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Everything posted by WW2

  1. Fun? Hmmm,lets see. I guess I mostly like to draw, write, play video games, read manga, and watch my favorite anime. Oh and check out OB of course. But thats pretty much it.:(
  2. No I cant get on it either. But I think Adam said it was gonna be down for a while.:D
  3. Well I was too lazy to make a good 3rd entry pic, so I decided to post an old one. But hey, this one is in color!!!:D I did this pic for Animerica Magazine. I believe the theme they wanted was Snowball Fighting.
  4. Well OB only allows banners smaller than 100 X 500 pixels. At least I think thats the right size. Any image smaller than that will do fine. Oh and you might want to check the rules to make sure of the requirements.:D
  5. I think Hommer forgot to go back and pick up Grandpa Simpson. But I'm not too sure. In the chance that I was correct heres my question: [b]Q:[/b] In the Simpsons Halloween episode, the one with the evil Dolphins. When Linny was out night swimming. What did he call the Dolphins right before they killed him?:therock:
  6. Um I'm pretty sure I can't change your veiws on the matter, since your mind is so clouded and confused. Feelings like these are very common among early teens. All I can say is that you sound very selfish. Just because that girl broke up with you, doesn't mean all her feelings are gone. If you went out and offed yourself, I'm pretty sure she would be heartbroken and feel like she's to blame. You wouldn't want her, the girl you felt so strongly for, to suffer would you? If you do, then it wasn't true love to begin with. Just suck it up, live your life, and hope that the both of you will find happiness somewhere down the road. But then again, thats just my opinion.:D Oh and you can go ahead and flame me now, and say I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
  7. WW2


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by twixy [/i] [B]um hm..well my sn here is twixy which is the shortened version of my sn for several other things. betwixtimes (i know betwixt has a -t- at the end but the first time i used the sn there weren't enough spaces...) and that's because all more than often i am neither here nor there...or something. my actual name was alicia sujin tarr before i got married. i guess my parents thought it was pretty. >.o [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm, I thought you got your name from the twix candy bar. Guess I was wrong. Sujin is an interesting name, what part of the orient is that from?
  8. WW2


    I've never had the misfortune of having my heart broken by a girl. I'm sort of a loner, poor me. :( So, I really don't know what feelings you people went through. But I'm pretty sure you can get over it, time heals all things. But just remember that old saying: Its better to have loved and lost, then to never have loved at all. At least thats how I think it goes.:therock:
  9. Well since Mal said we could post out self portraits here, I decided to post a quick pic I drew. I did it pretty quickly, so it may look messy, and I didn't add all the texted info like Mal and Kaola did. Oh well, I can always edit it.:D
  10. WW2


    Well the WW thing is just my first and last initials. After doing a little research, I found that my first name is German, and means "constant guardian." My last name is an old Scottish name, but I have yet to find out what it truely means.:therock:
  11. That pic is pretty good, a nice contrast to all the anime pics people post. But I do have one question, why are her eyes so wide open? Her expression resembles a deer looking at on coming headlights. But thats just my opinion.
  12. WW2

    My Own Gundam!

    Hey thats pretty good. I think it's cool how you customized the Maxter gundam to your liking. That is what you did, isn't it? I really like the paint scheme, along with the double bladed axe. :D
  13. Well the second season doesn't air until next Sunday, August 3rd. Adult Swim has been airing the first season since the beginning of July. Tonight they're supposed to start rerunning the show, until Sunday that is.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]Man, first it was blacks, now there doing it all over again on gays, why does history have such a bad habbit of repeating itself? [/B][/QUOTE] I guess its because its because some people refuse to learn from the past. I think the entire idea is completely rediculous. I mean they're trying to solve a problem with discrimination, with segregation. That plan is flawed from the beginning. But thats just my opinion:D
  15. TriGunMaSta have you beaten the first Kingdom Heart game? If so then you [spoiler] would have seen Mickey, well his shadow anyways, holding his own Keyblade. This means that Mickey is also a Key bearer.[/spoiler] Singlefager already tried to tell you that.
  16. Has anyone thought that maybe that hooded guy isn't Sora nor Riku, but an entirely new character? Why would the Sora look so dark and brooding, and have 2 keyblades? Just wondering?:therock:
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FartMaster745 [/i] [B]To see other opinions. Thats all. I hope I'm not offending you by asking such questions that you dont care about. I'll stop asking if you want me to. [/B][/QUOTE] Ha! Don't worry it takes alot to offend me, and you can think all you want.:D I was just curious of why you asked such a question, when there's better things you can set your mind on. Plus what would you do with the answer if you knew it?:therock:
  18. Jeez, what the hell makes you think of things like that? You should be out living your life, instead of trying to figure out the secrets of the universe. Plus you're only asking questions that have been asked many times before, by people like yourself. You must know that no one, on this earth, truely knows the answers, nor will we ever know in our life times. So, I ask you, what's the point? But this is all my opinion?:D
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by noodleboy [/i] [B] only problem would be the ppl who fill the part and getting the hair right [/B][/QUOTE] The hair doesn't make the character. The actors would have to be able to replicate the animated character's personality, and the elements that made them who they were. I really don't think any actor can take the place of Spike, Vash, Kenshin, nor any other great animated personality. But again, this is just my opinion. :D
  20. Personally I think converting any good anime series into a live action movie, is a very bad idea. This is because that in this translation you lose the elements that made the anime so great. No actor, special effect, or camera effect can replicate the feeling of seeing your favorite stories animated. They should just leave them alone, since they're already good to begin with. This may seem complicated, but thats just my opinion.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShinobiOfDeath [/i] [B]gamemaster: [spoiler] r u talking about the Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki or the Kuzu Ryu Sen?.. b-cuz if ur talking about the Kuzu Ryu Sen.. then i think that's right.. but not the other one.. if u ppl saw it in the english version.. i dunno how they called it.. but yea.. [/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] Um Kenshin did use the [spoiler]Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki against Aoshi, not the Kuzu Ryu Sen[/spoiler]. Luckily the english translation kepth the original names of the moves.
  22. WW2


    Basically Akira isn't supposed to be fun. Its supposed to be a Sci Fi psychological thriller geared towards older audiences. Its some what of a thinking man's anime. I personally think its a good movie, but after reading the manga, I knew it could've been better. The Akira movie left out, and warped many story elements that were in the manga. The main one being [spoiler]that Akira was still alive in the manga, while in the movie he was dead.[/spoiler] But hey, most animes deviate from the original story.:D
  23. Well last night Adult Swim showed a preview of the upcoming season for Big O, and I have to say it looks pretty damn good. The animation designs looks pretty much the same, but is much brighter and lively. The best part about the preview was seeing [spoiler]Rosewater's new Megadeus fighting Big O. It sorta looks like that Royal Gundam from the G Gundam series. Oh, and they showed the new, re-constructed, big Duo going on a rampage.[/spoiler] I just hope the new season will answer the many questions that surround the story.:D
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gargoyle God [/i] [B]EDIT: What is Seppuku? [/B][/QUOTE] Seppuku is when a Samurai, who has brought shame upon his master or himself, decides to kill himself. They usually do this by slitting their stomachs open, left to right, with a blade. Thats pretty much a breif summary of what it is.
  25. Thanx for the positive feedback Kaola, but I think her arms are just a little too bulky. Oh, and Klinanime1 you didn't need to double post your pic. You could've just edited your first one.:D
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