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The Majin

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Everything posted by The Majin

  1. Yes i like the face that is good and like the hand the biggest flaw in it but i always have trouble with hands aswell stupid hands i give this 8/10
  2. GameBoy Advance lol is the way i can top my first one is to make another Kaolla su one??/ but i can't cuz there isn't any more moving kaolla su moments but there is lots of other ones
  3. lol yeh kaolla is cool well is another i threw together it rokusho from Medabots i can probably do any moving things on GBA games if u got any you want me to try ^^
  4. Glad you's like it here is another one i did it took longer then kaolla su to it's the Genobreaker off Zoids firing it's charged particle beam the only flaw is the back ground that jumps around a bit lol :P
  5. After 2 hours of saving screen shots off the love hina game and cropping some stuff i did it here is kaolla su eating a banner she looks like she likes that banana lol :P
  6. Yeah they didn't look that dark in photoshop ummm but my favourite one is number 4 right now im working on some advance wars 2 banners ^^ i just finished my sami one i will post it when i do andy,max and some more characters
  7. You have a purple streak on the side of your head?
  8. here is some more banners with mad pierrot and cell im still trying to find my own little style but i like these tell me if you think i have talent making banners lol :P i didn't put any text incase anyone likes to have one and the might want certain text.
  9. ummm they are good but i wouldn't get fishs put on me :P i like that to the right of the bubbles my uncle says i should become a tatoo arist cuz they get paid loads but what if i made a mistake can't really go back and fix it up lol :P
  10. Yes it bothers me to but im slowly getting used to it lol until i make another now i think i might do one with trunks or sumtin have you got any ideas?
  11. If you put yoy face near the darkness you can see another pic of brolli smirking i shouldn't of put that pic there but who cares lol :P
  12. One thing that really got on my nervs is the ep i watched today where yugi versed arcadia and arcadia used nightmare chains to tie up yugi's dark magician then uses ecto-plasm to fire a shot at his life points to beat him but then dark magician is supposed to be stuck but projects himself to block the attack it was pretty stupid i they always talk bout the heart of the cards if i ever play someone and they say that i will laugh at them :P
  13. :D my best banner i have made i used the font jean splice which i think if a cool font tell me what you think
  14. Yes ranting is always good Childish villans do have no idea what their doing they just live for the kill and their childish minds just aid in the killing. When they kill does any reakon it's like playing with their prey the usally look like they are having lots of fun killing it's like a game a big childish game that would be dreamt up by the twisted mind of a child. If i were to become a villan i would have a childish mind cause if you say they aint the most evil they are certainly the most cruel and i just love that evil laugh they do it never ends i wish i could laugh like that.
  15. What do you think makes the perfect villan? For me i think what makes a perfect villan is that childish evil where they dont say much but laugh evily a whole lot and the kill for the shear pleasure of it. Like kid buu off DBZ and mad pierrot off Cowboy Bebop and like Jet said in that ep "there is nothing more pure and cruel then a mind of a child" i tihnk that what he said well tell me what do you think makes the perfect villan. :devil: :laugh:
  16. here is a banner and to avaters i made when i was bored tell me what you think i used a new font i downloaded but i messed the font up if u can't hardley read i might make it again but im still learning
  17. I like the rules here easy to find stuff without going through useless posts well enough of talking bout this Nice pic like Semjaza said about the line popping out at ya is cool and i like the colour of the wings not thats plain white it has some texture and shading will go a long way but i downside i dont like the lines in the hair showing the shine but it's just me with that one.
  18. I dont like it that much and what you mean no zits or glasses? i dont think any anime characters dont have zits and glasses look cool and the picture is awfully small and why is it drawn on the paper to it's side why didn't you use the whole paper lol hope you get my explanation i didn't know how to put it simpler :P
  19. hey is another banner i chucked together can sometell me where to get good text Photoshop5.0 just doesn't have enough text i want cool looking text
  20. I was bored yesterday so i made a little zero banner it's not the greatest thing you will ever see but i like it and thats the only thing that counts right???? lol hope so but here it is can anyone give me any tips so my next banner will look even better im still learning :P also i dont think of using this banner if anyone wants it it is up for grabs.
  21. have you tried polykarbon.com ??? [color=teal]Please do not post links to websites. That is known as advertising, and it is against the rules here. Next time, please try to PM the member with it so that you don't get in trouble. -Syk3[/color]
  22. Yeah there is a Zoids saga 2 im gonna play it next after i finish Zoids saga i think this goes with my fav GBA games even though it's in japanese i just go to gamefaqs to help me out im hoping zoids saga 2 will be even better then the first.
  23. Yeah go with WWE i loved that game i played DDM the gameplay wasnt that hard to learn but i still didn't care for it much.
  24. I have only read the first volume of Love hina and played the gameboy advance game which i downloaded on my comp cuz you can't get a english love hina advance anywhere and i loved it love hina rocks so funny
  25. here is some bakura and malik avaters i did cuz they are the best lol my favs are a couple in the malik part tell me what yous think if anyone wants one their there for anyone Now i wonder what avaters to do next any1 got any ideas???
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