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Everything posted by WW2

  1. OK my last poll was shut down, sorry HC, but now I think I've got it right. We all know the Shinsengumi were cool, but which members were the best. :demon: Note: I'm talking about the actual historical figures, not chraracters from the Rurouni Kenshin anime.:demon: Some say Okita Soji, Nagakura Shinpachi, and Hajime Saito were the three greatest, according to skill. But I would like to know who your favorite members are. Is it Kondo Isami, Hijikata Toshizo, or maybe someone else? Please respond. (Thanks Shy):D
  2. Whats up people? I've been searching this forum for a while now and haven't yet seen a thread about one of the funniest animes ever created, Excel Saga. So, I decided to start a thread discussing the show, and its many colorful characters. Characters like the seriously wacked out Excel, her sickly partner Hyatt, and their dog/emergency food supply Menchi. So if any of you have seen the series know what I'm talking about, please respond.:D [color=indigo][size=1][b]You must not have looked very hard,I found a thread that was recently very active... ~HC PS...I also cleaned up your double posting and your spoiler problem[/b][/size][/color] Excel Saga final DVD [b]Warning: Possibel Spoilers[/b] Sorry! I didn't see this Excel Saga thread before. As for the series I just got the last DVD release not too long ago, and am proud to say I own the entire series now.[spoiler] The last few episodes were some of the best, with all the characters joining together. The Special Municiple Force Daitenzen finally face off against Illpalatzo, and the Afro Warriors ( Nabeshin, Pedro, and Sendora) settle things with That Man.[/spoiler] After the series finally I was surprised to see that ADV did actually add the so call hentai episode, and it was very twisted. If you hadn't already seen these episodes, and are an Excel Saga fan, please go out and buy it. I can't wait for the spinoff series ,Puni Puni Poemi, to be released. Since it will also contain my favorite character NABESHIN! Who are some of your favorite characters of the series? Please respond.
  3. OK heres my character. Name: Cloud Strife Weapon: Buster Sword Summon: Dumbo- Hydro blast attack. (He's a summon in the game) Description: [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/cloud2e.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Sora helped the Cloud in the past, by reuniting him with his lost love, Aeris. After hearing of his young friend's distress, Cloud hopes to repay Sora for his help, and joins him on his search for Kairi.
  4. Hey can I be Cloud? I think he was cooler in Kingdom Hearts than he was in FFVII.
  5. WW2


    I admit the movie was good, but after reading the manga I was dissapointed. I don't think the manga was completed by the time the movie came out, so they changed the story around to fit the length of the movie. If you liked the movie, please check out the manga, its like a totally different story.
  6. :flaming: At first I could relate to you and what your going through, but now I just find it sad that you think about such things, and haven't yet realized that it doesn't matter if people cry for you if you die. The only thing that really matters is finding happiness, or something that makes life worth living. You shouldn't let such trivial things as popularity corrupt your views on your life. Hopefully one day you'll come out of the phase your in, and decide not to let yourself be ruled by what others think of you. Or you could just stay seated in front of your computer and feel sorry for yourself. Cry me a river!:bawl: :bawl:
  7. Well, the Zone of Enders games are basically about you controlling a big robot,known as Jehuty, which you use to fight other giant robots. Your mission is to stop some evil group known as BAHRUM. But the coolest thing about the games are the massive battles. In the first game you go up against some huge bosses, sometimes as big as the entire screen. But in the second game the big boss characters are cut back, and are replaced by huge fights against multiple enemies. In one part of the game you are up against over a hundred enimies at once, and it is just cool as hell. These battles are also very fast, its hard to keep up with the speed of your mech sometimes, especially when you learn to Zero Shift (type of teleportation). Along with these big battles, comes some awsome explosions and massive colateral damage. If these sound like your kind of games you should try them out.:devil:
  8. Since your a fan of action/adventure games and anime/manga I think you might like both of the Zone of the Enders games. The second game is the best one of the two, but its best if you get both of them. Zone of the Enders is a lightning fast mecha game unlike Armored Core and other games of the genre. The only bad thing about the two games are that they are too short. Other good PS2 games are Metal Gear Solid 2 and Dynasty Warriors 4. These games are sure to please any action/adventure game lover.:devil
  9. WW2


    I agree that both Chaotic Century and Guardian Force are better than New Century, but NC had one of the coolest Zoids, the Beserk Fury. That thing took down about four Genosaurs, faster than the Genobreaker did at the end of GF. All in all the Beserk Fury is one badass Zoid. What are some of your favorites throughout the three series? Please respond.
  10. I heard from Newtype magazine that CN is teaming up with the creaters of the Big O anime series, and making new episodes. They plan to expand beyond episode 13 and finish out the story that was written in the manga. I don't know about you, but I thought the Big O was a pretty good anime, and its good for them to finish out the series.
  11. WW2

    X2: XMen United

    The new X-men movie looks pretty good, as from what I have seen. I think it has to deal with some government agency invading Xavier's school. The government strike force is supposed to be lead by the guy who put Wolverine in the Weapon X project, but I'm not sure. In the movie there are supposed to be a few new mutants. Colosus makes an appearence and a couple of others make cameos. I read somewhere that you can spot Gambit in the background of one scene. Angel was also supposed to have a cameo but his part was cut out. The producers didn't want to spend too much money on the special effects to do his wings.
  12. I prefer manga over anime. I find that in manga the artwork is more crisp and better looking. Reading manga lets you use your imagination, since it lets you decide what the characters sound like, instead of having some crappy voice artist. Another thing in manga is that they expand on certain story lines. Take the Akira manga for example. In the manga the boy Akira was still alive in the underground government facility, while in the movie he was nothing but a bunch of organs in jars. I understand that they couldn't put everything that was in the manga in the movie, but that was a key part of the story. These types of differences can be seen in many manga's that have been turned into anime.
  13. Budokai is pretty good. Its one of the best DBZ games I've played. My favorite character to play as has to be Mr. Satan (Hercule). His moves are pretty damn funny.
  14. In my opinion, he hot springs episode is the funniest Outlaw Star episode. In it a speedo clad Gene tries to climb up a mountain and keeps setting off different traps, that constantly hit him with snow balls up until he gets clobbered my huge ball of ice, and is sent down to the bottom. This happens about four times in the episode. Another funny part are the constant failures of the assassin that is following the group. If aren't easily offended by well endowed anime babes, you should try to see it. Its sure to make you giggle.
  15. WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL WAS THAT!? I find it sad that grown people have nothing better to do than to act out their favorite cartoon. Don't get me wrong I love Cowboy Bebop, but that was not Bebop. I don't know what the hell that was.
  16. I remember Voltron, but I didn't grow up watching it. I first saw it when it was part of the Toonami block on Cartoon Network. It was one of the first shows they put on there. As, for the show it was pretty good. Some of the monsters were pretty cool, and Prince Lotor was a bad(insert obscenity). My only gripes about the show was that none of the pilots' suites matched their robot lions. I mean the guy in the blue (Lance I think his name was) rode in the red lion, while the guy in the red (Keith) rode in the black robot. What is up with that? Also when the robots joined to make Voltron, why did Keith always tell the others what part of the robot to make. I think they would know what to do with out him repeating it every time they were in a fight.
  17. WW2

    The Matrix

    The Matrix was pretty cool when it first came out, the action scenes were awsome. But over the years it has been copied way too many times. As for the sequels, I hope their better than the first. In one of the movies Neo is supposed to fight 100 different versions of Agent Smith! Thats gonna be one awsome fight scene!
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