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Everything posted by misery

  1. Card Captor Sakura.. the first season. Because it makes me smile.
  2. yay Stargate is cool. I like Egyptian history.. but it was so typical that Daniel came back to life and Jonnas Quinn got kicked out. ><
  3. i went back there again after like 2 years :shakeshead: my username is valleyangel They actually have a lot of new games, like Neoquest which is a rpg kinda like final fantasy and Plushie tycoon where you own a company making toys :) im only there to kill time, but I'll expect I'll stop playing when I go back to school..
  4. misery


    its australia. we don't have proms. i got to a girl school. don't like socialising anyway.
  5. friendship doesn't last forever. or maybe they weren't friendships at all.. they were illusions O_o well after being rejected from a few, letting go of some and allowing some to fade away.. i've just ended up with people I know. I know, it's a lovely world.
  6. I assume people talk, well act differntly online because I do. I'm sad really, I find talking to people online so much easier than talking in real life. Yet I always have to hide behing my 'appear offline' msn symbol. This different medium of communicating, when no one can see the emotion on your face, or quite sense your tone of voice. Somehow, it all seems quite unemotional, but its all there for you to hide behind. And you can be the person you are not but you want to be, simply because you can. and its also where paedophiles hide.. :/
  7. hmm.. its very evangelionish, that's good i guess. For a prologue, it doesn't give us a lot of information, I don't know if you have the story planned out yet, but from what I gather.. there are new evas with new souls? Fuyutsuki seems weird tho, like why would he still be working for Ikari if he didn't agree with all the other stuff? It's good, keep writing.
  8. To me, their songs sound the same. I don't consider them to be as low as Avril.. as there are many types of rock, there are many types of punk.
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