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Everything posted by WW2

  1. Yeah its Tuesday again...blah blah blah. Here are the new movies: [B]Troy:[/B] Featuring Greeks with both Australian and English accents! [B]Little Black Book:[/B] *cough* Chick flick [B]Harold and Kumar go to White Castle:[/B] Stoners! Thats about all that came out this week except for a little known movie I rented and watched today called [B]Employee of the Month[/B]. It stars Mat Dillon, Christina Applegate, and Steve Zahn, and was surprisingly pretty good. If ya rent it pay attention to Dillon's speech at the begining, it really foreshadows whats to come.
  2. I just saw Anchorman last night, and I have to say it was pretty hilarious. Like Doc said its got a awkward comedic style to it and many great scenes. Where else could you see [spoiler]a biker punt a small dog off a bridge?[/spoiler] Oh and I also saw the movie [B]Wicker Park[/B]...which I forgot to list this week. It stars Josh Hartnet and is a damn good thriller/mystery....that is if you take the time to pay attention.
  3. Hmm...its seems my thread isn't doing too well. I created it so that others wouldn't have to make individual threads about the movies of the week. Eh...oh well. Hey! Its Tuesday again, meaning more new releases. There are quite a few interesting titles this week also: [B]Anchorman[/B]: Starring Buddy the Elf [B]Garden State[/B]: Starring that Scrubs guy [B]Open Water[/B]: Ahh! Sharks! [B]Resident Evil: Apocalypse[/B]: Heard it was horrible [B]Wimbledon[/B]: Starring a blonde Mary Jane Watson and that kicker from The Replacements. I've been wanting to see Anchorman for a while now, so now I guess I finally get my chance. As for the others, some looked interesting, so I might check em' out too. Well...thats it. If ya wanna coment or share any insight on any of the movies feel free to. I'll be back next week with more titles.
  4. Whooooo! Paaarrtyyyy!!!! I, like most great Americans, will be goin' out to party, get drunk, hit on many womens, and end up doing something I will regret. Hopefully the mass consumption of alcohol will erase any memories that will be too disturbing. Wish me luck, I may need it. :D
  5. [quote name='Doc][font=Century Gothic][color=gray]I have heard great things about Shaun of the Dead and Napoleon Dynamite from friends and critiques alike. I really want to see them both, but since it is so close to christmas I can't rent them.:( [/color'][/font][/quote] Yeah Shaun of the Dead was actually a good comedy/horror movie, that is if you like British people. I found it to be pretty hilarious in some parts and quite grusome in others. All in all it was a good rental. As for Napolean Dynamite I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet, but I did see[B] Colateral[/B] which, despite what my friend Annie said, was a really good movie. Well thats me... does anyone else have anything to add about any of the new releases?
  6. Wow....thats really good. I like how you mangatized (is that a word?) a non-anime character, giving her a new CLAMP-like look. The detail of the symbol on her suit is also very well done. Keep up the good work. :D
  7. Well its been many moons since I've started a thread, haven't had much luck, but something some what interesting happened today. Today, like most Tuesdays, I went to the local video rental store to see what new movies were released. When I got there I was surprised to see that a great number of new movies had come out, leaving me distressed over which one to spend my money on. I ended up renting [B]Shaun of the Dead[/B], but in doing so I came up with this thread. Since new releases come out every Tuesday I thought it'd be a good idea to have you, the wonderful people of OB, to give your veiws on which movies to buy or rent. This will surely help others like me who have trouble making such decisions. Still with me? Ok heres this weeks big new releases: [B]King Arthur Anacondas 2 Brothers Surviving Christmas Shaun of the Dead The Manchurian Candidate Napolean Dynamite[/B] If anybody has seen any of these movies and has any recomendations, feel free to give some feedback on em'. K? I'll be back next week with more movies, in an attempt to make this thread an ongoing thing. That is if it doesn't die by then.
  8. Comedy Central does have a pretty good line up right now, even though they stopped making The Upright Citizen's Brigade. I have to say that the best show they've got goin' for them now is Chappelle's Show. I really liked this past season with the Lil' John and Rick James sketches, and the episode with Wayne Brady was hillarious. I can't wait for them to release season 2 on dvd. As for season 3, I just found out its coming in Feburary, but I don't remember the exact date.
  9. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Its been many months since I last posted here, but I've decided to show off some of the stuff I've been working on. Enjoy! :D This first pic I finished a couple of weeks ago. I did the whole thing in brown ink, my black pens dried up, but I think it gives it an interesting look. It took me a while to complete this pic since I mostly used cross hatching for most of the shading, such as the water and trees. I tried to spruce it up a bit with Photoshop, but it just made it all pixely.[/FONT][/COLOR] Well here it is: [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/JGirl.png[/IMG] Tell me what ya think.
  10. Umm...thats a very good question, but I'm afraid I do not know the answer. If I had to guess Hell, being the bad place/state of being its suposed to be and defying all physics, would be both Endo and Exothermic. At one point it'll drain/absorb all the heat, then suddenly switch. This would go on and on forever, becoming very annoying. But thats just my opinion. If Dante was here, I'd ask him.
  11. Well there are quite a few visually stimulating anime series/movies out there, which is one reason why anime is so great. For me, as well as many other, I have to say [B]Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust[/B] is one of the best animated movies out there. The dark and gothic look the artwork has, and the crisp, fluid animation come together to create a feast for the eyes. As for anime series, the best looking one I've seen has to be [B]Last Exile[/B]. The blend of CG and animation gives it a great look, and the series has some truely beautiful visuals, such as the rain of rose pedals dropped by the Guild. Everyone else has pretty much covered all the other animes I was goin' to mention, so I'll just end it here.
  12. I bought MAT2 just the other day, mainly because it had the old MK games on it. I still have fond memories of me and my brother playing MK 2 for hours and hours, but over the years I' ve seemed to become very rusty. In short...I keep gettin whooped up on. I used to know everything about the game, but about 7 years of not playing has crippled my old MK skills. Besides the MK games, I was interested in the old NARC game too. It was actually pretty fun, mirroring the old Techno-Cop game I had for the Genesis. My only gripes about it are the stinkin' dogs and the final boss fight, which in makes absolutely no sense. Geez whats with Midway's obsession with Giant Heads? The final boss in Total Carnage is almost the same as the one in NARC, only much easier. All in all MAT2 is a good buy if you like the oldschool arcade games, and at only $20 its a steal.
  13. He washes his hair with soap.....in bar form. Heh....thats actually the first time I heard of someone doing that.:therock: As for what real love feels like, I'm really not sure, I don't have too much experience in that area. Yeah...poor me. But if you actually think you love him, follow what James and the other guy said. Its not fun letting such feelings torment you for extended periods of time. Once you bring everything out into the open, and let the um..."hippie" guy know how you feel. If he shares the same types of feelings for you, then yippee. If not, your reaction will determine if it was truely love you felt. If you truely love the guy, then you should still desire him to find happiness even if its not with you. Sorry it that sounds confusing, but like I said I'm not too good with these type of situations.
  14. Why am I so happy? What the hell kinda question is that to ask in a world full of violence and uncertainty? I don't know what being happy is like, since I seem to be in a constant state of loathing and self-doubt, not knowing what to do in this contradiction that is life.:( ...... Heh..just kidding. I'm actually a pretty happy person. In fact I'm quite happy today because my birthday is tomorrow. Yay! :D
  15. WW2

    Resident Evil 2

    Eh....I've only seen the previews for RE:2 and it basically looks like one of those loud, non-character driven, stupid one liner havin', action movies with death metal music playing in the background. Y'know.....like the first Resident Evil movie. But then again I haven't seen it, so I may be wrong. Maybe the movie will actually be scary and have deep character developments, instead of just shooting things with guns and running down buildings. I'll just wait and rent it when it comes out on DVD.
  16. I just got POP: Sands of Time a couple of weeks ago, having previously played the demo a few months before. I was amazed by how fun it actually was, with its great graphics, cinematic style, and cool challenges. The fighting system wasn't all that bad, it just got repetitive. Other than that the game was nearly perfect. As for the sequel, I've been following it since I first heard about it. From what I've seen the creators are finding some way to improve upon the first game, enhancing the graphics and fighting system. From what I've heard you have two attack buttons, one for each sword you hold, which is supposed to enable you complete 360 degree fighting. I also think they're adding boss fights, one thing the first game was severly lacking. I've also noticed the games darker look, suggesting a more dark and serious storyline. Hopefully this leads to a longer and more enjoyable experience. After taking all of this in, I can say I'm greatly anticipating the sequel. Too bad it doesn't come out until November. I need my POP fix now! :D
  17. Ok I think I mentioned this in a previous topic, but I still have to say one of the best boss fights I've experienced is the subway battle against Green, in Gunstar Heroes. For those who haven't had the pleasure, it goes like this: You're jetting down a subway tunnel on your little spider-like vehicle until you reach this boss floating on a green metal platform thingy. What makes this fight so cool is that he uses the platform to transform into multible mechanical beasts. Oh by the way I haven't played the game in a couple of years so my memory is kinda rusty. The last two rounds might be a little mixed up, but I think you'll get the general idea. :D Round on against this guy is always the same, he turnes into a giant, green robot man, sprinting down the tunnel on foot. This was always his easiest form, since he only had like two easy to avoid attacks: Some Extendo Punch and the Blaster in his head. Round two is where things get interesting, since you randomly end up goin' up or down an elevator shaft. If you start going up, Green transforms into a large metal crab like thing, shooting lasers and dropping mines down at you. If you end up going down he turns into some weird machine with a long metal tail, and starts spinning around. I think he also had another third form he could change into for this round, but like I said my memory is kinda rusty. I sorta remember him turning into a purple star fish thingy a few times, but I'm not too sure. Ok, finally you have round three at the top or bottom of the elevator shaft. There he transforms into into one of his final forms. One option being a large gold cat, running on all fours, and shooting laser blasts out of its tail. His second form, and my favorite, was a giant golden pistol, spinning around letting off shots. Once you beat this final form the battle is over. But of course Green gets away, and you end up fighting him two more times later on. The other two battles against him are pretty good, one is in an R-Type style shooting level where he randomly changes forms again, and the final battle is a one on one fight without his transforming platform. But it was the first fight that I always enjoyed the most, because of its high speed and replayability. Each time you played this level over he'd have a new combination of transformations, adding variety and all around coolness. Man.....I really wish my Genesis hadn't stopped working. :(
  18. Well I haven't played it in a while, but I have to say my favorite game has to be Treasure's Gunstar Heroes for the Sega Genesis. For those who don't know, its a great side scrolling shooter full of great level designs, some great boss battles, and lots of explosions. The subway level along with its giant transforming boss has to be one of the coolest/most enjoyable gaming experiences I've ever had. And who can forget the boardgame level and its massive amounts of mini-bosses? The custom weapon upgrades were also a nice aspect of the game, my favorite always being the enemy seeking green triangle thingys. The game also mixed genre's with it's mid-game space shooter level, adding to its all around greatness. If ya haven't played it you should try and find a copy, or better yet write a bunch of letters to Sega, in favor of re-releasing it on a newer system. That would be great, especially since my Genesis has stopped working.
  19. I'd deffinately take a bullet for the President of the U.S. and any head of state, like all citizens should. Ha!.....I'm just kiddin'. But seriously, I really don't know who I would risk my life for. It could be anybody or nobody, depends on the situation. I just hope I never have to find out......
  20. WW2

    My Work

    :eek: ....you actually made a Vagrant Story banner and avatar! Vagrant Story is one of the greatest overlooked games ever! Even better, the banner and avatar look pretty cool. As for the other banners/avatars they look pretty good, even though they're mostly scenery. Oh well....good job.
  21. WW2

    Samurai 7

    [QUOTE=natetron46]Is the story that similiar? Ive heard of the movie but I thought that only the name was shared, obviously I havent seen the movie. :o Are the characters and plot the same?[/QUOTE] Yeah...the story is basically the same, seven samurai gathered to take on bandits, only the original didn't have robots and flashy things like that. All the Samurai have the same name, but the characters seem to be really different from their movie counterparts, especially Kikuchiyo. In the original movie he was pretty much just an ex-farm boy with a sword, and provided alot of comic relief.
  22. Ok...I didn't feel like starting a new thread so I'll just post it here. Since there's quite a few anti-DW banners out there (I created a few), I decided to make an anti-PiroMunkie one. Its pretty simple...but it gets the point across. Enjoy. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/piroM.png[/IMG]
  23. Well I have to say that was one of the best movie I've seen you do so far.... I really liked how you went about it, using sprites instead of crude drawings. The lack of Family Guy material was a surprise too. Umm....why did Munkie look like Santa? Anyways....good job. But I still think you're evil and should be stopped. :grumble:
  24. Yeah kitty slaughter is kinda old, so I revised it. Well its not a Komodo Dragon or Wallaby....but its something different. [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/DW BB.png[/IMG] :D
  25. Well heres something to add to the propaganda: [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~twc3365482238/DW Kitty.png[/IMG] Won't you save the kittys? :(
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