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Everything posted by WW2

  1. WW2


    Well in Kyoto there are alot of cool Shrines to go see. Be sure to check out the Kinkakuji Shrine, better known as the Golden Pavilion. You also might wanna take the philosipher's trail to the Ginkakuji. Oh and don't forget the old Nijo Castle that's there in Kyoto. Its really cool looking. If you have alot of money, you could go to the Gion District and maybe take in a show or something. If ya feel like it, stop by Mibu and pay homage to the Shinsengumi. I believe their old HQ is still standing. :D
  2. WW2


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] [B] I saw movie 12 and in it all the villains that died (including in the movies) came back to life. Burori was not among them so therefor he didn't die. I'm not saying this to act like a big shot or anything, I'm just stating facts. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I saw that one too. Maybe they didn't want to re-animate Brolli since they already had a powerful villian to fight (Jainemba). Thats why the Z warriors on earth had to fight all those weaker villians like Freiza and Hitler. They just couldn't have 2 real powerful guys in the same movie, it would mess up the formula. Well what I'm really tryin' to say is [spoiler]Brolli is dead. In movie 9 Goku, Gohan, and Goten blasted him with their Kamehameha waves, and fried him. If that didn't do the job, he would have sophicated in the vacum of space.[/spoiler] Hmm, I guess thats about it.:D
  3. Heh, that looks pretty cool. Sephiroth looks really bad***. I hope they're not gonna use actual actors. Personally I would prefer CG actors, since they would have more mobility, and range during the action. Also they could look like the actual game character, not some japanese guy in a funny wig.:D
  4. WW2


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssjBrolli [/i] [B] Even with that energy transfer Goku never killed Burori, only wounded him. [/B][/QUOTE] Well I'm sorry to tell you this, since you're such a big Brolli fan, [spoiler]but the next movie is Brolli's last. But I'm pretty sure he kicks some Goku ***, before going down.[/spoiler] There is that Bio Brolli movie, but that's kinda stupid. He [spoiler]he turns into some stupid Swamp Thing lookin' creature.[/spoiler] But then again, you may already know this. :D
  5. Um.....yeah.:therock: The whole prank IM thing was a pretty funny idea. But I can't imagine how bored you had to be, in order for you came up with such an idea. Don't you have anything better to do with your time? Oh, you can go ahead and flame me now, or whatever you people do.:D
  6. Um, if you didn't know this already, almost all the moves in the English DB series have been given new, simpler, names. That means the Destructo Disk, Galic Gun, and Special Beam Cannon, aren't aren't the original names. They were just made up by Funimation. Hmmm, the original name for the Destructo Disk was something, like the Cutting Ring of Ki, and the Special Beam Cannon was known as the Light of Death....I think. The only moves that I know that were kept the same were the Kamehameha, Masenkoha, and Big Bang Attack. :D
  7. WW2

    Tokyo Babylon

    Well all I know about the series is that it was made by CLAMP, and is a linked together with the whole X series. Two of the characters from Tokyo Babylon appear in the X series, one as a Dragon of Earth and the other as a Dragon of Heaven. If you don't know, X is a popular series from CLAMP that deals with [spoiler]two teams of super powered humans, battleling for the fate of the earth. The Dragons of the Earth wish to destroy all mankind, in order to bring peace to the earth, while the Dragons of Heaven are there to oppose them. [/spoiler] Its sorta complicated. But, like X, its a paranormal/psychological thriller, full of interesting characters, with different powers. That's pretty much all I can tell ya about it. :therock:
  8. Hmmm, I've seen the previews for the remake, but I can't really tell you if its gonna be better or worse, than the first. This is mainly because I have yet to see it. Frankly I don't really see why they're even remaking the first one, when it was already good enough. Oh well, I guess they're just trying to bring life back into this already dead series. I mean did you see the last one? It was horrible.:drunk:
  9. Heh, my old high school used to have a spirit week. They always had stupid stuff like Beach Day, 70's Day, etc. I, having no school spirit, didn't really care enough to paricipate. I mainly found it amusing what people would wear. Damn they looked stupid.:D
  10. Heh, I used to be in a situation like that, except that my friends did know about anime, but didn't really know much about it. They were fans of DBZ and other mainstream anime, but didn't know anything about Rurouni Kenshin, Bubblegum Crisis, Cowboy Bebop, and other animes I liked. Like idiots, they used to make cracks whenever I wore a shirt from an anime they never heard of. And well, that's about it.:D
  11. I think its that rabbit thing from that weird movie Donnie Darko(sp?) That would be a creepy costume. Heh, you could take a hint from South Park, and go as Chewbaca. It worked for Wendy. :D
  12. WW2

    Inu Yasha

    Bah! I just realized that AS have shown all the new episodes they've got, and are gonna start rerunning them tonight! Aw, and I wanted to see the next episode, where Inuyasha has to fight his father's old enemy. Hmm, I wonder when they'll be gettin' the next new batch of episodes. Sigh, I'll probably have to wait until December. Heh, oh well. I guess its no big deal, I really don't mind waiting just as long as they don't cancel the show entirely.
  13. WW2

    Cabin Fever

    Heh, I heard the movie sucked, well that's what all the critics say. I haven't seen it, so I wouldn't know. The funny thing is that it was shot right around where I live. The general store, at the first of the movie, is only about 5 minutes away from my dad's house.:D
  14. Well I subscribe to Animerica Magazine, and every now and then I buy an issue of Newtype. Personally, I like Newtype the best, mainly because it has more info, and a dvd. But Animerica is organized better.:D Those two, are the only Anime magazines I've seen for sale.
  15. Ha, Zako, SD Gundam has to be one of the weirdest anime's I've ever seen. Zako Zakko. It's just funny to watch the super deformed gundam's, Zako, and zeon mobile suites, jump around and fight each other. Zako, Zako. I also like the show's quirky humor that they add to the battles, and the Zako Zako hour is great. But I find it odd that they changed Zaku to Zako....:therock: Oh well, the little green dudes are still funny, Zako Zako.:D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Think they would come up with an original title. *cough*onceuponatimeinchina*cough*jetli*cough* Excuse me. Phew. [/B][/QUOTE] Well the title is derived from an old Clint Eastwood, Spagetti Western trilogy, which ended with "Once Upon A Time In The West." Rodregeiz decided to do what they did, and name the third film in the series, "Once Upon A Time In Mexico." At least that's what I read. But you're right, the title is very familiar. They've had "Once Upon A Tiime In America", "Once Upon A Time In China," etc.
  17. Heh, that was good. I liked how you used people you knew from OB, and formed your own little story. That was a unique idea. Oh and the skateboarding aspect was really good too. You ought to have had Tony Hawk or some other pro, congradulate Chris on his win. But that's just my opinion.:D
  18. Well, since I liked the character so much, I decided to make a banner of him, with what few pictures I could find. If you don't know, Sands is the character Depp plays in the new movie "Once Upon A Time In Mexico." Oh, and about his eyes. Well, you'd probably have to see the movie, in order to know what happened to him. Heh, but I think it's pretty obvious. I know the image is big, but I don't plan on using it. So, here it is. :D
  19. Well I just got back from seeing "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", a.k.a Desperado 2. The movie continues the story of El Mariache (the Guitarist), a couple of years after the first film. OUATIM, is a pretty good movie, full of stylish gun fight scenes, colorful characters, and some cool guitar cases. But the best thing in the whole movie has to be Johnny Depp's performance, as a corupt CIA agent. Depp plays one crazy SOB, and adds alot of humor to the flick. Oh, and in the end, he really kicks some major ***. So, if you haven't seen it, I highly recremend you do, if you are a big fan of the action genre. And if you have already seen it, tell me what you thought. :D
  20. Well I've taken 3 years of Japanese, in high school. I learned quite alot, but mostly just simple stuff such as greetings, direction, and simple sentences. I also know hiragana, katana, and some kanji. But now that I'm out of high school, I find it a bit hard to construct sentences, and remembering all the kanji. Guess I need to start reviewing.:D Well I guess I could give you a few examples of what I remember. Sorry if I don't get the romanji right. Ohayoo - Good Morning Konichi wa - Good Afternoon Konban wa - Good Evening Ja ne/ Ja matta - See you later Sayonara - Goodbye Boku - I (male) Watashi - I (female) Boku/Watashi no namae wa..... - My name is..... Omedetoo - Congradulations There I think that's enough. :toothy:
  21. Well I saw last week's episode, and I don't think its anyting special. All it consists of, is a bunch of guys in funny looking armored outfits, taking part in wrestling matches. I found this very odd.:therock: From what I saw, Ronin Warriors is the superior show. Sure it may be a rip off, but at least it's got a better premise. But that's just my opinion.:D
  22. Hmmm, favorite enemy. Well I too like Sephiroth, because of his calm/cool nature and disregard for human life. This is what makes him such a likeable villian. That, and his cool sword. Oh, I also like those big Behemoth enemies from Kingdom Hearts. I don't know why, but its just fun to climb on to their backs and beat them senseless.:D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The (Sic) Shape [/i] [B]First, NEVER USE A GAMESHARK. It will always freeze up. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I used a GameShark once, using the Debug mode. It never really froze up on me. Then, in the last fight with Ultemercia, some thing very interesting happened. I found that I could use Seifer and Edea in the final fight, for some odd reason. I know this was off topic, but I just wanted to mention it.:D
  24. I'm looking forward to the Trigun manga, finally being released here. Dark Horse is also releasing other comics too. I've read in OPM(official playstaion magazine) that they're also releasing a Devil May Cry comic, and one based on Maximo(I think).
  25. I believe Spike was just a character created for the show. Much like Morph, in the original X-men cartoon, only not as cool. To me, Spike is just a rip off of Marrow. She was of the Morlocks, who later joined the X-men, and is so much cooler. But that's my opinion.:D
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