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Everything posted by WW2

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oradriel [/i] [B]Yeah, well, the little kids will grow up and will start liking the 'real' anime. And everyone once started from liking simple marketing animes so I wouldn't worry about the little kids taking over and only looking at low-quality rubbish anime. They will learn :) [/B][/QUOTE] I hope your right. Personally, I'm getting tired of little kids becoming obsessed over watered down mainstream anime. I think it gives anime a bad name, making it seem it's only targeted to little kids. (Why did they have to do this to Kenshi?! WHY?!) This is bad because if some kid starts watching "real" anime, you just know some parents out there will become offended. They might start some movement against anime due to its violence and adult themes. That would totally suck! But thats just my opinion.:glasses:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kiddy_phenil [/i] [B]so.. did they ever eat menchi? [/B][/QUOTE] Alas no, poor Menchi was never eaten by her crazed owners,(but came close many times). She did escape a few times, but in a strange twist of fate, was always returned to Excel's demented care. That poor dog. :(
  3. I believe an "evil" character is much more interesting, because they believe their acitons are justified. You can't just become evil, there has to be something in the characters past that caused them to become that way. Its this element that makes "evil" characters so complex and overall interesting.
  4. Personally I favor Jackie Chan over Jet Li. I think Jet's movies use too much wire work and computer animation, while Jackie's moves are more realistic (not counting the Tuxedo:mad: ).
  5. How could you associate Kung Pow with Freddy Got Fingered?!:eek: Kung Pow is the Godfather compared to that excuse of a comedy. And I'm sure others would agree with me. (I hope):demon:
  6. WW2

    Poor Kitty

    I'm pretty sure its an actual photo. Heres another pic of that poor kitty. :( You just know it hates its owners. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/Lioncut2.jpg[/IMG]
  7. WW2


    I myself have never been paintballing, but my two brothers have. They use to play at my neighbors house. My neighbor built a huge paintball field out in the woods, complete with forts, towers, and everything. It was all pretty cool. As for the guns the only ones I could remember are an old, black, Stingray (don't know what model), and a crappy, grey, Talon.
  8. I'm not sure where this should go, so if its in the wrong spot please move it or close it or whatever.:cross: Please look at the pic below, and ask your self "why?" [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/Lioncut1.jpg[/IMG] Why would anyone do this to their pet? Do any of you know anybody who does this kind of stuff? Frankly I just don't understand.:nope: Please respond.:)
  9. WW2


    I don't know if there is already a thread about this, if so feel free to close it, but has anyone seen this new anime released by ADV, called RAHXEPHON? I just bought the first DVD a while ago, not expecting much, and was suprised by how good it was. It has a good story, and some cool mech designs. I see it as mix between the Matrix and Evangelion. So, have anyone here seen this series, or am I the only one who cares? :(
  10. WW2


    I too like both the comedic and the serious side of Vash. I think its this mix of personality elements that makes Vash such an appealing character. If you think about it, many other characters in anime are the same way. Take Kenshin from the Rurouni Kenshin series as an example.
  11. Titles are used alot at my high school. McMichael High is mostly infested by the "preps", while the "goth" group is growing at a steady rate. Me I'm in neither, because people usually don't like to associate with me or my friends, unless they want help with something. I guess we're part of the "loser" group.:confused: But I really don't care what title I'm given. Frankly I don't understand why people devide themselves up into different groups. It just happens that way, maybe its part of human nature.:therock:
  12. Thanks for all your feed back, I'll try to fix the girl's wings, and maybe recolor it. Well I couldn't wait for next week to come, so here is another one of my pics. Its of a skull jester.(I like drawing skulls:D ) I know it has nothing to do with anime, and its not my best work, but I think its cool. Tell me what you think.
  13. Great pic Sara, I really like the way you colored it. But I am little freaked out by those big black eyes. I give it a 9 out of 10. I see Asuka has also done another great drawing. I give it a 9 out of 10 as well. Keep up the good work! Oh and happy late birthday Asuka.:D
  14. If this was done in the spur of the moment, I would really like to see what you can do if you really tried and put your mind to it. You look as though you have the potential to become a great artist.:D I give it an 8 out of 10.
  15. Personally, I think these bad experiences shouldn't ruin your views of high school. I'm about to graduate soon, and I can say that its leaving High School that really bites. You should forgive and forget, because life is full of problems.:)
  16. Maybe the super saiyan gene skipped a generation.:D Who knows? That just one of the many plot holes in the Dragon Ball series.
  17. Dud thats cool. I wish I knew how to animate stuff.:D The only thing I don't like about it is the Nintendo Game Cube. The japanese text is a nice touch, but I'm not a big fan of the system.:(
  18. Nice pic, kinda reminds me of Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal (minus the flaming head).:D I really like the details you put into the eyes. But I don't see why people are so afraid of clowns, all they wanna do is make you laugh.:laugh: Or is that all an evil hoax set up to gain your trust?:shifty:
  19. I like both pics. Keep up the good work. I don't know why, but the second sketch you did reminds me of a character from the Jak and Daxter video game. I think it was Jax's girlfriend. :therock:
  20. I like the colors, but it seems to be a little plain. It sorta reminds me of a video game menu screen.:freak:
  21. Thats pretty good. I especially like how you made the hairy texture that covers the monster.:D On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it a 9.
  22. Suspicion? I agree the wings look a little lopsided, but I assure you that this is an WW2 original. :)
  23. My best physical feature? I have to say my green eyes, even thought they are covered by my glasses. :eek: Thats about it. My best personality feature? I have to say my weird imagination. It really helps form my unique sense of humor, as well as my artistic abilities.:D My sense of honor and dignity are also very important to me.
  24. WW2

    Inu Yasha

    I really didn't start liking the Inuyasha seriesuntil Naraku came into the picture. I think he is one of the coolest anime villians ever created.:devil:
  25. A good, original plot line is a must. But that seems to be harder and harder to find these days. Another crucial element has to be the characters. You have to try and create characters that the audience can become attached to, and allow their personalities to develop as the series goes on. Action is also very important, but you have to remeber to use it in moderation. A series is doomed to failure if it has nothing but continuous action sequences.
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