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Everything posted by WW2

  1. I think I'm alot like Ayato from RAHXEPHON. I'm quiet, like to be left alone, and am a pretty good artist. Basically the only thing thats different between him and me is that he doesn't wear glasses and can speak fluent japanese. Oh and theres that controlling a giant robot thing.:D
  2. I never really like either of the characters, my favorite has always been Michael Myers. (Hey maybe he'll show up at the end and kill both Jason and Freddy. But I don't see that happening.):( My guess on the outcome will be a draw between the two. They'll most likely end up killing each other.
  3. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner had suffered many injuries in his training with the guardian, Gideon. His clothes were torn to shreds, his glasses were cracked, and blood had begun to run down his face. In his dark surrounding he could sense the stealthy Gideon, circleing him. "This guys too much," Banner thought. "He been constantly attacking for nearly half and hour." Just then a loud rumble echoed throughout the darkness, and the portals emitted a bright light. "Man something big must be happening outside," Banner thought. Just then Gideon emerged from over head, ready to impale Banner with his Shadow Nigita. Banner rolled out of the way, and quickly retaliated with a sweeping slash. But it was no good, Gideon had already jumped back up into the air, ready to attack again. "Damn," Banner muttered as he raised up his nigita, blocking the spirit's downward slash. He then quicky kicked Gideon in the gut, and uppercutted him with the bottom of his nigita's polearm. Gideon staggered backwards, before regaining his footing. The guardian smiled in approval. "Good," Gideon said in a low voice. "You have learned to focus even in complete darkness, and predict my movements. Your training is nearly complete." Banner smiled, "Yeah I had a little trouble keeping up with you at first, but now you're pretty predictable." "Well lets see how you do out of this shadow demension," Gideon replied. "Follow me, and try to keep up." The guardian jumped into a near by portal, with Banner following closely behind. Banner soon found himself back in the forest opening. "The final part of our training shall begin here," Gideon said, while getting into his fighting stance. "Bring it!" Banner yelled. Gideon quicky rushed towards the warrior, and jumped over him. The guardian then dived into the shade of a nearby tree and vanished. "Crap!" Banner exclaimed. "Not this again." Banner jumped high into the air, so that the crafty Gideon wouldn't be able to attack from any near by shadows. But Gideon emerged from the shodows of a near by tree top, and jumped up towards Banner. The young warrior was caught off guard, and Gideon's blade plunged into his left side. Banner screamed in agony, while falling to the ground. Gideon landed and whiped the blood off his nigita. He turned towards Banner, who lied on the ground, holding his side. Blood ran freely from Banner's side, and he groaned in pain. He slowly got to up to one knee, and leaned on his nigita. Gideon got back into his fighting stance. "If that is all the strength you have, you have no right to be a Guardian of Zarcadia," he yelled. "I shall now do you a favor and put you out of your misery!" The dark guardian then rushed foward, prepared to deliver the final blow.:nervous:
  4. WW2

    Too Much TV?

    I watch about 3-5 hours of TV about every weekday, mostly because I'm bored. I'm trying to cut back and be more active, though. For the rest of my free time I focus on creating stories and drawing characters. I also spend alot of time here at Otakuboards.
  5. I have to say my favorite anime couple isn't really a couple, but a love triangle. I really like the broken relationship shown in Macross Plus, with the carefree Isamu and the honorable Guld both trying to gain the affection of the beautiful Myung. It has to be one of the best, and most tragic,relationships ever put into an anime, but it did kinda suck how it all ended. If you've seen Macross Plus I'm sure you will agree. I also really liked the tragic relationship between Kenshin and Tomoe, even though it had a very sad, but fitting, end. Then again, thats just my opinion.:D
  6. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner jumped backwards, avoiding the charge of the Shadow Guardian spirit. The spirit was an old bald man, with deep black eyes. He was dressed in a black ninja uniform, with a red scarf tied around his neck. "Hey you're pretty fast old man," Banner said smiling. The spirit stood silently, staring at the warrior. "Words shall come later," he replied. "Now come on, attack me!" Banner grasped his nigita tightly, "Okay gramps, you asked for it!" He then rushed foward, preparing to thrust his blade into his ghostly enemy. The guardian just stood there, emotionless, as Banner came closer. Then just as Banner's blade thrusted forward, the spirit stepped back and fell into his own shadow, avoiding the attack. "What the hell!" Banner exclaimed. "He dissapeared!" Banner began scanning his surroundings. "Alright, wheres he gonna come from?" he asked himself. Just then the spirit's hand emerged from Banner's shadow on the ground, and grabbed the confused warrior by the leg. "Oh ****!" Banner yelled, as he was pulled down into his own shadow. He soon found himself in complete darkness, just as he had been in the chapel. The spirit's voice then rang out, "To be a master of shadows, you must first learn to fight in this shadow demension." Banner quickly turned in the direction of the voice, where he saw the guardian staring at him. The spirit extended his left hand out and in a flash of black light, his Shadow Nigita manefested it's self. "Whoa you got one too!" Banner said. "No more talk," the guardian replied, as he got into a fighting stance. "From now on we communicate using our actions! Prepare to face the true power of Gideon, Shadow Guardian of Zarcadia!" Banner smiled, nodded his head, and got into his own stance. The young warrior's training had begun. :demon: *Heres a pic I did of the Shadow Guardian* [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/gideon.jpg[/IMG]
  7. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    "Since there are no more questions, we shall now begin the training process," Silia informed. "Alright!" Banner exclaimed. "Its about time," Dominic added. "First I must warn you," Silia remarked. "The training is very hard, meant to push your mental and physical skills to the limit. But if you all succeed and complete your training, you will each posess the full powers of the guardians." "Yeah Yeah," Banner said, swinging his nigita around. "Lets get on with it!" Silia smiled and closed her eyes. "Very well then," she said, and raised her staff up into the air. "Come forth Guardians of Zarkadia!" she yelled. The sky lit up with a blinding white light, and the warriors covered their eyes. Then as the light dissapeared, they all opened their eyes to see five strange beings staring at them. "Who are they?" T.D. asked. "These are the spirits of the fallen guardians," Silia explained. "I have called them here to teach you the secrets of your new powers. You shall all pair up with the guardian you are to replace and face them in battle. Only when you defeat them, shall you reach the full potential of your powers." "Your jokin', right?" Tate asked in disbeleif. "You expect us to fight a bunch of ghost?!" "Yes, except for you Tate," Silia replied. "For you shall face me!" The guardian spirits then gathered around Silia. "Let the training begin!" Silia yelled, and the spirits quickly rushed towards the young warriors.:wow: :wow:
  8. You should try to avoid the guys or talk your way out of fighting. But if it does come to fist to cuffs, you and your friend should back each other up and go down fighting!:flaming: But thats just my opinion.:D
  9. WW2

    Groundhog Day

    Groundhogs Day is a great comedy with great actors and a cool premise. It makes you think what you would do if you repeated the same day over and over. Would you use the knowledge of that day to help people, like Bill Murhray(sp?) did, or continuously kill yourself...like Bill Murhray did?:therock:
  10. WW2

    Burning Suns

    Thanks for your positive feedback. Since you liked my evil sun pic so much, I decided to post another pic. This is a sun being eclipsed by a crescent moon. It too was a tatto design, and also can be found on a shirt at [URL=http://www.zazzle.com]http://www.zazzle.com[/URL].
  11. Best fight scene...let me think, there are so many good ones in anime. I really like the fight between Spike and Vicious in the Cowboy Bebop episode, Ballad of Fallen Angles. The shootout in the church was great, as was the standoff scene. Another great fight would have to be the dojo fight between Kenshin and Saito. The quickness and detail of the fight was a feast for the eyes, plus it was the first time we got to see Kenshin fully revert back to being the Hitokiri Batousai. The long battle between Kenshin and Makoto Shishio was also very well done. Oh! I almost forgot the Veritech fight between Guld and Isamu at the end of Macross Plus. It has to be one of the best animated fight scenes ever created. Thats just my opinion.:D
  12. WW2

    Burning Suns

    I created the bad sun pic as a tatoo design, but late on decided to put it on T-shirts. You can see this and some of my other shirt designs at[URL=http://www.zazzle.com]www.zazzle.com[/URL] Look for WW2 as a contributor.:D
  13. I favor quite a lot of comedy movies. I can't choose which one I like the best. The Naked Gun and Airplane movies were great, with their constant sight gags. "Don't call me Shirley." Monty Python and the Holy Grail was also funny as hell. I especially liked the fight with the black knight and the killer rabbit. "Its just a flesh wound!" Oh, and who could forget Mel Brook's western comedy, Blazing Saddles, it was pure comedy gold. "I payed you to lay some track down, not dance around like a bunch of Kansas City *******!" But thats just my opinion.:D
  14. Yo this is WW2!:glasses: I decided to post some of the sun pics I have done. Please feel free to rate them (1-10). Heres my first pic, its somekind of dark burnig sun.
  15. Yeah I'll be graduating in 2 weeks, and to tell the truth I'm not that excited. It'll be the last time I see some of my best friends, even though I am going to community college with some of them. But as the time comes I'll have to get over it and focus on planning out my future.
  16. Squaresoft will still have a partnership with Disney, and will incorporate Disney characters into the future games. But they will change to a darker image in future games, as you can see in the KH2 trailer.
  17. I too have seen the KH2 trailer as well as some new screen shots. In the video I believe [spoiler]the guy fighting with the two keyblades is Riku, since they're hair is pretty much the same. I think in the new game he's out looking for Sora. As for the blind folded dude on the roof, I don't really know who he is. Maybe he some new enemy since he seemed to summon the heartless. The so called "beach girl" has to be Kairi, since she seemed to be on Destiny Island. I don't know where the rumor about Tifa came from.[/spoiler] As for the new screen shots, [spoiler]they show the cloaked guy with the 2 keyblades fighting a new breed of heartless. One shot also showed King Micky dressed in armor, with a sword in his hand.[/spoiler] I also read an article saying Squaresoft is trying to make Kingdom Hearts their next big franchise. Which means we can expect more KH games in the future.
  18. Its seems as each new generation comes into exsistence, the people become weaker. Why is this? I really don't know, but maybe its because they become more and more dependent on technology and other people to do their work. They have become so lazy that they don't concern themselves with thoughts of defending themselves, thus they don't really know much about how to fight. But thats just my opinion.:D
  19. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner picked himself off the ground and looked at Silia. "Yeah I gotta question," he shouted. "Why the hell did you blind me! All I wanted was your phone number!" He then walked over to Silia and put his arm around her, "Come on, if you just gave me a chance, I'm sure we could be really good friends." Silia just stared at him. "Careful digit boy," she warned. "I do have the power to take away your sight forever." Banner backed off, "Hey don't be hatin'. You can't blame a guy for trying." Silia sighed, "Does anyone have a real question?" she asked. Banner slowly raised his hand, "Yeah all these other guys got cool weapons, where the hell's mine?!" Silia walked over to him. "Banner you have the power to summon the great Shadow Nigita," she explained. "Aw cool!.....what the hell's a Nigita?" Banner asked. Silia sighed once again, "Just focus on your stone and say the word Nigita." "Alrighty," Banner replied and held his stone out in front of him. Banner closed his eyes, and started chanting something. He then quickly opened his eyes and shouted "Nigita!" There was a flash of dark light and suddenly the long Shadow Nigita appeared in his hand. Banner was filled with excitment. "Kick ***!" he yelled. "Why didn't you tell me it was a pike with a long blade on the end?" "The Shadow Nigita is a very powerful weapon," Silia explained. "Hopefully through your training you will learn how to bring out its full potential." "Yeah, Yeah," Banner said, walking off twirling his new found weapon. Tate walked over to Silia. "You have to forgive him," he said. "It seems he is easily destracted.":bluesweat Silia smiled, "Yes it seems so, but I sense a great warriors's spirit within him." "In that guy?" Tate said objectively, watching Banner swing his nigita around. Silia nodded, "Yes, he shall be a great asset to our cause."
  20. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Silia looked at the confused group of young warriors. "You all have been chosen to save this world from a great evil." "Great evil?" Banner asked, as he checked out the woman's curves. "Heh Heh....Oh, um what kinda evil?" "I myself do not know much about this dark force, but they call themselves the Nightmarians," Silia answered. T.D. stepped foward, "Then those dragon things we just fought.." "Yes, they were minions of the Nightmarian horde," Silia explained. "I, myself and the other seven guardians of this world have tried our best to finish them all off, but even we have failed," she said, lowering her head. "Sadly I'm the last surviving guardian." "That sucks," Banner replied. "But where do we come in?" Silia raised her head, "You my friends are the key to this world's salvation. Each of you have been brought here to inheret the roles of the fallen guardians. Each of you have been granted the powers of the eight Guardians of Zarkadia." "Dominic you have been granted the power of metal, Aiko you have the power over ice and snow, T.D. you control the power of wind, Kiara you have the powers of the sun and moon, and Banner you have the power of the shadows." Silia then turned and looked at Tate. "Finally, Tate, you shall be my replacement," she explained. "My powers have greatly diminished these last few years of battle and you shall take my place as guardian of light." The warriors looked at each other in shock. "There was supposed to be two other warriors," Silia said. "The new guardians of fire and water, but it seems they have not yet made it here. I fear the evil horde may have already gotten to them." Banner stepped foward. "You may be a red hot angel babe and all," he replied. "But screw that! What chance do we have if you big, powerful, guardians couldn't defeat those Nightmoron things?":nervous:
  21. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner helped the fallen Tate to his feet. "Hey, I'm sorry man," he said. "You should really be more careful." Tate took off his headphones and stared at him harshly. Banner smiled and raised his hand and made a peace sign. "No hard feelings right?" Tate sighed and turned his attention to the last remaining dragon. "Jeeze whats his problem," Banner asked himself. Just then each of the warriors' stones lit up in a flash of light. "Oh great," Banner muttered. "Whats gonna happen now?" As the light dimmed the warriors' heard a heavenly voice from above. "At last you have finally assembled here," it said. They all looked up and saw what seemed to be a female angle. The being slowly descended down to their position. The woman had snow white wings, blue hair, and was dressed in a some what revealing, white and purple robe. In her hand she held a golden staff with a glowing crystal, at its' head. "Whoa, who's the chick?" Banner asked Tate in a low voice, but he didn't answer. "I am Silia, guardian of light," the woman replied. "I am sure you have many questions. But first, let met take care of this pest." Silia then turned towards the dragon, who let out a loud roar. Silia quickly raised her staff, and the entire room was engulfed in light once again. "Dude if this keeps up we're all gonna go blind!" Banner complained, just as the light diminished. The warriors then stared in awe, for the dragon was gone, and all that remained was it's shadow burnt into the wall. "Now, shall we get down to business?" Silia asked with a smile.:D [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/silia.jpg[/IMG]
  22. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    As Banner made his way towards the strange chapel door, he heard the sounds of the battle within. "Whats going on in there?" he wondered as he put his ear to the door. Suddenly his black stone flashed and the door slid open. Banner stumbled inside, where he saw three people fighting strange black dragons, and some girl sleeping on a pew. "Hey what the hell kinda chapel is this?!" he yelled out, drawing the attention of two black dragons. The vile duo charged towards the confused Banner, who ran down a row of pews, screaming. "Okay this is just a dream," he said eradically, as he ran into a dark corner. "All I gotta do is wake up. Yeah thats it." Banner then started smacking himself in the face, desperate to wake up. He stopped as the two dragons slowly creeped closer to him, baring their blood stained teeth. "Oh crap," Banner exclaimed, pushing himself up against the wall. Then just as the dragons lunged towards the cringing Banner, his stone flashed once again, and he was plunged into the shadows of the wall. The dragons bashed into the wall head first, stunning them. Banner opened his eyes and saw himself shrouded in darkness once again. " Damn not this again" he said, looking around. But this time there were small portals of light within the darkness, each showing a different part of the chapel's interior. Banner looked closely at one near by. In it he saw an over head veiw of Tate fighting the dragons. Banner looked closer at the portal and was suddenly sucked in. Banner emerged from the shadows of the chapel's ceiling, and fell screaming. "Crap!" he screamed, as he landed on the oblivious Tate. "Whoa that was cool," he exclaimed. "I must have the power to travel through shadows." He then noticed he was sitting on top of Tate. "Oh sorry," he said, quickly getting to his feet. "But thanks for breaking my fall.":bluesweat
  23. I like many really like the [spoiler]Wolfwood's death scene. His last words, about not wanting to die, were really sad.:bawl: Him leaning up against the cross really added to the dramatic mood of the scene.[/spoiler] Another one of my favorite death scenes is [spoiler]Vegeta's, where he sacrifices himself to destroy Buu.[/spoiler] That was really cool.
  24. Sadly the none of the ZOE games follow the anime. The anime series of ZOE deals with an entirely different Orbital Frame and piolet. But there is one exception, the short anime movie: ZOE Idolo is some what of a prequal to the first game. It reveals Viola's past, 10 years before the Antillia raid.
  25. I can't wait to see this movie. I thought the part of the trailer where he rips off his clothes in one swoop was pretty damn funny. Oh yeah, Morgan Freeman playing god is pretty funny. Morgan Freeman Rules!:D
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