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Everything posted by KKC
[size=1][color=darkgreen]OOC: Hey, everyone except Vicky needs to start posting! :< IC: [b]Location: Route 1 - To Viridian City, 1:15 P.M.[/b] ~~~ Kay sighed as she poked a button on her new Pokedex. The screen fliped over and I picture of herself appeared on the screen. It read out information on her and that she was licensed trainer and was allowed to enter the Indigo League after collecting the eight Kanto badges. Kay looked over at Eevee who was walking about six feet away from her, he didn't look very happy to be paired up with Kay. [i]Oak said so himself that we would get along after a while... I just hope it happens soon.[/i] Something rustled in the bushes near by. Kay shot her head up and stopped walking, waiting for something to emerge from the bush. Eevee walked a little bit further before finally stoping and glaring at Kay. She ignored the stubborn pokemon and turned her attention back to the bushes. A white pokemon with long legs and arms jumped out of the bush, it had sharp red eyes and seemed more ticked off than Eevee. Kay aimed the pokedex at the pokemon and a picture appeared on the screen. [center][i]Mankey: The fighting pig pomeon. It is extremely quick to anger and could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant. Approach with caution when angry.[/i][/center] Kay put the Pokedex back in her pocket and pulled out an empty pokeball. "Ok Eevee, if we're ganna be partners, we should start off by catching a pokemon," Kay pointed at the Mankey that seemed to be waiting for Eevee to attack first, "Use a Tackle attack!" She ordered. Eevee gave her a blank stare and scratched his ear ear with a hind paw. Kay clenched her fist and prayed that Eevee would at least go near the Mankey, but he just sat there and ignored everything that was happening around it. "If I knew you were going to be the most selfish pokemon ever, I would have waited another six months!" Kay yelled in frustration, waving her arm in the air, the empty pokeball sliped from her grip and flew over to the Mankey, who was still waiting for Eevee to attack. The pokeball thumped it on the head and in a flash of white, the Mankey was consumed in the ball and it rocked back and forth. "It can't be that easy..." Kay said, sweat-dropping. The ball suddenly opened up and the Mankey broke free, looking mader than ever. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][i]I'll get back to that man later...[/i] Kel looked back over her shoulder to the Inn as Terra asked the question. From over the top of the Inn's roof an eagle glided through the air and perched itself on Kel's shoulder, nipping at her ear. Kel smiled and pulled a piece of bread out of her pocket and gave it to Talon (the eagle), who devoured it quickly. "Let's go flying, I havn't been in a couple of days." Kel answered as the three walked over to Dryoga. "Flying it is!" Charity said happily. Dryoga knelt down as Terra and Charity mounted just above his wings. Kel looked up at the sky, a black figure started to come towards them, as it came closer it could be identified as a black dragon. He landed gracefully next to Kel and growled, nuzzling his nose against her shoulder. Jet was the dragon Kel knew best (picture at bottom). Although he was fully grown, he remained very small, being the runt of the litter he was born into. He was only about a foot about Kel's height so he neer had to crouch for her to mount him. "Jet seems to alwasy know when we're-" Terra stopped in the middle of her sentance as a heavy wind blew through the town, sending chills down their backs. Jet and Dryoga seemed very un-easy as they scratched their claws against the ground. Kel looked at Talon, who had fluffed up his feathers so much that his head could barely be seen. Large flocks of birds flapped over head as if they were trying to escape something and howls from animals could be heard from the forest that was west of the town. "Somethings wrong..." Kel murmered quietly as another chill itched down her back. Terra suddenly gasped and her eyes grew wide. "Terra, what's wrong?"[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Kel blinked as she watched the strange man dart into the alley away from the growing mob of angry friends. She cocked her head and blinked once again as the man vanished in the shadows of the buildings. Most people in Glen Haven wern't so rude, but there was the occasional group who had been blown in from some town they had been kicked out of. "Better make sure this guy doesn't cause too much attention..." Kel said to herself as she let her self fall from the tree branch she had been purched in. She landed in a slouched over position, her knees nearly touching the ground. She looked up in the direction where the man had escaped, she saw the large spire coming from the church. Kel smiled slightly and ran off towards the church. She waved good morning to many of the people who were out working and bought a stick of bread from the baker, throwing the money to him as she continued to head towards the church. She ran out onto the dirt street in front of the church, to her right, a distance away was the man, walking down the street. Kel smiled and jumped into a tree, making sure that she was covered by the leaves and branches. She waited silently until the man was almost right under her. Kel jumped from the branch landing rght in front of the man. "Hi-!" Kel started but was cut off when a fist came plumeting towards her, she half jumped half stumbled back and held up her hands, showing that she wasn't armed (except for a stick of bread) and didn't wantto fight. "Easy, I'm not like those other guys!" Kel quickly spilled out the words. The man lowered his arms, but his fists still remained clenched. Kel smiled, hoping to in lighten the moment, but the man had stone cold face. "You looked sort of lost, so I thought I would help out a bit. Not all people are like those guys back there, most people in Glen haven will help anyone." Kel said still with a smile. The mans face stayed the same, but his fists did loosen. "An Inn?" He asked showing no expression on his face. His eyes were cold and peircing, a quick shudder went through Kel's neck, but she hid it. "Yes, sir. Just follow me, I know this town like the palm of my hand." Kel turned on her heal and started to walk down the street. She was rewarded with the soft sound of foot steps behind her. She snapped the stick of bread in half and stuck a peice over her should, "You look hungry." [/size][/color]
[size=1] I noticed you needed some weapon cards, so here we go. [b]Name[/b]: Razor Axe [b]Ability[/b]: raises attack power by 500 and raises defense by 100. [b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20130&stc=1[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Sword in the Stone [b]Ability[/b]: Raises defense and attack power by 1,000 [b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20132&stc=1[/img] [/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Location: Pallet Town, 12:05 P.M.[/b] Kay grabed her jacket off the coat rack and slipped on in haste, not noticing that she had put it on backwards. The Inn was up with the morning, many people were all about the lobby, either checking in or checking out. Kay sprinted by the counter and threw the room keys at the clerk, he and many other people watched her run out the door, take a sharp turn and run down the road. [i]How could I sleep in THAT late!?[/i] Kay was positive she was running beyond sprint, when she passed a person on the road, they appeared to be just a blur to her eyes. In the distance, a large white building came into view, Oak Lab. Kay grinned and picked up speed. She ran up the concrete steps, skipping two or so and falling down when she lost her footing on one. Reaching the door, Kay slammed it open. She was surprised to see Prof. Oak himself standing right in front of her, as if he had been waiting. Kay gave him the best innocent grin she could come up with. Every once in a while, Oak would visit the Vermilion City Gym and check out her dads pokemon, it was kind of like a monthly check-up. Kay knew him pretty well. "Kay, it's good to see you." Oak said in his gruff voice, a smile coming to his face, "Your father called and said you would be coming, but I expected you to be here hours ago." He raised an eyebrow in question and started to walk away towards another room, Kay following behind him. "Well, it isn't really my fault..." Kay grumbled, still ticked off that the Inn hadn't sent her wake-up call. "And I suppose it isn't your fault that your jacket is on back-wards?" Oak chuckled as they entered a room. Kay felt her cheeks turn red and she quickly fixed her jacket. She looked around the room, from what she could tell, it was Oak's office, many papers were laying on tables and pokeballs were also layed out on the tables. "Oak, please tell me you have a pokemon left, I don't care which one it is, I'll take anything!" Kay exclaimed. Her heart was now beating very quickly waiting for Oak's reply. He frowned slightly and looked at the floor. "I'm afraid Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur have already been taken, Kay..." Oak said sadly. Kay felt her heart sink. She blew it, she would have to wait nearly 6 months until Oak gave out pokemon again. She sighed and looked at the floor. "But..." Oak dragged the word as he turned around and shuffled through some papers on his desk, "Ah, here we are." When he turned back around he held a down-sized pokeballin his hand, he enlarged it and then handed it to Kay,"I just recentally caught this pokemon, found it snooping around in my garden. I wasn't planing on giving it to any one yet sense it is still a bit wild, but you seem to really want a pokemon... So, I'll make an exception." He smiled as Kay's eyes lit up. "Thankyou so much!" Kay said happily. She she looked at the Pokeball and threw it into the air. I white light erupted from the ball and an small pokemon was soon siting on the floor. It was a creammy brown and white color with a bushy fox tail and long pointed ears, on its left ear was a silver ear ring. "Vee!" He called out as it looked at Prof. Oak. "An Eevee!" Kay exclaimed. Oak smiled and picked something up from his desk. He handed Kay six down-sized pokeballs and a red, rectangular device. "This is a Pokedex, it's your trainer ID and will give information on all pokemon and record the pokemon you have seen." He then walked over and picked up the Eevee and stood in front of Kay, "This Eevee here isn't as tame as the other pokemon that I gave away. He won't even go near my assitants, I think he might have been abadoned in his past, that would be the only explanation for the ear ring," He said pointing to the silver loop, "It might take a little time, but I think eventually you two will get along great. I suggest you leave him out of the pokeball, but just until he gets used to you, this should make him trust you more." He placed Eevee in Kay's arms, it seemed a bit ticked off now, and glared at Oak as if he had betrayed him. "Good luck on your journey Kay, you may need it." Oak chuckled as Eevee scratched Kay's arm. [i]Maybe I shouldn't have said [b]I'll take ANYTHING[/b]...[/i] -----Pokemon Team----- [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20129&stc=1[/img] - Eevee OOC: Everyone can start heading towards Viridian now. You can meet up with each other too. I suggest we meet in groups of two and move on from there. remember that Vicky's character is going on alone for now.[/size][/color]
[size=1].hack//legend of the twilight comes on every Friday night (Sunday morning) at 1:00 (or 1:30) A.M. Easter Time. Legend of the Twilight only has 13 episodes, so it shouldn't take six months and two weeks to air all the episodes (that was .hack//sign). I'v seen a couple of episodes from Legend of Twilight, but I havn't seen it enough to have a favorite character. I think it will be either Balmung or the wolf girl (cant remember her name).[/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Username[/b]: Quad [b]Magic-Type[/b]: Thunder [b]Type[/b]: Winged [b]Picture[/b]: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20106&stc=1[/img] [b]Moves[/b]: [i]Thunder Bump[/i]: The roar of Thunder makes the enemy jump and hit there head on something. The opponant is now confussed for one turn and can possibly hurt itself (Flip coin). [i]Electric Money[/i]: A bolt of lightning zaps the opponants pocket, causing damage from 100-300 and causing a dollar containing their damage to drift to Quad, raising her defense that much. [b]Color[/b]: Green[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Thanx for savin me a spot >.> you're always stealing that dagger of mine, lol. ------- [b]Name[/b]: Keladry Mendalin [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Occupation[/b]: Warrior/Dragon Tamer/Animal Tamer/Helping hand for hire [b]Weapons[/b]: [URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/b/i/bitterashes2/shattered_flames.jpg.html]Sword[/URL] (Straped across her back.) [URL=http://www.kultofathena.com/images/UC1371_l.jpg]Dagger[/URL] (kept at belt) [URL=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/b/i/bitterashes2/spear_set.jpg.html]Glaive[/URL] (second to last one. Straped across her back crossing with her sword.) [b]Personality[/b]: Keladry has always been the rough girl of the town. She is a bit of a goof and is always looking to the bright side of things and can usually bring a smile to a person's face. Sometimes she will reply to questions and insults in the oddest of ways. Keladry likes to be alone sometimes and will wonder away from the town and come back later, not usually telling people what she was doing. She's over all a nice person who is amazingly smart in battles even though she doesn't seem like it. [b]Appearance[/b]: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19527]Keladry (click)[/URL] She wears a black tunic with Dark green pants and a long sleeved dark green shirt under the tunic. She has knuckle-cut gloves and black boots. under neath her clothes she wears light, leather armor that wraps around her. (stands at about 5'4'') [b]History[/b]: Kel's family havn't always lived in Glen Haven. Kel's father was a Knight who was stationed at different towns, so they were constantly moving around, Kel always following along, never really making friends sense she knew she would have to leave them. Ever sense Kel was little, animals have always been attracted to her for some reason. Even though she was born without any magical gifts and never summoned them, they would follow her. She could even sound like an animal. Kel's father noticed this and one day he caught a young eagle for her to have, she named him Talon and he served as her best friend. While traveling with a caravan, they were attacked by robbers. Although they chased them off, Kel's mother died from an arrow wound to the stomach. After that incident, Kel's father decided to settle down somewhere permanantly, that is when they moved to Glen Haven. Kel made many friends, but was usually seen fighting with some of the boys. Kel is good friends with Terra and Charity and looks up to them alot, even though they are almost the same age. Kel's father taught her everything he knew about being a knight and warrior. Sadly, her father passed away when Kel was 15 from a deadly sickness. That was when she started to wonder away from the village to be by herself. Terra would always tell Kel about Yuka, and although Kel had never seen the dragon, she sometimes thought she could feel it.[/size][/color]
[center][color=royablue][size=1][img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer31.gif[/img] Oak: Hi there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Oak. People call me the Pokemon Prof. [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkfrlg033.png[/img] This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study Pokemon as a profession. As the years go by, more and more Pokemon are being discovered, the newer discovered ones are found living in a certain area of the world. After the discoery of the pokemon that lived in Johto and Hoenn, a Pokemon migration team was created. This team of scientists and volunteers gathered an amount of the newly discovered Pokemon and migrated them to area's like Kanto. You are one of the five new trainers who will be getting your first Pokemon from me at my lab. Your very own Pokemon journey is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits! Let's go! [/center] ------ ~Rules~ ~No Godmodding with pokemon. ~No evolving a pokemon in one day, that's immpossible! (unless it is a pokemon like Weedle, Nidoran, ect.) ~Grammar, spelling, and sentance structure needs to be good. I'd like to understand what is happening in the story. ~Only 3-4 Pokemon are allowed to be owned until we pass the second badge. ~The new Pokemon from Johto and Hoenn arn't as common as the original Pokemon. So, I don't expect anyone to catch all new pokemon and none of the old ones. ~Please stay active during this RPG, one person could screw it up. (Which is why I will pick loyal people for this RP too). ~I'll allow people to minorly RP another person's character and pokemon (Or else the story wouldn't go anywhere.) but you must act like the person would (Look at their personality in the sign-ups) ~If someone has caught a certain pokemon (say Pikachu) you can't catch a Pikachu or it's evolved form (unless that person doesn't plan on evolving it). This way we will have a wide range of different Pokemon and people won't have the same. ~At the start of each post, you need to put where you are and what time it is. ~If you were in Assassin's pokemon RPG that recently died (T_T) you'll know about this: So people will know what pokemon you have, It is best if you use the little sprites to post your Pokemon Team each time a pokemon evolves or you catch one. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=40417&page=2&pp=20]Click this[/URL] - You see what I'm getting at? You don't have to post the sprites every time you post (Silly Assassin got excited), but you do need to post them every so often. Once Oak gives you your starter, do this "pokemon Team" thing at the bottom of your post. ------ These are the people who made it into the RPG and they are the only ones who can post in this thread. [center][b]Person - RP name - Starter pokemon[/b] Vicky - Lucas Sherratt - Charmander Assassin - Leon Makuto - Bulbasaur Imi - Imi Kagami - Growlithe Ohkami - Rin Waterflower - Squirtle Quad - Kay Surge - Eevee[/center] NOTE: Vicky will be leaving for vacation sometime this week and it might be a long vacation. We've decided that Vicky's character will start out as a loner and won't join the group until she returns from vacation. Remember this so that you don't oddly end up traveling with her character. ^_^ Ok, let's get this thing started. Start your post on the morning you get your pokemon. ------- [b]Location: Pallet Town, The Pallet Town Inn Time: 11:55 P.M.[/b] The crowd cheered as Marowak and Gengar ramed into each other with a strong force coming from each one. Gengar nimbly leaped back as Marowak's bone weapon came spinning towards him. A black ball started to grow between the shadow pokemon's hands as the spinning bone came closer. A black flash lit the battle field of the arena as Gengar let loose it's Shadow ball, when the arena became normal again, Marowak was unconcious, the trainer returned the KOed pokemon and threw another pokeball which turned out to be an Onix. Kay watched the battle on the TV as she sat on the small bed at the Pallet Town Inn. It was almost 12:00 A.M. and she knew that she should get to bed, but she was too excited about the coming day when she could finally get a pokemon of her own. You never knew who would be going to get a pokemon from Prof. Oak, so it was best if you were the first to arrive. Kay had made sure to inform the front desk of a wake-up call. The battle on the TV ended and it went into comercials. Kay clicked it off with the remote and got into bed, still itching with excitement. She layed awake for a long time before she finally drifted off to sleep. [b]Location: Pallet Town, The Pallet Town Inn Time: 12:00 P.M. (noon)[/b] Kay blinked her eyes open as rays of sun shined of her face. She pushed herself up and check the clock, expecting it to be 7:30. "Twelve o'clock?!" Kay screamed. She scrambled out of the bed, in haste she sliped on the blanket and fell with a thump on the floor. Kay growled angrily and jumped to her feet. "Never trust Pallet people to give a wake-up call!"[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]w00t! I'm finally back and I have a tan! *cough* Well, I guess we should get this started and stuff. I will wither start this tonight or Sunday. Here are the following people who made it into the RPG and the Pokemon they will start out with. [center][b]Person - RP name - Starter pokemon[/b] Vicky - Lucas Sherratt - Charmander Assassin - Leon Makuto - Bulbasaur Imi - Imi Kagami - Growlithe Ohkami - Rin Waterflower - Squirtle Quad - Kay Surge - Eevee[/center] Thanx for signing-up Swordmaster, better luck next time ^^ Well, keep an eye out for this in Adventure Arena. Remember that we will all be starting out in Pallet town. In you're first post, start right off on the day you get your pokemon. Be descriptive on how Prof. Oak gives you all your gear and stuff. I'll be the last to get my pokemon. Laterz! [/size][/color]
[size=1]Coolness, I like how they're all balck and white, that's new for you DW. It matters not: This one is looks really cool how you did the faded images with the text and picture. Though the "It matter not" faded text looks a bit weird, like you did it too many times. Strangers Hat: It's dull, plain, and not very interesting to look at. Though, it does make you wonder... Candy Canes: >.< I couldn't tell what they were at first, I thought they were leaves or something. I have a small suggestion for it. You could color in the stripes of the canes (red, purple, w/e) and leave the rest black and white, but that's just me. God Speed: I like this one the best, I think the quote goes good with it. Even though the horses look like there just walking and not runing >.> [/size]
[size=1][color=purple]Cool, I like them because they stand out alot...[i]really[/i] stand out. I suggest giving them both borders. In my oppinion, banners always look better with borders, but some people don't like them. I also think that in the banner you should blend Hendrix's picture in with the BG more. I guess it depends what program you're using. Purple is fun ^^ [b]Rating: 8/10[/b][/size][/color]
[size=1][color=royablue]o.o wow... I have to come to the Play It forum more often, these threads are so fun to read! Anyways, I'v been a Pokemon Fan sense I was seven, and at one point I owned every single game that had ever come out (Up until R/S). Eventually I just stopped playing the games and when R/S came out I honostly didn't think much of it. My parents thought I had grown out of Pokemon, so bringing it up again would just be too odd, plus, some of the new Pokemon looked really corney. There were rock type Pokemon before... but now they actually ARE rocks! Plus, alot of people told me it wasn't that good and features were taken out. I plan on borrowing my cousins Saphire version and then buying Leaf Green, no matter how much Pokemon games evolve, I will always believe that the first two games (Red and Blue) were the best. I'm not really sure why, but I like the originality of it, and knowing that it was the first. Plus, when I was eight all these freaks told me that there was green version. I'v waited nearly 6 freakin' years for green to come out!!!! [/size][/color] SonicSlash stole my custom title!
[size=1][color=royablue]Ok, thanks to all of you who have signed up so far. I want to repeat and explain something a bit better because some people were a bit confussed. [b]This is NOT a first come first serve RPG sign-up. If you wanted to Sign-up and wanted Bulbasaur as your starting pokemon, but someone already has Bulbasaur down as their pokemon, it wouldn't matter. You could still sign-up with a Bulbasaur. I would pick between the two people depending on the RPing skills and sign-up. Don't hesitate to sign-up or PM me to ask questions. SIGN-UPS WILL BE OPEN UNTIL SUNDAY, JULY 11TH (i'm ganna be on vacation starting Friday)[/b] ^^ ok, here is my own sign-up. ----- [b]Name[/b]: Kay Surge [b]Age[/b]: 11 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]HomeTown[/b]: Vermillion City [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 5'4'' (tall for an 11 year old) Kay has sky blue eyes and blondish/gold shoulder length hair that looke kinda wild and untamed, which is why she wears an army camo bucket hat on her head. She wears a sleeveless yellow shirt under a short army camo jacket (sleeves of jacket are elboe length). She has a tilted Pokebelt that rests near the top of her cargo pants (Guess what? Those also have an army camo design!). She then wears normal green and white tennis shoes and knuckle cut, black gloves. She also has a silver chain necklace with two dog tags on the end. Her back pack is yellow with green stripes on the sides. [b]Personality[/b]: Kay is your everyday Tom boy. She doesn't like make-up, skirts, dresses, or anything else that she thinks is really girly. She is tough, but only acts tough when she needs to be. Kay can appear to some people as a bit unusual, at one moment she may seem very disappointed, but just a second passes and she's very cheery again. The simplist things can make Kay happy, she always thinks that you should just live with what you get. Kay likes to "hide" her personality by acting one way one second and another way the next. She does act a bit more serious during pokemon battles, but even hen she can act a bit like a goof. She doesn't like it when people or pokemon are hurt, even if that person is bad. [b]The normal Pokemon from Oak[/b]: [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs203.gif[/img] Bulbasaur [b]Late Pokemon[/b]: [IMG]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs288.gif[/IMG] Eevee [b]History[/b]: Kay was born in Vermillion City and raised my her father, Lt. Surge, Vermillion City gym leader. Her mother died shortly after Kay was born from a deadly virus, so Kay has always been with her dad. At school, Kay was always hanging around with boys instead of girls, she just had more stuff in common with them. Most of the girls seemed to have shunned her after a while, though Kay truely didn't care. Some people also held grudges against her because Lt. Surge had beaten their parents in pokemon battles. Lt. Surge has always pushed Kay into being the best she can be. He constantly reminded her to not think of herself when she became a pokemon trainer, and to think of her pokemon more than anything. Kay has always had a feel for all pokemon, although electric are her favorite. When Kay recently turned 11, she decided it was time for her to start her journey, her Dad agreed and wished her good luck as she left for Pallet Town, where she would get her first pokemon from Prof. Oak. She went through Diglet's Tunnel (With plenty of pokemon repel) to Viridian and then to Pallet where she has a room at the local Inn. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=Royablue][center][i][img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer31.gif[/img] Oak: Hi there! Welcome to the world of Pokemon! My name is Oak. People call me the Pokemon Prof. [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkfrlg033.png[/img] This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon! For some people, Pokemon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself... I study Pokemon as a profession. As the years go by, more and more Pokemon are being discovered, the newer discovered ones are found living in a certain area of the world. After the discoery of the pokemon that lived in Johto and Hoenn, a Pokemon migration team was created. This team of scientists and volunteers gathered an amount of the newly discovered Pokemon and migrated them to area's like Kanto. You are one of the five new trainers who will be getting your first Pokemon from me at my lab. Your very own Pokemon journey is about to unfold! A world of dreams and adventures with Pokemon awaits! Let's go! [/i][/center] -------- Basically, this is going to be an old school pokemon RPG (but with the newer pokemon from Johto and Hoenn also). The gyms will all be run with the same leaders (Except for Fuchsia City which is now run by Janine and Viridian City, which will be run by Gary Oak). Like what Oak said, you will be playing a kid who is about to become a trainer after recieving his/her first pokemon from Oak. The available Pokemon are the same: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. The two people who are late (Me and one other person) will recieve a different pokemon. I will randomly pick the other person when drawing from a hat. Your character can range in knowledge. One character could know absolutely nothing on Pokemon, while another could be a maniac at Pokemon knowledge, but I sugest the first choice (or around that). Your character doesn't have to be a Gym badge collector either if he/she doesn't want to. You can be a breeder, collector, ect. Let it be know that all five people will eventually travel together. Sense you are new trainers, your Squirtle isn't going to know Hydro pumb, or Pikachu won't know Thunder Bolt, ect. You and your Pokemon are new at this, they won't be very experianced. In case people don't remember the Gym leaders, i'm going to post so info about them at the bottom of this post. The landscape (map) might change in this RP as well. We may even have team Rocket in this RPG (or someone like them). This is NOT a first come first serve RPG, there is no limit as to how many people can sign-up for this. -------- Rules: ~No Godmodding with pokemon. ~No evolving a pokemon in one day, that's immpossible! (unless it is a pokemon like Weedle, Nidoran, ect.) ~Grammar, spelling, and sentance structure needs to be good. I'd like to understand what is happening in the story. ~Only 3-4 Pokemon are allowed to be owned until we pass the second badge. ~The new Pokemon from Johto and Hoenn arn't as common as the original Pokemon. So, I don't expect anyone to catch all new pokemon and none of the old ones. ~Please stay active during this RPG, one person could screw it up. (Which is why I will pick loyal people for this RP too). ~I'll allow people to minorly RP another person's character and pokemon (Or else the story wouldn't go anywhere.) but you must act like the person would (Look at their personality in the sign-ups) ~If someone has caught a certain pokemon (say Pikachu) you can't catch a Pikachu or it's evolved form (unless that person doesn't plan on evolving it). This way we will have a wide range of different Pokemon and people won't have the same. -------- Well, that's about it. Here is the Sign-up sheet. I'll post mine later. Go [URL=http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/rsgbapics1.html]HERE[/URL] to get Pokemon sprites. ---- [b]Name[/b]: (First and last) [b]Age[/b]: (Sorry, but ages needs to be 10 or 11. No younger, no older) [b]Gender[/b]: (I hope you know what this is) [b]HomeTown[/b]: (From Pallet to Cinnabar. Your character specially came to Pallet to recieve his/her first pokemon. You can stay in an Inn if you come from out of town) [b]Appearance[/b]: (Picture, sprite, or GOOD description) [b]Personality[/b]: (I don't want everyone acting the same) [b]The normal Pokemon from Oak[/b]: (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander. Use Sprite pic) [b]Pokemon if you are a late person[/b]: (This is optional. If your character is late like mine. What basic pokemon would you want, it has to be an original pokemon. Also use Sprite Pic) [b]History[/b]: (About your characters past. It doesn't have to be super long, but it can't be super short either.) -------- Ok, here is the Gym leader info stuff. When you battle them, it doesn't have to be 3 on 3 with each person and stuff. You don't have to earn badges in order either. You can skip one and come back for it later. [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer09.gif[/img] Name: Brock City: Pewter Badge: Boulder Pokemon: Onix, Geodude, Lairon [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer10.gif[/img] Name: Misty City: Cerulleon Badge: Cascade Pokemon: Staru, Poliwrath, Dewgong, Spheal [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer11.gif[/img] Name: Lt. Surge City: Vermillion Badge: Thunder Pokemon: Raichu, Electrike, Electabuzz (Is known for 1 on 1) [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer12.gif[/img] Name: Erika City: Celadon Badge: Rainbow Pokemon: Gloom, Tangela, Grovyle [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer13.gif[/img] Name: Sabrina City: Saffron Badge: Marsh Pokemon: Alakazam, Ralts, Natu [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer14.gif[/img] Name: Janine City: Fuchsia Badge: Soul Pokemon: Muk, Crobat, Venomoth, Ariados, Wheezing [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer15.gif[/img] Name: Blaine City: Cinnabar Island Badge: Volcano Pokemon: Rapidash, Magmar, Typhlosion, Torkoal, Ninetails [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/gsctrainer16.gif[/img] Name: Gary Oak City: Viridian Badge: Earth Pokemon: Nidoking, Rhydon, Umbreon, Nidoqueen [/size][/color]
[size=1]o.O wow, three replys... that's a record... Thanks to all of you for giving this a try. At the moment, I like Leh's banner the most. I'm not ganna pick an avatar until Turdle posts one. Thanks again ^_^ [/size]
[size=1]I honostly don't know why people hate bush so much. If Gore was president, we would all be dead by now. *Feeds polatitions (sp?) to Orlando Bloom* Anyways, it did make me laugh at the "You suckers got served part." and I thought you did a good job with the bubbles a text (I like the cut-out letter thing). I'm still not against Bush on anything, but w/e. If i was to rate it, I give it 9/10[/size]
[size=1]I'm wondering if someone could make me a banner and avatar with [URL=http://www.boydism.net/multimedia/images3/flaunt4.jpg]THIS[/URL] picture (Not the lady, the creepy Billy guy). I'd like it to look more darker and creepier though. On the avatar I only want his eyes (Kinda how it shows the normal side and creepier side) and I would like my name in Chiller font (unless you can think of something better). I'm not very picky about the banner, but i would like my name on it and some kind of phrase if you can come up with one. Thanks in advanced to anyone who gives this a shot. [/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]Current Location: Near Rustboro City ----- Kay suddenly stopped in her tracks as her and Jolteon started to go away from the city. It was getting late and it would be dark soon and she would probably wan't to stock up on supplies if she was planing on tracking down someone. Jolteon cocked his head as he watched her. "I guess we should go back... We did rent a room at the pokemon ceter after all." She sighed. Jolteon seemed a bit happy that she had changed her mind and walked along side her as they turned to leave. Kay suddenly heard something groan in pain, Jolteon heard it too and his ears pirked up. Kay listened with out making a sound, maybe she had just imagined it. The noise came again, this time even louder. Jolteon went sprinting away to find the source of the sound, Kay following behind him. When Kay finally caught up with Jolteon, he was peeking at something from behind a tree. Kay tip-toed up behind him and looked past the tree to see a small pokemon huddled up of the ground. It was a rusty red color and had a pretty large head. Kay raised an eyebrow as she pulled out her pokedex: [center][i]Trapinch: This ground pokemon is found in the desert where in burries itself in a pit, waiting for it's prey to fall into it's trap. This pokemon can go up to a week with out water and can crush rocks with it's powerful jaws.[/i][/center] "Aww, poor little thing..." Kay said as she bent down to examine the shivering Trapinch, "Wait... What the heck is a Trapinch doing in Rustboro City?" Kay then spoted a shrinked pokeball next to the Trapinch, she picked it up and noticed that the pokeball had deep scratches all over it. [i]I guess it was abandoned...[/i] Kay pulled her jacket off and wraped the Trapinch in it, being careful not to get too close to it's mouth, she didn't want to lose her hand. Once the trapinch was safely bundled up she started to head back towards the city where she found the other. Imric looked pissed off again and Nat didn't look very happy. Nyssa spotted Kay and practically skipped over to her. She saw the Trapinch and cocked her head. Kay told her she had found it just a few moments ago. "What is a Trapinch doing in Rustboro City?" Nyssa asked aloud as Natu hovered around the bundled up pokemon. Kay smiled and came over to where Imric, Nat, and Flaze were. "What does Flaze have to say about Joey and Lucas?" Kay asked, glancing at the hovering Gastly. Imric raised an eyebrow at the Trapinch and made a sneering kind of look, Kay slightly scooted away from the short tempered boy. "Joey and Lucas are climbing up a small mountain that's outside the city." Nat informed Kay. Imric suddenly jumped on Arcanine's back. "Let's hurry up and catch them then!" He growled angrily. Kay sweat dropped and aimlessly headed towards the pokemon center. Imric watched her go, "Where are you going!?!" He yelled with frustration in his voice. "It's almost night and me and my pokemon could use some rest, you guys can go on and track those two, but i'm ganna wait till morning." Kay yawned and heard Imric swear quitely under his breath. "Nyssa, do you have a place to stay for the night?" Kay asked. "No, all the rooms are filled up at the center." She said glumly shaking her head. Kay motioned for her to come with her, each room had a bunk bed, and Kay was really starting to like Nyssa's happy, carefree attitude. Nyssa smiled happily and ran with Kay into the center. "I get top bunk." Kay laughed. -----Pokemon Team----- [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs290.gif[/img] - Jolteon [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs001.gif[/img] - Treecko [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs116.gif[/img] - Trapinch [/size][/color]
[size=1]Ha ha! pretty awesome DW, episode one has been my favorite though. That priest was pretty cool, are the black Mage people Catholic? I don't think it's as good as daily Comic (The one that started it all), but it's still pretty good (not as good as Mr. T adventures either.) I think the images are too big, but that's my oppinion that doesn't count for anything. I'm only replying so you can post what ever you wanted to post >:/[/size]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][i]"Love is when you are attracted to someone who has a certain DNA pattern that is similar to your own. The pattern originally comes from your parents and they mix to create your own. When someone you meet or know has a DNA pattern similar to your own, you will be attracted to them."[/i] That is the scientific formula to explain love (I heard it on the news a year ago, so i don't remember it that much). I think there isn't any "explanation" for love (Crazy scientists). I agree with Dan L about love taking time to grow, it just seems impossible to love someone as soon as you see them when don't know there name or a thing about them. Family love is a bit different in my oppinion. I think you somehow automatically love your parents (I mean the ones who live in your house, not the aunts, cousins, ect.) sense they have been with you sense you were a baby. It might have taken time to build the love up, but we sertainly don't remember it. I think friendship Love is the hardest to get to because you don't know how the person acts when you first meet them and there isn't really any trust between you and the person. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Clearing with Nyssa and Imric.[/b] ----- [i]"She's pretty good..."[/i] Kay thought to herself. Treecko was full of energy, practically hopping in place as he waited for Kay to give him his next command. She grinned, glad that he had some spunk to him. "Into the trees!" Kay yelled to the green pokemon. With a powerful kick of his legs Treecko had lept into a tree, blending in with the leaves. "Use teleport to seek it out!" Nyssa called to Natu. The little bird started teleporting into different parts of the tree, trying to find the nimble Treecko. Kay watched as Natu came closer and closer to where Treecko was hiding out until it teleported right in front of him. "Quick, use pound!" Kay ordered. Treecko leaped from his hiding spot and swung his tail around, but Natu had teleported once again as Treecko's tail swiped the air. He landed on all fours looking around for Natu, the bird suddenly appeared just inches above him. "Scratch attack!" Nyssa called out. Three sharp claws slashed against Treecko's back as he started to leap away, leaving red marks. The grass pokemon landed on the side of a tree and imediatly launched off the trunk, flying towards Natu. "Try a skull bash!" Kay yelled. Treecko lowered its head and seemed to pick up speed as his head collided with Natu's head (or is Natu [i]just[/i] a head?). Both pokemon fell to the ground, dazzed from the impact. Treecko attempted standing up, but soon toppled back over from being so dizzy. Kay laughed as she came over and picked the fallen pokemon up in her arms. "Hey, that was awesome little guy." She complemented him as she looked over to see Nyssa holding Natu, a grin returning to her face. "That was really neat." She said happily as she ran over to Kay, "Is Treecko okay?" She asked looking at Treecko, who was acting like he was dying from pain as he croaked out his name. "Nah, he's just craving attention." Kay laughed as she sat down on the ground next to Imric, as if he were magically healed, Treecko leaped from her lap and started to pester Arcanine. Jolteon came over and rubbed against Kay's shirt, the fabric stuck to him for a moment from static electricity, "Show off..." Kay grumbled. "Look." Imric said pointing up above the trees, Nat's Gastly started to float back towards the city, "Finally, time to kick that kid's butt." Imric jumped to his feet and started running back to the City. Nyssa got up and started to walk back, she noticed kay wasn't following and stopped. "You coming?" She asked, Natu preened it's feathers. Kay stood up and stetched out her arms. "I'll be just a second, you go on." She replied. Nyssa shrugged and had soon disappeared from sight. Kay silently returned treecko to it's pokeball and then turned to Jolteon. "That girl seemed odd. You've never acted the way you did when she was there." She said to Jolteon. He nodded in responce. Kay smiled at the electrike pokemon, "I think we better go find her and try to get some more information. What do you say?" She asked with a cocky smile. Jolteon reapeated the first silible of his name twice and they soon ran into the trees, making sure no one saw them. [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen]OOC: Here's a map, I have to use one too :sweat: [URL= [url]http://www.pokedream.com/games/[/url] rubysapph/worldmap.shtml]Click here[/URL] IC: [b]Location: Rustboro City (I'm getting sick of this place)[/b] ------ Kay watched as Flaze flew off. She wasn't sure if that was such a good idea, it had been captured being hit by only one attack, she shrugged and then looked to Eevee who had calmed down sense the girl had run off. The thought of using the thunder stone lingered in her mind. [i]He has learned just about every attack an Eevee can know, agility being the main one...[/i] "Hey, Nyssa, you want to go have that battle now?" Kay asked with a grin. Nyssa smiled happily, she seemed quite excited about any battle. "Yeah! But... shouldn't we wait for Flaze to tell us about Joey and Lucas?" She replied, she seemed very worried about the situation. Kay smirked and started to walk away from the group. "I don't like waiting, but if you want to stay you can." Kay simply said. She heard Nyssa's foot steps as she ran to catch up with her. She smiled, glad to get the situation off her mind. Kay just now noticed that Nyssa was a good seven inches under her, she held back a laugh as they found a clear area where they could have their battle.Nyssa already had her battle face on as did Natu. They stood waiting for Kay to choose her pokemon. "Chill, I need to do something real quick." Kay laughed as she viewed the girls expression. Nyssa loosened up and watched her dig inside her back pack. Kay pulled an object out her pack that was wrapped in brown paper, she tore the paper off revealing a shiney yellow stone with a lighting bold engraved on it. She looked down at Eevee who suddenly seemed very excited, she didn't even have to ask if he was ready to evolve. Nyssa watched as Kay pressed the stone against Eevee's neck and he began to glow a bright white. The white shape of Eevee started to change slightly as his tail disappeared in place of spikes. When the light finally went down, a beautiful Jolteon stood in front of her. Kay grined as Jolteon called it's name and then leaped onto her shoulder happily. "You're ganna' battle with Jolteon?" Nyssa asked seeming a bit worried. Kay laughed again. "Of course not, my Treecko needs the work out." Kay pulled out Treecko's pokeball and through it in between them. ----Pokemon team---- [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkfrlg135.png[/img] - Jolteon [img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/pkrs001.gif[/img] - Treecko [/size][/color]
[size=1][color=darkgreen][b]Current Location: Rustboro City with group (excluding joey and Lucas)[/b] ------ Kay blankly stared off in the direction the machine and Moltres had gone in. Trainers all over the different regions had been warned that a man was out to capture the legendary pokemon and he had already captured Articuno. Kay turned to Nyssa real quick before she started to walk away, "Actually, can we post-pone that fight for a min. I need to go do something real quick..." Kay asked. Nyssa nodde with a smile. Kay started back towards the pokemon center as the people on the street started to get back to their normal business. Nyssa ran to catch up with natu by her side. "Where are you going?" She asked, the Natu peeping, still baffled why a large shipish thing was chacing after Moltres. Kay watched as Eevee pawed at it's tail feathers. "I have to make a quick phone call." Kay said with a grin as Natu jumped on Nyssa's shoulder so it could get away from the pesky fox pokemon. They walked into the main lobby of the center. Kay found an empty phone with a screen and took a seat. She checked the clock to see what the time was, it read 6:15. [i]He should be back home by now.[/i] Kay punched in some numbers as Eevee jumped on her shoulder. It rang a few times before someone finally picked up. The screen was still black, indicating the person hadn't turned it on. "Hey, Dad?" Kay replied to his hello. The screen flipped on to show Lt. Surge chewing on a tooth pick. He smiled and leaned back in the chair he was in. Nyssa had a surprised expression on her face as she watched. "You better not be home sick already, cause I am never driving five hours to Rustboro again..." He sighed as he made a cocky grin. Kay rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I was wondering if any information had come in about the guy who captured Articuno. Have any pictures been taken or eye witness reports?" Kay asked, her tone a bit more serious now. Surge looked at the cealing for a moment in though and then snaped the tooth pick in half. "Actually..." he walked away for a moment and soon returned with a piece of folded up paper, he un folded it and held up to the screen. It was a wanted poster for the mystery man, The image was very blury and most of the man was covered in shadow, impossible to identify them, "They have alot of these going around in Kanto, the posters will probably be in Hoenn in a day or two." "Ok, thanks a bunch Dad." She told him of the "Moltres Chase". He told her to be careful and then went off to battle an unexpected victum. Kay sighed and got up. Nyssa was eyeing her, still a bit surprised, "What?" They exited the Center and went back to the rest of the group. A girl a bit older than Kay ran over to them, a Raichu at her side. She seemed to be in a hurry and stopped, panting. Kay smiled at the Raichu, wondering if her dad would be using his in the battle. "You have to go after them!" The girl told them as she caught her breath, she seemed very worried. "What are you talking about?" Imric grumbled. He cocked an eyebrow at her. "Those two boys, with the Charmander and Scyther, they work for the man who is after the legendary pokemon!" She blurted out quickly. Now she seemed very frightened. Kay looked down to see Eevee growling and showing his teeth at the girl, the hair on his back standing up. "Knock it off..." Kay ordered Eevee with a small glare. He stopped, but he eyes still glared at the girl and Raichu. "You mean... Joey and Lucas?" Natalie asked with surprise, "No way... What's your proof?" She said. The girl suddenly started crying, Kay was now cocking her eyebrow. How could Joey and lucas make an older girl like this cry? The girl rolled up her sleeves to reveal bruises and scratches, even a scorched looking area. "I was listening to them from behind some bushes, they were talking about what pokemon was going to be captured next. They say me and the Charmander and Scyther attacked me. Raichu is just my pet, I don't know how to battle and he isn't very strong..." "I knew that kid was up to no good!" Imric yelled aloud, clenching his fists in anger. "And that Lucas boy didn't look very good either." "Should we go after them? I mean, those marks do look like something a Charmander and Scyther could leave." Nyssa asked, unsure on what to do. The group started to talk it over. Kay didn't say anything she just listened as Imric ranted on about how they needed to follow Joey and Lucas so they could find the leader. Kay was about to ask the girl a question, but she was gone. [/size][/color]