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Everything posted by WW2

  1. I do nothing with my anger, but let it grow within me, in hopes that one day it will consume me and make me more powerful.:flaming: Ha just messin'.:D Actually whenever I'm stressed, I just stop myself, take some deep breaths, and reflect on what the problem is. This usually shows me that getting angry is somewhat pointless, and can't really help matters. And um....thats pretty much it.:D
  2. I just thought of a good, emotionaly disturbing anime. I watched X the movie again today, its been about a year since I last watched it. In my veiw, X is a very disturbing anime. Not just because of the graphic imagery, but mainly because of the problem Kamui had to face. [spoiler]I mean he went back to Tokyo to protect his best friends, but in the end he couldn't keep them both from being killed. [/spoiler]
  3. I use to watch it when it first came on Fox, and have to say it's pretty good. I really liked the medevil mecha designs, and the orchestrated music. Oh and the Escaflowne movie was pretty good too.:D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl [/i] [B]Poor Pablo he just wants to see his sexy wife again.LOL [/B][/QUOTE] Um sorry for doing this, but being such a big Excel Saga fan, I have to point out your mistake. Pablo is not the character's name, its Pedro. Oh and yes the last episode was very disturbing, [spoiler]especially the entire love hotel scene.[/spoiler]:D
  5. Geez I didn't like drivers ed at all. Mainly because I had to take it at school, during summer break. Plus we had to watch this stupid movie with a bunch of stupid actors. I can still remember the stupid catch phrase, "Sure Mack Sure." All in all I'm very glad I don't have to take drivers ed ever again.:D
  6. WW2

    My woodwork

    Jeez you're really good at making stuff. When I took a woodshop class, I was always afraid I'd cut my fingers off, or get caught in the belt sander.:D Keep up the good work.
  7. Whoa that is really good. It makes the stuff I made in 3D art look like silly putty. I like the way you glazed everything, they all look very professional. You seem to have some mad skillz when it comes to pottery. Did you mainly use the potters wheel?:D
  8. Well here's my final entry. Its an old pic I posted before. Oh well, that doesn't matter does it?:therock: :D Well here it is:
  9. Well that sucks, but its not illegal or anything, at least I don't think so. Maybe you should contact him and complain about it. And if that doesn't work, I guess you'll just have to deal with it. * What would you do if someone licked you? What the hell kinda thread is that? :therock:
  10. Well if we're talking about psycological disturbing anime, then I'll have to mention Akira. It has some dark psycological themes going on, plus some of the imagery is pretty disturbing. And from what I saw, Perfect Blue is also pretty messed up.:D
  11. The cfawaegiomoaaanqe? Ok then, whatever.:D Well here's my second entry into the contest. It was a character I created for an RPG in the Adventure Forum of OB. Too bad it was a failure.
  12. FLCL is one messed up anime. I watched it last night and tried to understand what was going on, but to no avail. I really like the style of animation they used, with the 3D-like slow motion and the funny manga page sequences. I also really liked the music, especially the ending theme. :D
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yami*Maho Keno [/i] [B]I'd like to know who [SPOILER]the guy in the black n'white striped tux, that Rosewater handed the tomato to,[/SPOILER] is. [/B][/QUOTE] Well I think that freaky dude in the stripes is a new character named [spoiler]Alan Gabriel. I don't know much about him, except that he manages to pilot the Big Duo, later on in the series.[/spoiler] But then again, I may be wrong.
  14. Hey thats pretty good. I like the design scheme you used for the whole thing. But one thing troubles me: I know that Ayeka is supposed to be crying, but I think it looks as if she's about to throw up. Mainly because she's got her hand over her mouth. But thats just my opinion.:D
  15. Well I just got through playing the Demo, (thanx OPM!!!) and have to say that this game kicks ***! The graphics, along with the cool, fluid motion of the characters, make it one of the best fighting games I've played. The demo lets you play as either the badass Nightmare, or that European chick. My fav. is Nightmare, his sword is awsome. I can't wait to buy it!:D
  16. Well I graduated just before summer, but I'll soon be going to a local community college. I'm sorta nervious about going, since the schedule is so hectic and all. I'll be majoring in Art. Hopefully I'll become an even better artist than I already am.:D I just wish they'd teach Japanese there too.
  17. Sent to Korea for three months?!!! Damn that must really suck, but oh well. As for the pic, it doesn't show up fpr me. What have you got it saved as? :therock:
  18. Ok I guess I'll post the first of my entries. This is a pic I managed to finish over the weekend. Sorry if its a little messy. Note: More pics will follow :D
  19. Well I don't see my name on the list, so I guess I'll enter the contest. I haven't scanned any of my new drawings yet, so it may take some time. But don't worry friends, the pics shall come soon. :D
  20. Yeah I know what you mean, the best ideas always come to me when I'm lying awake at night. But I don't usually write them down. Luckily I've got such a good memory when it comes to this stuff.
  21. Well, like you, I too like to write and create my own mangas. So far I've created like six stories. All I got to do know is put my ideas down on paper. Thats the hard part. As for my other hobbies, they're pretty routine. You know stuff like play video games, listen to music, etc.:D
  22. Thats pretty good Spikey, a little rough around the edges, but still good. Magatsu is my all time favorite character from Blade of the Immortal. Sorry I couldn't give you any pointers before, but I'm sure you'll do fine. Remember practice makes perfect.:D
  23. Well I have two dogs. A Bassit Hound named Gus and an American Bulldog named Jasper. Oh and I also have a black cat named Georgie.:D
  24. WW2


    I have to agree with Xai and Metatron, and decide to let nature take its course. But thats with the whole Spider/Butterfly scenerio. When it comes to people, I have to agree with Knives. Sometimes sacrafices have to be made. What Vash says is just sweet and innocent talk. But thats just my opinion.:D
  25. Well one time at Pizza Hut, me and my brother ordered a large supreme pizza. After we started eating, my brother noticed something in his mouth. He inspected it and saw that it was a small peice of glass. When we were done eating, we told the cashier. They apologized, but that was pretty much it. I think they could have at least knocked a few bucks off the price. But thats just me. :D
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