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Everything posted by WW2

  1. OK here are my picks: Best Anime: Rurouni Kenshin Best Comedy: Excel Saga Best Romance: Uhh...don't watch any. Best Drama: Rurouni Kenshin OVA: Samurai X Best Action/Adventure: Cowboy Bebop Best Mecha: Evangelion Best Fantasy: Inuyasha Best Horror: Blood the Last Vampire Best Male: Hajime Saito (Rurouni Kenshin) Best Female: Faye Valentine (Cowboy Bebop) Best Soundtrack: Rurouni Kenshin Funniest Character: Nabeshin (Excel Saga) Biggest **$hole: Naraku (Inuyasha) Biggest Badass: Hajime Saito (Rurouni Kenshin) Best Villian: Legato (Trigun) Hottest Chick: Hyatt (Excel Saga) Best Dressed: Vash (Trigun) Best Death: Shishio (Rurouni Kenshin) Best Anime Movie: Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust Best OVA: Samurai X Best Anime Music Track: Tank! (Cowboy Bebop) Well thats it. Hope I didn't leave anything out.:D
  2. I've seen the first episode, and I have to say I'm not impressed. All it consisted of was a bunch of psycho-bable that I've seen in many other anime series. (Who am I? Why am I alive? Wah Wah Wah:bawl:) Personally I didn't like any of the characters, I thought they were too depressed and unrealistic. The only part that I found interesting was the stylish gun fight scene, but it was too short. I know I might have to see the rest of the episodes in order to get into it, but frankly I don't want to waste my money. But thats just my opinion:D
  3. How can some of you not like the relationship between Kenshin and Kaouru?!!!:wow: Have you seen the last chapter of the series, Samurai X: Reflection? It shows you how deep their relationship goes, and how dramatic it is truely is. If anybody should be voted worse couple, it should be Heero Yui and Relena. In fact most all of the Gundam Wing relationships suck. But thats just my opinion:D
  4. There is a perfectly good explanation for this: [color=green]MMMAAAGGGIIICCCC![/color] :D Just kidding, it is just one of many plot holes that can be found in anime.
  5. I'm sorry but I could never see myself using a gun. I believe fighting with guns is dishonorable, since it requires very little skill and relies too much on chance. A gun is but another machine that saves people from doing the work for themselves. Call me old fashion, butI believe conflicts should be decided through fights using one's own physical and mental skills, not with the use of machines. Sadly, it seems that many codes of honor such as this, have long been forgotten. But thats just my opinion:D
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackDragon465 [/i] [B]LOL!!! Slapping each other.:laugh: :laugh: We live in a peaceful era I guess that is why there is not much fighting and hardly used anymore. All you need in this era is a good brain and be smart. You hardly need fighting skills. Such a shame that guy's were slapping each other it makes them look weak and feminine. [/B][/QUOTE] Peacful Era?! What are you talking about?!:eek: Don't you know that people are robbed, kidnapped, and murdered everyday? Oh yeah, don't forget about wide spread terrorism and the war we just had. These times we live in are far from being peaceful. For as long as people obsess over their desires, the earth will never be truly at peace. I fear that the only peace people can find now in days is within themselves. But thats just my opinion:D
  7. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner was left alone with Silia, who had a confused look upon her face. "Are you sure everything is alright," she asked Banner. "You don't seem like your cheerful, idiotic self." Banner turned to her with a stern look on his face. "I fear.." he said in a low voice. Suddenly a big grin came accross his face, "I fear I've fallen for you.":D Silia was not amused. "I see you are feeling better now," she said, as Banner walked over and put his arm around her. "Shhh," Banner whispered. "The only thing I want to hear from you now is your digits." Silia became angry and knocked him over the head with her staff. "Digits!? What makes you think I even have a phone?!" she shouted. :mad: "Inform everyone to meet at the chapel, when their training is complete," she ordered as she spread her wings and flew away. Banner rubbed the knot on his head. "Oh yeah, I'm wearing her down," he said to himself. He then looked towards the lake where Tate once stood. "Where the hell did he go?" Soon, he heard faint voices coming from the forest, not too far away. "Hmmm, taking a walk in the woods are we? Well Tate, I'm not letting you out of my sight," he said sternly, before walking into the forest.
  8. Sure it could work. Just because it was prophecised and written in a book, doesn't mean nothing can stop it from coming true. I personally don't believe in pre-determined destiny, that everything that happens in our lives was meant to happen. People have free will and can change their futures by changing themselves. But with the state mankind is in now, I believe we will eventually bring an end to life as we know it. But if everybody learned to get along and work together to make a better world, then we could change the world from any future catastropies. I know this sounds like the words of a hopeless idealist, but hey you never know what the future holds. But thats just my opinion :D
  9. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    While the others completed their training, Banner was still resting in the forest.:sleep: While he slept, a strange dream manifested itself inside his mind. (Dream Sequence) The dream first consisted of him and Silia having a picnic in a Cherry Blossom orchard. The was blowing, sending the petals of the trees flying through the air. Silia, dressed in a very revealing tight leather outfit, was feeding grapes to Banner, who rested with his head on her lap. Everything was calm and cool. But soon things started to change. The sky turned black as night, and the winds picked up. Suddenly all the trees in the orchard burst into flames. Banner quickly jumped to his feet, wondering what the hell was going on. Then when he turned to Silia, she had vanished. "Where did you go?!" Banner yelled as he looked around at the burning trees. He then saw a shodowy figure at the top of a near by hill. The curious Banner rushed over to the hill side, where he noticed the figure was Silia. She was on her knees crying, and trying to say something. But when she opened her mouth, no words came out. Banner stared at the weeping godess. "Whats wrong with you?!" he shouted, but there was no reply. He then marched up the hill, determined to find out what was going on. When he reached the summit he found that someone else had already gotten there. It was his partner, Tate, who was leaning over Silia. "Hey what the hell are you doing here?" the confused Banner asked, but Tate did not reply. Then Banner's mind came to a pretty odd conclusion. "Oh...I see whats going on here!" he muttered. "So sorry to enterupt you two!" Tate and Silia did not respond to Banner's accusations, but mearly stared at each other. "So thats how its gonna be!" Banner yelled at Silia. "Well fine! Screw you, screw your screwy mission, and screw Frank Sinatra!" Tate then turned towards Banner and began to walk over to him. Silia tried to shout something out to Banner, but again no words emerged. Soon Banner came face to face with Tate. "What? You wanna throw down?" Banner asked sternly. "You ain't got nothing on me Fro Face!" Suddenly Banner felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down and saw that Tate had plunged his light sword into his heart. Banner fell down, and blood began to flow from his body. Tate then started laughing maniacally, and his eyes turned blood red. Then in a flash of light he dissapeared. The blood from Banner's wound spread over the hill top, and soon flooded the burning forest below. As he died Banner looked at the crying Silia, who was still silently shouting something. This was the last thing Banner saw, before being sucked into the pool of blood beneath him. (End of Dream Sequence) Banner awoke from the dream screaming. "What the hell was that!" he yelled out, frantically scanning his surroundings. He again found himself at the spot he had collapsed after his training. "Whoa, it was just a dream," he said with relief. "Damn, that was weird, ...maybe I ought to see a pshychiatrist when I get back home.":worried:
  10. WW2

    The Last Samurai

    I just noticed something after watching the trailer. If Tom Cruise is teaching the Japanese how to use western weapons, then he is sided with the Bakufu (Military Government). This means he must be fighting the imperialist who hoped to restore power back to the emperor. If this is so, then he is destined to lose his battle because the imperialist won over the Bakufu. Then again I may be wrong.:D
  11. I wouldn't want to have any special powers. I don't want to be considered a freak of nature, and constantly be pursued by crazed government agents, who want to disect me for science. What kind of life would that be? I much rather increase the power and strength I already posess, throught exercise and meditation. :shifty:
  12. WW2

    Ushi. ^_^

    Thats one cute bunny girl. Maybe a little too cute. (Who knows what type of deranged mind hides behind those big doe eyes) I really like the paint job you did. It gives the pic a bright and cheerful mood. Oh, and the Moo shirt is a nice touch, it makes the pic look even cuter. All in all you did a very good job. :D *EDIT*: Sorry I screwed up, I thought the ears made her look like a rabbit.:(
  13. The only way I can see them making an EVA movie is by filling it full of computer generated EVAs and Angles. When I think about that, I again ask myself WHY?! Why won't Hollywood just leave the EVA franchise alone? Hopefully the movie will have production problems, causing it to be canceled. HA HA HA:laugh: Then EVA will be safe from those ruthless bandits!
  14. In my opinion this is just a major dissapointment waiting to happen. Why does Hollywood have to screw around with a perfectly good anime, by making it into a live action movie? Maybe they're just trying to cash in on the Japanese Animation craze. I'm not sure, but I believe nothing good can come from this proposal. But thats just my opinion:D
  15. Leaving dead bodies in water resovoirs?! Torturing POWs with music from PBS?! Beating the hell out of old women and toddlers?! What the hell's going on in this world?! These incidents clearly show the sad state humanity is in.
  16. WW2

    The Last Samurai

    I think its set to be released this year in late Fall or early Winter. But I'm not entirely sure, I have to check my sources.
  17. I don't know why but ever since it was used in the american version of the Tekken movie, "Save Yourself" by Stabbing Westward has always reminded me of anime. Also, after seeing the video, "The Girls Not Grey" by AFI brings about thoughts of different anime. Sometimes when I'm watching anime such as DBZ, I mute my TV and play the songs, and oddly enought the lyrics match up with the characters' lip movements. I know its sad and a waste of time, but hey I'm bored sometimes.
  18. WW2

    The Last Samurai

    Yeah I've been following that movie ever since I saw it previewed in Entertainment Weekly Magazine. As I understand it, Cruise plays a Civil War Veteran who travels to Japan. There he learns the way of the samurai and the art of Bushido. This premise has been used a couple of times before, most noteably in the miniseries "Shogun."(I hope I'm not the only one who sees the resemblence) But by what I've seen so far the movie looks really good. I especially like the set designs. And I know this is just wishful thinking, but since its set during the Meiji Restoration, maybe the great Shinsengumi will make an appearance. (But I'm sure they won't) The only problem I have with the movie is the title. I really don't believe a filthy gaijin such as Tom Cruise should be considered the "Last Samurai." Oh well, I still can't wait to see the movie.:D
  19. Friendship is to me an emotional bond between people. You find people that share the same interest, by hanging out together you begin to accept each other. Thus, your friends are the people you care for, share an emotional link with. They are people who you come to rely on if you need support. But thats just my opinion.:D
  20. Beauty is merely a concept brought about by preference. Whats beautiful to one person, may not be beautiful to another. Its just like the old saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But now in days the "eye of the beholder" has been influenced by the media and other people, to see only certain aspects of things as beautiful.
  21. I subscribe to Animerica and occasionaly read Newtype. I think Animerica is the best anime orientated magazine out there, since it has bette layout and good information. Newtype magazines are too big. Basically the only reason I buy them is because I'm obsessed with anime, and you get a DVD with it.
  22. WW2


    I've seen the videon, in fact I've downloaded it from their official site. I does in deed have some anime references, such as the Rei look alike, that weird looking bunny, and the cherry blossom petals flying around. All in all its a kick*** song, but I haven't really heard any of their other stuff.
  23. Like I posted before, I believe the reason some people don't really know how to defend themselves, is because of their growing dependence on technology and those stronger than they are. Its this dependence that makes people lazy, and ingnorant of things they need to know, such as self defense. This is what leads to slapping. If they wised up, they would realize the need to better themselves through self reliance. A virtue that can be taught by learning the art of self defense. But I don't see this happening anytime soon. But thats just my opinion.:D
  24. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner watched as Gideon's blade came for him, and time seemed to slow down. Many thoughts began to run through the injured warrior's head. "No, I won't let it end like this!" he thought. "I have to make it back home, to my family, my friends." Banner suddenly felt a large power growing within him, and all the shadows within the forest began to shift. Banner slowly got to his feet. "I will not let myself be defeated so easily!!!":flaming: Gideon soon noticed all the surrounding shadows were being drawn towards Banner, and stopped his attack. "No, its impossible!" he yelled, as his shadow left him and ran acrossed the ground towards Banner. Banner now stood on a heaping mass of shadow energy, and his eyes turned completely black. He then let out a loud cry, and the shadows swirled up around him. Gideon watched in awe. "Where is all that power coming from?" he asked himself. His jaw dropped when Banner's shroud of darkness dissapeared, revealing a transformed Banner. Banner's skin and clothing had been completely covered in complete blackness. "Its the Shadow Void Armor!" Gideon exclaimed, not believing his eyes. "Is this what this is?" Banner asked, marveling at his new form. "It kinda makes ya feel all tingly all over." Gideon smiled, "It seems your power increased with your emotions," he concluded. "Even I couldn't form the armor that quickly, but it seems your power has surpassed mine." "Ya think?" Banner said with a smirk. "Whats this Void Armor do?" "I'll show you" Gideon replied, before thrusting his Shadow Nigita into Banner's chest. "Whoa! What the hell are ya doing?!" Banner yelled. He soon realized that Gideon's blade had been absorbed into his armor. "Dude, thats cool!" Gideon then pulled his nigita from Banner's chest. "This armor you have created from all the surrounding shadows acts as a void into the shadow demension," he explained. "It transports any attack it comes in contact with into the that demension, allowing no harm to come to it's wearer." "OK...I think I understand," Banner said, scratching his head. "But how do I get it off?" Gideon smiled once again, "You mearly have to will it away," he said. Banner took and deep breath, and closed his eyes. The shadows then left his body and went back to their original locations. "Your training has ended," Gideon said proudly. "I've taught you everything I know, and you have surpassed me. I am now proud to say you are the new Zarcadia Guardian of Shadows." "Cool," Banner said, before falling the ground in exhaustion. He then looked up at Gideon, who was begining to fade away. "Farewell my young friend," he said. "Silia shall guide you to meet you destiny." Gideon then dissapeared, all that was left was silence. "See ya old man," the exhausted Banner muttered, before passing out of consciousness.:sleepy:
  25. The urge to fight is within every human being. Its doesn't matter if you think fighting is useless and the root of all evil or not. Deep down there is always something you think is worth fightng for. It may be your freedom, family, friends, or beliefs. Or it may be something entirely trivial. It is this fight over trivial matters that gives fighting such a bad reputation. Its because the people who fight for power, land, or reputation, lack honor and good judgement. If you disagree with the fact the urge to fight is within everyone, then you are basically blinding yourself from reality. But thats just my opinion.:D
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