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[size=1][color=darkgreen][center] [b]Name[/b]: Yaru [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Race[/b]: Whill [b]Homeworld[/b]: Unknown [b]Affiliate Order[/b]: Old Jedi Order [b]Rank[/b]: Padawan Learner [b]Class[/b]: Padawan Mediator [b]Lightsaber[/b]: Although the hilt of Yaru?s single blade lightsaber is only half the size of a regular one, the bright kelly green blade is the same length as any regular lightsaber. The hilt of the saber is a bright silver. [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23618&stc=1[/img] Yaru was given this lightsaber by her master, Doran Wo'dinn, who made it specially for her small size and three fingered grip. He even had an inscription (symbol) made on the extended piece of silver that means "Pure heart". [b]Lightsaber Style[/b]: Ataru ? Level 1 [b]Force Powers[/b]: -Force barrier -Burst of speed -Force jump -Force push -Force direction -Throw Lightsaber [b]Appearance[/b]: Like the rest of her species, Yaru?s stands roughly at 2 feet (24 inches) and has a darker green skin tone then most of her kind. Because of her light weight, Yaru?s foot steps are very soft and she is able to sneak up on people very easily. Yaru wears no shoes because the rough soul on her feet acts like a shoe. She has deep brown eyes and her hair is chocolate brown. Her bangs come over her large forehead (not making it look so big) and in the back it comes slightly past her shoulders where she usually keeps it tied back. She wears a dark brown tunic with the same colored pants and a forest green sash belt is wrapped around her waist that holds her lightsaber. Her jedi robe that she wears over this is a creamy tan color and the hood has holes in it so she can poke her ears through. Although she is small, Yaru is still physically strong like the bigger jedi. Maybe on a slightly smaller scale, but she isn't a wet noodle either. A big part of her training is building her muscles so she can hold her own with a lightsaber. On Yaru?s back there is a scar that runs from the bottom of her neck to the middle section of her back, that appeared after a terrible accendent when she was 10. [b]Biography[/b]: Yaru has no idea where she came from or who her parents are, or were. When Yaru was about a year old she was found above the Dantooine Academy by a young padawan who had snuck out for some fresh air. The jedi at the academy were very surprised that her species still existed. Yoda was the last known being of her race and even he believed he was the last one. The council tested the new arrival and soon discovered that the force was present in the child. So it was how Yaru became a student at the Dantooine Academy. As a youngling Yaru was a big handful and was constantly wondering off and hiding in small spaces all around the academy. She once managed to hide away for five hours before a jedi master found her hidden away in his closet. After many punishments and finger shakes, Yaru finally got the picture that running away from the group was a bad thing. Even though she didn't run off as much, she still managed to get herself into trouble with out even trying. When Yaru finally reached the age when training started she realized how being a jedi wasn?t like a fun game that you could quit one day and then go back to it the next. There were no breaks if you wished to go through jedi training. If you ever quit the order, there was no coming back? No second chances? No do overs. Unlike most of the younglings in her age group, Yaru quickly understood the jedi principals and what it was all about. Yaru had known that jedi helped people, but there was much much more. The first thing a jedi did was serve the force, the power that surrounds every thing in the galaxy, the power of life. One of their first lessons was to actually feel the force. When doing this, Yaru of course felt the coldness of the dark side present in the force. This was the side created from anger, suffering, hate, greed, and other things. To be a jedi you could not have these emotions, fore they would lead you to the dark side. Although she was very little, Yaru decided on that first day of training that she would give her life to the force and serve it until she died. Yaru decided on her own to train to be a mediator, a jedi that uses fighting and force equally instead of just focusing on one. Big Zarael, Jedi council member that all younglings knew well asked her why she wanted to train as a mediator. Her reply was simple. She wanted to have some sort of advantage no matter who she was ever up against. If she went against a fighter with low skills in the force, then her skills in the force could be used as an advantage. If she was against a strong force user with weak abilities with a lightsaber, she could mainly focus with her lightsaber skills. The wise master just smiled and told her it was harder to do than to say. When Yaru was about ten something happened that changed her forever. Her and another student were having a training session in a large room with large pillars here and there. The lights were off because the exersize was to help increase your awareness of the force and not need to depend so much on your eyes fore they can trick you in battle. Yaru had the upper hand at the moment and leaped at her opponant hoping to make the final strike when the room suddenly collapsed. The jedi master watching them reacted quickly and used the force to pull them away from the falling rubble and to the hallway just outside the room. The student Yaru was up against made it, but Yaru was stopped short by a pillar that crashed over and blocked the exit. It was her small size that saved her, she was able to take cover under neath a fallen piller that had a small gap beneath it, but not before a sharp piece of metal sliced into Yaru's back causing her to nearly bleed to death. They barely recovered her from the wreckage and she spent a good week or so in the infirmery. The Jedi masters discovered that a heavy rain from the night before had caused to much strain on the middle pillar and it crumbled beneath the weight. After the accedent Yaru is always a little nervous when she walks into that same room that they repared and does worry about being under ground, what if the whole academy collapsed. She keeps this fear burried away because fear can lead a jedi to the dark side. The scar on her back sometimes hurts, though she doesn't know why. As Yaru continued to train in the academy she became one of the top students in her age group, yet, for some reason she could not seem to interest any of the Jedi knights or masters in taking her in as their apprentice. Yaru?s biggest complication as being a jedi was patience. Waiting to become a padawan learner required a lot of patience and challenged Yaru?s abilities. (I have a lot more to type, but I would have to know who my "master'' is to do so) [b]Personality[/b]: Although Yaru is very tiny, she has a big personality with an even bigger heart. Even during the most wearing training sessions you can always see a smile on her small face and a glowing in her eyes. Yaru is in some ways different from the other jedi who are usually very calm and have a peaceful personality. Yaru on the other hand is very carefree and always seems to be excited about something. She sometimes has trouble during meditation because she has the urge to get up and move, instead of sitting so still. She speaks her mind unless she knows it could mean trouble.She also likes to have her alone time like most jedi. She usually retreats to room that is filled with waterfalls and a stream. Most jedi come here for meditation or just to get away from the busy academy. Yaru is also good with younglings and story telling. Sometimes when she is meditating younglings will come and beg for a story. Most of them are made up, but some of them are true tales of the jedi knights and masters who lived before the sith took over. What she loves most about the younglings is watching them grow from a silly todler to a mature and respected padawan of the academy. Yaru never gets angry and gets along very well with others, which she finds to be her greatest gift of all and always seems to be in a good mood, though the loss of a jedi does make her more quiet. Though Yaru is laid back than most, she does have her serious side that breaks in when she knows she is needed by others. She understands the seriousness of what is happening and plans on doing all she can to make it better. [b]Other[/b]: Many jedi believe that Yaru is somehow a distant relative of Yoda. Most saying that she is his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great niece or something like that. Yaru believes that the Whill are not completely gone, she believes they are somewhere out there in the galaxy still hiding from the war. [b]Final Question[/b]: I understood everything perfectly. [/size][/color][/center]
[size=1][color=darkblue]Angel did a barrel rool in mid air as lightning bolts ripped past him, hiting other building that he hoped weren't occupied with people. He looked behind him to see a boy with spiked gold hair following him on a scarp piece of medal. The boy cackled a laughter as he sent more bolts flying at Angel. He dodged them again and decided it was about time to take the fighter out. "What's wrong pidgen? Afraid to turn and fight?" The boy sneered in a cracked voice. Angel laughed and flew up and over backwards appearing behind Sparky, a student of blood who always liked to pick fights with anyone. Sparky gulped and turned around on the piece of metal and shot a blast of electricity at the white winged titan. Angel crossed his wings infront of him. They shook as the electricity pounded into them, but with stood and Angel pulled out his two boomarangs and fired one furthar that the other. The first one was heading straight for Sparky's neck, he zapped at it with his lightning powers, but it missed. Just as the first one hit the front of his neck the other boomarang hit the back of his neck. A horrible snap came from the boy and he fell to the ground with a thud. Angel then opened his computer and saw a red dot flashing about 4 blocks from where he was, it was Kage. He flew off in the direction of his friends location, he soared up high above the buildings, his boomarangs still being held tightly in his hands. He spotted Kage and also noticed a Cy-drone hidden sneaking up behind him. Kage was busy with the ones charging front of him. Angel down ward and hurled one of the boomarangs at the cy-drone. Its head poped clean of as Kage spun around to attack it. He stoped and looked up to see angel. "Thought you could use some help!" He laughed as he landed next to the Titan leader.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=red]Aaron watched Imogen talk about homework with the other boy. She asked simple questions like when it was do or what parts of it she didn't understand. He had a feeling she was just making small talk, she was always up to date with English homework, it was her favorite class after all. When the boy walked off she came back to Aaron and they made their way towards the arts building. It was one of the largest sense everything that had to do with the arts was in the building. Drama, art, music, dance, everything was held in the building. Aaron looked at her face, she still seemed bumbed out. He stuffed his hand into his large pocket and fiddled with his cell phone, he had put Imogen's cell number on speed dial one. He felt for the button and then pressed it down. In a few moments the high pitched ring from Imogen's cell phone went off. She jumped slightly at the sound and quickly pulled it out of her purse and answered it without seeing who was calling. "Hello?" She said into the phone. "Hey, how are you?" Aaron said next to her, his phone up to his ear. He gave her a smug smile and she pushed him playfully. "You nerd." She teased with a laugh. Aaron's deep laugh seemed to echo through out the campus as he through his head back into the sky. He ran off towards the arts building with arms thrown out. He spun around and fell into a pile of leaves that had been raked up. The pile broke his fall and layed there looking up at the sky. Imogen soon blocked his view and she shook her head at him with a smile. "Sometimes I wonder about you..." She sighed and put out a hand to help him up. He took it and heaved, pulling her into the pile with the oldest trick in the book. He grabed a pile and tossed it into her hair and face. "Aaron, quit messing around, we're going to be late to class." Imogen scolded, she still smiled though. "Awww..." He whined like a two year old. "You no fun." He jumped up out of the leaves and she followed. As they entered the art building she pulled the last bits of leaves out of her hair, "Maybe we can hang out or something with the others after class." he whispered as they walked into the art class room. The room was big, but was very messy too, paint stains splattered the floors, walls, and tables. There were many desks and in the middle of the room was a set of assorted things consisting of a bottle, base ball, small horse figuring, and a small heart shaped locket. A large lamp shined on the objects. The teacher started out the lesson explaining how they would be working on their shading skills with color that day. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue][b]Name[/b]: Aaron Marsee [b]Codename[/b]: Angel [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Aaron has curly red hair that stops at his ear lobes. He has deep blue eyes and is very handsom. He stands at about 5'9'' and is quite muscular. When he is angel he wears a black jump suit (fairly loose) with gold rings at his ancles and wrists. On his chest is a cross with wings coming from the sides of it. The suit comes over his head, covering his eyes and nose. Where his ears should be there are two gold wings (one on each side). He has a gold belt that he keeps him boomarangs on. [b]Weapons[/b]: Two Boomarangs that are about 2 feet tall. They have white feathers coming out of the sides and are painted white with gold zig zags. [b]Powers[/b]: From Angel's back are two large white wings that look like an angels (hint his name). His wings arn't fragile though, far from it. His wings are sometimes thought to be made of steel, but they arn't. His wings are very firm and powerful, they can also with stand blasts from the energy from tech. The tips of Angel's wings can also sharpen like blade that can cut through things (not anything major, basics like rope, flesh, ect.). He is very fast when flying and is hard to keep up with. He doesn't know it, but the secret to his wings is that blue tech is hiddes under neath his feathers. [B]Personality[/b]: Aaron has a very good sense of humer and is always looking to have fun, even though it is very difficult to because of The Hive and the destruction they cause, but he manages. Aaron is a bit on the romantic side, always hiting on girl and coming up with corny pick up lines that never work. He can act like a goof and sometimes the other titans have to pull him away from flirting. He is religious and doesn't like his religion to be insulted, he can get very angry when they do, but it takes alot of put downs. Hes sinces are always ready when fighting and he is almost never cocky even if it's an enemy he could easily take down. Biography: Aaron was born with his wings from two ordinary parents, they had no idea why he had wings, but they believed it was from a chemical accident his mother was in. When he was only 6 months old someone broke into his house and killed his mother and father, stealing him. Ther person who stole him was of course Blood. He had seen an article about Aaron in the paper and wanted him as a student, or possibley a child to call his own. The first thing his did was add blue tech under neath his feathers, they were unnoticable and very dificult to find because of all the feathers he had on his wings. The blue tech would eventually inhance his speed, wing strength, and even make them sharp like blades. Good for the little angel though, he was rescued by a group of heros who had come to try and stop blood. Like the others, they failed, but one member escaped with Aaron, she was terribly wounded though and wouldn't be able to live very long. She took Aaron to a random door step and left him there. They didn't know his real name so they gave him a new one and their last name. The family Aaron grew up with was kind and loving to him. They were religious and would always go to church to prey that the times would get better. They always told Aaron that he was special because of his wings, but that didn't mean he should think highly of himself over others. Once they told him that he never did think himself better than others. When Aaron turned 9 he started to train himself and his wings, he soon learned that he was very fast and pretty powerful as well. He then decided he would like to help those last fighters that remained, the ones who wanted to defeat Blood and bring back piece. He trained till he was 13, making his weapons a pair of boomarangs that could knock even the thickest skull unconsious. Unfortuantly, Blood learned of what was heppening with the young fighter and sent a group of fighters to destroy him. He wasn't home at the time, but when he returned he found his house burned to the ground along with his parents. It was then that he promised to God that he would stop the Hive no matter what he had to do. He then created his suit and joined up with the Titans, ready to kick some butt. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkorange]A cool autumn breeze blew from the north, flowing through Aaron's rich red hair, but it didn't waver due to the stiffness of his hair glue that he used everyday. He pulled the collar of his jacket up closer around his neck and shivered slightly. He looked ahead to see a brick building with a bright yellow door. In the middle of the door was a black and white target, why it had a target on it, no one really knew, but when the building was locked up at nights some kids would play darts on it. Aaron shuffled over the the bottom step that led to the door and sat down waiting for the students from the class to come out. He had told Imogen that he would wait for outside and then they could go to art class together. I t was one of the few classes they shared this year. He knew the teacher always liked to keep his clases a little long, so he pulled out his sketch book and a pen and looked around. A Squirrel was perched on the stone rail next to him, the little fellow cocked his head and started to chatter as if asking Aaron why he was sitting in the cold all by himself. The squirrel's at the school were very strange, actually, all the animals were. The school had been built over a hundred years ago, so the animals were used to the humans and treated them like their own kind. "I'm waiting for a friend." Aaron smiled as he started to sketch the outline of the little animal. "Don't you have any friends waiting for you?" He felt silly talking to the squirrel, but no one was around and he had nothing better to do. As if understanding him, the brown little mamal leaped from the rail and darted of across the grounds. Aaron turned around when he heard the door behind him swing open. A young boy jumped over the three steps and gleefully praised the sky that he was free. He obviously didn't like writing or English class. Aaron put his sketch book away and waited until Imogen walked outside. Her eyes were slightly red. She saw Aaron and managed a tiny smile. Or he thought it was. It was like the Monalisa, you couldn't tell if she was smiling or frowning. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron started to head down to the meal room, but stoped in the middle of a corridor. His stomach growled, but he didn't feel hungry. How could that have happened? They wern't like the new changers, they were trained, some of the best warriors Aaron knew. A part of him believed they were still alive, maybe they just appeared to be dead, but then, would they still be alive now? Aaron shifted into his tiger form, he could practically smell the emotions. Sadness, anger, guilt... He followed a passage out to the front of the cave, following Tala's scent. He stopped outside the exit and watched her howl in pain up at the sky. It was slow sad howl, and it would quiver slightly every moment or so. Aaron silently walked closer and let out a loud roar at the sky and held it out, his eyes were shut tight. When he was done Tala had stoped howling and looked out across the land into the distance. Aaron padded over and sat on his haunches, trying to follow her gaze. He suddenly had an urge to run out there, all the way to that cave and see if they truely were dead. He wanted to face this stupid glowing light and rip it to shreads, taking the stone to honor his fallen friends. A low growl grew from his mouth. "I'm not going to lose you either. So don't even think about leaving." Tala said solemnly. She turned and looked at the white tiger. They were completely eye level, both him and her were the same size in animal form. Aaron looked away at the forest. "Don't think about running off tonight either. I need you here to train the others." "I wasn't thinking about leaving..." He whispered. He felt his eyes slightly burn as he tried to hold back tears. The changers had been no only his good friends, but also his family. He had been living here with them since he was 9. His mother had died giving birth to him and his father had died in a battle when assisting the changers. Roc had been like a father to him, now he had lost both him and his brothers and sisters. He let out a sigh. "I think I know how to pick up the training and make it go faster..." He said staring at the moon. "Really? What's your idea?" She asked. Aaron shifted on his front paws, leaving prints in the dirt below him, "If you go about 15 miles into the forest, and then go East, you'll find small packs of demons... About 8 or 9 in a pack. They arn't large or very dangerous at all. 3 and half feet is probably the tallest they get... I was thinking maybe I could take the changers on a... Servival trip after dinner..." He turned to the large wold next to him and had a large smile, showing all of his sharp white teeth.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron watched the remaining three practice transforming. Kyo pretty much had his panther form down perfectly, he sometimes had trouble changing back, but he could handle it pretty well. Aaron turned and watched Sakura, she was human except for little bulges of skin poping from her back which were her wings. She was completely tensed up and her back was crouched over. Aaron troted over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Concentrate, but don't tense up and burn yourself out." He spoke to her. "Loosen your muscles slowly, mainly the ones in your back." Sakura nodded and her limbs became loose, the little bumps on her back seemed to soak into her skin. She looked up at Aaron and gave a smile, he smiled back. He didn't want to train right now, but he realized working with Sakura and the others cheered him up in a way. He felt his stomach growl with hunger and he turned to the others. "Well, if you all want to take a dinner break go right ahead, you can stay in here though if you wish." Aaron announced and started to leave the chamber.[/size][/color]
[size=1]Awesome Possum! I'm really excited about this, sounds really fun adn intersting, I'm not usually into love RPs, but this one sounded good. Expesially with the whole Aura thing. About the Aura's, I think they are all good, but I was thinking maybe you should make one for consern or worry-ism (not a word, but w/e). Maybe one of the ones up there is supposed to be that and I just missed something. I was also thinking that maybe Black could be complete and total hatred for someone, just a thought. [/size]
Nicknames, who has the, what are they, and how did you get them?
KKC replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[size=1]I've been givin alot of nick names by my family. They consist of CC, Pooky, Carri, and then names that my dad will call everyone. CC is my most common one because I've been called that since I was a little kid and a story behind it always makes me laugh. I don't know how I got it except for the reason that my name starts with a C (but that's the only C). But the story my mom would always tell me went like this: When I was still a toddler a hispanic moved into the house next to us. He was a really funny guy and would stop by our house when the family was outside and talk to us. His english was pretty good, but sometimes he would get words mixed up. One day my mom called "CC, come over here." while he was over and a look of puzzlement crossed his face. He turned to my mom and asked "Why do you call her yes yes?" I love that story so much. For those of you who don't know any spanish, Si (C) is Spanish means yes.[/size] -
[size=1][color=darkgreen] I hope this is ok, if not I can change it or something. [b]Name[/b]: Aaron Marsee (pronounced Mar-Say, it's French) [b]Age[/b]: 16 (almost 17) [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21945[/img] His hair isn't all in his face though. He keeps it very stiff with hair glue, spiking it out forward. He wears a different amount of things, but his favorite color is orange so he usually wears that color. [b]Subjects[/b]: ~Algebra 2 ~Art 2&3 ~World history ~Percussion ~Forensic Science ~English 2 [b]Personality[/b] Aaron is very humerous fellow with a heart as big as his laugh. He is kind to just about everyone, even if he doesn't really like that person, he won't say nice things about them when they're around, but he is never actually mean to the person's face. He is very silly and knows how to cheer someone up when they're down. He has a big imagination and is always thinking and pondering upon the things he could become once he's out of high school and collage. He sometimes plays pranks, but never means them to be hurtful. Aaron can have a hard time expressing his feelings to people and hides them away, sometimes he hides them for a very long time, like the love for his best friend, Imogen. [b]Bio[/b]: When Aaron was just an infant his parents moved from France to England (his parents have French accents, but sense he grew up in England and his parents taught his to speek he says some words in a French accent and others in an English accent.). He grew up as the nabor of a young girl about his age, Imogen. Their families were wonderful friends and Aaron and Imogen grew being the best of friends. They were such good of friends that their families would go on vacation with each other and just walzing into one or anothers house with out knocking was as normal as clouds in the sky. Ever sense Aaron was 7, he always had this strange feeling for her, one that he felt for no other person. At first, being little, he figured it was just because they were good friends, but when he was older he admited to himself that he loved her, not just as a best friend, but more. Aaron has always been with Imogen through thick and thin, though he has never told her his true feelings and hides them very well. He didn't like her boy friends, but he never made it seem like that. He treated her boyfriends as if they were his brothers. After Imogen's recent break-up, Aaron is trying to cheer her up, but nothing seems to be working. She's been acting different then usual, so he tries to be with her more to take her mind off of what ever it is she is thinking of. Aaron is very artistic. He likes music, art, acting, and alot of other things as well. He doesn't yet know what he wants to do when he's older, but is constantly thinking about it. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue]Aaron walked into the training just as the others started to leave he gave them all a smile or a nod and then looked to Tala with a confused expresion. "Arn't we supposed to train the new guys?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Tala laughed at his expression. "I don't think we're going to need everyone here to train them. It won't be [i]that[/i] difficult." She said pating the red headed changer on the shoulder. "The others are retrieving something very useful for us to use. They'll be back later." Just then the new changers walked in through the stone arch way. Aaron turned and waved to them with a huge grin. Some of them looked excited as they peeked into the weapons room, while a couple looked nervous, but prepared for what was ahead. Tala gave him a nudge in the leg to go on and start the training. Aaron gave her a playful glare and then walked over to the chagers, spining his glaive as he went and tossing it from one hand to another. He then layed the glaive up against the side of the wall and faced the small group. "Welcome new changers to the training room." Aaron announced as he paced back in forth, "For the next few days (possibly longer) you will learn to control your ability to transform into your animal form. We will train in animal form and your normal human form as well. You will learn how to use weapons and your own body as a weapon." He looked around at there faces, they seemed serious about this. Aaron then pealed off his shirt, throwing it to the side and poped his knuckles. "Ok, let the fun begin. Let's start out by learning to control your morphing ability. We don't want you suddenly turning into a weaponless human when you're fighting giant alligator now do we." he joked with a booming laugh. [/size][/color]
[size=1]I was thinking that maybe the Lai and humans could join together and they send a small group to go in and try to destroy the "core" (main power behind the Archetype) and destroy it. Maybe on the way they could join up with the Lyricists who turned good or something. Just a small thought.[/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen] [b]Name[/b]: Lurlan Quickpaw [b]Age[/b]: 120 [b]Race[/b]: Lai [b]Class/Job[/b]: Arch Lai (Earth Lai) [b]Abilities[/b]: [i]Natures Aid[/i] - Lurlan calls out to the trees and plants around the area. Vines, roots, anything that can be used help him with out him having to control the plants. This doesn't always work because not all plants are good. Sometimes, even animals will help him. [i]Cheetahs Paw[/i] - Used during his animal form, Lurlan can move at amazing speeds making it easy for him to catch an enemy or hard for the enemy to catch him. At the moment he is thought to be the fastest creature on land. Other: Over all Lurlan is able to control the ground and other aspects of nature. He can move rocks and cause the ground to tremble. He also has control over the plants and can make them grow bigger than normal and live longer. [b]Appearance[/b]: Lurlan stands at a good 6'2'' and is very muscular. He has dark deep brown eyes and chocolate brown hair that goes down to his ears. When not on official business or out protecting his people and fighting he wears dark tan robes with a tunic and pants underneath. When doing other things he wears his leather armor with the paterns of leaves and petals runing around it. His armor consists of a dark brown leather vest with leather above and below his elboe. He then has finger less gauntlets and shin armor and Leather boots. He also carries and oddly shaped scabbard on his back and a small one of his belt. His animal form is a large brown cat with black stripes like a tiger. It has a small main and is very large, almost the size of a horse. The horn on its head is silve with a green spiral. [b]Weapon[/b]: On his back in a very strange Scabbard is a 5 foot long glaive with a curved blade at the top. The pole is dark brown with vines and leeves running up it. It is named [i]Tiger's Reign[/i]. He also has a dirk, the blade part is curved and looks like a tooth which is way it is named [i]Lion's tooth[/i] kept at Lurlan's belt. [b]Alliance[/b]: Lai [b]Info[/b]: Lurlan just recently became the Arch Lai, the other one was recntly assisanted and asked that Lurlan be the new one is his stead. Lurlan isn't sure why he was chosen being younger than many others, but he was and many stand by him, but many also think he shouldn't be Arch Lai.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Aaron just shrugged and smiled as Tala turned around and walked away towards the meal area. He then walked down a few hallways before he came to his room, the curtain on the outside of the door was an amazing golden yellow. Aaron walked in and gazed at the many weapons he had hanging on the walls. There were axes, broad swords, daggers, dirks, bows and arrows, quivers, short swords, staffs, and glaives. Aaron had so much stuff hanging from his walls it was hard to tell that the walls were made of stone. Above his stone bed was a uniform of leather armor that his father had givin him when he had passed on. Aaron scanned the walls until he found a 5 ft long bone glaive. The staff part had been carved from some kind of bone, the man Aaron had bought it from told him it had been from a dragon. The blade was about 18 inches long and had a slight zig zag patter in the middle. Aaron smiled and pulled it off the wall. It was not only his favorite weapon, but the one he was best with as well. He had nearly mastered all weapons, but he always remained best with the glaive. He started to swing the glaive around his head and stabed out at invisable enemies. He made large sweeps and worked on his foot, manuvering through the invisable opponant who he had practiced these moves with over the years. He did different flips and turns, using the long bladed staff as a lever. He ended the battle with an over head sweep. He stood in the mosition for a minet before putting the glaive on his back and leaving the room.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]OOC: Sorry I havn't been posting much, my computer died and we just now got it back up. IC: Aaron leaped out of the brush on the edge of the forest, inhaling the sent of the leaves, flowers, and even the air. He roared up at the sun as if saying "Good Morning!". He loved all nighters, when he would leave and not return till the next day. He would run across the acres of forest that seemed to stretch forever, he even ran for most of the night until he became weary, he would catch a small meal and then find a nice spot in a tree to sleep. Of course he was awoken with stupidity when he remembered the new changers were coming. He sprinted all the way back to the cave hoping that Tala had forgotten about him for a day. Aaron leaped up to the cave entrace and inhaled, yep, there were new changers. He troted off down the hall ways until he came to the meal room, he decided to get a bite to eat before doing anything else. He stopped when he entered, seeing 5 unfamiliar faces siting at the table. They all looked up at him, staring for a few moments. He smiled (well, if you can imagine a giant white tiger smiling then you can guess it can be a bit creepy), then decided it would look better in human form. His bones poped and rearanged them selves and the snow white fur sunk back becomeing skin and his teeth became flat and dull. "Hey there." Aaron smiled as he greeted the new changers. He took a seat next to one of the girls who seemed to be only a few years younger than himself. She smiled at him and took a bite of her food, "I'm Aaron, the white tiger changer. You all must be the new ones, sorry I wasn't here when you all arrived." He explained. Fawn rolled her eyes at the red head and walked out of the meal room to go get something. Aaron got up and swiped a bowl of something from the counter. "So, names, changes, I'd like to know you all before I train you." Aaron said, siping the warm juices from his bowl. He smiled at the girl next to him and she smiled back. "I'm Sakura. I change into a Griffon." She said with no hesitation. the rest of them went along after her. There was Kyo the black panther, Hari the Dragon changer, Mune the Leapard changer, Baykura the mole changer, and then the Griffon changer Sakura. Aaron smiled and stood up from the table. "Well, I guess I'll see you in a few minets. If you'll excuse me I have to explain to the other why i'm late." He then left the rooming flashing a quick smile back to Sakura.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue]Aaron just blinked and then stretched his arms and legs. The others seemed a bit surprised that Tala had broken the law by taking the Soul. "Well, I hope she has fun. I really would have liked to go with her, Earth is my favorite vacation spot." Aaron said as he swayed over to a saet and ploped down into it, "So, what's the occation?" He asked looking at Roc. "Avian told us that her sister is planing something horrible. We need new changers because she knows each of our weaknesses and could probably take each and every one of us down." Roc said solemnly. Aaron bit his lip, knowing someones weakness did give someone a good advantage, but he still thought they could stand a chance with out new people. "Will we have to train them to fight or help them change or what?" Vaxla asked, siting down on the cold stone floor. Vaxla didn't seem to like the idea of having to train changers who were once mortals of Earth. "I don't know, we'll have to see..." Roc said. Everyone was silent for a moment all wondering what the new changers would be like. What would they change into? Will they have trouble? What if they refused to help? Aaron was mainly wondering if there would be any cute girls, he wouldn't mind geting to train with them. He smiled and jumped up out of his seat. "Well, I'm ganna go for a quick run, I'll be back in a while." With that spoken, Aaron ran out of the cave at a full sprint. His back suddenly started to change as he bent low towards the ground, his arms and legs and whole body became bigger and his normal pale white skin started to to turn into fluffy white fur. He halted suddenly, instead of looking like a person from Earth he was now a giant white tiger. He roared loudly, the ground seemed to tremble beneath him. He wasn't afraid of any demon and wouldn't be defeated. With his powerful muscles, he started sprinting off down the mountain and into a near by wood, his favorite place to run. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue] [b]Name[/b]: Kladerin Huffonin Nexvurnin - He is called "Kladerin the Quick" [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Race[/b]: Sorcerer [b]Location[/b]: Lerion [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=534058]Here[/URL], [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21974&stc=1]Here[/URL], and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21975&stc=1]here[/URL] [b]Spells/Weapons[/b]: The wooden staff in the pictures. Named [i]"Labores."[/i] Spells: [i]Mactabilis Maculo[/i] - [i]Nauseam Solis[/i] - [i]Vacuus Terra[/i] - [b]Biography[/b]: I'll have to this later as well. I don't have much time tonight, but i'll be sure to finish tomarrow.[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue]Aaron smiled, happy that he wouldn't be looking for the ball by himself. He enjoyed traveling with people. The parents who were there said their good-byes and all four of them left the lab at once. They stoped and all sort of looked at each other, not really sure what to do. Aaron and the boy Jon were the only two who had traveling supplies with them. "Maybe we should stop by your houses and get some supplies..." Aaron suggested to the two girls. They both nodded and they headed off in seperate directions. Aaron would go with Noelle to her house and Jon with Nikki, they would meet back at the dirt road path that lead to Viridian City. "Pack as fast as you can, we need to hurry and leave before something worse happens." Noelle told Nikki and then they seperated. Most of the wild pokemon had been chased off by the resident of Pallet and only a few small battles were now going on. They eventually stoped at a two story house. The door had claw marks engraved on it and some of the henges were barely attached. "I'll just be a second!" Noelle said and quickly ran into the messed up house. [/size][/color] sorry that's short, i'm in a hurry.
[size=1][color=royalblue]Motorbike... heh. [b]Name[/b]: Domonic Burmhaman "Dom" [b]Nickname[/b]: Squirrel [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Nationality[/b]: English [b]Group Title[/b]: The small funny guy (Flirty one) [b]Transport[/b]: Motor[u]cycle[/u] (take that foo!) - [URL=http://witold.org/photos/motorcycle/motorcycle-031web.jpg]Click here[/URL] Dom is always comparing his high tech and colorful bike to Robin's old cruddy looking one. He'll usually give the girl members a ride, but none of the guys. [b]Weapons[/b]: [URL=http://www.stun-gun-cell-phone.com/cellstun.jpg]Stun Cell (like a stun gun)[/URL] and [URL=http://palettes.cool.ne.jp/svg/soubi/gun/img/kp85-01.jpg]KP85[/URL] [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-images/Film/Pix/gallery/2003/12/12/dominickim334.jpg]Here[/URL] and [URL=http://www.bagendinn.com/group/images/events/2003misc/c4/0227_Dominic%20Monaghan%202.jpg]Here[/URL] He's only 5'5'' [b]Personality[/b]: Dom is a very care free and wild spirited sort of man. You can almost always see him smiling (unless he's in jail) and he usually is always flirting with the ladies (even if they're a head taller than him). Although it doesn't seem like it, Dom does take his work seriously because it's all he has and if he ever loses it, he wouldn't know what to do. Dom is called Squirrel because he's always chattering and just doesn't know when to shut up. He's also kind of... Lively like a Squirrel. He is also called Squirrel for his very small size and skill in climbing and getting into very small places or spaces. [b]Biography[/b]: Finish later I'll have to finish later. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royalblue]Sounds cool. [b]Name[/b]: Aaron Mendalin [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: male [b]Form[/b]: White Tiger [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.artoki.co.uk/artwork/origaiaethan.jpg[/img] or [URL=http://www.artoki.co.uk/artwork/origaiaethan.jpg]Click here[/URL] [b]Form Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.teezz.co.uk/images/tiger/white-tiger-5394.jpg[/img] only Bigger and has yellow eyes and a scar running across the right eye.[/size][/color]
[size=1]Reality TV shows are the most over rated. My cousin really likes them, so when ever I go to her house she is watching Real world. I swear, each season is the same!everytime, one girl likes one of the guys because he made out with her. Then they go to a bar and the guy takes some girl home and sleeps with her and then the other girl gets all upset and mad! And everyone hates at least one person! I swear, it is all played out or something! I was never really a fan of the Simpson's either. I don't hate the show (I do like it), but in my own oppinion it's never really made laugh out loud like Family Guy. Futurama is ok, it's about like Simpsons (sense they're made by the same person.) I think the simpsons is slightly over rated, but not too much. Family Guy is just so hilarious.[/size]
[size=1]I've heard of open canvas before, i've seen it used in art too and it looks pretty good. I would like to get my hands on it (and a new scanner XP). How much does Open Canvas3.0 cost and where would I be able to get it? I've never seen it in stores.[/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Just curious, but what will the other characters in the RP be doing? Will they have an important role in what happens? [b]Name[/b]: Aaron Marsee [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: See blurry attachment [b]Personality[/b]: Aaron kinda as two personalities, well, sort of. If you are a stranger to Aaron he usually acts shy and won't really talk all that much unless you ask him a question or start the conversation (which he will have trouble to continue). As you continue to talk with him more and more, he will eventually treat you like he does his best friends. With people he's familiar with Aaron is very care free and silly. Always making jokes and doing little immature things. He's such a kid on the inside even though he can look like a mean foot ball player sometimes (on the outside). It is very hard to make Aaron mad, and he doesn't like to show his anger to friends and people he knows. He is kind and is never mean to someone even if that person is annoying him (as long as that person isn't being mean). He is a good, loyal friend. Even though he has trouble standing up for them sometimes. [b]Bio[/b]: N/A [/size][/color]
[size=1] I saw it last night before going to bed. I was just fliping through channels and stopped on one to get my pajamas on (They have frogs and ducks on them!) and started listening about it, I watched for about half an hour and then went to bed. My mom asked if I had heard about it this morning and showed me the section in the paper. It really bothered me that the countries and people had no warning at all about the tsunami (except for the waves geting bigger) because of the lack in technology they have. If they had an Earth quake radar thing or a Tsunami one (I don't know if there is a device that can tell if a Tsunami is coming, but on the new some guy metioned it.) the people could have gone to higher ground or tried to get out the area. I wish people could do something about that. I think it's really horrible, many people have been killed (and the thousand that are missing are probably dead as well) and many people are homeless now. I can't even imagine what it would be like... BTW: I havn't seen The Bourne Identity either, so don't feel bad or anything :wink: [/size]
[size=1][color=Royalblue]Taking a deep breath, Aaron sent the empty pokeball rocketing off to the Cyndaquil. The ball his the fire pokemon on the stomach and in a flash of light it was consumed inside the ball which began to rattle and shake back and forth. The red light in the middle of the ball went back to its normal color and the ball stopped moving. "Alright! That was awesome!" Aaron cheered, picking up Kecleon and jumping around. He was suddenly interupted as more pokemon came rampaging through the town. Aaron quickly picked up Cyndaquils ball and placed it on his belt. Kecleon readied himself for another fight, his tail curling and un curling,"Ok Kecleon let's start out with a-" Aaron was cut off as a sandshrew busted out from the ground, landing in front of them. Before Aaron could react the ground pokemon kicked up dust and sand from the ground blinding both Kecleon and Aaron. "Kecleon!" Aaron called out, hoping that the little pokemon would run over next to him. His eyes burned as he tried to rub the soot from his eyes. The sand suddenly stoped and he looked up to see the sandshrew whip Kecleon with it's strong tail sending the chameleon pokemon flying through the air. "Kecleon!" Aaron yelled. He started to run in the direction Kecleon was heading for. Suddenly, a large pokemon with someone standing on top of it rose up in the air, the person on the large pokemon caught Kecleon as he soared near them. Aaron recognized the pokemon as an onix and the man riding it looked familiar. Aaron quickly spun around to see many pokemon closing in on him from all sides. He backed up slowly, if he ran they would probably just run after him and eat him. [i]Maybe if I stand here real still... they won't see me...[/i] "Hey!" A voice yelled. Aaron looked behind him to see the Onix coming near him, it lowered its head close to the ground and the man on it had his hand extended out. "Grab on!" He yelled as the large rock pokemon came rocketing past Aaron and the pokemon surrounding him (who started to run away from the rock giant). Aaron reached out his hand and a firm grip grabed his. Before he knew it he was riding on top of an Onix holding onto the jacket of the man in front of him. The man was very tan and had brown spiked hair. He was holding onto to Kecleon in one arm and with his other hand he was holding onto the spike of Onix's head. He passed Kecleon back to Aaron and gave him a smile. "Take care of this little guy while I drive." He said with a laugh. Aaron smiled, glad that Kecleon was ok. He looked to see where they were heading and could see Professor Oak's lab in the distance. -------- "Ah, Aaron! The last time I saw you, were only a foot tall!" Professor Oak grined and shook Aaron's hand. Aaron managed a nervous smile. "Um... My mum couldn't really make it, she sent me instead." He said. Professor Oak just nodded. "Yes, she is a very busy women." He then started to talk with Ash and Brock, the man who had rescued Aaron from being eaten by crazy pokemon. [/size][/color]