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Everything posted by KKC

  1. [size=1][color=orange]Jolteon stood in the grand counsil hall of the gardians, he had come yesterday to recieve his assignment sense he was the newest gardian, but when he arrived he had been told that something terrible had happened and an emergency meeting was being held, his assignment would be given to him after the meeting. Jolteon's ears twitched back and forth, pricking up by the slightest sound in the large chamber where the meeting was to be held. Many gardians had arrived and were whispering to on another about what had happened to cause an emergency meeting. Jolteon turned when he heard foot steps coming from the cave entrance, it was Rukario, the Gardian Hoenn Scout. Rukario was one of the few gardians Jolteon knew well and befriended him before his exam test to be accepted as a gardian. He ran over to where Jolteon stood after seeing him and started to catch his breath, he had probably been running to get here ever sense the call has been sent out. "Hey, do you have any idea what's going on?" Jolteon asked. He had asked the eldest gardians before the call was sent out, but they told him it would be addressed when everyone arrived. Rukario shook his head and panted, "Not. Sure. It must be something very bad though." He explained glancing at all the gardians who were crowded into the chamber. Jolteon nodded in a agreement. He hadn't been a gardian very long, but even he knew that a meeting of all the gardians was rare.[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1]*glomps Lrb* You Canadians just have so many wonderful ideas! Hehe! I think it sounds like an awesome idea and it goes along with the Survivor RPG really well. Plus, I really like the games that have clasic character like Mario, Peach, ect. I've never really watched the actual show "The Apprentice", but I get the idea on what it's about and stuff. I was just curious, what would an example of one of the challenges be like? [/size]
  3. [size=1][color=orange]Fox yawned as he neatly glided his arwing into the hanger of the Great Fox which was located on the back of the ship. Life lately had been boring, there wasn't much need for a mercenary team at the moment, of course, Fox was expecting something in the mail that would hopefully give his life a bit of a turn around. Fox looked out the cockpit window as the ship landed to see Slippy waddling towards the Arwing. "Hey, Slip." Fox greeted him as he jumped down from the Arwing. Slippy halted and started to catch his breath, then Fox caught sight of a package wraped in gold paper, it had his name of the label, "Is that for me?" Fox asked, but before the gasping toad could answer Fox had already pulled the package from him. The package read [i]"OtakuBoards Survivor: Game on!"[/i]. If Slippy hadn't of been there he would have done a backflip. "Thanks a ton, Slip!" Fox thanked him as he started to run out of the hanger and into a corridor. Slippy turned and tried to say something, but Fox was already long gone. Fox dashed through the ship all the way to his room, he hadn't been this excited in quite a long time. He placed the package on his bed and tore it open like a little kid would on his birthday. Inside the box was a Note, a small disk thing, and a bright [color=blue]blue feather[/color]. Fox quickly scanned over the letter that told him of his acception into the game and that the blue feather an important item needed during the game. Fox picked up the small disk and observed it. It was a blue-silver color about the size of an apple and in the center was a circular button, it was obviously some kind of transportation device. Fox nodded to himself and then pushed the intercom button next to his bed. "Falco?" Fox spoke, waiting for an answer. "Yeah?" The familiar voice of his blue bird comrad responded. "I'm ganna be gone for a little while, until I return you're incharge." Fox smiled, knowing that Flaco loved to be in charge. "Fine..." He responded in an annoyed tone, acting like the job was a burden to him. Fox told him to take care and try not to kill Slippy or blow up the ship. With that, Fox tucked the blue feather into a pouch on his belt and picked up the small device. "OtakuBoards Survivor... Here I come!" Fox cheered and then pressed the button down. Fox suddenly felt himself flying through some kind of dark space. The breath was knocked out of him and his stomach lurched inside of him. Everything seemed to be spinning at an amazingly fast rate and then it suddenly stopped and Fox found himself on solid ground. He gasped and sucked in a large breath and clenched his stomach as he stared at the ground. Then he saw two blue feet infront of him. "Heh, one of the greatest space pilots and the galaxy and you get motion sickness." Krystal chuckled as she helped Fox up to his feet. He brushed himself off and gave her a friendly glare. "I wasn't prepared for that." He remarked with a smirk. "Kupo! Fox, you have arrived!" Mog, the host of the contest flew over, "It's about kupo time!" He exclaimed. He seemed hovered around Fox and scanned his body, as if looking for something, "Did you bring the kupo item?" He finally asked. Fox looked at him strangely for a moment, but then remembered the blue feather. He pulled it from his belt and held up high for Mog and pretty much everyone else to see. Mog nodded in approvement and then flew off. [/size][/color]
  4. [size=1][color=orange][i]Real World Statistics[/i] [b]Name[/b]: Hitari Rosengan [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 17 and a half! [b]Personality[/b]: Hitari is a wild child who loves to go to parties with her friends and have a good old time! She is the loudest out of her group of friends and always expresses herself in many different ways. She's humerous and usually is the one to cheer someone up when there feeling down. Hitari is a bit on the crazy side and can't seem to stand still for 5 seconds (she most likely has ADHD). She is very active and loves to be with her friends most of all. She would do almost anything for them and hopes that they grow old together. [b]Physical Description[/b]: [URL=http://fs6.deviantart.com/i/2005/049/f/1/__Kinryou__by_Kaden_Amano.jpg]Here (But she doesn't have a red head band.)[/URL] [b]Background[/b]: Hitari was born in Tokyo, a big city where all the big parties were. Hitari's mom died when she was little, so it's always just been her and her dad and growing up without a mother was difficult for her. Her dad tried to help, but let's face it, dads don't know how to be a girl (XP). She was made fun of alot during middle school and was extreamly lonely. Everyday she would walk to school, hoping that it would be a better day. Then Sakura came along. Sakura was Hitari's only true friend. She kind of "taught" Hitari how to dress like a girl and stuff, but still be the tomboy she truely is. Once High School started Hitari had alot more friends and wasn't lonely anymore. Sakura was also the one who got Hitari into gaming, they spent alot of time in Sakura's room playing RPG's for hours and hours. Hitari quickly became hooked to the gaming world and like to think of video games that could maybe oneday be created. Third Edge was by far the greatest game Hitari had ever played. For some reason she desided to be a guy even though she was a girl in real life. She desided to be a druid because she thought the name sounded cool ^_^ [i]In Game Statistics[/i] [b]User Name[/b]: Kazen [b]Gender[/b]: Male (Leave it to me to take the strange position) [b]Armour[/b]: Kazen has gloves that go up to his elboe. They are covered in metal plated that can be used for great blocking and protection. [b]Weapon[/b]: Summons spirit weapons, uses power over the weather [b]Class[/b]: Druid [b]Upgrade[/b]: Weathermancer [b]Physical Description[/b]: [URL=http://tn3-1.deviantart.com/300W/i/2003/45/5/f/naruto_OC_rp_sketchdoodle_03.jpg]Here![/URL] But without the headband. Well, That's what I get for taking so long ^_^ Everything is done now! [/size][/color]
  5. [size=1]283 was cool, we got to see Chouji all grown up (well... none of them are completally all grown up Xp). I bet he doesn't wear the Chuunin vest cause they didn't have any in his size! [spoiler]I don't like Sai! It is neat how he draws his attacks and stuff, but he's a jerk. I really didn't like the comment he made a bout Naruto being weak and what he said about the male reproductive tool... that was mean of him [/spoiler] *beats Sai with a big paint brush* I hope Naruto goes Nine Tails on him and beats him into the ground! [/size]
  6. [size=1]Oh, Tobi is literaly a guy with a swirly face (teehee). He's creepy. After [spoiler]Sakura and the old lady defeated the puppet kid, didn't Tobi like come over and eat him or something (or maybe that was someone else)[/spoiler] I have a feeling that Sai is going to end up being a bad guy or something... I like Naruto's voice for the english version, I think it goes good with his character sense he is so young and cheerful and... stuff. Plus, there are other animes that have females playing the voices of males, it's just who has the best voice, gender doesn't have to do with it.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Your brothers lucky and so are you cause i've only seen up to episode 5 (I seem to be busy or gone every Saturday! I need to start taping them)! Tobi? I thought his name was Chouji (thats what it is in the manga). Oh well, maybe they changed his name in the American version or something.[/size]
  8. [size=1]Ah, no matter what you can never see Kakashi's face, he's either facing the other way or is hiding it with a bed sheet! *attacks his mask* Hospitals must stink... Anyways, Akamaru looks really cool I wonder how he got like that (must have fed him a ton of soldier pills!) and Shino does look really cool and he's alot funnier than he used to be. "I see you had no problem recognizing Kiba or Hinata, Naruto..." Whats with this Sai guy, I don't like him, he seems starnge *pokes him* [/size]
  9. [size=1][color=orange][b]Fox[/b]: Hey there, I'm Fox McCloud, here for the survivor interview thing. [b]Mog[/b]: Well, you answered my first question, kupo! Now, did you bring any photos? [b]Fox[/b]: *pulls picture out of wallet* Well, I don't really understand why you need a picture when i'm right here in fron't of you, but [URL=http://usuarios.lycos.es/ffviizone/notis/starasa02.jpg]HERE[/URL] you go! [b]Mog[/b]: What a snice snapshot, Kupo! Now, what game are you from, kupo? [b]Fox[/b]: I'm in all of the Starfox games. I call it the Starfox Trilogy! The games are Starfox (SNES), Starfox64, Starfox Adventures, and my latest appearance is in Starfox Assault. [b]Mog[/b]: Ah, I see, Kupo! What genre are those, I havn't played them in a while. [b]Fox[/b]: All of them are shooters (Platformer) except for Adventures (obviously it's adventure), though it did have a little bit of shooting in it *Pulls out gun and twirls it around* [b]Mog[/b]: I see you are kupo about guns... *eyes the ray gun* [b]Fox[/b]: Yeah, there really fun, but Pepper wouldn't let me use it when I was on Dinosaur Planet... Not sure why though *His finger slips and pulls the trigger, shooting a whole in the ceiling.* oops... I can pay for that... really. [b]Mog[/b]: Oh...Kupo... *sighs* I wonder why he wouldn't let you use the gun... Anyways, Kupo, how would you describe yourself? [b]Fox[/b]: Hmm... Well, I guess you could describe me as a young laid back pilot who doesn't mind risking his bushy tail to save someone. I'm a good leader even though I'm kind of young and I'm not always serious in battles unless it's really really really really life threatning. I'm pretty smart too. [b]Mog[/b]: Well, combat experience is a good quality in this game, as well as brains, Kupo! Now, what are some of your talents? [b]Fox[/b]: Well, I'm an ace pilot, one of the best in the galaxy. I'm also good in hand to hand combat (or with a staff) and I'm an excellant shot from the ground or sky. I'm good at solving puzzles too. [b]Mog[/b]: Good, Good, Kupo! Last but not least, what is your motive for entering this contest? [b]Fox[/b]: Well, things are kind of slow right now in the mercenary business and Slippy is driving me insane up in that ship, I had to get away from him! So, I thought "Why not join this contest, have a good time, and possibly win something from it?" [b]Mog[/b]: Ah, good reason, I would want to get away from that frog too, Kupo! Well, that's all for now Fox, we'll contact you if you make it in, Kupo! [b]Fox[/b]: Thanks, later! [/color][/size]
  10. [size=1][color=darkyellow][b]Name[/b]: Jolteon [b]Age[/b]: 4 [b]Species[/b]: Jolteon [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Type[/b]: Lightning [b]Attacks[/b]: Zap Cannon, Agility, Pin Missle, Thunder Wave [b]Affiliation[/b]: Guardians [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs290.gif[/img] Jolteon is a little smaller than the average Jolteon and his guardian symbol is on his back. Jolteon's left eye is whitish blue instead of black and has a scar running down it. On his left ear there is a silver ear ring at the tip. [b]Personality[/b]: Jolteon is the newest addition to the gardians and is very excited and honored to become one, he hasn't been assigned a job yet, but will be in just a day or two. Jolteon is a young, free spirited pokemon who is always smiling and feeling good. Of course, he does have his angry and serious sides to him when they are needed, but you may still catch him smiling even then. Jolteon is brave and would risk his life for someone he cared for or believed in. Sometimes he gets a bit ahead of himself, but in end everything works out for him. When meeting new pokemon he can be shy, but after the first few minets is as if you've known him your whole life. Jolteon doesn't really like humans all that much and usually steals their food ^_^ [b]Biography[/b]: Jolteon was born as the first of a three litter group. Jolteon had a brother and a sister and his dear mother and father. Being the first born, most attention came to him from his parents as they wanted him to become a strong and fearless pokemon one day. His sister adored him, but Jolteon's brother despised him and was full of jealousy. He believed he was much stronger than Jolteon and should have the honor and respect that he recieved. One night Jolteon went for a walk with his brother who said he wanted to show Jolteon something really cool. They came to the top of a large hill and on the other side was a fire and a group of humans sitting around it. As Jolteon leaned over to get a better look, his ruthless brother ramed him down the hill right into the humans camp site. Let's just say these humans weren't the nicest. They caged Jolteon up and tortured him as they continued their own personal journey, capturing more pokemon along the way. Even to this day Jolteon isn't really sure how he escaped alive and what happened to those other pokemon who remained captured. When he finally escaped Jolteon had left with a blind eye that had been cut when he had tryed to escape, he also had a silver ear ring on his ear that the humans had used to "brand" them. And so, Jolteon continued his life in the wild. He couldn't go back home because 1. He had no idea where home was and 2. He didn't want to go back to thet evil brother of his anyways. At first, life on his own was difficult. He had never had to be on his own before and getting food on his own was still new to him. Plus, there were other wild pokemon who would chase after him if he came into their territory. Of course, among all of the mean pokemon, there were the helpful and kind ones as well. These kinder pokemon helped Jolteon get food, make a place to sleep for the night, and even helped him improve his fighting abilities and overcome his blind eye. Because of his small size, Jolteon's physical attacks were weak and weren't very affective. But he soon discovered that his awesome speed made up for his physical weakness. His other senses also increased due to his blind eye. Jolteon likes to make combos out of his attacks to take down his opponents. He even learned the ways of fighting trained pokemon who were owned by humans. Jolteon has dodged being captured countless times by trainers and enjoys stealing some of their food before escaping. It wasn't until he was almost 3 when Jolteon learned about the Gardians. As soon as he heard about them from an old, wise Raichu he desided that being a gardian was his destiny and he would train hard to become one of them. Jolteon became stronger as the year wen't by until he thought he was ready. The Test to be in the gardians was hard and combined mental and physical abilities. In the end, Jolteon was accepted and was marked with the Gardian symbol. He now awaits for the elder gardians to give him his assignment. [/size][/color]
  11. [quote]I dunno how Kakashi got that Sharingan. Though I really want to know. My theory is there's another way to get it. Or maybe because Obito [spoiler]is already dead[/spoiler] -ArV[/QUOTE] Yeah, I was thinking maybe sense [spoiler]Obito died (and he was Kakashi's best friend in the end) that maybe it happened. Or maybe sense Kakashi blames himself for Obito's death it happened... Bah, I bet Itachi just made it up! That loser![/spoiler]
  12. [size=1]Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru are known as the Sannin (It means three ninjas) and they are the only Sannin and they became the 3 sannin together (I think) sense they grew up on the same team and stuff. The third was their teacher. Gah, It took me a week and a half, but I'm finally up to date on the manga! Yay! My favorite chapters are the one about Kakashi's past, he so cool. [spoiler]How did Kakashi get the new sharigan (the one that starts with an M.) Sasuke's brother said he would have to kill his best friend to obtain it. It's really cool looking and the part with piggy back ride was really funny! hehehe.[/spoiler][/size]
  13. [size=1]Shannin? I guess I havn't read enough to know what that is yet. Where would a Shannin fit in (what does that person do)? I thought Jounin was the highest asides from Hokage. [quote]Naruto is one of my favorites. The dub version is horrid however. I knew it would be butchered, but the voices..ah, so incredibly bad. I much prefer the Japanese with subtitles.[/quote] This is just my own oppinion, but I hate watching the japanese versions of anime and having to read the subtitles! It drives me insane and I hate the girl voices (They sound like squeaky little mice!) But that's just me. Sinse i've only seen the english version of Naruto the voices don't really bother me, and I don't usually care if they show blood or not (asides, I can just go read the manga which has tons of blood.) Konohamaru's voice is a bit annoying, but it seems to fit his character.[/size]
  14. [size=1][color=darkgreen]I have just recentally started to read and watch Naruto and I have to say I absolutely loove it! I havn't liked an anime this much in over a year! Well, I started reading the manga online (I'm only on chapter 81 or 82 though) and I have a question that has kinda confused me and was wondering if the wise Naruto fans here could help me out ^^ [b]KKC's Kakashi Question[/b]: Ok, I was reading the manga and during one part when Kakashi and Iruka are arguing, Kakashi says "I became a Chuunin (sp?) six years younger than Naruto is now. Well, sense the seal of the nine tails has been there for 12 years, that would make Naruto 12 or 13 right? But that would mean Kakashi became a Chuunin when he was 6 or 7? Is that true or did the translator of the manga just make a mistake? [/size][/color]
  15. Oh wow! I absolutely love them! Thankyou to everyone who made me something!
  16. Ooo, I like both of them! Anxiety, I really liked yours, but you used the wrong picture, teehee. If you want to make another one with the picture I provided then i'll prolly use it! For now i'll use the one Nashville made. Thankyou ^^
  17. [size=1]Hi, I was hoping if someone could please make me a spiffy looking banner and avatar of Kakashi from Naruto (cause he ish da coolist). I have am providing pics, so you don't have to go hunt them down on google ^^ On the Avatar, I would like my name, but I want it to be pretty small. And you can make the banner how ever cool looking you want, heck, throw in a quote if you want. I just want it to be spiffy. [/size]
  18. Wow, a zoids thread! *almost dies from surprise-ness...ess* I have to say that zoids CC was may fav. show for about 2-3 years! Then the blox one came out and was stinky... Anyways, I have to go with Van as well. True, the Liger Zero had a "black box" and all those different attachments, but if it came down to the better pilot it would have to be Van. Alot of Bit's skill comes from the liger because it can move and make desisions on it's own. Van on the other hand attended the Republic Army training thing and mastered piloting without a Organoid (Zeek). Wow, i'm surprised I remembered all of that :animesmil
  19. [size=1]I'v only met a few poets that wrote kid poetry books back when I was a little kid (Like 1st to 3rd grade). So, no, I'v never actually met any famous people, but I think a distant realative of mine might have worked on the 4, 5, and 6 Starwars movies, but im not real sure. I do know this person who is a Architect in LA and she went to Elijah Wood's (Frodo) house to take pictures of his rooms and stuff so they could help remodel it.[/size]
  20. [size=1][center][b]Name[/b]: Uchiyama Kimi [b]Gender[/b]: female [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Sign[/b]: Rat [b]Instrument/Job[/b]: Drum set player [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23664&stc=1[/img] [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23663&stc=1]Kimi[/URL] [b]Personality[/b]: She's very bright and happy, ususally keeping the Wild Cats' spirits up alongside Bunto. It's hard to make her angry and when someone makes fun of her or insults her she deals with it by staying calm and making a remark that isn't insulting but gets on the others persons nerves. Kimi is very clever and is also wise beyond her years. When the two groups ever get into a fight she tries to calm both sides down, but it doesn't always work well. Kimi looks up to her big brother Zeos, even if he finds her to be a burden at times. When Kimi gets herself into trouble, he always knows how to get her out of it. [b]Character Snippit or Bio[/b]: Kimi dashed into the outside locker room and started to strip herself out of her sweaty soccer uniform and into her jeans and T-shirt. A girl with short black hair walked in after her. "Great game Kimi, you showed those punks how you're supposed to play soccer." she said holding up a hand for a high five. Kimi was jumping on one foot as she pulled her orange T-shirt over her head. She barely touched the girls hand and grabbed her doufle bag before sprinting out of the room. "Zeos is going to kill me!" Kimi yelled to herself. One of her soccer games ended up being right before band practice, she thought it would be over in time, but the other team kept getting called for stupid fouls and stuff. Kimi leapt over a railing and pulled her alluminum drumsticks out of her bag. Twirling them in her fingers as she scrambled through a door where Zeos and the other band members were arguing about starting or not. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" Kimi gasped as she jumped onto her drum throne. She started to adjust the snare for an easier reach. She looked up to see Zeos giving her a 'I can't believe you're late' look. Kimi just grined sheepishly. "Alright, let's play! 1 2 3 4!" Kimi screamed clacking her sticks together. And then she were off jaming.[/size][/center]
  21. [size=1]Wow, this was a brilliant idea... Kudos to Unborn! (did I spell Kudos right?) I like how you were able to fit people personalitys with the zodiac, I thought that was pretty cool. I will for sure be signing-up for this. Not only does the story sounds interesting, but i'm a band geek and music is my thing! *does a really crappy dance and every body scoots away* Plus, I'm a UK fan (The Kentucky wild cats! w00t!) ..... So, is what you have typed in the first post for this thread the main thing, or are you going to explain more about the faculty and stuff?[/size]
  22. [size=1]For myself, n00bs have never really been an issue to me. True, alot of n00bs arn't the greatest role players around, but if you notice most of the rpgs that arn't very good are occupied with n00bs. If dn't want to be in an rpg with n00bs then don't sign-up for an rpg that a n00b created (If the story line sounds cool, but the sign-up is crappy and the spelling is really bad). Also, most of the rpgs I join only allow a certain number of people to join in. If the head of the rpg doesn't want their rpg n00b-i-fied then they won't choose that person to go into the actual rpg. I don't really have a problem with spelling errors (unless it's like Kewl, sk8, and stuff like that) because alot of people on the board who are considered members are still kind of young and havn't gone through all those high school english classes. I myself just got promoted from the 8th grade and i've never seen myself as a good speller. Plus, the person may have just made a typo. Over all, I don't mind n00bs that much. If I don't want to be around them, I just stay away until they have become mature members and depend on our moderators to close any of their scary threads! yay! ^_^ I just came back to the boards like 4 days ago, so I can't really tell if the n00bs are taking over or what ever.[/size]
  23. Thanks Jones, ^_^ I love it!
  24. [size=1]Awesome banner rising sun. I came to the conclusion that the picture I wanted for my avatar is way to blurry. So, I have a different picture that I would like to be used. (look at attachment) I would like it to be Yoda from the first box. Thanks. [/size]
  25. [size=1]Hey there! After a long absense from the boards I have returned in need of a new banner and avatar. Avatar: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23617&stc=1[/img] I would like this picture to be used for my avatar. If you want to make the picture look sharper or anything, go for it. I would like a border, but I do not want my name on it. Bannner: [URL=http://www.rabittooth.com/800x600StarWarsWallpapers/YodaWallpaper.jpg]Click here for picture![/URL] I would like this picture for my banner. I would like it to have a border, but not my name. I would like it to say somewhere (not covering yoda) "Size matter not". Thanks in advance to anyone who gives this a shot.[/size]
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