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The Majin

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Everything posted by The Majin

  1. iam trying to get better at Colouring :P
  2. Just a fixed up banner in here :P just a little different to the other but not much different
  3. What the heck!?!?! is this post about i wouldn't even go near a game with Homo's in it i would be so disappointed in Square soft and if they put a gay couple in the great Final fantasy series and if anyone is gonna call me a homo-phobe well....of course i m!! it's the worst sin and im not even christian but god created Adam and eve not adam and Steve.....well i got the off my back [color=003399][size=1]Sure we allow free expression of thoughts, but try not to offend anyone please. If you don't think it's a good idea by all means say so, but be a bit more mature next time. - [b]Zeh[/b][/size][/color]
  4. i have seen some Music videos mostly DBZ and 2 Cowboy bebop ones i was gonna look for more anyone know where, I really like the DBZ music videos the "kryptonite" from three doors down, "In the End" by linkin park i think it really goes with vegeta's life, Clash of the saiya-jins dunno the song, and "it's my life" by bon-jovi the timing in this Video is so great :D
  5. Do u have to draw wats in ur mind i did a pic of that but i duno who to do attachments :P
  6. :D well i looked at my name and i made a character for it well here he is Chinchiromon he is holding his special attack the Chinchiro Bomb ^^ this is first try at my lil digimon i will be drawing a heap more so tell me if you like him and if you would like to see more of this little guy i also got the names of his Digivolutions.
  7. LOL YEAH!!!! Kung pow rocks i have watched it countless times but some people just have another liking of comedy i guess but i like anything stupid like that same scene like 10 times and his dog barks and lays down then you hear the bark :D and betty being a magician "ahhh your shirt is red" "good work betty "ahh your shirt is black" :p "ummmmmmmm bird birdy ummmm tiger birdy"
  8. Yeah i know that i have played the game on GBA but you can now get them in real life im just wondering how you are supposed to open the dies? or is it alreadys set out or sumtin
  9. I saw that you can get Dungeon Dice Monsters now how are you supposed to play i know how to but with the dice do you roll then and when you get 2 summon crests do you like unfold the die the way you wantand it has the monster in side i have been wondering about this
  10. wow thats so cool.......10/10 10/10 10/10 yep 10/10
  11. lol yeah :P i just watched an ep where he is in a magazine shop or libary and he shows the his dad and his mates how to open a swimsuit mag and read it and place it back so it doesn't rip the plastic on the outside and doesn't look like you read it
  12. Here is my entry lol yippe and see a cookie and a calumon looking thing for you judges:P [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=391653[/img]
  13. well here is my pic his name is p.luck he got die and shiny pants and i put a cookie in there with a guest appearance for you judges :P yay am i the one who started it off?..am i supposed to post here for the comp?
  14. For a anime that was probably made for kids well it's on Fox kids here, i like to watch it it is funny but most of the humour i think only older people would get but it funny :p
  15. Oh time to draw something give me a couple of hours i'll come up with something
  16. chibi-NESS hahahhaha chibi is cool and i like the pic i might do one of him to lol :P
  17. I like all Anime! but if i had to pic one i liked least would be........well i can't think of one the moment
  18. Im looking for aussies on these boards i live in Brisbane it's pretty hard to find people who like anime like i do, And it is even harder to find a girl in Brisbane that likes anime :( maybe cause im not looking hard enough lol :P
  19. Cool it looks kinda weird in the ummmmmm chest area yeah thats it chest area but thats me but it's cool, you should draw the whole body that would be cool ^^ 8/10
  20. My new name for things im gona chibify things i look at most of the time my new victim of this is Queen asuka yay :wigout: your name and picture made me drew you like Asuka i went a bit out of control with lightening and darkening stuff :P and everyone else watch out i might chibify you be scared unless you want it then you will be prepared
  21. YAY! a contest i'll draw my chibi's and chibi stuff that lurks in my mind ohohoohoh :D i'll draw some net cookies in my pics:P
  22. I like it but the index finger looks to long but how am i to say im horrible at hands :P
  23. I like em they cool i like first one with the wings ^^ i give them all 9/10 ohhh the one with the fence is nice to %%
  24. Most things are from my head but my own Manga would be pretty cool well i'll see what happens
  25. yeah that white stuff sorry i was watching somthing about mary when doin it lol thought it would be funny lol :P i like out'o'proportion stuff lol
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