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Everything posted by WW2

  1. Hey thats pretty damn good, your cg-ing really gives it a crisp look. The character designs are good also. Good luck in the contest. But I would like to know, what exactly is the manga about?
  2. Well from what I know, Immortal Grand Prix is an anime series, created specificaly for Toonami. But I don't think it was made in Japan, though. I think it looks pretty interesting, mainly because of the cool mech that was shown. But looks, can be decieving. it'll probably be one of those shows that completely rips off other animes. I want to know what is up with the title? Grand Prix? Is it some kind of race, or something? I guess we'll just have to see.:D
  3. Anime has had a big impact on me. It is what introduce me to the Japanese culture, and has inspired me to learn their language, and learn more and more about them. It also affected my artistic views on things, as well as my imagination. I wouldn't know what I would be like, if it hadn't been for anime.
  4. Yeah, BBCT2040 is a pretty good series. I've got all but the last few episodes, on VHS. It has good music, as well as good mecha/character designs. The story is a little weak, but still enjoyable. My favorite characters have to be Leon his partner, of the AD police. They're pretty funny, together. Oh, and Nene is pretty cool too, not to mention cute.:D
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]You guys should just buy the whole Kenshin series like I did and watch it in it's unedited form, original japanese dub with english subtitles [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I know, I too own the entire series, including the OVA's and the movie. I mostly have the Multilingual DVD's and some VHS's. I like unedited versions better because it doesn't try to censor the artists original work, thus we get to see it in its original format.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]Excel Saga is sorta stranger... [/B][/QUOTE] Sorta stranger? When it comes to weirdness, Excel Saga runs laps around FLCL, which is good, but highly over-rated. I think FLCL was just an attempt to make a new/hip anime, that would appeal to todays generation. That would explain all the pop culture references and parodies. Excel Saga also had such things, but on a much broader scale. But thats just my opinion.:D
  7. Ok, sure "Freckles" isn't great, but its still pretty good. I personally like the Japanese version better. Rurouni Kenshin has alot of great opening/ending themes. My favorite is "It's Gonna Rain," by Bonnie Pink. Its the third ending theme, I think. I guess I like it because it just has a good sound, and is kinda uplifting.:D
  8. Whoa this page was about to be gone, so I decided to try and bring it back. Well tonight on CN, the Soujiro/Kenshin fight began, which is, in my opinion, one of the best fights in the series. But there was some serious editing in the flash back sequence with Senkaku. I guess showing blood flowing down a stream is a little too much. I just wonder how they're gonna edit the next episode, the one that [spoiler]reveals Soujiro's abusive past, and how he met Shishio. That episode is kinda disturbing, so I'm sure CN will have to chop it up.[/spoiler] Hmm, I guess I'll just wait until next Saturday, to see how they edit it.:D
  9. Hahahaha, you've got to be kidding me.:laugh: Was that woman serious? It's a fricken cartoon, and CN puts up viewer descretion messages before the show comes on. So, she shouldn't be so outraged, since CN issues the disclaimer. Jeez, some people are just too up tight about things.
  10. Sure Beast Wars was pretty cool, but the Maximals and Predicons wouldn't stand a chance against the old Autobots and Decepticons. I think the older Transformer were so much cooler. I mean they were huge, more appealing, and didn't have beaks/jaws for hands and feet. But thats just my opinion.:D
  11. WW2


    I believe the band War, explained it the best. "War, *Grunt* Good God ya'll! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!" Pure genius! :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dragonbz_3 [/i] [B]Shes funny because an alien who is in love with a space pirate captian. [/B][/QUOTE] Um, trying to steal the Pirate King's power, is a weird way of saying "I love you." I believe the whole Pirate King/Haraku love relationship is false. When the Naota gains the Pirate King's power in the last episode, she trys to kill him with her guitar, and says that the power belongs to her. From this, its easy to see that Haraku doesn't love the Pirate King, just his great power. At least that's what I think. :D
  13. Personally I'm against suicide, but this is an interesting thread. I'd have to say if I had to kill myself, it would have to be for a damn good cause, such as saving someone else's life. I have to say an honorable sacrifice would be the only way I'd be able to kill myself. I just hope I never have to make such a choice.
  14. WW2


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animeforever105 [/i] [B]"Oji ryu:yeah!that happened to me (all u other ppl go ahead and disagree and yell and through objects at me).But it did. I was wide awake as well. [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, I'm just gonna throw this into the fray. Forgive me if it's off topic. :D Hitler also said God spoke to him about Germany winning WWII. Also Joan of Arc believed God spoke to her, and ordered her to lead an army. Was these people crazy, or do any of you believe it actually happen?:therock:
  15. WW2


    I believe in many things, God being one of them. But that doesn't mean I completely ignore all other possibilities and religions, I'm too open minded for that. Well, as I was saying, I believe in god/God, however you want to spell it, but I do think people give him/her/it too much credit sometimes. When someone manages to overcome a great obstacle, or something like that, people usually say that it was because of God. I personally don't like this way of thinking. God didn't do it for you, you managed to find a way to do it yourself. Also, I can't stand people who expect God to help them with every little problem. If he/she/it wanted you to depend on him/her/them so much, he/she/it wouldn't have given people free will. People, need to see that humans need to solve human problems, and not rely so much on God. But that's just my opinion.:D
  16. Am I the only one who doesn't like Haraku? Yeah, some of the stuff she says is pretty funny, but she's really just a manipulative b****. I mean [spoiler]the only reason she's on earth is to obtain that ultimate power, and she's willing to sacrifice the entire universe to do so. She uses people, such as Naota's father, who she replaced with a robot when she found out she couldn't use him. Naota himself is also just a puppet in her scheme, as is Kanti and pretty much everyone else.[/spoiler] All this doesn't really make her a likeable character, at least to me it doesn't.:D
  17. I really like the dude with the big eyebrows. This is mainly because he's a bad*** government agent, with a comedic side, and some really big eyebrows. I really like the scenes between him and Haraku, especially the one in the barber shop. I just wished he'd had more screen time, and that we could have learned more about his past history with Haraku.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B]There's an Inuyasha movie? Guess I need to find out... where people find out this stuff. Or ... uh... nevermind. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah they've made an Inuyasha movie already. I think it came out in Japan a year or two ago, but it hasn't been brought over here yet. At least I don't think it has.:D
  19. Ok I made this stupid thing on my computer a little while ago. I didn't draw the picture, nor did I take the photo. I mainly just spliced the two pics together, and added some text. I guess that can be considered a type of art.:therock: Oh and if you like this pic, check out my Greeting Card.:D
  20. I honestly don't really like the Scary Movie franchise. The main reason is because they're not really movies, they're more like just a bunch of skits spoofing other movies, over and over. Sure, some of the skits are pretty funny, but they make the movie a cluttered mess. Maybe if they tried to tie all these comedy sketches together with a single story. But this is just my opinion.:D Yo, dat jacket is tight, Ya mean?!!
  21. Hey thats pretty good, a little simplistic, but good none the less. The image is very clear/crisp, and I really like the quote. Keep up the good work.:D
  22. Its hard to choose my favorite villian, there are so many good choices. So, I guess I'll pick the guy who I love to hate the most, which is that sadistic ******* Naraku. I really hate that guy, mainly because he exploits others into doing his dirty work. Plus he's not some stupid villian who tries to destroy everything, he actually puts some thought into his plans. :D
  23. WW2

    X Games

    I usually just watch the BMX and Skatboarding competitions during the X games. But I'm starting to like the Inline Skating, those Yasatoko guys can do some pretty amazing stuff. I can't wait to see what new stuff the X games bring, this year.:D
  24. Well since there are already Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, RaXephon, and Inuyasha movies out there, I have to agree that Trigun should also get the movie treatment. The movie could act as a prequel or sequel to the series. Or it could be like the CB movie, and happen sometime during the series. I also believe they should make another Kenshin movie. The more RK the better.:D
  25. Its it just me or was [spoiler]Yung's(sp?), the girl Yuji befriended, death scene not one of the coolest/dramatic death's in anime? I mean Yuji couldn't do anything but watch as the little girl was taken away in a blink of an eye.[/spoiler] I just thought how they did it was cool, but that's just my opinion.:D
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