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The Majin

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Everything posted by The Majin

  1. yeah but i duno where i should go from here lol:P i can draw a person if they send me a pic of them if anyone is interested :toothy:
  2. :wigout: i found this guy lying around he looked kinda like bruce lee i forgot i drew him well i coloured it here ya go P.S it's not my best work it is like 3 months old:P and yes i know he has one big finger please dun point it out lol it would make me look dumb:P
  3. haha it's a he i was gonna give him brown hair but purple looked betta i have no idea whats in his mouth either :P it says Pumo on his shirt it looked blank with nothing there i was gonna put puma but cuz i didn't wanna do anything to get in trouble with them i put Pumo and a little dragon thing my friend creadted i though he looked pretty cool so i put the dragon head on the shirt to
  4. There is nothing scarier then a spooky clown nice pic i know im gonna be seeing that clown in my dreams now
  5. I like that pic :laugh: it is cool 9/10 but i would like it better if it didn't have blue wing things i like a blackish wing things lol:P but it is a really cool pic
  6. :laugh: i have finished one of my new out'o'proportion chibi characters yay *yawn* well im tired im going to sleep next i gotta draw bruce lee character for shinobi in my special style:P
  7. WoW i never expected so many good replies ^^ thank you all yeah this chibi style is my style i like abnormal things :P
  8. Yeah his arm i meant it to be like that but thanks bout feet thing i was trying a side on stance thing:P but his hand in his pocket i think i let myself down there [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] i have done another pic of a girl here [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/mega_mecha/georga.JPG[/url] but still i like out of proportion stuff:P lil legs :P [color=teal]Welcome to the boards. :whoops: As you may or may not have noticed, there is a thread at the top of this forum outlining a few rules, one of which states that double posting is not allowed. If you think of something you'd like to add, just edit your last post to say it. -Syk3[/color]
  9. This is a pic i did this morning he is my character i named him Ste-evo lol dumb name im still thinking of one if anyone could give suggestions and rateme pic on scale of 1/10 or just say it's good or bad watever you feel like :cool: :excited:
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