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Everything posted by WW2

  1. Hmm...if I were stranded on a desert island, I'd rather be stranded with Videl or some other tough chick from Dragon Ball. It'd be perfect, because she'll have practical uses. With her power we wouldn't have to worry about making fire, and if we ever decided to leave, she could just fly us out of there.
  2. Hmm..the perfect woman.... Well that would have to be a mute, double jointed, busty, nympho, otaku, millionaire nurse, with tight leather clothing, silk stockings, held up with a garder, and black heels. ........I can dream can't I? :D
  3. Yeah...a person can be too obsessed with anime. At first I thought I was bad, but last week I joined an anime club here at college and well.....some of the people are really really bad. Its as if anime is the only thing in their lives and are always making references....one even attempts to dress up/cosplay. Sure I like anime...but I only see it as a source of entertainment...not a complete lifestyle. People who go over the top with it basically just become annoying. But thats just my opinion.
  4. If I had to chose between the two I'd have to side with Inuyasha. I think it has a better assortment of characters and storyline. One of the draws Inuyasha has for me is deffinately the villian Naraku. I don't know but I just think he's one of the best, most evil, villians in all of anime. The way he manipulates people to do his dirty work for him, without actually fighting, just makes you hate the guy. In a way he reminds me of the classic villians from the 80's like Mum Ra and Skeletor, in that no matter how many times they defeat him, he always finds a way to come back. Now I'm not really saying Naruto is bad, I'm a fan of it too. I just don't consider it to be the better story. But then again...thats just my opinion.
  5. Yeah I noticed they've starting coming up with alot of new Sci Fi shows lately.....which is sort of surprising. This reminded me of the time about 5 or 6 years ago, when X-files was really popular. Back then networks came up with all sorts of Sci Fi shows like Sliders, Dark Skies, and Brimstone. However this time around I'm not really watching any of the new shows. Except for the remake of the Nightstalker...which is ok.
  6. I used to watch Reboot all the time when it came on Toonami a few years ago. It was a really good show, for what it was. I liked how they used the different games to pay homage to real games and movies, my favorite being the Zombie game episode, where they had the Ash ripoff shooting everyone, and Dot and Enzo transformed/rebooted intp Elvira and Zombie Michael Jackson from the Thriller video.
  7. Well I've only got DDR Extreme right now, but it has some pretty good songs on its own, my favorites being: A - by somebody....I forgot Simply Being Loved - BT Never Ending Story - DJ AC-DC Diving - 4 Strings Bizarre Love Triangle - by somebody else and There You'll Be Speed Remix - DJ Speedo Sure these might not be the hardest songs to do, but I still think they're fun. But then again...thats just my opinion. :D
  8. WW2


    Hmmm...nobody ever made a thread about "Out of Exile"? Well I guess its a good thng this one got resurrected. I agree with what you say, Audioslave's newest album isn't as loud and rockin' as their first one, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. While it does have a few weak songs, most of them are really good, my favorites being: Your Time Has Come Man or Animal Yesterday to Tomorrow and Dandelion All in all its a good CD, if you like their type of music, but I still don't think its better than their debut album.....but thats just me. :D
  9. Well since I bought the new Avenged Sevenfold CD today, I figured I would post here. Well out of the 4 you've listened, I like [B]Avenged Sevenfold[/B] the best. I really like their new song Bat Country, and the video is pretty cool too. As for [B]Simple Plan[/B], never really liked em', [B]Good Charlotte[/B], they're pretty good...sometimes, and I've never really listened to [B]Hate Breed[/B].
  10. I agree that the newer Prince of Persia games have some to the best puzzles. They're pretty tricky, but not totally impossible to figure out. I also really like the puzzles in Ico, which were pretty similar to those in the Prince of Persia games, only that you had to find away to drag that useless chick Yorda along with you. Oh and Tetris had some great puzzles too. :D
  11. Well since I just arranged my CD case today, I guess it'd be a good idea to post. Audioslave - Audiolave Audioslave - Out of Exile Alice in Chains - Greatest Hits Avenged Sevenfold - City of Evil Beck - Guero Black Eyed Peas - Elephunk Black Eyed Peas - Monkey Business Blink 182 - Enema of the State The Bravery - The Bravery Breaking Benjamin - We Are Not Alone Chart Toppers - Rock Hits of the 80's (80's Music still rocks, I don't care what you say) Chevelle - This Type of Thinking Could Do Us In Eminem - Encore Gorillaz - Gorillaz Fatboy Slim - You've Come a Long Way Baby Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American Jimmy Eat World - Futures Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory LL Cool J - The Definition Offspring - Smash Outkast - Andre 3000 and Big Boi Presents (Greatest Hits) Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze Red Hot Chili Peppers - Mother's Milk Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication Red Hot Chili Peppers - By the Way Seal - Best 1991-2004 Seether - Disclaimer 2 Seether - Karma and Effect Stabbing Westward - Ungod Stabbing Westward - Wither, Blister, Burn, and Peel Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days Stabbing Westward - Stabbing Westward Tekken - Tekken Tag Tournament Soundtrack 311 - 311 U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind GTA Vice City - Wave 103 (Yay More 80's Music!) Weird Al - Running With Scissors Weird Al - Poodle Hat White Stripes - Elephant White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan Well....thats pretty much it :D
  12. Hmm...it seems to me that it is an anti-smoothie ad suggesting that if you drink Frusion you'll be trapped or "fused" into a world of fire and creepy swirls. And the two white halo's around the bottle suggests divinity...as in Frusion is the pathway to God and/or heaven. But then again I may be reading too much into things.
  13. [FONT=Garamond]Well thanks for the reply...as for the symbolic meaning of the cross...um...it means whatever you want it to. Ok, moving on....these will probably be the last pics I post for a while, at least until I upload more onto my computer. [B][SIZE=2][/SIZE][COLOR=Red]Gangsta Blast ad[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/GangstaB.png[/IMG] Heh..ok this was a ad I did as one of my final projects. As you might be able to tell I took a pic of me (dressed as a thug) and a pic of a brick wall, scanned em' into Photoshop and added all the text, the cigarette, and paint. Oh and the bullet holes in the shirt were actually there, me and my brother shot it up with a shotgun and magnum. Who needs gun control? Guns are fun!!!:D [B][COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]ToGetHer[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/Together.png[/IMG] Ok..I'm not sure if I ever posted this pic before...its pretty old. But odds are none of you've seen it. Eh...its basically just a pencil drawing I did, with a black ink outline. Ok...until I post again, keep those replies coming. See ya [/FONT]
  14. Well I don't think that would be a good idea. If you've been paying attention lately a British comedian, posing as a journalist, did a little prank with a water shooting microphone. Tom Cruise, istead of laughing it off, got in a heated argument with the dude, which lasted about 10 minutes. Now if he did that just over a water squirter, imagine what he'd do if he ever got punk'd. He'd probably try and sue MTV, or something else just as stupid. Plus the less the camera is on Tom Cruise, the better, being on Punk'd would only add to his media attention.
  15. [FONT=Garamond]Hey...people actually replied! Yay! :animesmil Thanks for your feed back. A for sakurasuka's question, I was only able to use Photoshop that one semester: about 4 and half months. Now since people posted, I can display more of my work. [B] [COLOR=Red]City Nights[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/City Nights.png[/IMG] Like the one before, I did this one on photoshop. I used the same method, only this time it was a photo of a city skyline that liquified. Oh and since you wanted to see some of my freehanded stuff, heres a couple of pics. [SIZE=4][B]Note:[/B] [/SIZE] Some of these might seem kinda freaky and or disgusting. [B][COLOR=Red]Crimson[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/crimson chick.png[/IMG] I basically drew this pic to test out some red pens that I'd just gotten. I wanted the entire pic to be in different shades of red ink. [B][COLOR=Red]Lust[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/Lust.png[/IMG] This weird looking pic was just something I did in class one day. I pretty much made it up as I went along. Its supposed to be a physical representation of Lust: with the woman luring you in, so the beast can devour you. Heh...my art teacher said it looked like something H.R. Giger would do. Well thats it for now....please tell me what you think [/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Garamond]Well its been a while since I last posted some of my artwork, and I've been pretty busy. But now, since I've nothing better to do, I've decided to post once again. Over the past few months I've taken a computer art class at my college, which introduced me to the wonders of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. While taking the class I managed to create some pretty good work. Now some of the images may look a little grainy, thats because they're scanned versions of printouts. [COLOR=Red][B]Thicker than Water[/B] [/COLOR] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/TtW.png[/IMG] This is the first picture I ever created with Adobe Illustrator. I drew the entire thing with one of those electronic pen things, and it took me about 2 weeks to complete it. [B][COLOR=Red]Looking Glass[/COLOR][/B] [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/looking glass.png[/IMG] This weird looking thing was done on Photoshop. It was originally a photo of a bunch of multi-colored glasses (thus the title), but I used the liquify tool to make it all screwy, and added some colors of my own. Ok...I think thats enough for one post. Please tell me what you think......otherwise I won't be able to post more.[/FONT] :D
  17. Destiny Child is still around? Hmmm...I thought they were calling themselves: Beyonce' and the other ones, now. Heh, to put it bluntly I really don't care that they're not gonna be performing together anymore, they weren't my cup of tea. But in a way it is sorta sad that lyrics like "I don't think ya ready for this jelly" won't ever be sang again.
  18. Well I haven't made an avatar in a good long while, but due to my boredom I decided to make one for ya. It doesn't have a really dark background, but I think it still turned out alright. Feel free to use it if ya want. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/paine.png[/IMG]
  19. There are alot of great games that should be re-released on a newer system. I would like to see an updated version of the old Genesis beat em' up,Streets of Rage. Sure it might have been another Double Dragon rip off, but I really like its cast of fighters and weird asortment of badguys. I would also really like to see a sequel/remake of Gunstar Heroes, which has to be one of the greatest shooters ever created.
  20. Homo Sapiens Vs. Adam & Eve?! Hmm, my money would be on the Homo Sapiens. Sure they might not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but they have animalistic strength! All Adam and Eve could to is fight em' off with their little fig leafs. Oh...I just realized the thread is about something else. ....sorry. :D
  21. Eh...the only movie I'm really looking forward to, so far, is [B]Sin City[/B], which is based on the comic book of the same name. It stars Bruce Willis, Jessica Alba (who is in two comic book movies this year), Frodo, Michael Clark Duncan, and lots of other great actors who I can't think of. Also both Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez are directing different parts of the movie, which alone is awsome! The main reason I'm looking forward to the film isn't because I'm a fan of the comic, I've never actually read any of the graphic novels , but because of the visual style it has. Like the comic its in black and white and has a little bit of color added to emphasize specific things, such as blood and hair color. All in all it looks pretty damn cool, but its really kinda hard to explain the style. Iit'll probably be better if you all checked out the trailer. Hopefully it won't be a let down.
  22. Hmm...lets see. I've always been a fan of Blink 182's music videos, which are usually pretty funny. I also like a few 80's videos like [B]Thriller[/B] and [B]Take on Me[/B]. The best video I've seen lately has to be [B]Go with the Flow[/B] by the Queens of the Stone Age. Their use of black, red, and white (my favorite colors) really creates a visually stunning video. Plus the song Rocks! ....but thats just my opinion. :D
  23. [quote name='Takuya']Not a good selection last week, which probably explains why nobody's posted here. However, I'd like to know what came out yesterday, so do you think you could post that information?[/quote] Sorry I never got around to posting this week's releases....but I guess I can do that now. Heh...better late than never I guess. I'm afraid this week doesn't have much of a selection either, but oh well. [B]Paparazzi[/B]: A heart warming tale of a crazed actor killing crazed photographers. [B]The Village[/B]: Which I heard was Shamalamadingdong's worst movie. [B]Without a Paddle[/B]: Which looks sorta funny....but you can't trust trailers these days. Well thats it. Maybe I'll post next week's if I'm not too busy, and hear what you guys think of [B]Catwoman[/B]!!! :D
  24. Whoa.....The Land Before Time series has really gotten desperate now.
  25. "Hey, didn't I see this thing in an old Star Trek episode?"
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