be kind of low sometimes. He?s full of energy and loves to talk to someone, even if it?s a boring conversation he always seems to be interested in it. Though, like every cheery person, Thomas has a bad temper. When he gets angry he becomes a complete opposite of what he really is: cold, serious, and quiet. Luckily, he?s pretty good at controlling his anger and you would have to do something really bad to make his true anger emerge. Thomas is all about doing the right the thing and punishing those who cause chaos in the world. [b]Character History[/b]: Born in New York City Thomas was an only child to his father, Karl Schwartz. His mother had cancer and died when he was just a toddler, leaving the two alone in the big city. Thomas was an understanding a lovable child, knowing that his father was only gone from home a lot so that he could keep Thomas happy. Despite the fact that his father wasn?t always around, Thomas somehow managed to get through school with good grades and not fall into the wrong crowd of gangs, drugies, ect. Most of this was thanks to his best friend Aaron. When they first met Thomas was a shy kid who didn?t have many friends because he didn?t talk much. One day he was minding his own business at lunch time (he was eating by himself) with this crazy red haired kid sat next to him and started blabbing as if they had known each other sense birth. Thomas realized that this kid knew how to live his life, and decided he wanted to live his too. He became more talkative, fun loving, and people enjoyed his company. Aaron and him were like brothers and always stuck together. It wasn?t until their senior year in High School that it happened. Thomas? chemistry class took a field trip to an actually laboratory that was running tests (it was a stormy day). Of course, for safety precautions the students had to watch from another room that had window to the testing lab. Aaron, being the strange person he was, wanted to get a closer look and somehow convinced Thomas to put on some lab coats they found on a coat rack, sneak into the testing room, and act like they were scientists. It was going well at first, no one in the room seamed to notice them. The storm continued outside and Thomas picked up a vile filled with bubbling yellow goo. Just as he did a bolt of lightning struck through a slightly opened window, hitting the vile Thomas picked up and caused the chemicals in the lab to explode in a massive chain reaction. Thomas was the only one who survived, they found him curled up under a piece of plaster. No one knew how he survived and decided that he was just an extremely lucky person. As the months passed the accident became but a memory and Thomas? body started to do strange things. His reactions were quicker, he could think faster and run faster. The strangest thing however was his ability to create electricity from his body. This first occurred when he kicked a metal bucket and a spark erupted from his foot (how he got his name). He discovered that he could send electric currents through a conductor like Metal. He also discovered that when he rubbed his feet on a rug and then touched something else, it would stick to him (or he would stick to it). At first Thomas didn?t want these powers. They reminded him of the accident, something he wanted to forget, but then he thought of Aaron, who had died just months earlier. He wouldn?t have tried to run away from these powers. Thomas decided it would be best if he went to Liberty City, a place where crime was high and heroes were needed. He applied at the University of Liberty and was accepted. He keeps his identity secret because he thinks it?s a chick magnet, go figure. [b]Superhuman Powers[/b]: After the lab explosion, highly charged particles formed inside of his body and he became a conductor of electric currents. He is able to send these currents out through his arms, legs, and sometimes his whole body. He can also use another object as a conductor, like a piece of wire or metal. The electricity from his body will pass into the other object and travel through it. He can also stick to things if he builds up enough static electricity in his body. Thomas can control his powers by how strong they are. His power ranges from a simple shock to a powerful lightning bolt. The particles in his body also allow him to think faster, react faster, and his speed has increased as well. [b]Source of Powers[/b]: Laboratory Accident (explained in History) [b]Special Skills[/b]: He?s strangely good at sneaking up on people. [b]Weapons/Gadgets[/b]: Multipurpose Goggles: Not only are they good at hiding his identity, but these goggles have other uses as well. When it?s dark a button can be clicked and body heat can be read, possibly giving the user an advantage. These goggles can also zoom in across distances giving the user the ability to see things farther away. The goggles also have a built in radio so he can listen to tunes or the police. [/size]
[size=1]I guess I should post a good bye so... Good bye everyone and good luck! Sorry to the guys for not posting in the last contest. School attacked with some projects before break came. Good luck to everyone and let it be known that i'm a girl ^^ hehe.[/size]
[size=1]Yeah, that's what I had thought too, so I just drew a name out of a hat, but I prolly should have asked before I actually voted.[/size]
[size=1]Wow... Doing that in paint is very amazing. You should find an oekaki board somewhere and do your work on that. It gives you special tools for shading and even has a water color effect. I used to do alot of computer art mehself, but my mouse isn't as good as it once was *kills it*. I'm not a big Inuyasha fan either, but this pic is very cute and like Screamsin said, the proportions are correct (I tried drawing a chibi yesterday and couldn't draw the body very well X_X).[/size]
Anime Avatar: The Last Airbende Official threadr- An Anime?
KKC replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]Bah, I was so sure that the guy on TV said Japan. Oh well, Thanks for clearing that up Arvie ^^. [quote]Nickelodeon spends $1,000,000 per episode to produce Avatar. The animation is smoother, and more consistant. Avatar doesn't have anime-styled animation, it has better styled animation. [/quote] I really enjoy the animation, the character designs are great and the scenary is also nice too. The only thing I ever see that is sloppy are a few of the complicated fight scenes. Such as Aang's fight with jet and when he fights Zuko in "Bato of the water tribe." During those fights (mostly when Aang is moving really fast and dodging stuff) the characters become more... I can't really find a word for it, but different parts of their body will be blobby looking and stuff. It's kind of hard to explain. Other tha that though the animation is wonderful. [/size] -
Anime Avatar: The Last Airbende Official threadr- An Anime?
KKC replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]It's not just based on Chinese culture, the fighting styles are from Japan, not china, and the clothese they wear are a mix of chinese and japanese. Over all it focuses on the asian culture which includes both of these. I consider an american anime. I can't believe how many people like Zuko. I mean, he's a pretty cool character, but he can be a pain in the booty sometimes. I feel sorry for him.[/size] -
Writing Sasuke's world [PG]A Naruto fanfic about...not Naruto!
KKC replied to Nomura's topic in Creative Works
[size=1]*thinks of Naruto and Ino* Ewww! That's just creepy! Hehe. Anyways, I've been reading this sense you put it up and I guess i'm over due for a post. Let me first say that you do a good job at first person writing. I'm so used to third person that when I have to write in first person I screw it up alot. I think it's an interesting story, but there are a few questions and comments I have. First, when you say doppleganger do you mean the bunshin no jutsu when Naruto makes clones of himself? Or is it some other jutsu that also involves clones and copies? These next two comments/questions are only if It is the same as the Bunshin jutsu. Second, If it is the same technique that Naruto uses, the clone (doppleganger) that Kakashi stabed would've been undone and poof into smoke. When a clone is struck to hard that's what happens (unless Zakanaru is super powerful strong with technique or something) Third, Kakashi already knows how to clones of himself. So, he wouldn't have to use his sharigan in the first chapter. ^^ Asides from the few minor factors i've really enjoyed and I thought the Sakura and Sasuke thing was cute. And ever sense I read this I keep imagining Kakashi poking a body with his foot until falls into a river... then he runs away. [/size] -
[size=1]Good job Bravers, you guys did awesome. Same to Legends who finished in second. Voting someone off really sucks, but I guess we were over due for it. I love you all Blue Adventurers! [/size]
[size=1]I like the manag mostly because of the art. In animes (and over all TV animations) the art is done more quickly and alot of detail is taken out (like the person who is talking is doing their thing, but the people in the BG are just standing there like brain-less zombies). In the manga though the art is nice and smooth and character appearances never change. Example: Kakashi's hair in the manga is always the same. In the anime it's always different and can really strange looking sometimes. That's mostly why I like the manga.[/size]
Anime Avatar: The Last Airbende Official threadr- An Anime?
KKC replied to Nomura's topic in Otaku Central
[size=1]Yay! Someone finally made an Avatar thread! I have to say right now that Avatar is my favorite show (that and naruto). The story line is amazing and I love how everything fits together. I think this is the best show Nickolodeon has ever had (it's about time!). I have to say my favorite is Uncle Iroh. At the moment (from where the first season ends) I think he is the most mysterious about his past (except for Ozai, but who cares about him). My biggest curiosity right now is who his son was and what happened to him. [spoiler]Alot of rumors are going around that his son was taken by Ko, the face stealing spirit[/spoiler]. And I want to know why Ozai is king and Iroh isn't! I have a feeling Iroh's alot older sense he has a pot belly, wrinkles, and gray hair. The finale was good and sad. Is it just me or did the part when the Northern Water tribe king said "the stillness before battle is unbearable." remind you of lord of the rings (that's like, exactly what Gandalf says to Pippin). The north kingdom even kind of looks like minitereth (sp?) in a few spots. BTW [spoiler]When Aang went all Glowy near the end, he merged with the ocean spirit (the black koi fish) and together they went and killed all the fire nation guys. I was very happy when Zhao was pulled down by the ocean spirit[/spoiler]. Now about it being an anime. Well anime is Japanese animation. The show isn't really "from" Japan, but the animation is very similar to many japanese animation and the moves that they use in bending come from different types of martial arts in Japan. The creators really did research before making this and it's made the show amazing. Most people will call it american anime (most likely I will) sense it's not from Japan, but it still deserves as much respect as the real stuff. [/size] -
[size=1]I think Naruto is a word of mixed technology. They seem to have some pretty advanced stuff when it comes to the hospital, yet there are no guns and we have yet seen a TV (which is good to me). During the Chuunin exam (in the manga), they watch the tape of Gaara's team on what looked like an extreamly old recording thing. It looked like one of those really old computers that took up a whole room. Then there's Naruto: The movie. I've only read the manga version, but this is what I found out. Obviously there are movies and movie theaters sense it starts off [spoiler]with team 7 (ex Kakashi) in a movie theater watching Sky Princess[/spoiler]. and later on when they go to the snow country they travel in cars and there is a train. Naruto though doesn't know what a train is, so I think Konoha uses some technology, but not all of it (like automobiles). [/size]
[color=darkorange]Fox suddenly felt his sword and shield become lighter in his grip and slicing a goomba wasn't nearly as difficult as it had been. He paused for a moment and gave a raised eyebrow to Krystal, who just shrugged and continued to pluck different notes on her strings. So, the battle raged on. The goombas weren't much of a match against the four of them, being they didn't have any arms, weapons, or much sense either. They would waddle up to you and seem to jump infront of your strike, similar to how the suicidal lemmings acted. "Hey, watch this!" Crash called to the others, jumping dangerously close to the edge of the draw bridge, "Look over here you stupid little turds!" he yelled at the goombas. They glared at him and waddled as fast as they could to where Crash was standing. Crash stepped out of the way and at least 7 goombas fell off and into the moat of lava below. "You know, that's kind of sad." Lara said blankly as she picked off two goombas with her now magical arrows. They started to advance through the drawbridge and entered the castle, taking care of the remaining goombas who bursted into coins when Krystal's harp suddenly sent beams of light through them. "I really wish I could figure this thing out." She grumbled as Crash happily scooped up the coins. The inside of the castle was dimbly lit by four lanterns that hung on each wall, making difficult to make everything out. It was a large room with two spiral stair cases. One on the left and one on the right. They headed over to the left stair case, sense the tower with the pink glow had been on the left. Portraits of Bowser hung along the wall, many of them were of him punching Mario or blowing fire at Toad. Of course, it was obvious that the portraits were actually two pictures cut and and pasted together. How sad. There was one picture though that was an original. It had Bowser (like the rest of them) and coming up to his stomach was a pudgy miny bowser, who they all silently assumed was his kid. Upon passing the portrait, Fox could have swarn he saw the eyes of Bowser move, but desided it must have been the tall shadows that the lamps were casting.[/color]
[size=1][color=darkorange]Fox twitched as the board under his feet shook from the gust of wind. Maybe he should have gone with wizard, despite the flowing robe and Shadow's taunting. It was better than falling into a bottomless pit. "Say, Bowser doesn't have any kids, does he?" Krystal asked, as she haulted for a moment, watching something that was on the other side of the bridge. "Let's discuss it when were all safely on the other side. I don't this thing will hold Fox much longer." Lara blurted out, eager to get onto the stable ground that was half a bridge away. After what Lara said, Fox felt all the fur on his body stand up. He couldn't help but pear down over the side of the bridge and see the mist that led to nothing. "Fox, I think it might help if you started to walk." Crash pointed out from behind, giving Lara a push who bumped into Fox. He gulped and took a step. His legs felt like jello and thr view of Krystal and the bridge started to spin in front of him. Fox picked up his other foot to go on, but his vision seemed to swirl and he felt himself start to fall sideways. "Fox!" Lara snatched the strap to his chest plate and heaved him back up right. "Don't you watch TV?" Crash commented, "They always say "Don't look down" when it come to height issues." Fox just managed to nod his head, and focused his eyes on the blue form on Krystal. "If I don't get through this alive-" Fox was cut off as the board beneath him snapped in two, sending him spinning down into the white mist below.[/size][/color]
[size=1]Ah, It's been too long sense i've come by this thread. So, I have a question: Who is Houkou?[/size]
[size=1][color=darkorange]Fox watched Krystal run off to change and left him to deside on his own role that he would play. He rumaged through the costumes and at last came between the choice of Wizard or Knight. They already had a hunter, so maybe the magic role would be okay. Fox pulled the dark blue costume out of the basket, gaging on some big dust bunnies that came with it. It looked like a dress for an extreamly obese lady. "Nice dress..." Shadow snickered from where he and pac-man were standing. "Like I would wear something like this." Fox retorted and tossed the robe back into the basket. He reached down for the knights costume and pulled it out. The knight's costume consisted of a black long sleeved shirt, tunic, pants and new leather boots. There was also a silver metal chest plate and plates that went over the arms and legs and there were leather gloves with metal lined on top of the fingers. Last, was a large helmet that was similar to the one Fox used to wears when he was younger. Fox quickly dashed behind a certain and through on the costume. At first the helmet wouldn't fit, but after he tried to ram it over his head two holes appeared where his ears were. He looked at himself in a mirror that seemed to be floating in midair. "I look shnazzy." Fox thought to himself as the armoured Fox in the mirror smiled back at him. "He Fox, I think you forgot something." Fox peared around the curtain and saw Lara standing over the basket full of clothes. Fox clanked over in his new attire and looked into the basket. He made an ear to ear smile as he pulled out a large sheathered sword and a beautiful shield. He pulled the sword out, which was much better than the beam sabers used in SSB. The hilt was a swirl of black and silver that twisted up into an eagle with it's wings out stretched. The swords was a shining silver and had marks runing along the blade. Fox put it back into it's scabbard and put it on his back along with the shield. "Are we ready?" Krystal asked, beaming in her new bard clothes. "Ready when you are." Fox smiled and gave her a quick wink. [/size][/color]
[size=1]I thought Kakashi's english voice was pretty good (his voice is too deep to sound like an adolecents) and I have heard the Japanese Kakashi voice, which is just a bit deeper than the american. I like Zabuza's (sp?) american voice better too, the Japanese voice sounded funny when he screams. :P I havn't heard Iruka's japanese voice and I don't remember what the english version sounds like. I have heard the original theme songs and I like them. I'm not sure why some anime keep the songs and why some (naruto is this case) change to plain rock guitar music. I don't really mind it though, I can just listen to the song online. I watched last nights rerun episode and noticed that blood was shown in the episode. They even showed blood spurting (is that a word) into the air. I thought that Naruto had been edited with no blood at all (like most Toonami anime). So, detail wise I think they did ok at editing. I don't mind them taking out the kiss either, i'm sure a few little boys would be asking their moms about it, who would then attack Toonami. I heard that the anime (in Japan) was now ahead of the manga and that they have filler episode, or something like that... Also, please don't PM me about what I post, it bugs me.[/size]
[size=1]To Meh Team: I can't figure out the PM system and I didn't feel like sending this message to every single person (i'm way too lazy). I would really like to join in this challenge, but if I also don't mind steping down if someone else really wants to do it. The idea of Sandy choosing is a possible solution. [/size]
[size=1]Hey man, calm down. Weather you like it or not, everyone is going to have a comment (even if they havn't seen all 3 of these). Plus, this is ganna be moved by Dagger or someone. Anyways, I voted for the manga be cause I like the manga art better than the anime. In anime the characters can look very different from scene to scene (like Kakashi's hair, it's always looking different. Plus, it looks better in the manga.) Most animes (cartoons in general) don't have alot of detailed art (unless it is a movie). I havn't seen much of the english version, but I still enjoy it and think the voices are good (the only thing that really bugs be is when Sasuke says loser.) Now, I havn't seen the japanese version, but even if I did I think I would still like english voices better. I can't stand having to read subtitles while listening to japanese (this is just me though). Really, I can't stand japanese female voices cause alot of the time they are way too high pitched. Now, as far as blood being cut out and stuff. Most people saw it coming, if toonami put blood and gut spilling out of someone the parent would go crazy. I don't want Naruto to go to adultswim because I hate having to stay up late to watch stuff. Naruto at 9:30 is good to me ^^ I havn't seen enough of the english version to be able to tell how much they really edited (i'm waiting to see the part when [spoiler]Kakashi impales Haku[/spoiler]). Well, theres my oppinion. EDIT: in the manga Sasuke tells her she's annoying too (I think)[/size]
[size=1][color=darkorange]Fox thought of what Lara was taling about. He hadn't really given any thought as to what it would be like having to compete against them. They were a great team, similar to his own Starfox team back home. "Don't worry about it," Fox said to Lara, trying to spread some cheer, "Even if we do have to go against each other, just think how great it was when we were a team. The memories we've created over the past few days will be with us forever." Fox gave her a toothy grin and Lara smiled back. Crash looked at Fox, with one eyebrow raised, "I really didn't expect something like that to come out of you." He joked, giving Fox a small push. "Well, I kinda stole it from the retirement party we help for my friend Peppy." Fox snickered. He then noticed Shadow walking up the beach away from the group. At first he had been a bit of a pain, but now that he knew him better Fox saw him as a good friend. "Well, I'm ganna stretch my legs a bit. I'll see you guys in a few." Fox excused himself and he stood up and stretched his limbs. He then stated up the beach in the direction Shadow was going. [/size][/color]