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Everything posted by WW2

  1. When I find time, I try to play Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. It's a pretty decent follow up to the original, but has a bit too many stealth missions for my tastes. But lately I've become rather addicted to Ace Combat Infinity.....free to play AC Online is pretty damn awesome.
  2. If you're looking for newer stuff, and don't mind subtitles...I say check out crunchyroll or a similar site.  My recent favs are Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai,  The World God Only Knows, Muv-Luv Total Eclipse, and Another.
  3. ...seems I always check back from time to time

    1. James


      Welcome back!

    2. Japan



  4. Yah, I was on here a lot back starting around 2003. This was the first board/forum I took an active part in.  Glad to see it still exists in some form or another.
  5. Aw...all my old posts have disolved away

    1. Petie


      Are you actually missing posts or is that they're just not showing up in your profile's history?

  6. ....wow, memories

  7. Wow..haven't posted here in years! But I figured I'd come back n' check things out : P As for the new anime, I took the time to check out a few series last night. So far I like [b]C3[/b] (C cubed) and [b]Ben-to[/b]. C3 started out cute n' funny..but soon took a pretty dark turn with episode 2, which really got me interested. As for Ben-to it seems like just crazy fun with interesting fights. Check 'em out if you haven't already. As for other titles, I'm really excited about the [b]Last Exile[/b] sequel....definitely want to check that out when it starts up. ~WW
  8. I've been a fan of the Prince since the old Game Gear/Genesis games, and the past Sands of Time series was awesome; so naturally I'm excited about the news of a new game. From what I've seen so far, there are gonna be a few changes. For instance, new Prince, who looks more mysterious, sorta reminds me of Arabic Ninja of sorts. [IMG]http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n140/BannerWood/prince1.jpg[/IMG] Also the whole claw/gauntlet thing he's got looks interesting. I'm interested in seein' how they'll change around the game mechanics and everything.
  9. Hmm, interesting designs. Well I like the nice crisp lines you got goin on, I'm sure it'll look even better once its colored. Good job
  10. Hmm..not bad. You seem to really have a handle on the whole anime style head and proportions. Out of all of 'em I like the first pic the best...the character sitting is prob. my fav. Keep at it.
  11. Ok since I haven't been on here in a loooong time, I figured I'd post a few things so people will see what I've been up to. These are just a few illustrations and stuff I've done over the past year or so..hope ya enjoy, and give me some feed back. Fake: [IMG][/IMG] The Destruction of Comedy: [IMG][/IMG] Burden: [IMG][/IMG]
  12. Yay Football...gives me something to distract me on boring weekends. :D Although they lost last weekend to the freakin' Texans, I gotta root for the home team and support The Panthers. Not sayin' they're gonna go all the way this year, but if they can keep Steve Smith and everyone else from getting hurt, they might actually make it to the playoffs. But we shall see.
  13. I just bought [B]Ace Combat 5[/B] for my bday. (yah..I know its pretty old, but so what?) Me and my roomie wanted to get a jet/dog fighting game..so I gave in and got it. To my surprise its actually pretty damn fun, especially when the missions start getting more elaborate. My only problem is that I keep screwing up on the stupid Space Facility mission with all the stupid little tanks and missles flying in. Jeez....why so many? :D
  14. K..gonna go oldschool on this and go with DBZ. Take a Sip if: - Someone says "Saiyan" - Master Roshi gropes someone - Someone uses a Dragon Radar - Vegeta refuses someone elses help - Someone throws a punch Take a Gulp if: - Someone powers up - Someone screams - Someone has an extremely long transformation sequence Finish the Glass if: - A wish is made using the Dragon Balls - A massive explosion nearly destroys half the planet - Trunks actually attempts to use his sword Hmm, now that I think about it....if you follow this, it would probably end up killing you in 20 minutes. O_O
  15. Well I guess you could use Photo references from magazines and stuff like that....and maybe add your own little twist/style on them. Or you could use a mirror or family members to do portaits. Just be sure to mix it up a bit...with different types of color and media (charcoal, pencil, ink, paint). It'll help show your creativity and that you don't just stick to one particular thing. But...I find it kinda odd that they'd only ask for pictures of people. Any good artist should be well rounded in multiple subject matters. Oh wells...good luck with all that.
  16. Nice deviantart site. I like how you mix up your art by drawing people, chibis, and weird animals. You seem to be getting the hang of your art program....though the coloring is a bit simplistic in some pics. If you practice more on the shading and highlights, it'd greatly improve the look of your work. But all in all..you're off to a good start. Keep up the good work.
  17. Wow..that was fast, and you did a pretty good job at it. I like the whole southwestern/hispanic style background you added, and the choice of colors used. It actually does a nice contrast with Ryuk...who is from another demension anyways. Nice job.
  18. WW2

    Some of My Work

    Not bad....I really like the rough, sketchy look you used on most of them. The jagged edges and flowing lines remind me of some I see in expressive paintings...which is pretty nice. My favorite has to be the first one. I love the blending and dark marks used.... good work.
  19. Eh..not bad. I like the ink wash technique you used, it sorta gives it that extra japanesey feel. I like what you were going for too....you captured Ryuk's likeness pretty well, and him holding a giant cross is a neat composition idea. But all in all it looks really unfinished, with the lack of a background and everything. I'm not saying you should create some elaborate scene behind him, but just having something in the back would really help. You could just go over the back with a darker ink wash, and use just texture and contrasting shades to make it look interesting. Maybe have him walking through a field of skulls....or something. Idk In the end..its a pretty good start. Good luck with finishing it.
  20. Well for my recomendation this week, I'm going with a classic: [B]Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie[/B] [IMG]http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n140/BannerWood/SF2DVD.jpg[/IMG] They've finally re-released this movie on DVD this past week, uncut and with the original Japanese dub....and I couldn't be happier. Being a big fan of the games, I really enjoyed the movie, which is full of great fight scenes, involving just about every character from the original SFII. The animation is also pretty great...considering it was released in 1994. [IMG]http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n140/BannerWood/155.jpg[/IMG] All in all its pretty much one of the best anime video game adaptations....and much better than the live action, Van Dam, movie. Although not as hilarious. So..if you're a hardcore SF fan, or just a fan of Martial Arts anime...you probably should check it out. :cool:
  21. WW2


    I really liked the OVA movie that came out a few years ago...and I 've noticed they've started selling the Blood Manga and original novels as well. Since I liked the original so much..I'll probably have to check out the series. That is if they don't screw it up and try and make it into something like Trinity Blood.
  22. I think the only FF game thats going to be available for the Xbox is Final Fantasy XI....y'know the onling game. I seriously doubt they'll be remaking FFVII because the old version is great the way it is.
  23. WW2

    Stadium Arcadium

    I just bought the CD last night....luckily I found it on sale for 11.99. But I haven't gotten a chance to listen to it yet, but I've always been a fan of the Chilli Peppers so it can't be too bad. ...right?
  24. Ok I was browsing around the new releases today and I came along the Karas anime that was just released late last month. For those who don't know, Karas is a new anime OVA created by Tatsunoko Productions, who created the old Speed Racer and Gatchaman series. [IMG]http://img.verycd.com/posts/0509/post-200407-1125831256.jpg[/IMG] Karas basically tells about how two demensions exist in the city of Tokyo, the normal human world and that of the demon world, which is virtually invisible to humans. The story focuses on a coma patient who is chosen to become a Karas, a mystical cyber ninja guy who is sworn to protect the human world from any demons who decide to start trouble. Think of it as Guyver meets Chrono Crusade/ Yu yu Hakusho, with a little bit of X-files thrown in. What really sets Karas apart from most other series is the quality. The animation is top notch and seemlessly blended with CGI unlike any series I've seen lately. Karas himself and the techno demons he fights are all CGI, while all other characters are traditionally animated. Its all really quite impressive. :D All in all the first volume of Karas really got me interested, and I'll be looking forward to the next release....although, I'm not sure when that will be. So..has anyone else seen this series yet? Any thoughts/opinions? [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][INDENT]Just one thought WW2 If a thread isn?t listed in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=Sienna][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] then a quick check of the first couple of pages or a forum search might reveal an existing thread. That being said I?ve merged your thread with the existing Karas thread. ;) ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. Yeah the PS 1 had some pretty great RPG's like FFVII-IX and Chrono Cross. But one of my favorites is a game that seems to be mostly overlooked: Vagrant Story. Unlike most of the Squaresoft RPG's...it was more of a third person dungeon adventure game, with RPG elements added into it. What really made me like this game was the art style used and the overall design of the characters and environments. The direction of the game's cinematics was also done very well. Also the battle system, while a bit annoying at sometimes, was pretty cool: you could attack certain body parts of your enemies and string together massive combos and counterattacks. If your timing was right you could chain together an infinite combo if you wanted. All in all it was a solid game, with great design. Its a shame they never made a sequel.
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