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Everything posted by WW2

  1. I don't know, but I think Sejuro Hiko is the best swordsman. I mean he's Kenshin's teacher, and a master of the Hiten Mitsurugi style of swordsmanship. He's smart and he has more muscle which makes his attacks are more powerful than Kenshin's. This, added to his god like speed makes him almost undefeatable. But thats just my opinion. :D
  2. Heres another pic of mine. Its a pimpin skelenton. I hope you like it.:D
  3. WW2

    Modern Dreams

    Banner awoke and found himself surrounded by complete darkness. "Okaaaaaay...what the hell is this," he asked himself as he got to his feet. "What is this place, and where the hell is my bed?!" He then noticed a glowing stone lying before him. Banner slowly walked over and picked it up. "Whats this," he wondered. "And why is it glowing." The confused Banner then turned his attention back to his dark surroundings. "Hello!" he yelled. "Is anyone here!" There was no reply, only the echo of his voice. He then took a few step forwards, and noticed the stone he held started to glow brighter. "Hey maybe this stone gets brighter when I get closer to an exit," he concluded. "Yeah thats gotta be it." Banner then started walking foward, carefully navigaiting his way through the darkness. He soon saw a light in the distance. "Alright the a way out!" Banner rejoiced, and ran towards the light. As he emerged from the darkness he realised that he had been in a cave, carved into the side of a tall mountain range. Banner then scanned his new surroundings, and noticed a large chapel in the distance. He then looked at the glowing black stone in his hand. "I don't know what the hells going on, but maybe somebody there can help me," he replied, and began his journey towards the mystereous chapel.
  4. Yes your answer was correct. Please ask another question.:D
  5. You can fight Tantarian when Zidane, Vivi, Freya, and Amarant are evacuating people, when Alexandria is under attack by Mistodons. Tantarian can be found in the library, I think on top of a book self. As for his moves all I can think of is paper storm and edge attack. His stats are: HP: 21,997 AP: 30 Is that enough info? If so heres a question: In FF9, during the Balamb Festival event when you assign members certain instruments, what instrument combination plays the Irish Jig? Slow Dance?
  6. Okay here is my pic. I rushed to get it finished, so it may be a little unfocused. I basically created a pic that shows the strange things and characters that I've created in my head over the past few days. Things such as an evil nugget, a living dragon tattoo, a hairy alien, and a super version of myself along with my very own Gundam. Sorry it looks blurry. :(
  7. WW2


    Dude, Victor Creed was Sabertooth's real name, not William Stryker. So, I'm sorry to tell you that your memory is not correct.:D
  8. **SPOILERS** Here are just a few great tragedies in anime that piss me off. Macross was full of tragedies. In fact I think it was the first anime I saw that dealed with such tragic events. [spoiler]The one I hate , besides the destruction of the SDF-1, is the death of Roy Folker, that really sucked. I mean he died before he could eat his pineapple salad!:mad: This was shortly followed up by the death of Ben Dixon. [/spoiler] Another death that really sucked was that of [spoiler]Wolfwood. I just saw the episode last night, and I really felt bad for the guy. But what really ticked me off was that I heard he didn't die in the manga![/spoiler] :mad: Why did the creators of the anime have to change the story! [color=hotpink][size=1]I added spoiler tags for you. All you have to do to use them from now on is to type [spoiler]Then what you want to say.[/ spoiler] Hope this helps. :) *QA*[/color][/size]
  9. I have to say I really enjoyed Cowboy Funk. The scenes between Andy and Spike were funny as hell. I also like Pierrot le fou alot, but my favorite episode has to be Ballad of Fallen Angels. The showdown in the old church was one of the coolest scenes I've seen in anime.:D
  10. Heres another pic of mine:D Its some cyber woman I created. I think I could've done a better job on the coloring, what do you guys think? :excited:
  11. Sup' Tate. Heres my character. Name: William Nickname: Banner Description: Dark brown hair, glasses, black jacket, black pants, grey t-shirt, and grey shoes. Power: Shadow Stone color: black Bio: When William first arrives on the island, he found himself surrounded by complete darkness. He soon realized that he was in a cave, deep underground, and spent a great deal of time searching for a way out. When he finally emerged from the dark caverns he saw a chapel in the distance. "Maybe theres some people there, who can tell me what the hell is going on," he said, and began his quest towards the mystereous chapel.
  12. A: Meo Twister Q: In FF9 during the Festival of the Hunt. What items do you get if you win with : Vivi? Freya? Zidane? Note: This does not count the Master Hunter award.:D
  13. Question: This might be a little difficult. On the last level of FF8, at Ultimercia's Castle, how many boss fights must you fight to regain all of your sealed abilities? Note: This does not count the optional boss fight against the Omega Weapon.:D
  14. This is a tough subject to coment on. Personally I think dating anyone your kin to isn't right, in fact, like the others have said, its really creepy. If the two do start to go together, you have to see the reprecutions of the action. The rest of the family would most likely not support such a union, neither would modern day society. This may lead to some trouble with the family, and facing the insults of society. So I think its best for cousins not to date, or even think about dating. But thats just my opinion. :D
  15. Its a little too light and sketchy. But at least it looks like the character. You might want to go back over it to darken the lines, and add a little more detail to his face. But thats just my opinion. Its a pretty good pic, I give it a 6.5/10.
  16. To tell you the truth, I'm not a big Marik fan, but I like this picture. Its a little simple but the coloring and texture make it look good. I think it would be better if you had those big creepy eyes of his open. But thats just my opinion.:D Good job, I give it an 8/10.
  17. Dude thats pretty cool, in fact is kinda cute.:D It reminds me of a Pokemon. All it needs is coloring, so I give it a 9/10. As for mizu, its the japanese word for water.:cool:
  18. I have to say my favorite animal is, the ever so cool, chemileon. I don't know why, but I've always seemed to like them. As for my star sign I am a Virgo.:D
  19. WW2

    Lupin III

    Lupin III rules! I reall like heist movies, and with Lupin you get a cool new heist in every episode. The humor in the show makes it even better. Plus Jigen and Goemon kick a**!:D
  20. I believe Cloud has 3 flashback sequences involving Zack. The first was at the end of the tornado maze, where Sephiroth shows you the photograph. The second was in Cloud's mind, after falling into the life stream. The third was late in the game, when you return to the basement of the Shinra mansion. (You learn how Cloud and Zack escaped back to Midgar) I think thats it, but I'm not sure.:huh:
  21. Even though it isn't really a horror film, I think Signs was one of the creepiest movies recently released. House on Haunted Hill was also pretty scary. But nothing compares to the horror of watching Freddy Got Fingered. That movie gave me nightmares. I remember waking up one night screaming "No, no, how did they get funding!" :nervous:
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kiddy_phenil [/i] [B]you know, why even bother having a blade on the other side, why not just a metal bar or something, he wouldn't have gotten stopped all those times for carrying a sword.. [/B][/QUOTE] *Possible Spoiler* There is a perfectly good reason why Kenshin uses the reverse blade sword. It was given to him by a legendary swordsmith,who was an old friend of his. When learning about Kenshin's mission to stop killing, he gave him the reverse blade sword in order to see if he could could keep his word.( Or something like that ) This is all revealed later in the series, after Kenshin's sword is broken.
  23. Yeah getting busted is really annoying, but the most annoying thing I encountered is in Vice City. I was doing the mission where you have to stop 4 trucks and get the weapons they are carrying. I wrecked the first truck and got out of my car. Then all of a sudden a heavily armed fagio gang shows up, and starts blasting me. I got away from them, but they just wouldn't stop pursuing me. Every time I got out of my car I'd hear the buzzing of their scooters coming for me. End the end I have to say killed about a hundred of those annoying bastards. :mad:
  24. I have to say I prefer the shortest gundam series. I really liked War in a Pocket, as well as 8th MS Team. I think these series had more complex, realistic, characters than others. But thats just my opinion.:D
  25. I'm a big fan of Naruto, and you turned out a real good pic of the oddball ninja in training. Maybe you could try coloring it next. I give it a 9.5 out of 10.:D
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